In Russia, there will be an ombudsman for students' rights. Prosecutor General's Office: Commissioner for RF students worked on a non-existent position

Figure from Artem Chromova.

The purpose of this article is not the news about the scandal at the St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions, which many heard. Then the billboard posted for the day of the day was changed: in the photo, where students are depicted with student tickets, the face of an Asian appearance was replaced by the face of a young man of Slavic appearance. In defense of the student, an authorized on the rights of Russian students, some words of which contradict ethical norms of the behavior of the Ombudsman. That's about this.

After publication in the media reports on this incident, on the website of the university, under the heading "", the detailed response of the rector of SPbGUP SPECAETS is placed on how everything happened, and how it all is trying to raise some media. From the explanation of the rector it follows that the reason for the replacement of photographs of one of the students was the inconsistency of its reputation to the high ethical requirements of the university.

According to Alexander Postekovsky, the rector of the university, which turned out to be in the center of attention, "The very question of the issue of" replacement "of Bashkira in Slavyanina is the journalistic fiction, more precisely - insinuation", in this case, the "signs of inciting national retail." The genre of the collage, which is used to prepare the printing products of the university, implies the editor of photographs, and the rules of the university dictate a strict selection of students, whose images serve as a positioning of the establishment.

We go to the website of the public defender of students. From the article "The Ombudsman intends to seek the resignation of the rector of SPbGUP" see that Artem Chromov considers the University Rector "not quite reasonable man." According to the student human rights activist, "it is from this that all problems in the university are stem, which is also accused of the dubious relations of the rector with students, then in the deduction of students for appearance, then in gross insults of female students, etc.".

Pay attention to the words: "In this situation, there is not so much the fact of the incident that has occurred, but the reaction to the event of the university rector. Next follows a quote with reference to student human rights activist: "It seems to me that he (rector - red.) I must apologize to the student, and not to say to journalists: "There is little crazy in the world, you never know who it seemed, whose head was replaced there. The rector should not do this nonsense. "

"And if the rector does not bring an apology to the student, then I will seek his resignation," Artem Chromov categorically declares.

In general, it should be noted that ethical behavior is the basis of the activities of any ombudsman. Judging by the texts placed by Mr. Chromov, he has its own idea of \u200b\u200bethics.

From sobban information published on the website of the Commissioner for Student Rights / in the Russian Federation - red. /, It follows that "March 31, 2016, the results of the voting were announced at the open meeting of the Commission on the conduct of the procedure for determining the Commissioner for students, according to the results of which the winner was announced by the Chairman of the All-Russian Public Organization" Russian Student Union "Artem Chromium."

But does this give him the right to publicly insult the university rector?

Obviously, the post of student ombudsman, especially if he was elected by all students of Russian universities, does not give him the right to insult anyone. So can only be done by an uncomfortable person trying to assert themselves at the expense of another.

The fact that Mr. Chromov is treated with vanity, testifies the site of the Commissioner for the Rights of Students, who rather resembles the personal page of Artem Mikhailovich Chromova. Apparently, the young man (according to the information published on the same site, Khromov A.M. was born in 1985) I would like the student community to perceive it as a significant figure, so the site contains not only his name and surname, as is customary in Student environment, as well as middle name.

Judging by the media reports, the figure of the St. Petersburg university is also ambiguous, where I, being a teacher of the faculty of journalism MSU them. V.M. Lomonosov once had to participate in the conference organized by the Directory and Multimedia Department. It should be noted that the university left a very good impression on me, however, as a rector of which much depends on the well-being of the university. This article is not written in order to somehow cut the rector from criticism. She was published in order to recall once again that a person calling himself a ombudsman should be primarily an educated mediator - a person who can settle conflicts, and not to look for a way in them to be seen by the media by insulting the respected people who clearly reached in life more meaningful results.

Judging by the biography of Chromova, he, like me, graduate of the faculty of journalism MSU. M.V. Lomonosov, where during their studies there are special attention to the ethical norms of the behavior of the journalist. In this case, chromium acts as a journalist, but it does not matter.

In fact, the profession of journalist and the position of the ombudsman is very similar. He and the other collect information, analyze it and make certain conclusions. But if a journalist is engaged in this in order to help his audience understand the essence of the event, then the ombudsman is looking for means to regulate the conflict on the basis of its conclusions. And it carries out this by a civilized way, avoiding insults of a particular side.

