The fictional nation of second-time people. Filved "nationality": Cossacks, Siberians, Ingermanlanders and all-all-all

As the reader could notice, the author of this book does not use the term "indigenous peoples", invented by the wisest of internationalists in the 1920s in 1920, to cut Russia into many national-administrative entities, where the Russians became a "non-mentary", secondary people. The science of ethnogenetic shows that the African pigments and Bushmen are true to the true indigenous, and the others were so worn on the ground that Mom does not burn ...

From the very beginning of the Russian colonization of Siberia Moscow, and then St. Petersburg unambiguously recognized the rights of "foreigners" (native communities) on the land they occupy.

From the center, he was constantly punished by serviced: Yasak to collect once a year, wives and children of "foreheads" to the yard to themselves do not take, not to baptize forcibly. The Russian authorities behaved completely differently than the governments of Western countries who encouraged and covered the criminal actions of colonists and colonial campaigns.

Moscow and St. Petersburg did everything necessary to prevent the collisions of Russian colonists and the natives because of the land, and sometimes they directly prohibited the relocation of Russians on the breeding territory.

Russians, as they move to the East, they retracted the natives to the general-amreter economic and cultural system, without encroaching on their traditional life and social foundations.

Native nationalities under the cultural influence of Russian immigrants moved to fatal agriculture and a settled lifestyle, began to raise gardens, to make stationary wooden yurts, and then chop off and the surviving buildings of Russian type, produce agricultural tools and wheeled vehicles, lay roads, blank and fuse .

Seced "foreigners", according to the "Charter on the management of foreigners" from 1822, were equated with Russian state peasants. Moreover, they received a substantial privilege - exemption from the recruitment service.

Nomadic "foreigners" retained traditional management, while consideration of most court cases, traditional law was used. In communal meetings, they chose the local authority - the "foreign government" in Taiga Siberia and the "Steppe Duma" - in South.

The adoption of Orthodoxy was for representatives of Siberian nationalities in the usual stage of the transition to settling and agricultural classes.

In the 1840s. In Siberia, there were 5 dioceses, by the beginning of the XX century. - eleven.

In 1870, the All-Russian Orthodox Missionary Society was created in Moscow with branches in all dioceses, 50% of its cash resources went to the content of 8 Siberian missions. In places of compact residence of "foreign people" organized missionary mills. In 1907, the Synod allowed worship in native languages.

Over 250 years after Siberia's accession to Russia, the number of Buryat increased 10.6 times, Yakuts - at 7.9, Altai-Sayan peoples - 6.5 times, Tatars - at 3.1, Khanty and Mansi - at 1.5 times.

Of course, positive economic transformations touched not all native nations. Much at the pace of transformation was determined by the natural and climatic conditions. We are talking about those tribes that lived in places, completely unsuitable for agriculture, and were engaged, like a thousand years ago, hunting, sea fishing and nomadic cattle breeding (reindeer herding). These classes extremely depended on the migrations of fish and beast, natural oscillations, epizootia. Natural biomass production in these territories remained a regulator of the number of the native population.

Russian migrants (and not only Russians, but also Komi-Zyryansky, for example), could use the backwardness of small nations Siberia, to save them, lead the non-equivalent exchange of flies on vodka.

However, the Russian government, in contrast, for example, from the American, always played by the protective force towards small native peoples. Therefore, neither of the land affiliated to Russia did not have degradation of public and economic relations, the introduction of more primitive or more forced labor forms than those that existed before the arrival of the Russians.

"The well-known fact - I wrote a hundred years ago a German scientist Videnfeld in the book" Die Sibirische Bahn in Ihrer Wirtschaflichen Bedeutung ", - observed among others in Siberia, that Russia in its Asian possessions carefully applies to the property rights of the native tribes and relates to them quite same as his subjects of Russian origin; About such a policy towards the native population, which is observed in the colonies of other states, there can be no speech here. "

For comparison: in the English colonies in America, the Indians were not considered subjects or citizens. They did not pay taxes, however, as the White Colonists of the Indians were deprived of land, hunting and pasture land. It is enough to indicate the Congress acts from 1825 and 1830. INDIAN REMOVAL ACT), according to which the Indians of the Atlantic coast and the districts east of Mississippi deported to the West - this turned 40 major military campaigns, accompanied by ethnic cleansing. The use of deception and violence against Indians was not considered to be acknowledged in American society; They did not apply to the laws.

If the Indians had no appropriate farm, but a productive agricultural, like Navajo and Pueblo, and even successfully adopted agricultural technologies in white, like seminols and cereals, it did not even easier their fate.

I carry large losses in the course of deportations, the Indians on new habitats fell into conditions of lack of familiar resources, in an unfamiliar Wednesday, which became the beginning of extinction. This happened to the tribes marked at the Indian Territory in Oklahoma; Already in the 1870s. These lands were empty and began to heal with white farmers. Even the races were arranged, the winners of which were the best sites.

