Decorating the porch of the house with polycarbonate. Do it yourself polycarbonate porch

It's no secret that building a porch in the country is not an easy task, given that it must fit into the general view of the building, as well as be truly functional.

In most cases, it is the originally decorated porch that can become an unusual visiting card for a house.

There are a huge variety of options for the final stage in the construction of the house. It all depends on how you see for yourself a beautiful, truly porch and what budget you have.

It is worth noting that if you are interested in how to make a porch with your own hands, then it is quite simple and all that is needed is to read this article and it is possible to use some of the tips of the builders.

What is a porch?

In fact, the constructive porch built in a private house is the simplest open-air platform with a staircase that is made right in front of the entrance to the building. In this case, the porch can be of the most diverse form, with or without an additional canopy.

If we talk about the design itself, which can be chosen for the porch and which determines the majority of the design, then they can be conditionally divided into three main types: simple, connected or built-in.

The porch of the latter type is almost always designed at the stage of building a house.

The porch of the most popular simple type is a platform that has additional steps and a canopy above them.

During the construction of this type of porch, the most difficult thing is to fill in the necessary foundation, which in any case will be needed, even if it is a light construction and you plan to make a wooden porch yourself.

The porch of the attached type looks very much like a beautiful porch of the built-in type, but at the same time it is often rebuilt and modified in various ways.

The foundation is the foundation

An important point that you should definitely pay attention to when laying the foundation is that its depth during construction work must necessarily coincide with the depth of laying the foundation directly for the entire building. Otherwise, after soil settlement, it is entirely possible that deformation will occur completely in the entire porch structure.

If, after settling the ground, the structure is shifted towards the house, then the destruction will begin from the porch foundation. In this case, cosmetic repairs will be dispensed with and it will not be possible to build a porch from the very beginning.

Be sure to pay special attention to the waterproofing of the foundation under construction during the construction of the foundation.

Varieties of porch for the future home

First of all, before starting the construction of the porch, it is imperative to decide which material you like best. Most often it is either concrete, or expensive metal, or stone, classic brick, wood that is affordable.

Having decided to make a porch to the house made of wood, many simply hope that this is the easiest and most affordable option, in fact, not even suspecting a large number of nuances.

It is a photo of a porch made of wood that can be found in various magazines more than others without problems. This is due to the fact that many people consider wood a traditional material.

All that is needed in the construction of such a porch is minimal building skills, a circular saw, and also a building square.


If possible, it is best to use either larch or any coniferous species as the material. They are distinguished by good strength indicators, and also quite easily processed independently.

After a specially made impregnation, the material will definitely not yield, for example, material from any other hard rock.

Above the porch, you should definitely take care of the visor. This will not only protect the steps of the staircase and its platform from various precipitations, but also make it possible to interestingly arrange the wooden porch in a short time without serious financial investments.

Photos of various canopies can also be found on the Internet and magazines on the construction of a variety of country houses.

DIY porch photo


Any porch is a decoration of the house. It makes its interior attractive and also protects the home from dirt and dust. The porch functionality issue is quite interesting. To give a definite answer to it, you must first decide on the very concept of the porch. It is an extension, which includes a canopy and a staircase. Many are already accustomed to the presence of this structure in the houses, so few people can give a thorough answer to the question of what is its purpose.

If we talk about the main function, then as such should be considered protection of the house from various factors  external environment that can bring inconvenience to human life. The porch protects part of the wall and door of the house from rain, snow and cold. In the case when the ring is located directly from the ground, it provides protection of the foundation from natural factors. Its upper part can reach the floor. This solution is quite practical, because in this case the staircase is located at the top, which provides a comfortable and convenient climb to the door.

Another feature of the porch is decorative. This structure can be quite diverse. Its appearance largely depends on what style the home has. The choice of colors for the design of the porch, decor elements, other types of decoration of this building, color is the prerogative of the owner of the building. There are no restrictions in this regard. As a complement to the house should be the porch and represent a single whole with it. This structure should be in harmony with the basic architectural style of the home. Despite this, our ancestors built the porch mainly to protect against external factors.

