TTK on the device of coating waterproofing. TTK

Typical Technology Card (TTK)

Execution of waterproofing work using materials of the Penetron system

1. Scope of materials of the "Penetron" system

Materials are used for the device and restoration of waterproofing of existing and in the stage of monolithic and precast concrete and reinforced concrete structures of all categories of the crack resistance of the brand not lower than M100.

Some examples of structures where the materials of the Penetron system are used:

Hydraulic structures:

Reservoirs (open, stamped, etc.)

Pools (open and closed type)

Lift shafts

Vegetable pits, etc.

Construction of industrial and agro-industrial purposes:

Industrial premises

Gradirene pools



Concrete facilities subject to aggressive impact, etc.

Objects GO and emergency:

Fire tanks, etc.

Objects of the energy complex:

Pools exposure Syat

Pumping stations

Storage SNI

Outacades of fuel supplies

Cable tunnels

Concrete facilities subject to radiation impact, etc.

Transport infrastructure facilities:

Tunnels (automobile, rail, pedestrian, etc.)


Elements of bridges and roads, etc.


Penetron Material System

Typical nodes

1. Existing monolithic design.

2. Waterproofing of communications of communications, overlaps from hollow plates.

3. The device of horizontal waterproofing.

4. Waterproofing structures from concrete blocks.

5. Waterproofing on a brick wall (from within).

6. Monolithic concrete design with the addition of Pentron Admix.

7. Waterproofing on a brick wall (outside).

8. Clearing a capillary suction with impaired waterproofing.

2. Organization and technology for performing work

2.1. Preparation of concrete surface before applying materials of the Penetron system

Clean the surface of the concrete from dust, dirt, petroleum products, cement milk, heap, torcament, plaster layer, tiles, paints and other materials that prevent the penetration of active chemical components of the Penetron system materials. Cleaning concrete surfaces to produce with the help of a high-pressure water system or another acceptable mechanical manner (for example, a brush with a metal pile). Smooth and grinded surfaces to treat with a weak solution of acid and rinse with water for an hour. Excess water formed on a horizontal surface after working with a high-pressure water jet set, remove with a special vacuum cleaner.

Over the entire length of cracks, seams, joints, conjugations, adjoints and around the commissioning of communications, perform stages "P"-shaped configuration. Pleasses clean with a metal pile. Remove the loose layer of concrete (if there is any).

The cavities of the pressure leaks are separated by a jackhammer on a width of at least 25 mm and a depth of at least 50 mm with an extension inward (if possible in the form of a "swallow tail"). Clean the inner cavity of the leaks from loose, sucking concrete.

Attention! Before applying materials of the Penetron system, it is necessary to carefully moisten the concrete to the total saturation of the concrete structure with water.

2.2. "Penetron": preparation of composition

Mix the dry mixture with water in the following proportion: 400 grams of water per 1 kg of material "Penetron", or 1 part of water into 2 parts of the material "Penetron" by volume. Pour water into a dry mix (not vice versa). Mix for 1-2 minutes manually or using a low-speed drill. The type of prepared mixture is a liquid creamy solution. Prepare such a number of solution that can be used for 30 minutes. During use, the solution is regularly stirred to preserve the initial consistency. Repeated addition of water into the solution is not allowed.

Technology for performing waterproofing work using the materials of the Penetron system

Before applying materials of the Penetron system, it is necessary to prepare a concrete surface according to claim 2.1.

2.3. Waterproofing concrete elements of structures

Attention! Before applying materials of the Penetron system, it is necessary to carefully moisten the concrete.

Vertical and horizontal (including ceiling) concrete surfaces in order to eliminate and prevent the capillary filtering of water, it is necessary to process the "Penetron" material solution.

After surface preparation (§ 2.1), apply a solution of material "Penetron" (2.2) into two layers of a brush from synthetic fiber or using a mortar pump with a spray nozzle. The first layer of material "Penetron" apply to the wet concrete. The second layer is applied to the fresh, but already grabbed the first layer. Before applying the second layer, the surface is moisturized.

Attention! Application of the solution of the material "Penetron" should be uniformly throughout the surface, without skipping.

Internal waterproofing on a brick wall

Cleaning from hollow plates

External waterproofing on a brick wall

Monolithic design


Monolithic design

(under construction)

Construction under construction ":

When concreting, apply concrete of design strength with the addition of "Penetron Admix" 1% of the mass of cement.

Construction of concrete blocks

Waterproofing underground part of the structure

Building construction

Waterproofing of technological holes after removal of formwork

Existing design

3. Requirements for the quality of work

Methods and means of quality control of work performed

Works on the device or restoration of waterproofing concrete and reinforced concrete structures using the penetrating effects of the Penetron system should be carried out in strict accordance with the "technological regulations for the design and performance of work on waterproofing and anti-corrosion protection of monolithic and precast concrete and reinforced concrete structures".

The main method of controlling the quality of work performed on the device or restoration of the waterproofing of concrete and reinforced concrete structures is to measure the increase in waterproof the accelerated method of non-destructive testing by the device of type "AGAMA" according to GOST 12730.5-84 "concretes. Methods for determining waterproof". Measurements must be carried out before the start of waterproofing work and after their end (but not earlier than in 28 days after the use of Penetron materials).