Almost all African and Asian colonies of European powers at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. Forced operation systems and ferocious punishments were used. The Belgian Colony of Congo was turned into a huge labor concentration camp (an anecdical manner referred to as the "Free State"); Force Publique private armies destroyed or crossed the population of whole villages for poor work on rubber plantations or insufficient deliveries of ivory. In the first 30 years of the colonial rule, the number of residents of the Congo was halved by having decreased by 15 million people.

Artificial creation of never previously existing nations / peoples is very topical now, so we will walk (briefly) on this topic, let's start with Europe:

- Belgians

It is clear why and why such a ridiculous state was created. Formation as Belgium in 1830 (weakened Holland, just in case and at the same time do not give a piece of France - after Napoleonic wars). The result - from a simplistic-household point of view, Wallons ride on Flemish, but nobody will fix the position - Brussels Capital NATO and the EU

- Yugoslav

The project failed, with stability around the people, there still got along with each other, but at any external crisis - they began to cut each other with pleasure with pleasure. And this is despite the fact that the people ethnically and in the tongue constitute one commonality (except Macedonians and Slovenians), but the story gave them different religions and mentality ... the result - the country broke up

- Romanians

New (19B.) The ethnic community of Valahov and Moldovan, administratively created during the country's union, until the end has not yet been to date, attempts to join formerly. MSSR

- Turks

Do not confuse with Osmans (imperial community 15-19 centuries)! Administratively created in the 1st half of the 20th century. Ethnic Community (K. Tatyurk: "Anyone living in Turkey - Turk!"), With the exception of the Kurds, it has developed (Armenians, Greeks, Jews, etc. Perevial)

- Italians

New (19V.) The ethnic community of the peoples of Appeninsky P-Oov, the administratively created during the country's communion, was not fully developed to date, now there are more centrifugal trends due to the big difference in the levels of life and mentality due to the course of historical development

- Austrians

One of the few cases of allocation of generality from the nation (usually - communion), due to historical and political reasons - the conservation of Austria-Hungary during the period of Germany and the fatal failures of the Germans on the world stage

Swiss It is not worth a calculation here - they, as a nation did not work out - the form of the Confederation allows such symbiosis.

Spaniards Also did not fall into the list - although the processes of unification continued in 20 V, there it is already about the residual processes of ethnogenesis (of course not including the Basque People and Okshaxians - the latter, in any case!)

Also not here and germans - This is definitely a great people, something constantly lacks ...

In Asia we have appeared


(And after 1971, probably, Bangladeshsians -?!), On the basis of Yavantans -

indonesians, Malaysians

(Conglomerate tribes) ...

In Africa, the processes of ethnogenesis, rudely interrupted by European colonialists will still be actively going - as it turns out with millions of victims, they still have risen


There are amazing things in Latin.America - for example Argentina and Uruguay It was not possible to match one state-in, despite the ethnic and historical identity (with the exception of parts), the Kaleidoscope of small countries of Central America also suggests questions about external intervention. It is interesting to consider the market processes together with the ethnogenesis of the Spaniards.


In general, a separate planet and here you can go to another phenomenon - supranational communities, to K-ryom can be attributed, in addition to those mentioned by Yugoslavs and Brazilians:

The project failed

- Russians

A dead end project, for leaves the Russians beyond the borders of the Russian Federation, freezes the unequal position of Russians in the country (there are no its administrative and territorial units, there is no de facto recognized by the authorities "Diaspora", no in the constitution of the consolidation and binding of the historical roots of the people, etc. )

It is impossible not to remember the republics of the Best. USSR, I will not turn the Muslim republic - reluctant to understand the KirgizA-Kazakhs, Uzbeks, the Azerbaijani-Tatars, etc., remember:

- Georgian

- Dagestanis

Artificial communion of local nationalities

And the very terrible and inhuman invention

- so-called "Ukrainians"

The Austro-Hungarian project of the split of the Russian people, territorially decorated by the Germans by the Brest world, on tactical reasons supported by Bolsheviks during the Civil War, then, during the stabilization of the position abandoned on Samotek and left after 1991, now this project has passed into active-bloody phase ...

If you carefully looked at the roller, you may be interested in specific examples of the resort of history. We will not go far, take the nearest example, traces of which else can be found: Republic of Tatarstan, Tatars.

The history of the Mongol-Tatar Iea was created in order to proof that the ancient Slavs were wild tribes, barbarians, and foreigners management. The benefit of the prosperity and culture of Varvaram. One no hope - where are these hordes of Mongol-Tatars, could not be the slaveholders of the ancient rules, being thousands of kilometers from the territory of the settlement of Russia.

In the Soviet school (I do not know how now) we were explained: they dares along the Volga, assimilated, these are the Tatars of the Autonomous Republic of Tatarstan ...
The problem is that by the time of the Jewel-Bolshevitsky coup Tatar did not exist, nor in Tatarstan, nor in the Crimea. Rather, the people were, but they identified themselves otherwise. "Worse than Tatar" is just worse than an innards.
Tatars and Bashkirs Tatarstan and Bashkiria are Slavs: Bulgars (Bulgarians), Crimean Tatars - Turkic tribes, on the basis of which a new nationality was formed - Turks.
Some historians agreed with this statement, but they believe that the settlement went to the south of these tribes, towards the Balkans. I think that with accuracy, on the contrary, otherwise you can get to Etruscsk. This explains the adoption of Islam and some genetic dilution of Turkic peoples.

