Dogs do not let sleep do at night. Why the dog sleeps with the owner in the same bed

The situation when the dog wakes up the owner at night is far from the most pleasant life moments.

Waking up at 2-3 nights, the owner of the four-legged is forced to "scrape" himself out of bed and take the animal out onto the street. So what do you think, how vigorously will he feel at work after such a nightly adventure?

What to do in a similar situation and how to determine whether the four-legged really needs to urgently go out into the street, or does he simply manipulate you?

Why is the dog asking to go out at night

There can be several reasons why a dog wakes up its owner at night.

  • If you still have a very small puppy, then you need to walk it often enough, including at night. So the baby will quickly understand that going to the toilet is only needed outside.

It is recommended to walk with puppies up to six months approximately every 3-4 hours. After six months, the number of walks can be reduced to 4 times. An adult animal (after a year) is enough to walk 2-3 times a day. How to teach a dog to the toilet on the street, you can read by walking on.

If you want to sleep longer, special attention should be paid to the tail.

If you feed your baby a naturalka so that he can sleep better and wake up as little as possible, feed him at night with clean meat with vegetables or fish.

Before bedtime you need to give about ½ the daily norm of meat. The dog will sleep more calmly, because meat products do not contain as much water as in other products that you feed the puppy.

How to feed a puppy with a naturalka from one month to a year you can see.

  • The next reason why a dog wakes up the owner at night may be an upset stomach.

Any owner of a quadruped must know how his pet behaves in any given situation. When he feels well and when he feels unwell. So when you are upset, you should immediately determine whether your pet wakes you up just like that, or it is really bad for him.

If a dog has an upset stomach, it is immediately apparent by its behavior. The animal rushes about the apartment, runs up to the front door, showing you in every possible way that he needs to go outside, breathes noisily and often with an open mouth, presses the tail.

For the reasons why your pet has a disorder, you can read in the article:.

  • Schedule.

If your dog is accustomed to a specific daily routine, when on weekdays, before you go to work, you walk it at 6 am, then on a day off, a mohnatik will raise you exactly at 6 am, since you are used to making your own affairs

  • Another one, I must say a fairly common reason why a dog wakes up its owner at night is that the animal is trying to manipulate you.

The four-footed wakes up and starts to wake you up. He “wanders” around the apartment, walks up to your bed and starts “biting” you with his wet, cold nose. Or he will sit down and look at you intently, and sniff so disgustingly.

Well, somehow our Jekusik does it!

What to do if without any reason the dog wakes up the owner at night

If the dog wakes up the owner at night, first of all, you need to find out whether or not your pet really needs to go outside. Or is he just trying to manipulate you?

The animal always does everything for its own purpose. Pesik just slept, and he wanted to play with you, go for a walk. And he will “probe you” to see if you will do everything at his first will.

And if you go with him, then you will just every day gradually undermine your authority as the "leader of the pack."

If a dog wakes up its owner at night without any reason, then your task is to make it clear to the four-legged that what he demands will not bring the result he is waiting for.

And if the pet understands that you will not react to his every whim, he will calm down and stop “getting hold of” you at night.

Ways to wean the dog wake the owner

If a dog wakes up its owner at night, then there are several ways to wean it from this habit.

  1. If the four-legged woke you up in the middle of the night for no reason at all, pretend that you continue to sleep. Do not react to his whining and wheezing. Many quadrupeds, having realized that after a whine, they will not achieve anything, they simply stop doing this and go to sleep.
  2. If after a whine, the dog comes up to you and starts licking you, loudly, clearly, in a calm voice and confidently say: “No!”. To make the dog understand, you can even pat her withers, and then continue to sleep again.
  3. If the tail sits and looks at you, while continuing to whine and sniff, you can try to launch in his direction a small, soft object, for example, a pillow. The effect of surprise will work. The dog will understand that for its behavior, which is undesirable to the owner, it is waiting for discomfort. But in any case, do not throw in the animal itself, and the more heavy and hard objects.

To summarize, I want to say that if a dog wakes up its owner at night, you must be adamant and stand your ground, no matter what it costs you.

