How to waterproof the floor on the balcony. The nuances of waterproofing the balcony

The condition of the balcony or loggia must be carefully monitored. It is the design of the balcony that is most susceptible to negative atmospheric phenomena, moisture, and sudden changes in temperature. In this case, the balcony room can be effectively used. It is turned into a mini-warehouse for storing things, freeing up usable space inside the apartment. Some equip a small room there, resting on the balcony in the evenings, as in the attic: the air there is always fresh. Of course, only reliable waterproofing will provide truly safe and comfortable conditions on the balcony or terrace.

Many are sure that concrete walls are reliably protected from water by a facing tile. This is not so - moisture easily penetrates the wall under the cladding.

Take care of the waterproofing of the balcony in advance, without waiting for the cold weather or the onset of the rainy season. A well-equipped balcony will last you a long time. For example, having carefully conducted isolation, you can arrange a real winter garden on the balcony. It is beautiful, comfortable and healthy.

The value of waterproofing a balcony

Now most residents of apartment buildings have begun to pay more attention to the condition of balconies. This is quite natural. Insufficient control of the insulation of the balcony from moisture leads to negative consequences:

  • loss of the original aesthetic appearance by the balcony, delamination of panels and decorative elements;
  • corrosion of metal parts, fixtures;
  • the formation of mold, fungus, accompanied by the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

You must admit that it’s not so pleasant to go out onto such a balcony, and sometimes it’s even dangerous.

The result of the destructive effect of moisture on the balcony in the absence of waterproofing may be the complete loss of its supporting functions by the design. Balconies sometimes collapse! Where there is no necessary waterproofing, it becomes dangerous for the owners and others!

The process of preparing a balcony or loggia for waterproofing

The first stage is preparation for isolation. Work carefully and carefully.

  1. Carefully and accurately, without breaking integrity, dismantle the floor covering of the balcony.
  2. Carefully inspect the concrete slab. Identify all areas where pieces of concrete have already deteriorated, began to exfoliate and crumble.
  3. Remove all loose areas of concrete with a hammer drill.
  4. Brush with hard bristles to clean concrete, it accumulates dirt and dust to a solid and clean foundation.
  5. Thoroughly get rid of the remains of cement, glue.
  6. Small cracks can be expanded slightly with a grinder to allow the solution of the future screed to penetrate normally into the depth. Large cracks are aligned to the U-shaped shabra. All formed grooves must be thoroughly cleaned of debris.
  7. Remove fragments of concrete from exposed reinforcement.
  8. Clean fittings from accumulation of rust. This can be done mechanically, but it is better to use a chemical composition. The metal should be clean.
  9. Coat reinforcement with anti-corrosion compound.
  10. Thoroughly restore the concrete coating: both special compounds and ordinary cement will do.
  11. Inspect the roof of the balcony and identify all the problem areas where moisture penetrates.
  12. Clean the roof and partitions from debris and dust, moisten them. Remove any remaining paint or glue.

Only after full preparation for waterproofing, you can begin to cover the balcony or terrace with insulating compounds.

Materials used

During the work you can use the following materials, tools and compositions:

  • measured capacities;
  • a bucket or basin;
  • a brush with a hard synthetic pile;
  • hammer drill;
  • jackhammer;
  • the composition of "Scrap M500";
  • "Penecritus";
  • Penetron;
  • foamed polystyrene foam;
  • sealant;
  • polyurethane foam (without toluene);
  • "CT Throne";
  • respirator;
  • thick rubber gloves;
  • protective glasses.

Materials can be selected according to the place you isolate, your personal preferences. CT throne can be smear or penetrating. Penetrating compounds are only suitable for concrete. When processing a brick or wooden balcony, coating compounds should be used.
  Now they also use rolled materials based on polyethylene, which are glued to the surface. Penofol is in demand.
  The floor of the balcony can be well insulated additionally, if you use a modern foil insulation. The lintels of the balcony made of concrete or bricks perfectly waterproof polystyrene foam. Sometimes mineral wool slabs are used for these purposes, but they are not suitable for insulating the balcony, as they are subject to moisture condensation.

Estimated prices for materials for waterproofing the balcony

Title Weight kg price, rub.
Penecritus 1 220
5 1200-1650
10 2407
25 5750-5770
Penetron 1 250
5 1350-1720
10 2703
25 6520
Scrap M500 25 1000-1500

Glazing of an open balcony

Of course, to ensure high-quality waterproofing of the balcony, you will need to glaze it. Please note that just installing double-glazed windows is not enough. It is important to equip the external cornice well, as well as to thoroughly seal all the seams. To do this, you can use mounting foam, various sealants. Pay attention to the instructions and note that your sealant will be subject to temperature extremes.

Waterproofing the balcony with penetrating compounds

Penetrating compounds are suitable for concrete surfaces.

  1. First you need to moisten the concrete;
  2. Apply the first layer of the composition (for example, Penetron) to wet concrete with a brush with a synthetic pile;
  3. Wait until the first layer sets a little, but does not have time to completely dry;
  4. Moisten the surface slightly and apply a second coat of the composition. It is recommended to apply the composition in perpendicular directions;
  5. Monitor the condition of the surfaces for three days. They must be protected from temperature extremes, any mechanical impact;

The composition should not peel off, crack.

Cover the surface with foil. Moisten the surface lightly by spraying water gently.

How to waterproof a balcony using coating compounds

When the surface is brick, polyurethane or stone, a penetrating composition will not work. Apply a coating mixture.

  1. Moisten the partition, the floor of the balcony;
  2. Apply the first coating layer;
  3. Operate with a brush in one direction, monitor the uniformity of the layer;
  4. The second coat must be applied after five hours. Follow the direction: it should be perpendicular to the first;
  5. The reinforcing mesh is used in places where there are tile joints. The cells must be five millimeters. Drown the mesh in the waterproofing layer;

Also watch a step-by-step video on waterproofing a balcony using mastic:

Coating mixtures form a high-quality elastic coating, reliably eliminate cracks.

