Works and and wing. School encyclopedia

Baszy Krylova read we love from childhood. The woven images are stored in the memory, which are often populated in the head in various life situations, we appeal to them and every time you will not cease to surprise the insights of Krylov.

It happens, Moskka is remembered, which is barking on an elephant to impress the brave and fearless or unexpectedly before his eyes there is a monkey who mocked himself over himself without learning reflection in the mirror. Laughter, yes and only! And how often meetings occur, which are involuntarily compared with the Madushka, that according to their own ignorance, not knowing the values \u200b\u200bof the glasses, broke them about a stone. The small fables of the Krylov are short in size, but not by meaning, because the wallest word is sharp, and the morals of the Basen have long turned into the winged expressions. Krylov's fables accompany us in life, they cried with us and in any period they will find an understanding in us and help resent themselves values.

Wings - the most famous writer. Of all children's poems and fables - the works of Krylov are always the most best, they are cut into memory and float during their lives when meeting with human vices. Often they say that, they say, the wings wrote not for children, but does the meaning of his bass not understand the children? Morally written clearly written, so even the smallest child can read the Basinie Krylov.

On our site we place the best works of the author in the original presentation, and also separately allocate morals for convenience and better memorization of philosophical thoughts. Both the child and the adult will find a lot of meaning in these little living stories, in which animals symbolize people, their vices and ridiculous behavior. Krylov's Basni is remarkable in that they are represented not only text, but also a remarkable picture, convenient navigation, cognitive facts and reasoning. After reading, the author will surely become your beloved, and his life essays in the form of humorous bass will be remembered for many years.

Basinople led an absolutely open life, I talked a lot, printed books one after another and did not even rush his obesity and tannies. The curiosities that took place with the wing were expressed to them in the instructive scenes, the simplicity of which is deceptive. He was not a basinist, he was a thinker-philosopher capable of children's unobtrusive and ease to comically describe the shortcomings of people in an amazing form only to him. You do not need to look for in the wing bass only satire, on this, their value does not end. The content and meaning is rather philosophical than humorous. In addition to human vices, served in the easy form of the truth of being, the basis of behavior and relationships between people. Each bass is a combination of wisdom, morality and humor.

Basinie Krylov to read the child from the small years. They will show him what to beware of life in life, what kind of behavior around you condemn, and for which you can encourage. The laws of life on the wings are natural and wise, he despises artificiality and pegs. The moral, purified from any impurities and trends, is clear and concise, contains the separation between the correct and incorrect. Wonderful letter of writing led to the fact that each morality became a folk proverb or cheerful aphorism. The works are written in such a language that although they look like literary forms, but in fact carry intonations and ridicule inherent in the great people's mind. Little Baszy Krylov changed a common look at this genre. The innovation was manifested in realism, philosophical notch and everyday wisdom. Basni became small novels, sometimes dramas, in which the accumulated wisdom and the rabivation of the mind manifested themselves. It is wonderful that with all this the author did not turn the fable to a satirical poem, but managed to preserve a deep meaningful part consisting of a small story and morality.

Krylov's fables penetrated the essence of things, character characters and became almost unattainable other authors genre. Despite Satira, the Basinista loved life in all its manifestations, only he would love to be simple and natural truths to finally change low passion. Bassni genre under his pen became so high and honed that, rereading the fables of other authors, you will understand - there is no such thing, and it is unlikely that it will be.

In the Basen Krylov online section, we invite you to get acquainted with folk wisdom. Short philosophical works will not leave indifferent or children or adults.

It is a work in verses or prose, which is satirical. Any fable begins or ends with moral phrases, which in the literary circles is called morality. The main characters of such works are people, birds, animals, plants, inanimate objects.

From the history of Bassen

The first Basinople is considered to be Ezop, who lived in ancient Greece in VI-V Art. BC e. At the Romans, the famous author of satirical works was Fedr (I century n. Er). The XVII century presented France and the whole world of a talented Basinist Jean de Lafontin. In Russia, Ivan Andreevich Wills (1769-1844) was the most famous wrister of the moral poetic works (1769-1844). The poet wrote 236 Bassen for his life, which were released in 9 compilations with it. In his satirical creations, Ivan Andreevich touched the whole of Russia: from ordinary men to the nobles and the king. Some Basni Krylov in their plots echo with the works of Ezopa and Lafontaine. There is in his work and completely original history, the content of which did not meet anywhere earlier.

Heroes of narches

Every Russian man since childhood is familiar to Ivan Krylov. It is written by an affordable language using phraseologism, sayings and proverbs. Their plots are distinguished by the reliability of what is happening and affect topical topics. Greed, stupidity, vanity, hypocrisy, mental limitations and other human defects are presented in the works of the poet in the most unattractive form. Although the heroes of Basen Krylov in most of its animals, but their images of the author always associated with people. His satire rizuats the idlers-nozzles, judges, officials, bureaucrats, with impunity creating their black things. Ivan Andreevich's creativity and the Emperor Alexander I: he is not in the best form presented in the image of the king of the beasts, Leo, in the fables of "Pinsle Sheep" and "fish dance". As opposed to nobility and rich people, the wings sympathize with poor people suffering from lawlessness and serfdom.

