Can I work at night and lose weight? How to lose weight while sleeping

Lose weight during sleep ... It sounds tempting, is not it?

Each of you will be able to get rid of extra pounds while in the arms of Morpheus, if you follow my advice.

Still can not believe?

But in vain, because this is not far from reality fiction, but pure truth.

Today I will talk about 11 ways to help you lose weight while you sleep!

1. Consume fiber daily

To improve digestion and eliminate bloating, you need to eat a lot of fiber.

The daily fiber rate is easily obtained from fruits, vegetables and whole grain products.

This is the golden key to losing weight at night.

I am absolutely convinced that 5 servings of vegetables a day will do their good thing!

2. Drink plenty of water.

Drink 9-10 glasses of water a day. This will help maintain a healthy fluid balance in the body.

In addition, you will forever forget about the swelling that occurs due to dehydration, because in such a situation, our body begins to retain moisture.

Do not forget about it and not only when losing weight!

3. Dance!

Dancing is a great way to burn calories without resorting to exercise.

Today, there are many video games, such as "Wii Fit", which allow you to dance to your favorite music and at the same time observe the consumption of calories.

Great motivation!

I love to dance with my two daughters. It brings us together great!

4. Reduce sodium intake

Can excessive salt intake cause overweight?

Too much sodium causes the body to retain moisture, which means bloating is provided to you.

When purchasing certain products, pay attention to the presence of this substance in them.

If you limit yourself to 1.5 grams of salt a day, you will certainly lose weight every day and become slimmer and slimmer!

5. Avoid late snacking.

I know how difficult it is sometimes to fall asleep without a late snack.

But if your balanced dinner consists of protein and complex carbohydrates and is accompanied by light fruit snacks, then you are more likely to avoid craving for food at night.

And how often we used to send snacks in the mouth because of the banal boredom!

Do not do this and be able to get rid of extra pounds in a dream, and in the morning feel full of strength and energy!

6. Sleep in the right clothes

I love to sleep in tight shorts and a T-shirt, because it reminds me of how important it is to be slim and fit.

Despite the fact that I go in for sports and work as a fitness instructor, it is often difficult for me to stick to a healthy diet, and tight-fitting clothing helps to fight against food temptations.

If I feel that the shorts are getting cramped, then I immediately understand - it's time to revise the diet and training schedule.

Do not wear loose clothing, because it harbors the hidden factor in gaining extra pounds.

7. Think positive

If you keep a positive attitude, then you are more likely to eat regularly, exercise, and generally lead a healthy lifestyle.

Optimists generally achieve more and, as a rule, are much more successful in all aspects of life than pessimists and negatively-minded people.

So stop frowning, get rid of oppressive thoughts and allow yourself to be happy! This is a pledge of excellent health and healthy sleep, and therefore the body!

8. Avoid certain foods.

There are a number of foods that cause bloating. Therefore, eliminating their diet, you will wake up and see a flat slender tummy!

Avoid vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage, onions, artichokes, asparagus and legumes. In addition, wheat bread with bran is also not recommended for consumption.

Try to refuse these products and notice the difference within a few days.

9. Forget about soda

If you want to see in the morning that the arrow on the scales has gone down, forget about carbonated drinks once and for all. By the way, this is beer.

This may seem difficult for some of you, but losing weight is worth it!

Small bubbles in the drinks that you love so much are the perpetrators of extra pounds and bloating.

10. Chew food thoroughly.

It would seem that it could be easier than chewing?

However, think about how many times in a hurry you stuffed food into yourself, without really chewing on it!

During the meal, do not rush, and you will feel satiety even before you finished the dish, which means reduce the number of calories consumed and be able to lose weight.

In addition, it will facilitate the process of digestion.

11. Use spices

Foods such as black and chili peppers, as well as vinegar, can trigger the release of stomach acid, which causes bloating.