Suppose you do not sleep a few nights, but clearly let know the tail that you decide everything here, and that only depends on your desire, when to go outside, and when not, when to start the game and when to finish. What exactly you are the “leader of the pack” and your desire is the law.

And if you learn to achieve your goal in such situations, then after a few days, the four-legged will simply forget and stop waking you.

What do you do if your quadruped wakes you up at night for no reason at all? Share your experiences and ways to wean shilopopika from this bad habit.

Take care of your pets!


Kids who have recently changed their surroundings are all unfamiliar and scary. They are afraid of new smells, objects, sounds, so they cannot fall asleep at night, even if they want to sleep. Puppy needs to be reassured - gently stroke him, talk to him comfortingly. But do not put him to sleep next to him on the bed. So he, of course, will calm down faster, but in a dream he can fall. In addition, when the pet grows up, then wean it off to sleep on your couch will be more difficult. Therefore, do not make even exceptions: any ban is calculated forever. The dog will not be able to understand why sometimes you can sleep on the bed, and sometimes not.

First of all, take him a separate bed. It is better to adapt the box for this by putting a litter in it. Or buy a special dog booth. Put it next to your bed so that the puppy feels protected. You can first put it right on the bed, and when he falls asleep, rearrange it on the floor. Gradually, the dog will get used to its place and will return there to sleep.

Puppies usually sleep about 18 hours a day. So that at night the dog can fall asleep, do not let it sleep for a long time during the day, wake up more often, often walk in the afternoon, play with it in the evening, go for long walks. Entertain your puppy and feed it with meat before bedtime. A tired baby will sleep soundly at night.

If the puppy can not learn to sleep separately, hang your hand out of bed and place it next to it. The feeling of closeness of the owner will calm him down and allow him to fall asleep. Put a favorite toy on his bedding or pour warm water into a plastic bottle wrapped in a soft cloth or terry towel. The puppy remembers his mother's warmth and will sleep better. Water can be changed as it cools. If at night the dog woke up and began to play, do not support him, drive him away. Soon she will be bored and fall asleep.

As cute as your puppy can be, it can annoy you at night. Puppies are full of energy, they can wake up very quickly and for no reason at all start barking, whining and running around the house at night like crazy. Schooling to the cage or paddock and regular exercise will help you go through this rather complicated way to restore your normal sleep schedule.

Pump energy from your puppyplaying with him all day long. Puppies usually play for 30 or 60 minutes, after which they lose almost all of their energy and replenish it after sleep. If they do not find a suitable way to spend their energy, then most likely they will make you listen to their barking. A game, a crazy chase around the house, or a short walk will help you get your puppy to lay its head on its pillow at night.

Let your little buddy stroll   just before bedtime. Try a little walk before bedtime or let him out into the yard, this will help prevent cheekbones and barking. If he wakes you up in the middle of the night, then he probably should take a walk or run again.

Plan your last meal schedule   about three hours before he goes to bed. This will help you to ensure that he does not wake up because of hunger in the middle of the night and does not go looking for something to eat.

Begin to teach him to cage or corral. Schooling a cage will provide your puppy with shelter. At first, he will probably hate her, but soon he will learn to love his new refuge, where he will feel safe. After training, he will also look for him every time he gets tired. During training, while he is in a cage, never pay attention to him until he stops whining, and teach him no more than 2-3 times a day for a maximum of one hour. When you sleep, put a cage or pen in your room to help your puppy relax better.

Make the cage comfortable enough. Place a comfortable place to sleep inside the cage and, if necessary, cover it with a blanket. Protect your puppy's new shelter from light by covering its upper part with a sufficiently dense material. Puppies can sleep literally on anything, but a soft surface will always be more attractive.

Ensure minimal noise. Puppies do not tolerate external stimuli, especially sound, when they try to sleep. Therefore, before going to bed next to the puppy is not recommended to create excess clutter or talking loudly. The less noise, the greater the likelihood that he will not wake up and will not jump and run to check what is happening.

