Applications for a boy of 5 years

As a rule, at the age of about a year, children have their first interest in creativity. They begin with pleasure to pen with a pencil, it becomes interesting to pinch off the pieces of clay, and if you introduce the child with glue, then he will generally be completely delighted. Any beginnings and talents in the child need to be developed, so now is the time to offer the child first classes in, and applications.

The basic rule for creative activities with a child at this age - give only those tasks that are feasible to the baby . Your task is to instill interest in creativity, and not discourage it. If you offer your child too difficult crafts, not corresponding to his age, this will most likely lead to the fact that the child will not get anything, and he will just watch how you do everything for him. Classes should be held so that the main part of the work was done by the child, not the mother.

It is important to remember that creative activities with a child of this age should not be more than 5-10 minutes. Always focus on the mood of the child. If a child loses interest in work, then this most likely means that it is too simple or, conversely, too difficult for him. Or you have delayed the lesson, and the baby is just tired.

I divided all applications and crafts with children of 1-2 years old into several groups in order of increasing difficulty:

Stage 1. Chaotic gluing of pieces of paper on a piece of paper, gluing of geometric shapes.

Before you do any crafts and compositions, first you just need to acquaint the child with glue. The child must grasp the very essence of the application and remember the basic scheme of action: first we smear a piece of paper with glue, then turn it over, apply a piece of paper to another and smooth everything well with a palm to hold it tight.

At first, you can simply glue pieces of colored paper onto the backing sheet. Most likely, this activity will really like your baby. At this age, children are still more attracted by the process than the result. We will work on art paintings later.

Now all your attention should be focused on educating the child. proper application technique . And it is very important to do it right now, so that you do not have to retrain later. What is the right technique?

First of all , show your child how to properly hold the glue stick. As a rule, children tilt the glue stick, which only complicates the smearing process. Teach your baby to glue strictly perpendicular to the leaf!

Secondly  , explain to the child that when he smears a piece of paper with glue, it must be held with the palm of his left hand (if the child is right handed). Most likely, at first the piece of paper will pop up from the baby’s finger from under the finger, so slightly fix his palm with your hand. Just do not do everything completely for the child, he must participate!

My daughter Taisiya met with glue at about 1 year and 3 months. At first, we were simply engaged in randomly sticking small pieces of paper to the album. My daughter was madly in love with this activity. A little later, the thought struck me that it was possible to combine business with pleasure and stick geometric shapes, voicing their names during gluing. At that time, Taya already knew all the flat geometric figures, even such as a trapezoid and parallelogram (we studied them with help), therefore, doing the application, we simply fixed them in memory.

Stage 2. Simple crafts with a chaotic arrangement of elements

Once the baby is a little comfortable with the technique of application, you can begin to create the first crafts. I want to bring to your attention a few simple ideas hand-made applications. All of them imply a free arrangement of details on the sheet. Those. the child will not need to fall into any particular place, but simply glue wherever it pleases your heart.

Important! Let your child decide for himself where the ball will hang on your Christmas tree or where in the aquarium the fish will float. I noticed by myself that all the time I wanted to fix my daughter's creativity, to make everything beautiful and even. And if you think about it, why do it? We are not exhibiting at the exhibition. It would be better to let the child be sure that he stuck it himself, and no one interfered. Sometimes you can just tell and explain why the way you propose, it will turn out more beautiful.

I think, based on the ideas presented, you can easily come up with many of your options. Also in the article there is an opportunity to download the most simple b / w templates to the presented crafts. If you wish, you can pre-paint them.

Mom will need to prepare in advance all the necessary elements for the application.

  • Herringbone with balls . First, we glue the Christmas tree itself onto the leaf-base with the baby, then the balls, stars and other decorations you have prepared. Or you can glue the decorations on the template ready Christmas tree - DOWNLOAD TEMPLATE.

  • Tree with apples DOWNLOAD TEMPLATE

  • Hedgehog with apples and mushroomsDOWNLOAD TEMPLATE

    Vitamins in a jar for girlsDOWNLOAD TEMPLATE

    Berries in a basketDOWNLOAD TEMPLATE

  • Fish in the aquarium. The idea of ​​application from the manual "". A child sticks only fish.