To improve the taste of food and do not harm the body, try using fresh or dried dill, basil, mint, sage, tarragon and rosemary.

I hope that the tips I have given will help you lose weight right while you sleep!

Do you feel bloating in the morning?

How to deal with this phenomenon?

When I first heard the name of this diet, then honestly, I thought that this was some kind of special diet ... at night;).

But it turned out, the meaning of this diet is to make our body burn fat faster while we sleep! I was very interested in this technique, because I like to experiment :)

Efficiency secrets

In order for the metabolism to occur at night faster, you need to meet several conditions.

№ 1. Healthy, high-quality sleep.. Without this condition, no diet will be effective. The body reacts to lack of sleep with a slower metabolism, which instantly affects weight.

№ 2. Hormones in order. As you know, impaired hormones is becoming one of the causes of excess weight. And between hormones and sleep there is a connection!

For example, the amount of such a hormone as leptin(which in translation means “slim”) affects the feeling of satiety, and its decline causes a desire to eat. And the reason for the decrease in the level of leptin can just become lack of sleep.

Cortisol  or a hormone that is produced in response to stress. With its increase, metabolism slows down, and a long excess leads to the deposition of fat on our body. And so that this does not happen, you should try to take care of your nerves and not be under stress for a long time. And again, this will help a healthy sound sleep!

Melatonin. This hormone controls the endocrine and immune systems, the brain, slows down aging and is involved in the process of burning fat during sleep. The main condition for sufficient production of this hormone is a deep sleep from 10 pm to 4 am. With a constant lack of sleep or during sleep in a lighted room, the hormone stops producing, and this leads to constant overeating, and as a result - excess weight.

No. 3. Products. Of course, dinner also plays an important role. Therefore, there are certain foods with a minimum of calories that are recommended to eat shortly before bedtime: baked apples (as they are easier to digest), dairy products and tomato juice. Also, cherry, chamomile tea and honey (products that are richest in melatonin) will help normalize sleep.

And it is better to give up energy drinks, heavy fatty foods and carbonated drinks forever, and not just before bedtime.

The practical use of knowledge about hormones

For me it has always been a problem to go to bed in time, usually it is well past midnight, I would say, closer to morning. But realizing that lack of sleep threatens to seriously disrupt the hormonal background, and as a result, the metabolic processes of the body, I force myself (like my husband, by the way) to go to bed early with titanic efforts, otherwise no diet will help you lose weight.

After 4 months of hard work on this issue, we go to bed no later than 23.30. Of course, the ideal time is 22.00, but we are working on it :)

So losing weight at night is even possible, but only during a healthy, deep sleep!

Educational cycle on

The desire to become slimmer makes all free time to be actively looking for a miracle diet that will start the process of burning fat in the body, not only during the day, but also during sleep.

The idea of ​​such a diet is attractive and not devoid of meaning. There are several conditions and a number of products that encourage you to speed up the metabolism during the night rest period.

Condition number 1. High-quality and healthy sleep

High-quality and healthy sleep - the main condition of the night diet.

Physics of the body's behavior during sleep is as follows: at night, a person switches to diaphragmatic breathing, thus filling blood b aboutwith a large amount of oxygen and at the same time massaging the internal organs, which allows speeding up the metabolism.

There is an opinion that the less time is spent on sleep, the more you can spend on an active life, and, therefore, burn more calories. But the body reacts to the lack of a hormonal disorder - as a result, we get a constant feeling of hunger and frequent snacks.

Condition number 2. Hormones that affect weight

Hormonal balance in the body provides a normal hormonal balance, which affects the endocrine system, thereby regulating the weight of a person. All metabolic processes depend on the ability of hormones to function within the normal range.

To regulate weight and sleep with the help of control over hormone levels, it is necessary to know which processes in the body are responsible for a certain hormone.


  The name of the hormone translates as "slim." The amount of this hormone in the body affects the feeling of satiety that a person experiences. A decrease in leptin levels causes a desire to eat, because the brain receives a signal about the need to replenish fat reserves.