Put in a cage a quiet, non-squeaking toy that will help occupy your puppy if he is too agitated to sleep. Use only safe toys that it cannot break or destroy while you sleep.

Do not disturb your pet's nap during the day. Puppies need a tremendous amount of sleep compared to us, which may well reach 18 hours a day or more. If they do not get regular sleep, they can become moody, like a child, which also leads to barking and whining.

Never shout or discipline your puppy while it is wandering or when it is time to sleep. No matter what you do or what steps you take, the first few nights with a puppy are likely to be tough. After he adapts to the house and his new environment, he will sleep at night much calmer.

Never give in to your puppy's barking and cheekbones. Unless he needs to go out in the middle of the night, ignore him. If you try to calm him down, or, even worse, think that he just needs a pair of slaps with a belt, he will know that this belt and a couple of screams will ensure your coming and his salvation.

Problems of old dogs: fear of loud sounds, noise, poor sleep, cognitive disorders, inability to carry new pets in the house. More can be read.

Fear of noise

Some older dogs begin to react painfully to strong, harsh sounds. It seems that it should be completely opposite to this, because an aged animal often loses hearing. However, unstable work of the nervous system and limited movement to remove itself from the source of noise, causes severe stress in the animal. It is important to determine which sounds irritate and frighten her. For example, there may be a sound of a vacuum cleaner, a doorbell, a thunderstorm. It is important to take into account that people often do not hear some of the sounds that animals hear. For this reason, you need to associate the behavior of the animal with sounds from the street. Treatment of phobias can include medications and exercise. For example, if a sound is detected, play its recording at the lowest volume and reward the aged pet if it is not intimidated. After a few days, the sound can be increased, and the reward is given for the absence of fear.

The dog howls and barks

Stress in an old dog can lead to loud barking, screaming and howling. The reason is the fear of separation, a means for attracting attention to oneself, especially if the animal cannot independently approach the owner due to a decrease in mobility, a desire to attract attention to oneself, experiencing pain or hunger. The motivation for such behavior should be determined and measures taken to help the pet. You can also distract the animal by throwing aside a small ringing object. Perhaps the dog is just sad and she wants to attract the attention of the owner.

The dog does not sleep at night

Some old dogs become restless at night, awake, walk around the rooms, bark or howl. Most likely, the animal experiences pain, the need to defecate, appetite agitation, anxiety from the limitations of hearing or vision. Any medical measures that eliminate health complications will be a major contribution to solving the problem of poor sleep in a dog.

Cognitive dysfunction

According to scientists, more than half of dogs older than ten years old experience at least one of the symptoms indicating cognitive disorders:

  Disorientation in space. An animal can even get lost in its own house, yard, which is called “getting lost in three pines”.
   The dog is awake at night.
   The animal forgets that it is only possible to defecate outside the house.
   Manifestation of passivity.
   Loss of mindfulness
   The dog ceases to recognize the host friends or family members.

First you need to exclude the physiological factors of such phenomena. For example, the loss of hearing prevents her from capturing the host’s commands, which seems outwardly inattentive. Then the veterinarian can make a diagnosis of cognitive dysfunction and prescribe the appropriate drug treatment.

Adapt to new pets

Since older animals often cannot cope with stress, purchasing a new pet (puppy, kitten, etc.) in the house will be a mistake. However, if the old animal does not have serious health problems, sees and hears well, does not experience cognitive disorders, then the new pet in the house will not be a problem for her and the owners.

The phenomenon of when a dog is sleeping with the owner in the same bed is quite common. Surveys showed that about 65% of dogs sleep with their owners in the same bed.

Should you let your beloved four-legged do it? Is it safe for the pet owners themselves? And what is the true reason why the dog sleeps with the owner in the same bed?

Let's see this today.

How does a dog develop the habit of sleeping with its owner?

Most often the habit of sleeping with the owner is developed at puppy age. The kid just appeared in your house, he was just separated from his brothers and sisters. And, of course, he suffers greatly from this. Wandering around the apartment at night, begins to whine. And when the owner takes the puppy in his bed, he, undoubtedly, begins to feel warm, caring, and calms down.