Feature of the creation of the poet

Baszy Krylov - short satirical literary creations, distinguished by a fascinating plot, dynamic, realistic dialogues, psychological accuracy of the images of heroes. Some of his satire describe household scenes ("merchant", "two men"), others are allegories ("wild goats"), third - pamphlets ("Pike", "Pinsle Sheep"). Willow and stories in the poetic form ("ILO and Swallow"). The uniqueness of the Basen poet is that, despite its more than a solid age, they did not lose relevance today. And this is not surprising, because human defects do not change over time.

Characteristic "Quartet"

Familiar to all the fable "Quartet". Krylov pushed her consciousness nonsense, who were not for their work. The plot of Basni, written in 1811, is pretty simple: Marty, Bear, Donkey and Kozlov decided to organize a music quartet. But as they tried to play the tools, how many times they have been transplanted, they did not work. Bassni heroes did not take into account the most important thing: one desire is not enough to become musicians. To do this, you still need at least to know the tote literacy and own the game on the tools. In the phrase of the nightingale, who became a random witness to the unsuccessful attempts of the quartet to play, the moral of the whole Basni is: no matter how they sat down, but the musicians will not work out anyway.

Kryllov Quartet fables applies not only to mountain musicians. The poet in it expressed his thoughts that skill and talent are needed in all endeavors for which a person is taken. Often, people overestimate their abilities and grab about unbearable cases, being confident that they will all succeed without knowledge and preliminary training. Vanity, self-confidence and boastfulness to them the eyes of a veil, and they do not want to understand one thing: any lesson needs to be trained, and for this it is necessary for a long time and talent. In his work, the author openly laughs over fools and talkers, whose words diverge with the case. The Kvartet Basinet Heroes personifies the author of political figures of those times who lacked professionalism to make the right decisions.

A few words about "Swan, Cancer and Pike"

Considering Krylov's fables, his famous satirical creation "Swan, Cancer and Pike" (1814) cannot be discharged without attention. In the plot of the works traced a subtle hint of events taking place in those days in Russia - the indignation of the Russian people by Drazor, who reigned in the State Council. Bass begins with a short three-fold edification, the meaning of which is in simple truth: if there is no consent among friends, then for no matter what they do, nothing will happen to them. It was in the entry of the wings and expressed Moral Basni. Further, the narrative itself is followed about how the pike, cancer and swan were imputed in WHO, however, could not move it from the place, because each of them pulled it into his side. Basnya is one of the most famous creations of the poet, it has become popular in his life and remains such as this day. The last line of the fables "And WHO and now there" turned into a wilt phrase, symbolizing the absence of unity in thoughts and actions, and the main characters of the poem became the heroes of numerous caricatures.

The modern school program always includes Ivan Krylov. It is distinguished by the simplicity of perception and therefore understandable to children of all ages. Special interest reads the younger generation "Raven and Fox" written by the author in 1807. The creation of the work of Krylov inspired the work of Ezopa, Fedra, Lafontaine and other basicists, who have already used a similar story with foxes and a crow. The brief content of the fable as follows: the crow somewhere got a piece of cheese and flew into a tree in order to eat it. The pathway by the fox had a delicacy, and she wanted to put him down in a bird. Sitting under the tree, the cheating began to ask the crow to sing, praising her vocal abilities in every way. The bird succumbed to flattering speeches, dotted and cheese fell out of her beak. Fox grabbed him and drew him. Moral Basni sounds in its first strokes: With the help of a bowling, it will always achieve his own.

Other famous fables

Moral Basen Krylov is understandable to everyone. In the work of "Dragonfly and Ant", its meaning is that the one who does not think about tomorrow's day, risks to remain hungry, cold and without a roof over his head. The wings chanting in his creation hard work and mocking over carelessness, stupidity and laziness.

Moral Basni "Martushkina glasses" is that people who do not understand the case, for which they take, look ridiculous. In a satirical product, ignorant is ridiculed in the formation of martyrs, and the glasses are identified with knowledge. People who do not understand anything in science and take care of it, they are just mixed by their stupidity.

Despite the fact that Krylov's fables are short, the author's attitude towards all sorts of human flaws is very clearly displayed. Oddly enough, but after two centuries, which have passed since the time of writing works of the poet, nothing has changed in society, so they can be used today as a moral stories and educate the younger generation on them.

Ivan Andreevich Krylov (1769-1844) is most famous as the author of the Basen, although his work is much more diverse.

He was a publicist, poet, prose, publisher of satirco-educational magazines.

From biography

Krylov's father served in the Dragoon shelf, but the service began a simple soldier. He received the nobility already in mature years, but he distinguished himself that in January 1774 he did not pass the fortress Pugachev. This story A.S. Pushkin mentioned in the "Pugachev history" and in the story "Captain's daughter". Born in Moscow, the wings of the orphanage spent in traffic with his family. His literacy taught his father who loved to read. But the father died when the future Basinowstra was not 10 years old. The career of the young Krylov began with the post of scribe, and, although he studied little, but he read a lot and gradually began to write. The first of his literary experiments were not yet perfect (opera libretto "Coffee Night", the tragedy "Cleopatra" and "Filomel" and others), but the wings did not throw writing. In 1789, he founded the monthly satirical magazine "Mail of Spirits", in which fantastic form depicted the shortcomings of the modern Russian society. A total of 8 rooms came out, and then the publication was stopped due to the dissatisfaction of the authorities.