The reason for reducing the level of leptin may be lack of sleep - so night's sleep should not be less than seven hours.


Cortisol or stress hormone protects the body from negative effects on the human nervous system.

With an increase in its level, on the one hand, it starts the anti-stress mechanisms, and on the other, it stops the process of metabolism. As a result, being in a stressful situation, there is a desire to seize stress, which leads to instant weight gain.

You must try to avoid the causes of negative situations.

At the same time, healthy sound sleep and other ways of relaxation will calm the nervous system and prevent increased production of cortisol.


The hormone is produced by the stomach, sending signals to the brain about the feeling of hunger.

Increased consumption fructose which is especially abundant in carbonated drinks and fruit juices, provokes the stomach to intensified ghrelin production. Thus, the uncontrolled consumption of foods containing fructose, increases the feeling of hunger and, consequently, leads to overeating.

To be sure of the normal hormonal background of your body, you need to analyze the level of hormones - and then adjust your diet and streamline sleep.

Condition number 3. Tryptophan

Tryptophan is an amino acid that stimulates conversion serotonin in the body and is responsible for a sense of peace and emotional stability.

The lack of tryptophan, in turn, causes an insufficient amount of serotonin, which affects sleep, concentration and causes headaches.

When as a child my grandmother poured you a glass of milk before bedtime - she, not knowing about the processes taking place in the body, was right! Milk contains a significant amount of tryptophan.

A glass of warm milk for the next dream will increase the content of tryptophan and help to relax.

Condition number 4. Melatonin

The value of melatonin as a regulator of many processes in the body is difficult to overestimate. Melatonin controls the human endocrine system, the frequency of sleep, the workings of the brain and the digestive system. And the most important thing! - participates in the processes of burning fat in a dream.

The condition for producing enough melatonin is deep sleep between midnight and 4 am

It takes a few minutes during which melatonin enters the fat cells, acting on the receptors and activating the reserves of fat, turning it into energy.

Those who are forced to stay awake at this time are more susceptible to obesity.

Condition number 5. Products for healthy sleep

Correction of your menu will help get rid of the problems of night sleep.

Products containing high amounts tryptophan:
  - eggs;
  - nuts and sesame and sunflower seeds;
  - bananas;
  - potatoes.

You can also add to this list: mushrooms, dried dates, milk and dairy products, soybeans.

The richest melatoninproducts:
  - cherry;
  - chamomile tea;
  - honey.

Consuming foods to normalize sleep, do not forget about rejection of harmful foods and habits.   These include:

  - carbonated drinks;
  - energy;
  - drinks containing caffeine, that is, coffee and strong tea;
  - heavy and fatty foods;
  - garlic and spicy foods that can cause heartburn.

Alcohol and cigarettes should be excluded from your life as a habit that harms the whole body.

Observing the conditions of the "night diet", there is a real opportunity to lose weight not only during the day, but also at night.
  With one caveat: only during a healthy sleep!

Everyone probably heard about losing weight at night, but it's hard to believe in that.

Making the body lose weight is work on yourself and is quite long. Those who have achieved success on the way to creating a healthy and beautiful body will certainly agree with this statement.
   The site systematically refutes the myths about the magical method of losing weight, which will make you lose an incredible amount of kg without any effort in the shortest possible time.

At first glance, and this article will be such a refutation, it is too magic to burn fat in a dream without any effort. But, we will say at once - you can lose weight at night and this is quite natural. Best of all, night weight loss is most likely due to fat.

  We will not scatter empty phrases and delve into the physiology.

Recall what is the main exchange. Details written in the article. Here we say briefly.
  Basal metabolism is the minimum level of energy required to maintain the vital activity of the body in conditions of relatively complete physical and emotional rest.

