In winter, they are brushing from the snow railway tracks. Cleaning railway tracks from snow

Safety technique


Arrow transfers are equipped with electrical centralization. Almost all routes of stations are electrified and the voltage in the contact network is 3300 V.

At the station there is a continuously intensive movement of trains, maneuver compositions, locomotives, individual wagons. All this requires increased vigilance of people working at stations, constant attention and strict compliance with safety regulations.

During the blizzard and snowfall, the cleaning of the shooting transfers from snow is carried out by automatic pneumatic compartment devices, hose bundle, as well as manually.

Snow cleaning from the station paths of the shooting machines is carried out with snow removal machines or manually with storage of snow on a wide breakfast and outside the station tract. To blame the arrows, the hose pneumatic suppression is used.

The leaders of the Brigades and the alarms in the production of the shorter of the shooter Gorlowin from snow are trained and passing exams in the distance on the secure methods of work and fences working.

2. Requirements for labor protection before work

Responsibility for the implementation of the rules of personal safety workers is entrusted to employees who are prescribed by the heads of snow-row team leaders. Employees of the Brigade on snow-mounted performing work on loading and unloading snow removal trains, as well as endure snow from the shooting transfers with stretcher or baskets.

The senior group is obliged before the work on cleaning the paths, the arrows to inform the station on duty at the station, the name, patronymic and the number of people working in the group.

Instructing on the safe production of work on cleaning and cleaning snow and the fence of the work site provides a travel master or other responsible worker of the path distance.

For the cleaning of the shooter from snow, no more than 6 employees are enshrined for the leaders of the brigade. Managers are obliged to enter the place of work:

  • to conduct a general instruction to all employees according to the safety regulations when passing through the station territory,
  • and before the arrangement of people on jobs:
  • with specific working conditions, assign signalists to provide them with a set of signal accessories;
  • by phone or external louds-speaking communication, making sure the duty officer at the station on the presence of the entry by the travel master in the Du-46 journal about the work of people on the appropriate neck with the records of the arrows numbers and the start time of work.

3. Requirements for labor protection during work

The passage from the place of harvesting to work and from work is allowed only on the side of the earthen canvas or aside from the paths. With a group passage along the side of the earthen canvase, it is necessary to observe precautions: not to go random crowd, not to be closer 2 m from the extreme rail.

When passing along the paths at stations, it is necessary to go on a wide interparture or side of the earth canvas, follow all the movements of rolling stock on adjacent paths.

In the dark (at night, fog, blizzard) you need to be particularly vigilant.

With group passages, set the alarms following the rear and ahead of the group at a safe distance, for timely alert about the approach of the train.

Signalists should go with unfolded red flags, at night and day with poor visibility with lanterns of red light.

At the stations it is allowed to cross the path only at right angles, previously convinced the absence of an approaching rolling stock. When moving through the way it is forbidden to step onto the rails, it becomes between frame rails and strokes on the shooting transfers.

Before the arrangement of people directly at the snow-mounted section, the leader of the Group is obliged to instruct all employees according to the rules of safety regulations with a record in the magazine registration of labor protection instruction.

When the train is approaching, it is necessary to go from the way to the nearest roadblock of the earth canvas or on a wide interface in advance when the train is at a distance of at least 400 m and from no less than 3 m from the extreme rail. In cramped conditions, it is necessary to go from the way to a predetermined place specified by the head.

It is forbidden to move the path in front of the approaching - rolling stock, to be brought under the wagons.

It is prohibited to approach people to those under voltage and not fenced wires or parts of the contact network closer than 8 m.

When performing work on the cleaning of shooting transfers from snow, the group must be no more than 6 and at least 2 people, a senior group must be appointed in each group.

When cleaning the arrows, the following security measures must be observed:

  • before starting cleaning, the arrows must be informed of the duty station or a hill.
  • the arrow is cleaned only during breaks in the movement of trains and maneuvering compositions, on the hills between the next dissolves compositions.
  • when cleaning the arrows, it is forbidden to use a faulty tool and work without mittens.
  • during the cleaning of the shooter, it is forbidden to be inside the rut, it follows the side of the face where the arrival of the rolling stock is expected.
  • when cleaning a centralized arrow, it is necessary to lay a special wooden liner between a sharp and frame rail.
  • on the end of the work on the cleaning of the arrows, it is necessary to inform the duty officer by station or duty on the hill.