The additional method of controlling the quality of the work performed can be the determination of increased compression strength of the accelerated method of non-destructive testing by the device of the impact pulse "Omm-1" according to GOST 22690-88 "concretes. Determination of the strength of mechanical methods of non-destructive testing".

4. Material and Technical Resources

1. Equipment: "width \u003d" 15 "height \u003d" 15 src \u003d "\u003e a high-pressure water jet unit (voltage - 380 V; power - 8400 W; pressure - 20-230 bar); "width \u003d" 15 "height \u003d" 15 src \u003d "\u003e perforator (voltage - 220 V; power - 1000 W; frequency - 900-2000 ud. / min); "width \u003d" 15 "height \u003d" 15 src \u003d "\u003e Stretching (voltage - 220 V; Power - 2200 W; frequency - 6000-10000 rpm); "width \u003d" 15 "height \u003d" 15 src \u003d "\u003e industrial vacuum cleaner (voltage - 220 V; power - 1100 W); "width \u003d" 15 "height \u003d" 15 src \u003d "\u003e Drainage pump (voltage - 380 V; Power - 6000-8000 W);

Concrete mixer "HREF \u003d" / Text / Category / Betonomeshalka / "REL \u003d" BOOKMARK "\u003e Concrete mixer (voltage - 220 V (380 V); power - 1100 W - 2200 W); "width \u003d" 15 "height \u003d" 15 src \u003d "\u003e compressor (voltage - 380 V; Power - 2200 W; Productivity 250 l / min ).

2. Tools:

mcList "; "width \u003d" 15 "height \u003d" 15 src \u003d "\u003e metal spatula; "width \u003d" 15 height \u003d 15 "height \u003d" 15 "\u003e hammer; "width \u003d" 15 "height \u003d" 15 src \u003d "\u003e diamond disc on reinforced concrete; "width \u003d" 15 "height \u003d" 15 src \u003d "\u003e rubber-resistant gloves; "width \u003d" 15 height \u003d 15 "height \u003d" 15 "\u003e respirator; "width \u003d" 15 "height \u003d" 15 src \u003d "\u003e tight-tissue overalls;

Labor safety in construction ", Part 2.

When cleaning surfaces with acid, it is necessary to work in safety glasses, rubber gloves and tight-tissue overalls.

Mixing and applying solutions to produce solutions in rubber gloves and protective glasses, avoid entering the eyes and on the skin, when hitting - rinse with water.

When performing waterproofing work, it is necessary to provide measures to prevent the impact on employees of the following dangerous and harmful production factors associated with the nature of the work:

Increased dust and gas supply of the working area;

Increased or reduced temperature of the surfaces of equipment, materials and air of the working area;

Location of the workplace near the difference in height of 1.3 m or more;

Sharp edges, sowers and roughness on the surfaces of equipment, materials.

In the presence of dangerous and harmful production factors mentioned above, the safety of waterproofing work should be provided on the basis of the following decisions of labor in the organizational and technological documentation:

Organization of jobs with methods and means to ensure ventilation, fire extinguishing, protection against thermal and chemical burns, lighting, work performed at height;

Special security measures when performing work in closed rooms, devices and containers.

Workplaces to perform waterproofing work at height should be equipped with means of wreking with fencing and ladders-stewners for lifting on them, relevant requirements for SNiP 12-03-2001 "Labor safety", part 1.

6. Technical and economic indicators

The consumption of the material "Penetron" in terms of dry mixture when applied to two layers is from 0.8 kg / m to 1.1 kg / mpenetron "from 0.8 kg / mhttps: // 218 / Images / image014_35.gif "width \u003d" 13 "height \u003d" 28 "\u003e possible on uneven surfaces with significant cavities or potholes.


SNiP 3.03.01-87. Carriers and enclosing structures.

SNiP 3.04.01-87. Insulating work and finishing coatings.

SNiP 12-03-2001. Labor safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements.

SNiP 12-04-2002. Labor safety in construction. Part 2. Building production.

SNIP 12-01-2004. Organization of construction.

SNiP 23-02-2003. Thermal protection of buildings.

Specifications "Mixture dry waterproofing dispersed systems" Penetron "TU 5745-001-77921756-2006.

Specifications "Laying waterproofing" Penash "TU 5772-001-77919831-2006".

SNiP 2.03.01-84. Concrete and reinforced concrete structures.

SNiP 2.03.11-85. Protection of building structures from corrosion. Niizb.

SNIP 2.06.01-86. Hydraulic structures. Basic design provisions.

GOST 310.3-76. Cements. Methods for determining the normal luggage, lines of setting and uniformity of changes in volume.

GOST 7473-94. Mixtures concrete.

GOST 8735-88. Sand for construction work. Test methods.

GOST 10060.0-95. Concretes. Methods for determining frost resistance. General requirements.

GOST 10180-90. Concretes. Methods for determining the strength of control samples.

GOST 12730.0-78. Concretes. General requirements for density, humidity, water absorption, porosity and waterproof.

GOST 12730.3-78. Concretes. Method for determining water absorption.

GOST 12730.5-84. Concretes. Methods for determining waterproof.

GOST 28570-90. Concretes. Methods for determining the strength of samples selected from the structures.

GOST 28574-90 (ST SEV 6319-88). Corrosion protection in construction. Concrete and reinforced concrete designs. Test methods for protective coatings.

