Nicknames for cats Scottish fold boys are popular. How to name a cat Scottish boy.

A little Scottish fold kitten is fluffy happiness. He gives a lot of positive and unforgettable moments. The Scottish cat is like a plush toy. His ears certainly draw attention to themselves. A kitten of this breed looks very cute. He is quite playful, kind and complaisant.

Fold boys are especially unusual. They are both funny and serious. This combination of qualities touches simply to madness. If this fluffy purr has appeared in your house, then first of all take care of its comfort. Buy food, a convenient bowl, toilet, high-quality filler, a "crib" and a scratching post. Only then proceed with the selection of a name. But what is the best name for a Scottish fold kitten?

When deciding what to call your lop-eared boy, consider the following points.

  • No need to call the cat an excessively long name.
  • The animal’s nickname can end with any letter, however, names with a vowel sound are melodious.
  • In the nickname of the Scottish fold purls should be hissing sounds. They attract pet attention well.
  • The cat's name should sound beautiful. Otherwise, it will simply be unpleasant to hear.

When choosing a name for a Scottish baby, you must take into account his personality traits. If the baby runs, jumps, and hurts all the time, then the nickname Zadir will suit him. And if a kitten likes to sleep, prefers to lie on its arms, and not run after a toy, then Tikhonya is exactly the name that will suit him.

You can give a nickname to a fold Scottish boy by the color of his fur: Chernysh, Ginger, etc. Also in this case, names that are associated with various historical events, for example, Napoleon, Louis, Caesar, are relevant. The names of the heroes of ancient myths: Hermes, Hercules, etc. will also suit the fold Scot. The names from cartoons and films are also recommended. Maybe you got a little Shrek or Batman?

When choosing a name for a fold, consider your personal preferences. You will have to pronounce the chosen nickname daily, several times a day. Here are some more names for a fold kitten: Agate, Diamond, Alfred, Berg, Bill, Bonus, Gloucester, Joyce, Elizar, Georges, Ziroit, Ginger, Clio, Katnes, Lycadier, Lucius, Milan, Mondor, Nicanor, Oscar, Plato, Rina, Solomon, Turan, Friedrich, Harpy, Citrine, Charles, Edbert, Julian, Janos.

Refuse from simple nicknames, such as Vasya or Petit - this is for ordinary purr. You have a cute thoroughbred boy. It must be called with dignity. He deserves it. Take care of the tailed pet, and he will reciprocate!

Scottish kittens are cute little soft lumps of happiness that will not leave anyone indifferent. They are absolutely not like other breeds and even purr somehow in a special way. Small ears characterized by a peculiar structure, soft plush wool, hyperactivity, this is the set of qualities that can be used to characterize cats of this breed.

Despite all the distinguishing features, the selection of nicknames is complicated by the presence of a large number of different options. You will learn how to simplify your choice and choose a name that matches your pet as you read our article.

True scottish names

There is a hypothesis in the world that says that the cat’s nickname should be as simple as possible and include a combination of letters that we use in situations where we need to invite the animal to eat or just find it in the apartment. This is a “cs.” People believe that it is this component that will help simplify the process of remembering a nickname.

We will not refute this theory. She has a place to be. For cats, the world of sounds is really important. Regardless of the breed, they all perceive one or another sound combination. But the feature “k” and “c” is in doubt. In the course of many studies, it was proved that cats perceive other sounds such as “c” and “h” no worse. That is, their use is also effective.

Therefore, we dare to say that the stereotype about the miraculous action of “ks - ks” refers more to the category of myths. That is, choosing a name for a pet, you can rely on your preferences, he will remember it also quickly.

Scottish cats are the closest relatives of the British. They have many similar features not only in the structure of the body, but also in character. The name of your charms must correspond to his status, and his choice to become a priority.

Oddly enough, many carelessly relate to this duty, calling the animal standard nicknames of the type: Murzik, Barsik or Marquis. People who have sufficient vocabulary and developed imagination are simply obliged to come up with something more original, for them there will be much more options. What way to orient your imagination so that the name of your Scottish boy is truly original or one of a kind?

The homeland of these babies boasts a rich and diverse cultural heritage, revered by the whole world.

Scotland is not only good whiskey, men in skirts and bagpipes. It is worth digging a little deeper, remembering the history of the country, the main cultural values, and then the names for your kitten will be a whole sea, if not the ocean.

Certainly the most popular, and the first thing you can think of when associating a cat’s name with the name and culture of its homeland is: Cattle, Shot and their pet forms. For the name you can take as a basis the name of the capital of Scotland, Edinburgh. In this regard, Edy, Edik, Edka will be suitable.

But on the coat of arms of this country depicts a lion with a unicorn. Fans of large representatives of the cat family can call their little favorites - Lions, Levushki, Levka, Laen.

As for the beautiful unicorns, the English analogue of our word is Unicon. Therefore, Uni, Unik, Yunka, Connie will become appropriate.

If you dig deeper, the world-famous fact that the national Scottish costume is a kilt will not be ignored. For its tailoring, a special type of fabric is used - tartan. These terms will be an excellent base for the name of the kitten. The Scot can become a boy - Kilt, Tarrick, Tarr, Kiltik or Tartan.