I. Eggink "Portrait I.A. Krylova "

In 1792, Krylov began to publish the literary magazine "Spectator". At this time, he is already the center of the literary circle. In 1793, this magazine was renamed St. Petersburg Mercury. The wings in it are printed as a lyric and imitator of the poems of Derzhavin. Mercury existed only one year and did not have much success.
In the literary and secular St. Petersburg, the wings were known not only as the author of comedy and other works, but also as a kind of walking joke. He himself created myths and jokes about themselves: about her amazing appetite, nozzles, laziness, love for fires, the striking power of will, wit, popularity, etc. Was the wings really lazy? This can not be agreed - his manuscript suggests that he carefully worked on his bass, constantly ruled them, achieving accuracy and aphorist. The publication of magazines also demanded diligence and labor. And then there was a service in the Imperial Public Library of almost 30 years (1812-1841). The wings replenished the library funds, served readers, created a cataloging system of Russian books, which is still relevant.

In 1797, he went to the estate of the prince of Prince S.F. Golitsyn as a teacher of children, secretary, etc. At this time, the wings had a broad and versatile education. In 1801, Prince Golitsyn was appointed Riga Governor Governor, and the wings decided on the secretary. In 1803 he retired.

Start of fastening creativity

In 1805, the wings were transferred from French two Basni Lafontena. I.I. Dmitriev, to whom the wings showed his experiments, approved them: "This is true of your kind; Finally, you found it. " So began a Career of the Krylova-Basinista.
Baszy Krylov begin to study in elementary school, but their deep meaning sometimes becomes available only in adulthood. This is some mysteriousness of Krylov. Not so simple, as it seems.
Most Basen Krylov are original works, but some topics are borrowed by Ezopa, Lafontaine, Fedra.
But Krylov's fables, including translation, are unique and deep national in language, philosophy, in spirit. He first studied, and then used in his fables, then the common adverb, which was clear to any Russian man - from Velmazby to the peasant. The wings managed not only to comprehend the spirit of the Russian people, but also express it in his fables.
Children of any epoch need education, in adults. And this is the role of educators and so far fulfill the Basinie Krylov, although, as we said, the deep meaning of his fable is sometimes available only to adults.
It is known 236 Basen I.A. Krylova. Many expressions from his fables have become covered and relevant today. For example, the Basnie "Swan, Cancer and Pike". The phrase "when there is no agreement in the comrades, the way will not go to the way" is used if they want to emphasize the separation of those who have become for some reason. And the situation in Russia in the 90s? Is it not a situation of swan, cancer and pike? Allusion (hint) on the "Swan, Cancer and Pike" is often found in the speeches of politicians, the titles of media articles, parodies, caricatures: "And the WHO and now there" - that is, the case did not budge.
In various life situations, the sharp and wise words of Kryllov often pop up in the head.

The task of any basinist is the ˗ the problem of the disadvantages of man and society, which human has suffered from long. Therefore, the scenes of the fables are so similar to the Basnopisians of different countries. And the wings are also the majority of their plots borrowed from Lafontena, and he, in turn - from Ezop, Fedra, etc. But the wings always borrowed the plot filled with Russian realities, and he obtained the Russian National Bass.

Topics Basen Krylova

Public and political topics

The wings believed that the government should be strong, but the wise, fair, and if "the strong is always powerless to blame," then this speaks about the arbitrariness of power and lawlessness.

I. Krylov

Wolf and lamb.

Strong always powerless to blame:
In history, we are in the history of the example of examples,
But we do not write stories;
But about how in the bass they say.
A lamb on a hot day went to the creek drunk;
And it's necessary to happen,
That near those places hungry spit wolf.
A lamb sees, he seeks to prey;
But, the case to give although the legal appearance and sense,
Screams: "How dare you, the pinch, an unclean figure
Here clean torture drink
With sand and with sludge?
For keenness of this
I'm head with you! "

When the light wolf will allow
I dare I convey that below in the stream
From the lightness of his steps I am a hundred pugh;
And it will be angry in vain.
I can't torment him in any way.
- Therefore, I lngu!

Waste! Slaughter of such keenness in the light!
Yes, I remember that you are still in the requested summer
I somehow gasped here:
I'm this, buddy, did not forget!
- Homes, I still have no year, -
The lamb says.
- So it was your brother.
- No brothers with me.
- So it's kum Il Shat
And, in a word, someone from your own kind.
You yourself, your dogs and your shepherds,
You all want me want
And if you can, then I always lose,
But I am with you for their divorce sins!
- Oh, I'm guilty?
- Silence! I'm tired of listening,
Leisure I disassemble your guilt, puppy!
You are to blame for what I want to eat.
He said - and in the dark forest of the lamb.

(1808). The story of Basni is borrowed from Ezop.

On the same topic the fable "Cat and cook".

