A simple single-storey house with an attic. Choose a house with an attic: projects, photos of finished solutions

Do you know why the house is one-storey with a mansard functional and remains decades at the peak of popularity? I will share the peculiarities that you have not already knew. I think you look at such houses in a new way.

The history of the attic of the attic and their features

For the first time, residential premises under the roof appeared in France in the XVII century. Such housing was cheap and was popular among writers, artists, poets, artists and other creative natures.

Currently, this is no longer exotic. The know-how of the architects of the past is used not so much in high-altitude housekeeping, but to a greater degree of owners of private houses. Equipment of such premises has its advantages and features.

Repair and placement of rooms can be postponed. Initially, equip the first floor, celebrate the housewarming, and then take up the upper room. However, in this case, it is necessary to immediately spend the top of communication:

  • shine;
  • water;
  • sewage;
  • the Internet.

You will not have to break the finishing of the lower floor.

How to choose projects of houses with mansard premises?

Before starting construction, you need to decide: what is better to build an additional floor or the device of the rooms in the attic. The choice depends on the planned financial investments. Owners decide whether additional rooms are needed, personal cinema or creative office.

Mansard inside are made in different ways:

The roofs are symmetrical and with different skates. What project can be called good? There are several criteria. It must correspond:

  • Climate of terrain. For the northern regions, choose options with thick walls, organize good insulation. In the southern areas include open terraces and ventilation.
  • The facade decoration fits into the surrounding area and corresponds to the landscape design of the site.
  • The soil is investigated and a geodesic shot of a plot is made. This is especially important for sections with high groundwater, sandy soil, hilly plot, freezing soils.
  • The house should be convenient for all living independently of age and habits.
  • Communications and engineering networks do not interfere with movement, decorating organization.

On a note

Psychologists prevent doctors: Low ceilings create a sensation of closed, close space. Some people are alarming if they are located in a room with low ceilings and sloping walls. Therefore, place rooms in the attic of the mansard, in which they are not often for a long time.

To properly connect the decoration of the entire home and attic use the staircase. It helps to make all the rooms comfortable and functional. You and only you need to decide which rooms can be placed in the upper floor. To do this, consider various projects.

How does the general planning of the house affect the organization of the attic?

Initially, we'll see what attic is. By definition, these are rooms for residential and utility rooms located under the roof. This is not a simple attic. The height in the highest point cannot be lower than human growth.

Which rooms are better place in the attic floor:

  • Cabinets.
  • Bedrooms.
  • Children's, including gaming.
  • Home cinemas.
  • Creative workshops for painting, applied art, modeling, etc.
  • Additional living room.
  • If windows are installed on the roof, you can place plants for the winter garden.
  • Wardrobe.
  • Gym.

In order to be comfortable and moving in the attic - 50% of the area of \u200b\u200bthe room makes higher human growth. Otherwise, you will not feel convenience, the room will not be functional and comfortable. And some people will sense discomfort.

Is it possible to connect different styles?

It must be remembered that the attic is part of the residential space at home. Therefore, choosing finishing materials and direction can not be taken radical solutions. As an option on the first floor is decorated in one of the styles: High-tech, minimalism, Japanese, Kitch. The top you wanted to make the original and you decided to decorate the bedroom style Madame Pompadour - blue with gold, a large number of fastened details. Result: Divorced rooms will not be harmonized among themselves.


To avoid dissonance, pick the same color gamut, wallpaper, decor, furniture that repeats the contours, a friend of each other.

Otherwise, the house turns into a museum of various styles, but you will not feel comfort.

This does not mean that you need to purchase the same furniture with similar facades, paint (conditionally) all the walls in the blue color or to go striped wallpaper. Main principle: Basic colors and elements should be fragmentary to repeat in different rooms.

The exception is hygiene rooms. In these intimate zones, it is permissible to retreat from the general direction, apply bright, juicy colors of laconic furniture. Even if they differ from the total entourage of other rooms.

Similar option for children. If the child has not achieved adolescence, more often make repairs: change wallpaper, furniture. This is necessary so that the kid is harmoniously developed, and the furniture corresponded to its age.

Open-plan lovers can apply two decoration principles:

  • Functional zones that are viewed between themselves are made in a single key. Choose the same furniture objects, design. Thus, provide a harmonious transition between the premises. The house becomes stylish and functional.
  • For different rooms, finishing materials are chosen with a similar pattern, texture. However, they differ in color, tone saturation. In the same room combine furniture with concise forms and classic coupling elements. In fact, the eclectic is created, which implies the connection of different styles. Such an approach is often used in the design of houses for a country rest.

The advantages of the house 10 are 10 m for the organization of comfortable rooms

Square houses are most suitable for the organization on the upper floor of the attic. In this case, you can organize not only two full rooms, but also a small tambour or corridor for insulation of the premises.

Square house looks harmonious. They are easier to make an internal layout. On the ground floor there is a living room, a kitchen, a nursery (if in the family of small children). And in the attic part - bedrooms for adults and adolescents, office or other additional rooms.

If the owners choose the studio option, you can apply neoclassical styles for interior decoration:

  • ampir;
  • classic;
  • baroque;
  • eclecticism;
  • modern.

The interior of the large room will not be overloaded by classic details.

Good lighting will provide windows embedded into the roof. They can be part of the roof rod or a vertical design for window frames is created. In this case, the house acquires elements that decorate the building.

Not necessarily this element is located near the central door. The verandas located from the garden or the site helps to organize a good rest and relaxes overlooking nature. In this case, the house creates an alpine slide, artificial reservoir, night lighting. The plot acquires interesting elements, and the family in comfort rests.

Houses with attic and garage - convenience and functionality

One of the most popular options. Such buildings look compact and holistically.


  • decoration of various materials;
  • coloring;
  • stucco;
  • the roof is equal.

Residents of the northern regions are getting rid of the problems with cars. He does not need to warm up for a long time before leaving. In this case, it is easier to organize heating. Even if you do not plan to sculpt the garage, the warmth of the house is transferred to this room and in it warmer than on the street. No need to go out to get into the garage. It becomes relevant in the cold and rainy weather.

During construction, they create a tambourous room and organize a reliable and powerful ventilation system. Automotive exhaust gases do not fall into residential premises.


Do not climb the garage with old things. Better organize the storage room in the basement or semi-liner.

Even before the start of the construction of such a multifunctional complex, think how not to make a mistake:

  • For the garage you need a convenient entrance.
  • It should not be located in a lowland, otherwise the rain, melting waters will fall inside.
  • The driveway should have a rough surface so that there are no problems in slushful weather and during ice.
  • Solve: There will be a garage to hear or not, so that then it would not have to make an additional installation of heating and change the heating boiler to more powerful.
  • The entrance to the house must be well covered.
  • There must be comfortable garage gates so that they do not interfere with the input zone.

