Wood breed for bent parts. Wood bending with cold way

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In woodworking production in large quantities, curvilinear details are manufactured. Production of curvilinear parts is made in two ways: drinking from boards or plates and bending rectilinear bars (allotted parts) or layers of wood with simultaneous gluing (betented parts).

Technological process of bending wood. The technological process of bending bars from massive wood includes the following operations: the workpiece of the material for bending, hydrothermal processing, bending and drying.

Blank material for bending. The billets for bending get from the unedged boards by cutting them on circular windows. The following requirements are presented to the billets for bending.

Kosala should not exceed 10 °. With conventional methods, bending in the blanks are completely not allowed. In the blanks with simultaneous pressing, the bitch is allowed in large limits that dramatically increases the output of the billets. Stripping the blanks should be tailored to the subsequent processing of parts. When bending with simultaneous pressing, in addition to the processing allowance, the allowance for the preventing wood across the fibers and an increased batter length should be provided. In order to increase the release of blanks for bending, coloring the boards is recommended after preliminary marking.

In small enterprises, a way to obtain billets for bending by splitting Churakov has been preserved. The billet does not have a salary, so when you bending gives a smaller percentage of marriage. However, this method is very laborious, as it is performed manually and gives 20-25% lower the output of the billets from the ridge than with its sawing.

After cutting (or splitting), the blanks for the parts of the circular cross section are processed on turning and round or round machines, and the blanks for the parts of the rectangular section are on the longitudinal milling machines. You can bend and non-stroke billets, but in this case the boards are cut off with planing saws, which gives clean and accurate propyl.

Hydrothermic treatment. Hydrothermal wood processing before bending is made in order to increase wood ductility. The optimal plasticity of the wood is achieved when it is heated in a wet state. This is explained by the fact that when heated, some of the cells that are part of the cells go into a colloidal state.

As a result, the ability of cells and all wood to the deformation increases. When drying a deformed (bent) wood, colloidal substances harde and preserve the billet shape.

Hydrothermal processing of wood before bending is carried out by baking hot water or steaming. Wooden chains or metal baths and tanks are used for baking. Water in baths and vagins is heated by steam.

The water temperature is maintained at 90-95 ° C, without bringing it to a boil. The duration of boiling depends on the initial humidity, size and wood breed.

When boiling it is difficult to obtain a uniform temperature and humidity of the entire workpiece, the outer layers are oversaturated with water. Therefore, booster in hot water is used only in cases where the steaming is technically difficult.

The most widespread use of wood marking wood in a saturated steam atmosphere. Steaming allows you to heat the wood to the desired temperature (70-80 ° C), adjust the moisture content of wood and getting it always close to optimal for bending, i.e. About 25-30%.

For steaming, a saturated ferry of low pressure is used (0.02-0.05 MPa), which corresponds to a temperature of 102-105 ° C. Wood steering is carried out in hermetically closing metal boaches or concrete chambers. The capacitance of boilers and cameras is small, designed to bookmarket bars in the amount of 30-40 pcs.

The boilers are located in each nutritional machine and are connected to the steam line among themselves in the battery. Brucks in boilers and cameras are laid on gaskets in order to ensure better washing them by steam.

The duration of steaming depends on the initial humidity and temperature of the wood, the size of the bars and pressure of steam in the boiler. Steaming time is determined by a special diagram. For example, for billets with a thickness of 40 mm with an initial humidity of 30% and a steam pressure in a stereo boiler 0.03- 0.05 MPa, the duration of steaming is 12-13 minutes, and for blanks with a thickness of 80 mm - 65 min.

Phaneur in the case of bending on small radii curvatures can also be subjected to hydrothermal processing. Phaneur, glued with synthetic adhesives, boil, and glued with casein or albumin glue, only steam.

Above the blanks from the opposer boiler or the cooking tank should be bending immediately. You can not allow the cooling of the outer layers of wood, which are experiencing the greatest stresses when bend.

Bending wood and equipment. Machines for bending wood are divided into two types: with cold and hot forms.

