Business plan for the extraction of natural water. Selling water for bottling is a business that pays off in record time.

The drinking water market is changing more and more every year. People are increasingly refusing to use tap water, preferring to purify water through special filters or by buying bottled water. But neither one nor the other solves problems with clean water. Therefore, a new type of service appeared on the market: selling water for bottling. Why is this happening? Is a new activity profitable? Start-up entrepreneurs need to find answers to these and many other questions. After all, perhaps this service sector can become an important and profitable business.

Analysis of the water market today

Before you start planning a bottling business, you must carefully examine the existing market. And the situation here is as follows. The choice of drinking is represented only by two sources: you can buy a special filter and clean the water at home, you can buy bottled drinking water from plants that produce drinking water. The disadvantages of such services are more than enough.

Conditionally cheap is the method of water purification using a filter. Conditional, because the filter itself requires constant replacement and has a rather short lifetime, otherwise the water will not be cleaned, but the opposite will be the reverse process. In addition, the best home filters can not cope with one hundred percent water purification and underbalance and quality level.

As for the purchase of bottled water, the price comes first. Such water becomes more expensive due to the fact that 90 percent of the cost of a bottle of water is the cost of a container. Because of these overpayments, not every family can afford to buy water for drinking, and even more so for cooking or washing dishes. And again, the dubious quality, which does not depend on the water itself, which may be different, but on the storage conditions, compliance with all the necessary standards and timing of implementation. Under abnormal conditions, high temperatures, direct sunlight, exceeding the expiration date, the plastic bottle begins to release toxins that poison the water, causing it to become unusable.

As we see, there is an acute shortage of high-quality inexpensive water in the market, which can be an excellent start to a profitable business.

How to establish a business selling water for bottling?

There are two schemes by which you can organize the sale of water for bottling:

  1. Implement water through specialized kiosks, bringing water from artesian wells. Suitable for small cities with a small distance from the source of clean water.
  2. To implement water through vending machines that are connected to the city water supply system with water purification using reverse osmosis. Suitable for all localities, including for cities-millionaires, such as Moscow.

The second option with vending trade is more versatile and can bring greater profitability with less time and money spent on organizing a business, so a novice entrepreneur should pay attention to it.

What is vending and how does it work?

The vending device for the sale of water is similar to the familiar coffee machine. It is installed in the most crowded places and is connected to the city water supply system. The functionality with which it is equipped, allows to achieve water purification to the level of 1 category, premium class. The buyer comes with his container, inserts it into a special hole, lowers the money and gets clean water. The cost of such water is 10 kopecks. But the retail price is 2 rubles per liter and above. It is not difficult to calculate that the profitability of a business is more than high.

Advantages of the vending machine in comparison with water trading through kiosks:

  • The minimum need for space placement.

To install a vending machine you need only 1 square. m. square, so it is convenient to place absolutely anywhere, and the cost of rent will be minimal.

Important. Grocery stores, supermarkets, parking lots, gas stations, and courtyards of residential areas can be called the most successful places for vending water vending machines.

  • There is no expenditure line to pay the salary of the water seller.

The machine accepts money and pours water himself.

  • Round-the-clock work without days off.

The device does not need interruptions in work, it is not necessary to close or open it.

  • For maintenance of 15 machines, only one engineer is needed, which significantly reduces the cost of water.

The composition of water, which is obtained as a result of cleaning in a vending machine using the reverse osmosis method, in its characteristics practically does not differ from the melt water of ancient glaciers and is considered the most environmentally friendly and beneficial to the human body.

Financial indicators of business

The cost of one vending machine, through which water is sold for bottling, is about 250 thousand rubles.

Costs of business organization:

  • purchase and installation of 10 vending machines - 2.5 million rubles.
  • Monthly expenses:
  • rental of space for automatic machines - 20 thousand rubles;
  • engineer salary - 30 thousand rubles;
  • payment of utility bills (water, electricity) - 2 thousand rubles;
  • taxes and other unforeseen expenses - 2 thousand rubles.

Total expenses: 54 thousand rubles.

Proceeds from the sale of water (400 liters per day, 12,000 liters per month, at a price of 2 rubles per 1 liter) - 24 thousand per month * 10 machines \u003d 240 thousand rubles.

Business payback period: 1 -1.5 years.

Business profitability: 200 percent.

As you can see, the business of selling water to the population is more than profitable and not only for an entrepreneur due to high profitability, but also for the people themselves, who receive an alternative opportunity to buy quality water at a very low price. This business has excellent prospects for development in the very coming years. Therefore, entrepreneurs who are still looking for their niche in the business should quickly engage it in the trade in drinking water.

To the first categoryincludes water that is safe for health and meets the criteria for assessing organoleptic properties. Water of the highest category is considered recognized as safe for health and optimal in quality. To increase the shelf life of water, sometimes they use silver. According to SanPin norms, such “silvered” water cannot be used to make baby food.

