What will happen if you do not wash off the soap. Washing dishes and your health

If you get water from the municipal water supply system, then your water undergoes regular monitoring and must comply with accepted standards. Another thing is that while the water reaches your faucet through a network of pipelines, it can undergo secondary pollution. If you have doubts about the quality of your water, you can contact either the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station at your place of residence, one of the independent certified laboratories, or reputable water treatment companies.

If the temperature is lower than just seen, micelles do not form, and therefore the soap does not wash. If we take soap salts formed only from sodium oleate, which is a salt that is formed from oleic acid, the temperature at which micelles are formed is 28 ° C, that is, soap is washed from this value. That is, sodium laurate requires a higher temperature to flush dirt. However, if we mix oleate and sodium laurate in equal parts, we observe a phenomenon that revolutionized the world of soap, i.e. It happens that the temperature at which micelles are formed decreases sharply to 0 ° C, that is, the soap becomes much more soluble and succeeds for washing even with cold water.

Certainly, for water received from an individual or collective well, analysis is simply mandatory.

Moreover, it is important that water for analysis should be taken directly from your tap, and not somewhere from a common riser or from a water tower. After all, you are interested in analyzing your water.

How to properly draw water for analysis?

For many applications, water hardness does not play a significant role (for example, to extinguish fires, watering a garden, cleaning streets and sidewalks). But in some cases, stiffness can create problems. When taking a bath, washing dishes, washing, washing a machine, hard water is much less effective than soft. And that's why:
   - When using soft water, 2 times less detergents are consumed;
   - Hard water, interacting with soap, forms “soap slags” that are not washed off by water and leave unlikely stains on dishes and plumbing surfaces;
   “Soap slags” also do not wash off the surface of human skin, clogging pores and covering every hair on the body, which can cause a rash, irritation, and itching.
- When water is heated, the hardness salts contained in it crystallize, precipitating in the form of scale. Scale accounts for 90% of failures in water heating equipment. Therefore, the water subjected to heating in boilers, boilers, etc., has an order of magnitude more stringent requirements for stiffness;
   - In many industrial processes, hardness salts can react chemically to form unwanted intermediates.

A mixture of sodium oleate and sodium laurate in equal parts, that is, 50% of each, is called a eutectic mixture, which means that these two substances together behave much better than each of the two separately. We could also define this mixture, with the term, very fashionable today, a synergistic combination. In practice, we obtain this particular mixture by introducing into the mixture used for the saponing of oils rich in lauric acid, among which one of the most important is coconut oil.

When this characteristic of coconut oil was discovered, olive oil was immediately squeezed out as a soap ingredient; for example, Marseille soap, which was originally made from olive oil, was made using mixtures containing coconut.

After washing with soft water there is a feeling of "soapiness". What is it connected with and is it harmful?

Residents of the northern regions, where water is traditionally softer, are well acquainted with this phenomenon. Indeed, when washing with soft water, the subjective impression of “indelibility” of the soap remains, the skin remains slippery, as if soaped. This phenomenon is associated with the fact that after removal of hardness salts from the water, “soap slags” are no longer formed, which destroy the finest greasy film covering the surface of healthy skin and protecting it from harmful external influences. It is this film that gives a feeling of slippery. And this is not only not harmful, but, on the contrary, extremely useful. After all, it is not for nothing that cosmetologists recommend washing themselves and washing their hair with rain or melt (which means very soft) water. Unfortunately, we are more accustomed to washing the body and hair “to squeak” in hard water, and then trying to repair the damaged protective film with creams and lotions.

How much coconut needs to be added to form a eutectic mixture? It is already formed with the addition of the first grams, but at the beginning in such small amounts we almost do not notice the difference in solubility. What is the contribution of the insoluble phase, consisting mainly of long chain saturated soap salts? These saturated salts contribute to the creamy foam, i.e. make her last longer.

The duration of the foam, which is formed due to the large number of small bubbles of soapy water in water, is associated with the bursting of the bubbles when they touch each other. As long as the bubbles are separated from each other, they remain the same as the soap bubbles we used as children. Only when they touch each other or when we touch them with our hands do they break. If the bubbles continue over time, we say that the foam is creamy.

How does freezing affect the purity of water and its chemical composition?

First, a small digression into theory.

Ice has a crystalline structure built from water molecules. Foreign impurities, including those dissolved in water in the form of salts, do not have a place in this crystal lattice when water freezes. Therefore, as it forms, the crystal lattice “displaces” the impurities. If this process occurs in a container, for example, in a mold for making ice, then as a result all impurities are concentrated in one place (for example, in the middle, if the volume of water was cooled evenly from all sides or at the bottom of the container, if cooling was from the surface), and transparent ice from clear water surrounds them.