GOST 22690-88. Concretes. Determining the strength of non-destructive testing mechanical methods.

GOST 31189-2003. Mixtures dry construction. Classification.

Technical information SCS "Stroithechnologist".

Documents DB "TEKHEXPERT".

Electronic text of the document prepared Code "Code"
and drilled on the author's material.

Device of a soft roof from rolled waterproofing waterproofing
(Glassizol, technoelast, bikrost)

1 area of \u200b\u200buse

The technological card was developed on the device of a soft roof from the welded rolled materials of glassizol, technolast, bikrost and their analogues.

The rolled material consists of a cardboard, fiberglass or polyester-coated, coated with an outer side of a bitumen-polymer binder, and from the inside - a flooded layer of bitumen mastic, which allows it to be used for the device of one-, two- and three-layer roofs without gluing mastics. The bases for the flooded roof can be the surfaces of reinforced concrete slabs or thermal insulation, as well as prefabricated or monolithic ties. For the device of the lower and upper layers, rolled materials of different modifications are provided. Type of rolled material must match the project.

The work of the working card under consideration includes:

  • surface preparation;
  • vaporizolation device;
  • thermal insulating layer device;
  • tie device;
  • the device of the flooring of the roof from the weaving rolled material;
  • the device of waterfronts and adjoins.

The device of the soft roof from the filtered rolled materials is carried out in accordance with the requirements of federal and departmental regulatory documents, including:

  • Sanpin Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Hygienic requirements

    to the organization of construction production and construction work.

The supply of materials on the roof is performed using a pioneer cantilet-beam crane or cortex.

Works are performed in one shift in summer conditions in the bright time of the day.

2. Organization and technology for performing work

Prior to the start of the robot on the device base and roofing, the following organizational and preparatory activities and work should be performed from the applied rolled waterproofing material:

  • made and accepted work on the device carrying structures, parapet

    roofs, deputy seams between precast concrete


  • details of deformation seams are performed;
  • mounted mortgages;
  • made holes for passing communications;
  • playing areas of stone structures on the height of sticking

    roofing carpet;

  • decorated the outfit and admission to the work of increased danger;
  • prepared tools, devices, inventory;
  • materials and products are delivered to the workplace;
  • familiarize performers with technology and organization of work.

The front of work in the plan is divided into captures, and the captures of the plots. The production of work on the defense is performed within one day.

The base of the base and coating of the roof from the weaving rolled material is performed in the following order:

  • installation of drainage funnels;
  • leveling screed;
  • vaporizolation device;
  • laying of the heat insulating layer;
  • layerly perform a roofing device with assistance to the applied

    waterproofing roofing material.

The cement-sand tie device is performed with a thickness of at least 30 mm in the following order: they set the guides from pipes in increments of 1.5 ... 2.0 m; Put the mortar mixture with strips with alignment and burning the rule on the guides for 2 stages: at the beginning, odd stripes, and after solidifying the solution, which are valid.

The mortar mixture is supplied using mortar pumps by pipes or with the help of carts on the pneumocole projection.

In the tie arrange deformation seams with a pitch of 4 meters. In places of adjoining a rolled carpet to walls, parapets, mines and risers, suite films with a radius of at least 100 mm.

After a set of strength, the cement-sand tie is coiled with a cold bituminous primer-primer. The primer is applied with brushes, roller A with a roof area of \u200b\u200bmore than 200 m.KV. - With the help of a kraskopulture.

When the aligning screed device from the asphalt concrete is placed by strips with a width of up to 2 m and weighing a roller with a mass of at least 50 kg.

To the beginning of the roof covering device, it is necessary to control the quality of the base and compliance with the slopes, check the completeness of other construction and installation works on the coating, check the presence and completeness of the materials for the roofing device, to prepare machines and equipment for carrying out transport and roofing work, prepare a construction site and workers Places on labor protection and fire safety, check availability and availability of tools and devices.

In the device of vaporizolation, the following processes and operations are possible: cutting the mounting loops; removal of construction garbage; Alignment of defective areas on supporting structures; Dusting surface; drying wet areas; Feeding vapor insulation materials in place of work.

The mounting hinges protruding from the plane plane are cut by an electric grinder or gas cutter.

Dusting surfaces are performed by brushes, brooms, an industrial vacuum cleaner or a jet of compressed air.

Aligning the surface of the plates, as well as the sealing of the joints, chips, chosel, and the shells of more than 5 mm are performed by cement-sandy brand 50 solution.

The drying of the wet bases of the base occurs in a natural way (solar radiation).

The surface of the surface is performed using a primer.

Vaporizolation laid dry (the moisture content of cement-sand tie should not exceed 4% by weight, and the screeds of asphalt concrete - 2.5%.). The jokes are sickling to seal joints. Coltonian layouts are made from low sections and drainage funnels.

The device of bulk thermal insulation from clay is performed in the following order: put the tops of the thermal insulation to parapets and the lighthouse columns; Install the bearer rails with a step of 3 ... 4 m and impose their position; prepared and served materials; Distribute bulk material in stripes with seal.

1 - parapet; 2 - Rake; 3 - Ceramzit; 4 - Little Rake; 5 - solution or column.