Put some of your things in his cot so that the animal feels your smell and does not feel alone.

Quadruped helps you sleep

For those who have problems falling asleep, it is very good if the dog is sleeping with the owner. This is especially true of children who fall asleep in an embrace with a four-legged feel safe.

How to drive the animal out of bed

All owners of quadrupeds should know if a dog sleeps with the owner in the same bed, then you risk undermining your authority as the leader of the pack. Therefore, you can only be allowed to sleep with you if you are completely confident in your pet. In no case should an aggressive and dominant animal be allowed on the bed, no matter how pitifully he looks at you at this moment.

If you have not noticed, and the tail has already managed to jump on the bed, then you should command "Fu!", And with a slight movement to push the pet, forcing him to jump. But for this, your four-legged must clearly know what the command "Fu!" Means.

How to train your dog commands you can read.

Make this process a game, do not forget to praise your pet after he leaves the bed.

If you have already firmly decided that your four-legged should not sleep with you, be consistent, do not allow the fact that today he is sleeping with you, and tomorrow you are chasing him. By this you only break the psyche of the animal and make it worse. A couple of sleepless nights, and the dog will get used to sleep in a place equipped for it. Of course, from time to time, he will still try again to get to you under the barrel. But once decided - NO. Be adamant.

Well, today we talked to you about all the pros and cons of when the dog is sleeping with the owner in the same bed.

Whether the four-legged will sleep with you, or not - each owner decides for himself.

Our Jacks is sleeping with us. And I'm already worried if, after the light goes out, he does not immediately come to me. And when this little fluffy little ball, curled up under my side, begins to quietly snuff in his “leather” nose, I calmly fall asleep.

And how are you?

Do your furry pets sleep with you?

If so, how?

Share your impressions and emotions.


    Our dog does not have the slightest desire to sleep with us and it sometimes saddens me (In puppyhood, we deliberately did not take her to bed, but she didn’t ask for it even once. From the first minutes in a new house I loved my “house” with 3 pillows (we bought a playpen, brought a puppy home and the first place she went is to this playpen.) Now she is 8 months old, I take the bed in the evening, she will lie down for 5-20 minutes and leave, but in the morning, after the first alarm, she always runs, cuddles and falls asleep

  • my cody is sleeping with us since puppyhood. Kyskin winter climbs under the covers and puts her head on the pillow on my side. so we sleep back to back …… when running into my house, somehow it doesn’t make me comfortable that no one shoves you in the back, he’s still pushing ……… I don’t get enough sleep, but I can't fall asleep without my beloved.

  • My boxer Jessica is a huge and heavy dog ​​for 8 years very well brought up and a peace-loving dog, she likes to sleep with me like a person on a pillow under a blanket). Everything is nothing but now she hugs me with her legs, buries her nose in my neck and puts her head on my shoulder and instantly falls asleep. At this moment, I feel strange, it seems she is completely confident that she is not a dog, but a kind of person who just looks different and can not speak.

  • We also have DRT, a girl of 10 months. He sleeps with us on my side under a blanket or on a blanket (according to the weather)
      In bed, jumping only by invitation, does not cause any inconvenience to me.
      When a husband is on a business trip, falls apart in his entire half.
      In general, we have a megasocial dog, always with us. I am sitting on the sofa - she is near, I am in the bath - she is following me, even to the toilet, pardonte, she walks with us ...

  • My Young Rhodesian Ridgeback is also sleeping with us. We sleep and the dog and cats. But I am so cool that from one side my husband, from the second cat Rex, the legs of the carpet and my dog ​​Young, and on the head the cat Jasna😆. I think this is certainly not the rule, but I can’t do anything, I myself suffer without my animals. The dog should not have been taught at all, because he is a rather aggressive dog and more than once we fought with him, which of us is more important. Until he grabbed me, but I did not use force. He understood that I can defeat him and become quiet. But he seems to me from the Bear, and not from the wolf. Loves to create a den from a blanket, sucks and champs a paw and growls. Generally I sleep with a bear. I feel that I sleep with a friend, but a wild huge animal. And I really respect trainers of trading and bear. Wild animals are dangerous, but they obey and love their owners. Although they can gobble up.

