The proper preparation of Luke Sevka to landing into an open ground. What and how to handle bow-seeds before landing: useful tips than to treat beds before landing onion

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Secondly clean from the first layer of husk. Third dig holes and smear a little. Then put onions, bury the earth and slightly moisten the earth.

For the successful growing of Luke Sevka, you need to know a few moments:

By completing all the above recommendations, you can safely count on the fact that tulips on your site will grow well and will give you an unforgettable impression from beautiful abundant flowering! In addition, the care of tulips will bring you much less hassle than if you planted unsorted and untreated bulbs.

Someone the annual sorting and processing of tulips bulbs will seem too troubletop. In this case, you can buy in the store already prepared seating material, which has passed the temperature processing. But when buying, you must definitely pay attention to the quality of the bulbs, as well as the fame and reliability of the supplier. It is desirable that the acquired grades of tulips are tested in your area and have a high percentage of germination.

Tulips bulbs processing before planting includes several uncomplicated techniques:

Watering Immediately after landing, in May-June, the north watered once every 7 days. Liquid volume per 1 kV. The meter is an average of 7-8 liters. In July, the amount of irrigation should be reduced.

Growing onion from Sevka: landing, care

The desired includes:

Wood ash.

Landing time

A little dried.

Stage 2. To withstand the bow 8-10 hours at a temperature of from + 30 ° C to + 40 ° C. Important - do not reverse.

Preparation of planting material

It would seem that difficult in the cultivation of Luke? Yes, actually nothing if you know some subtleties. For example, than handle onions before planting.

Of course, bow-north before planning to be processed. From the top husk it is better to free bulbs. When the holes are digging, then moose with warm water. Further, respectively, we plant onions into the holes of Luk-Sevork and fall asleep directly the earth itself.

The bulbs should be dry and look great, unacceptable disability, etc.;

The bow of the north before you can perplex, you need to warm up in the sun, you can put on the solar window, or near the battery. The treatment with a solution of mangartean does not give a special effect, from the onion flies it will be necessary to save the plants spilling with saline water or adding kerosene or varnishing alcohol when watering. Planting the bulbs should be in a well-hot-warm land with a bottom to the depth equal to the size of the bulbs.

In addition to treating bulbs, you need to take care of both the soil in which the tulips are planted. If on your site, the ground is not entirely suitable for growing beautiful tulips, you can make an effort and improve its properties.

  • Purification of bulbies from husk;
  • Podrel. Onions - such a culture, which in principle does not need feeding, but it is possible to conduct it.
  • Cucumbers;

An important point is to simultaneously fight the soil by manure and add lime contraindicated, due to such actions, the nitrogen level is reduced in fertilizer. It is permissible to reduce acidity with other means.

On this work on the preparation of Sevka to landing ends.

  • The heated segue before planting is treated with growth stimulant.
  • You can already long before receiving the harvest, take care of its safety, if you treat bulbies with special antiseptic means that will help prevent rotting. A well-known fact is the ability of antiseptics to prevent the occurrence of fungal diseases.
  • Good afternoon!
  • Soot not very deeply so that the plant can make the outside to break out, slightly break the ground periodically in the landing places;
  • My recommendations for those who have little free time and they cannot devote to Luka Sevik him enough to handle and prepare for landing.

Attentive inspection;

Preparation of soil

For the first time you can make fertilizer in the form of a dung solution (0.5 kg per 5 liter of water) not earlier than 20 days after landing. The second version of the feeding is a solution of bird litter (0.5 kg per 7 liters of water).


In the spring, soil preparation consists in leakage with the introduction of mineral fertilizers. 7 days before putting onion of the north, it is necessary to pour the soil with the following solution well:

  • Before prepare the soil, you need to choose a landing site. It is important to know that the onions is a light-affilome plant, therefore the territory where it will grow, should be open and well covered.
  • If the phased preparation is not possible, it is necessary immediately before planting a culture, to produce the following procedure:
It is possible to protect the future harvest from other diseases, if you dock the seed material for several minutes in a warm weak aqueous solution of copper sulphate.