Waterproofing the ceiling and roof of the balcony

Be sure to pay attention to the waterproofing of the roof of the balcony.

  1. Treat the plate with compounds (penetrating or coating);
  2. Eliminate all cracks, cracks. Use sealant;
  3. You can attach additional insulation made of penofol or expanded polystyrene;

If the balcony is on the top floor, additional work is required:

  • reinforced concrete roof is covered with roofing mastic;
  • when the roof is tiled or made of metal, mastic is applied to the joints of materials;
  • seams between panels are sealed at the technical floor level.
  • The roof of the upper floor is successfully complemented by skylights.

Waterproofing of balcony partitions

Partitions are treated the same way as the floor. Choose which means are suitable for you: smear or penetrating. The best option for isolating the partition is foil polystyrene foam. It is simply carefully glued to the partitions.

Carry out all the waterproofing of your balcony carefully and accurately. Be sure to carefully read the instructions and follow them. Then an excellent result is guaranteed: you will enjoy the comfort of the balcony, you can use it effectively.

Balcony Waterproofing: Secrets, Effective Techniques and Useful Tips, 2.9 out of 5 based on 19 ratings

If before almost all citizens used a balcony to store old and unnecessary things, now the situation has changed. Apartment owners are trying to get additional living space, so they will re-equip the balcony room. Some residents install the roof, others make glazing, others insulate the space, etc. However, this is not enough to get a full-fledged living space. Be sure to waterproof the balcony.

Why do I need a balcony waterproofing

The balcony is more exposed to the negative effects of weather than other rooms in the apartment. Waterproofing will protect the space from unpleasant moisture, fungus and dampness. If you use high-quality waterproofing materials and work correctly, you can provide reliable protection to the walls, ceiling and roof of the balcony.

In the vast majority of cases (95%), a concrete slab acts as a balcony base. High-quality waterproofing of the open balcony makes it possible to increase the resource of a structure under the influence of an aggressive environment by one and a half times. If this is not done, further financial losses may be incurred.

Because reinforced concrete has a porous structure, and inside it there is a embedded metal element. At sub-zero temperatures, water enters these pores and begins to chip off the metal microparticles. Corrosion sets in and the metal breaks down. Waterproofing prevents destructive processes.

It is performed for floor slabs (processing from below and above), parapet (they also make steam insulation), roofs (the rafter system is processed).

If you understand the importance of this operation, go ahead and see how to waterproof the balcony in accordance with existing technology.

Materials for waterproofing the balcony

In the beginning, we will deal with the necessary materials.

It all depends on the finish of the balcony structure. If the surface of the balcony is concrete / wood, penetrating compounds are used. In the presence of polyurethane / stone / tile, a coating material is used.

Varieties of waterproofing materials are as follows:

  • Cast insulation;
  • Wraparound insulation;
  • Paint insulation;
  • Impregnation.

Any of these materials will perfectly protect the balcony space from the negative effects of water / moisture.

Cast insulation has a water-repellent composition. When choosing it, a heated polymer is used. It processes the floor of the balcony. It can quickly become damaged and lose integrity.

By pasting is meant material in the form of a roll. Over the entire balcony surface, it overlaps. Special mastics are processed joints. To give the waterproofing strength and effectiveness, it is laid in several layers.

Ease of use is characterized by paint insulation. Another plus is the low cost of the material. However, we do not recommend using it on a wooden surface. At minus temperatures, it may crack and will have to update the waterproofing layer.

An excellent material for waterproofing surfaces made of wood / concrete is impregnation. It penetrates inside and ensures the safety of the structure. However, when processing a wooden surface, warm and dry weather is required. The applied impregnation should dry well.

Preparatory work on waterproofing the balcony

Having chosen the material, we get to work. You can entrust it to a specialist, but the balcony waterproofing does not require special qualifications, you can do it yourself and reduce the repair budget.

In addition to the preparatory phase, there are three more: treatment of the floor, the inner surface of the room, the visor / roof / gutters.

Preparation includes the following types of work:

  • Dismantle the old coating;
  • We analyze the condition of the concrete base, determining the places of unsuitability;
  • Remove them with a punch;
  • We clean the surface of debris with a stiff brush and remove the remains of cement / old glue;
  • Cracks are treated with a grinder. It is necessary that a new screed fill all kinds of voids. We expand a small crack, we trim a large one;
  • We clean bare reinforcement  rust with chemical compounds and remove concrete residues;
  • We cover the fittings with an anticorrosive composition;
  • Primed the surface of the floor;
  • We fill the holes with cement-sand mortar;
  • We inspect the roof of the balcony and determine the possible places of penetration of water;
  • We clean the surface of the ceiling / walls;
  • We apply a primer with waterproofing material.

Waterproofing the floor on the balcony

Waterproofing the floor prevents moisture from entering from below. This is especially important for owners of apartments located on the first floors of buildings. Moisture may be from the basement / soil. We clear the floor of debris / dust and create a concrete screed. If the balcony is open, its slope is required to be 2%, so that the water freely leaves the surface. We reinforce the screed with a metal mesh.

All seams that appeared during operation are filled with 50% mastic for sealing. We clean the screed from debris / dust and apply WB primer to it, so that there is good adhesion. Moistened concrete is covered with several layers of polyurethane mastic.

We are waiting for the insulation to dry, and overlap the vapor barrier material made of foil. This prevents condensation. We put a wooden frame on top. An OSB plate is mounted on it with screws. Finishing work - installation on the floor of the balcony of the finishing material.

The thickness of the waterproofing should not be less than 20 mm and must go up to 200 mm on the walls.

Wall waterproofing on the balcony

Before carrying out waterproofing work with a grinder, we select U-shaped grooves in the interpanel seams and seal them with Germoplast. By this we eliminate the leak through microcracks. Then we fix decorative coatings.

Then, foil polystyrene is firmly glued to the wall. The second option is a regular foam, which is covered with a layer of vapor barrier film. Between the foam sheets, joints form. We seal them. To reliably protect against moisture, apply 2 layers of mastic.


