Technology for the production of wood concrete blocks. Complete set of production line for arbolite blocks

Arbolite, as a building material, was known even during the USSR, factories worked, built houses. After the collapse of the country, technology was forgotten for a while, and several years ago it was again remembered. The material turns out to be warm, light, durable, poorly conducts sounds, and its cost is also low. Therefore, arbolite and arbolitic blocks (arboblocks) are more and more interested in private developers.

We will immediately determine that wood concrete and sawdust concrete are different materials with different characteristics. The composition of wood concrete includes waste from the woodworking industry, but only of a strictly regulated size. There is no other placeholder. And everything is spelled out in state standard specifications and instructions. And the aggregate is not sawdust, but wood chips with the sizes recommended by the standard of no more than 40 * 10 * 5 mm.

Properties, advantages and disadvantages

When choosing a building material, for a private developer, the technical characteristics of the material are important. Let's look at arbolite blocks from this side. So, the characteristics and their brief decoding:

The properties are very good. Another thing is that they will only be subject to exact proportions and technology. These are arblite blocks and are dangerous: you do not know how well they are made.

Operational characteristics

As you can see, the characteristics of the arblock are not bad. Plus, light weight, large size and good ability to absorb sounds. A very big plus - the blocks are easy to cut, it is easy to give them the desired shape. Another positive point is that nails and screws hold well in arbolite. There are no problems on this side either.

  • Shrinkage - 0.5-0.6%. This parameter shows how much the geometric dimensions of the wall will change under load. Arbolite has one of the lowest rates.
  • Water absorption of 40-85%. This indicator is very large. If you put an arbolite block in water, it can absorb a lot of water. For the developer, this means that you need to take care of a good cut-off waterproofing between the foundation and the first row of blocks. Also, an arbolite house needs an external finish that will protect the material from moisture. Not so scary. It is much more important that the hygroscopicity of arbolite is low (the ability to accumulate vaporous moisture). Even with very humid air, it does not get wet, but passes the fumes through itself, regulating the humidity in the room.
  • Fire resistance - class G1. Arbolite refers to materials that do not support combustion. This is their undoubted plus.

If we talk about technical characteristics, then a serious minus is essentially one - high water absorption. There is another drawback, but it is from the field of exploitation. Arbolite is very fond of mice. The material is natural and warm. You can solve the problem by making a high base - at least 50 cm.

Technology for the production of arbolite blocks

Arbolit belongs to lightweight concrete, the technology is almost standard, with the exception of some nuances: the need for pressing and use when mixing not ordinary gravity concrete mixer, but forced. In it, wood chips are better mixed with other components.


The composition of arbolit includes four components:

  • high-quality cement (M 400 or M 500);
  • wood chips;
  • water;
  • chemical additives.

Cement should be dry and fresh. Chips - a certain size. The smaller the reassortment, the stronger the block. Chemical additives are calcium nitrate and chloride (food supplement E509), water glass, aluminum sulfate and some other substances. Please note that they are first diluted in water and only then added to the chips, mixed. Water is allowed any drinking, but not technical, without pollution. After the chips are evenly wet, add cement. Another sequence is not allowed.

Types and sizes of blocks

Depending on the density, arbolite blocks are divided into heat-insulating (up to 500 kg / m 3) and structural (from 500 kg / m 3 to 850 kg / m 3). For the construction of one-story houses, you can use the lightest of structural with a density of 500 kg / m 3. For mansions in 1.5 and 2 floors, the minimum density is 600 kg / m 3 and above.

The sizes of arbolite blocks can be different. The most common - 500 * 200 mm and different thicknesses - from 100 mm to 400-500 mm. But different plants and workshops produce blocks of different sizes. Molds for them can be welded from ordinary sheet metal, so this is not a problem. The photo shows an example of an assortment of one of the workshops.

As you can see, the blocks 600 * 200 mm and 600 * 250 mm also have a thickness of 100 to 500 mm. It is possible to choose suitable for load-bearing walls and for interior partitions. Also, for the independent manufacture of arbolite blocks, it will be possible to make a suitable shape. That is if you decide to do them yourself.


Like any building material, arbolite is divided into strength classes. For the construction of load-bearing walls of houses, the required strength class B 2.5.