Machines of the first type (Fig. 4.13) are used for bending on a closed circuit. Bruks bend around the removable hardheeve rotating template 6. Pattern along with a bus 2 put on vertical shaft 8 , which is driven by rotational motion from the electric motor through the gearbox 7.

The free end of the tire is fixed in the carriage 4, Sliding by guides 3. The bar 5 is laid between the template 6 and tire 2 and fixes moving focus. Then the electric motor is turned on, while turns the shaft 8 With a template mounted on it and bend the bar along with the bus.

In the place of the bend installed a roller /, tightly pressing bar to the template. The rear end of the tire is fixed using the bracket on the template. The template with Bru and the bus is removed from the machine and are sent to the dryer, and a new template is worn to the machine, and the operation is repeated.

Fig. 4.13.

7 - clamping roller; 2 - tire; 3 - guide; 4 - bar; 5 - blank;

b-stripe; 7 - gearbox; 8 - Val.

Fig. 4.14.

7 - hook; 2 - pattern; 3 - emphasis; 4 - tire; 5 - Procurement

Bottural machines with hot forms are called nutaneous drying, they can be with two- and one-sided heating. Bilateral heating machines are a hydraulic or a pneumatic press with heated profile slabs - templates, between which the bending bars are clamped. In these machines, the bars are withstanding in a pinch to the complete fixation of the shape and drying of the blanks.

In one-way heating machines (Fig. 4.14), blanks 5 are laid between a hot pattern. 2, heated steam and tire 4 and fasten the emphasis 3. Curved blanks 5 together with the tires are fixed on the template with special hooks. The workpieces remain in the machine until the form has given them, they have come down.

This is achieved by drying wood about 15% moisture, which is spent 90-180 minutes. To increase the performance of nutrunic drying machines, it is recommended to dry up to 20% moisture, to withstand in the machine to a moisture content 12-15%, and the final dryer to the production humidity removed from the machine blanks in the drying chambers.

Bending plywood is carried out in templates consisting of two parts: the matrix and Punson, between which they are laid and fused to the phaneer. At the same time, special devices, screws, pneumatic and hydraulic presses are used.

Bending with simultaneous pressing lies in the fact that wood bends around the template equipped with a notch, and in the process of bending from the outside of the workpiece pressed it to the template through the tire with the pressing roller.

Billet rolling occurs. The thickness of the workpiece decreases, the layers of wood on the concave side of the workpiece take the wave-like shape from the pressure of the template's notches, the outer layers are compacted. This contributes to an increase in the resistance of the compression of the concave layers in the wood and the exterior stretching.

Bending with simultaneous pressing significantly improves the ability of wood to bend, allows you to bend wood with large bugs located on the outside of the workpiece. It is used for bending wood of coniferous and soft hardwood.

Drying billets after bending. Curved blanks are dried in drying chambers to operational humidity, and the workpieces are placed in the chamber along with templates and covering them with tires. The design of the drying chambers is similar to those used for drying lumber.

The dried billets are discharged from chambers and sent to a cooled compartment, where they are withstanding at least 48 hours for aligning internal stresses. Only after this billet is released from templates and tires and sent to the mechanical processing workshop.

The sequence and principles of mechanical processing of bent blanks on machines, i.e. Giving them final sizes and clean surfaces, not fundamentally different from the processing of rectilinear blanks.

Production of beam details. To obtain benochaled parts, hydrothermal wood processing before bending and drying after bending is not required. Bentotted parts are made of peeled veneer or plywood. The technological process of obtaining beetroot parts consists of preparing raw materials (veneer, plywood or thin planks), applying glued surfaces of the adhesive solution, gluing blanks with simultaneous bending in molds or in templates and exposures of parts after pressing for alignment of humidity and voltages.

Bonding is made either in blocks or separate items. Pressing lead in hydraulic presses with molds or templates. Use one of three types of heating of the pressed package: electrocontact, steam or high frequency currents (TWH). The most progressive is the heating of TSH. In this case, a smaller pressing time is required and the temperature in the packet cross section is more uniformly distributed.