It is better to soak in the solution of the stimulator of the root formation. I would advise heteroacexin. Divide 1-2 tablets according to the instructions. If there is no instruction. then 1 tablet per 1-1.5 liter of water. But Kornvin can also be. We will have the lower part of the teeth to the powder. It is not very convenient and the consumption of the stimulator will be great. I'm not talking about bow-north. Still better soak in liquid solutions

  • Try to prevent the soil drying, it is periodically watering.
  • If the bow of the Sevkov has not yet gave the proceeding feathers, then you need a break of a little straight, thereby helping the bow to germinate faster.
  • It is necessary to consider that the tulips are needed:
  • Sorting planting material;
  • Re-fertilizer can be spent a month after the previous one.


Water - 10 l;

  • This culture is moisture, but does not tolerate excessive amounts of water, so it is worth avoiding the groundwater.
  • Soak seaws in water with a temperature of + 45 ° C - + 50 ° C for no more than 10-15 minutes;

Landing and care

To prevent the process of fracture, it is recommended to pour onion seeds with water for one minute, heated to 60 ° C. There is a more modern way, according to which the seeds of the bow should be placed in the fabric, and then in the glass container and warm it all in the microwave oven about one and a half minutes. The seeds are then placed in a growth stimulator solution. In this case, any drug is suitable, stimulating growth in plants.

  • Why? At Luka and garlic and without that root growth occurs perfectly! Especially in the instructions for Kornvin, (and who better than the manufacturer knows about the action of the drug?) Only the treatment of bulbs and clubnelluckers of decorative cultures - gladiolus, tulips, crocuses, hyacinths are recommended. "Korniner" easily displays them from the state of rest, which makes it possible to carry out a distance in winter.
  • I keep about two or three hours in water, and after landing the ground weaving to retain moisture. Then once every two days we abundantly. We have a large plot, I water half the garden, I swallow the second half, and on the other day, on the contrary, the first part is loose, we water the second. Some people hold a day in the water, I do not know, it seems to me too much.
  • Immediately before boarding the grooves on the garden, to which the onion of the north will be planted with a warm water (preferably add liquid fertilizer for vegetables to the water), put onion into it and cover dry ground on top. You don't need to water from above this day. The beds with a planted onion, after 1-2 days, preferably from the watering can, so that the Earth does not grab the crust, so the bows will be harder through it to scream.



Mineral fertilizers in dry form can be played in dryness, which can be sprinkled before irrigating.


Copper vigorous - 1 tablespoon.

  • The soil under this culture is beginning to be prepared from autumn. Onions - a lover of loose, nutritious soil, so it is necessary:
  • After the expiration of the above time, immediately immerse the planting material in cold water is also 10-15 minutes;
  • It is important to handle the soil correctly. So that the bow did not infected the stem nematode, the place intended for its landing is watered with water with a cook salt. And the leek fly does not like tobacco dust, so the beds are recommended to water with tobacco mortar.
  • There is no word about the use of vegetable bulbs! In addition, it is alarming what manufacturers are evaluated by "corneser" as let it be moderately, but still dangerous for man and animal drug. So why do we need extra chemistry?
  • Usually before planting the bow of the Sevkov, it takes it and take several days to the light in a warm place, and right before planting are soaked in a solution of manganese (weak), a watch for two or three.

First, remove all the bad onions - anyway will be a little sensible with them. Before planting a bow (about 2-3 days before it), the bulbs need to warm up. Put them somewhere in a warm place, for example, near the hot battery. If such a preparation of Luke-Sevka to landing is difficult, then it is necessary to lower it for a couple of minutes in hot water. Just do not pour boiling water - otherwise it welds. And then immediately lower the cold water for a minute. So the life forces of bulbs are activated.

  • Loose;
  • Treatment of bulbs having small damage.

As statistics show, the onset culture not only in the CIS countries, but it is the most favorable conditions for its cultivation that are most favorable. Often (with a commercial purpose), whole fields are saming and it is clear that this is done not by people. In our technological time, quite a lot of cultivators are invented, one of which is Szhazka for Luka Sevka. One such simplest car can replace the work of fifty people.

Those cultures under which large doses of organic fertilizers are made.

Before planted, the north must be sorted, because, depending on the size, the distance between the bulbs in the garden is determined:

Pass the earth to a depth of 15 to 20 cm;

Place the seats for 5-6 hours into a solution of complex mineral fertilizer.

Onion loves a weakly alkaline environment, for this purpose, you can add some lime or ash to the soil.

