Jokes to the name of the fluore. Rye verses about names

If you name Alice, then it's time to shake letters.

If your name Alla is a reason for Anal.

If your name is Alla - Thursday we will have little.

If your name is Anna - no, it's not strange here.
And it is known, all Anuts - somewhere, somehow prostitutes.
If your name is Anya - Sunday Sunday.
If you call an Anutcan-excumbent prostitute
If the name Angelina is a specific cattle.

If you call you Andrei - do not fuck you pigeons.

According to statistics, Andrei - no Jew.

If you call Anton - then you are an overhead gandon.

Each encountered Anton - how to drown a bud

If you call an anfiste super, it's better to drink.

If the name of Aunt Asya - I will insert you with the words "Hello!"

If you call Alina - you are a concrete blade.

In the three words, any Alesha is evil, harmful, bad.

If your name is Lesha - lean themselves.

If your name is Arkady, you are probably better from behind.

If your Boria's name is helpful, better coola.

If your name is the vulneracy, substantiate rather ushko.

In the head of all Vali - before the fig of shit and shouted.

If you called Vasselis, you hung up yesterday

If your name is Vova - look for another.

If your name is Vova, I will be again again.

If you call Vaovan - then between the legs you have a stopper.

And always, believe me, the city is not sexually ready.

If your name is Vitalik - you put the analyst.

If you call Vitaly - grow genitali.

Every meeting of Vitaly - consists of anomalies;

Everyone knows that Vadim - Tugodum and Notice.

If you call Vadim - we will give you in the ass in the ass.

If you call Vasily - imagine, in x .. force

If your faith name is a missionary in pose.

If you were called Veronikhchik, it would come in handy, even a match

Stoleno faith - quiet, stupid, sulfur.

If your Vika name means there will be a lot of screaming.

And always, where the wiki is quarrels, fights, screams.

Drunk or sober Vitya - better spit and leave;

If your gene name is just eat Kilo Purgen.

If your boy's guy is a light of it with a full one.

If you called Grisha, you are a clean guinea

Like one all mushki - small thieves

If your name is Gogi - you get up spreading your legs.

If your Dasha's name is 100 per 100 and all of you are ours.

If your name is Dasha - you will be Dasha today.

As always, Dima is always - what will not do, all by;

If your name is Lena - you can even knee.

Elena-piece of member
Everyone knows where Elena - there are goules and treason;

If your Eva name is a reason to insert on the left.

If you call Vanyusha - friendly you fucking in your ears.

Ivan meets - deeper money hitch in his pocket;

Any Igodka has a member not more bubble.

If your name of light is a reason for blowjob.

If you name Svetlana - throw a stick even early.

But there are no lights - no man!

If your name is Luba is a reason to insert rudely.

Collect everyone in a circle of love - here are the freaks club;

Nadia, Nadezhda
If your name is Nadia - this is a reason to insert the back.

If your name of Klava is a reason to insert on the right.

Nastya, Anastasia
If your name is Nastya - I will rather clutter at me.

Nastya appeared - knew the misfortune;

Olya, Olga
If your Olya name is no longer alcohol.

And, of course, Oli is faded as moths.

If your name is thin - you are from those who quietly moan.

If your name is sinking - there will be a tone sex on Tuesday.

If your Lesya's name is the rhymes, even though they are drunk.

Lisa, Elizabeth
If your name is Lisa - as with Nastasya, I will be below.

If you click Lisa, you are striptease star

Masha, Maria
If your name Masha - you will not find boobs more.

All marina and marishes are slots, gossip and intrigues;

Sasha, Alexandra, Alexander
If your name is Sasha - bust is good, but better Masha.

And any of the oncoming Sasha is a unlucky Torgash.

If your name Sasha is your dick soft, like a poop.

If your name is Yana - Summer Polyana is waiting for us.

If you called Yanka, probably the lesbian

If your name Nina is waiting for us soft perina.