The amount of necessary materials per cubic meter of arbolite solution is in the table (photo above).

Pressing technology

All these components are mixed, blocks are formed from them. There are several technologies:

  • just by pressing:
    • manual on the floor (great effort is needed);
    • manual ramming on a vibrating table.
  • pressing with vibration on a vibrating machine.

The easiest way is hand pressing. But it is difficult to control the density and strength of the resulting blocks in this way.

Normal production conditions

For a normal cement hydration process, a temperature of at least + 12 ° C is required. There are no other conditions. The peculiarity of production is that after molding the block, at least 2-3 weeks should pass before its use. During this time, cement will gain about 50-60% of strength (depending on temperature) and it is already possible to work with blocks. That is, blocks must be made long before the start of construction. If you take into account that wood chips must be aged for at least 4 months before use, then you can start one year before construction.

Another practical point: if you are going to make arbolite blocks with your own hands, in addition to a platform for kneading and storing components, you need a platform for settling blocks. The place should be covered, protected from rain and sun. There should be no drafts.

Wood chips for wood concrete: how to get or where to buy

The best wood chips for wood concrete are obtained from pine and spruce. You can use larch, but when mixing it is necessary to double the amount of chemical additives. From hardwood, GOST allows the use of aspen, beech, birch, poplar. Other requirements are:

The best chips come from lumpy wood waste. It is first passed through chippers, and then crushed on a hammer mill. You can use the following mechanisms for this:

  • Disc chippers with adjustable knives. Not all of them can be adjusted to obtain chips of the required size, but the sizes will be close.
  • Rotary knife crushers. A narrow and narrow chip comes out of them, and the length is adjustable. That is, this is a good option. There is only one “but”: there are many knives and with prolonged use they must be changed or fused (they do not sharpen). To the pluses we add that crushers of this type can be used to re-crush the technological chips obtained during the first crushing (after reconfiguration).
  • Shredders or roller shredders. This is expensive equipment (about 1 million rubles), most of which are imported, but it is great because it is made for specific sizes of wood chips.

If you make wood chips yourself - not an option, you can buy it. If it works out, you can agree on a factory where arbolite is produced. Only check chip parameters. If there is none nearby, you can take chips from under the calibration machines. Some of them can be configured so that the chips are not thick.

Features of the manufacture of mortar for arbolitnyh blocks

Wood waste contains sugar. If you use fresh raw materials, sugars can begin to ferment, which will destroy the integrity of the block. When kneading, chemical additives are added to the solution that neutralize their effect (water glass, calcium chloride, alumina sulfate, lime). They can be added in combinations: calcium chloride with water glass or alumina sulfate with lime. The total mass of additives should not exceed 8%.

There are other ways to break down sugars. The simplest, but requiring a long period of time is to withstand chips for at least 90 days in a heap in the air. If there is no way to wait, the chips are soaked for 3 days in milk of lime, stirring occasionally. Then it is filtered, not dried, in this form it is used for kneading. Only in this case it must be taken into account that much less water is required. This method works well, but very troublesome. Easier to find the opportunity to purchase chemical additives.

The order and features of the kneading solution

For mixing the mortar, a forced-type concrete mixer is used. You can also use the usual gravitational or “pear”, but you have to knead it for a long time, although you can adapt - tilt the pear while kneading as low as possible (raised it almost does not mix).

First, sawdust is poured, some water is added. While sawdust gets wet, chemical additives are bred in a small amount of water, and then they are discharged into a concrete mixer. When all the wood is evenly wet, pour cement. It is loaded in portions, waiting for a uniform distribution throughout the volume. Cement should cover every sliver from all sides. This is only possible if the sawdust is well wet, because this step is carefully monitored.

Block forming

The solution is laid out in molds. Most often they are made of metal, represent a box with handles without a bottom. The form is placed on a flat surface (board, for example). When manually tamping, the molds are filled with an arbolite solution, in layers, each of which is pressed with a metal pad with a handle. In order for the air to escape better, the thickness of the material is pierced several times with a metal rod, and then pressed again. This procedure can be repeated several times until you reach the desired layer density, after which you can fill up the next. Layers are poured to the upper edge of the block, after the final tamping, the top is leveled, cutting off the excess with a metal bar.