Drinking water comesinto bottles in different ways: some companies pour artesian water that does not require any purification, others - post-treatment water, artesian or tap water. “If the composition of the water that a company sells does not meet current sanitary standards for some parameters, for example, it contains“ extra ”chemical elements, it is subjected to additional purification,” says Dmitry Golovkin, a specialist of ZAO “Promburvod”, during which with harmful "chemistry", some of the elements useful for the human body are removed. "" Therefore, in Europe only water from artesian wells is allowed for sale, which does not require the so-called "water treatment" - either after treatment or decontamination, and directly at the site of production, ”comments Olga Antipova, Sales Director of LLC Rodnikovy Krai,“ the more natural is water, the more valuable it is, the more useful it is for humans. "

Step 1. Search for well site
Open artesian mining business
well and bottling of drinking water can any entrepreneur, regardless of education and work experience.

"But do without serious financial investmentsand professional staff in such a project will not succeed, ”said Olga Antipova, sales director of Rodnikovy Krai LLC. The help of specialists will have to be resorted to at the stage of searching for an artesian well. “Information about artesian water deposits is contained in the Cadastre of groundwater. But this does not mean that you can get water in any of these fields, and then sell it as drinking water,” warns Dmitry Golovkin, a specialist in Promburvod CJSC. water in an ecologically clean area. Then, a number of special water analyzes should be carried out in a particular field in order to assess its quality. Only specialists can do it. "

To find a suitable habitat for the “right” water, you need to contact one of the specialized agencies involved, in particular, in the exploration of water deposits and the drilling of “turnkey” wells (that is, including the preparation of necessary documents), for example, in Promburvod JSC or SE "Sevzapgeologiya". “They were looking for a suitable field in the Pskov and Novgorod regions, and found 70 km from St. Petersburg, not far from Lembolovo, where the famous Trinity sources were old,” Olga Antipova shares her experience.

Step 2. Drilling and design
Project development,in which experts will give a characteristic of the water and an estimate of its approximate quantity in a particular field, will cost approximately 400 thousand rubles and take 6 months.
After approval of the project, you can start drilling a well. Each meter of drilling costs from 8,000 rubles. Artesian water usually lies at a depth of 200 to 300 m. Thus, for drilling a well, you will have to pay from 1 million 600 thousand to 2 400 thousand rubles. "For the start of the project, third-party investments were needed," says Olga Antipova, sales director of Rodnikovy Krai LLC, "with the help of one of the leasing companies took a loan from a bank." While drilling operations are underway, an entrepreneur can begin to process the necessary documents.

"First of all, it is necessary to agree on a "point of drilling" in the SES, - Dmitry Golovkin advises, - then register the right to own or rent a plot of land, obtain a license for the right to use subsoil resources, etc. In order to get all the necessary documents, you need to go through about 30 instances; the paperwork services, as a rule, are also provided by specialized organizations involved in the exploration of water deposits and the drilling of wells on a turnkey basis. The “Spring Edge” took about 2 years to search for high-quality artesian water, preparatory work and well construction, as well as paperwork for land and work.

Step 3. Equipment
For extraction of artesian waterspecial equipment will be required from the well and bottling. The set of equipment should include special industrial pumps and filling line. Also need installation for water disinfection. “According to SanPin norms, water is recommended to be decontaminated - by ozonization or by physical methods, for example, using ultraviolet irradiation,” explains Olga Antipova, head of the sales department of Rodnikovy Krai LLC. Installation of equipment, as a rule, is carried out by the divisions of the same companies that sell it.

Complete set of production workshopdepends on the volume of production, as well as on where it is planned to pour water - directly at the well or in a geographically remote area. In the latter case, the water in the bottling shop carry in tanks. “The casting shop was built right on the well in order to exclude the likelihood of water contact from the well with any surface-carriers of bacteria and with air,” recalls Olga Antipova. - For this, we purchased a certified American Babyworks brand processing line, worth about $ 100,000.

Equipment shop continues.We are completing the installation of another automatic line that will allow water to be poured into 5-6 liter tanks. Its cost is about $ 50 thousand. " Now the company is daily bottling 38 thousand liters of water, namely 2,000 polycarbonate tanks of 19 liters each. Polycarbonate containers in Russia are produced, in particular, by the companies “Living Water” (Moscow) and Craft (Vologda). The cost of one 19-liter bottle is $ 5-6.

Step 4. Staff
On the production of, bottling
, packaging and sale of artesian water will require skilled instrumentation specialists (instrumentation engineers), as well as workers, auxiliary workers, support staff, drivers and managers. Only about 35 people.

"Since the artesian wellis located not far from Lembolovo, workers and maintenance staff were recruited from among local residents, but they could not find specialists here. Therefore, we bring engineers to work from St. Petersburg, ”says Olga Antipova, head of the sales department of LLC Rodnikovy Krai. According to her, in St. Petersburg the market for specialists in this industry is also small, and many of the company's employees have previously worked at other water bottling companies.

In addition, in the St. Petersburg officecompanies have a staff of managers and dispatchers who are engaged in finding customers (this is both organizations and individuals), as well as coordinating and tracking the execution of orders. “Since the company has declared the delivery of water to customers, it has its own staff of drivers and a contract with a transport company, which also participates in the delivery of orders,” reports Olga Antipova. “A total of 14 machines are watering the water every day.” Depending on the qualifications and job responsibilities, the salary of the company's staff is $ 400-800

According toOlga Antipova, the payback period of the enterprise for the extraction, bottling and sale of artesian water is about 2 years. "In the future, net profit could reach 6-7 million rubles a year.
The cost of starting a business for the extraction, bottling and sale of drinking water *.