Stage 3. Crafts with gluing elements on specific places

Now the task is more difficult for the child, he needs not only to glue the application element, but also to get to a specific place. In my experience, to such crafts you need to go no earlier than 1.5 years. But all, of course, individually.

The first time on a sheet-based draw the outlines of the objects that you will stick. So the child will be easier to understand what should happen. Then you can gradually move to gluing without contours.

So, here are some slightly more complicated handicrafts with children 1-2 years old:

  • Caterpillar  Glue the caterpillar of the circles. When all the details are glued, mom draws the face of the caterpillar. To facilitate the task, you can stick circles on the template - DOWNLOAD TEMPLATE.

  • Snowman of cotton pads.   Bucket cap is pre-cut out of colored paper. When all the details are glued, mom draws her face.

    Cotton disc dandelionsDOWNLOAD TEMPLATE.

  • Air balloons . The kid sticks only balloons to the finished drawing. DOWNLOAD TEMPLATE.

    House of blocks

    Triangle fir tree . Glue the triangles one above the other.

  • House with windows.Glued to the house window-squares. You can also make the door. DOWNLOAD TEMPLATE

  • A machine .To the silhouette of the car we glue the windows, wheels, if desired - lights.

    Cut pictures from magazines . You can cut pictures from magazines, cut them into large, child-friendly parts, and then glue them together with your child. For example, you can cut a car, a face, or a human figure completely.

  • Putting the toys on the shelf. The idea of ​​application from the manual " This can your baby. Stick a picture»

  • Snowy napkin tree . The idea of ​​application from the manual " My first masterpieces»

  • Traffic light  . The idea of ​​application from the manual " My first masterpieces» — DOWNLOAD TEMPLATE

By the way, ideas of crafts on the New Year and winter themes can be found.

You can also use various aids in your creative activities. They have a lot of ready-made ideas, before class you will only need to cut out all the necessary parts or use ready-made stickers. We, for example, used such publications:

  • (Ozon, My-shop, Read)

  • Application Mishutka and his friends (Ozon, Labyrinth, My-shop)

  • School of the Seven Dwarfs 1+. Shape color (Ozon, My-shop, Read)

  • Educational stickers for kids. Score (Ozon, My-shop, Read)

And in conclusion, I would like to say another very important point. One of the basic principles of the world-famous is to provide the child with as much freedom and independence as possible. And this does not mean that you need to give the child to himself "Go, play as you want!". This means that the baby must be taught to play so that he can subsequently do it on his own. So that he could prepare for the game, he knew how to handle the materials, he could and remove for himself. Therefore, when you are engaged in creativity with your baby, be sure to immediately teach him to certain rules .

For example, we have such an order: first we go together to lay a special tablecloth on the table (it can be a plate for modeling), then we take out all the necessary accessories from our “creative” cabinet (glue, album, colored paper). After working in reverse order, everything is laid out in places. We apply such rules from 1 year 3 months. Now, a year later, I can say that my daughter knows all the rules well (although she learned them a month later) and performs them without any resistance. There are cases when she reminds herself without a reminder, but mostly with a reminder, of course.

  Tatyana French

purpose: Development of creative abilities children

Teach children  cut a circle from a square, cut squares from a strip of paper, cut a circle in half, distinguish by shape and size;

Develop imagination, creativity;

To consolidate knowledge of color, the ability to stick details;

Raise interest in creating your favorite characters.

Material: image blanks bears for every child, scissors, glue stick, cotton pads, blanks of squares of different size and color, strips, wet wipes, toy- teddy bear.

Lesson progress:

Children sit on the modules. Knock on the door. Walks in Teddy bear.

Tutor: Out of the woods bear,

Started stomping and roaring.

What are you, bear, distressed?

Teddy bear:

I had a night mare,

I saw a girl Alina-

In the grove ate all the raspberries!

Tutor: Bear, you wait. Don't be angry.

Sit down next to us.

We are obedient and friendly.

We do not eat a lot of raspberries.

bear: Here are some great. Well, let's be friends with you.

Hello guys my name is Teddy bear mishutka. I live in the forest and I love to eat honey and raspberries.