You can use the lever - mechanical or with a drive. In this case, the effort develops significantly and you can load the entire volume immediately, if necessary, adding to the edge. In order to achieve high density, it is possible to press several times, either strengthening or easing the pressure. Experience shows that with this principle of manufacturing arbolite blocks, they turn out to be more durable, extrusion (restoration of shape due to the elasticity of the chips) is much less pronounced.

The best strength blocks and with less effort are obtained if vibration is added to the pressing process. In this case, the efforts required to obtain the desired strength are reduced significantly. For these purposes, make vibrating tables. And the process is called vibrating with a load.

The molded block on the stand is transferred to the place of drying. If the solution allows and the unit holds its shape, the frame can be removed. But sometimes homemade arbolite blocks sin that the solution turns out to be too liquid - it’s easier to tamp. In this case, the blocks are left in shape for a day. Use and transportation of blocks is possible no earlier than 2-3 weeks after molding.

Features of the construction of their arbolite blocks

The masonry of the blocks is carried out according to the type of brick - with dressing of the seams, on a cement-sand mortar. Of the features - the thickness of the seam is about 8-10 mm. Between the foundation and the first row of blocks it is necessary to make a very high-quality shut-off waterproofing. This eliminates the leakage of moisture through the foundation from the ground. We do combined waterproofing - first we impregnate with bituminous mastic or any other coating waterproofing, we lay down roll waterproofing on top. Previously, roofing material was always used, but today it is of poor quality and will collapse in a couple of years. And it is important to exclude moisture leakage (due to the high water absorption of arbolite), so use hydroisol or something similar. It is possible, in two layers, also coated with bitumen mastic.

The next nuance is the laying above the window and doorways. It is best to use special U-shaped blocks in which to lay a reinforcing frame and 4 reinforcement bars with a diameter of 10-12 mm. It is better to bind it so that there is less chance of corrosion. First, blocks with recesses are installed above the opening. They can be supported from below by a board and struts. Then the frame is laid, everything is poured with concrete. Leave the structure for a day, after which the supports can be removed and masonry continued.

Many nuances of building a house from arbolite blocks in the video.

The production of building materials today is a fairly profitable industry. This is due to the high demand for everything related to the construction of buildings. All developers try to use proven materials and introduce new technologies that will be less costly and more practical to use.

Despite the huge assortment of building blocks, arbolite became very popular. Its production technology depends on the conditions in which it is manufactured. The material itself has excellent performance and characteristics.

What is arbolite?

This is a building material, which is produced in the form of blocks. They have certain sizes and composition. Due to the fact that its production uses natural raw materials, it has excellent technical characteristics.

Methods for the production of arbolite blocks

Arbolite manufacturing technology can be applied:

  • in factory production;
  • at home manufacturing.

Raw materials for the production of wood concrete

The manufacturing technology of wood concrete is characterized by the use of certain materials:

  • concrete grade 400 or 500;
  • chemical additive;
  • organic aggregate.

There are some recommendations for choosing raw materials. For example, you need to buy concrete that is made on the basis of a binder. Concrete of higher strength can also be used. As a chemical additive, water glass, chloride or Organic fillers are used: crushed cotton stalks, crushed rice straws and much more.

Arbolite, which is distinguished by the use of certain means, may have a different example. For example, blocks having a density of less than 500 kg / m 3 belong to the group of heat-insulating wood concrete. And those that have a density of more than 500 kg / m 3 already belong to the group of construction blocks.

Accordingly, the first version of arbolit is most often used for construction, but load-bearing arbolite structures are built from the second.

Material manufacturing steps

The manufacturing technology of arbolit consists of several stages:

  • preparing a certain amount of organic aggregate;
  • work on soaking wood chips in a solution of calcium chloride;
  • dosing of certain components of arbolit;
  • directly making blocks.

Organic aggregate preparation

Any production of building materials is characterized by preliminary preparation of all necessary raw materials. The wood in the bars is crushed and formed into specific piles. They must be put under a canopy and maintained at an optimum outdoor temperature of +15 ... + 25 degrees for about 1 month. After that, the wood is chopped in special equipment for sliver.

Only such an action must be approached responsibly. Wood chips have their own specific fraction. The quality of the arbolite mixture depends on it. A sliver of 10-20 mm in size characterizes a fractional composition of 70%, 5-10 mm is already attributed to 30% of the fraction.