The whole policy of "correction" was aimed at the split of the Slavic people, with the rationale for "Great Russian chauvinism." Suffice it to say that the term itself appeared at the end of the 19th century in the "revolutionary" environment as opposed to internationalism (globalism), but it was widely applied only with Lenin's filing (form).

Lenin (Blank, Jew) proclaimed the slogan: "Great-containing chauvinism - a fight!" Zinoviev (Evsey Aronovich Radomyslsky, Jew) urged "to cover our Russian chauvinism's head", "Kalenny iron is burnt everywhere where there is at least a hint of a great-core chauvinism ...".

Bukharin (Moisa Dolgolevsky, Jew) at the XII Congress of the RCP (b) clarified compatriots: " We are as a former great-container nation<…> must put yourself in an unequal position<…> Only with such a policy when we are artificially put in a position, lower compared to others, we can only buy confidence before the oppressed nations».

Greetingness was especially felt in the creation of national field management bodies. People's Commissar of Agriculture Yakovlev (Yakov Arkadyevich Epstein, Jew) complained that " passionally magnifying Russian chauvinism».
In all the speeches of Stalin (Joseph Vissarionovich Zhugashvili, the Gorsky Jew) on the national issue at the congresses of the party with X to XVI, he was declared the main danger for the state. Stalin proclaimed: " The decisive struggle with the remnants of the Great Russian Chauvinism is the first regular task of our party.»

You can not even say: "Jew is not a Jew", another thing is that the Great Russian Chauvinism "etched" leaders, the rules are not, albeit yelling like Bukharin " We are as a former great-container nation ..."

Therefore, even the struggle of the Bulgarians, for their right to be called not by Tatars, but remember his Slavic roots, acquires a shade of combating Velikorvsky Chauvinism !!! What can be chauvinism in the relationship between the uniform people, divided, "corrected" jewel-fragile, so that we forget who we really are. The result of their works We are afraid until now and whether to reiterate again, unless on the awareness of a genuine single story.

The President of the Bulgarian National Congress of Halil (Tatarstan) in 2000 wrote: We are Bulgarians.

"We were taught that Great Lenin returned to Tatars statehood: created for them the Tatar Republic. The heart was filled with a sense of gratitude to Lenin - defender of oppressed peoples. Everything was simple and understandable. So it is clear that no one could think that this is a shameless lie. I also did not think. But one day my grandfather told me: "Son, we are not a Tatars."

On the lands of the Kazan province at the time of the creation of the Tatar Republic there was no people who called themselves Tatar. This is evidenced by the academic work "The History of Kazan" (Kazan, 1988): "The residents of Kazan themselves and her edges right up to the October Revolution did not stop calling themselves to the Bulgarians."

There was a tradition of Russian rulers to call all the Muslim peoples of Russia by Tatars. However, none of these peoples of themselves called Tatars. Great Russian historian Karamzin N.M. wrote in the 19th century: "None of the current peoples of Tatar people call themselves by Tatars, but everyone is called its special name." ("The history of the Russian state", SPb, 1818, T.3, p.172). It is clear that it was common for Muslims to nicknames of the "prison of peoples", as, for example, we remember, the name "Soviet people" was the general name of all the peoples of the USSR.

Why did Lenin call our Republic of Tatar, without having legal grounds?

When it became possible for the peoples of Russia to create their national-state entities, they all called them named their indigenous population. For example: Belarusian Republic, Chuvash Republic, etc. Naturally, Bulgarians wanted to create the Bulgarian Republic. It was for this that the "Council of the Volzhsky Bulgarian Muslims", which represented the national liberation movement of the Bulgarian people in 1862-1923 under the guidance of the glorious Vais dynasty (Vaisovsky traffic).

M. Vakhitov - the head of the "Muslim Socialist Committee" (we see here that even the Bolsheviks called the Volga Bulgarian Muslims, not by Tatars), also led to the creation of the Bulgarian Soviet Republic. However, in the medium of the Bulgarian people, a part of the intelligentsia was formed, which considered what was needed, called the Russians, called the Tatars. At the same time, they received treacherously towards their native people, but they believed that in return to him the greatness of Genghis Khan, which allegedly automatically falls on them, it is only worth named by Tatars. For example, one of them, the proletarian writer G. Ibrahimov (in Kazan it is named by one of the new avenues) wrote: "We are not only Turks, but also Mongols. We are people; we are Mongols; we are the Türki; We are Tatars. Our emerging culture will be Tatar culture. " In these words, a stupid tatarish malice is visible and ignoring the historical truth in favor of its manic ambitions. And at the same time, the indisputable evidence of the fact that at the beginning of the twentieth century the Tatar people was not yet. It only originated with an artificial way, as in a test tube.