The device of a soft floor rolled waterproofing roof on a professional flooring

The laying of the professional flooring is made in such a way that both transverse and longitudinal biases towards the drainage funnel are simultaneously created.

Prior to the start of laying a vapor insulating layer, it is necessary:

  • finish all types of construction work on cover;
  • install the shaped elements made of steel in the progress of professional flooring

    to parapets and walls of lanterns;

  • install metal compensators in device places

    deformation seams.

On all vertical surfaces, the vapor insulation material must be pasted, the crying of it above the thermal insulating layer by 30-50 mm.

When laying a vapor barrier material on the professionalket, the material is rolled along the edges of the proflist. The side alternates of the vapor barrier material must be 80-100 mm and always be located on the edges of the proflist.

Laying thermal insulation on the corrugated floor under roofing waterproofing roller
claimed material

Stacking thermal insulation plates by profiled sheet produced, placing the long side of the insulation plates perpendicular to the direction of the ribs of the profile.

When the heat insulation device of two or more layers of the slab insulation, the seams between the plates are "rotary", providing tight fitting of the plates to each other. The seams between the insulation plates of more than 5 mm should be filled with thermal insulating material.

Filling the emptiness of the ribs made up with bulk insulation on the roof is not allowed.

The insulation laying is easiest to start with the corner of the roof. When laying, thermal insulation plates are additionally cut so that the joints of the plates of the 1st and 2nd layers coincided. This incision of the insulation is suitable for insulation of 500x1000 mm or 600x1200 mm.

The roofers on the finished layer of vaporizolation lay at the beginning of the lower layer of mineral wool slabs of increased rigidity, and then the upper layer of solid mineral wool slabs. Next, the plastic anchors plastic buttons are installed using an electric screwdriver. The roofer puts on a working tip button, a slight blow drives it into a layer of thermal insulation and at the same time includes a screwdriver that worst screws.

When fastening mineral wool plates, the technoruf to the strabes or part of the plate should be attached to the base at least one fastener. To fix a mineral wool insulation to the base through the first layer of roofing carpet, a plastic glass was used with a diameter of 50 mm with spikes (Fig. 2), for fastening only the insulation, a glass of 75 mm with a diameter of 75 mm is used to the profrete (Fig. 2).

The insulation plates can be glued together with mastic roofing hot technoNonikol №41. Bonding should be uniform and amount to at least 30% of the area of \u200b\u200bthe glued surfaces.

During installation, the mineralized insulation technorulum must be removed or replaced by dry.

The roofing-insulator with a cart brings to the workplace and then manually folds the plates along the area, ranging from the top point. First, on a plot 10 - 20 m², plates are placed in the bottom layer, and then to the top.

The creation of longitudinal slopes to the drainage funnels in the slips are carried out using a cyclunuer B C60 (with a two-layer thermal insulation system, the laying is carried out on the first (upper) layer of material), a technoruof B60 quilt (designed to ensure a smooth transition of waterproofing material from the horizontal roof plane to the vertical parapet plane) , Tekhnoruf H30 wedge (to create an rally on the roof of 1.7% and 4.2%,)

If the project provides for the creation of slopes to the water-driven funnels, then the layer of the heat insulating layer of mineral wool plates is satisfied before laying the plates, the device of the heat-insulating layer made of mineral wool slabs is performed after aligning the clay. Plate laying is performed close to each other in the bottom upward direction. The insulation layer is placed in such a way as to ensure reliable drainage and exclude stagnation of water. Hydrophobized fuel-concrete slabs are laid on the vapories of dry.

The panel roofing panels of the waterproofing material are filmed by liquefying the cover layer on the screed, concrete surface, insulation or other underlying layer.

When the rolled roof device, the processes and operations are performed in the following sequence:

  • preparation of roofing materials, mastics, compositions and details;
  • the device of cornisic sills;
  • supply of roofing waterproofing materials, mastic;
  • obuntovka base;
  • sticking additional layers of rolled roofing

    waterproofing material in the installation places of drainage funnels,


  • sticking the rolled waterproofing material in places of adjustment

    waterproofing roofing layer to walls, mines, parapets, pipes;

    quality control of the processes performed.

The device of the rolled roof on the captures are performed from reduced sections to elevated. The rolling and sticking the panels of roofing waterproofing materials are performed in the direction opposite to the flow of water.

Sticking the cloves of the roofing waterproofing floor-insulating material is made as follows.

After preparing the base and markup of the position of the first panel, the roll of the laying line rolls over, then turns it from one end to 1.5 ... 2 m, the gas burner is ignited and the flame is lit into the mastic layer of rolling roofing waterproofing material. The roofer holds a glass of burner at a distance of 100 ... 200 mm from the roll and places the maternity layer of the torch pendulum movements along the roll. After the roller formation of the glass on the bottom side of the roll of the layer of mastic roofer rolls the roll, smoothes and presses the cloth to the base. The work is cyclically: the mollow melting on the panel of the panel, rolling. The speed of sticking the roll is determined visually as the roller formation is formulated when the catchment is added.

Scheme laying rolled roofing waterproofing material

1,2 - position of the first panel;

2 - axis of the suspension; 3-gas burner; 4 - rolled part of the panel; 6 - cloth; 7 - Rolls Stack; 9 - cylinder.