Saturated salts of soap do not dissolve in water and remain inside it, like tree trunks cut down by lumberjacks inside rivers, all of them are aligned in the direction of the stream. This fact prevents the bubbles from touching and, therefore, makes them longer over time.

There is a great desire to abandon the traditional detergent for dishes in favor of more environmentally friendly raw materials such as vinegar, bicarbonate, solvate, ash, natural soap, homemade pastes and a detergent based on lemons, vinegar and salt, now known as the “mixture lemons. " Let's see how you can use these alternatives and get good washing results without having to give up our business, despite good intentions. One of the most important things to know is the hardness of the water.

If you had to consider the resulting ice cubes, then you saw a cloudy “cloud” inside the cube - these are impurities. The nature of the formation of this "cloud" is quite simple. In the place of salt concentration, water cannot completely freeze, forming a transparent crystalline structure (this property of salts is used when strewing streets in ice). Moreover, the more polluted the water, the more this turbid component. The cleaner - the more transparent the shell. So, reverse osmosis water obtained at membrane plants gives almost perfectly transparent ice. Therefore, all over the world such systems are installed in front of ice generators.

In areas where the water has a medium-sweet or sweet hardness, everything is fine, everything that is used for washing is guaranteed. Other speech should be washed in hard or medium hard waters such as Rome, Milan, Florence, Bologna. Obstruction is represented by minerals present in the water, which usually do not give weight, because traditional detergents containing sequestrants remove them and take them away, do not leaving traces. they stick to the dishes and form this ugly patina a little grayish, which makes them opaque, and at the end of washing it settles on the edge of the sink, forming mucus, a little greasy and hard to remove.

Thanks to the above phenomenon, the inhabitants of the far North theoretically have a method of purification by freezing water. You can either chop off the outer transparent shell and then melt it, or melt the entire block, but not to the end. As soon as the ice melts to a muddy middle - it needs to be thrown out (if all the ice is melted, then the exact same water will be obtained as the initial one - its chemical composition will not change).

To know the hardness of the water in your city, I found a very interesting site where just enter the name of the province and municipality to find out how the situation is in our houses and, finally, to eliminate all doubts about this. Traditional detergents have a pH designed for hands, our alternative products do not. Since we must do this, our cleaning is based on using the pH of the substances we use, which will inevitably be too acidic or too simple. Both situations are not favorable for constant contact with hands.

In this way, you can get almost perfectly clean water. By the way, ecologists consider meltwater of ancient glaciers to be the safest for humans.

Another question is how much this will be troublesome. Indeed, for water with a rather high salinity, the efficiency of this procedure may also be low - the clean layer is too thin. There is only one way to deal with this - a very quick and deep freeze. In this case, the salt concentration region will occupy a much smaller volume. The point is a small cryogenic installation. If it is at hand - then go ahead for the job. If not, then in this way a little water can and can be obtained - for example, for cosmetic procedures. But for drinking needs and cooking food you will need quite a lot, and initially not of the worst quality, we tactfully keep silent about the time spent.

Moreover, with regard to the first speech on carbonates, especially when using soap, this sticky patina, which we are talking about, really irritates the skin, so it is better to wear gloves. The use of gloves also allows us to use the very high temperature of the water. Hot water already solves 50% of washing problems. The second step - if we cooked dry pasta, do not throw water. It is rich in starch and hot, too hot. We can use it both for cleaning and because it is hot, and it saves energy.

If you take the habit of washing dishes immediately after dinner, the water will boil and you will need to add it with cold water. Third step - We avoid water loss. We do not fill the sink with water! There is no need and is not a suitable system for our products that do not foam very much. Three steps - If we don’t have pasta water, we should get very hot water, a couple of liters is enough. In a kettle, boiling water is ready in a few minutes. Fifth step. If you use paper towels at the table, do not drop them anymore, they are still useful for an infinite number of uses, including preparing dishes for washing.

The solution to the problem in the entire civilized world is either the use of membrane methods based on reverse osmosis (the water obtained is the same as melt), or two-, three-stage purification (sediment filter, activated carbon, microfiltration). In the latter case, the water does not desalinate, but with a good initial quality this is enough.

Therefore, the first thing to do is to remove fat, sauce and leftover food from the dishes. Step: We fill the hot water pot as described above, or we use water to make pasta. If we use liquid soap or dissolve 2 or 3 tablespoons in water. We can add an alkaline ash substance to enhance the action of the detergent or 1 teaspoon of solv, but if we use detergent in a paste, such as a mixture of lemons or other soap pastes or alkaline paste, which remains from the production of liquor, we use water as is or add bicarbonate or MES, never vinegar, because if we use soap, they are not compatible with each other during the washing phase.