Student Ombudsman, who has not been a student for a long time, should not be forgotten about the difference in the principles of the journalist and the ombudsman, and not to mix them in order to notice their journalists.

The Ministry of Education and Science is initiated by the establishment of the Institute of Commissioner for Student Rights. Student Ombudsman will submit and protect the rights of students, and will also be able to directly contact the leadership of the Ministry of Education and Science and the ministry's structural units.

He will bring the position of the department to the students themselves, to deal with legal issues and monitor conflict situations in the student environment, and also regularly submit information about its activities at meetings of the Council on Youth Affairs at the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia and the Ministry of Education and Science College.

In addition, as part of his position, the Commissioner for the Rights of Students has the right to make a proposal to the Ministry of Legislative Initiatives and participate in the development of legal acts. The candidacy of the Commissioner is planned to be reviewed every two years.

Candidates for the post Ombudsman were: the leader of the Russian Student Union Artem Chromov, head of the student program of the Central Committee of the Central Committee of the PCM Vyacheslav Aderichin, Chairman of the Moscow Branch of the Russian Union of Rural Youth Maya Grenaderskaya, Chairman of the Student Coordination Council of the All-Russian Education Union Vladimir Marchenko and other student leaders. All of them were nominated by members of the Council on Youth Affairs at the Ministry of Education and Science.

This initiative will not be harmful. The idea is so - students will be able to go to one person with their problems and ideas who can convey them to the ministry. I believe that the presence of feedback is always useful. Reaching from the student level to the legislative level or the management of the ministry is very difficult, - said the Rector of MFTI Nikolai Kudryavtsev.

The Ministry of Education plans to hold a public vote from the candidates presented on a special portal. Voting will be held from December 24 to 27.

Students are a very large mass of people. A representative of such a community could solve and convey really important questions before the ministry. Now, if we talk about experience, the more we attract students to self-government, to solving the university management issues, the more they can influence these processes, the better. Thus, responsibility will appear, and, in my opinion, students and universities themselves will benefit from this, "says Vice-Rector for international activities Rudn Gulnara Krasnova.

The Chairman of the Russian Student Union and one of the candidates for the post of authorized Artem Chromov believes that if the promises of the ministry are fulfilled, the benefits of this position will be.

Of course, we appreciate this initiative positively, and we promised elections on the open area, so that there were no links and so on. We have decided to participate in these elections, once gave such an opportunity so that later we were not reproached that we are doing some incomprehensible activities. This offer was made to many, but someone refused, and someone agreed.

Chrome believes that the work of the ombudsman will be effective only if it will be provided with quite large powers and the real opportunity to influence the situation associated with the protection of students' rights.

https: //www.Syt/2017-06-07/kak_obchestvenniki_ne_mogut_podelit_zachitu_prav_studentov.

Ombudsman against trade unions

Prosecutor General's Office: Commissioner for RF students worked on a non-existent position

Artem Chromov press Service of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

Among organizations professionally engaged in the protection of students' rights, scandal is brewed. The Prosecutor General's Office argues that twice chosen by universities authorized on the rights of students of the Russian Federation Artem Chromov works illegally, the Ministry of Education is in public from it, and trade unions are accused of ineffectiveness. Chrome himself stated that his position is extremely public, and all rumors about him spread ill-wishers due to the fact that he one openly talks about the problems of students and is trying to solve them ..

Illegal ombudsman

The position of the Commissioner for the Rights of Students of the Russian Federation appeared in 2012 with the support of the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation Dmitry Livanova. The All-Russian Student Forum took place the elections of the Ombudsman, the Chairman of the All-Russian Public Organization "Russian Student Union" Artem Chromov became. The site of the Russian National Nanotechnology Network has been reported that the main activity of the Commissioner will be "Representation and protection of students' rights, as well as building a constructive dialogue between student and state power." The position of chromium entered in 2014. He was approved by the Council of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for Youth Affairs, and in 2015 his term was officially approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science.