It is possible that on your balcony there are additional partitions / other structures. Then they should also be waterproofed. The principle of operation is similar.

Waterproofing the ceiling on the balcony

We clean the ceiling plate and treat it with an antiseptic to protect the structure from the formation of fungal mold. Then the surface is treated with a coating / penetrating insulating composition. We close all cracks and cracks in the ceiling with silicone.

We seal the joints of the wall with floor slabs with sealant. When finishing the roof with tiles / metal tiles, each joint is additionally treated with polyurethane mastic. It has good adhesion and is easy to apply on a damp ceiling surface. We recommend two layers of mastic. The second layer should be perpendicular to the first. After the first layer, the mesh is reinforced with a waterproofing layer. We give the mastic 3 days so that it dries well and hardens. This will create a strong crystalline protective layer.

For residents of the last floors, we recommend that you lay a layer of roofing material on top of the roof of the balcony or cover it with roofing mastic. For waterproofing the roof, we recommend that you call a specialist. We do not recommend doing this work yourself. It is life threatening.

Waterproofing a wooden balcony

Waterproofing a wooden balcony involves treating the boards with a special antiseptic to prevent strong moisture and fungus on the surface. It is allowed to cover the floor with the wall with liquid rubber on the base, followed by processing with finishing material.

Waterproofing can prevent the development of mold and reduce the decorativeness of wood. The material will begin to lose strength and attractiveness. The coating will deform and it will not be possible to return to its previous appearance. The waterproofing of the wooden balcony will prevent swelling and prevent cracks that will lead to structural damage.

The technology of work depends on the functional purpose of the balcony and its type.

In this article, we examined the process of self-waterproofing a balcony. We hope you can use this technology.

  September 9, 2016
Specialization: Capital construction works (laying the foundation, erection of walls, roof construction, etc.). Internal construction work (laying of internal communications, rough and fine finishing). Hobbies: mobile communications, high technology, computer technology, programming.

Few people know that waterproofing a balcony is one of the important and mandatory stages of its construction or decoration. For example, my son’s in a summer house, he is located above the bay window. And if I had not taken the appropriate measures in time, rain and melt water would have penetrated into the living quarters, because the tightness of the concrete slab is not enough to retain moisture.

Three days ago, I was waterproofing an open balcony in my client’s private house, and this was an excellent occasion to prepare the appropriate material for you. The instructions outlined below describe how to do everything quickly and efficiently.

The need for waterproofing

To begin with, I want to say a few words about how important the waterproofing of a wooden balcony in the country house or concrete loggia in a city apartment is. If you neglect this stage of construction and decoration, you risk in the near future not only losing the exquisite decoration of this room, but you will also encounter leaks in the rooms.

I can name only the most negative consequences of operating balconies and loggias (especially open ones) without a waterproofing layer:

  • damage to the decorative material that you used to equip the auxiliary room;
  • corrosion of metal parts of the balcony and balcony plate reinforcement;
  • the appearance of fungi, mold and other microorganisms (this is especially dangerous if the balcony is wooden).

The worst option of all possible is a violation of the integrity of the supporting structures of the balcony. They can rot or rust to such an extent that the structure will be dangerous to operate.

It is very important to waterproof the balcony when warming it with mineral wool thermal insulators. Their technical characteristics greatly deteriorate when wet, so the layer of insulation wool must be carefully protected from the ingress of atmospheric moisture.

Immediately I note one more important point. If waterproofing an open balcony under a tile or similar flooring is carried out, measures must be taken so that rain or melt water entering inside is removed through specially equipped drain holes. Otherwise, during a heavy rainfall or spring snowmelt, it will quickly turn into a pool.

Waterproofing Materials

I hope I convinced you that it is necessary to protect a balcony or a loggia from water. Now I turn to the story of what materials can be used for this. A description of all the technical characteristics of each waterproofing is not the purpose of this article, so I will go briefly:

  1. Cast. These are polymer compositions that heat up to a fluid state and are applied to the treated surfaces (most often floors). Plus, I think it’s very effective (the cured polymer is completely tight and has no seams). Minus - the risk of cracks during deformation of the treated plate. As an example, I can call Drizoro Maxelastic Pur.

  1. Painting. Materials based on bituminous resins, which, after solidification, form a homogeneous, tight, and flexible membrane that does not allow water to pass to building structures. I often use bituminous mastics to process balconies from the inside out with my own hands. They are applied with a brush, roller or spatula and work very efficiently. An example of such a material is Technonikol mastic.

  1. Deep penetration. Waterproofing compounds (for example, Penetron), which, when applied to wooden or mineral surfaces, penetrate into the material and form directed crystals there, which trap water but do not interfere with air infiltration. This is a very effective way of waterproofing if you are not stopped by the high price.

  1. Okay. Roll materials are used, which are rolled out on the processed surfaces and fixed on them with glue or bitumen.

The disadvantage of this method is the need to seal the joints. And the installation technology itself is quite complicated. But the cost of waterproofing membranes is low.

In my practice I use combinations of various materials. For example, if inside the waterproofing of the balcony floor can be done with coating paste, then, for example, it is better to protect the roof with tapestry membranes. And inaccessible places to handle penetrating impregnation.

Balcony waterproofing technology

Well, now I will go directly to the description of the process of waterproofing the balcony. Let me remind you that in my case we are talking about a balcony with a concrete slab and a fence, which is located on the 5th floor of a standard high-rise building in the city.

Surface preparation

I always start with a thorough surface preparation. First you need to clean the concrete floor and partially the walls of old finishing materials (if any), mortar residues, oil and grease stains, dust and other contaminants that can adversely affect the adhesive properties of the floor.

For this purpose, I use a stiff brush or vacuum cleaner that quickly and efficiently removes dust from the mineral surface.

Then I treat the surface with a primer (), which improves the adhesive properties of the balcony floor and helps to reduce the consumption of waterproofing composition. I always prime the surfaces twice with intermediate drying of the layers (which takes about two hours).