  • And my love is also sleeping with me) Although she has her own couch and even when her husband doesn’t let him go to bed, Monica will only hear him snore and my head will lie down on my stomach or the whole cannon will jump on me). month on the bed at all to jump, although not a puppy, picked up from the street was about 1.5 years

  • We have a German Shepherd. She is not from our childhood, I took her when she was 5 years old. She always slept with me, but after I got pregnant, she never sleeps with us, there is a lot of space, the bed is big, but for some reason she avoids me :(

  • I have Akita Inu, a little panties. 1.5 years old to us, afraid of everything)))
      He sleeps with me, because when I was a puppy and she was brought she slept on the balcony (not closed, there was a blanket, everything was as it should) and began to whine, I had to go to bed with her))))
      a year later, still sleeping with me, the room has become like protection, in any not clear situation, goes to sleep))
      Already, as the team knows, you say “Hati, let's go to sleep,” immediately crawling up the stairs to the room ^ - ^

  • 99% in the article-nonsense 🙂 The author is clearly not a professional dog handler. But I’m not talking about that) The dog has NO and there has never been any domination to a man since he is NOT a dog) But myths and fairy tales have long been known about this in the heads of owners of various small dogs (In the North, children sleep from birth between two dogs Breathing in the air a child receives protection, as the dog's skin releases substances that kill bacteria, and this has also been known for a long time, but obviously not among the various Ridgebacks whose owners hardly communicated with veterinarians and dog specialists.
      About me: Caucasian Shepherd (male) and Husky (girl) sleep on the sides of my carcass warming me. There are no problems either.
      Getting rid of fairy tales and other nonsense is your own business)

  • But now I will raise such a delicate topic ... But what about, pardonte, with Intimate ???)) o_O Petty Schen (3 months) constantly shows a desire to sleep with us, and before going to bed, after the evening games, I embrace it with myself I begin to bathe sweetly right on the floor) Sometimes I just want to let him go with us, but the thought is disturbing - is it time to start and have to forget about the marital night duty?)) In general, who can cope with IT?))))

  • I'll start this way:
      I have a bed in the corner of the room and my girl (Rhodesian Ridgeback) always slept at my feet (I sleep with my head to the door, and usually fall asleep on my left side, in the middle of a single bed, facing the wall).
      We took it in 2.5 months and did not suffer the first week of the whim, we took it to the room for 3-4 nights. Then she immediately jumped into my bed (and not my mother's, which is right next to mine). Since then, she sleeps with me.
      Only in the summer she will lie down, make sure that I go to bed and dozed off and goes to the floor, away from the heat. And I am glad that we both agree here.
      When I lay my head against the wall, she does not understand where she is now in bed. Somehow I almost sat on my head. Clearly upset when I go to bed.
      For quite some time now (we are now 2.5 years old) I started to go differently: first I would not sit down at the legs, but closer, sit according to the tradition, peck at my nose and lie down, my stomach to my stomach. I don’t know what caused it, it’s quite warm in a room at night, that I sometimes sleep without a blanket, and it has become more and more so.
      However, at any time I can easily drive out of bed to bedding, where she conscientiously asks until morning or afternoon, no matter how I get up. It rarely happens that after a few hours it goes back to the legs or to the stomach.
      Do not tell me what it is?
      Healthy, vaccinations all on time (rarely with a delay of a week, if there was no time)
    Sometimes, even before bedtime, they lick a blanket or me (if something sticks out from under the blanket) to holes or wet spots that dry for about half an hour.
      Here it is.
      I hope for an answer.
      Thanks in advance for your attention.

  • No, they are not sleeping. To be honest - I am against animals in bed, IMHO, unhygienic. Both the cat and the dog are weaned off from it, although there were, of course, attempts, especially when they were small =) Friends who have animals, I I tolerate it when they come and sleep with a man, but at home I don’t allow it - after all, they have beautiful sun beds, let them sleep on them, and I prefer that no one except my husband was in my bed)

    If everything is processed and vaccinated, then it is not dangerous (of course, if the child is not a baby). I read that children are even better at developing immunity and the absence of allergies - I think there is a grain of truth in this.