Soaking wood and preparing a solution of calcium chloride

The chips obtained during crushing must be soaked in water. The temperature of the liquid should be at least +20 degrees. The whole soaking process lasts up to 6 hours. All these actions help to increase the strength of arbolite blocks. It is necessary to constantly monitor the filling of wood with water. The moisture content of the obtained raw materials should be no more than 30%.

After this time, a previously prepared solution of calcium chloride is poured into the liquid tank. A foaming agent is sent to the same container.

Dosing of future building materials

An important stage that arbolite manufacturing technology has is the proper dosage of all components. The quality of arbolite blocks and its strength indicator depend on this. The dosage of the crushed soaked chips should take into account the moisture content of the raw materials. All ingredients are weighed and dosed according to certain specified parameters (GOST). You can use special equipment for this process. It must be borne in mind that it is quite expensive, and in conditions of non-commercial production it is not advisable to buy it.

Block manufacturing process

It is necessary to prepare specialized equipment for wood concrete. Concrete mixers and other devices that can mix high-density mixtures with high quality and bring them to a certain consistency are referred to it at the stage of mixing the ingredients.

A major role is played by the order of bookmarking the components. Initially, prepared wood chips fall asleep. Then - cement. After that, water and chemical fillers are poured. They can change places in production. To whom it will be convenient. Only the supply of all liquids should be passed through a special flow meter.

It is necessary to make molds for blocks in advance. As a rule, they are wooden, and the sizes can be any. Inside it, linoleum is laid out around the entire perimeter. It will make it possible after the mixture has hardened to freely pull the block out of the mold. Also, its surface is coated with a special tool.

Quite often, at home, the manufacture of arbolite blocks uses a vibrating table. It allows you to evenly distribute the mixture. After that, the molds filled with the composition are exposed to the canopy and are there until they solidify completely. In some cases, certain additives are used that help reduce the hardening time of the cement composition.

Which is made at home, can be carried out only after a certain period, usually after 14-20 days. During this time, the blocks will completely harden, dry out and be ready for masonry.

As technological progress moves forward, more and more new materials for the construction of houses with their own hands appear. If before business was limited to wood, stone or brick, today there are various types of concrete that surpass other materials in terms of characteristics. One such material is arbolite. This is a unique material that combines the advantages of both concrete and wood. Its composition is quite simple, and you can prepare the solution with your own hands. It is noteworthy that it can be used as ordinary concrete, by pouring the mixture into the formwork, and maybe made in the form of blocks for ordinary masonry. Arbolite blocks can be bought in a specialized store, or you can make a solution with your own hands, making blocks from the finished mixture.

All you need is to know the exact composition of the arbolite, the proportions for mixing the mixture and the technology for its preparation. Let's look at everything in more detail.

Arbolite block - what it consists of

The arbolite, from which the arbolite blocks are formed for masonry, consists of 3 main components:

  • aggregate;
  • mineral binder;
  • chemical additives and water.

By combining all these elements, an arbolite solution is obtained, which is subsequently used to form blocks. The composition is quite simple and everyone can make material for their own purposes. The material itself is lightweight, so the blocks are ideal for tubs. Their advantage, in comparison with gas blocks and foam blocks, is a large tensile strength. They are resistant to cracks and impacts.

Despite the fact that the main component is sawdust (wood chips), arbolite is highly valued and is not inferior in characteristics to traditional materials. On the contrary, arbolite blocks retain heat well and create a good microclimate in the room.

Organic aggregate

The lion's share of the arbolite blocks is wood chips. This is the main material that is part of it. Such an organic aggregate can easily be purchased for little money. It is worth contacting the local sawmill, where there is woodworking waste and agree with the workers. Conifers and hardwoods are mainly used. Fir, pine, spruce, aspen, beech, birch and poplar are ideal to make an arbolite solution from them. You can also use a flax bonfire.

Most often used wood aggregate: crushed, shavings with sawdust, in a ratio of 1: 1 or 1: 2, wood chips, shavings and sawdust, in a ratio of 1: 1: 1. All proportions are measured in volume. For example, if you want to achieve a ratio of 1: 2, then 1 bucket of sawdust and 2 buckets of shavings are taken. Sawdust is easily replaced by a flax bonfire or hemp stems, this will not affect the composition.