During the inspection of the concrete slab, I found several defects in the base. If you have the same, listen to how to carry out repairs:

  1. First of all, you need to remove all pieces of concrete, which themselves peel off and fall off. In these places, I additionally worked with a perforator chisel so that later the base shifts do not violate the integrity of the waterproofing layer.
  2. I didn’t touch two very small cracks with a chisel, but sawed it a bit with a grinder with a cutting disc. Then he filled all the defects with cement mortar and carefully leveled them with a spatula (of course, before that he removed dust and debris with a vacuum cleaner).

  1. In one place, the plate broke off so that a piece of the reinforcing bar became visible. I cleaned it with sandpaper from traces of corrosion, and then coated the surface with an anti-corrosion compound.

  1. Then, on top of this recess with the bar, I also patched up with cement mortar. But you can use special repair compounds for surfaces (for example, Neocret).

Having finished the repair, I took an elastic tape (Lipex K-2) and glued with it the joints of the joints of the horizontal surface of the floor and the vertical surfaces of the walls (the so-called movable joints). This sealing tape will help to maintain the integrity of the waterproof membrane with possible movements of the base of the balcony.

After completing all the preparatory work, you should get a surface that meets the following requirements:

  1. The maximum allowable height difference of the treated surface should not exceed 2 mm.
  2. There should not be any sharp protrusions on the floor that could disrupt the integrity of the formed waterproofing layer.
  3. Surface humidity should not exceed 4%. If this parameter is higher, excess moisture will be trapped inside the floor slab, which will lead to a gradual leaching of the mineral surface and, as a result, deterioration of the bearing capacity.

If you are going to waterproof a porous base (for example, foam blocks), then, on the contrary, you need to moisten it a little, otherwise the dehydration of the sealing mastic will go wrong and it will not form a waterproof layer.

After preparing the surfaces, you can proceed to the preparation of the selected waterproofing material for work.

Preparation of the sealing mixture

In the case I described, I used bitumen-polymer mastic, which was supplied in a bucket and was already ready for work without any additional effort on my part. But some waterproofing agents (for example, cement-based) are sold as dry powder to be prepared.

To do this, the dry mixture is poured into a container where the desired amount of water is added (the temperature of the liquid should be in the range from 15 to 20 degrees Celsius), after which all this mass is mixed using a drill with a special nozzle. A homogeneous mass should be obtained without the slightest lumps.

Then you need to leave this mass for 3-5 minutes, so that all components are activated (the solution is "ripe"), and then mix it all again. The solution thus obtained remains suitable for an hour. Therefore, you do not need to dilute a large amount of the solution, otherwise it may freeze before you use it.

The container cleanliness is very important for the quality of the prepared solution. Never knead a new portion of the solution in the same bucket where the old waterproofing material is left. Otherwise, you will get an unpressurized waterproofing layer, and ordinary garbage, which then will have to be cleaned and all the procedures performed again.

That is why, by the way, I prefer to use ready-made mastic.


Well, now it's time to reveal to you all the secrets of applying mastic to the floor of the balcony. Here, as you know, you do not need to be seven spans in the forehead. It is enough to take into account the following points:

  1. You can work only if the temperature of the air and the treated surface is above + 15 degrees Celsius, and the humidity does not exceed 60%.
    Moreover, if the work is carried out on a glazed and insulated balcony, then it is necessary to create such conditions there in advance, no later than two days before the start of work. In addition, the same temperature and humidity must be maintained for 12 hours after applying the mastic, so that it polymerizes normally.
  2. I put waterproofing on the surface of the balcony with a wide brush. If the mastic is thick, it can be spread with a spatula.

  1. Hardening time depends on the thickness of the applied layer and the type of mastic. Usually, further work on installing flooring can be done two days after treatment.

Features of waterproofing the ceiling

Sometimes it becomes necessary to waterproof not only the horizontal balcony slab, but also the ceiling of the balcony (for example, when it is located on the top floor). In this case, I advise you to use gluing waterproofing with an adhesive layer activated by high temperature (gas burner or building hair dryer).

In this case, the operation scheme will be as follows:

  1. I cut the sheets of gluing waterproofing in advance (for example. TechnoNICOL) into segments of the desired length.
  2. After that, I heat the surface of the material with a gas burner.
  3. I lay the membrane on a previously cleaned and repaired surface.
  4. I glue the next strip so that it overlaps the previous one at a distance of about 10 cm.
  5. After installing the first layer of waterproofing over the entire surface of the balcony, I seal the joints between the strips with liquid bitumen.
  6. Then I lay the second layer of waterproofing, but so that the stripes were perpendicular to the bottom. In this case, maximum water resistance is ensured.


Now you know how to waterproof a balcony with your own hands. If you are interested in the features of performing work in a wooden house, you can familiarize yourself with them in the video in this article. And I would like to ask you how you waterproof the roof of the balcony on the top floor? What are you doing so that water does not get inside? Post your answers in the comments to the material.

   September 9, 2016

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Many residents glazed their balconies and loggias and enlarged their apartment by another small room or additional storage room. But the open balcony has its own charm: at home and in the open air at the same time, it’s good to be here among the flowers and watch the children play in the yard. In addition to the lyrical side of things, there is also a prosaic one. To make the balcony a cozy corner, it needs protection, because all the hardships and misfortunes of our harsh climate fall on it. In summer - heat and rain, in winter - frost and snow. Temperature differences and precipitation gradually lead to cracking of the floor, the appearance of mold, corrosion of reinforcement, the destruction of load-bearing structures. The floor on the loggia or balcony is also the ceiling for the neighbors from below. They are unlikely to like the drips on the walls and ceiling. To avoid such problems, it is necessary to waterproof the floor on the loggia or balcony in advance.

Waterproofing is a set of protective measures against the destructive effect of moisture. Waterproofing is used to increase strength, extend the life of buildings and structures. Not only balconies, loggias and other open structures need waterproofing. Moisture comes both with precipitation and is filtered from the basement and soil, which is why waterproofing the floor on the first floors of all buildings is necessary to protect the floor from deformation and decay.