Features of placement and planning of houses 12 by 12 m

Such buildings are risky to post on small household plots. On the one hand, the neighbors "will look into the windows", on the other you will not have free land. It is worth taken into account. Even if you are not an amateur intense or other agriculture, but flowers, decorative shrubs, or fruit trees want to have many. After all, without them, the house turns into a large square apartment.

In such houses, it is easy to make three or four full rooms in the attic floor. But in this case you need to take care of lighting. There are enough small windows in the bedrooms. In the home theater can be without them, but a children's room, a room, a living room, a winter garden need large windows.


The partitions of the upper rooms must be full. Do not agree on the proposal of the construction teams of construction teams to reduce the maintenance and make plasterboard partitions. This technique does not provide sufficient sound insulation.

House up to 100 sq.m. - Which choose the shape of the box and roof?

There are a large number of houses of houses less than 100 sq.m. Such proposals help to fulfill the wishes of the owners. Have a sufficient number of rooms. Taking into account the rooms on the attic family receives an extra living area.

In the attic place bedrooms, full-fledged dressing rooms, libraries with a library, game for children, are installed simulators. You can provide storage room for household appliances.

If guests or relatives often come to you, guestrooms are organized by guest rooms. In this case, the furnishing is more modest than in the main residential rooms. But you should not raise the top furniture on the top of the furniture. The house should be harmonious and stylish.

You have a teenager in your family and he wants to have his own living space - attic gives such an opportunity. If the family is small, then he can give the entire top "floor" and he will feel like an adult, and you can check at any time than he does.

One-story brick houses with attic

Brick is traditionally used in construction. House projects a lot. They are different in size and shape. If you like a variety, select the erection of two types of bricks. By this you will avoid banalities, and the house will acquire a highlight.

With a terrace on the attic floor

In order to organize a terrace in the attic floor of the house should be at least 100 m². In this case, the upper rooms have sufficient area and open space harmoniously fits into the appearance of the building.

Terasse - small, cozy corner

In such a house, you can organize on the top floor to the terrace that comes out of the attic. You will be provided with a good holiday destination and relax. A good supplement will be a magnificent view of the surrounding nature.

An interesting opportunity is given window balconies Velux GDL Cabrio. They have two structural elements. The lower part is extended, forward and automatically appear railing. And the upper opens up and is installed under 45º.

Balconies window - non-standard solution

If you organize a terrace at the top of the house, apply several tips:

  • Make it with the roof.
  • Instead of the wall between the terrace and the room, install the glass partition with the door to provide sufficient lighting.
  • The floor covering of the terrace should not be slippery, otherwise injuries not to avoid.
  • Choose furniture for it, which has antifungal processing of wooden parts and removable pillows, mattresses.

We list the advantages of building buildings from foam blocks:

  • Foam blocks are more bricks. The construction of frameworks is accelerated.
  • Blocks have a strict geometry. The masonry is flat, glue is saved in the masonry process, the seams are minimal.
  • Houses of foamed concrete give the effect of the thermos. Houses warm in winter and cool in the summer. There is no need to make additional thermal insulation.
  • Houses are operated for a long time without repair.
  • No moisture is afraid, opposes the effects of mold.
  • Does not burn.
  • There are no temperature differences and humidity on the blocks.

Blocks are well cut. This makes it possible to implement various projects with an interesting roof shape.

If desired, the wall can be plastered, paint, decorate with facade materials:

  • natural and artificial stone;
  • brick;
  • siding;
  • tile.

From a bar with a mansard - a refund to historical beauty

I will not list all the advantages of houses from a natural material. Let's say about the main thing. Environmental purity, good thermal insulation in homes, fresh air inside all rooms.

Houses from a bar with an attic look holistic and harmoniously. Your appearance resemble past. Such buildings are based on the use of modern technology, special materials for wood processing, corps of log cabins. Therefore, they serve for a long time, do not lose their attractiveness and help keep health.

With an attic, lined with decorative brick

Often the main decoration of such houses becomes the roofs of a complex shape with an attractive roofing material. But about it slightly lower. If a project with a laconic roof is selected, a decorative brick will help to decorate the facade.

So that the house does not look boring, use models of different textures, colors, size. For example, the angles, the framing of the windows of doorways decorated with dark bricks, and the main part is light. Creative lovers, a little dream.

Instead of the usual decoration by vertical collens, damage the corners in the form of steps. Large squares "Spice" by fragmentary splashes from several decorative bricks. Thus, the house acquires rustic exclusivity. He becomes attractive and unusual.

With attic and erker

Wonderful option for natural beauty lovers. If you are boring the usual standard houses of rectangular shape, then the TAPE project will become perfect. What is the features? Such an architectural feature has nothing to do with balconies and loggias. Erker protrudes beyond the main building, but at the same time it makes one whole with him.

This feature makes it possible to create unusual shape rooms. In Erker, there are a table for tea party, classes of loved ones, live plants. Living rooms with such an element acquire noble luxury.

For mansard premises, erkers become a wonderful opportunity to organize good natural lighting. In this case, there is no hanging roof over the protruding part, which "steals" sunlight.


For the Erker, order double-glazed windows with high thermal insulation properties. They must comply with the construction region. Thus, you will avoid heat loss in winter and provide coolness in the summer.

Important details

Consider the details to pay attention to. What is important to take into account at the construction stage, and what is better not to use? Further in more detail.


To avoid heat loss at the stage of construction, high-quality insulating material is placed, communications are paved, heating devices are installed. But for these premises there are features.

If the rooms are used irregularly, set the temperature controls on the batteries. Use gas, electrical convectors that have thermal sensors that automatically adjust the temperature. This will help save heat carrier, electricity or gas.

Battery - as an option for heating

For small rooms with a steep roof, the fierce floors will be optimal: water or electric. In this case, the heating devices do not spoil the interior and it is easier to arrange furniture.

Lighting of mansardes

If it is not possible to install full-fledged windows, you need to take care of good lighting. Thus, safety and comfort is guaranteed. The lighting organization depends on the functions of the rooms that are located in the attic room. You planned the bedrooms, including guest, then there is enough sconce, nightlife, ceiling point lighting.

For cabinets, children's rooms approach. It is impossible to spoil vision. Therefore, light should be enough. This will help chandeliers, table lamps with a directional flow of light. Lamps Choose housekeems with a range of rays approximate to natural.

Do not leave the staircase, the tambura and the corridors are unlearned. An interesting opportunity is given by LED ribbons fixed under the steps. They determine the direction of movement and do not use a lot of electricity.


Some owners think that in the attic you can install budget deaf windows. As a result, there is no natural ventilation. The consequences can be irreversible: condensate is going, the rafters begin to rot and the roof gradually collapses.