Beautiful skin is the dream of the whole beautiful half of humanity. What water is better to wash your face so that it does not age? You can learn about proper skin care and what should be the water for washing your face from the article.

Normal washing in the morning - can it really do harm? Many women are surprised at the appearance of wrinkles on their faces: after all, I wash my face and apply cream - why wrinkles? It turns out that this should be done correctly and listen to the advice of cosmetologists.

Step 1 - The secret to a good wash is not to completely immerse the dishes in water in order to avoid this ugly grease, which we talked about, then in case of soapy water we will dip the sponge in hot water and soap and transfer it to the dish. Soap a dish or another without giving it directly to the water. If you use a paste, you will wet the sponge in hot water and you will go over the plate, after which you will put a little dough on the sponge and it will start to grow. With the sponge soaked in paste, you wash more than one dish, you do not need to put the dough for every part that you wash!

Caring for your skin is a favorite pastime for all girls and women. A huge role in the beauty of the face is played by the condition of the skin: I want it to be smooth, without rashes, a beautiful natural shade. But not every woman can boast of such an asset. Especially this question excites women on the eve of the holidays: the desire to be beautiful at the New Year's banquet is, naturally, for the beautiful half of humanity.

There is a preferential washing procedure: 1st glasses and glass salad bowls and plastic containers 3 ° dishes and ceramic or porcelain salad bowls. 4 ° cutlery 5 ° pans 6 ° pans or pallets are very short steps. Rinse the dishes using a trickle of water, possibly closing the water between one part and the other and placing the dishes under a stream of water so that the water flows, rinses even the pieces below, those that are in the basin of the sink. Neo-step - the patina inevitably remains on the plates a little bit of discussion.

Tips, rules, and information useful for serving a citizen

How obvious this is depends on the water hardness of our city, but we can partially remove it, helping us with an acid product. We have two alternatives: vinegar or lemon. Drying prevents ghosting. Hand washing is the most appropriate and effective way to prevent transmission of infections. Therefore, it is very important that every person, before and after being in a very busy environment, is used to washing their hands thoroughly. In this manual, you want to give instructions on the proper hand washing technique.

How, with the help of ordinary washing, can you preserve beautiful skin or, conversely, improve its condition? To figure out which water is better to wash, you need to find out how it affects the skin. After all, water can be different: hard and soft. Hard, in its composition, is too enriched with minerals and contains salts of magnesium, potassium. For the skin - it is a strong irritant. After washing with such water, irritation and peeling of the skin begins. To avoid such consequences, water should be softened or washed with melt water. Boiled water or water with the addition of tea soda becomes soft and does not harm the skin. If, by its nature, a woman’s skin is hypersensitive, then milk is added to the water and washed with such milk water.

Why is it important to wash your hands?

In particular, we will try to answer the following questions. In fact, the hands are a vehicle because the outer cells of the epidermis are usually populated by microbes that together form a bacterial flora. Hand hygiene practices aim to quickly eliminate bacterial flora, which reduces the risk of transmission of infections. In order for the flushing to be effective, it is necessary to follow the correct technique, taking care of removing the rings, bracelets, because they increase the number of microorganisms present on the hands.

What is more useful water: cold or hot? Cold water when washing acts on the vascular system of the skin, narrowing it. Because of this, the skin is poorly supplied with blood, oxygen, it becomes dry and pale. The first wrinkles appear: it means that the skin becomes flabby. The conclusion suggests itself: cold water is harmful. It is especially bad to wash with cold water before going outside and in the winter season. Water is preferably at room temperature. Many are very addicted to moisturizers. But this can be harmful: on cold days, it causes hypothermia and skin irritation. Therefore, creams should be oily and must be applied one hour or forty minutes before leaving the house. This will make the skin protected and maintain its elasticity. But it all depends on the climatic conditions of life. In the hot zone, washing with cold water in the morning is even recommended. Due to the heat, blood rushes stronger to the surface of the skin, cold water acts cooling and firming. Before going to bed, washing with warm water is recommended so as not to irritate the skin and not lose sleep.

Is it true that hand washing regularly reduces the risk of colds and flu? If you come in contact with a virus, for example, shaking hands with an affected object, and then touching your face and, in particular, your nose or eyes, you can let the virus enter and infect us. For this reason, it is recommended to wash your hands thoroughly every time you meet the victim, but more often every time you come in contact with other people, for example, if you use public transport or frequent crowded environments.