What are the requirements for the placeholder? First of all, it is important to choose their size correctly. Large sawdust is not recommended, because when the products come in contact with water, they can increase in volume. As a result, the block may collapse. If you use too small particles, then the consumption of cement mixture increases. The recommended particle size is 15 or 25 mm long and not more than 2-5 mm wide. Raw materials should not have leaves and other impurities.

Warning ! Larch and freshly cut wood of any species are not added to the composition of arbolitic solutions. It is forbidden!

Flax bonfire

Flax bonfire is a full-fledged aggregate added to the solution. Since sugar is present in it, chemical additives are necessarily used. To improve the quality of the finished mixture for blocks, the fire is pre-treated with limestone milk, in the proportion: 200 kg of fire for 50 kg of lime. Then everything is aged for several days in a heap, after which everything is ready for the production of wood concrete. Thanks to this technology, cement consumption is significantly reduced. On 1 m 3 arbolita requires 50-100 kg of cement.

Important ! If the flax bonfire is used in its usual form, then hemp stalks require some processing. They need to be crushed beforehand.

Due to the fact that the organic waste contains substances that are soluble in water, including resin acids and sugar, this prevents good adhesion between particles. To eliminate sugar, wood chips must be kept in the air for 3 or more months, or treated with limestone. In the second case, the mixture is aged 3-4 days. The contents are mixed 2 times a day.

Mineral binder

You can’t do it yourself without an astringent. It makes arbolite blocks durable and masonry friendly. Portland cement of the M400, M500 or higher grade is used as an astringent.

Its consumption depends on the type of aggregate, particle size, brand of cement, characteristics, etc. In order to orientate a little, you can determine the consumption in this way: coefficient 17 must be multiplied by the required brand of arbolite. For example, you need to prepare a solution, brand 15 (B1). In this case, 1 m 3 of arbolite will require 255 kg of cement.

Chemical additives

The properties that arbolite blocks have are directly dependent on chemical additives. Their use is mandatory in any case, no matter in which climate the work is performed. Thanks to additives, the aggregate can be used without aging, because they neutralize sugar and other substances, which improves the quality of the finished blocks.

As such additives can be used:

  • water glass (sodium silicate). Closes all pores in the wood, so moisture does not get inside. Used after sugar removal;
  • slaked lime. It breaks down sugar and kills microorganisms in sawdust;
  • sulfuric aluminum. It breaks down sugar very well. Thanks to the component, the composition gains strength faster;
  • calcium chloride. Kills all microorganisms and gives wood anti-decay properties.

Sulfuric aluminum and calcium chloride are considered the best additives. The proportion of additives is 2-4% by weight of cement, or from 6 to 12 kg per 1 m 3. Additives can be combined with each other.

Proportions for wood concrete blocks

To make arbolite blocks with your own hands, it is important to know not only the composition, but also the proportions. The ratio of all components to each other is as follows: 4: 3: 3 (water, wood chips, cement). Chemical additives - 2-4% of the total mass.

To make 1 m 3 do-it-yourself wood concrete from which blocks for masonry will be made, you will need:

  • 300 kg of wood waste;
  • 300 kg of Portland cement;
  • 400 liters of water.

Calcium chloride or another chemical is added to the solution. This is a classic composition that can easily be made with your own hands. All that is needed: a concrete mixer or a large container for stirring, buckets, shovels, forks (for manual mixing) and all components of wood concrete. The workflow is as follows:

  1. The filler (wood chips) is poured into a container and moistened with water. Then adhesion to cement will be better.
  2. Then, cement with additives is gradually added. The contents are thoroughly mixed in a concrete mixer or with your own hands, using a pitchfork.
  3. It is time to add water in which chemical additives have already been dissolved. Everything mixes up again.
  4. Both cement and water need to be added not immediately, but gradually, in small portions. So the mixture will be easier to mix and the components will be better connected together.
  5. After the solution is made, it must be placed in prepared molds so that they take the form of blocks for masonry.

This is the composition and proportions of a mixture of arbolite blocks, which you can do yourself. All that is required is to be careful and strictly adhere to the instructions for its preparation. Below is a table that will help you understand what brands of arbolite are and what are the proportions of the components for its preparation.

