Husky training. Husky training as an educational process.

There is an opinion that Husky training is a very difficult and difficult task, which is not always effective. However, this is not quite true. Dogs of this breed are by nature very clever and quick-witted, therefore it is not very difficult for them to learn the commands for them. However, owners must be able to find an approach to them and cope with the self-sufficiency and independence of these dogs.

Husky breed standard describes in detail the character and temperament of these dogs. According to the standard, Huskies should be friendly, empathetic, attentive, with the makings of a leader. These are smart and docile dogs that can be both pleasant companions and working dogs.

Character traits and training

The nature of the husky is due to the origin of this breed. Since the Huskies were withdrawn to work in a team in harsh climatic conditions, they are not only extremely clever and able to work in a team, but also know how to make decisions and act independently, obedient to their owner. In addition, often the mind of these dogs is manifested in their stubbornness and the desire to "check" the owner and learn the limits of what is permitted.

Therefore, training Husky involves primarily the choice of the right approach to these dogs. First of all, the owner should always lead the host dog in the relationship. Only then will the husky respect and obey him. The method of training is also important. To use the mechanical method of training is not worth it, as well as the method of "carrots and sticks".

The most suitable for the Huskies are taste-stimulating and imitative techniques. In the first case, the correct behavior of the dog is encouraged and fixed by the delicacy, in the second, the husky is trained in groups of several dogs, and younger animals learn by imitating more adult and experienced ones.

What type of training to choose

Very much in question, how to train husky, decides the age when the owner begins to engage in dog training. It is best to start doing this when the puppy is 4 months old, then he will have enough time to consolidate the commands studied.

Not be superfluous, and visit the training site at the dog club. It may even be necessary for a husky, because dogs of this breed are used to working in a pack, and other dogs will create the necessary working atmosphere. In addition, an experienced instructor will always be able to explain and correct the mistakes of the owner and the dog.

Today, there is a large selection of sports with a dog that are great Huskies. Among them - agility (overcoming obstacles to speed), flyball (flying ball), frisbee (flying saucer), as well as a lot of classes and competitions in sledding, which is just perfect for huskies. In this way, it is possible not only to keep the husky in excellent shape, but also to give him the opportunity to throw out all his energy.

Husky training is necessary so that living together with a dog is comfortable for both the owner and the dog itself. Huskies are very intelligent and energetic dogs, and if we properly approach the issue of their training, they will become true and very reliable friends to their masters.

Husky training is special: these dogs themselves are fundamentally different from all breeds common in European countries.

In these animals, people tried to cultivate qualities that would help in solving the problems of owning property: its protection, protection from attacking enemies.

Animal trainers could pursue opposing goals - the dog was taught to be an offensive weapon.

Siberian Huskies are not intended for any of the listed activities: for hundreds of years he has lived in a world where property is all that is around.

She, according to the dog, cannot be mastered alone: ​​you can conquer the immense open space in a flock completely subordinate to a powerful being who knows what, why and when you need to do to achieve the goal.

The husky is not interested in security, the dog hardly understands who it is and what it is necessary to bark at.

The leader used to command his own kind and obey man.

Knowledge gives you the opportunity to answer the questions before buying a dog - why and how to train huskies.

Greater freedom implies responsibility: on the way, the leader independently determined the path, without asking the owner and not succumbing to the obstacles.

The rest unanimously dragged the traces, not daring to stop or slow down: the flock independently punished the sloth.

The genetic memory of the conditions of the former life dictates to them the line of behavior - to work with full dedication by itself, to evaluate the efforts of others, to find their own shortest path to the goal.

Developed the same way as its ancestor - the wolf. The dog in all extraneous beings, except the person, sees a potential victim.

The dog is dangerous to the surrounding cats and other domestic animals. If from the first days the dog lived with the cat, and on the street it will be indifferent to their appearance.

The dog treats people differently - it often changes owners, like teams, and therefore is not accustomed to give preference to someone alone.

The dog does not distinguish outsiders: it can perceive the stranger as a potential threat to itself, but not to the owner’s property.

Attempts to inculcate aggressive skills in relation to people to the domesticated wolf can lead to the fact that the embittered dog will seek to destroy all those who are weaker than him at the moment.

Dog in the apartment, in the house, aviary

Characteristic characteristics of the Huskies, in the home, are most often manifested as:

  • badly “hears” the teams - she trusts her feelings more than the owner;
  • studies the world, tries all the available items "to the tooth";
  • she is able to educate and train others so she can teach them as she sees fit - the dog bites the household, growls, demonstrates superiority;
  • independently decides how to survive, often disregarding the opinions of other creatures living next to her: she can change her pack or find another, more generous breadwinner.

The owner is left with two choices: mounted on a concrete floor, or become the leader of the pack in which she will feel useful.

Experienced breeders note the fearlessness of the huskies, so the methods of threats and beating on the animal have little effect.

At the same time observed: Husky likes to monkey. The dog adopts many habits and habits of neighbors in the aviary or other members of the pack.

It is better to protect huskies from borrowing the qualities of working dogs - the dog, as a rule, only imitates unusual behavior.

However, training based on the imitative and rewarding method is considered basic for huskies.

At the same time, the methods of punishment remain relevant. Helping a dog is helped by techniques not so much painful as subordinating.

These include:

  • even strict voice;
  • confident behavior;
  • inflexibility, consistency in achieving the goal.

It was these methods that brought success to the Huskies - dogs used them in their nomadic life.