Recall the men's hat, an integral attribute of the national costume. They call her bonit. In honor of this, a kitten can become a Bonic or Bonit.

The next important characteristic that you can safely use to select a name is the color of the kitten. We will consider the most common options.

And you, having activated your imagination to its full potential, can easily come up with something of your own if the proposed names do not fit.

Color as name

Let's start with the gray fold babies. It would seem that besides the haze comes to mind at the sight of a cute gray kitten. But no, there are many great names that apply to different individuals of the cat world.

Smoke, Smoke - this nickname will be appropriate for calm boys - Sholandans. As a rule, such kittens are melancholic in nature. They are calm and inconsistent, it will be very difficult to stir up such a cat. The little ones are lazy and are in no hurry to perform this or that action. They practically do not play, do not cheat, while being rather arrogant, intelligent, affectionate.

Storm - this name is suitable for active individuals. Its carriers are very whimsical, rushing around the house like tornadoes, literally destroying everything that comes in their way. A state of calm is characteristic of such pets only during sleep. In other periods of your life, your peace of mind will also be disturbed.

Chrome - the name fits a real man in the cat's world. Its owners are usually prudent, smart, courageous and rather cold in relation to the owners. They are always on their own mind and do not intend to adapt to your rhythm of life. Having got such a pet, get ready for dramatic changes in your views, rules and habits.

Cloud - cute, charming and attractive Scottish boys deserve to bearers of such a noble name. If your kitten is like a little cloud, then the name you choose will be really suitable. Such individuals are distinguished by extreme devotion, tenderness, and attentiveness. He is fascinated by absolutely any little things. And the bed of the owners becomes a place to sleep.

Wulf - sounds proudly and elegantly, and in translation from English it means a wolf, and wolves are known to be authoritative and status animals with extraordinary physical and moral strength, endurance. Choosing this name costs kittens with the same character traits. And basically they appear in early childhood. Therefore, picking up a kitten, find the opportunity to follow his manners, if you notice the similarity, then you have already chosen a name.

Black kittens

It would seem, what interesting can you come up with for a black cat? A lot of interesting names have already been invented, and you can replenish this list with new, no less original options.

Typhoon - explosive wayward fidgets that can get along with children and become for them best friends in truth deserve such a nickname. If a new member of your family cannot sit still, constantly explores the surrounding area, climbs to the tops, quickly finds friends then you already found a name for him.

Lightik - like the aforementioned representatives of the feline family, kittens deserving to bear such a name are moderately active, funny, very playful, and sometimes absolutely tireless. This nickname is superbly perceived and remembered by animals.

The bassoon - all who read "The Master and Margarita" will remember this big mannered cat, which has a bright character, has communication skills that any business coach can envy. So, those whose kittens are similar not only in size, but also in character features to the hero of the aforementioned, we advise you to choose this nickname.

Shoko is a nickname for affectionate and gentle animals who prefer to spend time in your arms or next to you in bed, rather than walking and scattering toys. It is tender like chocolate, therefore the name corresponds to this sweetness. A distinctive feature of a pet is its desire to purr, you cannot find such a purr in any other way.

Dusk - calm and balanced kittens who like to spend time in splendid isolation, but at the same time are able to communicate with their owners and other pets.

White cats

Animals with a fur coat of this color look incredibly, chic and cute. They can be given various noble and, as is now customary to say, “frivolous” nicknames. We picked up the standard options:

Coconut - if your baby matches his appearance, the same affectionate, gentle, flexible. Constantly requires your care and warmth, crowds out all family members taking the main places, then this name will suit your pet.

Artik is a cold-blooded animal with periodic bouts of tenderness that have a direct connection with the mood of the kitten. The changes in his behavior are cardinal, he can be extremely gentle, and after a minute detached, wild. This cat needs constant communication with the owners, their attention and care. With proper care, periods of kindness will be more frequent and longer.

Buran - cat - a rebel. In life, he does not perceive the rules, prohibitions, is prone to breaking all foundations. Often shows aggression, does not go hand in hand. He, like the previous type, needs education, only having him will he become kind and complaisant.

White is a gorgeous, cute, very graceful kid. Everyone who sees him cannot hide his admiration. The kitten loves cleanliness, disdains food from dirty bowls and is sensitive to unpleasant odors.

Jack - this nickname is designed for active fidget who loves various games, adventures, adventures. Sometimes the owners of such pets simply can not stand the frenzied rhythm of life. In relation to other animals, they are calm, easily find a common language, but prefer to stay away.

Among other things, you can use cool ideas, rely on the profession and hobbies of the owner.

If you want to pick up something exotic and extravagant, then this section is for you. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the nature of not only the pet, but also the owner. For people with a good sense of humor, the following will be suitable:

Funtik, Shpuntik, Smilie, Glomerulus, Powder, Godzila (for large animals), Burchuk, Murchun, Barbel.

As for the professions and hobbies of the owners. They leave an indelible imprint on the choice of a pet's name. Many have noticed that the programmers of their cats call all sorts of computer terms. For example: Pixel, or Escape.

Physicists give cats names and surnames of great inventors: Newton, Roentgen, Om, Lavoisier.

Well, the list of options is quite large, you just have to make your choice. Good luck !!!