    Good day! What does a staf-hobytsovskaya dog mean?
      A fighting dog is a dog that participates in battles! It is not worth all the same comb))
      I have a staff, almost 9 months, he loves absolutely all children and behaves adequately in the presence of new people in the apartment. At night or before leaving the apartment, I simply close it in a cage, so that I would not do stupid things.

    If the author has his favorite sleeps with his daughter, then this is good, the pack instinct is very well developed in this breed, he is comfortable with his daughter, and in case of that he will defend to the last. Example from personal experience, my dog ​​listens to me perfectly (even despite the fact that the dog), and in the case when it’s late in the street to meet drunken bodies, “the boss, you are the leader, you will understand yourself.” When a girl / mother / sister walks with Odin, Odin includes Alfach, who will tear it any in case of danger (this is in view of the fact that he hears them not so seriously as me.

    It's a shame just when people adhere to the principle of that gray mass, which, at the sight of a person walking peacefully and a staff / pit / rottweiler, will better go to the other side of the road with the words “good for me”)))

  • Jack visited us in the same family, from where his mistress took him, she did not like something, and then he came to us. And from the first day, he began to fit on our feet, wherever we are. And for a week we struggled not to take him to his bed ... but since this is not our first dog, we were much bigger and sometimes slept with us, we thought that there was little Jack Russell ... He has been living for the third year and almost never there is no one. He is always near))

    I was given a 2-month-old chihuahua yesterday, and the first night he slept with me on my shoulder! I have a question, I need to teach him to sleep on his bedding, or while he is just a crumb and you need to let him sleep with him until he adapts ???

  • Our Josie (Corso) sleeps only with me, tried to sleep with her husband, but wakes up at night and comes to me. If we arrive late, a wild squeal and slobbering kisses to a pulp. Waiting at the door of the shower, and wherever possible wherever possible. She walks along like a shadow. I love my girl, she is good. She trembles to the horror, loves to lick her feet, I have forbidden her not to touch me, but with both her husband get pleasure It leads me out of a state of calm. A son does not listen, plays on an equal footing, it can even bite a little, only my team “Cannot” calm it. let her know that it was she who came to the family, and not the children?

  • A strange reaction to the letters of people with such breeds as Amstaff, Rottweiler, etc. What does it mean to dominate? A Chihuahua does not dominate ??? Perhaps you need to put an emphasis on NATO, that you need to bring up dogs, and not here if you begin to dominate. Our pit bull slept with us at the end of her days, loved and respected us. And we are not not humiliated. Of course, if the Dog is not adjusted, then it will dominate. And more often it happens with fine breeds. Since much is removed from the hands. Ah, small and not dangerous.

    Hello, my puppy is 1 month and 2 weeks old. Her name is Quince (Russian Hunting Spaniel). She whines every night and ask for bed and I let her to me. I would like to know whether this will interfere with the training. It’s just that I’ve been reading everyone everywhere and they write somewhere that in no case you can’t let a puppy into her bed, she’s supposed to dominate, but somewhere that you can let her go. To believe it is not clear ...

  • Hello to all. I will share my)) I have a Maremma, Max, we are only 3 years old) it all started the same way - he came to our family as a puppy at 1.5 months. Sometimes I took to bed when I got used to the house. then we began to wean, and he couldn’t jump onto the bed himself, and once Max got to jump and he realized that he could climb onto the bed by himself))) One day they showed me a photo - I sleep in the middle of the bed, and from the edge on my side height * I mean the entire length of the bed) stretched out my maremmka)) now often sleeps just beside the bed, stretched out. but if I wake up, he goes to me)) will lie down next to him and poke his face into his face))) and head on the next pillow)) in the evening I show him right next to the bed, and he reacts normally, lies there.) He walks everywhere after me, went to the kitchen - close by, went to the bathroom - close by, get out of the bathroom - it lies in the corridor in front of the bathroom door, waits)) then we go further and together again))) you cook in the kitchen - it lies in the living room, asleep) and how much joy when I return home ... I have a private house, and in the evening he is waiting at the gate and having already seen from afar all his height on his hind legs at the gate and pushes his face through it - “kiss”)) I love my Maxik))