If your name Ninka is probably a zoofilka.

If your name is Nonna - just wait for a breakfast.

Zhenya, Eugene
If your name is Zhenya - we will be on a deer horns.

If your name is Zhenya - dick with a motion detector.

None in the light of Zhenya is not worthy of respecting;

Julia, Julia
If your Julia name - we will try on a chair.

If your name is Yulka - open your pisduchka.

If your name of Julia is your ass like a ditch.

And Julia came across - lucky, dirty;

Ira, Irina, Irka
If your name Ira - the whole apartment shudders.

If your name Irka is stinking your hole

For a man Ira - that in the pockets of the hole.

Ale, Eleanora
If your name is Elya - everything will be like a swing.

If your name is Ale - I will go to you in that week.

If your name is Inna - with you without rubber.

If your name is Inna - you fuck without a feather.

Ksyusha, Ksenia, Ksyuha
If your name is Ksyusha - what, in the ears means in the ears.

Katya, Ekaterina
If your name is Katya - you get tired of spending money.

If you call Katya, you are good on the bed.

Know any Katerina is a Captream companion;

Tanya, Tatiana
If your name Tanya is a storm, fucking, in a glass.

Constantly all Tatiana - not bitten, so drunk;

rose flower
If your rose name - you will not leave without suction.

If your name is Lesya - I want to have you here.

If your name is fame - then you drague you on the clave.

Let the fame skirt be supplied - there will be the best slaves;

If your name is Mila - you are terrible than Gorilla.

Glory, Vyacheslav
If your name is fame - you are a specific slava.

If your name is fame - a beginnie from Anal.

Kohl, Nikolai
If your name Kolya is better than standing before.

Without a doubt, each colic - one hundred percent alcoholic;

If your Fred name is a record, I am on Wednesday.

If your name is Emma - Sex on Fridays for the topic.

Susanna, Suzia
If your name is Susana - Hyy suck you at Ivan.

Fields, Polina
If your field name - dick suck, such a share.

Max, Maxim
If your name is Max - he will finish everyone.

Max - not stable like Bax

Everyone knows that Maxim - Tugodum and Nerludim;

If your name Zhora is a real gag.

If your name is Rita, you have to be with you n ** Yes with trough.

Fedya, Fedor.
If your name Fedya is overpowering to the neighboring.

Misha, Mikhail
If your name is Misha, you fuck without roof.

Any Misha has a roof often;

If your EDIC name is, you probably have a fag.

Odik met - the pedika met.

If your name is Kira - you all holes.

Yura, Yuri.
If you name Yras - then go to the mattress.

And, for example, Yura is a sublore nature.

If you call you Cyril - you are great gamodrill.

If you call you Kirill - dick for a long time served.

If you call Innes - you fuck all Odessa.

If you call Renat - you will be all in your mouth.

Stupa, Stepan.
If you name Stepan - dick stands like a drum.

If your name is Ilona - Tits Like Macaron.

Fields, Polina, Polinka
If your name is Polinka - no elastic band will help.

Natasha, Natalia.
If you click on Natasha - it will be better only with Pasha.

If you call Natasha - your ass is only ours.

If you call Natalia - sexy canal.

Agree that Natasha is not called the name "Pokashka".


Kolya, Kolyan, Nikolay
If you call the kolas - then the edge- you eblan.

Kolya, Kolyan, Nikolay
If you call Christina - stock vaseline.

If you called Zhanna - you fuck up, oddly enough

If genke met - it means someone's content;

Marina, Masha, Maria
If the name is Marina - the whole perina grumbled here.

If you call you Marusya - for you there is a pose of a goose.

If you call you Violetta - the queen you minet.

Roma, Roman
If you call you a novel - you are good, like monkeys.

If you called Roma-head with half turn

And it is clear that the novels are nearby drug addicts.

If suddenly name is Levan -Thran in bed.