The order of the device of a rolled carpet from the applied materials is next. Place the position of the first strip of material

The device of the rolled roofing waterproofing carpet in places of installation of waterfronts is performed in the following order. Before sticking the layers of the main roofing coating, check the marks of the screed or laid rigid insulation. Under the collar of the water bridge, two layers of the underlying rolled waterproofing material of the material are additionally glued.

Quality and Acceptance Requirements

When the roof device, production control of the rolled material is carried out, which includes: Input control of materials and products; Operational control of the performance of roofing works, as well as acceptance control of work performed. At all stages of work, inspection control is made by the representatives of the technical supervision of the customer.

The manufacturer must accompany each batch of products by a document on the quality document, in which: - the name and address of the manufacturer; the number and date of issuing a document; Party number; Name and brand of structures; Date of manufacture of structures; Designation of technical conditions.

The document, the quality of products supplied by the consumer, should be signed by an employee responsible for the technical control of the manufacturer.

Input quality control of materials is to verify the external inspection of their compliance with the guests, the requirements of the project, passports, certificates confirming the quality of their manufacturing, completeness and compliance with their working drawings. Input control performs linear staff when the materials and products are admitted to the construction site. Form and main sizes of products must comply with the project specified in the project.

All products are exposed to external inspection to detect explicit deviations of geometric sizes from the project. Sizes and geometric shape are checked by selectively single-stage control.

The roofing device from the weed rolled materials is allowed only after accepting the base elements. The quality control circuit is shown in the table.

Scheme of operational control quality roofing
Waterproofing works (example)

Controlled operations Requirements, tolerances Methods and controls Who and when controlled Documentation
Tie device
Visually Programmer Document on quality, project
The thickness of the layered layer Not less than 30 mm Measuring Master General Journal of Work
Compliance with the specified planes, marks and slopes Measuring Master General Journal of Work
Thigh, cracks Not allowed Visually Master
Tie strength By project Measuring Construction laboratory
Readiness for the roofing device By project Measuring Programmer Act of inspection of hidden work
Device of vaporizolation
Properties of used materials Compliance with regulatory requirements and project Visually Programmer Document on quality, project
Readiness of the foundation Compliance project Visually Programmer Act of acceptance
Application or laying quality Compliance project Visually Programmer General Journal of Work

Device heat insulation
Properties of used materials Compliance with regulatory requirements and project Visually Programmer Document on quality, project
Deviation of the thickness of the heat insulating layer + 10% of the project thickness, but not more than 20 mm Measuring, 3 isms. for every 70-100 m² coatings Foreman General Journal of Work
Deviation of the plane of thermal insulation from a given slope horizontally + 5mm vertically +10 mm rejected. from a given slope not more than 0.2% Measurement for every 50-100m² Master in the process of work General Journal of Work
The magnitude of the ledge between adjacent elements of the insulation No more than 5 mm Measurement for every 50-100m² Master in the process of work General Journal of Work
Roofing device from rolled material
Properties of used materials Compliance with regulatory requirements and project Visually Programmer Document on quality, project
Quality of the base of the base (application of primer) By project Visually Programmer Act of inspection of hidden work
Direction of roofing rolled waterproofing material Direction stickers From reduced to high sections Visually Master in the process of work
The size of the adhesive roofing cloth Not less than 70 mm in the lower layers, 100 mm - in the upper layer Measuring, 2 meter rail Master in the process of work General Journal of Work
Compliance with the specified thicknesses of planes, marks and slopes By project 5 Measured. At 70-100m² visa Master in the process of work General Journal of Work
Strength roller coal strength The breakdown takes place by material. Stuffed strength 0.5 MPa Measure at least 4 times in shift Master in the process of work General Journal of Work
The quality of gluing additional layers of material in places of adjustment to vertical designs By project Visually Master in the process of work General Journal of Work

Acceptance of work
Quality surface coating By project Visually General Journal of Work, Act of Acceptance of Works
Quality of adjoins and drainage By project Visually Foreman, after the end of work
The magnitudes of the overlap of cloth not less than 70 mm in the lower layers, 100 mm - in the upper layer Visually Foreman, after the end of work
Cross sticker panels Not allowed Visually Programmer
The presence of bubbles, fuses, air bags, breaks, punctures, spongy structure, drowshes and influx Not allowed Visually Programmer
Waterproof Water removal from the entire surface of the roof without leaks Visually Foreman, after the end of work

The device of each roof element should be performed after verifying the correctness of the corresponding underlying element with the compilation of an act of examining hidden work. Acts for repairs and the device of the rolled waterproofing floor-insulated roof are compiled for the following works: Preparation of the base, the cutting of surfaces, laying each layer of the roll material, the adjoining device.

The reception of the roof must be accompanied by a thorough inspection of its surface, especially at the funnels, drainage trays, in suspensory and in places of adjoins to the protruding structures over the roof.

Completed roofing should meet the following requirements: to have specified slopes; Do not have local feedback, where water can delay; The roofing carpet must be securely glued to the base, do not flavor, not have bubbles, depression.

The production defects found during the inspection of the roof must be corrected before the delivery of buildings or facilities into operation.

General requirements for safety with the overhaul of the soft roof or repair of the old rolled waterproof waterproofing material


General director, Ph.D.