As a binder in the manufacture of nodule parts, adhesives based on urea resins of high concentration and increased curing speed are used. The flow of such adhesives by 1 m 2 of the surface of the surface is 110-120.

If you decide to separate the room with a tree or make the creation of beautiful furniture in the classic style - then you will need to make curvilinear details. Fortunately, wood is a unique substance, because it allows an experienced master to play a little with the shape. It is not as difficult as it seems, but not as easy as I would like.

Earlier, the site has already been published to bending plywood. In this article, we will deal with the principles of bending a massive board and bar, we learn how to do in production. And also give useful tips from professionals who will be useful to homemade craftsman.

Why bend better drinking

The curvilinear wooden part can be obtained by two methods: bending a smooth blank, or cutting the necessary spatial form. The so-called "drinking" method attracts users with its simplicity. For such a manufacture of parts and structures, you do not need to use complex devices, you do not have to spend a lot of time and effort. However, to cut the curvilinear wooden product, it is necessary to apply knowingly too large blank, and a lot of valuable material will be permanently lost as waste.

But the main problem is the performance characteristics of the obtained parts. With a curvilinear detail of a conventional cutting lumber, wood fibers do not change their direction.
As a result, transverse sections are falling into the zone of radii, which not only worsen appearance, but also make noticeably complicate the subsequent congument of the product, for example, its milling or stemming grinding. In addition, the most vulnerable to the mechanical exposure of rounded fiber areas are cross sections, which makes the item prone to a different place in this place.

Whereas the opposite picture is usually observed when the wood becomes stronger. On the edges of the curved timber or board do not extend "end" sections of fibers, so you can subsequently without restrictions to process such blanks using all standard operations.

What happens in wood when bending

The bending technology is based on wood ability, while maintaining integrity, in some limits to change its form as the use of power, and then maintain it after removing the mechanical exposure. However, we all know that without preparatory activities, the sawnaterial is elastic - that is, it returns to its original state. And if the applied forces are too large, the timber or board simply breaks.

The layers of the wooden billet during bending work unequal. Outside the radius, the material is stretched, inside - compressing, and in the middle of the fiber array almost do not have significant loads and are a little resist the forces acting on the workpiece (this inner layer is called "neutral"). With a critical fiber deformation on an external radius, "folds" are usually formed on the inner radius, which are rather common defect when bending up soft wood. Compressing fibers of plastic deciduous or coniferous rocks can be 20 or more percent, while the stretching limit is about one to one and a half percent.

That is, to determine the possibility for bending (without destruction), the limit of the relative elongation of the stretched layer will be a more important indicator. It depends on the thickness of the part and determines the radius to be obtained. The thickness of the workpiece and the less radius - the greater the relative elongation along the fibers. Having data on the physical properties of popular wood breeds, it is possible for each of them to formulate the maximum possible ratio of the thickness and radius of parts. In the numbers it will look like this:

Bending with steel tire

Bending without tire

These data suggest that coniferous sawn timber, compared with dense deciduous rocks, is worse adapted to free bending. To work with sawn timber on aggressive radii, it is necessary to use the combined methods for preliminary training of parts and mechanical protection.

Tire as an effective way to avoid timber destruction when bending

Since the main problem is to break the fibers from the outer radius, it is this surface of the workpiece that one should somehow stabilize. One of the most common methods is the use of a busbar. The tire is a steel strip with a thickness of half a million to two millimeters, which covers the bar or the board along the outer radius and bend on the template along with the wood. The elastic band absorbs part of energy during stretching and at the same time redesters the destructive load along the length of the workpiece. Thanks to this approach in the compartment with moisture and heating, the allowable bending radius decreases at times.

In parallel with the use of steel tires in bending devices and machines, the mechanical seal of wood is achieved. This is done with the help of a pressing roller, which presses on the workpiece along the outer radius of bending. In addition, the template form in such an adaptation is often endowed with 3-millimeter teeth (in a step of about 0.5 cm), targeting the movement of the workpiece.