Waterproofing is also needed in multi-storey buildings to prevent water from flowing from the upper floors to the lower, especially in the kitchen or bathroom, where there is a high probability of water leakage.

The principle of waterproofing is to create a dense and durable layer with waterproof and water repellent properties to protect the concrete base and floor from the negative effects of moisture.

In humid climates, waterproofing the foundation, basement, walls of the cellar, attic, roof is necessary.

Types of waterproofing

Depending on the method of implementation and the building materials used, there are various types of floor waterproofing:

  • Plastering. Designed to cover reinforced concrete structures.
  • Coating (painting). Multi-layer coating of bitumen paints. It is used to protect metal structures from corrosion.
  • Cast. It is considered the most reliable type of insulation. Stacked from mastics and asphalt mortar with a layer of up to 5cm.
  • Okay. It is carried out by gluing a special waterproofing material.
  • Mounted. Special sheets of plastic or metal, profile tapes that are attached to the building structure are used. It is used if it is impossible to apply another type of waterproofing.
  • Impregnating. With this method, building products from porous materials are impregnated with organic solutions (polymer varnish, bitumen, petrolatum and coal tar pitch). Apply impregnation technology for processing prefabricated materials (asbestos-cement sheets and pipes, concrete slabs, blocks of tufa, concrete, limestone).
  • Backfill. It is a special cavity filled with loose waterproofing material (asphalt isol, hydrophobic powders, sands). The layer thickness reaches 50cm. The backfill layer simultaneously performs the function of hydro and thermal insulation.
  • Injection It is carried out by the method of injection of a special cementitious mortar (furan resins) into the joints between concrete blocks and cracks. Injection waterproofing is most often used to repair an existing waterproofing. _______________________

Cast waterproofing

This is a reliable and quite expensive type of waterproofing, which is made of mastics and asphalt mortars. Distinguish between hot and cold waterproofing.

The method consists in casting the mixture on a horizontal solid base in 2-3 layers with a total thickness of 25 mm and formwork on the walls with a thickness of 3-5 cm. For its manufacture, foam epoxide, asphalt-ceramite-concrete, bitumen perlite and various foams are used.

Operating procedure:

  • The floor is cleaned of dust, dirt and sand. If necessary, with the help of plaster, potholes and cracks are smeared.
  • The surface is dried with hot air. The surface is primed with bitumen diluted to a liquid state. On the perimeter of the room, bumpers 30-40 cm high are installed.
  • The mastic is heated to 140 ° C and the floor is poured.
  • Mastic is leveled with scrapers. For a long service life of waterproofing, the mixture is applied in 2-3 layers to a thickness of 25 mm.
  • To increase the strength of the waterproofing layer, an additional metal mesh or fiberglass is used.

Cold way. It’s convenient to use cold waterproofing mastic quickly, without additional costs.

The concrete floor before applying the waterproofing composition is cleaned, debris is removed, oil deposits are removed, defects are smoothed out with plaster. After complete drying, the surface is covered with soil. A fence with a height of 30-40 cm is placed around the entire perimeter of the floor. A waterproofing mixture is poured onto the floor and leveled with a scraper.

Painting (coating) waterproofing

Represents a thin no more than 2 mm multilayer coating of bitumen and polymer paints and varnishes. It is intended for anticorrosive and anticapillary protection of reinforced concrete and metal structures.

There are two types of coating waterproofing:

Cold - based on epoxy rubber resins.

Hot - with the use of bitumen-polymer varnishes.

Operating procedure:

Before applying the insulation composition, the surface is cleaned of dust, sagging and traces of corrosion, degreased. Apply a primer of bituminous liquid mastic in two layers.

Then the floor is painted with bitumen or polymer varnish with a brush and a roller. The result is a sufficiently thin layer 2 mm thick to protect against corrosion and fungi.

The method of paint waterproofing has been practiced more and more recently in recent years with the advent of new moisture-resistant materials with higher protective characteristics, simplicity and ease of use.

Materials containing bitumen are inexpensive and quite simple to use, however, their service life is within 5-6 years, and at low temperatures, bitumen becomes brittle.

In this regard, it is preferable to various polymers on a bitumen basis: bitumen-rubber and bitumen-polymer compositions.

Waterproofing waterproofing

it is made of rolled and sheet materials, which are glued in 3-4 layers to the surface treated with soil. There are three types of waterproofing:

  • Bitumen-polymer - isoplast, filisole, armobitel, bicroplast, ecarbit.
  • Bitumen-roll - foil isol hydrostekloizol, isol, hydroisol, ruberoid.
  • Polymer - polypropylene polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, synthetic rubber, hydrobutyl.

When choosing a material, it should be noted that the softening temperature of bitumen and polymers should exceed the air temperature by 25 degrees. The waterproofing layer is protected from mechanical stress with a concrete screed or brick structure. If it is impossible to make a protective structure, then a different waterproofing method should be chosen.

Work execution order:

  • A layer of bitumen mastic 1 mm thick is applied to a clean, dry surface.
  • The roll is rolled and fixed.
  • To obtain a multilayer coating, a mastic layer is again applied and covered with a rolled roll, and so the required number of times. At the final stage of work on floor insulation, the edges of the rolls are treated with a moisture-proof putty with polymer additives.

The temperature of air, building materials and machined surfaces when performing waterproofing works is not lower than + 10C.

Such waterproofing is suitable for the protection of concrete and wooden floors.

The oklekite method is still widespread, but is gradually giving way to new waterproof technologies. This method has serious disadvantages: preparatory surface treatment, high complexity of laying, sharp odor, inconvenient dimensions and heavy weight of the rolls. At the joints, junctions of the parapet and the wall, seams and kinks inevitably occur, which subsequently become sources of leaks. Roll materials are not resistant to temperature fluctuations and the action of microorganisms.

Stucco waterproofing

Materials for plaster waterproofing are cement mortars and polymer mixtures. Obvious advantages of stucco waterproofing: ease of installation and the possibility of widespread use.