Install windows with framugs, air conditioning or supply and exhaust ventilation. You will always have fresh air, and the structural elements are not exposed to moisture and fungus.

Roofs with mansard

There are no hard rules, which form choose a roof for the organization of attic space. The main condition: provide sufficient height for comfortable movement in the premises. This does not mean that the whole room should be high.

In the side parts that below are accomplished and functional lockers with shelves, place the bedside tables or simply sew them. In the latter case, the area becomes less. However, room cleaning facilitates (no secluded corners).

Even a two-tight concise roof does not become an obstacle to the operation of an attic space. Applying tips, which were given in this article, easy to organize lighting, heating.

Stairs - High Art

It is necessary to stop on this structural element. This is not only the necessary detail of the house. The stairs give the dynamics of the interior of the house. Choosing a model, think what style is chosen as the basis.


The staircase should not overlap the light and create a gloomy zone.

Please take into account how much space it takes. It is necessary to organize a convenient approach in it. And in the attic room at the exit should not be beams, inclined walls. Otherwise, not avoid injury.

In small houses, do not install heavy structures with carved bales and railings. They attract overwhelming attention and "steal" living space. Fashion trend of recent years: stairs with a support system at the parodes. Bolties (translated from the German - rod, bolt) are support nodes that guarantee the rigidity and reliability of the entire design.

They are completely weightless, lungs. Such structures are indispensable in the erker, limited space with curvilinear walls. It is such such walls most often in houses with attic

They do not create a load on the slabs of the overlap, are easily repaired. Despite the grace reliable and maintain a large load. The staircase can be adjusted if a building shrinkage occurs, so they are indispensable for wooden buildings.

The use of such structures is not a dogma. Stairs with classic elements apply even in modern interiors. The basic principle is to comply with moderation.


The space under the stairs is used to store clothes and shoes, organize shelves for books, favorite decorative items


We touched upon various sides of the attic device, organizing communications, decoration, talked about projects. Summarize.

Consider the pluses. Houses with attic cheaper than similar buildings with full floors. Such houses have their attractive "face" (there are many original projects). Instead of the attic room for storing unnecessary things, stylish, cozy rooms are created.

Some minuses. In order to create full-fledged premises, the lower floor should be in an area of \u200b\u200b1.5 - 2 times more attic, which is difficult to implement in small sites. Such houses have a roof of complex shape and configuration. It is necessary for good air conditioning and an organization of additional lighting (for example, on the roof).

Video: Choose a house with an attic

A common planning solution in individual and cottage construction is the attic device in the slope roof space. The planning of the house with an attic has its own characteristic features that significantly distinguish it from the planning of the house in the same level, and make a project with a practically identical two-story building.

The most important difference between the planning of a single-storey house with an attic is to create a staircase to provide access to the second level. Often, the developer does not understand all the complexity of this planning element, referring to it dismissively. This approach is a gross mistake that turns daily accommodation in the house into the infinite repetition of uncomfortable and meaningless movements around obstacles.

Plan 1 floor at home with a nuclear 9x9 Mansard Floor Plan of the same House 9 × 9

The decision on the device operated by the attic must be taken at the design stage and design the building, taking into account the correct and convenient placement of the staircase on the first floor and creating a convenient and economical area spent, access to the second, attic floor.

Depending on the floor flood, the operational characteristics of the staircase used are changed. Attic in a single-storey building performs, as a rule, the role of the "quiet zone", the premises in which are designed for night rest and day leisure. For such houses, it is possible to maximally save the area of \u200b\u200bexpensive in the construction of the first floor by installing the ladders of a small width, from the half-meter and higher, with the most economical outline, such as a screw or with a minimum platform between marchs.

One-storey house plan with 6 × 6 attic

Designing the planning of the house 6x6 or 8x8 with the attic, as a rule, there are no other reasonable solutions, since the space of about six square meters falls out of the total area in the central part of the room, since the exit to the attic can be organized only in the area of \u200b\u200bthe roof of the roof.

Plan of one-story house with an embroidered 8 × 8

The layout of houses 8x10, 9x9, 9x12 with an attic is less sensitive to the device of the staircase, since it takes a smaller percentage of the area of \u200b\u200bthe entire room and easier fits into the floor plan.

Planning a single-storey house with an attic 9 × 12

It is very important to understand that the space required for the stairs includes the approaches to it from various premises, which also occupy the place and should be organized as convenient as possible. Unfortunately, analyzing many modern projects that make eyes with architectural forms, as a rule, are convinced that it is the stair unit that is their weak point that reduces no many advantages.

Typical layout of the house with a mansard 10 × 10

Planning a two-story house with an attic

The plan of the two-storey house with an attic may differ from the one-story langelock area. The two-storey house implies more frequent and intensive movement on the floors, so the ladder should be made more common and wide, the staircases are sufficient area in order to be able to be broken in the opposite direction.

Read also

Planning at home with garage

Attic, unlike the ordinary floor of the house, has specific features. First of all, it concerns roofing rods. They create an additional operating room, but they also impose and plan limits.

The roofs of the roofs resting on the bearing walls limit the significant part of the room in height, not allowing to use the entire area, as is done in the usual room. Low sinuses formed by rafters, as a rule, are trying to adjust to store things, devices of lockers or storage rooms. The same property of the attic design limits the location of the staircase in terms of the house, since the entrance to the staircase must have a normal height, which is usually available only in the area of \u200b\u200bthe skate.

Much complexity is the organization of lighting, insolation, attic space. Traditional roofs have vertical walls suitable for installing windows in front of the front. But limitations only with lighting from two sides, does not allow for the access of daylight to the central part of the attic, for example on the staircase.

Large mansard windows on the roof of the house

Therefore, a propagated output from this position serves as a device of individual attic windows on the roofing rods. It can be independent scope structures that go out onto the street with their own fronton or special window systems embedded in the roof. However, these solutions complicate the roof structure significantly complicate, although they give the roof and the whole building is greater expressiveness.

The plan of the house 9x9, 10x10 with the attic will depend on how to place light movements will be able to place, as the dimensions imply a few rooms, the lighting of which is difficult to organize through the frontones. Opportuning partitions should be performed on a carrier wall, so the planning of the attic of the attic will be dependent on the planning of the attic.

Plan of the 1st floor house with an attic 9 × 9
Plan of the 2nd floor of the house with an attic 9 × 9

In addition to the difficulties described with the placement of the staircase and the organization of lighting the premises separated from the frontaths by partitions, the complication of engineering systems should also be taken into account in the device of the attached attic. The device in the attic room for sleep and recreation assumes the equipment with its heating system, sewage, water supply, with the device of the appropriate networks and rooms.

If the plan of the house with an attic to 100 square meters can assume minimal equipment, taking into account the smaller number of users, then with an increase in the area of \u200b\u200bthe house there is a need to expand sanitary and household premises, as well as an increase in their quantity.