If the owner has decided to supplement the house with a porch, it is necessary to take into account the material from which the house itself is built. If the porch is in harmony with the main structure, then it will be pleasing to the eye, but only if the design, material and structure of this structure are similar to the house. Currently emit several main types of wings:

  • with the rise;
  • open
  • without lifting;
  • closed.

Between themselves, the porches of these species differ in location. For example, when building a porch without lifting it should be located at the level of the house. By its appearance, such a structure resembles a terrace. Among its functions, there is no protection against environmental factors. But the porch with a lift is both an original and practical solution. They usually place it one meter below the level of the house. To get into the house with the help of such a porch when climbing stairs, you need to hold onto the railing, walking along the steps. At the moment, it is generally accepted that such structures are most relevant for filling houses.

The closed and open porch are distinguished from each other by the presence of a roof and walls. For a country house an open porch is the best solution. At the same time, it is desirable that the house itself be well insulated, since a structure of this type does not provide protection from rain and winds. If the weather is fine outside, then an open porch will be indispensable. On its site you can install sunbeds and sunbathe. Or put a table, chairs and use the site as a resting place.

Materials for the manufacture of porch for the house

During the construction of a structure such as a porch for a home, use both primary and secondary materials. The main ones include the following:

  • brick;
  • wood;
  • polycarbonate;
  • metal;
  • a rock.

As mentioned above, during the construction of the porch, it is necessary to take into account the material of manufacture of the structure itself. If you want to attach to the house a structure that will stand out with its appearance, then you can use a combination of several materials at once. A wooden porch goes well with a wooden house. However, you can show originality and use wood in combination with stone or brick.

Do not recommend combining metal and wood. In this case, the structure attached to the house will look ridiculous. If the house itself is made of brick, then in this case the metal will be an excellent choice for the construction of the porch. To create comfort on the porch platform, you can use various ideas proposed by designers. In addition to them, you can decorate his site with flowers and pillows.

Background materials

During construction, secondary materials are also used. They are necessary for fixing, joining, gluing elements. For example, if a building is built of brick, then not do without cement mortar. And if a tree is chosen as the material for the construction of this structure, then during the work it will be required:

  • hammer;
  • door;
  • nails.

During the construction of any porch, a level cannot be dispensed with, regardless of the particular construction.

Features of the polycarbonate porch

A rather rare phenomenon is the porch, which is completely made of polycarbonate. All because most often this material used for visors in homes. The canopies created from polycarbonate are an element with a large set of functions:

  • the installation of a porch of this material provides a complete look to any building. Thanks to him, it looks original. In this case, the structure performs the functions inherent in the porch;
  • another function of the visor made of this material is that it protects the front door from the sun and rain. By installing it in front of your house, it will always be cool and dry inside.

Polycarbonate Advantages

Generally polycarbonate - practical material, while inexpensive, with an original look. He shows the best qualities when used in the construction of canopies for houses.

Density is one of the important characteristics of this material. That is what caused it to be widely used today.

One of the important qualities of polycarbonate is its flexibility, due to which it can be used to create various forms.

Quite diverse is its color scheme. Therefore, knowing fashion trends in construction, you can create an original canopy that will look stylish in a house.

Polycarbonate has many advantages. Cons are practically absent. One of his strengths is good resistance to temperature extremes. Thanks to this, the porch created from this material will serve for a long time, and external factors will not affect its appearance in any way. Also, this material is characterized by high strength. This means its stable quality even when operating in harsh conditions. A wide color gamut makes it possible to choose the material of the most suitable color for the design being created. In this case, the created porch will be in harmony with the structure.

If we talk about the disadvantages of this material, then, of course, he also has them. However, they are not typical for a canopy, but for the construction of a closed type. They arise if polycarbonate is used not only for roof construction, but also as a material for walls. This design, built entirely of polycarbonate, looks unaesthetic. Therefore, experts recommend combining this material with some other during construction work. The porch, which has both a roof and walls made of polycarbonate, does not look quite right. But if you use it in combination with other materials, such as wood or stone, then the structure takes on a stylish and original look.

Polycarbonate Porch Design

This is not about building materials, but about how the house looks. If your home is a modest-looking structure, and some original ideas are not implemented in its architectural style, then in this case the best choice is ordinary visormade of polycarbonate. It has a decent look, looks practical.