And this is the case when the actual status of the nickname of Tatars was such that the people did not accept him, considered his abusive word. Ibrahimov himself testifies to this, saying that if any of the Muslims call Tatarin, he rushes with his fists on you, with the words: why do you insult me?

What should be a scoundrel, so that after that impose a hate nicknamed nickname Tatars!

Ibrahimov, Sultingaleev M. (his name was named Square near the NCC) and several more similar traitors in the pointer of Stalin organized a letter on behalf of the Communists of the Kazan province with a request to call the Republic of Tatar. The rest was the case of technology: to ensure the satisfaction of this request for Stalin did not make much difficulty.

The rumor about the wishes of the Bolsheviks to form on the lands of the Volga Bulgaria the republic called "Tatar" caused the resentment of the people. The peasants were raised in February 1920 a large uprising in order to prevent desecration of the soul of the people godless nicknamed Tatars. The uprising quickly gained strength under the slogan of the revival of the Bulgarian state and soon covered Menzelinsky, Ufa, Belladeevsky, Birsky, Chistopolsky and Bugulminsky counties, and the number of rebels reached 40 thousand people. The "fork uprising" was raging for about two months, but in March 1920, it was brutally suppressed by the units of the Red Army, which did not stop the villages even before the gun firing. Then, for the final ability of Bulgarians, for the final suppression of the will of the Bolshevik people organized a cruel hunger in 1921, as a result of which hundreds of thousands of people died again.

The world universal practice is such that the name of the people determines the name of public education. Here it happened the opposite: called the Republic of Tatar, to impose Tatars with Bulgarians.

An error in ignorance is not possible, Lenin knew that we were Bulgarians. So, it is a conscious, malicious act. What evil intent had the Bolsheviks, artificially creating the Tatar Republic?
Today it is no secret that the Bolsheviks were continuents of the worst traditions of imperial politics in the national question, namely, the Great Russian chauvinism. His properties such as feelings of hostility and anger of man to a person on a national basis were the fertile soil for the formation of class hatred in man. It remained only to save and deepen them. To this end, the peoples were divided into good and bad, on older and younger. In order to historically justify this policy, the history of all nations of Russia was distorted. First of all, the history of Russian and Bulgarian peoples. The Bolsheviks needed a second-rate Tatar people as a historical frighten, to injected the psychosis of hostility and hatred of the people, and the Tatarists are also the Tatar people, but only as the first-alternate, the most great, which would be able to revive the Golden Horde and put Russians in place. To achieve these "great" targets, too, it was also necessary to bring up mutual anger and dislike between the two largest peoples of Russia. Therefore, the interests of the Bolsheviks and Tatarists coincided, so the Bolsheviks, using the authorities, supported the tatarists and created the Tatar people.

Universal wisdom urges everyone to "know the truth" and "to love your neighbor", and the RCP (b) did everything on the contrary: materialized a lie in the form of the TASSR and created the Tatar people from Bulgar as a living embodiment of the "historical image of the enemy." In short, an artificial source of hatred and malice between people created.

The political calculations of the Communist Government of Russia included another intention to divide the Bulgarian people into the components of the parts and to remove the issue of creating a large on the territory of the Bulgarian Republic from the agenda. As a result of the implementation of the Stalinist Plan of the Creating Bashkir and Tatar Soviet republics, the Volga-Bulgarian people were divided into two parts.

Obviously, the Bolsheviks called the Republic of Tatarskaya in favor of their antichelovic political calculations, in the name of Eternal celebration of evil and violence.

Including the will of the Competition of the people in the conditions of the Dictatorship of the Communist Party and the speech could not be. The name of the republic was determined against the will of the people, rude decoration from above.

After the formation of the Tatar ASSR, all Bulgarians officially began to call "Tatars", Bulgarian culture - "Tatar culture", and Bulgarian language - "Tatar language".

But even in the conditions of brutal repression, Bulgarians continued to call themselves by Bulgarians. For example, the famous Russian historian Khudyakov M.G. In 1922 he testified: "The mass of modern Kazan Muslims and currently does not consider himself by Tatars, and calls himself by Bulgarians." / M.Hudyakov, Muslim culture on average Volga region. Kazan, 1922 " p.15. /.

Even in the census of the USSR population in 1926, about 1.5 million people called themselves by Bulgarians.

There were many attempts to revive the truth. I will only say about one.

In April 1946, a scientific session was held in Moscow at the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, dedicated to the problem of ethnogenesis of the Kazan Tatars. Outstanding historians, archaeologists, ethnographers, linguites, etc. Specialists, among which are known as Tikhomirov MN, Greeks, BD, Dmitriev N.K., Yakubovsky A.Yu., took part in her work. One of the main speakers - a historian and archaeologist Smirnov A.P., who dedicated all his life to the study of the Volga Bulgaria, touching the ethnic identity of the people stressed that the "Tatars" of the time of centuries call themselves by Bulgarians. " The population of the TatroNist, which occupies the territory of the former Bulgarian state, did not leave here, no time was exterminated and lives on this time ";" We can really say that the ethnic composition of the Tatars or the Tatar Autonomous Republic is ancient Bulgarians ... ". The main conclusion of the scientific forum Outlined academician Greek bd: Modern Tatars for their origin have nothing to do with Mongols, Tatars are direct descendants of Bulgarians, the ethnonym of the Tatars regarding them is a historical mistake.