When cleaning tracks from snow drifts, it is necessary to arrange a niche at a distance of 20-25m to accommodate the workers at a distance of 20-25m, one from the other with the location of them in a checker order to be able to place workers in them when trains.

To clean snow from the paths, it is necessary to be located so that the snow is discarded in the wind and did not belong to the face of the working people.

When working as a group consisting of 10 workers and more, as well as in poor visibility conditions, the leader of the Group is obliged to expose signals to alerts working on the approach of trains,

Working at the arrow hose down by compressed air is required for two people, one blows the arrow transfers, the second is elder and monitors the movement of trains and maneuver compounds. Closes and opens the dismissal valve of the air-sized column. Opens the crane only when the hose is fully stripped and the first worker holds a tip in his hands.

The end heads of the hose and the air seed column must be tightly connected.

Protective glasses and mittens should be issued to workers who hold the arrows with compressed air. Hoses must be no longer than 20 m long. It is not allowed to cross the hose more than one path. In the case of production necessity, when crossing several paths, the hose is laying under the rail in the pixel box, purified in advance from the snow and Balast.

Hoses for air-spatial columns and their storage location are transferred to the ring. The passage of workers from one arrow to another with a hose connected to the air mains is allowed only when the crane is closed and the absence of air in the hose.

3Replies stretching the hose between the rails inside the rut. The hose from the connection site to the place of work should be located in between batteries.

When the hoses are disconnected and connected from the airway, employees must exhibit special vigilance, caution to not be injured hose impact.

Workers engaged in cleaning from snow paths must have clothes that does not constrain movement.

4. Requirements for labor protection at the end of work

In severe frost, workers engaged in cleaning from snow paths and arrows should observe each other. In case of detection of frostbite signs, immediately contact health workers for the provision of medical care. It is forbidden to touch your hands and metal objects to detail (rails, tools).

The passage of the team from the place of work is carried out by small groups under the leadership of the Group. The team leader is obliged to go behind the group and protect the group with a deployed red signal flag, and at night a lantern with a red light.

Ahead of the brigade is trained and surrendered the signall exams.

The passage of brigades from the place of work is carried out on a wide range or with a side of the way no closer to 2 m from the extreme rail, the path must be moved at right angles.

With big snowdrifts, when there is no possibility to spend workers on interpost or with a side of ways, the passage to the place of work is allowed on the way with the provision of security tools: team leaders are obliged to warn workers for personal care and watch out one after another or two in a row Measuring lag.

5. Provision of prefigible assistance to the victim when frostbite

Assistance must know the main signs of violation of the vital functions of the human body, as well as be able to free the affected and harmful factors that affected the action of dangerous and harmful factors, assess the status of the victim, to determine the sequence of applied first-aid techniques, if necessary, use screed tools when assisting and transporting the victim.

The actions of workers in providing first aid to the victim when frostbite. When assisting, the main thing is to prevent the rapid warming of the supercooled parts of the body, since warm air, warm water, the touch of warm objects and even hands are degraded on them. Before the entrance of the victim in the heated room, the supercourse sections of his body (more often or legs or legs) should be protected from heat exposure, imposing heat-insulating dressings (vita-gauze, wool, etc.) The bandage should close only an area with a pronounced pale skin, without exciting Skin cover. Otherwise, heat from the body sections with undisturbed blood circulation will be distributed under the bandage to the supercooled sections and cause them to warm them from the surface, which will lead to the death of the fabric surface. After the imposition of the heat insulating dressing, it is necessary to ensure the fixedness of the supercheden fingers and legs, as their vessels are very fragile and therefore hemorrhages are possible after the blood flow is restored.

On the supercourse parts of the body, the bandage should be left until the feeling of heat appears and their sensitivity will not be restored.