If the name is Lera - you are a blowjob queen.

Lera is a walking haler.

If you call Maka'vam's assumed Zakhar

Luda, Lyudmila
If you call Lyudmila, you need a homodoril

If you name Nikita, then everything will be awesome covered.

Zina, Zinaida
If your name zina-ripped rubber.

If you call Platon, you are confidential Gondon

Everyone met Oleg is an immoral man;

And how Valera is found - crouch and drink without any measure;

Vadik, Vadim.
Know everything that all Vadik is a petty and slippery gadik;

Well, Tamara met - there will be a full nightmare life;

The fact is known that Larisa is all voracious as rats;

Tolik, Anatoly
Without a doubt, each Tolik is one hundred percent alcoholic.

If your name of Klava is a reason to insert on the right.
If your name is Nastya - I will rather clutter at me.
If your Olya name is no longer alcohol.
If your name is Lena - you can even knee.
If your name Alla is a reason for Anal.
If your Vika name means there will be a lot of screaming.
If your name is thin - you are from those who quietly moan.
If your faith name is a missionary in pose.
If your Lesya's name is the rhymes, even though they are drunk.
If your name is Lisa - as with Nastasya, I will be below.
If your name Masha - you will not find boobs more.
If your name is Sasha - bust is good, but better Masha.
If your name is Yana - Summer Polyana is waiting for us.
If your name Nina is waiting for us soft perina.
If your name is Nonna - just wait for a breakfast.
If your name is Zhenya - we will be on a deer horns.
If your Julia name - we will try on a chair.
If your name Ira - the whole apartment shudders.
If your name is Elya - everything will be like a swing.
If your name is Anna - no, it's not strange here.
If your name is Inna - with you without rubber.
If your name is Ksyusha - what, in the ears means in the ears.
If your name is Vova - look for another.
If your name is Katya - you get tired of spending money.
If your name Tanya is a storm, fucking, in a glass.
If your rose name - you will not leave without suction.
If your name is Lesya - I want to have you here.
If your name Sasha is your dick soft, like a poop.
If your name is fame - then you drague you on the clave.
If your name is Mila - you are terrible than Gorilla.
If your name is a guest - in Boschka Vbey Iron nail.
If your name is fame - you are a specific slava.
If your name Kolya is better than standing before.
If your Boria's name is helpful, better coola.
If your name is fame - a beginnie from Anal.
If your name is Dasha - you will be Dasha today.
If your name is sinking - there will be a tone sex on Tuesday.
If your Fred name is a record, I am on Wednesday.
If your name is Alla - Thursday we will have little.
If your name is Emma - Sex on Fridays for the topic.
If your name is beer - then Saturday has come.
If your name is Anya - Sunday Sunday.
If your name is Ale - I will go to you in that week.
If your name is Susana - Hyy suck you at Ivan.
If your name is Yulka - open your pisduchka.
If your field name - dick suck, such a share.
If your name is Max - he will finish everyone.
If your gene name is just eat Kilo Purgen.
If your name of Julia is your ass like a ditch.
If your name Irka is stinking your hole
If your name Zhora is a real gag.
If your name is Rita, you have to be with you n ** Yes with trough.
If your Dasha's name is 100 per 100 and all of you are ours.
If your name is Inna - you fuck without a feather.
If your name Fedya is overpowering to the neighboring.
If your name is Misha, you fuck without roof.
If your name is Vova, I will be again again.
If your EDIC name is, you probably have a fag.
If your name is Zhenya - dick with a motion detector.
If your name is Kira - you all holes.
If your name is Lesha - lean themselves.
If your name is Gogi - you get up spreading your legs.
If you name Yras - then go to the mattress.
If your name is Vitalik - you put the analyst.
If you name Svetlana - throw a stick even early.
If you call Vanyusha - friendly you fucking in your ears.
If you call you Cyril - you are great gamodrill.
If you call Innes - you fuck all Odessa.
If you call you Kirill - dick for a long time served.
If you call Renat - you will be all in your mouth.
If you call Stepan - yuh stands like a drum.
If your name is Ilona - Tits Like Macaron.
If your name is Polinka - no elastic band will help.
If you call Natasha - your ass is only ours.
If you call Alina - you are a concrete blade.
If you call Vaovan - then between the legs you have a stopper.
If you call Vitaly - grow genitali.
If you call Natalia - sexy canal.
If you call Christina - stock vaseline.
If you name Alice, then it's time to shake letters.
If you call Sergey - you, of course, fucking gay.
If you call Vadim - we will give you in the ass in the ass.
If you call the Kolya - then you are the fuck you.
If you call Anton - then you are an overhead gandon.
If your name is Malvina - Says from Pyratina.
If you call Katya, you are good on the bed.
If you called Zhanna - you fuck up, oddly enough
If the name of the grandfather Moz - Ibali strictly in the nose.
If the name is Marina - the whole perina grumbled here.
If the name Angelina is a specific cattle.
If you call you Violetta - the queen you minet.
If you call you a novel - you are good, like monkeys.
If you call you Marusya - for you there is a pose of a goose.
If you call you Andrei - do not fuck you pigeons.
If the galya is your name - Terebi Cow Udder.
If you click on Natasha - it will be better only with Pasha.
If suddenly name is Levan -Thran in bed.
If the name is Lera - you are a blowjob queen.
If your boy's boyfriend - you are lighting it with a full one.
If the name of Aunt Asya - I will insert you with the words "Hello!"
If your name is Oakovitskaya Regina - then it is already in any gate