It is possible to describe in more detail how energy is spent in a state of relatively complete physical and emotional peace:

  • exercise the functions of the nervous system,
  • constant synthesis of substances
  • work of ion pumps,
  • maintaining body temperature
  • the work of the respiratory muscles of smooth muscles,
  • heart work
  • kidney work.
  In other words, our body needs energy always and even when we sleep.

And now a simple calculation.
If you take it very roughly, the main exchange is energy costs in the amount of 1200-2000 kcal per day. Everything is strictly individual, here we take the average rating for understanding the question of the article. You can calculate your main exchange on the page

We sleep about 8 hours, that is, 1/3 days. The average basal metabolic rate of 1500 kcal / day is divided by 3 and we get energy consumption during sleep about 500 kcal.

  For comparison,
  500 kcal can be spent for 2 hours of walking at an average pace,
  in 1 hour of swimming or
  riding a bike.

If you are interested to know how much you spend on different types of physical activity, then use the calorie consumption calculator

The result - at night, we spend an amount of energy comparable to a good intense hour workout. And this is every night.

You can go into the calculations further.
  1 kg of fat in the human body is about 7800 kcal. If we divide 7800 kcal by 500 kcal, we get 15.6. That is, just 2 weeks during a night's sleep, you can burn 1 kg of pure fat.
  Sleep and lose weight!

This calculation is very easy to check in practice.
  Weigh yourself before bedtime and immediately after waking up. If the accuracy of your scales allows, you will see a decrease in body weight of 50-100 g, which in 2 weeks will be 1 kg. Here we accentuate, weigh in the morning without going to the toilet, a pure experiment. In general, the difference between morning and evening weight is about 1 kg.

There is a simple question. If this is the case, then why aren't we losing 1 kg of weight in 2 weeks, and many people on the contrary get fat and suffer without success in trying to lose weight?

What prevents to lose weight at night

  The answer is extremely simple.
  Fat is the supply of energy for a rainy day. The body will never spend reserves if the energy supplied from food is enough for it. To lose weight you need to eat less than you spend. In other words, create a shortage of calories (energy), which the body takes from fat stores.

To calculate whether you have this deficiency, you can in the food calculator and calorie consumption calculator. There are no other methods, well, if you only rely on luck. After all, it is possible that in a random way you will eat less for several months in a row than you spend.

Why at night weight loss is due to the burning of fat

  We explain the energy reserves in the human body are not only in the form of fat.

Look at the table below. It describes where and in what form a person has energy reserves. The mass of a person in the example is 70 kg.

The saddest thing is when our actions force the body to expend precious muscles, not fat. Precious, because the muscles are beautiful and the muscles require energy even at rest, which means that the greater the percentage of muscle mass in the body, the more intense the metabolism, higher basal metabolism. And more precious, because they are extremely difficult to build and very easy to burn.

With fat, the reverse story is that it is easy to recruit, it is extremely difficult to burn, it does not require energy and is our “insulation”, which means it reduces the body's costs for heat production. Conclusion - the more fat, the slower the rate of exchanges, including basal metabolism, the more difficult it is to create a calorie deficit and the more difficult it is to make the body spend this fat.

Here we say again briefly. This wonderful hormone burns fat and builds muscle mass. And we write about him, because It is active at night and the peak of production is about 2 o'clock in the morning. That's the whole secret of amazing night weight loss.

How to increase night fat loss

  Given all the above, we can draw simple conclusions. It is possible to increase the amount of fat burned during the night by actions in 2 directions:
  1. at night as little energy as possible should flow
  2. it is necessary to stimulate the production of somatropin
We will explain on 1 point

  Protein digestion takes a lot of energy, because the splitting of complex large protein food compounds is a long (4–9 hours) and energy-intensive process. 1 g of protein carries 4 kcal, but on average 30% of this energy is spent on digestion and absorption.