If the building is tastefully decorated, and its area is medium in size, then in this case it would be a good idea to create a polycarbonate roof, which is connected to a canopy made of wood. Polycarbonate blends well with wood frame. You can use material of any color. This option will look especially harmoniously in the structure of wood. The steel frame is used to create canopies of mansions, public buildings and enterprises. The use of this design provides the buildings with a finished look and gives solidity.

Before starting construction work, you must decide which option is more preferable for you. If your choice is a canopy, then in this case you need to purchase material of the right colorThen you should give the material such a shape that is suitable for your design. For fastening the material using nails, screws. It is best to fix it on frames made of iron or wood.

If your choice fell on a structure made of this material, then start the work by installing the frame. This is very important, since the strength and reliability of the structure depend on it. The frame of wood or metal before installation must be treated with special compounds. This will provide protection against rodents, corrosion and rust. Only then can polycarbonate be installed on it. As fasteners you can use screws, nails.


Polycarbonate is a practical material. In addition, it is inexpensive. If you decide to supplement your house with a porch, then the choice in his favor is a reasonable decision. Having built it, a structure will appear near your house that will decorate it and will serve for a long time, without requiring attention.

Polycarbonate is a universal material. It is widely used in the construction of outbuildings - carports, greenhouses, gazebos, etc. And this is not surprising, because polycarbonate is plastic and resistant to weathering.

In addition, the material is available in several colors and with different light transmission: from completely transparent to quite dark. You can also build a beautiful polycarbonate porch, with your own hands - then we will tell you how to do it.

How to build a polycarbonate porch

All porch construction work will take you at most a couple of days. Special skills for work will not be needed, except for the ability to work as a grinder and welding machine. By the way, the latter is not necessary, the frame for polycarbonate can also be assembled on bolts. Further, on how to properly build a polycarbonate porch. You can see the photo of a similar model below.

Getting ready for work

First we need to draw a sketch of the future porch, so that it becomes clear how it should look. After you can start creating the drawing. We start from the front door: then it will be the starting point in all measurements. In the drawing, we put down all the dimensions, as well as the entry points of all the fixtures. When everything is ready, you can make an estimate for supplies and go to the store.

Now for the foundation. Here you can choose what you like: a metal corner, wood, concrete monolith, brick or stone. The design will look good in all cases. If you choose wood or metal, then you need to lay two or three days to prepare the foundation. All other types may require about a week - since the foundation for these designs needs a more thorough foundation.

The porch of the house is made of polycarbonate. Photo of bolted assembly

Start of construction

The construction method described below is suitable for a structure made of metal, a corner or a professional pipe, bolted (6 mm) or welded. The cross section of the profiles depends on the size of the future porch. For example, for a structure with a base of 150 x 200 cm, you can take a corner 5 x 5 cm or a professional pipe 2.5 x 5 cm. We prepare materials and tools:

  • Corner or pipe.
  • Polycarbonate
  • Bulgarian.
  • Rotary hammer and drill.
  • Welder / Screws and Wrench
  • Thermowells, end and split profiles for polycarbonate.

First of all, you need to install supports with jumpers for a canopy, as well as a railing. First we attach the supports to the base. To metal - using bolts or welding, fasten profiles to concrete on an anchor. Anchors fasten the rear beams to the wall of the house. We also exhibit the two lower balusters of the railing. Now we fasten the jumpers of the supports, as well as the handrails and the lower jumpers of the railing. Here, again, bolts or welding. The diagram below shows how approximately the structure will look at this stage.

How to make a polycarbonate porch: first we expose the frame supports

Canopy construction and polycarbonate laying

On the ground, we assemble the frame for the canopy: first the front triangle, then the back triangle and then fasten them to the tops with jumpers. We raise the resulting structure to the supports, fasten or weld it. If the fastening was carried out by welding, we check all the seams, remove the scale. We paint the finished frame or process it with an anti-corrosion agent.

Note:  Each stage of work, starting with the installation of the first support on the base, must be accompanied by constant level checks. Small deviations, indistinguishable by eye, to the end of construction can lead to a significant skew of the entire structure.