Many people remember that we are Bulgarians, and not Tatars. As writes in the book "Tatars: Ethnos and Etnonym" Academician Karimullen A.G., he "always searched for contacts with people of the older generation and made sure that in their memory the origin of modern Tatars binds to Bulgarians - Turks and these people with offensive talking about inconsistencies Between the name of the people and its origin. "

And today the people remember their real name and want to return it. This is confirmed by official recognition. For example, the magazine "Izvestia Central Committee of the CPSU" (№10, 1989) published a list of requests regularly repeated in the post office of the Central Committee of the CPSU on the issues of interethnic relations, where we read: "In many letters from different regions of the country, Kazan Tatars are asked to call them" Bulgarians "or "Bulgarians".
Such is the irony of history: the CPSU, the Communists, after almost 70 years, involuntarily recognized that in 1920 they committed a crime towards Volzhsky Bulgarians, forcibly imposing them to the nickname of Tatars as self-calf. "


What did the Jewe-Bolshevik reached their policy of creating "Tatars":

1. Sested hatred for those who remained Russian through the introduction of the concept of "Great Russian Chauvinism", because The non-Russian government was perceived as Russian, because Moscow, once in Moscow, means Russian king (I think that therefore Lenin and suffered the capital to Moscow).
Reduction of self-identification of peoples (including Ukrainization and Belarusianization of the population) is perceived as the action of "damned moskals".

2. "Found" confirmation of the Mongol-Tatar yoke, in the form of descendants of "conquerors", appointing Bulgarians. The slave roots of Russians substantiated, and therefore the need for tough management, incl. and foreigners.

4. Collapse a single Russian field.

5. Submitted the content of the "International Workers' International", including to the detriment of themselves (see the entire history of the USSR), imposing a sense of guilt for Great Russian Chauvinism ....

6. Moreover, they moved to the rationale that the Russians are generally no, and there was no .... Stalin came up with them !!! That's what absolutely from the ass in the head went.

"Harvard historian David Brandenberger argues that the Russian people were invented by Stalin. Mass secondary education, literacy and systematic cultural policy on the past appeared in Russia only in the 30s of the XX century. The historical narrative, presented at this moment by the people, was fully controlled by the main scientist. As a result, who are such Russians and why they live in the world, the overwhelming part of the population of the USSR found out from the Soviet textbooks on the history and film "Alexander Nevsky". Briefly speaking, to be Russian today - it means to be Stalinist ".

How not to remember the last time the slogans: Being a patriot means to be Stalinist .... To whom and why to split Russian society, try to guess yourself ....

I am sure that the list of buns will continue.

Despite all the attempts of historians and ethnographers to create a clear picture of the development of some peoples, there are still many secrets and white spots in the history of origin of many nations and peoples. In our review, the most mysterious peoples of our planet are collected - some of them have been riveted in the summer, while others live and develop today.

1. Russians

As everyone knows, the Russians are the most mysterious people on Earth. Moreover, this is a scientific justification. Scientists still cannot come to a certain opinion on the origin of this people and answer the question when Russians became Russians. Disputes are conducted on the question, from where this word is happening. Russian ancestors are looking for among Normans, Scythians, Sarmatov, Vendians, and even South Eibirsk Ussolin.

2. Maya.

No one knows where these people came from and where they disappeared. Some scientists believe that Maya is associated with the legendary Atlants, others suggest that their ancestors were Egyptians.

Maya created an effective system of agriculture and had deep knowledge in astronomy. Their calendar was used by other people of Central America. Maya used a hieroglyphic writing system that was only partially decrypted. Their civilization was very developed at the time of arrival of the conquistadors. Now it seems that Maya came from nowhere and disappeared to nowhere.

3. Laplanders or Saama

Nathodics, which Russians are also called vocabies, not less than 5000 years. Scientists are still arguing about their origins. Some believe that the Laplanders are Mongoloids, others insist on the version that Saama is Paleoevurrey. Their language is believed to belong to the group of Finno-Ugric languages, but there are ten Sami dialects that are so different so that they can be called independent. Sometimes the Laplanders themselves with difficulty understand each other.

4. Prussaki

The origin of the Prussians is a mystery. They were first mentioned in the 9th century in the records of an anonymous merchant, and then in Polish and German chronicles. Linguists found analogues in various Indo-European languages \u200b\u200band believe that the word "Prussians" can be traced to the Sanskrit word "purusha" (person). Not much known about Prussian language, since the last native speaker died in 1677. In the XVII century, the history of Prussian and Prussian kingdom began, but these people had little in common with the original Baltic Prussians.