In contrast to the ordinary roof on the floor of the attic room, the loads of the same intensity affect the usual floors of the floors. Therefore, when the attic device should use beams or overlap panels that can withstand them.

Modern layout of the house with an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 150 square meters. M.

The attic room can sometimes be warm only in the level of overlapping, which makes it possible to significantly simplify the design of the roof, relieve it and reduce the cross sections of the bearing elements. For the attic this option is excluded, and insulation, as a rule, is carried out directly in the plane of the rafted, under the outer roofing coating. In this case, the roof design is complicated, the load on the truss system increases, which is required to take into account when designing.

The process of eating your own house in a separate area is not only the labor process, it also requires clear planning. Thinking up everything is literally everything, starting with a clear idea, which will be the house, to the smallest things like nails that will be used when building and repairing.

Starting the work outline, it is necessary to determine first of all with the floor of the house, as well as with the location of the main functional premises. Often the choice stops on one-storey houses, and here the question already appears, due to which it is possible to increase the area. So the choice falls on single-storey houses with an attic, which expands the living functional area, and also adds the sophistication to the house.

Do not forget also the fact that the attic device does not require large financial investments, it is enough to plan a batch roof.

Features and advantages

The choice of project for the cottage or village house is not easy task. But if the choice was made in favor of the house with an attic, it is necessary to remember that such a house, like any other, has its own characteristics that in the process of construction and interior decoration must be considered.

The most important aspect that needs take into account when building an attic, this is an arrangement of increased insulation of the room. It is necessary to preview various projects of houses with an attic.

Since the residential premises of the attic is directly under the roof itself and is not protected by additional beams and overlaps, as in the case of the construction of an additional floor. At the same time, the roof is in direct contact with the external environment, it is experiencing temperature differences and natural changes. No one wants to rain in the room, snow, snow or blown cold winds. That is why the issues of heat and waterproofing of the premises will play one of the dominant roles in the arrangement of the house with the attic.

Also, mansard houses have the following feature: most often it is a single space that do not divide into separate rooms. If the separation is necessary, it is important to use only lightweight materials. You can install partitions from drywall, in no case to use concrete or bricks to build improvised walls, it may adversely affect the entire design of the house.

You can diversify the same room with windows mounted in the roof. Such windows will be inclined structures, which will give not only an interesting visual effect, but will allow the sun's rays under a fairly interesting angle to penetrate into the room and create curious effects.

Given all the features, houses with the attic are gaining all the great indicators of popularity. Today, such houses can be found in large cottage settlements, and in private sectors in cities, as well as in villages and separate dots even in the gardens.

Houses with attic have a number of indisputable benefits, which make them so popular:

  • The use of the attic as part of the residential premises increases the living area and the useful space of the building in most cases at least one and a half times. At the same time, there is no need to spend round sums on the design and construction of the second floor, while getting almost the same area.

  • Summing up all the necessary communications, whether it is a pipeline or electricity, will not require tremendous labor. All this can be easily raised from the bottom floor.
  • Since the attic has additional heat and waterproofing, it is excluded from the fall of cold air to the first floor, which could occur when using the upper part of the house as an attic room, without additional insulation.

  • If the house is ready, but the tenants occur to the horsepower, another plus of this design appears. Move to the time of repair and free all the room from furniture and interior finish is not at all, because repair work will not affect the first floor, their conduct will occur exclusively in the attic, affecting the roof.
  • The rebuilt space can easily be used not only as a residential premises as a room, but also to turn it into a gym, billiard room, library, a cinema or invent a special purpose of this space.

However, for all the advantages of such a building should not forget about the mines of this type of room. Knowledge of these nuances will help not only keep the house in the integer and get an important functional space, but also to protect themselves and close in the process of use.

  • During construction, it is not necessary to save on materials: poor-quality or incorrectly chosen in the construction and finishing process they can lead to negative consequences, up to the collapse of the structure.

  • It is also not necessary to overload the floor, which is why heavy walls, partitions and coatings do not erect here. It should not also use too massive objects of the situation, it can also entail the destruction of carrier structures.
  • It is also worth remembering: despite the fact that the attic is a much less costly negligence than the second floor, the use of inclined windows embedded in the roof in the construction will still require sufficiently large investments.
  • And in the winter period, it is necessary to take care of the additional lighting of space, as the snow can overlap the flow of natural daylight through the window openings.

Choosing materials

The construction of the house with the attic has its own clear algorithm of actions, following which it is possible for the shortest possible time and with the smallest costs to get a quality work.

So, there is the following list of stages that will help build high-quality attic:

  • The defining starting point in the process of creating will be the drawing plan project for construction. All major nuances of the future buildings should be marked here.
  • The second stage is suitable in the case when the attic is attached to the ready-made building. In this case, it is necessary to dismantle the former roof, which will further carry out construction work under the finishing finish.

  • Next, it is necessary to strengthen the overlap, as well as the foundation, if the project requires. At the same stage, the walls should be strengthened on the lower floor, it will also avoid the collapse of the construction when it is exceeded its maximum allowable weight.
  • After that, you can move directly to the construction of the walls. Here it is necessary to recall every centimeter, clearly understanding how the result must come in the final.

  • As soon as work is completed on the construction of walls, one can move to the construction of the roof and overlap. After the roof falls into its place, at the same stage it is necessary to create hydro and thermal insulation.

Here you need to use the highest-quality materials as possible, since it will be dependent on not only the safety of things placed in the attic, but also the total temperature of the whole house, with the right organization of the heat-insulating material, you can significantly save on the heating of the house.

It is also necessary to take care of the interior decoration of the room. Most often wooden panels or other materials of suitable properties and textures are used.

  • After the roof is readily, it is possible to install window designs, if it requires the initial plan project. They can be both inclined and direct depending on the designer solution, but they must be installed as correctly and are equipped with hermetic attachments that do not transmit cold air into space.
  • Well, the final stage in the construction will be the conduct of interior finishing works and the placement of furniture, respectively, the plan.

Following this simple list of stages, you can get a reliable and durable building that meets all even the most unusual needs of tenants.

One of the most difficult stages is to create a project plan, since it is in the development of a plan that the most complex process of selection of materials is included.

Correctly chosen materials for attic must meet the following basic requirements:

  • They must be durable. After all, the construction must maintain the original state for long-to-many years, since the house is still a long-playing building, and it is too expensive to engage in the restructuring times in 5-6 years, and it is inappropriate.
  • In addition to durability, the selected material should also be sufficiently easy, so as not to create additional load on the foundation, especially if it was not initially strengthened. In addition, there are materials that can reduce load on the base and lower floors.