___________ S.Yu. Edchichka

On the device painting
Waterproofing foundations
Cold bituminous

The map contains organizational and technological and technical solutions for the device for painting waterproofing foundations with cold bitumen and bitumen-polymer mastic, the use of which should contribute to the acceleration of work, reducing labor costs and improving the quality of waterproofing foundations.

The technology map shows: scope, organization and technological sequence of work, requirements for quality and acceptance of works, labor cost payments, work schedule, the need for material and technical resources, solutions for safety and labor protection and technical and economic indicators.

The source data and constructive solutions are applied to which a map has been developed, taken into account the requirements of current construction standards and rules, as well as conditions and features characteristic of construction in Moscow.

The technological card serves as a technological document in a monolithic housekeeping and is intended for engineering and technical workers of construction and design organizations, manufacturers of works, masters and brigadiers related to the production of waterproofing works of monolithic reinforced concrete structures, as well as customer's technical services.

Employees of OJSC PactrromStroy participated in the development of a technological map:

Savina O.A. - development of a technological card, computer processing and graphics;

Black V.V. - general technological support;

Kholopov V.N. - checking the technological card;

Bychkovsky B.I. - development of a technological map, technical guide, proofreading and normocontrol;

Kolobov A.V. - general technical guide to the development of technological maps;

K.T.N. Edichka S.Yu. - General management of the development of technological documentation.



General director, Ph.D.

___________ S.Yu. Edchichka

«_ 10 _» __ december__ 2003

On the device painting
Waterproofing foundations
Cold bituminous

57-03 TK

Chief Engineer

____________ A.V. Kolobov

Department head

____________ B.I. Bychkovsky


The map contains organizational and technological and technical solutions for the device for painting waterproofing foundations with cold bitumen and bitumen-polymer mastic, the use of which should contribute to the acceleration of work, reducing labor costs and improving the quality of waterproofing foundations.

The technology map shows: scope, organization and technological sequence of work, requirements for quality and acceptance of works, labor cost payments, work schedule, the need for material and technical resources, solutions for safety and labor protection and technical and economic indicators.

The source data and constructive solutions are applied to which a map has been developed, taken into account the requirements of current construction standards and rules, as well as conditions and features characteristic of construction in Moscow.

The technological card serves as a technological document in a monolithic housekeeping and is intended for engineering and technical workers of construction and design organizations, manufacturers of works, masters and brigadiers related to the production of waterproofing works of monolithic reinforced concrete structures, as well as customer's technical services.

Employees of OJSC PactrromStroy participated in the development of a technological map:

Savina O.A. - development of a technological card, computer processing and graphics;

Black V.V. - general technological support;

Kholopov V.N. - checking the technological card;

Bychkovsky B.I. - development of a technological map, technical guide, proofreading and normocontrol;

Kolobov A.V. - general technical guide to the development of technological maps;

K.T.N. Edichka S.Yu. - General management of the development of technological documentation.


1.1 The technological card is developed on the device for painting waterproofing 1000 m2 of the surface of the foundations with cold bitumen mastic in housing and civil and industrial construction.

1.2 The technological card is designed to produce work at positive temperatures. General guidelines for the production of work in winter are given in P.P. ,,.

1.3 When binding a technological card to a specific object and construction conditions, the volume of work, the calculation of labor costs, the mastic brand, methods of application and means of mechanization are specified.

1.4 The form of use of the card provides for its appeal in the field of information technologies with the inclusion in the database on the technology and the organization of the construction production of the automated workplace of the construction production technologist (ART TSP), contractor and customer.

2 Organization and technology for performing work

2.1 Materials for the waterproofing device are chosen according to the most important characteristics, taking into account the peculiarities of the production and installation work and waterproofing opportunities during operation.

The most frequently used are:

Petroleum construction bitumens;

Bitumes oil roofing;

Bitumes oil isolation.

Technical characteristics of oil bitumen are presented in the table.

Table 1 - Technical characteristics of oil bitumen

Softening temperature, ° С

Stretchability, cm, at temperatures, ° С

The depth of penetration of the needle, degree of penetration, at temperatures, ° С

Construction (for construction work in various sectors of the national economy)

Not normalized

Insulating (for insulation of pipelines from soil corrosion)

Roofing (for the production of roofing materials)

2.2 For the manufacture of cold bitumen mastics, organic solvents, fibrous and dusty fillers are used. Their composition is called in the project and is determined by the laboratory for each kneading.

2.3 Before the start of waterproofing work, the object must be prepared for waterproofing work:

Dried pitched (construction water production) in the presence of high level of groundwater;


Along the front of work prepared scaffolding or forests (if necessary);

Proposed entrances for vehicles and other techniques;

Made of electricity and temporary electricity;

Equipment was imported and tested with a mechanized method of applying painting layers.

2.4 Cold bitumen masses for painting waterproofing, as a rule, are prepared in factory conditions and only for small amounts of work is allowed to prepare mastic on the facility.

2.5 The device of painting waterproofing is proceed only after the surface preparation of the foundation, schematically presented in the figure, under waterproofing. Preparation of the surface under the painting waterproofing is as follows:

Sealing shells and cracks;

Cutting of protruding reinforcement rods and wire;

Slab of the influx of concrete and a solution;

Removing rust with its presence;

Rounding with a radius of 30 - 50 mm or a spoke on the champions of the corners;

Drying surfaces;

Immediately in front of the color - in cleaning surfaces from dirt and dust and wiping the purified surface of the wind.