The task of the toothed surface of the template is not to give the workpiece to slip, prevent the mutual shift of the fibers in a wooden array, as well as create a shallow corrugated corrugation in a concave detail radius (the fibers here will be pressed into the array, therefore, problems with folds are resolved).

Pressing with a tire allows you to curve bars and boards from coniferous and soft deciduous wood with a minimum percentage of marriage. Please note that parts from relatively solid rocks when weakening with pressing become about ten or twelve percent of thinner, and pine and spruce blanks are 20-30% thinner. But to the positive moments of this method, it is necessary to take a significant increase in the strength characteristics of the finished product, as well as a significant reduction in the requirements for the presence of vices and defects in wood blanks.

How to improve wood ductility

In normal condition, lumber possesses elasticity, substantial spatial rigidity and resistance to compression. These valuable properties of wood receives from lignin - natural "mesh" polymer, which gives plants a stable shape and strength. Lignin is located in the intercellular space and in cell walls, connecting cellulose fibers. It contains about 23-38 percent in the wood of coniferous breeds, in deciduous rocks - up to 25 percent.

In essence, Lignin is a kind of glue. We can soften it and turn it into a "colloidal solution" if you heat the sawn timber by steaming, baking, processing high frequency current (for small parts, household microwaves are also applicable). After melting the lignin, the workpiece is bent and fixed - cooling, the melted lignin harvest and does not give wood to return to the original form.

Practice shows that the optimal temperature for bending in solid wood (bar, rail, board) will be 100 degrees Celsius. This temperature should be obtained not on the surface, but inside the workpiece. Therefore, in many respects, how massive is the part will depend on the temperature of the temperature exposure. The thicker the items - the longer it will have to be heated. For example, if you use a steaming to prepare for the bending of the rail with a thickness of 25 mm (with a humidity of about 28-32%), then on average it takes about 60 minutes. It is noteworthy that the exposure time under the ferry of similar on the dimensions of parts for any breed is about the same.

By the way, it is believed that it is impossible to overheating the part, since Lignin after hardened may lose elasticity and become too fragile.

The cooking method is used not often, since the workpiece is strongly and unevenly moistened, and such water-saturated fibers and cells when bend can rush, at a minimum, with the formation of a pile. Details after cooking have to dry too long. But this method well shows itself if only a part of the workpiece should be processed for bending.

Steaming allows you to warm up the workpiece evenly, and its humidity at the outlet strives to get closer to optimal. The most appropriate humidity to achieve the maximum plasticity of sawn timber is considered to be a range of 26-35 percent (the moment of saturation of wood fibers).

To disappear wood for bending at home, self-made cylindrical chambers made of metal / polymer pipes or rectangular bones of wood. As a source of steam, heating tanks, electric kettles and other similar devices, which can provide a temperature of about 105 degrees and a small pressure. The following always follows the separation stage of the part (+ shutter speed of the fixed form) to about fifteen percent and its finishing.

Chemical Wood Plasticization Methods

It is also known that it is possible to make a lumber more supplied using the impregnation of various compositions. There are ready impregnations that make wood cells plastic, such as "Super-Soft 2". Some practitioners masters a tree in the so-called air conditioners for textiles, getting similar results.

But rather primitive "recipes" can also be used with the content of ammonia and ethyl alcohol, glycerin, alkali, hydrogen peroxide, dissolved alum ... Many of them are extremely simple - increase the ability of the workpiece to absorb water and help keep moisture in the fibers.

Thin products of the type of veneer are processed by spraying, but the preparatory impregnation of the chemistry of normal sawn timber, as a rule, is carried out by the method of complete immersion. In order for the working substances to be inside the bar or racks, it takes time, usually required from 3-5 hours to several days (though heating helps to reduce wait).

In many respects, it is precisely because of the duration of processes, a chemical plasticization is applied not often, although there are other problems: the price of chemistry, a change in colors, the need to protect against harmful evaporation, an enlarged inclination of such curved parts for straightening ...