Since the process of construction of the first stage determines the construction of the walls, then the choice of material for them is a priority task. So, most often for walls are used timber or wood. This choice is determined by the fact that often the cottage or village house is built out of a log or logging, which are the most popular materials for homes of this kind.

Moreover, it is advisable to use aerated concrete or gas-silicate blocks. Such material is lighter than standard concrete, and the construction process is simple enough. For the construction of separating thin partitions inside the attic it is better to use the usual plasterboard, which also refers to the discharge of lightweight materials for construction.

Next, it is necessary to determine the material that it is possible to use for the insulation of the erected space. The most common option is mineral wool or polystyrene foam. These are also sufficiently lightweight materials, the use of which does not require large financial costs, and at the same time they are easily fixed, and the insulation effect will be high enough.

In some cases, use the most common sheet foam with sufficient thickness, it is also able to protect the room from too much decrease in temperature.

For the material of the interior decoration there are two basic requirements. It should be non-flammable, as well as possess a high degree of waterproofing, this factor will save the room from the negative impact of moisture from the street, and its ingress.

Here you can use special plastic panels or plasterboard for wall decoration.

When choosing a roof material, it is necessary to take into account the fact that it should have an excellent water-repellent impregnation, which will also help protect against leakage and damage in the internal situation of the attic room.

The roof material can be chosen based on personal preferences and, of course, the color preferences of the owner of the house. So, you can stop the choice on metal tile or sheets of professional flooring.

Ideas for different area

It is worth starting to build, only having a clear plan of construction, a drawing of the future house with an indication of the exact dimensions of the selected materials, the layout of the furniture alignment and, if necessary, partitions that are separated by the attic to several rooms.

Today, the construction market can easily find ready-made typical projects of houses with attic for completely different sizes and destination. So, usually in the attic have a cozy office or a reading area, a billiard room or a gym, an excellent option will also be a seating area or a bedroom. The bedroom looks particularly interesting, since the beveled ceilings and inclined windows add special romanticity and a special charm of the room.

If independent development plan is planned, it is advisable to use special computer programs, they will help make more accurate calculations and immediately see the final result option, which will help estimate it already during the development of the layout.

If you contact the specialists and choose a ready-made plan on the market, you can meet projects for homes with the following overall sizes of the frame: 6x6, 7x8, 6x9, 8x8, 10x10, 10 to 12, 6x4, 6x7 m.

However, among them you can distinguish the options that enjoy the greatest demand, they also have some features and rules.

Typical One-storey house with dimensions 6x6 m- This is an excellent example of a small garden house or summer cottage in the country area. The area of \u200b\u200bthis option will be a total of about 50 square meters.

Among the advantages of this option, the following important aspects can be distinguished:

  • Firstly, these dimensions will be quite enough for the rest of the usual average family.
  • Secondly, this option is the least costly financially, because it requires a smaller consumption of materials, and the plan itself will be cheaper.

  • If the plot area is small, it is the house of this size that will help save the useful area for planting plants or arrangement of the household zone.
  • Another plus can be considered that such a house will initially require a smaller heating consumption and other utilities.

You can also highlight a few tips that will help expand the space and add comfort to the finished house. For example, to save a useful place, you can easily combine some functional zones in the same room. It is advisable to combine bathroom and toiletAt the same time, it is not necessary to install a full-fledged bath, you can limit the high-quality shower, which, at the expense of its design, will create the effect of different zones.

Also you can connect the kitchen and dining room or living room. It will also save space, and with proper layout and placement of furniture will bring comfort to the room.

If you organize the correct storage area in the hallway, you can avoid littering of other functional zones, which will also help expand the useful space.

House size 9x9 malso is quite popular and popular planning option. It is already advisable to complete 2 floors.. The foundation of such a house is initially stronger and able to withstand heavy loads than the foundation 6x6 m.

The classic distribution of functional zones in a house for 150 square meters and with a layout of 9x9 m is as follows: on the first floor most often have an entrance hall, bathroom, kitchen, living room, and if desired one bedroom, in principle the first floor is the standard set of the most necessary rooms. On the second floor you can place several guest rooms or an additional bedroom, an office, a gym, a library, a game room and other spaces at the request of the tenant.

In addition, such a house suggests, as a rule, the presence of a narrow porch and balcony, this will help visually lengthen the space, especially if the porch and the protrusion of the balcony will be connected by beams.

This embodiment is also suitable for the middle family, but guests will easily be lighted here. Communal services will also not require high costs. Moreover, If you correctly choose the materials of thermal insulation, you can significantly save on heating.

To build cottages The most popular size is cut 10x10 m. It can be used both for the construction of single-storey and three-storey structures.

Here you can give the will of fantasy and think over the location of the functional zones in completely different combinations and options.

It is this size that is most often used in the construction. This is due to the fact that an externally, the house has a rather small size and easily placed on any average sector, while the internal capacity is sufficiently high.

Here you can accommodate a few bedrooms, living room, kitchen, bathroom, bathroom, dining room, library and any other essential rooms. In addition, if such a house will have not one floor, with the right organization of stairs, you can organize places for storage directly in stepsthat will significantly save space and help avoid its litter.

Choosing this option planning, it is necessary to take into account some features. For example, on each floor it is necessary to arrange a separate toilet room, as well as take care of a boiler room, which will help save money on utility bills.

Moreover, taking into account the larger area and floors, it is important to carry out additional strengthening of the foundation of the house, significantly strengthen overlaps and walls of the lower floors, as well as take care of a special waterproofing impregnation or layer of material for the roof space.

However, when choosing any of the above dimensions, it is worth remembering that there must be a staircase on the attic; There are, of course, options when there is a hatch in the ceiling, through which they fall into the attic on the appropriate staircase, is still not the most convenient option. So, if it is supposed to build a full-fledged staircase leading to the attic floor, it is important to initially include this construction in the project plan.

The staircase should not impede the opening or closing of the doors, overlap the passages or to otherwise fade movement in the house.

Popular design options

The planning of the attic room has a rather complicated form to arrange residential premises. SCO roofs, a special form of windows, the presence of beams and a special interior decoration - all this dictates special design options. It can be both a plus and a minus.

So, the attic is always a fairly secluded space, movement throughout the entire territory is quite limited enough, however, you can create a unique romantic design. It is sometimes dirty and littered space into a magic corner for sleep, work, recreation or other classes.

The choice of destination of the future room will largely be determined by the angle of inclination of the ceiling group, as well as the location of the windows. One of the most common options for arrangement of the room with the lowest possible ceilings is the placement of the bedroom there.

This choice is due to the fact that being in the bedroom, a person has a larger amount of time in a horizontal position, which means that the uneven distribution of the ceiling will not affect the convenience of being in this space. On the contrary, low ceilings will add romanticity, intimacy of the bedroom, and the inclined windows will enable the starry sky, which will add even more charm to a secluded corner for lovers.