Theme of Enlightenment

On this topic of the Basni "Larkik", "curious", "Pig under the oak" and others. Only stupid and ignorant people can scatter science and learning.

I. Krylov

Pig under the oak

Pig under the oak century
Governed by the urban to destroy;
Favoring, slept under him;
Then, the eyes of the rap, got up
And the roots began to fall into the mouth of the oak.

"After all, this tree harms -
To her with an oak of the raven says -
Kohl root expose, it can dry. "
"Let him dry," says Piggy, -
No one is disturbing me;
I see a little in it;
Although his century is not, I will not regret whose
They were only bustic: because I'm fat from them. " -

"Ungrateful! - she sat down her oak here, -
Whether you could raise you,
It would be seen,
What these aches are growing on me. "
* * *
Ignorant also in blindness
Science and learning,
And all scientists,
Without feeling that he fell their fruit.

But, on the other hand, and in learning you need a certain measure, because Excessive wrestling leads to a dead end. About this fable "Larkik".

Historical themes

The wings were witty responded to various events in the country. The fable "Wolf on Psarn" is connected with the Patriotic War of 1812, when Napoleon (Wolf) tried to conclude a world famous for him, but Kutuzov (Lovech) solved the idea of \u200b\u200bthe enemy and could deserve to answer him.

I. Krylov

Wolf on Psarn

Wolf at night, thinking to climb into sheepskirts,
Hit on the dog.
Suddenly suddenly the whole pot yard:
I expect gray so close to the gaby,
Die poured in the horses and swear to a fight.

Psari shout: "Ahti, guys, thief!" -
And in the middle of the gate to constipation;
Per minute, Psarnya became hell.
Run: other with Dubi,
Other with a gun.

"Fire! - shout, - fire! " Came with fire.
My wolf sits, clinging to the corner back,
The teeth alkaline and the delicate of wool,
Eyes seem to want everyone to eat;

But seeing what's not before the flock
And that finally comes
He's a breakdown for sheep, my sly
In negotiations

And began like this: "Friends! What is all this noise?
I, your old swat and kum,
Came to put up to you, not at all for the sake of a quarrel;
Forget the past, set up a common way!
And I will not only continue not the throne of local herds,
But for them himself with others gnaw

And wolf oath claim
What I ... "-" Listen, neighbor, -
Here the deer rearranged in response -
You are gray, and I, buddy, sad,
And I know your wolf for a long time;

And because my custom is:
With wolves otherwise do not do the world,
How to remove the skin with a lot with them. "
And immediately released the flock to the wolf.

In Moscow, Napoleon expected deputation from the Russians, but in vain. Then he sent General Loriston to Kutuzov with a proposal of the world, but he answered: "I will curse the offspring if I recognize me the first culprit of any truce. This is the actual spirit of my people. "
There is a legend that the wings personally rewrote the fable and handed it to Kutuzov. After the battle under the Red Kutuzov, I read the fastener to the gathered officers and with the words: "And I, buddy, sad ..." - took off his white cap and shook the head.

The response to other events in the life of Russia of that time is the Basini Quartet, "Swan, Pike and Cancer" and others.

Literary journal struggle

This topic dedicated to the fables of "Donkey and Solovy", "Demyanova Ear", "Cuckoo and Rooster", etc.

Household Basni.

Household fables are most numerous. They are talking about various life situations in which people show their true qualities - good or evil. Unrolled universal flames: idle ("dragonfly and ant"), flattery ("crow and fox"), ignorance ("Marty and glasses"), ungratefulness ("Wolf and Zhuravl"), vanity ("Geese") and other low manifestations Human being.

I. Krylov

Wolf and mouse

From her herd gray wolf
In the forest of the sheep dragged, in a secluded corner,
Of course, not a visit:
Lamb Poor Groomed risen
And so he cleaned it,
What's on the teeth crush bones.
But no matter how Zhaden was, but I could not eat everything;
Left a stock for dinner
Soak, sigh from the fat lunch.
Here is his neighbor,
Momens, the smell of the feast attracted.
Between Makhov and Kochki, he Tikhokhonko burst
Grabbed a piece of the meat - and I quickly removed
To my home, in the hollow.
Seeing kidnapy
My wolf
In the forest raised howl;
He shouts: "Karaul! robbery!
Keep your thief! Run:
Craw my imbey! "

So in the city I saw an adventure:
Climate-judge cameras, thief pulled,
And he shouts onto the thief: Karaul!

Monument to Kryona in St. Petersburg. Sculptor Klodt.

Baszy Krylov is fascinating, interesting, written from the soul for children and adults. They are familiar to people of other countries and transferred more than fifty languages \u200b\u200bof the world.

Baszy Krylov children from early age read parents. By nature, children are fidgets, they are difficult for a long period to focus their attention on any subject. Therefore, short fables are written for children.

Basinie Krylov is short in size, but capacious content. They are written with an amazing sense of humor. There are no tedious morals in them, and there are only briefly underlined truths that should not be forgotten.

The texts of the fables are given without abbreviations.