Tips for bending lumber using hydrothermal training

  • Very carefully pick up the workpiece for bending. It is better not to use material with cracks, bitch (even alive and contrived), slope of fibers. If there are no options for this, then focus the part in a bentage (machine or pattern) so that the defects fall into the zone of a concave radius, and not in the stretch zone on the outer radius. Prefer the bending method with the bus.
  • When selecting the workpiece, it is necessary to provide a change in the size of the part after molding. For example, 30 percent can reduce the thickness of the coniferous bar, if it is performed bending with pressing.
  • Even if you are planning an extensive finish processing - do not leave too much material. The thinner of the workpiece, the easier it is shortened without destruction.
  • If the volume of works is small, then it is better not to drink blanks, but to punish them from chocks. So it is possible to avoid cutting fibers and, as a result, marriage when bending.
  • For bending, it is advisable to use a lumber with natural humidity. If you apply dry blanks, then preference should be given to the fact that they were not processed in the drying chamber, but dried under a canopy - atmospheric method.
  • After steaming, work with softening wood very quickly, as Lignin starts to harden almost immediately, especially in the most vulnerable outer layers of wood array. It is usually necessary to focus on the reserve of time from half an hour up to 40 minutes, so it makes no sense to make large cameras if all the material of which you simply do not have time to install in templates.
  • Position the material in the steady chamber so that it is the surface to be addressed to the external radius, freely fell under the jets of steam.
  • In order to save time, many joiners refuse to apply templates with clamps. Instead, they use metal brackets and wedges on templates, or restricter posts.
  • Keep in mind that the curved bar or rack still strives for straightening. And this straightening always occurs a few percent. Therefore, when high accuracy is required in the manufacture of the part, it is necessary to test and on the basis of the results obtained, correct the shape of the template (reduce the radius).
  • After cooling the part in the form, let it still stand. Some experienced furniture makers prefer to make an excerpt in 5-7 days. The tire, as a rule, is left for the details all this time.

If there is a need for the manufacture of a curved wooden element, then at first glance it may seem that it is more simple to cut the necessary element in the curved form, but under such conditions, the fiber of the wood material will be cut, weakening, and the strength of the part, and as a result, and everything Products. In addition, when drinking, it turns out a huge overrun of the material, which cannot be said about the method, at a time when the wooden workpiece is simply bend.

Wood is a cellulose fiber related to a chemical, called Lignin. Flexibility depends on the fiber placement.

Only a well-drying tree will be a reliable and durable source material for the production of various products. But the change in the shape of the dry wooden billet process is complex, since the dry tree can break, which is very undesirable.

Having studied the technology, how to bend the tree, and the fundamental physical properties of wood, which allow you to change its form and then save it, fully actually be injected by wood at home.

Some features of working with wood

The bending of wood is accompanied by its deformation, and the compression of the inner layers and stretching external. It is not uncommon that stretching forces lead to the rupture of external fibers. Prevent this is possible when conducting preliminary hydrothermal treatment.

So, bend it is possible to harvest a bar made of array and glued wood. In addition, for bending, planed and implant veneer use. The most plastic are deciduous rocks. Among them, beech, ash, birch, ram, maple, oak, poplar, linden and alder. Bottered glued billets are best made from a birch veneer. It is necessary to emphasize that in the total volume of nudo-glued billets, birch veneer occupies approximately 60%.

When steering the workpiece, the property to compression increases significantly, namely by one third, while the property to stretching increases throughout the percentage. And, it means, it is possible to think about whether it is possible to bend a tree thicker 2 cm, do not follow A priori.

Heating in the steam box

First, it is directed to prepare a steam box. She is possible self-made. Its main task is to keep a tree that you need to bend. It should have a hole designed to output a steam pressure. In another case, it will explode.

Hole to exit steam should be placed in the bottom of the box. In addition, a removable lid should be provided in the box, through which the curved tree may be pulled at the end of how it will buy the desired shape. In order to keep the wooden bent item in the right form, it is directed to apply clamps. It is possible to make them alone from the tree or purchase in a specialized store.