The design of space usually occurs using a classic style. Simple furniture, light colors will help visually expand the space. When choosing materials, it is necessary to remember: if the space has very small dimensions, it is better to abandon large prints and too dark colors. If you want to add dark colors, it is better to limit ourselves to some small dark accents.

The internal arrangement is better to start with the most necessary large objects of furniture, such as beds and a chest, or a cabinet for linen, if the space will still remain, can be supplemented with a composition with bedside snacks, seating or other necessary elements.

With very low ceilings, you can equip the bedroom in Japanese style, Tatami bed, which will be located almost on the floor, light colors and minimum furniture will help create a convenient and at the same time a bright interior.

One of the easiest solutions is the arrangement in the farm room of the living room. but too low ceilings will not allow creating the right interior. The living room is better placed in a fairly overall room, where the ceilings have a greater ascent than in the bedroom.

The living room originally assumes more movements and furniture, because the ceiling height here has a dominant role.

Light colors in the finish, light or transparent furniture, windows with an erker - all this will provide air and extra light in space.

When selecting accessories, it is necessary to ensure that they are withstanding in a single style, otherwise the integrity of the room will disappear, and all efforts will be meaningless.

When creating an ideal living room, you can contact various design solutions and pick up the style that will be harmonized with the rest of the premises in the house.

The greatest distribution is obtained by the following styles:

  • Classic. The most exquisite option that does not lose its popularity. Luxurious, but at the same time graceful furniture, soft deep colors, a full chandelier, heavy curtains - this is what will become the distinctive features of the living room in the classic style. The use of angular sofas can also be considered a characteristic feature of the classic interior.

  • Provenceit will help to create a gentle and romantic atmosphere in the attic of a skeletal house. Light natural shades, floral prints, bright furniture made of natural materials, these elements are able to create a space in the style of Provence. This option will be an excellent solution for the house with a veranda.
  • High techit will require the so-called brilliance. Chrome and steel parts, other elements with reference to technical progress will make a highlight and create a binding to a certain style decision.

  • In addition, uses popularity minimalism styleSince space, as a rule, a small, minimum of furniture, the lack of massive jewelry and excessively large bright stains will be an excellent solution for this kind of rooms.

Under the roof can also be placed the kitchen or dining room. However, it is spontaneously not to implement this project, the layout must be laid in the original project of the building, since the kitchen requires special communications. Submission of water, electricity, and, if necessary, and gas requires special communication with a source of one or another good.

So, it is most often necessary to communicate with the basement, because it is often a boiler room that will be often located, which will be the distribution center.

In addition, it is necessary to take care of using only non-combustible materials in the interior decoration of the room, since the cooking surface will be placed in that part of the room, where the roof sofa forms the lowest point. When choosing furniture, you can give preference to modules and variants of M-shaped blocks that will help create the most convenient work space, and also do not overdo the room.

In the process of building an attic room under the kitchen, you must immediately think over large windowsSince natural light will be the best option for such space.

The uneven height of the ceilings and the relief of the walls can be an excellent help to create the perfect interior of the children's room, it gives additional decor features. You can define several functional zones for the game, for study, for sleep.

In addition, highly located inclined windows are the most secure option for the nursery, and the ceiling height will not fade the movements of his small owner, he will have his own world in which an adult way ordered.

Often, the attic becomes a full-fledged library or cabinet. Probably, this is due to solitude and comfortable, which can be obtained from this space. The layout of racks with books on the walls, a comfortable chair, a good lamp - which is what the ideal library consists of, and if you also add a table here, it will turn out a full-fledged office for work.

You can equip space under the roof of the dressing roomThis will help save space in the house, get rid of bulky cabinets. Here you can place racks for shoes, a wardrobe and linen, as well as post a few large mirrors, in front of which you can spin, dressed in one or another outfit from the wardrobe.

How to calculate everything?

The calculation of the roof under the attic has its own characteristics, it is significantly higher than usual, and therefore requires more detailed and special calculations. Along with the height of the roof rise, the angle of the skate and the height of the skate increases. Avoid mistakes will help a detailed plan - the drawing of the roof design, but the calculations better entrust professionals or use a special online calculatorwhich is designed to help produce the right calculations.

Calculations must be started with the definition of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe attic. This indicator will directly depend on the total area of \u200b\u200bthe house, as well as from the structural features of the roof.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe attic will be folded from two main indicators. These include a useful zone and the so-called deaf zone. It is logical that the useful zone is simply a place where it can be less convenient to move, which means it is usually the middle of the room, you can also call the useful zone all the place where the height of the wall will exceed 90 centimeters. The deaf zone, respectively, can be attributed lower indicators.

These zones are usually used to store things and place any low furniture, since the movement of people in them is extremely uncomfortable, and sometimes it is impossible at all.

Therefore, at the stage of planning, the roof racks must be distributed so that the deaf areas as a result can be as small as possible, an architect or online calculator can also help.

To obtain the most accurate calculation using the program, you must enter the roof bias, the number of rods, as well as the selected roof shape.

To date, the following options for the roof forms are determined:

  • Single roofing. The simplest design, it is created using roof flooring on the walls that are at different heights. However, despite the fact that it is one of the cheapest models, to use it for the attic - not the best solution, because with this placement it turns out too much a deaf zone.

  • Double. No less simple and economical option, however, much more suitable for typical attic, since such a roof forms a sufficiently high middle part.
  • Walm-type roof. This option is maximally suitable for the houses of the large area. In addition, it opposes the winds and other natural influences that turns the hip version in the most preferred and safe.

In addition to these standard structures, their some varieties are used, their choice will depend on the designation of the building, as well as on its shape and sizes. So for hangars, semicircular roofs are used, for large square houses, tent roofs.

So, determined with the type of roof, you can proceed to the main calculations.

They will participate the following indicators:

  • The height of the ridge of the roof. This is the highest point of the roof, which is used in the design, for example, for a duct roof, the height of the skate will be measuring the height to the highest mid-point. And the room in the project of the house with a single-sided roof will have the highest point from the side of the high wall.

  • Roof weight. This is the second indicator, which is also worth considering when calculating. This clause is calculated using the sum of the specific weight of 1 square weight of the roof, insulation, elements of the rafter system, as well as the interior decoration. According to the rules, the weight should not exceed the figure of 50 kilograms per 1 square meter.
  • The total area of \u200b\u200bthe roof rod. Here, to determine the indicator, you must multiply the length on the width of the roof surface. If the roof consists of several slopes and elements, you need to calculate the perimeter of each roof element, and then folded the result.

The obtained measurements must be entered into similar online calculator cells and get the calculations necessary for the construction. but do not be able to unconditionally trust the online assistant, most often this calculation is approximate, And on it, it is possible to purchase the required number of materials, it is better for a professional architect to perform an accurate calculation.