Teases for names: 70 children's teases on the names of girls and boys alphabetically. We come up with a teaser - rhyme. What is the difference between teasers from other genres of folklore.

Teases for names

Teases have long found in the communication of children. Where did they come to us, what kinds of teasers are that there are teasers - subsets and teasers - mockery, what is "anti-Rosnilinki" or answers - rhymes you will learn

It is very important to teach a child to perceive teasers with humor. After all, the teaser does not always reflect life and rines any negative character qualities (cowardiness, untidiness, pride and others). Very often a teaser is just a game of rhymes, this is a fictional world, it is an unprecedented, which will never be in life.

Usually, children are not offended on the teases, but they also respond with a teaser - more rapid and bright or anti-rope - rhyme.

So that the child is not offended by the teases, try to curb the nonotic teases with rhymes with him. What can I get a conifice word "zina"? (Zina - Picture, Zina - Rubber, Zina - basket, Zina - from the store), Katya? (Katya -On Dress, Katyusha - Prochet, Katyusha - Govorusha, Katenka - Zainka). And the word Anton, Antoshka? (Antoshka - Potato, Antoshka - leg), Sasha (ours, porridge, Pasha, Natasha), Andrei (Sparrow, Pigeon), Alenka (cardboard). You can come up with new words - teasers and what about them can be said - engaged in the wordness: so, the children of school age came up with such language teases: Agafya - Scandinia (if Agafya's girl boasts everything that was on vacation in Scandinavia), or Fedya - Bicycle (A teaser to a child who does not allow anyone to approach his bike - invented children -Deschochlik).

Discuss a teaser that your child heard - she laughs over what quality? That from the teaser happens in fact, but what -cible. Teach the responses to the teasers (see the previous article), discuss what happened when the answer was applied by your child.

With children over 6 years old, you can talk about the genre of teasers and about how the teaser differs from the usual poem. Read two text about SERIES and ask the child to determine what it is a poem or teaser?