From the tree it is necessary to carry out round trimming - a pair of pieces. They are drilled off-hole from the center of the hole. Then you need to push the bolts through them, and then drill another hole through the sides in order to push them tightly. Such simple crafts will be able to become excellent clamps.

Now it is time to disappear wood, to do this, take care of the source of heat and close the billet from the tree in the steam box. For every 2.5 cm thickness of the blank, the product is necessary for about an hour. At the end of time, the tree must be removed from the box and give it the desired shape. The process must be performed very quickly. Billets begged and gently.

Some types of wood bend easier than others due to various elasticity. Various methods require application of force of various values.

When the desired result is achieved, the bent tree must be fixed in this position. It is possible to fix the tree when forming it. That is why it is easier to control the process.

With the help of chemical impregnation

In order to destroy the links of the lignin between the fibers, it is possible to affect the tree with chemicals, and this is fully realized at home. Ideal for this suitable ammonia. The billet is dumping in a 25% an aqueous solution of ammonia. At the end of which it is done very obedient and elastic, which permits to bend, twist it and squeeze the embossed form in it.

Ammonia is terrible! Based on this, when working with it, it is directed to perform all safety regulations. The winding of the workpiece is directed into a deafly closing container located in a room that is well ventilated.

The longer the wood is in ammonium solution, the plastic it is done. At the end of the opening of the workpiece and giving it the shape, it is necessary to leave it in such a curved form. It is necessary for fixing the form, well, so that ammonia evaporates. Over again, the bent tree should be left in a ventilated room. It is noteworthy that at the end of the evaporation of ammonia, the fibers of the wood will receive former strength, and this will allow the workpiece to hold its shape!

Delamination method

First, it is necessary to make a billet for a tree that will bend. Boards must be a little longer than the length of the finished part. This is explained by the fact that the bending of shortwhells. Before you start cutting, it is directed to draw a diagonal straight pencil. Make it necessary across the bottom side of the board. This will be allowed to keep the sequence of lamellas at the end of their movement.

Boards are cut off by the straight edge, never face. So, they may be folded together with the smallest transformation. The cork layer is applied into the form. It will help avoid the irregularities in the shape of a saw, which will be allowed to make a clearer bend. In addition, the plug will keep the bundle in the form. Glue on the top side of one of the wooden lamellas is applied.

The glue is applied to the lamella roller. It is optimal to use carbamideformaldehyde glue, folding from 2 parts. He owns a large level of clutch, but long dries. It may be possible to apply a lot of epoxy resin in addition, but there is a lot of such composition, and not everyone may resolve it. Ordinary adhesive for wood in this case can not be applied. It will dry quickly, but there is very soft that in this situation is not welcome.

The billet of the bent wood is to be directed as possible to put in shape. So, another lamella is still on the missing glue. The process is repeated until the curved blank will buy the desired thickness. Boards are fasten together. At the end of how the glue will dry, it is driving to shorten it to the desired length.

Propyl like a way

Prepared wooden segment must be cutting. Duties are made on 2/3 of the thickness of the workpiece. They must be from the inside of the bend. It is sent to be extremely attentive, because there are unknown rods to break the tree.

The key to success in cutting propilov is, in order to the distance between the cuts was as smooth as possible. Perfected 1.25 cm.

Cuts are made across the tree pattern. Then it is directed to squeeze the edges of the workpiece so, in order to combine the clearances together. Such a form and buy a bend at the end of work. After that, the bend is corrected. Much more often, the outer side is treated with a veneer, in some cases laminate. This impact permits to correct the bend and hide the disadvantages allowed during the production. Spaces between the bent wood are hidden elementary - glue and sawdust is mixed for this, and at the end of the mixture, spaces are filled with this mixture.

In independence from the folding method, after the end of how the tree is taken out of the form, the bend will easily relax. In view of this, it must be done a little more, so that then compensate for this effect. The method of separation is possible to apply when the box is sewn or an iron corner.