"Chizh and Pigeon"

Listen to the fable "Chizh and Pigeon"

Chija slammed the villain-Western:
The poor thing in her and rushed, and rushed,
And the pigeon of young above him was mocked.
"It's not a shame", says: "In broad daylight
I would not spend so much:
For that, I chat boldly. "
They look, immediately confused himself in a silk.
And the point!

"Lion and Fox"

Listen to the fable "Leo and Fox"

Fox, without seeing a model of a lion,
He will meet with him, a little alive remained with passions.
Here, a few later, again her lion caught.
But it was not so terrible.
And the third time
Fox and in the conversation was launched with Lv.

Otherwise we are afraid
The concentration of it will not look.

"Wolf and Shepherds"

Listen to the fable "Wolf and Shephi"

Wolf, close by a fatal yard
And seeing, through the fence,
That by choosing the best Baran in herd,
Calm pasta lamb crack,
And Pots Smirnekhonko lie,
Myself brought to myself, away going in annoyance:
"Whatever noise you all lifted here, friends,
When I did it! "

"Boy and Snake"

Listen to the fables "Boy and Snake"

Boy, thinking to catch eel,
Grabbed the snake and, looked, from fear
He became pale as his shirt.
Snake, on the boy calmly look,
"Listen", says: "If you are smart, you will not,
That boldness is not always easy for you.
This time God will forgive; But beware forward
And know who you can joke! "

"Swan, pike and cancer"

Listen to the fable "Swan, pike and cancer"

When there is no agreement in comrades,
On the way, their business will not go,
And it does not come out of it, only flour.

One day swan, cancer, yes pike
And together three, everything was injected into it;
From leather climb, and it's not a move!
Choking for them seemed easy:
Yes swan rusting into the clouds,
Cancer is five back, and the pike pulls into the water.
Who is to blame from them, who is right, not to judge us;
Yes, only WHO and now there.

"Komar and shepherd"

Listen to the fable "Komar and Shepherd"

Shepherd under the shadow slept, hoped for dogs,
Sitting that snake from the bushes
Crawling towards him, waving a sting;
And the shepherd in the world would not be:
But squeezed over him, the mosquito that was forces,
Sonlyza bit.
Awakened, shepherd snake killed;
But before the mosquito asked so enough,
What poor him did not happen.

There are many such examples:
Kohl weak strong, at least driven by good,
Open eyes to the truth bit
Togo and wait for the same to happen to him
What a mosquito.

The nature of children is typical of bright, unusual images, to a good poem syllable, to an understandable life situation. All these rules masterfully used the famous Basinist.

Bass is like a fairy tale. Animals talk in it, think, surprise. This is bodied and attracts children. It is already familiar to them: from the first years of his life, moms and dad read them Russian folk tales.

It is quite difficult to understand to the end of the deep meaning and morality of the works of Krylov in childhood is quite difficult, but the grain falls into the fertile soil, over time, the baby will grow and will understand those moral ideas that are laid in smart works.

Krylov's Basni Short and long, serious and funny, brief in children hard work, decency, courage, the ability to understand the situation. "When there is no agreement in comrades - there will be no matter on the way, and it will be out of it, only flour."

Preface, Preface, Notes and Explanations

V.P. Anikina


S. Bordyug and N. Trepsok

Russian genius

The twenty-year-old Ivan Andreevich Krylov, who is still few people who are famous writer, published in 1788, without signature, in the St. Petersburg magazine "Morning Watches". And the first book of Basen released years later - only in 1809. Not without success, worked in different types of creativity, the wings realized that the genre of Basni is mostly managed to him. The bass has become almost an exceptional family of his work. And soon the fame of the first-class author came to the writer.

The art gift of the Krylova-Basinista fully revealed when he connected his extensive knowledge in the field of ancient and new European literature with the awareness that the type of creativity in nature belongs to the nature of creativity, which expressed folk morality. This morality, for example, is revealed in Russian fairy tales of animals, in proverbs, in teachings, - in general, in the peasant basinelovia.. In Russia, the intricate story has long been called basney. "Basni-Fairy Tales" are inseparable from the living leading of the story-fiction, confused by a joke, teaching. This was not understood by many of the predecessors of Krylov, who failed, because they did not realize that the bass is inseparable from a spoken language.

So, known in the XVIII century, hardworking philologist, member of the St. Petersburg Academy - Sciences V.K. Tredianakovsky (1703-1768) Long before Krylova issued a retelling of several Esopovskaya Basenok. Among them was the fable "Wolf and Zhuravl". The plot is the same as in the Krylov, but in the presentation of the Basni almost everything is alien to spoken speech.

Powed by the bone of the wolf in a certain day.
So, I was not in force to howling, but I became all in the stump.
For that, Zhuravl hired at the price,
So that from the throat, to extract the nose with a long time.

Tredyakovsky guess that the fastest history should be exposed in popular, and did not accidentally contribute to some conversational words and expressions in his translation (although not without distortion): "It was not in force to howling", "became all in the stump", but translation He remained heavy, book.

Compare with the transfer of Tredianak Bass Krylova:

What wolves are greedy, everyone knows:
Wolf, evseli, never
Bones does not disassemble.
For one of them came trouble:
He almost fed to the bone.
Can't wolf neither fuck or sigch;
It came at least to stretch!