What mortar is used for masonry

This is a logical question. After all, if arbolite is a specific material, then maybe a specific solution will be required for laying arbolite blocks? No. Arbolite blocks are placed on a regular cement mortar, which anyone can do. It consists of cement, sand and water. The ratio of components is 3: 1. Water is added until the solution acquires the desired consistency. This mixture is ideal for DIY masonry.

So, knowing the composition, proportions and technology of kneading arbolitovogo solution, you can make blocks for your purposes.

In construction, several types of consumables are used. But along with the traditional silicate brick and cinder blocks, a new type - arbolite - became widespread. For its manufacture, waste from the wood industry is used.

Properties of arbolite blocks

Before considering the properties, advantages and disadvantages of arbolite - it is necessary to determine its composition and specificity of the equipment. As a basis, wood chips are used, which is added to a solution with water, cement and other chemical additives.

There are regulatory documents that detail the requirements for the properties and characteristics of arbolite - GOST 19222-84 and SN 49-82. They need to be studied in detail before designing a mini-machine for the production of wood concrete.

For the production of building material, it will be necessary to form chips with certain geometric parameters. Optimum dimensions should be 40 * 10 * 5 mm. Otherwise, the desired properties of do-it-yourself arbolite blocks will not be achieved.

Production features and equipment parameters:

  • structure. Approximate ratio of components: cement - 200 kg; sawdust - 125 kg; sand - 450 kg; calcium chloride - 4% of the total mass; water - 220 l .;
  • optimal sizes. Length is 25 cm, width - 5-10 cm; height - 3-5 cm;
  • minimum amount of moisture in the chips. An integrated approach is needed to solve this problem. First, preliminary drying is performed, and then chemical components are added to mineralize the composition.

Do-it-yourself equipment for the manufacture of arbolite blocks can be configured to produce two types of building materials: heat-insulating or structural. In the first case, the density should be at least 400 kg / m³. For thermal insulation of walls, you can use products whose specific gravity is lower than this indicator.

Despite the presence of wood chips in the composition, moisture is practically not absorbed due to preliminary mineralization. That is why do-it-yourself arbolite blocks are used for the construction of baths and private houses.

Complete line for the manufacture of wood concrete blocks

An important stage is the preliminary preparation of raw materials for the production of do-it-yourself arbolite blocks. A chip of the appropriate shape can be harvested manually or a simple chip cutter can be built. To do this, make a shaft on the surface of which make cutting edges. The chip trap is a casing mounted on a cutting element.

After harvesting the raw material, it goes through the preliminary drying stage. Additionally, sawdust can be added to the composition in the ratio to chips 1: 1. The humidity level should not be higher than 5%. Then, the process of forming finished products is performed. To make them at home, you will need the following minimum set of equipment:

  • chip cutter;
  • concrete mixer. With its help, the solution is kneaded;
  • forms. Its dimensions should correspond to the above dimensions;
  • vibrating table. It is necessary for uniform distribution of material in the mold;
  • pressing machine. Under pressure, building material is formed;
  • device for carrying blanks. After pressing, arbolite will still be fragile enough. Therefore, for transport to the place of drying, special portable devices are needed.

The greatest difficulty is the production of a home-made vibrating table and a pressing machine. They are the main equipment for the manufacture of arbolite blocks with their own hands.

The closest analogue of the machine for arbolit is a device for the formation of cinder blocks. Its design can be taken as the basis for the production of a home-made line.

Arbolite Block Production Line

The best option is to make a homemade vibrating table, as well as a small hand press for the final formation of building material. In the future, they can be used in equipment for the production of cinder block, paving slabs, etc.

To produce a vibrating table, you will need a support frame and a steel worktop. The latter will be mounted on supporting springs. Vibration occurs due to the movement of the eccentric located in the center of the countertop.

The mold must have a removable bottom. After the final formation of the product, it is placed on a wooden stand and transferred to the drying zone. As a press, you can use any home-made design. The optimal linkage scheme.

For the mass production of DIY blocks, you need a professional line. Its cost depends on performance and configuration.

The video shows an example of production with a minimum equipment line:

Arbolitic blocks - lightweight building material for the walls of low-rise buildings. It is made from wood chips, sawdust, water, chemicals and cement.