I do not cultivate a healthy planting material at all, and when preparing a problem - I wonder as a solid solution (in fact, the asolochek). 2 glasses of ash pour 2 l hot water. As soon as the water cools and the solution to flashes, it drags it with a light part and soak the planting material for 1 hour. The ash contains a set of trace elements and is a natural soft stimulant.

The land is watered only before sticking the bulbs. Many use Phytosporin-M, the reviews about it are good.

Then it is necessary to prepare a nutrient solution from fertilizers (and even best to add to them also growth activators). In this solution, the bow-north is kept for about 10 hours. In order to be more convenient to get onions, it is best to lower it into a solution in the grid, through which water is easily entered, but does not allow it to crumble.


So, laying up all the bulbs of the tulips that you intend to plant, inspect every side every copy for damage, rotting or signs of damage to the disease. Remove the hard coating peel from the bulbs, because it can be foci of infection that is not visible at first sight. In addition, tulips peeled bulwing husks will be better absorbing nutrients from the soil. Just clean the gentle bulbs very carefully, to not damage the lacar.

Video "Choice and Preparation of Luke-Sevka to Landing"

Sashalches for onions Sevka are both huge machines operating in the fields and manual devices intended for ordinary vegetable gardens. Sashaga for onions Sevka is a real find for the elderly who are already difficult to stand on her knees on the beds. In addition, this device produces soil processing. Therefore, we can say that culture culture can pass with pleasure.

Preparing tulips to landing, or how to correct the bulbs before landing

Unwanted predecessors:

What is the preset processing of tulips bulbs?

Bulbs up to 1 cm are placed at a distance of 5 cm;

Make a fertilizer from overwhelmed manure (can be fertilized by a peaphonus compost).

The mandatory procedure that needs to be carried out before planting the onions of sevok-disinfection. For processing, both a weak solution of manganese and a solution of copper mood is suitable (35 grams per 10 liters of water). What to treat onions before landing can be asked from experienced vegetables or consultants in specialized stores. You can seek help to the literature in which you can find complete and reliable information.

You can meet the recommendation of the multistage processing of garlic before planting. For this, the teeth are first soaked in a slightly warm water with the addition of nitroammofoski (1 st. Composition on 10 liters of water). A day later, the same garlic is lowered into a saline solution (1 tbsp. Spoon per 1 liter) for 20 minutes. And then it is placed another 20 minutes into a solution of copper sulfate (1 tbsp. A spoon of 8-10 l). Against the last I am categorically against !!! You can do and manganese. In addition, such a treatment is more suitable for growing garlic in spring culture.

  • That's all the preparation.
  • The next stage of the preparation of Luke-Sevka to landing is its processing against fungal diseases. For this, a solution of copper sulfate is prepared (on the water bucket (10-liter) you need 10 g of vitriol. The bulbs are bathed in it for 10 minutes. After that, the bulbs are washed and the preparation of Luke-Sevka to landing can be considered completed.
  • Neutral acidity;
  • In this video you will find tips on the choice of Luke-Sevka, preparations for landing and choosing a soil.


Poloonsantimeter - at a distance of 8 cm;

An important point is to fertilize the land at this stage of the soil preparation, it is strictly forbidden to add organic fertilizer to the ground before planting to avoid the growth of the upper part of the plant and rest of the lower, as well as the appearance of weeds. Before boarding, contraindicated with humid and chicken litter.

There is a method, the so-called grandmother's secretion of Luke Sevka, which is as follows:

Onions - an integral ingredient of dishes in different countries. His growing is already engaged in many millennia, he was almost the first agricultural culture. From the generation to generation, the experience of landing onion Sevka, which allows you to grow a rich harvest. Detailed agricultural equipment with all the nuances reached this day.

When the disinfection landing is sufficiently lowered a teeth for 2-3 minutes into a salt solution (6 tbsp. Spoons on 10 liters of water) and disembarking without washing.

The treatment of Luke-Sevka is right before the landing lies in the following:

Before boarding the bow-north, it is necessary to sort out, sort all the bulbs that are damaged or unhealthy.

Soil preparation for tulips landing

With groundwater level up to 75 cm.