The whole setting is a lightweight, elegant, understandable to any Russian person! This is our live speech. The wings followed the intonation of the oral story, there is no shadow in a fastened story and the shadow of any artificiality.

The famous philologist of the XX century Viktor Vladimirovich Vinogradov specifically studied the language and style of Basen Krylov and noted tens of folk proverbs in them. The scientist led a long list of proverbs and sayings that the Basinisian used, called them "semantic scrapers", that is, the relationships that are reporting the exposition of the fastened history of semantic unity. Here are some of them: "In the family is not without a freak" ("Elephant on Voivodship"), "Though sees an eye, yes tooth Nemet" ("Fox and grapes"), "Poverty is not a vice" ("otkupeker and shoemaker"), "From the fire yes to the floor" ("Mrs. and two maids"), "Do not spit into the well - it will be useful to get drunk" ("Lion and mouse") and dozens of others. Basinista relied on the designation and comparisons of animals and birds in our language: Crow - Broadcasting, but a chest on flattering, donkey stubborn, the fox of a tricky, the bear is strong, but stupid, the hare is cowardly, the snake is dangerous, etc. And act like people. Proverbs and sayings, sending and words and allegoryrs included in Basni received development and semantic clarifications at the wing.

The Championship of the Krylov among the basinists is also preserved. And in our time, his fables captivated readers. It is put in one row with the greatest artists of all times and peoples. It does not surprise anyone that it is equal to the ancient Greek Ezopom, with other world-famous Basnopisians. But most of all he is valued in Russia as an artist who expressed common sense and the mind of our people.

V.P. Anikin

A Crow and a fox

How many times did the world told
That flattery is harmful; But only everything is not
And in the heart of the smoke always deducts the corner.
Rainer somewhere god sent a piece of cheese;
On a spruce flame
Breakfast - it was very gathered,
Yes, I wondered, and the cheese was kept in the mouth.
On that bit fox nearby running;
Suddenly, the Cheese Spirit Fox stopped:
The fox sees cheese, - Fox cheese captured.
Plutka to the tree on tiptoe fits;
Turns the tail, with the crows the eye does not reduce,
And he says so sweet, a little breathing:
"Golubushka, as good!
Well, what kind of neck, what kind of eyes!
Talk, so, the right, fairy tales!
What perch! What a sock!
And true angelic should be a voice!
Sphlee, Svetik, do not get together! What if, sister,
With the beauty of such, and you sing craftsman,
After all, you would have a king bird! "
Stunina with praise turned his head
From joy in Zobu, the breath was walked, -
And on the welkers of Lisitsyna words
Crow cut into all the roronieu throat:
Cheese fell - with him there was a row.

Oak and cane

With the Costaka Oak once in speech entered.
"Truly, you grow in the right to nature,"
He said: "Sparrow, and he has heard.
A slightly light breeze will leave water with ripples,
You will fool yourself, start weaker
And so fucking lonely,
What a pity to watch you.
Meanwhile, both, along with the Caucasus, Goredely,
Not only the sun I hinder the rays,
But, daring and whims, and thunderstorms,
Stand and hard, and straight
As if it were fenced with an undisturbed world.
All the storms - everything seems to me by Marsht.
Although they grew in the circumference,
Gusting the branches of my covered,
From observation, I could be protection for you;
But the nature of the Nature took
Bregument of the Bureau Elava Holding:
Of course, there is no good enough about you. " -
"You are very foul",
said the cane in response
"However, without spinning: I do not have so much loud.
Not for myself, I am afraid of the vortices;
Although I'm begging, but I do not break:
So the storms are harmful to me;
Facely no more than you threaten!
It is true that they still have their ferocity
Your fortress did not overcome
And from the blows, you did not inclination face;
But - Let's wait for the end! "
Almost only this cane said
Suddenly rushing from the north sides
And with a hail, and with rain noisy Akvilon.
Oak keeps, - to the ground, the Costinka fell.
Raging wind, doubled his strength
Roared and pulled out with the root
Who heaven to his chapter concerned
And in the region of the shadows, the plane rested.


Neighbor neighbor called to bite off;
But the intent was different here:
Host music loved
And lured to herself to listen to the neighbor.
Well done drank: who is in the forest, who is on firewood,
And who has a power.
In the ears at the guest switched
And he screwed his head.
"You have mercy me," he said in surprise:
"What to admire here? Your choir
Horlad Nobor! " -
"That's truth," the owner answered with the Umegin:
"They are a little deruit;
But in the mouth of the Cross, do not take
And everything with excellent behavior. "
And I will say: for me it's better to drink,
Yes, a matter of intelligence.