Tutor: This we already understood. Mishutka, and you love to play games and have fun.

Teddy bear: yes I love.

Tutor: Guys, let's play with teddy bear game.

Teddy bear was visiting,

To the red squirrel he came,

And the lake to the beaver

And to the hedgehog went into the hole

Even to mosquito

Peeped our bear.

bear: Guys, how interesting. It's so much fun with you. But I live alone. I'm always sad.

Tutor: Mishutka, we can help you with the guys.

We do not sit idle

We glue, make,

And we sing and draw,

We dance and dance.

Therefore, we can make you friends cubs.

Yes guys.

Let's first consider our guest. What are his body parts (head, paws, ears, fur, claws, nose ,.).

Display and narrative image tricks. We have a cotton pad. What shape is it? Since our bear is shaggy, we glue a cotton pad on the belly.

We will cut the second cotton pad in half. We will glue one half on the head. It will be a muzzle. The other half will be cut into three equal parts and pasted on the ears and feet. We remove the top layer of the disk and we will get shaggy.

From squares of blue, white color we will cut out circles for eyes. Stick them on each other. In the middle we glue the little square (pupil). So it turned out the eyes.

Make a mouth out of a square in red. Fold it in half and glue with one side. We got a talking mouth.

We will make claws and cilia from strips of black color. Here we have such a bear.

(work of my daughter Irishki)

Job children.

Teddy bear: guys, how great you did it. Your bears are like real ones. They are happy.

Let's play with them: a game "Have bear in the forest» .

I enjoyed playing with you so much. For what you have made me such beautiful bears, I give you sweet treats (candy).

And now I have to go. Goodbye. Children are forgiven.

Tutor: Guys, and you liked our guest. What you remember most.

  Anastasia Borina

Application for children 2-3 years.

Art classes, in my opinion, the most interesting for young children.

This is especially noticeable in the example children  first younger group of kindergarten. Just start preparing for occupations: put a special tablecloth on the table, put the necessary accessories, as the children already quickly sit on the chairs to the table. And who did not have enough space they say: "I also want to…", “Where is my place?”, "Nastya, Nastya take". I'm them i answer: "Guys, wait a little bit, we will have time to work out everything". Still, some do not go to play toys, and sit down somewhere nearby and watch what we are doing.

Our most favorite activities are application.

Here, for example, we studied transport. I offer the following picture: a tractor is driving along the road, there is a traffic light ahead. At first, I wanted everyone to stick only one light signal to the traffic light, but it was not there. In children, the thirst for creativity is so strong that we are not limited to one circle. In the course of the lesson, we repeated the colors of the traffic light, their location, the purpose of each color. In the process, I like to ask children questions on acumen: “Guys, look, the tractor drove to the traffic lights and stopped. Why do you think? ”And always someone will answer: “Because the red light at the traffic lights”. In this paper, we also paid attention to the tractor itself, its name, appearance, size and color of the wheels.

Almost every application  includes our design elements. First, we lay out the blank parts on the main drawing, and then begin to paste them. In this case, we applied glue to the location of our blanks on the drawing itself, and the colored parts were already laid on top.

But in the next work "Cheerful snowman"  glue was applied to the workpieces themselves and they were already pasted on the background. This application  we had a topic "Winter Fun". Here we remembered the poem, the riddle of the snowman, and looked at the snowman in color illustration, and "Blinded"  snowballs hands, and repeated the size of the circles.

In general, our classes are always exciting. And for those who have little to do one applicationI always procure spare parts so that the child can fulfill his need for creativity. So glue with pleasure! Application  - the most accessible and effective form of artistic creativity for young children.

Publications on the topic:

Tasks. Teach children to use scissors "by eye" to cut strips of paper into windows (squares, rectangles). Continue learning.

Purpose: Making crafts with their own hands. Tasks: - To teach basic techniques of working with napkins (cutting, gluing, folding).

What is an application and how does it help the child to develop? Application - a way to create images, patterns by cutting and gluing.

New Year's applique with a monkey for children 6-8 years old. Applique "DIY New Year Card - 2016"

With the advent of autumn and the change of colors in nature, all children and teachers want to surprise, create something new and unusual. Here and in ours.