With a general overcooling, with the loss of consciousness, the basic rules for the provision of trial assistance remains the imposition of heat-insulating bandages on the arms and legs of the victim before making it in the warm room. The victim should urgently deliver to the nearest therapeutic institution without removing the heat insulating dressings. More susceptible to frostbite fingers, brushes, feet, ears, nose.

Read and write Useful

Although it is customary to be the railway transport by all-weather, snow is a direct threat to safety for the movement of rolling stock by railway tracks. Therefore, upon the occurrence of winter, each owner of railway tracks faces the need to clean ways, shooting transfers and other infrastructure facilities from snow-drifts.

According to the law, the content of railway tracks of victims, as well as their cleaning from snow and other weeds lay on the shoulders of the owner.

Snow-bus on the railway tracks is a set of events that are reduced to two main components. Such as, preventing snow drifts and their elimination.

It is necessary to approach the fight against snowy drifts. Therefore, at the design stage, protective devices and devices are envisaged. One of the most common and effective is the long-term landscaping along the railway line. Also applied, less popular, but no less effective, special prefabricated lattice seats and fences.

For the cleaning of railway tracks from snow drifts, specialized techniques are used, both on the railway and on a road. The owners of small driveways, as a rule, do not have their own snow removal techniques, and clean their ways of useless use of wheel bulldozers and loaders.

Snow-bus on the railway tracks is regulated by regulatory documents. Such as, "Instructions for preparing for work in the winter and organization of snow-mounted on railways, in other branches and structural divisions of Russian Railways, as well as its subsidiaries and affiliates" approved by Order No. 2243r and "Instruction on snow-mounted railways Russian Federation "No. CP-751

Requirements for instructions on snow-mounted on J.D. The ways comes down to one basic rule. Inside the rut, snow cover should be removed 50 mm below the level of the rail head, and outside the gauge - snow cover should be no higher than the level of the rail head.

Cleaning the shooting transfers from snow and sleep, is radically different from cleaning paths. For arrows, at stations, electric heating and pneumatic joints are usually used, the processing of metal parts of the upper structure of the path with special anti-switing chemical compositions is equally popular.

Prepare for snowball should be in advance. In the fall, to improve the operation of stationary devices for cleaning the arrow transfers from snow, it is necessary to cut ballast from the batchboxes, so that at least ten centimeters should be from the top of the ballast to the sole of the frame rail. Cleaning the arrow mechanisms from the land and snow is made by stationary electrical heating systems and pneumatic cleaning, and manually using special tools.

In small ways of unwanted use, the shooting transfers in most cases are purified by manually, hand tools and devices.

From the instructions for cleaning the shooting translations, one main requirement can also be distinguished, which comes down to the fact that all zones of operation of moving parts of the arrow mechanism, namely between a sharp and frame rail, in piping boxes under work tracts and external closers, on crosses with Movable core must be cleaned of snow and sleep.

If the path has an intersection with a road, special attention should be paid to the cleaning of snow and ice from the grooves between the contralayer and the rail head at the move itself, and this work must be performed regularly, and not only after the bouran and snowfall. Snow in these gutters will be touched by the wheels of vehicles when crossing the railway track.

Thus, each owner of the railway track should understand that the uninterrupted ensuring the movement of rolling stock in the winter period depends on the protection of railway. ways from snow drifts and timely cleaning of railway tracks, shooting transfers, moving and other components of snow and ice infrastructure.

Cleaning the path from snow on the distillations should be carried out, as a rule, snow plows, as well as snow removal trains in the location of passenger platforms.

Manual cleaning is made in those places where it is impossible to skip the snowplow or snow removal train in working condition (nasties of relocations and approaches to them, adjoining arrows, sections of the path at the approaches to bridges, tunnels, between platforms and other obstacles), as well as in all cases When the skipping of snow-cleaning and snow removal cars is delayed.

Collection of workers attracted on snow-mounted, passing them to the place of cleaning paths from snow and back to be made in accordance with the requirements shown in paragraphs 2.8.8 and 2.8.9 of labor protection rules in the maintenance and repair of the railway track and structures.