Crow and chicken

When Smolensky Prince,
Anti drying art fighting,
Vandals new network set
And the Moscow left to death:
Then all the inhabitants, and small and large,
Not spending hours, gathered
And won from the walls of Moscow rose,
How from the bee bee swarm.
Crow with a roof here for this whole anxiety
Calmly, cleaning the nose, looks.
"And what are you, Kumushka, on the road?"
To her with a chicken shouts:
"After all, they say that the threshold
Our Supostat. " -
"To me what is the case?"
Bestunya to her in response: "I'll stay safe here.
Here are your sisters, as they want;
But the raven is not frying, neither cook:
So I'm not wonderful with guests to get along,
And maybe it will be possible to get started
Cheese, Ile Kostoykova, Ile something.
Goodbye, Hochchik, happy way! "
The crow is truly left;
But, instead of all the exposures,
As hunger, Smolensky became the guests -
She herself came across to them.
So often a person is calculated blind and stupid.
For happiness, it seems you can carry on the heels:
And how to find it with him -
Caught like a crow in the soup!


It happens often to us
And work and wisdom to see there
Where it is only to guess,
For a business just take.
Someone brought a casket from Master.
Finished, the purity of the casket was thrown into the eyes;
Well, all sorts of stacker admired.
Here is a sage into the mechanics room.
Looking at the Lark
he said: "The casket with a secret,
So; He and without a castle;
And I will take open; Yes, yes, sure about it;
Do not laugh so much!
I will find a secret and caster I will open:
In the mechanics and I still stand something. "
Here for the casket he began:
Turns it from all sides
And his head breaks his head;
That carnation, then the other, the bracket shakes.
Here, looking at him, other
Shakes his head;
Those whisper, and they laugh at each other.
In the ears only given:
"Not here, not so, not there!" Mechanic is robbed.
Sweat, sweated; But finally, tired,
From Larkor behind
And how to open it, I did not guessed:
And the Lark just opened.

Frog and Vol

Frog, in the meadow we see the ox,
I also started in the domain to be equal to it:
She was envious.
And well, to strain, puff and inflate.
"Look, a cuckoo, what, will I be with him?"
Girlfriend says. "No, Kumushka, distant!" -
"Looks like now I will swell wide.
Well, what is it?
Did I replenished? " - "Almost nothing." -
"Well, how now?" - "All that g."
Puffs yes puffers
And my cuckitter finished
What, not equal to the will,
From Natuchi burst and - Cool.
An example is not one in the world:
And Divo whether the traded wants to live,
As an eminent citizen
And the sump is small, as a noble nobleman.

Wolf and lamb.

Strong always powerless to blame:
In history, we are in the history of the example of examples,
But we do not write stories;
But about how in the bass they say.
The lamb on a hot day went to the creek drunk;
And it's necessary to happen,
That near those places hungry spit wolf.
He sees a lamb, she strives for prey;
But, the case to give although the legal appearance and sense,
Screams: "How dare you, the pinch, an unclean figure
Here pure torture drink
With sand and with sludge?
For keenness of this
I have a head with you. " -
"When the light wolf will allow
I dare me to convey: what is below the stream
From the lightness of his steps I am a hundred pugh;
And it will be angry in vain.
I can not torment him in any way. " -
"So I lngu!
Waste! Slaughter of such keenness in the light!
Yes I remember that you are still in the question
I somehow gasped here:
I'm this, buddy, did not forget! " -
"Homes, I also have no one year old,"
Lady says. "So it was your brother." -
"There are no brothers." - "So it's kum Ile Svat
And, in a word, someone from your own kind.
You yourself, your dogs and your shepherds,
You all want me want,
And if you can, then always harm me:
But I am with you for their sins. " -
"Oh, I'm guilty?" - "Silence! I'm tired of listening
Leisure I disassemble your guilt, puppy!
You are to blame for what I want to eat. "
He said in the dark forest of the lamb.


When to adopt with the mind, then not a miracle
And benefit from whether to find;
And crazy to adopt,
And God Save, like bad!
I will give an example of that of distant countries.
Who was a monkey see, those know
How greedy they all adopt.
So in Africa, where there are a lot of monkeys,
Their flock was sitting
On bumps, according to branches in the tree thick
And I looked at the catcher
How on the grass in the networks rode it circle.
Girlfriend each here quietly sense girlfriend,
And they whisper everything to each other:
"See for a delete;
He has the right, right, no end:
Then it's kwyrk
It will unfold
Then all in a lump
He will get safe
What do not see any hands or legs.
I'm not on all the craftsmen,
And we do not see the arts!
Beautiful sister!
It would not be bad for us to take it.
He seems to be pretty herself;
Happened, then we immediately ... "Look,
He left genuinely and left the net.
"Well," they say: "And we lose time?
Let's go, try! "
Beauty gone. For expensive guests
Distributed at the bottom of the varying networks.
Well, they tumble in them, ride,
And join and curl;
Scream, scream - the fun at least where!
Yes that trouble,
When, came from the network to get out!
The owner between those steril
And seeing that it is time to go to guests with bags,
They are in order to
Yes, no one could wonder:
And all of them were chosen.