5. Cossacks

Scientists do not know where the Cossacks originally appeared. Their homeland can be in the North Caucasus or in the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov or in the west of Turkestan ... Their pedigree can go up to Scythians, Alanam, Circass, Khazaras or Gotham. Each version has its own supporters and their arguments. Cossacks today are a polyethnic community, but they constantly emphasize that they are a separate nation.

6. Parts

Parts are an ethnocon confessional group of followers of Zoroastrianism of Iranian origin in South Asia. To date, their number is less than 130 thousand people. Parsers have their own temples and the so-called "Silence Towers" for the burial of the dead (corpses that are laid out on the roofs of these towers, sculpt the vultures). They are often compared with the Jews, who were also forced to leave their homeland, and which still carefully keep traditions their cult.

7. Gutsules

The question is still not clarified, which means the word "Gutsul". Some scientists believe that the etymology of the word is associated with the Moldovan "Gots" or "Gutz" ("Bandit"), others believe that the name comes from the word "Kochele" ("shepherd"). Gutsules are most often called Ukrainian highlanders, who still practiced the traditions of Molfaria (witchcraft) and who are very reading their sorcerers.

8. Hitty

The state of Hettites was very influential on the geopolitical map of the ancient world. These people were the first to create a constitution and began to use chariots. Nevertheless, there are not much known about them. On the chronology of Hettites is known only from sources of their neighbors, but there is not a single mention of why and where they disappeared. The German scientist Johann Lehmann wrote in his book that Hetta went north and assimilated with German tribes. But this is just one of the versions.

9. Sumerians

This is one of the most mysterious peoples in the ancient world. Nothing is known about their origin and the origin of their language. A large number of homonyms allows us to suggest that it was a politicalonial language (like modern Chinese), that is, the meaning of the said often depended on the tone. Sumerians were very developed - they became the first in the Middle East, who began using a wheel who created irrigation system and unique writing. Also, the Sumerians in the impressive level developed mathematics and astronomy.

10. Etruscan

They entered the story rather unexpectedly and that's how they disappeared. Archaeologists believe that the Etrusks lived in the north-west of the Apennine Peninsula, where they created a rather developed civilization. Etruscan founded the first Italian cities. Theoretically, they could move to the east and become the founders of the Slavic ethnos (their language has a lot in common with Slavic).

11. Armenians

The origin of the Armenians is also a mystery. There are many versions. Some scientists believe that the Armenians occurred from the people of the ancient state by Urartu, but in the Genetic code of Armenians there is a component of not only urants, but also of the Khurrites and Libyans, not to mention the protoarmen. There is also the Greek versions of their origin. Most scientists, however, adhere to the mixed-migration hypothesis of Armenian ethnogenesis.

12. TsYGAN

According to linguistic and genetic research, Roma ancestors left the territory of India in an amount that did not exceed 1000 people. Today there are about 10 million Gypsies around the world. In the Middle Ages, Europeans believed that Gypsies are the Egyptians. They were called the "Pharaoh tribe" for a well-defined reason: Europeans were amazed by the Gypsy tradition to embalmed their dead and bury all with them in the crypts everything that may be required in another life. This gypsy tradition is still alive.

13. Jews

This is one of the most mysterious peoples and with Jews is connected many secrets. At the end of the VIII century BC. Five sixth (10 of the 12th ethnic groups forming Ras) Jews disappeared. Where they are going - the mystery and today.

Female beauty connoisseurs will definitely like it.

14. Guangchi.

Guangchi are indigenous people of the Canary Islands. It is not known how they appeared on the island of Tenerife - they did not have ships and Guangchi knew nothing about the navigation. Their anthropological type does not match the latitude where they lived. Also, many disputes are caused by the presence of rectangular pyramids on Tenerife - they look like the Mayan and Aztec pyramids in Mexico. No one knows when and why they were erected.

15. Khazara

Everything that people today know about the Khazara, was taken from records of neighboring nations. And from the Khazar themselves there is almost nothing left. Their appearance was sudden and unexpected, exactly as their disappearance.

16. Basks

Age, the origin and language of the Basque are a mystery of modern history. Basque, Euskar, are believed to be the only remnant of the Pra-Indo-European language, which does not belong to any language group existing today. According to the results of the study of National Geographic, held in 2012, all the Basks have a set of genes that are largely different from other peoples living around them.

17. Haldey

Haldey lived at the end of the II - the beginning of the 1 thousand years before our era on the territory of South and Central Mesopotamia. In 626-538 g. BC. Chaldean dynasty rules by Babylon, founding the Novovavilon Empire. Haldey and today are associated with magic and astrology. In ancient Greece and Rome, priests and Babylonian astrologers were called Haldey. They predicted the future Alexander Great and his successors.

18. Sarmaty

Herodotose somehow called Sarmatov "Lizards with Human Heads." M. Lomonosov believed that they were the ancestors of Slavs, and the Polish nobles considered themselves their direct descendants. Sarmatians left behind a lot of secrets. For example, this nationality had the tradition of artificial deformation of the skull, which allowed people to make themselves an egg-shaped head.