For comparison, we say that the digestion and assimilation of simple carbohydrates begins in the oral cavity under the action of saliva and after 30 minutes without special energy consumption, glucose can be absorbed into the blood.

Simple example

Tablespoon honey:
   30 grams - 100 kcal - all 100 kcal will be absorbed in 30-50 minutes;

Skim cheese:
  100 grams - 90 kcal - 60 kcal will be absorbed in 3-5 hours.

Simple conclusion:
  in the evening it is highly undesirable to eat simple carbohydrates (list of products), since a lot of incoming energy will not allow the growth hormone to perform its wonderful function

We will explain on point 2

The main stimulators of production of growth hormone

  • physical exercise;
  • low blood sugar (below 3.3 mmol / l);
  • starvation;
  • protein foods;
  • stress;
  • the amino acid arginine.
  The second time we mention the benefits of protein foods in the evening.

We get very simple conclusions.

To effectively lose weight while sleeping:

  1. create the right calorie deficit
    (details about this)
  2. eat protein food in the evening or do not dine at all
    (only without further disruption, do only those actions that are comfortable for you)
  3. in general it will be great if you can train every few days a week in the evening
      (only if it subsequently does not interfere with falling asleep)
  That's all!
  We wish you success on the way to a dream!

2017-08-25 12:04:00

Director of Samara Research Institute
dietetics and diet therapy,
doctor of Medical Sciences,
nutritionist and psychotherapist
M.M. Ginzburg

Lose weight even at night

We all know that evening, or, even worse, night food is more likely to lead to weight gain. In general, in the opinion of many, it would be better after 6 no-no. And often people who are preoccupied with the problem of weight often have a lot of energy to spend on food in the evening. There is a whole range of techniques on this account, for example, instead of eating, drinking unsweetened cocoa, or eating more tightly when you can and go to bed early, or go to the cinema instead of dinner. Or just endure in the hope of getting used to over time. Perhaps they are helping someone, perhaps somehow they manage to drown out the pangs of hunger and fall asleep. But what to do if you do not have to sleep at night, so to speak, on duty? If you work not during the day, but at night? Then how to eat, what mode to observe? Ate half past five, and go hungry all your working day (night)? For most, it is completely impossible. How not to eat at night? .

However, most often all these requirements are not so important. Well, you eat after 6, well, you eat at night, if your food is quite lean, it does not lead to any weight gain. Lose yourself. In general, we should have long ago abandoned this unknown norm from which it was taken — the ban on evening meals. To lose weight it does not help. On the contrary, the observance of this norm turns out to be so painful that a person is constantly on the verge of collapse. And all because the evening type of food is intrinsic to us from nature. About a third of people in the morning go to work without having breakfast at all, they don’t like to eat in the morning. Many have breakfast only because they find it useful. But no one refuses dinner because he does not like to eat in the evening. There is no such!

Well, it turns out that losing weight while working at night is no more difficult than when working during the day? No, one problem does exist. But it is not connected with the forced night food. The thing is that with the nature of the night work a person often breaks the structure of sleep, lack of sleep develops. And this state definitely prevents losing weight.

While we are sleeping, our endocrine gland, the epiphysis, located between the hemispheres of the brain, produces the hormone melatonin. This hormone has many regulatory functions. He directs the daily rhythms, the work of other endocrine glands, affects the metabolism, in particular stimulates the breakdown of fat, affects mood: the deficiency of this hormone contributes to the development of depression. There is evidence that high-grade melatonin production is one of the factors for increasing human longevity. Conversely, if melatonin is not enough, if its synthesis is disturbed, then a person is much more likely to become overweight, much more often develop arterial hypertension and coronary heart disease.

The specificity of the situation is that melatonin is better synthesized during a night's sleep, and, which is very important, in a well-darkened room. It is enough to turn on the light in the room where the person is sleeping so that the synthesis of the hormone is disturbed.