Create a harmony of the interior and exterior

To get a harmonious interior and an exterior of the attic, you need to carefully choose the materials and combine them correctly. So, outside the attic should be facing from the same material as the whole house, otherwise it will stand out, creating a dissonance in the appearance not only the attic, but also at home as a whole.

Inside the same beautiful interiors will depend on the correct selection of finishing materials.

In the ceiling decoration, it is important to take into account the nuances of the structure, the quality and type of roof, the shape of the roof. It is best to stop the choice on sheets of plasterboard or lining. These materials are not only suitable for almost any selected design variant, since they can be painted, bold and secure various decor elements, but also have additional waterproofing, which is an excellent embarrassment of the attic.

The excellent option for the ceiling is also pasting with wallpaper, but it is better to sew the ceiling by sheets of drywall, so the pasting will be made more convenient and easier than on the black finish of the inner space of the roof.

In the wall decoration, the tree is most often used.. Lining or wooden panels create not only a unique interior, but also a connection with the external finish of the house, which is definitely an interesting solution.

If you want to create a more classic interior, you can save walls with wallpaper, but here it is necessary to remember that too dark color can burn the volume of the room, and the attic and so, as a rule, small. Therefore, it is better to stop the choice on white or beige versions.

Special requirements are also presented to the floor, it is designed in case of unpleasant attics with an attic in the form of, for example, flooding during the rain to create additional protection for the lower floor. Therefore, in addition to the finish, which will create an appearance, it is also necessary to take care of the internal heat, noise and waterproofing. But on top, you can use various wooden coatings, parquet or laminate will be a good optionAlso, there is a kind of clapboard for the floor. On the floor you can put a fluffy carpet.

The harmonies of the internal and appearance of the attic can be achieved with the help of correctly selected windows. One of the distinguishing features of the attic is the presence of a large amount of natural lighting, so the windows are almost a priority spending when attracting the attic.

If there is a desire to accommodate in the room not one, but several windows, it is worth choosing one wall and install them on it.

The windows can have completely different sizes, but it is necessary to remember that the maximum magnitude of the window will depend on the length of the roof slope, for it cannot exceed this measurement.

Today on the market there are several options for an attic window:

  • Vertical - standard option that is installed in the straight wall of the attic, as a rule, it is from face or end at home.
  • Inclined are installed directly into the roof slide, which allows you to get an interesting effect.
  • In addition, there is an option of windows for flat roofs.

All windows can be made of various materials, can be equipped with a variety of flaps and installed in different planes, ideally combining the interior of the room with its external arrangement.

Spectacular examples for inspiration

The design of a country house with an attic can be performed in both one color and combine several different shades in itself, the main thing is that they coincide on the tone. The selection of the attic to another touch will help create a special effect.

The dacha or garden house of an attic type most often has a double roof and a pronounced triangular shape slot, the use of dark wood beams for decoration will help profitably emphasize the shape of the roof and its uniqueness.

In particular areas, it is often possible to meet a cottage with an attic, which goes to the ledge with the balcony, such a move is also able to create an interesting effect, especially in combination with the porch, which are combined into a single group using wooden columns.

Mansard is a great idea for building a house on a small area. And in this case, and when the building of the building changes after a while after its operation, it is necessary to strictly observe the design principles. Only so you can achieve the most rational use of space.

Often the problem for designers is the small size of the house. Therefore, there are a lot of ways to overcome these difficulties and turn the difficult circumstances in dignity.

How to beat a limited space?

Buy your own home - the dream of many people, and it does not matter whether it will be the main housing or just a place for short leisure. Material circumstances force many to give preference to small-sized homes. In this case, it is recommended not to rush, but carefully choose a project, considering the options for different design organizations, comparing offers among themselves.

The most common mistake is the choice of projects in which the location of bedrooms or children's rooms are provided at the top of the building.

Little children, the elderly, sick or just tired people are difficult to reach the attic. Once again, it is not too convenient once again. In this case, it is necessary to simply change the differences in some places.

Outputs to the balcony can be very attractiveBut the cost of such a draft decision is large enough. Sometimes it is more appropriate to restrict ourselves to not too large platform instead of a full balcony, while maintaining aesthetics.

During the construction of a small house with an attic, a reasonable balance should be observed between the quality of the foundation (its supporting abilities) and the total cost of work. If the base is significantly raised above the ground, you will have to equip the entrance staircase and the railing on it. For people striving for maximum comfort, this circumstance will be not too pleasant.

To competently use the territory of small buildings, it is recommended to apply for help only to prepared designers and architects.

Choosing materials

The building materials industry has developed a large number of options that can be used in the construction and finishing of the attic.

Traditional solutions are:

  • brick;
  • wood;
  • clay (saman);
  • shelter.

Most often, the most severe materials are used on the first floor, and relatively lungs are used to create an attic. Aerated concrete is also present. From it form blocks with a thickness of 300 - 400 mm, which are superior to many other materials on thermal insulation. Construction of aerated concrete is cheap and practical.

Wood - more natural material, but its use is forced to scrupulously execute the staffing technology and process the material strictly according to the rules.

Brick walls have their advantages.One of them is a long construction service that can be more than 100 years. Brick easily holds the form, does not destroy under the action of changing temperature and humidity. Pond bricks are more modern and cheap, but their parameters are not inferior to the classic option.

Frame buildings with attic have a number of strengths:

  • multiple reduction in thermal losses compared to cold attic;
  • the finishing of the upper room may be smooth (tenants can be calmly on the first tier);
  • there are many ways to use the upper floor.

However, the skeletal solution implies the strictest performance of construction standards and rules.

If you donate from them, you can encounter constant freezing, heat leaving and accumulation of condensing moisture. It is also necessary to take measures so that snow precipitates do not interfere with the natural lighting of the attic.

We decorate exterior

The outer wall of the attic is made from the vertical part formed by the main structural material of the house. It uses rafters, roofing and trim for the inside of the room. The relationship between them in each particular case is established on the basis of the project features.

Outside, mainly used metal tile or soft roof.Options for finishing the facade of houses with a mansard quite a lot. These are experiments with the roof configuration, which is made by a holm or semi-haul with a different number of skates. These are complementary visors round and even more extravagant shape (the so-called shadow roof).

Often, designers conduct experiments with different types of windows, giving them an intricate and extraordinary look (round, trapezoid, and so on). Other designers give preference to be less catchy, but with a good and consistently active types of windows.

Window blocks can be installed:

  • in a single version;
  • in the form of a chain;
  • divided into separate blocks;
  • monolithic.

One of the latest design solutions is a "folding" balcony, which is easily folded and disclosed as needed.