19. Kalashi.

The small nationality, living in the north of Pakistan, in the mountains of Hindukusch, is noteworthy in that their skin color is whiter than other people of Asia. Disputes about Kalash and subsidize not the first century. People themselves insist on their connections with Alexander Macedonian. Their language is phonologically atypical for the locality and has the basic structure of Sanskrit. Despite the attempts of Islamization, many adhere to polybias.

20. Philistines

The contemporary concept of "Philistine" comes from the name of the "Philistine" locality. Philistines are the most mysterious people mentioned in the Bible. Only they and Hetta knew the production technology of steel and it was they who marked the beginning of the Iron Age. According to the Bible, the Philistines arrived from the Island of Katorhtor (Crete). Cretan origin of Philistines is confirmed by Egyptian manuscripts and archaeological finds. It is not known where they disappeared, but most likely that the Philistines were assimilated by the East Mediterranean peoples.

At the time of the censuses of the population in Russia, propaganda is actively distributed, addressed to Russians: that they, depending on the territory of their stay, were recorded in the correspondence of the sheets by the name of the regional subethotos, the social group or in generally fiction. With the abolition of the mention of nationality in passports, as well as the permit for citizens to voluntarily choose its ethnicity, epic vakhanalia began in the national question. Many experts argue that this is due to essential misses in the country's domestic policy. Binding on top of citizenship in Russia as a united for all nationality (Russian), which is accepted in some Western countries, did not succeed in our community. But due to the crisis of Russian identification in the 1990s and the 2000s, numerous anti-Russian regional projects appeared. Let's try to figure out how they threaten the unity of the Russian state.


Traditionally, a few months before the census on the central all-Russian television channels, the radio and other media a person appears in the form and declares: "We are not Russian by nationality, but the Cossacks." And on the bottom of the population for the most part to modern Cossacks relates negatively and with great suspicion. The fact is that after the civil war and squeaking there are very few pure Cossack families. The descendants of the foremen who came and who settled on their place today prove their alleged Cossack origin and the right of their "nation" for self-determination until separation from Russia. This artificiality is noticed by local, calling them with rich, that modern Cossacks are very annoying. There is a certain dislike between the so-called registry Cossacks serving in the state register who do not have any pseudational plans, and "public". And if one (especially those who protect the Donbass) are Patriots of Russia and consider the Cossacks with a special type of Russian military, then others are separatists who are considering plans to create their own republics and gain independence. Atamans of state military Cossack societies were discovered to be recorded by the Cossacks by nationality, apparently for even greater financing in their structure.

Recently, numerous amateur historical concepts and pseudo-numerous interpretations of history have begun to be created, designed to prove the non-Russian origin of don residents, show proximity to the Caucasus, Turkic peoples, Kalmyks, and so on. In propaganda, the Kazakhs (so they began to call this group) even use quotes from the novel "Quiet Don" Mikhail Sholokhov, who, by the way, was born in the family of a native of Ryazan province and did not consist in the Cossack.

The "language" is also created, on which no one in modern Rostov and Volgograd regions has ever spoken, new letters in the alphabet. EVERYTHING according to the already verified scenario. People, in whose families, the ancestors were truly the Don Cossacks (the author of these lines among them), for the most part with horror, are observed for such insinuations. No one denies that the Cossacks were once a special ethnosocial group of the Russian Empire, and indeed a national question on Don climbed during the fight against the Bolsheviks, but they never had any distinctiveness from other Russian signs of identification. Cossack estate by that time was archaism, with a special way of life, which is impossible to recreate today. The Bolsheviks destroyed the Cossack Layhold, and most of the Cossacks themselves. Now the Atamans hope that the recognition of the Cossacks with a separate nationality at the official level will force the authorities to fulfill the law on the rehabilitation of repressed peoples - that is, return the Cossacks of the lost property and, most importantly, to pay compensation.

In Kuban, everything is supported by some Ukrainian influence. In the villages of South Rostov and the north of Krasnodar, once a popular Malorosiysky language was popularly popular, practically not used by people under 60 years old. But now the more young man feels like a Cossack, the more actively applies it in oral speech. In addition, in connection with the events in Novorossia, there is active propaganda from Ukraine that Kuban is supposedly "the original Ukrainian territory", and Kubans are actually Ukrainians. Local is perceived as a bad joke, even an insult.

It should be noted that if in the 2002 Cossacks by nationality throughout Russia, 140 thousand people were recorded, then in 2010 - only 67 thousand. This suggests that Russian self-consciousness in the region came out of the deep crisis, many offacarious Cossacks realized that by posting as a subethnas roots. In other territories of historical settlement of the Cossacks, this issue is practically not rising.