  • We have two dogs, Labrador and Chihuahua, they love to play in place despite the different sizes and strengths !!! So, a chihuahua (chihuahua) likes to sleep in a place with everyone when everyone in bed has turned off the light and covered with a blanket, only then does he come to bed either on his head or under his clothes, and then you start to feel the heat from his fur. And the Labrador is sleeping on the floor, for some reason he doesn’t like to sleep on a bed, why don’t I know? He probably has little space: (That's the way Unas dogs sleep in the family! And how are you ??? :)

  • But I have three dogs: two bullmastiffs and a cane Corso, and all three very much like to sleep in our double bed or sofa. They don’t want to be in other beds, lately I notice that the bull-mastiff dog jumps on the bed and licks my face, hands, throws my hand up with my nose and whines, already 4 days long, mb due to the fact that the bitch is in heat and close. Well, to sleep with them is very good, my Corso lies on his pillow with his head, stretches his legs and sleeps, does not even move, so as not to be kicked out)))).

    for a month I taught my Spaniel to sleep on my bed, once I called him and he didn’t even let her ear out. Strongly surprised. He approached him to stroke. There was no such thing. I don’t know how to react to this.?

    And our sleep when with us, when at home.
    They took her with them to the tour base, and there the floor was cold in the hull. Naturally I had to take her with me to bed. I might not mind, a warm body nearby. And there is no walking and clapping claws in the middle of the night.
      But she shoved awfully! Paws, back, ass. Anything you can shove. In the end, if you sleep together - the night turns into a push-pull.
      Our breed is mixed. Border with dachshund. Stubbornness from dachshunds, mind from Border. It never happens boring)

  • I started a mongrel, and from a young age he tried to sleep with me, I certainly could not chase him, after a few months he had already reached 60 cm at the withers! And sleeping next to me, and I let him! I want to say about dominate and so on. He is not inclined to this, and is always looking for my support. I leave him with the children, as I leave, he begins to react to every noise in the stairwell, and does not let him to the door! And now he is lying next to him, and not that everything is fine, it gives you a good night’s sleep, but can regularly do it, 😆

  • Weiss was taken from the street. Weiss, about seven months old, looks like a gray-gray German Shepherd (Most likely a half-breed).
      He has his own rug with plaidica, but recently I began to notice that when I leave, he will safely go to sleep on my couch. I went to take a bath, come back, and it already fell apart.) When I'm not in the room, he even asks not trying to climb. What does this mean? Is it normal?

  • I have a Jack Russell Terrier, taught him to sleep on the bed with me, and the last year he bites my legs at night, but yesterday very much to the blood and procuses bit my hands when I wanted to hug him. He also does not allow to get out of bed, and sometimes guards the place and does not allow to go to bed. I don’t even know what to do, most likely only castration will help.

    Our girl is 1,5 years old and about half a year ago she started to snap at us when you try to move her on the bed.
      The fact is that the wife taught the dog to sleep with us since puppyhood. I am always against it! And now she snaps to blood from me.
      I'm trying to put it in place that would not be brazen.
      She is afraid of our whole-vacuum mouse dryer on R / U for every rustle twitches and barks. On the street for a long time does not walk immediately drags home and on the street is afraid of everything and the tail presses

  • Valya, it is not necessary to resort to such radical measures as castration. The dog simply decided that he was an ambush and turned slightly brown. Try to adjust the behavior under the guidance of an experienced canine at your place of residence. On YouTube many videos can be viewed on this topic. The same channel of Antoine Najarian, for example. Dogs, like children, require special attention and constant education. Good luck!

  • i have a dwarf Doberman pinscher, also sleeping with my head on a pillow and under a blanket, also grumbling when I disturb her, or else she climbs onto the pillow and kicks me out of the pillow with her legs. very funny.