Do not be stubborn - he is persistent in achieving the desired. But the dog is able to obey someone else's strength when he realizes which side has an advantage.

To demonstrate your own will, you can increase the complexity and intensity of training with the dog: make it run to exhaustion or compel you to overcome fear.

It will help, for example, training on the stairs with the exercise at the height.

A more radical way to subdue the Huskies is a way to restrict the freedom of movement.

For example: using a hand grab with the palm of the dog's withers, with a strong movement you need to press his head to the ground and hold until the resistance ceases.

Often an effective method, used in extreme cases, is a tether or closed close enclosure.

At the same time, it is necessary to make sure that the husky does not outwit the trainer: the educational measure should not end with a triumphant victorious march of the dog that broke off the leash or undermined the fence.

The main thing in education is good manners.

Training, training husky puppy begin from the first minute of his appearance in the apartment - the owner must show by all appearance that he made a firm decision and determined once and for all:

  • the place where the dog will live - in the bedroom, in the hallway, in the armchair or in the space provided, may be in the aviary;
  • the items with which the puppy will play - shoes, pillows or own toys;
  • kokov will be developed at the dog skill to the toilet anywhere or in the right place;
  • how the dog will eat - from the hand when it wants something tasty, or in time - to eat (from five times a day to one, depending on the age of the dog).

Husky initially should be dependent on the leader.

At first, the baby must be taught to recover in one place.

On the street, the dog should be able to walk side by side - on a leash, in a muzzle, not breaking free.

Training animals should lead to the knowledge of the teams, prompting them to the toilet, to speed up the procedure.

Huskies, like all animals, are great pedants: they value uniformity in behavior, setting, and events.

They learn the skills of good behavior, if they are supported by incentive methods: a friendly attitude, a tasty prize.

The animals will understand the consequences of undesirable actions if the host’s reaction to them is immediate.

The task of training is to instill in the dog decent manners, without violating the mental structure - not having aroused in it viciousness or cowardice.

Training will be more successful if during its carrying out to use the same commands, gestures, voice intonations. The second prerequisite for training is the time of classes.

Exercises should be accompanied by physical games with physical activities: entertainment with toys can be an additional means to teach the dog to perform commands.

The first exercises will not require significant effort. The dog will respond to the nickname, if, for a start, to call him before the meal.

Next you need to teach to perform the command "to me!". She is accompanied by the call of the dog by name, stimulated by a benevolent voice, a toy, occasionally refreshments.

To educate a dog that is more busy with itself than with the execution of commands you need with the help of gaming, role-playing training: a naughty puppy can be prompted to search for the owner, hiding from him or moving away for a long distance. Call must be continued.

In no case can not run for the baby in the apartment - the dog must strive to find the owner to get a prize.

The habit of the toilet is also brought up. The cuvette is placed in one place, there 15-20 minutes after eating.

The learning process is accompanied by praise. With the success of the repetition of action skills at the end of the procedure, you can consolidate the game, snack. This should be done immediately after the dog completes all the actions.


No matter what breed you have a pet, it must be brought up and understand the basic commands so that during walks without a leash it does not frighten passersby. Check out this video clip and learn how to teach your pet simple commands.

Training Siberian Huskies has its own characteristics associated with the unique character of this fun and independent dog. He can become the best friend in the world and a companion or a headache for the whole family, it all depends on whether you bring him up correctly.

June 10, 2013

Features training Huskies

Huskies have long lived side by side with a man, sharing with him the shelter and lunch, warming him in the cold nights. Husky sledding team could take the owner to the house even when he himself had already lost the road in a blizzard a long time ago. Small children were left with them, without fear that the dog could cause harm. At the same time, the domestic pack was often forced to independently feed itself, hunting like wolves. Under the influence of living conditions, the main features of the Husky character were formed: firstly, independence, and secondly, inability to harm a person. Of course, it is impossible to say for sure that absolutely all representatives of this breed behave in the same way, however common features can be traced. They are very active, playful and need regular physical exertion.

Husky training: where to start

Start off train your husky  it is necessary already when he appeared in your house. Basic training begins at the age of six months under the guidance of an experienced dog handler, but even before that you can do a lot. First of all, the owners themselves need to clearly develop a single line of conduct and strictly adhere to it. Otherwise, your dog simply does not understand what is required of him, because one person praises, and the other scolds him for the same thing. The baby should have a place where he will sleep, a bowl of food in which exactly as much food will be poured as his age, and a bowl of clean water. In addition, he will need toys, and the more, the better. Over time, he will choose one, chief, master, and it is this person who will assume the main responsibility for the upbringing and training.

Basic principles of husky training

1. Lack of physical punishment

Popular and effective with other breeds "method of carrot and stick" will not work here. Only "gingerbread", and the more the better. Praise your puppy for correctly executed commands, encourage him with a small delicacy. If he misbehaves, try to distract him with a toy.

2. Repeatedly repeated

Despite the fact that the Huskans seize everything on the fly, they do not always unquestionably fulfill all the commands of the host. These dogs are easily distracted by more interesting, in their opinion, things (for example, a running cat). Give them the basic commands 10-15 times a day and wait for execution. If a husky does not obey you, distract him, think of a way to make him obey, and then praise him. For example, instead of running up to you with the words “to me”, the puppy tends to run as far as possible or begins to flirt with you. Show him an interesting toy, wait until he comes to you, then clearly say "to me" and praise the baby.