Satisfying the whole house.
Beats a silent hammer.
Pokasnev from anger
Babs nails.
Nails bent,
Nails are impass
Nails shook
Head is seized by
Just mock.
The wall is not driving.
It's good that the bumps are intact!
He's, quite a day -
Nails to the ground score!
Tuk - and no hats see.
Ha bent
Hy break,
We are taken out. (V. Berestov. Seryozha and Nails)

Seryozha looked back
Bubber sneaked
And bubble - in the fishing line,
Rides, jumps on fungus (folk teaser)

What is the difference between a teaser and poem? (question for children from 6 years and older). What can we say about Seryozo by poem? What quality of the boy is ridiculed in the teaser? What means "Bubber inflated" (angry, pissing cheeks, looks so hard). When does it happen that a person is inflated as a bubble? And with you it was - when? Emphasize that in the teaser describes what is never happening in life (Seryozha became a bubber and crushed into the forest), and in the poem - what happens in fact. This describes similar emotions of Serezhe (He was angry and inflated, blushed from anger). The teaser is not offensive, it is funny, cheerful.

Teases on the names of girls (by alphabet)

Agashka - dirty shirt

Alka - Mochal

Alya - Kralya

Anna - Balan,
Heal head.
Hook nose
Rotik box

Annushka - heart!
Swari ear with pepper,
And I will come with a loaf.

Valya, Valya, simplicity,
Sour cabbage!
Ate a mouse without a tail
And said: "Tasty!"

Valya - fashionista! Verywood!

Like a tree on the mouse nose ate sausage.

Varvara - the nose shaped.

Curious Varvar in the Bazaar nose torn off.

Outside the street
On a bump village
Komarika ate.

Zina - basket. Zina - Raze. Zinka - gum.

Mandarin rolled out
By name Irina.
The lessons did not teach.
And received two.

Katya - Katya - Katerina,
Painting is drawn.
Not ink, not perm
From the pitch of the laggy!

Lenka - Penka.

Luda - sweetheart pressed her leg.

Masha - Prostokvash

Masha - the bride ate the pot of the dough.

Milka - piggy bank. Milka - piggy bank.

Saddy - pillow. Nadya - Pokish Sweet.

Nastya - Sweat.

Olena - Soren.

Our Pasha is thin
Like Jarov Solominka.
And in the laptic arms -
As a bubble inflates.

Sonya - Sanding. Sonya - a shadow.

Tatiana - sour cream.

Emma - a raised cream.

Teases on the names of boys (by alphabet)

We ask Abrosim - Kashi.

Alyosha -Belosha
Three pennies:
Neck - penny,
Altyn - head,
Two money foot -
That's the whole price.

Head with Lukoshko,
Cap peg
Log legs.

full of sinus mice.

Do not chase pigeons.
Pigeons are afraid
Do not sit on the roof.
Chasing tick
From under the chopsticks.

Straw leg
Myself with marigolds
Head with a lochot.

Antoshka, Antoshka,
Different potatoes!

Afonya - Sonya.

Boris - Barbaris
On the rope hook.
As a rope will turn around
So Boris will turn over.

Fighting - Boris.
On the thread hook!
Thread cracks
And Borek is frowning!

Borisk - radish (sausage).

Boria -bob! Tolfon forehead!

Vanka -Vstanka Karapuz,
Wear a big card.
Caparaway eat bread,
Grow to the sky!
Rides Vanya on the bull,
Balalalachka in hand
Balalalachka fell
Bull broke the knife.

Vanya, Vanya, simplicity!
Bought a horse without a tail!
Sat down in advance
And went to the garden.

Vasya - Vasyuk,
Frames on bitches.
Vaska - Vanyan,
Thin piggy
Brushed into the grass (emphasis on the first syllable) -
Screams: "Meow.
Will not get out! "
Venya - broom,
Ate dumplings.
Volodya - Volodya -
Full of crackers cap.
Hot crackers
Three pennies.

Vova, Vovka-Karapuz
Ate a woman's grandmother.
Grandmother swears
Vova unluckled!
- It's grandmother, not me!
This is your kitty.

Friend - Egor
Page through the fence
For a nail clumps,
Hanging - Bulk:
Remove from the fence
Poor Egor.