The tit on the sea was empty;
She booked
What wants the sea to burn.
It turned out immediately about the light.
The fear hugged the inhabitants of the Neptune capital;
Fly with flocks of birds;
And animals from the forests run away to watch
As will be the ocean, and it is hot.
And even, they say, the rumor is mollusky,
Hunters drag in femors
From the first with spoons came to the shores,
To boil the fucks so rich,
What a decepier and the most hooked
Did not give the secretaries.
Crowd: the miracle of all sow is in advance
Silent and, at sea, the eye is posting, waiting;
Only occasionally sometimes whisper:
"That will boil, rightly lights up!"
Not here something: the sea is not lit.
Will though? - And does not boil.
And how ended the Jewelery?
Sitting with shame in-quiet sailed;
Moved the tit of Glory,
And the sea did not burn.
Purit to speech here is suitable,
But there is no touch of faces:
What is the case, without minimizing
Do not need to boil.


When the Universe Jupiter inhabited
And started various creatures tribe,
That and the village then got into the light.
But with the intent, or, having affairs,
In such a difficult time
The Truchelon laughs:
And the died of almost like the squirrel was small.
Oske nobody almost noticed
Although in the sleeper, no downtrodal.
The donkey would like to be laid:
But what? Having an increase in such
And in the light shame to seem.
Stuck to jupiter died squeezing my
And he began to ask for growth.
"Verify," says: "How can I demolish it?
Lions, biceam and elephants everywhere such honor;
Moreover, from the Great and to Little,
All about them only yes about them;
For that, you are so much lich
That they have no honest
And about the donkey nobody?
And if I just got the challenge with the calf,
Then the sweeper would be from Lviv and from Bars, I have been honored,
And all the world spoke to me. "
What day, then again
Used my th y Zeus sang;
And before that he is tired,
What, finally, the prayer of Oslov
Listened to Zezes:
And he became dotted by a cattle;
And beyond that he is such a voice wild,
What is my eared Hercules
It was striking was the whole forest.
"What is the beast? What kind?
Tea, he is a tooth? Rogov, tea, no number? "
Well, only the speeches went that about the donkey.
But how did it end? Not passed and year,
How everyone learned who dated:
Used my stupidity in the proverb entered.
And on the downturn we carry water.
In the breed and in the ranks, the highness is good;
But what came in it when low shower?

Marty and glasses

Martie to the old age of weak eyes became;
And people she had heard
That this evil is not so big hand:
Only it is worth the glasses.
Glasses from half a dozen she got it;
Retrieves the glasses and Syak:
That the topic will fit them, they are on the tail bent,
They sniff them, they polish them;
Points do not work in any way.
"Ugh puffy! - She says: - And that fool,
Who listens to the people of all the Writish:
All about glasses only naked me;
And the principle on the hair is not in them. "
Martyry here with annoyance and sorrow
About the stone so enough them
That only splashes flashed.
Unfortunately, it happens in people:
No matter how much the thing is - the prices are not knowing
Ignorant of her sense is all a leather clone;
And if ignorant of cheating,
So he is also chasing it.


There was a people in ancient times, to the shame of terrestrial tribes.
Which before in the hearts harmed
That the opposition of the gods armed.
Rebellious crowds, for thousands of sign,
Who is with a bow, who with the right, noise, rushing in the field.
Schedules, from removed heads,
To set fire to the people of the Bole,
Screaming that the court of heaven and strict and stupid;
That gods or sleep, il rules recklessly;
What is the time to learn them without ranks;
That, however, with the neighbors, it is not difficult
To the sky to reach the gods
And to take out olimp arrows.
Smashing madness and mulas,
To Zeus, the whole Olympus with Moloto has begun,
To trouble be disgusting;
And even the entire advice of the gods of those thoughts was,
That, to the conviction of the riots, not bad
To show at least a small miracle:
Or a flood, il with a coward thunder,
Or at least stone hit them with rain.
Jupiter Ryek: "And if you do not humble
And in the rioty stopping, the immortal is not afraid,
They are executed from their affairs. "
Here with noise in the air mescled
Darkness stones, cloud of arrows from the troops of the diseases,
But with the thousand deaths, and evil, and inevitable,
Heads collapsed on their own.
The fruits of disbelief are terrible such;
And see, peoples, you,
That imaginary sages of blasphemy
Than against the deity arming you
Your deceased is approaching an hour
And all the arrows will turn into the thunder.

Eagle and chickens

Wanting a light day to feel quite in love,
Eagle Svetiele Podle
And there walked,
Where zipper rummage.
Descending, finally, from cloud,
Tsar-bird rest sits on Aviv.
Although it is non-unautable
But the kings have their own quirks:
Perhaps he wanted OVIN to make honor
Ile was not near, he was sitting in order,
No oak, nor the rocks of granite;
I do not know what thought, but just an eagle
I did not sit much
And immediately on another Ovin flew.
Seeing that chokhlah
Pushes so with your cum:
"For what eagles in honor of such?
Did it be for the flight, the balloor is a neighbor?
Well, right, if I want
With a ravine on a ravine and I am a car.
We will not be forward such fools,
To read the eagles more notable than us.
No more than our either legs, nor eye;
Yes, you saw now,
What to gear they fly as chickens. "
Eagle is responsible, mischievous topics:
"You are right, just not at all.
Eagles happens and below the smokes down;
But there are never to climb the cloud to the cloud! "
When talents are judging you, -
Consider their weakness of work not to waste in vain;
But, feeling that in them and strong, and fine,
Thiemes are different to comprehend the heights.