Purified and carefully viewed bulbs sorted according to their diameter. It is best to use large specimens for planting, but the small one is not necessarily throwing away - you can land them on the flower beds. The main thing, do not land the bulbs of the big size along with small, so that later it was easier to select a large planting material with a bed of storage.

Only one bulb infected with any mushroom or infectious disease when landing on a common flower can lead to the death of the rest of the colors. Just imagine what kind of sad consequences may be due to the only small laughter! While the proper processing of bulbs will protect tulips from diseases and pests, will help them grow faster and better bloom.

  • Carrots.
  • Bulbs with a diameter of up to 2 cm - at a distance of 10 cm.
  • It is necessary to take into account the level of soil acidity. If the soil is acidic, then it is necessary to make a lime to one of the following components:
  • The planting material is drying 7 days, the temperature must be from + 20 ° C to + 25 ° C;
  • In this article we will tell how to plant the onions of the Sevkov and how to care for it.

Garlic often sicks not from the consequences of wintering, and from the unlimited organic "between the roots". A chic way to help avoid mushroom diseases: when the height of the plants reach about 10 cm, from the plants gently scroll into the soil - to the roots. Sprinkle as a handful of ashes and return the land into place. When arrows appear, everyone repeat. Do not be afraid, make it very simple and quickly, only it seems that "bending the back" will have long. But the result ... By the way, if the garlic began to disastrically shrouded (it is easy to pull out of the ground), sprinkle like ashes. Helps! And yet: early in the spring, adopt garlic with a cow's garlic solution, it will not turn yellow.

Cleaning, drying and removing the first layer of husk at the onions

Usually, then I raise the seeds on the floor near the battery for drying and venting into the course of the day, and then we fold into the mesh weighing 200-300 grams.

With a higher groundwater running, artificial drainage from the sand layer can be provided for tulips, otherwise the bulbs quickly get. Add peat and sand into clay soil. To increase the water permeability of the soil at Popile, the addition of large washed sand and humus will also be useful.

The bulbs of tulips, suitable for the landing, for half an hour in a weak solution of manganese, to protect the flowers from mushroom diseases.

How to proceed the leeks before landing?

Regardless of what time of year you decided to plant tulips - in the fall or in spring, such an important process deserves special attention as preparing tulips to landing. Of course, you can simply put the bulbs in the ground and pour out the earth, and then hope that it will want to live - grow up. " However, experienced flowers are well aware of what role the pretreatment of tulips before planting can play.

Lisa Nasa

At the place of these crops, the landing of Luka Sevka can be carried out no earlier than in 3-5 years.

As for the beds, they must be at a distance of at least 20 cm - 25 cm from each other. The landing depth is approximately 3-4 cm.



Before boarding the bulbs, 3 hours are soaked in the salt solution (2 tbsp. Salts on 2 liters of water);

It is not necessary to talk about the specific numbers of landing towards Luka. The north are planted when the earth warms up to a depth of 6-10 centimeters. If you can navigate the weather, then the early and warm spring can be produced at the end of April.

Many thanks for the wonderful answer. Three advantages would have delivered. Good luck in the garden and on bv! - more than a year ago


The hole for the bow is a little moisture, but not plentifully - you can use a flap and put onions there, then scroll and again spray the surface of the former pamph.

So more convenient for further processing, since my practice shows that the crop will be better if there are several hours of these meshes in the solution of complex fertilizers, and in front of the landing itself, in a solution with copper vitrios. I always grow onions very good.

It is not worth planted on the bulbs in the sandy soil, because such a soil dries quickly, and the tulips will miss moisture.

After routing by mangartage, the bulbs must be immediately planted into the ground, as they quickly drink moisture, and young roots from this can easily break down, and new ones are no longer formed.



The bow of the bow is in timely weaplation, loosening and watering.

  • After the planting material is immersed in the ground, the last need to firmly enhance the bulbs and cover with a layer of mulch (mulch - any available material, such as sawdust, straw, film, paper, peat, pebbles, etc.) thickness 2-3 see
  • Dolomitic flour;
  • The bulbs are washed;


Onions can not be planted into the cold ground, but it is also impossible to delay the landing. The main landmark is the temperature of the soil, which should be not lower than + 12 ° C.