Work execution order:

  • The floor surface is cleaned and, if necessary, leveled, primed and dried. A solution of cement and sand is prepared in a ratio of 1: 2.
  • Using a brush or putty knife, apply the first layer of plaster with a thickness of 10-15 mm with a capture of the walls and thorough processing of the corners.
  • After 15 minutes, when the plaster dries, the next 3-4 layers are applied in the same way. Mechanical stress on the plaster should be avoided for two days.
  • During the hardening process, the plaster layer does not dry out. On the first day, the insulation coating is moistened with water from the sprayer every 3 hours, and then 2-3 times in two weeks.

Such waterproofing is widely used to protect reinforced concrete structures. For waterproofing, hot and cold asphalt mastics and mortars, cement gunite are also used, which are laid without protective sides and allow mechanizing the work process. Polymer-cement coatings, colloidal cement mortars have proven themselves well. When working with waterproofing compounds, you should strictly adhere to the instructions for use.

Plaster waterproofing is durable and goes well with other finishing materials, such as ceramic tiles.

Floor waterproofing on the balcony

As a rule, the area of \u200b\u200bthe balcony or loggia is small, and the new effective hydrophobic building mixtures are easy to use, therefore it is quite feasible to waterproof the floor on the balcony or loggia yourself. The main thing is to strictly observe the technological chain and handle the material correctly.

The floor waterproofing on the balcony itself can be done in different ways and materials, depending on the condition of the floor and the homeowner’s readiness for physical and financial costs. If the balcony already has an obsolete, worn-out, waterproofing coating, then it is removed, and if it is under the screed, the screed is also removed. Sometimes, you can do half measures and waterproof the balcony on top of the finish, but this gives a temporary effect and spoils the appearance of the balcony. Best of all, initially choose good quality materials and make a solid waterproofing.

Types of waterproofing the floor on the balcony

First you need to make sure that the balcony has normal conditions for the drain. The reverse slope (to the wall) of the balcony slab and damage are eliminated with a cement and sand screed taken in a 1: 3 ratio. The concrete solution is applied to the surface of the balcony slab, previously cleaned of dust and dirt and moistened. Alignment is done at an angle of 1-2 ° with a slope to the outside of the balcony.

A waterproofing mixture is applied over the screed to protect the balcony floor from the negative effects of moisture.

If there is no problem of reverse slope and severe damage to the concrete slab, then you can do without screed, it is enough to limit yourself to waterproofing the floor. It is very important to choose a high-quality and durable waterproofing material with high moisture resistance, heat resistance, strength, elasticity, resistance to acid rain, ultraviolet radiation, microorganisms, and mechanical stresses.

Painting waterproofing with hydrophobic mastic is a simple, convenient and profitable way. For waterproofing the balcony floor, the Hyperdesmo polyurethane mastic is a suitable option. Service life 25 years. Hyperdesmo retains its properties at temperatures from 50 to + 100 °. This mastic adheres well to all surfaces and is easy to apply. Hyperdesmo is a one-component composition, easy to apply with a brush or roller.

Hyperdesmo waterproofing technology:

  • The base is cleaned of dust and dirt.
  • Cracks, seams, joints of the plate with the wall are sealed with a polyurethane sealant (Rabberflex, Emfimastic PU-15).
  • The surface of the balcony slab is first treated with a primer (Wagon).
  • Mastic is laid in two layers.
  • To control the quality of the coating, it is recommended to make layers of a contrasting color. The second layer of mastic is applied after the complete polymerization of the previous layer. Coat all joints with mastic.
  • The result is a seamless coating. It takes 6-8 hours to harden Hyperdesmo mastic.
  • If tile laying is planned on top of Hyperdesmo, then to obtain high-quality adhesion with tile adhesive, the top layer is immediately sprinkled with quartz sand, without waiting for drying. Excess sand is removed with a vacuum cleaner or a broom. It turns out a rough surface. On top of this layer, tile is glued with tile adhesive and pressed on top with a load for greater strength.

In comparison with rolled gluing materials, mastic waterproofing of a balcony is more expensive. But the service life of roll waterproofing is on average 2-3 years, then it begins to leak through delamination and swelling.

An example of a technology for waterproofing a balcony

Leaks a balcony on the second floor of the cottage. The floor is covered with ceramic tiles, water penetrates through the seams, flooding the veranda from below.

Stages of waterproofing works:

  • Complete dismantling of tiles, screed and old waterproofing layer.
  • Laying a new screed.
  • Thermal insulation layer.
  • Flooring for waterproofing from OSB boards. Primer treatment.
  • Application of the first layer of polyurethane mastic, starting from the wall to a height of 15cm. Bonding geotextiles.
  • Drawing the second layer of mastic.
  • Processing with a polymer binder and coating with chips.
  • Finishing with structural light-resistant varnish.

Loggia waterproofing

The work on the insulation and moisture protection of the loggia takes place in parallel and consists of several stages: glazing the loggia, waterproofing the brick or concrete partitions, floor and roof.

The most rational insulation and waterproofing for lintels and walls is foil polystyrene foam. This material is glued with a special construction frost and moisture resistant mixture. For even greater protection against moisture, such a coating is treated with a waterproofing composition. The choice of material depends on the structure of the treated surface. On concrete substrates, penetrating compositions are used. For waterproofing brick, stone, polyurethane surfaces, coating compounds are used. For partitions, coating or elastic mixtures are suitable.

Operating procedure:

  • The surface of the partition is moistened.
  • The first layer of the coating composition is applied evenly with a brush of 1 mm.
  • After six hours, a second layer of waterproofing is applied perpendicular to the first.
  • For tile joints, a reinforced mesh is used.

The result is an elastic coating that completely eliminates the penetration of moisture.