Friend - Scrip

I was driving Yeremy,
On a cow on your own.
He held hard for his tail,
Spelled loudly
But not long enjoyed -
Suddenly from the cow broke off.

Leonid. Lyonchik - donut,
Ate a bar,
Piglery and bull
Drank krinka milk,
Still crate hung breads
Three baskets of pies.

Michael. Teddy bear - soaked. Bear - on the head of the bump.

Nikita - Volokita bought a horse without hoof.

Facese on the barn,
There is a combar fight,
You will give your paw.

Kolya - Kolya - Nikolay. Sit down the bench yes the champion.

Kohl, Kolya, Nikolay,
Sit at home, do not walk.
Clever potatoes
Eat a bit.

Kohl - with a big will.

Seryozha looked back
Bubber sneaked
And bubble in the fishing line,
Rides, jumps on the fungus.

Stepan is a drain caftan. Stepan is a glass. Stepka - Rusp.

Petka - bitter radish.

Prokop -Ukrop,
Copper forehead
Himself with Arshin,
Head with jug.

Romka - chamomile, new shirt!

Sasha - Tarakashka.

Senechka - seed.

Semyon smart, yes not strong.

Taras - sour kvass.

Timofey - Kotofey.

Fedot Hood
Head with Pood,
Hook nose
Khokhol Klochkom.

Fedul - lips poured.

Fedya -Madya required
Ate a cow and bull,
And fifteen pigs -
Only tails hang.
Fedoróc with a heap
Head with a pot,
Cap peg
Legs log.

Fil - dough.

Thomas stubborn went straight
Fell into a pit.
I did not believe anyone - I checked on myself!

Yashka - a red shirt.

If you did not find the name you need in this list - we boldly come up with a teaser for yourself! Look for rhymes and compose!

Or on the coup cover below for free subscription

Guys I'm very hrenovo
Friends Arkady says
Friends swing their heads
And I'm wandered into it.

If your guy Vova is urgently looking for another.
Everyone knows where Helena is there of goules and treason.
If your Olya name is no longer alcohol.
If your name is Zhenya - we will be on a deer horns.

Everyone knows that Vadim - Tugodum and Notice.
Without a doubt, each Tolik is 100% alcoholic.
According to statistics, Andrei - no Jew.
And in all souls - the foolish is written on Roger.

I see you are not glad
Said thoughtfully Artem
From the buttock removing
Large ground salt.

Mom kiddy gave her mother:
Pet - Toporic, Serious - Shilo,
Mitenka - Lomik, and Vassenka - a knife.
Drunk neighbor is no longer disturbing them.

How many girls are good!
How many tender names!
And I got it - with vile rye
And with the ugly name - Anton!

And always, where wiki -
Quarrels, fights, screams.
Agree that Nataska
No seek "Pokashka".

Igor on the rails cable sawd,
Suddenly, unexpectedly rained watered.
No, he will not become a sailor,
He became an excellent guide.

It turned out to face
And it was not life - melody,
Let's drink a glass for Cyril
And the second - for the Methodius!

Not all Lyudmila loves Igor
But only one of her fragment
However, he took married sffour
All Lyudmila is entirely.

Andreyka boy found three kopecks,
It remarked the man in the tag,
Scrap gone as a spear of Chingachguk,
There is no rain grandmother's grandmother.

Marina has no guy
Because she is gnome
And this marina
Crap the whole car.

Light does not shine ...
Masha does not wave ...
Lyuba does not like ...
Katya does not roll ...

If genke met -
So someone's content.

Long-playing Irisa
Played on the bus Oleg:
Then it will be in her nose, then in the ear,
That horse blinds that beaver.

Alyonushka Bratz loved to tears
And so that the brother's goat does not grow
Sister drew to the poison poison.
Discarded hoofs the only brother.

It was early in the morning
Nastya in school did not go
And this nastya
At night, school set fire.