So, using such simple tips, it is possible without much labor costs to bend a tree with your own hands.

Wood is recognized as one of the safest human materials used in construction and in the manufacture of various furniture. Its environmentally friendly can be estimated by five points, which significantly expands the scope of the use of wooden products. From the wood you can get the most diverse in the form and dimensions of the workpiece. This helps special. These technologies are also widely used in the modern production cycle bending and gluing wood.

The whole process of woodworking occupies a considerable period of time. First, the tree is - all this happens at the enterprises engaged in woodworking. In the future, boards and other materials are harvested from wood.

These billets come to the factories, where more construction materials or various furniture are made of them. In the process of production, wooden blanks may be required in shape and sizes and therefore such techniques for working with wood as bend and bonding are widely used.

Bonding is used for the manufacture of parts of the desired size and shape. Wood splicing can be carried out in width, length or thickness. Prepared prepared ends of the blanks may have special grooves or spikes, which increases the strength of the parts connected. During the gluing process, different types of joinery glue are used.

Wood bending is necessary for the production of curvilinear details. Bending wood can be manually in compliance with some features of this work or on special machines.

The strength and practicality of wooden products, for the manufacture of which special bonding machines are used or bending can be estimated by five points. On woodworking industries, they always try to keep all the technology of working with wood, and therefore the product produced has high quality.

The photo described above the wood processing methods

Splicing gluing bending

The main stages of gluing technology

Bonding is the main process of working with wood on any furniture manufacturing. In order to get a solid and high-quality workpiece, it is necessary to strictly observe all the technology of the connection process of individual parts. The accuracy of all works is necessary to prevent possible subsequent deformation.

The process of connecting wood and products from it consists of several stages:

  • Preparation of the billets themselves.
  • Selection and applying of adhesive composition.
  • Actually gluing itself.

Preliminary preparation of wooden bars and other billets is to create special spikes or grooves, which can be done using a special tool - cutters.

Using wood splice cutters

Milling is quite old wood processing industry. The first milling machines appeared more than three centuries ago. Today, the milling is an indispensable and universal way of wood processing.

To this woodworking machine, you can pick up various cutters - overwhelmed elements with various types of blades. With these cutters, different parts are made.

In the process of gluing, milling machines are necessary for:

  • Slicing of thorns of various shapes, with which separate blanks will be glued in the future.
  • Creation of holes in the material. Device of folds and grooves, which are also necessary in the process of manufacturing parts of different forms.

Milling machines are used everywhere, they can be both manual and electrical. The simplicity of the manufacture of wooden billets for gluing using the machine can be estimated by four points. In order to get an accurate workpiece first, you must purchase some experience.

This video provides an overview cutter for splitting wood and performing technological compounds. Showing mills for direct and angular splicing, as well as a milling mill, zigzag and wave:

Automatic line for wooden billets

The splicing of sawn timber at any production allows you to create high-strength materials with new, popular qualities and also allows you to rationally dispose of production waste.

The automatic lines for splicing include several successively working machines that allow you to obtain the material from short blanks in length and width. With the line for splicing, the glued timber is popular for today.

The whole technological process when using a line for the splicing of wooden blanks consists of several stages that provide a complex of machine to install:

  • The cutting press machine provides the desired material dimensions.
  • The milling machine prepares spikes and grooves in wooden blanks.
  • The adhesive installation distributes glue according to the set parameters.
  • The tracing machine completes the gluing process.

Using a line for splicing on furniture factories provides high performance, reduces the number of jobs. obtained by automatic machines can be estimated by five points, since the whole process is strictly controlled.

So the automatic line of splicing in length works:

Types of glue

The correct selection of the type of adhesive predetermines all the quality of the joints of wooden blanks. The selection of glue also depends on the type of wood glued and on the shape of the blanks. The most commonly used waterproof compositions of glue.