Surface preparation requirements are set out in Table 2 SNiP 3.04.01-87.

Picture 1 - schematic plan of the foundation

2.6 The work of the work under consideration includes:

Surface preparation;

Application of the coolant;

Waterproofing of horizontal and vertical surfaces with a mechanized manual or manually with cold bitumen mastic;

Coating formation (drying, curing).

2.7 Before applying the painting composition, the insulated surfaces should be constructed by the discharged paint composition according to the table without skipping and breaking, and the angles and faces are placed by strips of fiberglass or waterproof with a width of at least 200 mm. The primer must have a strong clutch with the base, on the tampon applied to it should not be traces of the binder.

table 2 - compositions of cold bitumen primers,% mass

2.8 The moisture content of concrete in the device of waterproofing from the compositions containing organic solvents should not be more than 4%.

2.9 Application of painting layers is carried out only after complete drying of the primer layer, as a rule, by the mechanized method of assemblies with screw pumps, and with small amounts of work, as an exception, manually (painted brushes or brushes). The painting waterproofing is applied in the form of a fine waterproof cover on an insulated surface with a moisturized side in 2- 4 layers of a total thickness of 3 - 6 mm with overlapping adjacent bands.

2.10 Insulating bitumen composition should be applied with solid and uniform layers or one layer without skips and influx. Each subsequent layer must be arranged along the hardened surface of the previous layer.

1 - insulated design; 2 - waterproofing; 3 - Pouring mastic; 4 - pipe (anchor); 5 - Protective metal diaphragm

Figure 2. - Conjugation of mortgage parts with waterproofing

Table 3. - Physico-chemical indicators of bitumen Mastic BNK

Norm for brand

Test method

OKP 02 5622 0202

OKP 02 5622 0201

OKP 02 5623 0201

1. The penetration depth of the needle at 25 ° C, 0.1 mm

2. Temperature softening by ring and ball, ° С

3. Temperature of fragility, ° C, not higher

4. Solubility in toluene or chloroform,%, not less

5. Mass change after warming up,%, no more

6. The penetration depth of the needle at 25 ° C in the residue after heating,% of the initial value, not less

7. Flash temperature, ° C, not lower

8. Mass fraction of water, no more

9. Mass fraction of paraffin,%, no more

From 1.0 to 2.5

Note - for bitumen from a mixture of oils containing more than 50% of Western liberty, the index of the penetration should be from 0 to 2.5.

3.6.3 Each batch of bitumen mastic is equipped with instructions for use and document in which it should be specified:

The name of the manufacturer or its trademark;

Name of mastic, component index or composition (for multicomponent mastics);

Designation of a regulatory document on a specific type of mastic;

Part number and production date;

Tar mass mass;

Brief instructions for use.

3.6.4 Packaging should ensure the preservation of mastic during transportation and storage. Packaging features indicate a regulatory document on a specific type of mastic.

3.6.5 In the manufacture, storage, transportation and application of mastic, it is necessary to comply with the security requirements set by the sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities, which should be specified in the regulatory document on the specific type of mastic, and GOST 1510-84 *.

Delivery of mastic to the object should be carried out by specialized vehicles (autogudaronator) or in a special container with a lid.

3.6.6 In a regulatory document on a specific type of mastic should contain indicators of fire hazard coating of mastic: combustion and flammability groups - for waterproofing mastics.

3.6.7 With loading and unloading operations, security requirements should be followed by GOST 12.3.009-76 *.

3.6.8 Mastic on the facility should be protected from the action of sunlight, stored in a tightly closed container in warehouses or under a canopy in places removed from open fire and flammable objects.

3.7 The results of the input control should be listed in the "Log of input accounting and quality control of the obtained parts, materials, structures and equipment".

3.8 When operating control, check all operations on the device for painting waterproofing in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.04.01-87.

The strength of the adhesion of the applied compositions with the base should be at least 0.4 MPa.

3.9 When accepting control, check the quality of the foundation waterproofing device.

3.10 The composition of production control is given in the table. The results of production control of the quality of work should be entered into the work of the work.

Table 4. - composition of production control of the quality of work

Forever or master

Operations subject to control

Operations during input control

Operational operations

Operations at acceptance control

Preparation of an insulated surface

Preparation of paint material

Component composition

Clean and drying surface. Extinity of the horizontal surface. The presence of surface defects, protruding rods and wire. Ski and rounding corners

Quality of coolant, enhancement of waterproofing at the corners, drying of the engineered surfaces

Compliance with mastic passport data. The temperature of the molten bitumen and the correctness of the bitumen

Consistency of the composition and temperature of mastic

Correctness of applying primer and painting waterproofing

Uniform application of layer

Mastic temperature with waterproofing device

Compliance of the finished waterproofing coverage of the project requirements

Control method

Visually, 2 meter rail

Visually, moisture meter

Visually, thermometer






Monitoring time

Before sealing

After the end of the work

Who are attracted to control





Act for Hidden Works (+)

3.11 Quality requirements:

The painting material is applied evenly without skips across the insulated surface of at least two layers;

Painting waterproofing should be solid;

Overflow, detachment, the spongy structure of the waterproofing layer, drums, influx are not allowed.