In conditions of strong drifts, when the passage from the path and on the side is impossible, a passage is allowed along the path with compliance with the requirements given in paragraph 2.1.3 of labor protection rules in the maintenance and repair of the railway track and structures.

Transportation of workers to the place of work and back should be made in accordance with the requirements given in paragraphs 2.1.5 - 2.1.13 of labor protection rules in the maintenance and repair of the railway track and structures.

In areas where workers are transported to the place of snow removal work and reverse on roads, the requirements given in paragraphs 1.11-1.17 of labor protection rules during the transportation of workers, the placement of residential, household and official cars on the paths in the moving formations of railway transport.

Snowplows and snow removal machines are sent to the place of work by the head of the path distance or its deputy.

The duty officer in the direction of the dispatching center of the transportation management center (in the absence of a traffic control system in the direction of the dispatching center - a dispatcher for the management of transportation (management area), having received an application for the route of the distance, takes measures to immediately send a snow plow or snow removal train to the site.

Organization and technology of work of plow snowpots

The work on cleaning the path on the distillery of the Plume Snapper or a snowplow train is headed by a representative of the path of the path not lower than the Master of the Road, which has been trained and certified for working with snow removal techniques.

Plumeful all-metal SDP and SDP-M Types and SDP-M, can work according to the Snowplow Scheme - Elektrovoz or Snow Powder - diesel locomotive without cover.

Cleaning pathways from snow at intermediate stations is also made by snow puzzles and stops.

The working speed of the snowplow when working at the station must be up to 40 km / h, the stamp is from 10 to 15 km / h, a snow removal train - depending on the number of snow - from 5 to 10 km / h (stated in the technical description and instruction manual Snow Practice Two-Punny Plum SDP, SDP-M).

It is allowed to clean the path on the one-section portion from snow with two snow plows with a locomotive between them (shine). With this method of work, the loss of time is eliminated for the permutation of the locomotive at intermediate stations and the connectors.

Purification of paths on three-step areas with normal interposses (the first 4.1 m and subsequent 5.0 m) is advisable to produce two two-way snow plows. When passing one way, both snowplows should go in working condition: one ahead over the middle way, dropping the snow towards the extreme way, and the other after him, after a distance of at least 1.0 km along the extreme way, dropping the snow under the slope. In the opposite direction, snow plows return the same: one in the middle, the other in the extreme way, cleaning completely all the ways from snow.

Cleaning pathways from snow on four-circuit areas with normal interposses is advisable to perform two two-way snow plows. When you first pass, the snowpots go in working condition after one after another and clean the way the way of transshipment of snow from one path to another. When returned, snow plows purify two ways on the other side (sets out in the technical description and instructions for the operation of the SPP-Plum Plume SDP, SDP-M).

In the formation of snow drifts on the distillation in a half-welfare located on Kozochor, in a direct or curve section of the path, their clearing should be carried out in the following order:

on a single section - a two-way snowplow, directing it from the other side of the run, with which the snow can be thrown into the slope of the oscolat (in the direction of the extraction to the slope of the mound);

on a two-step plot - two two-way snowpots moving around both ways in series one by one, the distance between them should be at least 1.0 km.

Snowplows are sent from the side of the air from which the snow can be moved over one race from one to another path, and then under the slopes of Kosoyra.

When plugging snow plows on electrified areas, the voltage from the contact wire is not removed.

Plots of the path where there are oversized supports of the contact network, traffic lights, floor hardware drives, CTSM, STSPS and diagnostic complexes and other obstacles (pedestrian and translated flooring, counter-terminals or security devices and tunnels) must be listed in the list of dangerous sites of the site fixed Behind the snowpressure, and fenced. In the absence of reliable information from the leader, reliable information on the prevalence of oversized device alarm, centralization and blocking and supports of the contact network and not fenced by the established procedure, cleaning the way from snow to implement only with the participation of responsible workers of the alarm, centralization and blocking, power supply.

If the distance from the path axis to the inner edge of the contact network support is less than 3.1 m, then it is necessary to observe special caution. In the presence of such supports work with open wings forbiddenSince at the time of opening or closing the wings they can hurt for supports. In these cases, the wings should be closed and fixed by transport constipation.