Industrial arbalite blocks are in the form of parallelepipeds of the correct configuration. They are made by pressing a mixture of wood chips and mortar using special equipment. This type of building material is also known as wood concrete. This type of building material is easily manufactured at home with the necessary ingredients, equipment and technological requirements.

Scope and classification of arbolite bricks

Arbolitic products belong to the group of lightweight concrete. The scope of their application is determined by the density characteristic of this building material:

  1. For thermal insulation of rooms.
  2. For walls that do not experience structural stress.
  3. For the construction of utility buildings, outbuildings.

Arbolite is classified according to the density of dry material:

  1. On thermal insulation - with a density index of less than 500 kg / m 3.
  2. On a structural one - with a density indicator of 500-800 kg / m 3.

According to the basis used to fill the mixtures, arbolite is isolated from wood chips, straw from rice, hemp bast, spent cotton, and linen fiber.

  Arbolite blocks, technical specifications

Technical indicators of arbolite blocks made according to GOST and their dependence on other factors:

  • Hardness - 0.35-3.5 MPa. This characteristic depends on the composition of the mixture, the brand of cement, the quality of sugar neutralization. It is crucial for creating a block of a given density and strength.
  • Density - an average value of 400-850 kg / m 3. The manufacture of arbolite blocks suggests that this characteristic is governed by a change in the proportions of cement and organic filler. The higher the average density, the stronger the product.
  • Thermal conductivity - 0.07-0.17 W / (moS). The greater the proportion of binders used in the manufacture of the mixture, the higher this indicator. A low thermal conductivity indicates the product has high thermal insulation properties, and indicates a low block strength.
  • Frost resistance - 25-50 cycles. This characteristic determines the maximum permissible indication of seasonal consecutive freezing and thawing, which the building material withstands without undergoing complete destruction. Processing walls with plaster or other protective materials increases the rate.

  • Shrinkage - 4-5 mm / m or 0.4-0.5%. The indicator is directly dependent on the average density of the material - the lower the density, the higher the shrinkage.
  • Water absorption - 45-80%. Compared with the popular building material - foam block, this figure is higher, that is, the water repellent property of arbolite is 3-4 times lower. Arbolitic blocks need additional protective measures and treatment with waterproofing drugs.
  • Vapor permeability - 0.19 mg / (m h Pa). High value of the indicator, similar to vapor permeability of natural wood.
  • Sound permeability - 126-2000 Hz. The high value of the indicator, arbolite blocks practically do not need forced sound insulation.
  • The maximum number of storeys of a building made of arbolite blocks is 2-3 floors with the corresponding weight of the floors.
  • The cost of this material is about 90 EUR per 1 m 3.

Arbolite blocks, construction: advantages and disadvantages

Arbolite blocks are a unique material that optimally combines a wide range of positive, useful characteristics with a small number of shortcomings. The advantages of this building material are as follows:

  • High resistance to bending loads due to the fillers used in the manufacture. The main quality of the building material is the protection of surfaces from cracking during vibrations and shrinkage.
  • High aerobic and anaerobic properties. The material is not susceptible to decay, does not create conditions for the development of fungus and mold in the volume.
  • The manufacturing process of arbolite blocks is environmentally friendly. The composition does not use carcinogenic organic ingredients. The finished brick during the life of the product does not emit harmful substances, does not dust, does not cause allergic reactions.
  • Fireproof material, does not support combustion, has a high resistance to high temperatures.
  • Resistant to mechanical stress, shock force, abrasion.
  • High variability. Arbolite blocks, the dimensions and shape of which are determined solely by imagination, allow the production of building bricks according to individual parameters and specified dimensions for an exclusive structure.
  • The material is well processed and holds fasteners securely.
  • Arbolite blocks have a low specific gravity. The ability to build buildings with a light foundation. For decorating internal and external surfaces from wood concrete, any kind of finishing materials is suitable.
  • The ductility of the block is maintained even after it has completely dried. By absorbing additional loads, the unit is compressed to 10% without damage to its internal structure.
  • Low thermal conductivity of the material allows saving on building heating.

Arbolite blocks have only one drawback - a high level of water absorption. The only drawback is easily removed by applying a special protective coating.