The bow of the Savsk in the spring from April 25 to May 5, the distance between the lines should be 15-25 cm, and in the row 10-12 cm. At the same time, it is necessary to monitor the bulbs to be covered with a layer of soil no more than 1-1.5 cm. Before The planting of the bulbs should be warm up at a temperature of 40 * with about 8 hours or near the battery of steam heating 2-3 days. Cut the neck from Sevka or quite a little bit or not at all. It is then soaked in a solution of 1% copper sulfate by 15-20 minutes, and without flushing immediately put on the site. Sometimes it is practiced with boiling water, or rather with water with a temperature of 55-65 * C, for 1-2 minutes, and then immediately in cold water for 1 min. (Prevention of diseases) But it is necessary to use very carefully in order not to harm the bulbs.

If you are gathered to plant the bow of the north, then before landing it needs to be processed.

But I still carefully come to the selection of the Spirit itself, I never buy the first one.


Video about landing tulips in the fall

  • If you discovered a sick or damaged onion, but you sorry to throw it out, then cut off the damaged place from the bulbs, trying not to damage the inner layer of scales. Such bulbs should also be soaked in a solution of potassium mangartage, dry and plant on the flower. However, although after such a processing, the infection of other tulips and garden land is very unlikely, yet it is worth landing the processed damaged bulbs separately from healthy.
  • Many flowerflowers still during the layer laying on the storage pay attention to their sorting, distributing on large and small. Accordingly, the tulips are planted later, focusing on the diameter of the bulb. In the future, this will greatly ease the summer care for tulips and spution of bulbs after flowering. If the sorting before the storage of the planting material was not conducted or recently bought the bulbs of different varieties, it is not too late to sort them and immediately before the landing works.


Loosening. Proper to start the soil aeration process until shoots appear. The frequency of this procedure is once every two weeks to avoid the formation of a dense earthen crust. Secondly, such frequency of loosening will not allow weeds to appear.

With confidence it can be said that the bow is one of the most popular vegetable vegetable crops. It grows well on the beds and even in the drawer on the windowsill in the winter is able to give a crop. In the content of vitamins, many vegetable crops are difficult to compete with onions. He has a unique property to deal with the pathogens of various infections, it is strongly recommended to be actively used in the diet in winter during epidemics. But in order to get a crop, you will have to work hard, because it should be noted that the biggest golden heads - the second year harvest. In the first year, you can only get sowing material for landing and processing in the fall of future bulbs - small bulbs, called Luk-Sevork.

Selection of landing time Sevka spring

In some regions, this can be done, starting from mid-March. However, you should remember the important rule when working with Luke seeds - for sowing it is necessary to take only the seeds of last year. This is due to the fact that Chernushki has a slight shelf life. For disinfection, the seeds are dipping into a weak mortar of mangartages for 1-2 days. Then the seeds are hardened, lowering alternately in warm water, then in the cold. On the landing of Luca-Sevka will tell in the fall.

Onions - a culture is not too moisture, so the garden must be formed so that the surplus of moisture does not accumulate on it. The soil must have fertility and looseness. Luk-Sevork, for example, will not be able to grow on clay soil.

Methods Processing

Immediately before landing, the onion of the north must be treated so that the plant is immune to pests (for example,) and. In the arsenal of gardeners there are several ways of pre-sowing processing of Luke-Sevka. This does not mean that it is necessary to use them all at the same time, it is enough to choose one optimal method.

Before boarding the bulbs, disinfect with a solution of manganese

Prepaiming thermal processing to disinfect seeds

Thermal processing of Luke-Sevka is carried out in order to "wake up" seeds. With slow warm-up, the planting material is kept at a temperature of +24 to +28 degrees within 2-3 weeks (2 weeks, small north, respectively, 3 weeks - large segues). If you increase the temperature of holding up to + 30-35 degrees, then the exposure time can be reduced to 1-1.5 weeks. In both cases, this is only the first stage of warm-up, in the second stage of the bow should be warm at a temperature of +40 degrees 10-12 hours. Also, the so-called "emergency breakdown" belongs to the temperature method of processing. This is a kind of "contrasting shower" for Sevka. For this planting material, the bulb should be immersed in water with a temperature of 45-50 degrees. It is categorically impossible to use hotter water - it will spoil the bulbs, they are literally welded. In such a "bath", they should be kept for 10-15 minutes, and then remove and immerse in cold water at the same time.