In addition, working with the open corner wing is allowed only in those areas, where the distance from the inner edge of the supports to the axis of the path side of the angular wing is at least 3.3m.

If there are supports located at a distance of less than 3.3 m from the path in the path of the path that are serviced by the snowpressure, then for the possibility of operation of the Angular Wing of SDP and SDP-M SPP-M, it is necessary to print lifting lifts and visors according to the drawings attached to Technical description and manual for the operation of a snowplow of a two-way Plume SDP and SDP-M.

When operating a plug-in track of the car type or a structure at a two-or multiplicate area with closed wings on the side of the interface, it is necessary to provide the prevention of the following content "on the distance ..... by ...... the path works the traveling stroke (snow plow). When followed by distillation, it is special vigilance; Before places with poor visibility to feed the label signals. " These warnings are issued on duty at stations at the request of the head of the road. If it is necessary to work a snowplow or a stamp with an open wing from the interface side, the adjacent path for the movement of trains is closed.

When installing ovens on snowplows and snow removal trains, the requirements given in paragraph 3.5 of labor protection rules in the transportation of workers, the placement of residential, household and official cars on the paths and in the moving formations of railway transport.

The furnace doors should close and have a device that eliminates the fuel from the furnace firebox to the floor, and the furnace should be equipped with a poker and a scroll and should have an additional, not in contact with the oven, a metal fencing from three sides. Before the furnace on the floor, a metal sheet with asbestos gasket should be laid, a sparkling agent should be installed on the chimney pipe.

When operating heating stoves, firewood must be in a specially designated place, and coal is in a special box, while forbidden:

apply firewood, the length of which exceeds the size of the furnace;

turn the oven with an open door;

transport gasoline, kerosene and other flammable liquids in the cabin, as well as to pull the furnace with these liquids;

leave the stove with burning fuel unattended;

throwing away on the move of the car ash and slag;

produce drying clothes, shoes for fences;

leave fire in the furnace when leaving the members of the brigade from the car.

The room where the furnace is located, should be equipped with fire extinguishers, a box with sand and other fire-fighting equipment.

In case of fire, burning wires, electrical appliances, fuel and lubricants should be extinguished only by carbon dioxide and powder fire extinguishers. Apply for these purposes foam fire extinguishers and water forbidden.

LLC "Labor landing" performs work on cleaning snow on the railway tracks, shooting transfers and railway transfers.

Snow-table is an exclusively railway term with which you will not meet any other industry. It includes a set of measures to prevent snow drifts, protect the way from snow, as well as directly snow removal - cleaning the railway tracks and shooting transfers from snow.

To work by rail transport, which is reasonably considered all-weather, do not affect many adverse weather conditions. Despite this, snow drifts and drifts are a serious threat for railway transport. Strong snowfall and snow-created snow drifts represent the problem for moving the rolling stock. Snow, falling on the railway rail, creates additional resistance to movement, increases energy consumption, helps to reduce the speeds of motion.

So, at the dawn of the formation of railway transport, when the snow-mounted technique has not yet been developed, the snow element could paralyze the work of individual sections of the railway for a long time.

Story of snow-mounted railways

Railway railing snow hamper was a problematic question long before the widespread network of railways. For Russia, he was particularly relevant, not only engineers were discussed, as evidenced by documents, but also the public. Snowboarding railway tracks in Russia was a message, the village was laid out by the "snowy horse and human" aunt, often this work was performed by military units. This fact is confirmed by cutting out of the English newspaper of the late 19th century, which contains engravings about cleaning snow on the railway in the vicinity of Orenburg.

Snow-table on the railway was carried out and with the help of fencing with snow shields, as well as passenger forces, which manually resized the stuck composition with shovels.

Currently, the arsenal of methods of combating snow has significantly expanded: it is also protection against snow drifts using long-term forests and special prefabricated panels and fences, electric heating and a pneumatic tuning of switching transfers, treatment with anti-icing and anti-rolled chemicals of metal parts of the top structure of the path. Developed and introduced into the application of various modern snow-reading self-propelled machines both on a car combined and railway track.