But in 2016 it turned out that the institution of the Commissioner was not created quite legal. In the letter of the First Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Alexandra Buksman, in the name of the Minister Dmitry Livanova (his editorial office) states that neither the Council nor the Ministry itself had legitimate grounds to approve the position with the name "Commissioner for students in the Russian Federation". The main claim of the department is that the student ombudsman was put in one row with authorized on human rights, business and children, although the state post is unlike them. "In fact, chromiums is a member of the Public Council under the Ministry and the head of the Commission on the Protection of Rights of Council students and government powers," says the letter of the Prosecutor General's Office.

Indeed, the official post of authorized on the rights of students in the ministry of education has never been exclusively public work.

Lobby Livanova

As the site told the source close to the Ministry of Education and Science, the claimants did not pay attention to the claims until the minister was Dmitry Livanov. "The Minister decided that the position of the Prosecutor General's Office is not his position. [Commissioner] - It was his personal toy that was liked and was a guarantee that hersard will not be frowning to him, "the interlocutor told. It means the share of 2011, when activists of the Russian Student Union, among which was Artem Chromium, launched in the building of domestic birds, implying that "Mindra's policy is a laughter's" laughter. "

In January 2016, Chromova has expired, the first term of office has expired, and for the second time he re-elected without the support of the Mindreat, but the election news was published on the site of the department. The latest information on the Commissioner on the official resource of the ministry appeared in May 2016. In August, Olga Vasilyeva became the new minister of education, with the arrival of the department a position was changed - it was decided that the Commissioner was ineffective.

"Most of the resonant topics that lifted chrome were not problems of students, but simply good informs. This is the decision not to work on the development of the institute, although the benefit could be, "said Vladimir Marchenko, head of the trade union organization. He believes that in Russia recently began to "closely treat youth politics", therefore it was decided to renounce the person from which there was a "noise".

"Chrome perceived the story as a personal PR. Instead of engaging with students, he built a political career. And from the point of view of efficiency, all major stories have to directly decide the Ministry of Education, and with small stories, students are perfect, trade unions, therefore it is not clear why there was such an authority, "says the interlocutor close to the ministry.

According to the source, the site, in recent months, representatives of the Ministry of Education were twice aloud that the Institute of Commissioner had nothing to do with them: in the spring of the Ministry of Education, and at the end of May, at a seminar meeting with Students, the Director of the State Policy Department in the field of education Children and young people of the Ministry of Igor Mikheev. So in the field of education, they decided that the ministry was finally "redefined" from the Commissioner, and his authority to protect students should go through the Russian Student Center.

The misties of enemies

Artem Chrome in a conversation with the site stated that this story with "revocation" his position emerges not for the first time, and he even has been prepared for a formal comment on this.

According to him, in 2013, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia initiated the elections of the student ombudsman due to social tensions among students of universities. He decided to take part in the elections and won. In 2016, universities decided that the Institute of Commissioner should be the most independent of the authorities, under this slogan, new elections were held, in which 60% of universities were attended and in which chrome won again. "My position has always been public, so I did not receive a salary in the ministry," said Chrome. However, the Ministry of Education is still indicated as a partner on its official website.

He believes that all conversations about his problems with the Minobrom is the result of his conflict with trade union movements. Chrome believes that it is not him, but they are ineffective. "I started hard and actively demand reforms. I criticizing trade unions and pseudo-organization, which do nothing at all and the activities of which I criticized before it became an ombudsman. I told them that they are people who receive a salary from scholarships - must defend students' rights. I began to scold me for the fact that I energize the sings, "says Artem Chrome.

The Commissioner says that over the years of his work, he developed bills and various regulatory acts that sent deputies of all factions and the Minobru. With their merit, he considers changes in the framework of changes in the framework of the culture legislation, which gave all the student's right to visit museums, permission to foreign students translated into Russian universities and much more.

"I achieved at the federal level of the abolition of the" Commandant hour ", restrictions on the fee and eviction for the summer of student hostels, solving the problem of mass delay of scholarships, ban on charging classes and reducing objects, an increase in the deadlines for submitting documents to the magistracy, recognition of illegal deductions for Debt without granting the right to negate the cancellation of forced labor in most educational organizations, developed the All-Russian Standard of Student Lunch, etc. " - Lists chromiums.

"I live in this situation since the election. Just all my activity is the most public. I do not like anyone that I lead it independently and most openly, which is not wondering, "the Ombudsman will be summarized yet, whose powers expire in the spring of 2018. What will happen to his post after that - unknown.