Balcony waterproofing

  • Defective areas that allow water to pass through are detected.
  • A weak cracked concrete layer is removed. The base must be clean and durable.
  • Cracks and interpanel seams are sealed with a special polyurethane sealant. For large cracks, foam without toluene or polyethylene sealant is used.
  • Brush the ceiling to remove dust, dirt, old paint and grease stains.
  • Then apply penetrating waterproofing mixture to protect concrete coatings from water, frost and cracks. It is of various types and contains special additives, sand and cement. The mixture is able to penetrate deep into concrete by 9 cm and form internal solid crystals with moisture-proof properties.
  • The ceiling is moistened and covered with a penetrating mixture with a brush. After the solution has set, the process is repeated again.
  • The penetrating waterproofing agent irritates the skin and mucous membranes, so gloves and safety glasses should be worn. Within 3 days, the surface is moistened from the spray gun and covered with a plastic film to prevent drying out.
  • For more reliable waterproofing and thermal insulation, foam polystyrene plates are installed using building glue and fixing accessories. Tile joints are filled with polyurethane foam without toluene and glued with tape.

Waterproofing the loggia floor

Waterproofing the floor of the loggia is especially necessary for apartments on the ground floor. Such waterproofing serves as a barrier against moisture penetrating from the basement or soil.

  • Sealing up the seams.
  • The coating is cleaned and wetted with water.
  • Primary penetration treatment.
  • After drying, re-moisturize and treat with a penetrating mixture.
  • Laying a foil overlap vapor barrier.
  • Upset a wooden beam.
  • Attaching OSB-plates with screws to the beam.
  • Installation of flooring.

After the completion of the major waterproofing, they begin finishing work.

How to make waterproofing the floor on the loggia

Bituminous materials: Elastopaz, Rapidfleks, Elastomiks are designed exclusively for waterproofing and do not withstand intense mechanical stress and are not particularly aesthetic, as they resemble black rubber. Therefore, a concrete screed or other supporting material (plywood, chipboard, etc.) is placed on top of the waterproofing. When installing the floor, the waterproofing is covered with geotextiles to protect against mechanical damage.

In order to make the waterproofing of the floor look beautiful and you can walk on it, InoPaz mastic from Technoprok LLC is used.

The polyurethane composition for waterproofing the floor of InoPaz is a two-component mastic with a water-based activator. The liquid activator is poured into a container with mastic and mixed. It is recommended to use the mixture for two hours. Mastic is poured onto the floor and leveled. Consumption - 3kg / per sq.m. The result is a white polyurethane screed, seamless, waterproof, abrasion resistant and pleasant to the touch.

Penetron Penetrating Materials effectively protect concrete structures from moisture. Moreover, the more moisture gets on the floor treated with Penetron, the stronger the protection.

Waterproofing the floor in the kitchen

The kitchen belongs to areas with high humidity, as there is running water, a dishwasher and a washing machine.

Waterproofing the kitchen floor can be done in several ways:

  • Bituminous waterproofing rolls based on bitumen: Uniflex, ruberoid, Tekhnoelast. A concrete screed is laid on top.
  • Paint waterproofing using mastics on a bituminous basis: Hydrolux, Elastomiks, Elastopaz. A cement screed is also laid on top of several insulating layers.
  • Plaster waterproofing based on cement-polymer mortars: Tokan, SK-106GB, Master Barrier, on top of which tiles are glued.
  • Polyurethane mastic waterproofing: Hyperdesmo, REAMAST-LS, easy to apply, dries quickly, provides reliable waterproofing.

Waterproofing the floor in the kitchen in a panel house

According to construction technology, floor slabs in prefabricated houses are smooth only from the ceiling, the floor surface is uneven, bumpy. To level the floor, make a screed. Before laying the screed, the concrete base is thoroughly dust-free, moistened or primed. Before laying the screed in the kitchen, be sure to waterproof the floor to completely eliminate the cracks and prevent water leakage.

The waterproofing of the floor under the cement screed is carried out by coating or gluing. The basic rule for waterproofing the floor is to create a pocket: processing the base of the room with an overlap of 10 cm on the wall. If the waterproofing is adjacent to the nut, then it is led into the corridor for another 30 cm.

One of the options for waterproofing the floor in the kitchen is a roll film (hydroisol, polyisobutylene, PVC film). Rolls are stacked with an overlap of 20cm. All joints, seams and joints to the walls are processed with bituminous mastic. After filling the screed, all excess rolls are cut.

Another effective way of waterproofing the kitchen floor is through a mixture of penetrating action. According to the instructions on the packaging, the mixture is diluted with water and applied in a thin layer to the concrete base, with the second layer perpendicular to the first. It turns out a seamless waterproof coating. To activate the water-repellent properties, the insulating layer is moistened for two days. Then lay the screed.

Waterproofing for underfloor heating in the kitchen

Waterproofing for underfloor heating in the kitchen must meet high quality standards and safety standards.

  • Absolute water and vapor impermeability.
  • Hydrophobicity.
  • High adhesive properties.
  • Heat resistance.
  • Inertness to the action of chemicals.

Waterproofing the floor in the kitchen in a private house

Waterproofing the floor in the kitchen in a private house has its own characteristics. Capillary moisture from groundwater penetrates concrete, wood or porcelain stoneware, has a destructive effect on the structure of building materials. In such cases, 2 types of waterproofing are used immediately: filling and gluing. Under the floor, a sand and gravel pillow is created up to half a meter thick, which is closed with a roll of waterproofing with an overlap of 10 cm on the wall. The next layer is a concrete screed, and the final one is a floor covering. Waterproofing the floor in a private house is recommended to be done in all rooms, regardless of their purpose, in order to avoid high humidity, damage to floor coverings.

A reliable barrier to the drop that sharpens the stone

Waterproofing is a type of construction and repair work that requires a serious attitude and careful implementation. High-quality materials, a competent choice of waterproofing method and work done in good faith are a guarantee of reliable protection of the house from moisture for many years.


Regardless of what material the balcony is made of (reinforced concrete, wood or others), it is exposed to moisture, which penetrates the structure of the material and then expands when freezing or heating, destroys it. Waterproofing of a balcony is necessary for each owner, in a private or apartment building. This measure helps to avoid premature destruction of the structure, and, therefore, to postpone the timing of major repairs.

Moreover, the fact that the balcony is closed does not matter. The only difference is that the waterproofing of the open balcony should be more thorough due to the high level of load.