Instructions on snow-mounted

Snow-table on the railways of the Russian Federation is governed by the following regulatory acts:

  • (instead of the previously active Instructions on the procedure for preparing for work in the winter and organization of snow-mounted on the railways of JSC "Russian Railways", approved by the order of Russian Railways No. 1338r from 30.06.2006);
  • Instructions on snow-mounted on the railways of the Russian Federation No. CP-751 dated 25.04.2000;
  • Typical technically reasonable standards of time on snow-mounted work.

Snow-bus on the railway tracks

The maintenance of railway tracks of victims is provided at the expense of the tract owner, including the cleaning of railway tracks of victim from snow. LLC "Labor landing" performs these works on the railway tracks of the non-residential use of both manual method and the use of specialized means of small mechanization - Honda tracked snow removal machines. With a significant amount of snow, the cleaning of the paths is performed using self-propelled special equipment in a combined move. In the case of the onset of heavy snowfall, we attract heavy self-propelled technique with Russian Railways.

Since the occurrence of snowfall, our organization's employees take action according to the plan for cleaning and cleaning snow from ways to uninhably use and shooting transfers to ensure the movement of the movement of rolling stock, if necessary, establish round-the-clock duty of the company's employees, organize snow removal machines, produce high-quality cleaning of snow paths after Passing of special equipment.

It should be noted that the criterion of good cleaning paths from snow is quite measurable and enshrined in the instructions on a snow-mounted road on the railways of the Russian Federation - with manual cleaning of the way, the snow inside the rut should be considered at least 50 mm below the level of the top of the rail head, and outside the rut Level with riding rail head.

Cleaning from the snow of shooting transfers

Special attention should be paid to issues related to the protection of the snow of shooting transfers. For the normal operation of the arrow translation in winter, a prerequisite is the absence of a pressing of ice and snow in the operation of the movable parts of the arrow translating: between the spit and frame rail, in the padl boxes under the drives of the drives and external circuits, on the crossbars with the movable core.

When performing work on a cleaner of ice on shooting transfers and in places of obstacles, it is necessary to observe precautions that exclude the possibility of overlapping signals. On the shooting transfers for the ice of ice can be applied manual, as well as a shock pneumatic or electrical instrument.

In the precinct period for the effective functioning of stationary devices for cleaning the shooter from snow, the ballast should be cut in the padl boxes so that the lumen between the sole of the frame rail and the ballast was at least 10 cm. Cleaning the arrow transfers from snow and ice is made by stationary electrical heating devices and pneumatic cleaning, hose air purity and manually using tools using the means of signaling and communication with duty at the station.

Currently, there is an opportunity to equip the arrow transfers with electrical heating or pneumatic compartment. Our company for the customer's task can perform work on the installation and installation of the above technical devices.

Cleaning from the snow of railway crossings

In accordance with the conditions of operation of railway crossings, approved by the order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia No. 237 of 07/31/2015, the owner of the railway tracks of the unwilling use in the maintenance of roads within the borders of the railway crossing provides its forces to clean the roads from snow and ice, carries out a fight against winter slighteners, produces Cleaning snowy trees with a car drill, organizes loading and removal of snow, and also takes measures for regular cleaning from snow and ice of the relocation elements.

LLC "Labor landing" will help organize a full range of works to maintain the condition of the coverage of the automotive road and the rebound flooring in accordance with the regulatory documents.

The smooth operation of railway transport in winter conditions largely depends on reliable protection of ways of snow, as well as timely cleaning them from snow during snowfall and blizzards.

Labor landing LLC performs the whole range of works: the organization of snow-mounted on railway transport, snowstock of railway tracks, cleaning from the snow of shooting transfers, railway moves and technological passages.

Our company organizes work in such a way as not to violate the train schedule, ensure timely feeding / cleaning of the rolling stock to the places of loading or unloading, do not interfere with passengers and station personnel, as well as in the shortest possible time to eliminate the adverse effects of the snow element.