In the furniture industry, several types of synthetic adhesive compositions are used:

  • Thermoreactive adhesives are used to smash thorough parts without heating. The basis of these types of adhesive are liquid resins.
  • Phenol formaldehyde adhesives are used to sneaking wood plates, wooden blanks and plywood.
  • Epoxy adhesives are mainly used to connect wood with other materials - metal, plastic.
  • In enterprises involved in woodworking, the glue based on urea resins is most often used. Also used glue compositions in the form of powder, which require preliminary preparation.

Bonding parts is carried out with a cold way and with the help of their heating. To glue blanks on ribs, adhesive film is often used, it is sheets of various sizes.

Before gluing, the details must be prepared, that is, degreased, remove dirt and various types of stains. After applying glue over the entire surface and connect the necessary blanks, the parts are clamped using special devices that remove only complete drying.


Special machines in the form of presses can be applied to splicing glued wood. They have a clamp of details at the required time. It provides a strong connection between adhesive surfaces and eliminates the displacement of the parts. Press can be selected along the length of the bar, power, the presence of additional functions.

Bonding wood at home

Wood gluing can sometimes be required at home. Often this happens when the wooden sets of furniture or with different breakdowns. Before gluing the surface of wooden products, it is necessary to prepare correctly.

For this, their pores are cleaned from the old glue, the paint layer is degreased by the solvent, dried. After applying glue on both parts, they are neatly connected and clamping in a clamp at least 30 minutes.

The frequently used adhesives include:

  • Glue casein.
  • Waterproof seds give synthetic joinery glue.
  • Durable bonding is obtained by using "Dubok", "Ago", "Mekol", "Mars".

In order to achieve the high strength of the glued parts, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions attached to each type of glue.

Vividly see how the wood gluing is performed on the video:

Technology benty

Wood bending can be determined as a process of bending layered or whole billets from wood to give them the necessary curvilinear form. Bending technology is based on plastic qualities of different types of wood. Curved wooden parts can be obtained and by treating on special machines, but this method is rarely used, as it is endowed with a number of negative consequences.

Process description

Large plasticity has solid wood, such as oak, beech, ash. Therefore, for the manufacture of curved parts, the breeds of these trees are used mainly. Distinguish cold and hot bending wood.

Hot bending is based on a sharp increase in the plasticity of wooden blanks when they are heated from 80 and to 120 degrees. Such a heating mode of coaching in water or steaming is achieved.

Wood-plated wooden blanks bend along the prepared pattern and fixed using clips, and then cooled and dried. When bending, the convex side is stretched to the required level, and concave compressing. Thick blanks are bent with special machines.

Cold bending is used to obtain multilayer curvilinear bent parts. To obtain the part of the desired form, it is necessary to put several blurred glue blanks to lay on each other, give them the necessary form and with the help of the press machine to withstand the necessary time. The shape of the billets obtained by the cold bending method is preserved longer.

How to make curved wood, tells the video:

Bending wood at home

Bending wood at home begins with a selection of material. The prepared parts must be straight, they first need to dry in vivo. It is also necessary to soak the details if they are made of ash, oak, beech. Before the bending blank you need to disappear.

To do this, you can use the prepared independent steam chamber. For the manufacture of such a device, a pipe and a boiling kettle will fit, from which the pairs will continuously enter this camera on the hoses.

The exposure time of blanks can be defined only by an experimental way, but it is believed that to achieve the desired plasticity it is necessary that one centimeter of the thickness of the thickness has been recorded over 30 to 40 minutes. The product is also not worth the product.

Before starting bending, you need to prepare the form and clamps. After heating the wood, it is well subjected to bending only 5-10 minutes, so you need to do it extremely quickly. Withstand products in shape to their complete bread, usually it takes at least one week. Then you can process the finished part or hold it.

Use such a wood processing process for making with their own hands from different types of furniture. At the same time, the price of products is significantly reduced and this can be estimated by five points. But the labor intensity of the whole process takes a lot of time and therefore it is possible to go bending wooden blanks and their subsequent use can only truly passionate people.

Examples of interior elements made of bentwood

Backrest bed chair rocking table decorative element chairs