Somehow at night
Something loud slapped
This is inflatable ban
Under Artyom burst.

Anya Songs Sings
And all the nuts nibble.
Have you decided, Anya is a squirrel?
No, believe me, Anya is a girl.

Masha's girl looking for Malina,
She came on the leg.
For a long time I will be in a dream
Those blue eyes on the pine.

Tanka do not go to the river
Do not shout there is a shark there
You swim better in the river
Do not upset sharks.

Igorek, Igorek! Give us a bubble!
You are my comrade! Publish a bubble?

Mashka eats cabbage at night
It is necessary to stop it
Masha is enough at night
Eat cabbage in the morning.

Masha girl on the elevator rode -
Legs left, the ass left ...

Little Petya went to the toilet,
It looks, and there is no toilet bowl.
Long laughed at the fucking children,
He crap not in the toilet !!!

Julia Cute Delchuli
She sticks out Kazyuly
Julia are removing Kazyul.
Stop pascuda.

Petenka appearance teachers Shaved:
He marked behind his nose bit.
Goes on school now like a hero
Nickname proud of "Chekatilo second".

I have a boy, Artem ....
Fat, fat, not shouldering ...
Although shit two tons in it ...
But he does not shine ...

Sasha did not feed the dog for three days
Did not give drink and did not go to walk,
School director must come to them,
He does not leave the dog alive!

What is the benefit in this Dasha,
Immediately do not even understand.
Do not weld your porridge
Even the cap is not saving.

And try without Dasha.
If you do not die immediately,
There will be such a crap!
In the lava you will not find sense.

If her name Katya - you get tired of spending money.
If her field name - you deer! Such a share.
Each encountered Anton simple war * Don.
As Tatiana is noticed - not bitten, so drunk.

Who called Kira,
May become wife of Fakir
If you call Lida,
It is better not to hone offense.
Kohl are called Alice,
Your chosen one will be Lysim,
If the name is Arina,
So you need perina,
If you were called Lera,
You sing under Paneur,
If your name Tanya,
Stop all throwbacks,
The one that wears the name of Lada,
Bright lipstick.
If you call you Marianna?
You are stubborn ram.

What can be invented by Alexander? With Sasha much easier. All sorts of "ours are yours - Kashi - Prostokvashi" will always come to the rescue. And pick up the rhyme to the name Alexander is quite difficult. Moreover, these reefs are not so much. I remember the song about Alexander and the city, whose fate it will become. We will not sing songs, but we will try to find a suitable rhyme.

Who is Alexander?

Before you proceed to the selection of rhymes to the name Alexander, let's talk a little about this name. When you read the title, you will involuntarily think: who can be Alexander? Ordinary boy, what many. If we consider the great Alexandrov, the Nevsky and Macedonian comes to mind.

Meanwhile, this is a very strong name. Translated from Greek as "Defender". Alexander - the first defender of his friends, is zealously refer to not offended by defenseless. It may well enter into a fight with offenders of weak. Somehow scary becomes from such a characteristic. Try to pick up rhyme for this and tell him about it. Frequently, which is good.

No need to be afraid. Sasha is usually a good sense of humor. A friend Sasha will rather laugh at a companion-poet, rather than climb into a fight. Yes, he himself will try to choose a rhyme to the name Alexander. Two rhyme fun.

We begin to invent

First, we break your head over how to get a "rigging" Alexander. For you choose the rhyme to the shortened name - Sasha - much more simpler. Let's start with a quatrain, as always.

Alexander, Alexander,

I put on you a skaander.

Food ladies more: sweets, galley.

And send to space for all summer.

Of course, hardly Alexander will use sweets and gallets in space. But the holidays will not work well, and some kind of parents, but rest.

Go to Sasha

Sasha: Rhyme, most suitable for this name, is quite simple. Let's give a little experiment and play with the words.

Who is a goalkeeper in our team?

Today is Vova, tomorrow - Sasha.