Soaking Sevka

Salt and water solution

The most important advantage of this method is its low cost. Also, the risk of infection of the plant stem or, which is extremely susceptible to such a mixture, can also be attributed to the positive moments. Also, the use of salts will help with infection with fungal diseases. Prepare the solution is very simple: 1-liter of water takes 1 tablespoon of cook salt. Then the bow-seats are immersed in this mixture for 10-20 minutes. Instead of salt, you can use food soda.

Row Treatment Salt

Soak with a solution of manganese or copper

Copper vigoros is a powdery substance of blue or turquoise, it dissolves well in water. It is recommended for soaking onion planting material in order to prevent infection with fungal diseases. Such soaking is carried out after all previous treatments, immediately before the landing. Copper vigorous (1-1.5 tablespoons) is dissolved in warm water (10 liters) until a mixture of copper shade is obtained.

Sevops are placed in the solution for 2-3 hours (again, depending on the size of the bulbs).

Luke Soil Preparation: How to Process Earth

It is at this stage that it is recommended to fertilize the soil, the main part of fertilizers is best in winter, so that there is a time for "assimilation" of nutrients. It is impossible to simultaneously make (merge) into the soil manure and lime - it reduces the amount of nitrogen in the fertilizer. In the fall, the garden is deeply loosen or plowing (to a depth of 20 cm) so that oxygen falls into the deep layers of the soil. At Popile and the required number of fertilizers is made. For each type of soil, the feeding is selected individually. With increased acidity, the soil use one of these components like wood ash, ground chalk, dolomite flour, lime, salted soda mixture. The optimal acidity of the soil for Luke-Sevka pH is 6.4-7.9.

About growing onions in the open ground will tell.

If the garden was not ready since autumn, then all the same works will have to perform in spring. To do this, at the peroxide, the bedding under the bow-north is introduced into the soil of 2-3 kg. If we talk about mineral fertilizers, then the best superspat (0.44-0.5 kg per 10 square meters of the area) and sodium sulfate (0.2-0.3 kg). The introduction is also made at Popile. On clay soils, it is desirable to add sand at the rate of 7-10 kg per square meter of sowing square.

Earth must be thoroughly braid, because the bow likes the lungs, air soils.



Agrotechnical process (processing, prepare / prepare, soak / soak seed) for Luka-Sevka is not so complicated, it is necessary to put it on just on time and correctly put it and then you can count on a generous harvest. It is necessary to take into account another small nuance -. And then you can cultivate onions in almost any region.

Onions - one of the most commonly used vegetables. It is used to prepare almost all the first and second dishes. Therefore, for the winter, every hostess is trying to prepare more golden heads.

Often late autumn or in winter a significant part of the bulbs comes in disrepair. Their scales are rotten, leading to the death of the entire bulbs. Luke treatment before sowing will help keep the crop as long as possible.

    Show all

    Views of Luca

    There are more than a thousand species of onions. Some of them are known as another plant. It is garlic and blue, which are views of Luca. In addition, these types are grown in Russia:

    • bulb onions;
    • leek;
    • slim;
    • schitt;
    • shalot.

    They are distinguished by taste, dimensions, maturation. There are annuals, two-year and perennial. Created numerous varieties and hybrids, zoned for certain locality. Many of them are grown by seeds, some - the division of the bush, the daughters.

    The most common is the onion onion. Some of its varieties are grown in one year from seeds (Chernushki). For the cultivation of most varieties, you must first get small bulbs (segue). The next year they are planted in the ground, and by autumn, the crop of large, durable healthy bulbs, capable of fleeing until spring.

    It does not always succeed. In the process of growing vegetable, various diseases and pests lie it. As a result, the bulbs die still in the garden or quickly come into disrepair after laying for the winter.

    In addition to diseases, it can take a high yield crop growing. This is the formation of a juicy shooter arrow, on which seeds will be born after flowering.

    Autumn planting

    Now popular was the way of planting onions in the fall. It has several advantages:

    • The north do not need to be stored.
    • The overwhelming bulbs have high immunity.
    • The harvest quickly matures, because with the autumn falling down the bulbs earlier go into growth.

    To get a high harvest, you need to plant only small sevock - oats or a hay. Major with this method of cultivation will definitely go to the arrows.