Polycarbonate porch, closed. Completing the installation of the frame

It remains to install polycarbonate sheets on the visor. The material is cut using an ordinary jigsaw or grinder. Fastening to the frame is carried out using self-tapping screws with special thermal washers. They prevent moisture from entering the material, which could lead to condensation. It is very important to make the fastening a proper tightening: the self-tapping screw should enter the material at an angle of 90 degrees, without distortions, moderately tight.

At the junction of the canopy slopes we fasten the carbonate coating using a split profile. We fasten its lower part to the ridge, lay and fix the sheets of material, and then snap the profile cover in place. Glue the ends of the polycarbonate with a punched tape, and then close it with end profiles. With fences and railings, we do the same. We connect the joints with a split profile, we process the sides with the end.

We are building a porch of a private house made of polycarbonate. Installation completion

Note:  according to these instructions, you can also build a porch made of polycarbonate and wood. You will only need to replace the metal profiles in the frame with a wooden beam (5x5 cm). The whole building will be assembled in this case on self-tapping screws.

Polycarbonate Porch Interior

Polycarbonate porch design options can be very many. Granite, porcelain stoneware or clinker can be used as flooring. Also, for a closed porch, garden parquet or a WPC terrace board is perfect.

You can also order forged jewelry for the visor and / or railings and then install them yourself in place. True, it is better to order forging “strongly” in advance, since the work can take a long time from the master. And, of course, no one canceled the accessories. Decorative wall lanterns, drawers and plant pots will enliven and make your polycarbonate porch cozy. The photo below demonstrates how to finish the canopy.

We design a closed porch made of polycarbonate. Top trim example photo

In most cases, a canopy over the porch in a private house is done when both the house and the porch in front of its front door are already made. By a significant measure, this determines its appearance, and of course, its dimensions. First of all, water, and especially snow, from a canopy should not fall onto the porch, not to mention the people standing on it.

The texture and color of the walls of the house, the roof covering, often dictate not only the shape, but also the material from which you will make the canopy over the porch. This is not always the case, sometimes its utilitarianism and limited budget dictates its own, but it’s worthwhile to strive for consistency of style. Moreover, not very expensive options to achieve this are enough. They will be discussed in the article.

Simple types of canopies

If your canopy should perform the simplest functions, and you do not set high aesthetic requirements for this element, then the easiest way will be to choose one of its most common forms.

By and large, even the most elaborate canopies only beat one of these options. But the style you have chosen is desirable to coordinate with the overall architecture of the house. We will not give examples of unsuccessful decisions, but the dome canopy will almost never fit into the hi-tech house, and the gable canopy will go to the house with a domed roof, although there is no arguing about tastes.

Materials for canopies over the porch of a private house

If you have a wooden house or there is a lot of wood in its decoration, then the most organic will be the manufacture of a canopy frame from the same material. It also organically canopies fit into the style of light houses, buildings, stylized at a time when the tree was the most popular building material.

But for a private house made of glass and concrete, such beauty will seem unnatural, here it is better to build a polycarbonate porch.

The most durable frames of the visors above the porch, made of metal. In this case, the roofing material can be any.

Metal can also be used with a wooden frame as a canopy cover. The only thing that needs to be done before his flooring is to treat the contact points with a bioprotective composition well.

Bitumen shingles laid on OSB sheets are good on awnings above the porch. It will look especially organic if the roof of the house is laid out of it. The feeling of integrity and consistency of style is enhanced.

Actively, recently, for the installation of awnings over the entrance to the house, modern roll coverings have been used, which are presented on the market in a wide color scheme and can easily fit into any architecture.

These are fabrics impregnated with polymer compositions that do not allow water to pass through, and PVC films for awnings, etc. A separate section deserves polycarbonate canopies, which, due to the flexibility of the material, make it possible to organically fit the design with its use into almost any building design.