How good is our Sasha!

There is no boyfriend in the world.

Let's go walk, Sasha?

My mother will not let me.

Congratulations on your son, Dasha!

Name Little Sasha.

Help me with a bag, Sasha!

Very heavy kidding.

Hello, nice my Sasha!

How do you live without us? Same?

What kind of guy this Sasha!

Rusked all wickers!

Went for bread Sasha,

He returned with "grill".

Do not touch the white bucket, Sasha!

Pork parsha is nanite in it.

Neighbor son Sasha

That is more charming.

Sit down a little, Sasha.

I'm underwear now a division.

At Sashka school

Make surning.

Have you seen Sasha?

He went for Masha.

Oh and strange this Sasha.

Why? He loves porridge.

Here are such rhymes to the name Alexander, more precisely Sasha, we picked up. And now we go to the female name.

Alexandra: A little about the character

What is a girl with this wonderful name? Very purposeful since childhood. She has good memory, he knows how to quickly and clearly structure the material. Therefore, school studies pretty good, although lazy.

In communication with peers preference, someone does not give one. Friends with everyone. Girlfriends real remain over the years. The rest are simply eliminated. Very strong personality. Capably looks to the wall of an objectionable person.

And how to rhyme? Only pick up beautiful rhymes to the name of Alexander.

Rhymem Alexander.

Really beautiful rhyme comes to mind alone. And just below we provide it to the readers' court.

You are - Queen, Alexander!

You are worthy of a diamond.

And now let's pick up funny rhymes to the name of Alexander.

In our toilet, sweet Alexander,

It is impossible to enter without a skateland.

What happened, Alexander?

I ate coriander.

Ohmyurila Our Alexander

Police lieutenant.

What screams? Alexandra

Caught just a sectarian.

What is the horror? Answer, Alexander.

You do not understand. This is salamander.

Alexander remained

Without a sofa and a servant.

Excellent cineologist - Alexander.

She learned on the defendant.

As we see, Rhymes to the name Alexander is similar to Rhyme for Alexandra. And now we will pick up rhyme for the name Sasha.

This is our Sasha

What to compose about Sasha is this, not offensive for girls with this name? Let's try to choose simple and funny rhymes.

Sit everything in a caress.

Where did Sasha disappear?

Gone to walk with dad.

Sasha went to the cinema

With a girlfriend of Natasha.

Excellent Sasha

He fell into Chuvashi.

Yesterday I achieved Sasha

For brother arbitration.

I'm yours Sasha

So I can not say.

Here are such short twisters about the girl Sasha we turned out. And how is Sasha-boy doing? Waiting for we select offensive rhymes to the name Alexander.

Alexander - Coriander

What you can think about Alexandra? Let's compose a few quitty with this name.

Good lucky yesterday Alexander,

Do not approach him without gas mask.

And he himself, like a gloomy igyander,

All day hugging with the toilet.

Do you hear me, Alexander?

Wrap more like a jade.

We will fly into space now.

From there to see the world.

Calm down already, Vanya.

Sit silently on the sofa.

Little Sasha

He drank prostrochashi.

The glass dropped and smashed

From mom tightly received.

I love you to shod.

Although you did not come out.

Anyway Favorite Sasha

The best. All are you paint.

And quite a few rows devotion to Shurika. A big request to Sasham - not to be offended.

What's wrong with you, Shurik?

Pale, as if Zhmork.

Student Techfak Shurik

It seems such a fool.

In fact, he is a smart.

Just eats like an elephant.

Oh, Shura-Shura,

I am such a fool.

Fell in love with you

That's what trouble.


The main purpose of the article is to help the reader pick up the rhyme to the name Alexander and Sasha. Not only for male, but also to female. What happened from our rhyme flux - to judge readers.

In addition to the main task, funny rhymes were selected to the name of the Schurik. We hope that men and women with the name Sasha are offended will not remain.