Ideas for interior

  • According to experts, it is best or at all to abandon the crushing of space in the attic, or to prefer partitions from plasterboard. This is a fairly lightweight material that minimizes the load exerted on the basis of the construction. At the same time, such distinguishing blocks are stable its task.
  • It is undesirable to make the ceiling that will occupy less than half the area of \u200b\u200bthe entire room. It can create visual discomfort.
  • The windows of an atypical design - the way it is not easy to express your aesthetic concept, but also add the maximum amount of light to the room.

The attic began to be used for permanent residence in the 17th century, but today people have much more opportunities for their design and functional filling. Inside, you can be placed both bedrooms with panoramic windows and more economical options (for example, gyms). Pretty spacious and bright room is easily turning into the office, and in the children's room. Some designers offer to take the entire attic bathroom to save the useful territory on the first floor of the house.

To make a compact space more pleasant, you need to think about the appropriate version of the roof.

For example, duplex roofs, with all their external appeal, make it possible to apply only 2/3 available areas. The broken configurations allow you to increase this indicator up to 90%. Raising a 150 cm roof, you can add the total area of \u200b\u200bthe dwelling by 100%. It will also help get rid of the feeling of a lack of space inside.

If there is only a narrow plot in the attic one, it is recommended to place a bedroom in it.In the lowest segments of the attic advantage of storage systems, as people still can not move there.

Designers advise from the very beginning to think about how to enter the attic and exit from it, which stairs will be installed. Another important point is the use of durable flooring to ensure an exception of unpleasant incidents. Of course, the rafters and details of the floors should also be strong. In areas where summer is hot, rationally use the air conditioner.

Homes with the attic is the embodiment of a comfortable and pleasant country life. Such cottages allow greater freedom in choosing materials, design and planning at home. In this article, you will find the necessary recommendations, as well as projects of houses with an attic, free drawings and photos.

Features of the house with an attic

One of the most important features of the house with an attic -, since the upper part of the design is subject to temperature drop. It is equally important to take care of the waterproofing of the room. Select lightweight materials for the attic floor. This also applies to the interior decoration, and even furniture. Do not overload the foundation and walls due to the possible appearance of cracks.

The small area of \u200b\u200bthe attic is best to form solid space, but if necessary, the creation of internal partitions should be preferred by plasterboard. This material will not apply additional load on the base of the house.

How to build a house with an attic?

Creating a project of a house with an attic, it is necessary to take into account the features of this building. If the next rules are met, you will get a beautiful and reliable durable house.

  1. Calculation of additional load. It is impossible to arbitrarily attach the attic to one-story house, as it will entail cracks with the subsequent destruction of the base. If you decide to complete the attic on the already existing walls, take care of their strengthening.
  2. Calculation of the height of the attic. The minimum height from the floor to the ceiling is 2.5 m.
  3. Proper roof design. When it designs it should take into account that the bartal design will add only 67% of the base of the house. The so-called "broken" roof will add approximately 90% of the ground floor area. But the lifting of the roof is 1.5 m can increase the area by 100%.
  4. Provide communication communication between the basis and attic;
  5. Think over planning , places for and windows;
  6. It is very important to observe firefire requirements, Evacuation plan with attic.

Projects of a single-storey house with an attic: drawings and photos

In single-storey houses, the attic most often acts as a workshop or. Often at this level have a bedroom, which is due to a comfortable location indoor with low ceilings, as well as additional insulation and a beautiful view of the starry sky from the windows. We picked up the top 10 projects of homes with the attic, the free drawings and photos are presented below, as well as their description.

Project №1. The project of this house provides for a functional room on the attic level, which contains a bedroom, bathroom and two additional rooms, which, at their discretion, can be equipped under living rooms or children's. The cozy frame house involves the execution of brick and ceramzite concrete. Large windows make the inner space of the house well lit. The building fully complies with all the requirements of a residential building.

Project №2.. Cozy cottage in eco-style with a large dining room on the first floor. The project allows you to place three rooms, a bathroom and a small lounge on the attic, as well as access to the balcony. There is a convenient wide staircase knot. On the first floor there is also the second output to the veranda. Such a house is perfect for a large family for a comfortable country rest.

Project number 3.. Small and at the same time, a functional one-storey house with a living-dining room and a cabinet on the first floor. The planns of the attic occupies three adjacent rooms and a bathroom. In the simple form of the building make a variety of erker in the living room and a mansard window with a flat roof. The house is perfect for both recreation and work.

Project number 4.. Compact house in rustic style. On the ground floor there is a living room with a dining area, a kitchen and a toilet. At the attic you can climb on a comfortable broad staircase. Here are three bedrooms and a bathroom.

Project number 5.. A functional one-storey house with an attic suitable for a large family. The project provides for a spacious dining room, office, bathroom and kitchen on the first floor, as well as three adjacent rooms and a bathroom on the attic level. The shape of the house complements the erker on the first floor in the living-dining room and access to the balcony, as well as a window with another extra balcony and a gable roof.

Project number 6.. The budget project of the house with an attic is perfect for life and recreation. On the first floor there is a large spacious living room (48.6 m2), which can simultaneously act as a dining room. On the attic - three bedrooms, bathroom and spacious balcony.

Project number 7.. A simple single-storey house with a functional layout is designed for a family of five. A simple form is complemented by an erker and a balcony. The entrance through the hallway leads to the hall, where the staircase is located on the attic and doors to all the first floor rooms: living room, bathroom, kitchen and children's. On the attic level - three bedrooms, a spacious bathroom, as well as two wardrobe, one of which is adjacent to the large bedroom.

Project number 8.. By choosing a house project with an attic and garage, you will save money on construction work through the combination of capital walls. In addition, the decision "two in one" reduces the cost of heating the garage due to the warm walls of the house. And besides, there is no need to go out into the street in bad weather to get into the garage, the main part of the house is connected to the garage through the pantry. Large windows make a house light, and two small terraces contribute to a pleasant rest in the air.

Project number 9.. The project of this cozy home provides for the installation of a twin house in a mirror design. A distinctive feature of this simple building is a garage roof, which passes above the entrance terrace and is supported by three wooden beams. The exterior finish of the house is highlighted by a wooden framework of classic window openings. On the ground floor there is a living room, a kitchen combined with a dining room, and a bathroom, the attic level occupy two bedrooms and a bathroom.

The garage is directly connected to the house with the help of a folding staircase that saves space for storing tools and other necessary things.

Two-storey houses with attic have a presentable appearance. Such houses are designed for a comfortable country or country rest. As a rule, the planning of a two-storey house with an attic provides for the location of common areas at the first level (it can be a living room, dining room, kitchen), and private apartments - on the second floor (host bedrooms, bathroom, children's). Choosing materials, you can stay on concrete, brick or wood. Combined options are possible, where one floor is made of timber, and the other is brick. Below is presented project number 10.Final in our selection.