Search for artesian water deposits and water assessment in it - up to 400 thousand rubles.
Drilling well -1 600 thousand. - 2 400 thousand rubles.
Line for bottling water - 3 million rubles
Motor transport, container, overhead costs - 1.5 million rubles.
Total: 6-7 million rubles.
Payback period 2-3 years
Planned profit: 6,000,000 - 7,000,000 rubles. per month

  • Search for sources
  • Required Permissions
  • Consumption market
  • Does the business justify itself
  • Details worth paying attention to

Water, like air, is the most necessary and important for the life of any person and for his existence. Is it possible to do business on the water, and what is needed for this?

In the modern world, the delivery of drinking water to bottling in homes and offices has become very topical. And most likely, over time, the need for bottled water will only increase. This is due to several factors. Experts say that the capacity of the Moscow market is estimated at approximately 60-65 million liters of bottled water per year.

The increased interest of the population of large cities in ecologically clean water does not go unnoticed by its producers. They skillfully use drinking water as a kind of "fuel" necessary for everyone, providing their regular customers, both corporate and private. Properly organized business for the production and bottling of water is very profitable. After all, if you compare the prices for 1 liter of gasoline and bottled drinking water, you will notice that they are almost the same, and sometimes water is more expensive. And this is despite the fact that the production and sale of gasoline is much more complicated than the production and supply of drinking bottled water.

Approximately, each office worker consumes about 0.5 l of bottled water per day. For a month it turns out about 10 liters. This suggests that the organization of the supply of drinking water to only one office with the number of employees not more than 50 people can bring the company engaged in the production and delivery of water annual revenues of up to 75 thousand rubles. This amount does not include cash for the rental of drinking water equipment.

So, you decided to earn money by selling drinking water for bottling. The first thing to do is, of course, make a business plan. There are two options for running such a business. It is important to determine what kind of water you will sell: produced by your own company from a well or "foreign" water, previously purchased by you from a supplier. Of course, the first option is more costly, because you need special equipment to adjust the extraction and bottling of water. In the business plan of your company should be discussed this kind of questions.

While you are setting up production, it is worth focusing on selling drinking water for retailing, and only when the trademark of your products is recognized by the masses, you can try to set up a business of delivering bottled water to private and corporate clients.

Search for sources

Water production is not easy. The business plan of the organization should determine the sources of its receipt. It can be as specially equipped wells, rivers and lakes, and ordinary water supply.

Suppose you decide that you will extract water from a well. It is very expensive, but it can bear fruit. When the well is drilled, equipped, the next step will be to analyze the water in a special laboratory, which will test the water for about 30 characteristics and issue a conclusion that is necessary when choosing equipment for water treatment.

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Required Permissions

Before you begin the production and operation of water for commercial purposes, the organization must obtain the conclusion of the sanitary and epidemiological stations for the production, as well as for the water itself. After receiving this document, a special certification according to the State Standard is carried out. And the next important step is to obtain a license for this activity. After these procedures, you can already think out a plan for market entry.

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Consumption market

You can enter the market in two ways: organize your drinking water delivery service or sell goods through existing companies, manufacture, sale and supply of water in which you have already established. The business plan should determine which of the two methods will be most convenient for you.

If you decide to organize a personal delivery service, the plan created earlier should specify the moment of creating a client base and developing a marketing strategy, which, as a rule, are decided at the initial stages of business organization. It is possible that at first you will have to use the services of already existing companies for the delivery and bottling of water and sell your goods through these organizations until your own delivery is fully established.

If you decide that you will sell bottled water through existing companies, then you become a wholesale supplier of drinking water. The business plan should define your watermark. Do you want to promote your own brand or take advantage of the brand offered by the delivery man - your own business.

To each of its customers, the company directly involved in the delivery, installs a cooler for bottling water. All coolers are approximately the same, so they are suitable for various bottles of all manufacturers. Water cooler can both buy and rent. The cost of one cooler for bottling water ranges from 3,200 to 6,000 thousand rubles. Rent will cost approximately 350-400 rubles. per month with a pledge of 1700-1800 rubles.

Models of coolers can vary among themselves in size, in their power, as well as in the method of cooling water.

The most difficult thing in serving potential customers is the organization and delivery plan itself. There is the option of delivering water on their own cars, but the option of attracting drivers for hire is not excluded. Prestigious, of course, create your fleet of cars, but this option is much more expensive and more expensive. The average number of vehicles for the delivery of drinking water - 5-7. The business plan takes into account all these points.

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Does the business justify itself

Whether your business of producing, bottling and selling water will pay for itself or not depends largely on the market situation in a particular region. A business plan gives, as a rule, less or less a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe funds that you can spend on this business. Given this plan, you can make some predictions.

Accordingly, the more your investments will be in business, the faster it will pay for itself. But a significant role is played by the scale of introduction into the market.