    Choose better zoned varieties or specially intended for underdessing:

    • Radar;
    • Arctic;
    • Sunshine.

    Processing currant from pests and diseases - how to spray bushes in the fall?


    Luke landing damage such insects:

    Name Features Photo
    Onion fliesPut eggs on the feathers. The larvae eat the inside of the stem, he dies. Amazed twice for the season of vegetation. More harm brought in rainy weather
    Beetle sweatshundPutting eggs inside the pen. The larvae appeared on the hole then appeared. Feather falls, the bulb is not formed
    Stroke nematodesSmall insects living in the soil. As a result of their activities, the leaves of the onions are deformed, the bulb is lagging behind in the development

    Bow, damaged by stem nematode

    Lukovaya TreshkitHe cuts the feather and postphes eggs in flowers

    You can fight most of the types of insects already after landing Sevka in the ground, in the spring. But for this you need to constantly inspect the plots where it is planted, follow the condition of plants. And it is impossible to notice nematoma with a naked eye.


    Onions are striking mostly fungal diseases:

    • False torment dew (peronosporosis), the defeat of which can be seen on the pale green spots on the leaves. Then they turn into a purple bloom.
    • The shake rot is most often developing in rainy weather. First, individual internal scales are affected, then the disease goes to most of the bulbs, and it disappears.
    • Rust is more often found in the southern regions. Manifests in the form of yellow strokes on feathers.
    • Rinch Donets develops after the damage to the onion fly.
    • White rot is developing under high temperatures. Damaged bulbs are removed.
    • Viral diseases are not treated, so the affected instances are pulled and burned.

    Causes of defeat

    Most often it happens if the planting material turned out to be poorly grown in unsuitable climatic conditions. Grow onions from seeds is a rather troublesome business. Therefore, it is easier to buy a boarding material in the store. But in this case, the conditions of cultivation and storage remain unknown.

    Vegetable need to place every year in a new place so that he again hit the site after 3 years. But sometimes, if the plot is very small, it does not work, and the crop rotation is not respected. Then the bow turns out to be on a plot filled with causative agents of the disease. In this case, it needs mandatory pre-sowing processing.

    Fungal diseases are easier to prevent than treat, and viral is not treated. The complexity of the hourly processing of fungicides is that it must be carried out prophylactically. If you do not do this on time, it may unexpectedly come a period of protracted torrential rains. In this case, there will be no opportunity to treat the plant.

    Methods Processing

    Proper and timely preparation of onions in front of autumn landing will help to avoid diseases and pests. There are a large number of arrangement methods before sowing. They are divided into pest protection and diseases, chemical and natural. All operations are aimed at conducting such actions:

    • the destruction of fungi and causative agents of the disease;
    • stimulating growth;
    • strengthening immunity;
    • warning posting.

    You can not use all the well-known ways of protection. This can lead to the death of plants.

    It is impossible to use drugs more often or more concentration than that specified in the instructions. Otherwise, resistant (sustainable) to the drug microorganisms may occur. For the same reason, medicines must be changed periodically.


    The first stage of treatment Sevka - sorting. Vegetables need to disassemble the size of 2-3 handhes. The largest can be planted for flowering to collect seeds-covered. Medium stored until spring. The bulbs with a diameter of up to 1 cm planted under the winter.

    Dry, rotten, damaged instances. During the sorting process, dry scales are removed. Current scales that are tightly kept are not removed.

    Do not cut down onions on the feather, if it is planted in autumn. Open only a dry top. Do not cut the bottom from which the roots will grow.

    Processing against disease

    There are many ways to treat bulbs and seeds before planting in the fall:

    • Spraying onions before landing "carbofosomes" effectively for the destruction of pests. But the drug itself is very toxic. Therefore, its use is not always justified.
    • Popular soaking planting material (Sevka and Chernushki) in the saline solution. Dil place a tablespoon of salt in a water liter with a temperature of 30 degrees. Constore bulbs up to 8 hours. This will help protect the seaws from the onion flies, ticks and trips. It is impossible to water the bed with a bow with salt water.
    • A saturated solution of mangartages is used to protect against disease. It is maintained in it onion and seeds up to 15 minutes, then washed with clean water. Seeded solution is prepared light pink.
    • Birch delet can scare the onion fly and protect against disease. Dissolve a spoonful of tar in a liter of water and handle the planting material.
    • Treatment of soda bulbs is ineffective.
    • "Phytosporin" protects against fungal diseases. It is not a chemical agent. If processing with chemicals was carried out in less than two weeks, the drug will not be effective. Do not use "Chemistry" next two weeks. 35 g "Phytosporin" is dissolved in a bucket of water. Processing seaws up to 30 minutes.
    • Processing with copper vigorous or other copper-containing preparations are effective for the destruction of fungi. This is "Sorrow", "Hom", "Oksich".