The main idea of \u200b\u200bpropaganda from Siberian self-likes was tempting at first glance rhetoric: in case of success of the so-called. "Siberianity" can create an independent republic and use the wealth of Siberia for the benefit of the inhabitants of the region. According to tradition, work began on the creation of a "Siberian language". The joy on the emergence of a new fictional nationality was expected to share in official federal media. For example, the article "Face of Siberian Nationality" was published in the Russian Gazette with a positive assessment of such processes. But the local population of the seeds did not find absolutely no support. Apologists of this idea were expected that the Siberians will be recorded up to 20 million people, and they received only four thousand, and mostly these were people with Turkic surnames or mixed origin. What the hardness of the Russian ethnic self-consciousness of Siberia showed. Russians understand that Sibiryaki is a group of extreme people, which are similarly related and living conditions.


To sign up for a lot of nationality violently urged during the 2002 census to the then governor (!) Of the Arkhangelsk region Anatoly Efremov. It was also explained by the economic benefits for the region. The official confession of the Pomorors with the small indigenous northern people allegedly could give impetus to business development. For example, the Arkhangelsk region hoped free quotas for coastal fishing and so on. In addition, small nations have the right to special payments for the use of natural resources of their territory. This movement is actively interested in the neighboring countries - Norway and Finland. So, with the support of the Norwegian side, "Pomeranian fairy tales" were published on Pomeranian ("Pomorovsky Show"), as well as the "Dictionary". In the local newspaper "Soviet Belomorie" in 2010 in the article "We Pomor" openly urged at the time of the census to be recorded by Poms by nationality. But the population of the region also did not support this project. If in 2002 the people who declared themselves were about six thousand people, then in 2010 - more than two times less.

Pomor, however, really exist - only this is not a nationality, but the Russian residents of the houselorine (hence the Slavic Toponym Pomorie: Pomorie has, for example, in Poland). Russian pomaros were engaged in marine crafts, fishing and trade. They made a decisive contribution to the development of the Russian Arctic, also known as the pioneers of Siberia.

Ingermanlanders, orcs and all-all-all

Perhaps the most absurd of all possible concepts invented for the separation of Russians is the movement of the so-called. Ingermanlanders in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region. These people, without being neither the Finns nor Izhorsians nor the eaves, and ordinary Russians in origin, they decided to just begin to consider themselves with this special ethnonym. No connections with the indigenous population (until the XVIII century) of these places they, of course, are not. This group calls on all Petersburgers who consider themselves Europeans to voluntarily refuse Russian identification and join the path to Europe, hinting for the future department of Russia. Especially interesting is the linguistic problem of this small movement. The fact is that the historical languages \u200b\u200bof the indigenous population of the region referring to the Finno-Ugric Group, and to teach them only the most tary of the enthusiasts of "free ingria". There is no special dialect of the Russian language in the region, therefore Ingermanlanders make focus on the political and economic benefits of their theory.

Similar anti-Russian projects are almost in all areas and regions of the country. For Central Russia is the Movement of "Zalests", for residents of the Far East - "Far Eastern", for the North - "Northerners", for the Pskov region - "Bobars", there are "Prussians" - in Kaliningrad and so on. Propaganda work is deployed for each of them: activists who actively support the media are trying to inspire in Russian residents that in the column "nationality" it is more profitable to write anything, just not the word "Russian". Such people are, and it is they who are recorded among other things "orcs", "elves", "hobbits", "Skifmi" and other nonsense names. In addition, Rosstat in the "Alphabetical List of Nationalities", approved in 2010, provide such nationalities as "Soviet", "Russian"; Even there is a "Russian language".

Course for separation

The official authorities, sincerely confident that the unity of the state is provided with multinationality, desired to form a different regional self-consciousness to form all-Russian identity. Moreover, the main reason for the appearance among the Russian people people who do not want to consider themselves Russian is the crisis of national self-identification and the lack of proper national policies within the country. Unfortunately, it is still aimed at the emergence of new nationalities, and not to unite and assimilate into a single ethnocultural Russian community, which can lead in the future to serious consequences for the state. The development of such processes is actively observed abroad.

Weaken the Russian people by creating another anti-Russian project, following the example of the Ukrainian or Belarusian movement, very seductive for opponents of Russia. Due to the everyday rhetoric about multinationality to the detriment of the main population, the lack of a clear and frequently declared Russian identification from the highest leadership of the country, some citizens occur metamorphosis of self-consciousness: Russian, for example, begins to find in the family of non-Russian roots, with all his strength clinging for what - Little half a half Tatar great-grandmother.

Propaganda, aimed at the destruction of the Great Russian consciousness, manifests itself mainly at the time of preparation and holding of the census: it means that it needs to be thoroughly prepared in advance. It seems that this provocation specifically inflates the official bodies responsible for accounting of the population, otherwise there would be so many positive references to the topic of "new nationalities" and the division of nationalities of old in all-Russian and regional media?

Unfortunately, in the modern Russian Federation, ethnicity - not what is transmitted from generation to generation, it can be invented or choose. This approach began to use the enemies of the Greetary community, who are trying under different pretexts to create new anti-Russian identities in different regions of the country. And although the official numbers of the censuses of the population show that from 2002 to 2010 there is a process of weakening this trend, the enemies of Russia do not leave plans to divide the Russian people from the inside and further reduce its number.