Is it true that hand washing can often lead to dry or cracked skin? To reduce the risk of dermatitis, it is recommended to choose a mild cleanser for irritation and apply a moisturizer after cleaning. It is important to take care of the skin of the hands, because excoriation can contribute to bacterial colonization and possible diffusion of microorganisms.

It is interesting that hot water also harms the skin and leads to the appearance of wrinkles on it. Although hot water rinses grease and dirt off the skin well, it should be washed very rarely. After washing with soap, the skin becomes irritated, dries and redness appears on it. Once a week it is allowed to wash with hot water with soap or shaving foam. This will not hurt any skin: neither dry nor oily. But a frequent such procedure is undesirable. It turns out that both cold and hot water are harmful to the beauty of the skin. How to decide: what kind of water to wash?

It is important to get used to washing your hands :. - before cooking; - before eating; - before and after proximity to the patient; - before and after wound treatment; - after visiting the bathroom; - after changing the diaper to a child; - after sneezing or after a nose blow; - after touching the animal.

Is it true that those who use gloves do not need to wash their hands? Gloves, even if latex, are not an absolute barrier, so hands can be dirty. In addition, the action of removing gloves is often associated with hand contamination. Typically, hands should be washed with running water and soap. To perform the correct technique, it is recommended :. - wet your hands under running water; - apply soap, it is better if the liquid; - soap is good; - wipe your hands for at least 20 seconds to clean all surfaces and, in particular, the space between the fingers and under the nails; - rinse well; - dry your hands with a clean towel or warm air; - If possible, use your own towel to close the water tap.

The best option is warm water, with a temperature of no higher than 35 degrees. But, after warm, rinse your face with cool water. Daily washing should be carried out with room temperature water, soft or softened with drinking soda. Try rarely to use soap: it irritates the skin. Soap can do good service only for people with oily skin: cleanse it from germs, dry it slightly and get rid of pimples that have appeared. Women with normal skin type or dry - from soap, one harm and aging of the skin. After all, soap has a level of ph - 9, and a person has 5.5: now it is clear why it acts irritably.

Beauticians recommend washing women with mineral water. For example, Borjomi water is very useful for people with oily skin. It is fashionable to notice the effect of washing with mineral water in a month: the skin will become elastic, the oily sheen will disappear, the pores will narrow. When buying water, you need to pay attention to which well it comes from and which minerals it contains. This is important, because the skin is different for everyone and the effect may be negative. If the mineral water does not fit, then it is worth making a special infusion on herbs based on it. For dry skin: boiling water is poured several tablespoons of dry leaves of mint or birch. Give infusion brew and use for washing or irrigation. In the warm season, the infusion is poured into a bottle, with a spray, and irrigated face with herbal decoction on a mineral water. For people with oily and combination skin, hot mineral water is filled with chamomile or calendula flowers. Ready broth can be poured into molds and frozen. Use to wipe face. The effect of such decoctions is amazing - it is impossible not to notice. The skin becomes younger, becomes elastic, wrinkles are smoothed. After all, herbs contain a lot of vitamins and enrich the skin with them, act on it beneficially. In order to have more benefit from the procedures, you need to select the herbs that are needed to solve the problems. For example, you need to whiten your face or clean it. Chamomile will help relieve inflammation, mint will refresh. Rubbing a face with a piece of ice from a mineral water with a camomile - expression wrinkles will disappear on the skin, it will smooth out. From yarrow, the skin will be velvet. Facial wash should be beneficial, not harmful.

Since ancient times, known method of washing milk. After all, milk gives the skin a lot of necessary elements: protein, calcium, vitamins, minerals. Milk fat is quickly absorbed into the skin, making it elastic. In order to wash milk, it is not necessary for this whole jug. It is enough to moisten a cotton swab with milk and wipe the face and neck with it. Excess can be removed with a clean swab. Such washings will be of great benefit to those women whose face skin is dry. People with oily skin type - milk will not work. They need - sour milk. Washing with yogurt or kefir will reduce the luster on the skin and refresh it. Some cosmetologists recommend adding aromatic oils to milk. Or use ground oatmeal for washing, which enriches and cleanses the skin like a scrub. But every time a morning or evening wash procedure is carried out, a nourishing cream should be applied. Night cream can be moisturizing, but day - not. On cold days, they can spoil the skin. All methods of washing can be used by women, but preference should be given to the one that will help and improve the skin. The constant use of useful decoctions for the face will give a visible result - literally, it is obvious. The main thing is not to be lazy and brew herbs.

It would seem that washing is a simple thing, but it also requires attention from women. After all, skin care is the beauty and confidence of a woman in herself!