Polycarbonate porch in a private house

Polycarbonate is a modern polymer material, characterized by good weather resistance, workability and high consumer characteristics, the main of which, making it exclusive in use for peaks and canopies, are as follows:

  • exceptional impact strength - 200 times stronger than glass and 8 times stronger than acrylic and polyvinyl chloride;
  • low specific gravity - 16 times less than that of glass and 3 times less than that of acrylic;
  • transparency - up to 86%;
  • high chemical resistance;
  • high bending and tensile strength;
  • durability - the minimum life is 10-12 years;
  • uV protection;
  • resistance to shock loads - does not break and does not give fragments.

Its airiness and transparency, even in dark colors of execution, allows you to enter the most intricate forms of canopies into seemingly little compatible house styles.

Nor do they seem alien. However, its use with wooden frame structures requires caution - it is necessary to provide for the possibility of greater gaps in the attachment points so that the tree does not tear plastic due to a change in its shape and size when it gets wet-drying. At the same time, fasteners must be used with metal and polyurethane washers of large diameter.

But a metal frame will be more technologically advanced for polycarbonate, more stable when weather conditions and temperature conditions change.

Sometimes, from the polycarbonate, in addition to the canopy itself, they also make a kind of cold vestibule around the porch or even a small winter garden at the entrance to the house, but these are already somewhat different structures.

The flexibility of the material makes it easy to make bent visors with small round radii. The presented photos of the polycarbonate porches clearly demonstrate the variety of design and constructive solutions of this architectural element.

Moreover, even fairly large canopies do not look bulky, and the easy machinability of polycarbonate allows you to cut various auxiliary elements from it.

It is even easier to make direct single-pitch and gable visors using polycarbonate.

The peculiarity of this material is that even a heavy metal canopy, teeming with massive structural elements and intricate figured forging, makes it visually less bulky.

We make a canopy over the porch for the house with our own hands

Based on the most commonly used materials, we will consider the process of manufacturing several simple awnings.

1. Wooden frame

The main thing to consider when making a wooden frame for a canopy above the porch is the need for a good connection of its elements to each other and high-quality fastening to the house. This design will experience quite significant wind and snow loads. If you do not have retaining poles, then the frame of the frame should be the trusses of the triangular section, which best absorb and distribute loads.

2. Metal frame

In general, the last remark for a wooden frame is also true for a metal frame, but with metal you can behave more freely in terms of the choice of forms and angles of inclination.

Be sure to carefully clean the welding spots and paint over the metal frame. Preferably with a primer.

In the manufacture of a canopy similar to that shown in the video, can transverse profile pipes be replaced with wooden slats with a cross section of at least 30? 50, and already attach corrugated board to them. Under the metal support trusses in the bars, you can make landing hauls - the structure will become stiffer. At the same time, the tree to some extent muffles the sound of rain - the most unpleasant feature of such structures.

3. Bent frame

If you read an article on manufacturing on our website, then you have probably already acquired such a not complicated tool. If you don’t have one yet, then the proposed video will tell you how, without it, and even without welding, to make a canopy frame over the porch of the house with semicircular elements.

The following video tells about the principles of assembling a canopy over the porch of metal without welding.

It remains to add that when covering such a canopy with sheet roofing materials: corrugated board, metal tile, and the same polycarbonate, strictly adhere to the instructions for their installation. For each of these materials, a minimum crate pitch is provided.

Dear readers, if you still have questions, ask them using the form below. We will be happy to communicate with you;)

Polycarbonate is a relatively new material on the market, used mainly for the construction of awnings and greenhouses. However, it is very well suited for the construction of the porch of a country house, both open and closed.

This interesting translucent material easily bends and has a variety of shades. Therefore, from it you can build a very beautiful, practical and original street staircase. We will talk about how to assemble a polycarbonate porch with your own hands and talk in this article.

Types of Polycarbonate Wings

Polycarbonate porches can have a variety of designs. Sometimes even their walls have an original radial or curved shape, the visors are a real work of art. The frame of such a street staircase is usually made of galvanized or forged metal or wood.

Open porch made of polycarbonate is most often arranged in small country houses. In this case, only a visor and railing are finished with this translucent material. However, a closed porch made of polycarbonate is considered much more convenient in design. In this case, it is completely sheathed.