So it turns out that if we have a disturbed night’s sleep, if there is a chronic lack of sleep, then we are in a bad mood, we have slowed down the processes of splitting fat, and we again and again need food, and we would eat more tasty, that is, more fat and sweet. How much weight loss is there ?! We at least keep the weight that we have!

And so the problem of losing weight with the nature of the nightly work entirely comes down to organizing a good sleep. Can you sleep? Perfectly! Problems with losing weight will not. Can not? All the time, go with the dream “sleep!” ?, it means that it will be very difficult to lose weight, and it is almost impossible to save the result. By the way, everyone is concerned. We sometimes concentrate all our attention on dieting, find out how much almonds can be eaten per day, whether it doesn’t hurt marshmallows for dinner, but completely neglect the need to fully sleep. Examination sessions, experiences at work, care for young children, the habit of staying up late at the computer, watching TV, it seems to us that this has nothing to do with weight gain or weight loss. It turns out that it has the most direct.

So, sleep should be given the closest attention. Sleep, this is serious. Try to go to bed early, so that you wake up without an alarm clock. See that the bed, the mattress, the pillow, and the nightwear are comfortable and the room is well ventilated. It is better to sleep without a night lamp and other light sources.

Especially for those who find it difficult to escape from thoughts swarming in their heads and fall asleep. Thank God, our head does not know how to simultaneously solve more than one problem! Impose on your brain a process that will most likely help you fall asleep, concentrate on those sounds and rustles that surround you at this moment. The task, each of them is mentally called. Start with the distant ones, with those that are heard from behind the window, then move on to the nearest ones, finally move on to the sounds of your own breath. You hear the breath, you feel fresh air filling your lungs, you feel how the air warmed by your heat leaves your body, and so on.

If at night you work instead of sleep, then your task is to ensure that you compensate for the loss of nighttime sleep as much as possible. Requirements are the same, returning home, do not sleep at the table, or in a chair, stay in a comfortable bed, it is better to take a hot soothing shower before going to bed. Be sure to achieve maximum reduction in illumination and extraneous annoying sounds. You can use different devices - opaque eye patch, earplugs ... It is advisable that the duration of daytime sleep be 1-2 hours longer than the usual night one. Follow the same rule and if at work you manage to sleep for several hours in a fitful manner - the total duration of sleep should be somewhat longer than you normally sleep at night.

How to determine whether you are sleeping enough and whether your sleep is complete? Feel good! If you are vigorous enough, full of energy, fully spend your leisure time, if the feeling of exhaustion does not pursue you, then everything is fine, the losses are compensated. But at the same time I must warn you - the nighttime wakefulness is atypical for a person, it is not in his nature. We are day animals! The night schedule always requires additional pressure from a person, which means there may be more likelihood of emotional breakdowns, depression, and frequent colds. Therefore, if there is an opportunity to change jobs and return to our usual daytime lifestyle, do it!

Now, as for food. The most important thing! You should not use the hungry modes for the night work. They will create additional stress for you, which is enough for your schedule. This “treatment” can only end with a breakdown and a new round of weight gain.

Much more benefit will be from smooth gentle weight loss techniques. For example, try to eat more often. Such a diet creates a constant feeling of satiety and food comfort, and it is much easier for us to control our diet. Use snacks while working. It can be a slimming cocktail. You can buy it in a pharmacy or prepare it yourself (a mixture of kefir or ryazhenka with low-fat cottage cheese in a 1: 1 ratio with the addition of a tablespoon of boiled buckwheat). For snacks, you can use crackers, dried houses of lightly salted bran or rye bread. Feasible limit fat intake. Before eating, no matter at work or at home, you can also use grams of 100-150 cocktails to reduce appetite and improve nutrition control.

And naturally, we should not forget about toning walks. The optimal time for such walks is in the evening before work. By the way, it would be nice to take a walk on the way home from work. But this time in a quiet, soothing pace.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, nutritionist, psychotherapist Mikhail Ginzburg,