Equipment for the production of wood concrete blocks

The manufacturing technology of arbolite blocks requires the organization of a small plant with specific devices. Production of wood concrete blocks, equipment of paramount importance:

  1. Sliver trap.
  2. Capacity for the mixture.
  3. Vibrosieve.
  4. The falling table.
  5. Shaking and shaking table.
  6. Insertion into the form.
  7. Detachable form.
  8. Metal pallet shape.
  9. Installation of vibration.

At home, arbolite is prepared from a specific mixture. The required size is obtained in special makeshift flasks. The mold is made from ordinary wooden crates, upholstered with linoleum inside. Arbolite is laid in the mold layer by layer, in 2-3 runs, each layer is carefully tamped. The last layer is not smoothed, but left uneven, the distance to the edge of the sides is maintained about 2 cm, it is filled with plaster mortar. Recommended holding time of the block in the form of at least 24 hours.

For mass production, a machine for arbolite blocks is used. The productivity of such equipment reaches 50 blocks per hour, the cost is from 120 EUR.

Technology for the production of arbolite blocks and the necessary materials

The composition of arbolite contains cement M400 / M500. To give products high strength, it is possible to use a different brand. Filler for concrete are small wood shavings, homogeneous wood chips, sawdust. The deficit of any of the listed filling ingredients is replaced by improvised materials: needles, foliage, bark. The required percentage of the added substitute is maintained, it should not exceed 5% of the total mass of the main filling material.

The fractional size of the fillers is monitored. The limitation is up to 5 mm in thickness and no more than 25 mm in length. Organics are preliminarily passed through a grinder, crushed to a specified size. The prepared mixture is mixed with cement mortar.

In factory conditions, organic sugar neutralizers are necessarily added to organic matter and organic waste. A measure necessary for the binding and elimination of sugar, adversely affecting the strength of the finished arbolite. A common inhibitor is aluminum sulfate and calcium chloride.

The production of arbolite at home excludes the use of chemicals because of their shortage in the free market. Without the sugar splitting reaction, the prepared mixture begins to “ferment”, the gases swell the surface, forming voids and defects in the volume.

The ability to exclude a negative process exists. Waste from wood is dried in a ventilated room or in an open space for 3.5-4 months. Under the influence of heat and convection, natural drying and evaporation of substances dissolved in water, including sucrose and their derivatives, occurs. Only fibers with a low, acceptable cellulose content remain in a dry tree.

The process of mixing the solution:

  • Wood pulp, organic filler are loaded into the crusher, crushed to an acceptable consistency.
  • To completely neutralize sugar, fine wood pulp is mixed with dry cement and immersed in a 5% -10% lime solution. Withstand up to 3 hours.
  • Throw the mass to the screen. Allow liquid to drain.
  • If necessary, water is poured into the viscous mass, mixed until homogeneous, so that a pasty thick gruel is obtained.
  • Make a mixture taking into account the proportions of the basic materials: 4 parts water, 3 parts cement, 3 parts filler.
  • The finished mixture is centrifuged in a concrete mixer until the lumps and clots are completely broken.
  • Check the mass for readiness. The quality mixture is friable. When compressed, it retains shape in the hand, does not blur and does not deform.
  • The mixture is loaded into the molds before solidification.
  • Ready arbolitic blocks are taken out.

Construction from available material is carried out as a homemade brick substitute arrives. A properly organized and debugged process allows you to get with manual kneading up to 100 pieces per day.

Useful information about the manufacturing process of arbolite blocks

  • The solution of wood and concrete is mixed in a concrete mixer, for high-quality breaking of lumps.
  • If the finished mass turned out to be viscous rather than friable, it is dried in a natural way, a quarter of the cement norm and a quarter of the filler norm are added.
  • When sawdust and shavings are kept outdoors, they need to be mixed from time to time with a shovel. If this is not possible, the mass is treated with calcium oxide. In 1 m 3 of raw material in this case, 200 l of a 1.5% solution is necessary. The chips and sawdust treated with the solution are left for 96 hours, stirring every 6-8 hours.
  • To speed up the process of solidification of the mixture, dry calcium chloride is added to it.

How to make your own arbolite blocks, the video plot will tell in detail and intelligibly.