    To handle the segues, it was convenient, put it in the grid. Consistently carry out processing, without shaking out of the grid before carrying out all procedures. Pull out a few days before landing, dried.

    In order for the bulbs faster to grow, they are rooted, they are treated with a humate or other fertilizers. In the spring, it can be combined with a growth stimulator: "Zircon" or "epinoma", "Silk" preparations, "Biostim". When planning under the winter, growth stimulants do not proceed.

    The costs of such operations are minor, and they will bring much benefit.

Onions - Culture Capricional. In dry weather, the arrows ejects, in the crude - rot. But the gardeners invented a new, more productive method of growing onions - landing under the winter. To obtain a good crop, you need to know when and which onion is planted under the winter.

Looking onion in autumn

For landing onions in autumn you need to choose a sunny and dry place on the site. Very good to plant onions after cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes and legumes. The soil for landing should be prepacked or well explosion. Add humid or mixed with wood ash in the ground.

Pre-make the beds up to 100 cm wide and up to 20 cm high. Clean the soil from weeds and disinfected with a solution of copper mosquap at the rate of 1 tbsp. Spoon on 10 liters of water. Before landing, the land on the beds should be good and conceded. If the stroke of nematode was noticed on the site, then the beds for the bow should be shed in a solution of the table salt before planting. From the onion flies well helps watering tobacco infusion.

For planting under the winter it is better to choose the bow of sharp varieties, for example, Centurion or Stuttgarter. Depending on the size of the bulb, it is divided into such categories:

  • the first - bulb to one and a half centimeters in diameter;
  • the second - up to three centimeters in diameter;
  • the third - the diameter of the bulbs is more than three centimeters;
  • ovsyuka - these bulbs are non-standard, to one centimeter in diameter.

From the first category and oatsiugs most often grows the best onion. Sit down such segments in the grooves to a depth of 2-3 cm. When landing onions under the winter deeper than 4 cm, in the spring it can not exist at all and bend.

For the early receipt of the green pen, it is better to use the onions of the second category for the landing for the winter. Relie from it will not be able to get: Most likely, he will go to the arrow in the summer. It is necessary to plant such a north to be floppy, to the depth of six centimeters.

After landing, the beds should be closed with any organic material:, hay, dry leaves. For this, even the sash from beans and beans will be suitable. But it is impossible to use the polyethylene film. In order for the mulch not to spread the wind, the planting is covered with a snapper or dry branches. For mulching, it is better not to use peat and sawdust, since in the spring it will be very difficult to remove, without damaging young shoots.

Ludge dates for winter

In order to be planted in the fall, the bow managed to root well, it must be planted before the soil fluctuates. Then he hits well and successfully pumps him. The best deadlines for landing onions under the winter - from October 5 to 20. If in winter the air temperature drops below -10-12 ° C, the landing of the bow should be additionally covered with snow. And in the spring this snow must be scattered to prevent the stress of water in beds.

Treatment onion before landing

Each gardener wants his efforts to not disappear. Let's find out what can be treated onions before planting to get a good harvest. Everyone knows that antiseptics prevent The emergence of fungal diseases. Therefore, in the fall, long before harvest, it is necessary to take care of its preservation: before planting to treat bulbs with a warm weak solution of copper mood. But if you put one minute bulwing into the water at a temperature of 60 ° C, then this method will help to avoid lion's shooting in summer. To the bow did not go to the arrow, you can use a more modern way. For this, the bulbs before planting should be wrapped with cloth and put in a glass vessel, put in the microwave and warm up approximately a minute and a half. After that, the heated seeds should be treated with growth stimulant. And you can safely plant in the soil - a good bodies harvest is guaranteed.