Polycarbonate Porch Technology

Making a frame of wood

The thickness of the bars of the porch frame made of polycarbonate directly depends on its size. Since the material is very light, especially thick material is not required. Typically, the frame is made of 50 * 50mm timber. For large porch porches and terraces take the material thicker.

Porch made of polycarbonate. Photo of a large terrace on a wooden frame

The elements in this case are connected by means of a conventional galvanized metal corner. It’s unlikely that you can bend the wooden bars at home, of course. Therefore, the porch in the country of polycarbonate on a wooden frame most often has a simple rectangular shape.

Tip:   if desired, the beam can be tried and bent. To do this, it is steamed for half an hour, and then placed on the log blocks of different lengths, securing the ends.

A simple method of bending a wooden beam

A wooden frame is usually used if the porch itself is made of polycarbonate and wood (march).

Metal carcass

The metal frame under the polycarbonate porch is assembled using a welding machine. Sometimes bolted joints are also used. For construction, a profile or round pipe with a cross section of 50 mm or a normal profile is quite suitable. Bending the material for the frame using a pipe bender.

How to make a complex shaped porch of a house made of polycarbonate? Photo of a pipe bender with which you can make a curved frame

Tip:   If a conventional profile is used for erection, you can saw one of its shelves in several places and try to bend in a vice.

What you need to know when making a frame

There are several basic rules that must be followed when assembling the frame of the porch of a private house made of polycarbonate:

  1. In the manufacture of a frame under a wide visor, it must be strengthened with transverse bars or profiles. The distance between such stiffeners should be at least half a meter;
  2. All joints of polycarbonate sheets should be located on a bar or profile;
  3. In addition to the supports, even if there are four, the visor must be attached to the wall of the house. The frame is usually fixed on anchor bolts designed for the material from which the house is built.

Porch made of polycarbonate. Photo of a visor ready for installation

Important:   The frame of ordinary, non-galvanized steel should be painted with acrylic enamel. Before this, the grinders carefully clean the seams, trying to level them with the surface of the profile. Wooden bars before assembly are treated with an antiseptic.

How to make a polycarbonate porch. Sheathing

Important:   Depending on the thickness of the sheets, they can only be bent to certain limits. The minimum allowable radius is usually specified by the manufacturer.

Holes are made in the places where the polycarbonate is attached to the frame (step - 30 cm). In the sheets, they should be half a diameter larger than the self-tapping rods. The fact is that with temperature changes, polycarbonate can expand and contract. For the same reason, do not tighten the screws too much. A gap of approximately 1 mm should remain between the hat and the sheet.

Polycarbonate is attached to the frame on special screws with thermowells

On a straight peak, the material is placed with a slight slope to the side of the building with honeycomb channels perpendicular to it. On the arched - in parallel. This is necessary in order to ensure free flow of condensate formed inside the carbonate. On the walls, the channels should be vertical.

Original beautiful porch made of polycarbonate

How to decorate the porch from the inside

We have figured out how to build a carbonate street staircase. Now let's see how to properly arrange it. The exterior design of the polycarbonate porch can be very different. This is eloquently indicated by the photos presented on this page.

Fully enclosed polycarbonate porch. Photo of a stylish street staircase of a brick house

But its internal design depends entirely on its size. If this is a porch, it’s nice to have comfortable easy chairs and a plastic table here. When using a forged frame inside such a porch, forged elements can also be installed (only not too massive and dimensional). A small plastic, rubber or even textile rug to the color of the walls and the visor will also be quite appropriate. Sometimes curtains are also hung on the transparent polycarbonate walls of such a porch of a private house. Decorating steps and platforms is most often done from a terrace or edged board or tile.

Decorated street staircase

Idea:   A very good solution would be to decorate such a porch with indoor flowers. Polycarbonate transmits sufficient light for the development and growth of plants. No wonder it is used for the manufacture of greenhouses. Flowers can be hung in flower pots by attaching them to the profile and arranged in tubs on the floor.

We hope you now understand how to build a polycarbonate porch in the country or in a residential building. Do-it-yourself construction of this design is not at all difficult. In any case, even easier than a staircase with wooden, brick or concrete walls. However, of course, it is possible to attach such a porch closed or open only to buildings with an appropriate exterior design - most often concrete and brick.