It is quite possible to make waterproofing of the surfaces of the balcony (loggia, terraces, etc.) with your own hands. The main thing is to follow the technology and use the materials as required.

Types of waterproofing

A different device and the degree of load of the balcony (loggia, bay window, terraces, etc.) causes the separation of waterproofing into types. The classification includes the following types:

  1. Cast type insulation.
  2. Okayechny type.
  3. Painting type.
  4. Impregnating type.

The cast type of waterproofing, as a rule, is used only for processing the floor of the balcony (loggias, terraces). This is due to the complexity of applying the composition to vertical surfaces. In addition to this drawback, a low level of strength can also be distinguished, which suggests that this type of insulation can be used for rooms with a low level of load (closed balcony with hard flooring).

Advice! You can use a combined type of waterproofing: cast material for the floor and any other type - for walls and ceilings.

The waterproofing is characterized by the use of roll material to protect all surfaces of the balcony from the negative effects of moisture. It is one of the most common and sought after types. However, it requires accuracy during installation and absolutely flat surface. Otherwise, the material may be damaged, which will damage the waterproofing of the entire balcony (loggia, terraces).

Painting type of insulation from moisture is one of the most budgetary. However, it has its own characteristics. So, its use on a balcony in a wooden house requires regular repeated application. And under the influence of low temperatures, the material can become cracked, which will violate the waterproofing layer.

Impregnating type of waterproofing is characterized by high penetration. This allows insulation of the surface of the balcony (loggias, terraces) not only from the outside, but also at the level of the structure. Suitable for all surfaces, the only feature is the requirement: work on the balcony in a wooden house, to carry out in dry and warm weather, so that the impregnation is completely dry.

Materials for balcony waterproofing

For each type of insulation of the surfaces of the balcony (loggia, bay window, terraces) from moisture, there is an optimal material that is widely used in practice. Having chosen one of them, you can proceed to directly provide your own hands with protection against dampness.

So, for the cast type of waterproofing, a heated polymer is used. Choosing it, it is worth remembering that it will not work to apply this type of insulation to the walls.

Normally, waterproofing is carried out using polyethylene, which provides both reliable protection against moisture and a long surface life. For paint protection against moisture, waterproof paintwork materials are used for internal or external works, depending on whether the loggia is waterproofed from the inside or outside. The same applies to the impregnation type of insulating materials.

As for the requirements for waterproofing materials, in this case, in addition to withstanding moisture penetration, an important role is played by the durability of the service and resistance to other external factors. The optimal waterproofing layer should be resistant to changes in air temperature, resistant to the effects of ultraviolet rays and mechanical factors.

Independent waterproofing of the balcony

Do-it-yourself waterproofing the balcony is a voluminous and painstaking process, which, however, does not require special skills in the construction business. When it comes to providing moisture protection to all surfaces of the balcony (loggia, terraces), the procedure will include the following steps:

  • Waterproofing the floor.
  • Waterproofing the ceiling and walls.
  • Waterproofing of a peak of a balcony and a roof.

All of these processes are preceded by preparatory work. Before proceeding with the immediate waterproofing of the room, it must be completely freed from furniture. Then, the skin is removed from the walls, ceiling and floor, and all surfaces are leveled. If any defects are found, they must be eliminated with cement mortar (for floors and significant damage to walls) and putty (for walls and ceilings). The last step in the preparatory phase is to treat all surfaces with a primer to provide better adhesion to the waterproofing material.

Important! Primed surfaces are treated for all types of waterproofing, except for adhesive. In this case, adhesion does not play any role.

Waterproofing of the balcony floor (loggias, terraces)

After carrying out all the preparatory manipulations, you can proceed to ensure the waterproofing of the floor. Depending on the selected material, the type and sequence of work will vary slightly. The general requirement remains for the absolute elimination of cracks and the masking of all seams between the plates and at the joints.

Then, waterproofing is applied to the balcony cleaned of dust and debris. When using rolled polyethylene, the material is overlapped on the walls (15 cm), then pressed by a wooden frame, into which, if desired, the insulation is laid. All joints between pieces of material are treated with glue-sealant. A floor covering (laminate, tile, etc.) is placed on top of the formed waterproofing layer.

When forming insulation from moisture from other types of materials, a hot polymer, a selected coating material or impregnation are uniformly applied to the cleaned concrete layer. As for deep impregnation or painting waterproofing, it may be necessary to make several applications, especially when it comes to a balcony in a wooden house.

Waterproofing the ceiling and walls

For ceilings and walls, it is best to use an impregnation type of insulation. This is due to the fact that this material has all the advantages for this type of work. Namely:

  • Provides reliable moisture protection at a structural level.
  • Resistant to temperature changes.
  • Immune to UV rays.
  • It is not damaged by mechanical stress.
  • Easy to apply.

Impregnation is applied to the cleaned and primed surface of the walls and ceiling. After its complete drying, finishing work is carried out.

Wall waterproofing is carried out by applying special impregnating compounds

When using waterproofing, paintwork materials, as well as impregnation, are applied to the prepared surface in one or two layers. Finishing work may not be carried out if colored paint is chosen as protection against moisture.

If the choice fell on rolled polyethylene, its segments are attached along the perimeter of the ceiling and walls with wooden planks, and the joints and fasteners are treated with sealant. The final stage is also all the finishing work.

Waterproofing of a peak and roof

If the apartment, on the balcony of which waterproofing is carried out, is located on the top floor of a multi-storey building, or we are talking about the terrace of a private house, you need to take extra care to protect the visor or roof from moisture. To do this, all joints and connections of the visor or roof are treated with sealant. Then, a hot roofing material or roofing mastic is applied from above, so that, under the influence of atmospheric precipitation, the roof does not allow to leak.

Having spent time on providing high-quality waterproofing of the balcony, the owner of the house provides not only a guaranteed dry room in all weather conditions, but also the safety of the condition of the finish. Proper protection against moisture will postpone the date of the next cosmetic and major repairs for a long time.