3.12 When the device paint waterproofing is acts for hidden operations:

The state of the insulated surface;

Installation of mortgage parts, including seals;

Operations of surfaces and sticker of waterproofing bands;

Device painting waterproofing.

3.13 Requirements for finished insulating coatings are shown in Table 7 SNiP 3.04.01-87.

3.14 Acceptance of all works associated with the device for painting waterproofing foundations with cold bitumen mastic should be performed in accordance with the requirements of chapter 7 SNiP 3.01.01-85 * "Organization of construction production", SNiP 3.04.01-87 "Insulating and finishing coatings" and SNiP 3.04 .03-85 "Protection of building structures and corrosion structures".

4 Requirements for safety and labor protection, environmental and fire safety

4.1 When performing works on painting waterproofing foundations with cold bitumen mastic, the following dangerous and harmful production factors associated with the nature of the work may occur:

Increased dust and gas supply of the working area;

Elevated or reduced temperature of materials, surfaces and air of the working area;

Location of the workplace near the difference in height of 1.3 m or more;

Sharp edges, burrs and roughness on surfaces and materials;

Increased air pollution, skin, overalls with chemical compounds, aerosol, dust;

Increased gravity of labor;

Increased noise, vibration;

Increased or reduced temperature, humidity and air mobility;

Increased static electricity;

Fire and explosion hazard;

Unprotected (non-limited) moving elements of paint equipment;

Insufficient illumination in workplaces.

4.2 To prevent the impact on workers of hazardous and harmful production factors, the safety of insulation work should be ensured by compliance with the following activities:

Organization of jobs with methods and means to ensure ventilation, fire extinguishing, protection against thermal burns, lighting, work performed at height;

Special security measures when performing waterproofing works in closed basements;

Security measures when preparing, transporting and applying mastic on the surface.

4.3 All newly arriving workers must undergo both introductory instructions and primary instructions in the workplace on safety and labor protection for working with mechanisms, tools and materials. Instructions In the workplace holds a manner of work or a master with the entry of the instructions in the "Instructions log" log. The past introductory instructions are recorded in the "Journal of Labor Registry Registration Journal".

4.4 Persons admitted to work on waterproofing foundations should have professional training (including labor safety), relevant to the nature of the work, a qualifying group for electrical safety, not lower than II for persons allowed to manage equipment with electric drive, and persons allowed to manage manual electric machines.

4.5 Working with oil bitumens should be provided with personal protective equipment according to the type of industry standards for issuing overalls, specialists and other personal protective equipment: filtering gas masks according to GOST 12.4.034-2001, costumes according to GOST 12.4.111-82 * and GOST 12.4.112- 82 *, shoes in GOST 12.4.032-77 *, mittens according to GOST 12.4.010-75 * and protective glasses. Special requirements for personal hygiene is not presented.

4.6 Workers and engineering and technical workers are obliged to undergo training, check knowledge of the rules of safe work of work, ensuring fire safety, using primary means of fire extinguishing, to provide prefigure assistance to victims, etc.

4.7 In the production of insulation work using bitumen, employees should use special suits with pants released over boots, and mittens.

4.8 In order to prevent and timely identify professional diseases or poisoning, all applicants and permanent working workers must undergo preliminary and periodic medical examinations and receive a certificate of suitability for waterproofing work.

4.9 Waterproofers must:

Be trained safe and progressive techniques to perform the relevant operations of the technological cycle;

Have an outfit to admission to the production of these works, and before they began to be instructed on the safety of labor in the workplace;

Allowed to work with sealants and mastic containing toxic and easily volatile flammable substances, only after special training, and also briefings about the properties of materials and fire safety measures.

4.10 Requirements for materials, their storage and transportation.

Materials used for waterproofing work must be accompanied by passports certifying their qualitative indicators and instructions for applying the supplied materials.

Storage and transportation of waterproofing and auxiliary materials is organized in accordance with the requirements set forth in the technical specifications and standards for finished products.

4.11 In areas of work in the premises where insulation work is underway with the release of harmful and fire-hazardous substances, other works are not allowed to perform other persons.

4.13 The room in which work with bitumen should be equipped with a supply-exhaust ventilation. In the sudden termination of the operation of the supply and exhaust ventilation, waterproofing work with materials containing organic solvents must be suspended, and the workers are deleted to a safe distance.

4.14 Noise and vibration levels on workplaces created by machines and mechanisms should not exceed the rules set by GOST 12.1.003-83 and GOST 12.1.012-90.

4.15 Equipment for painting waterproofing foundations should correspond to GOST 12.2.003-91. When you move bitumen on the workplaces manually, metal tanks are used, having a shape of a truncated cone, facing a wide part down, with tightly closing covers and locking devices.

4.16 To prevent fires, it is necessary to strictly comply with the requirements of fire safety in accordance with PPB 01-03 "Fire safety rules in the Russian Federation" and regularly instruct work.

4.17 In the device of waterproofing with the use of organic solvents, the organization of the fire supply is necessary, as part of which there should be a 2'3 m. In windy weather, workers should be placed in such a way that the wind blows in the back or in the side, which helps to improve sanitary and hygienic conditions. at work.

4.18 When sunbathing small amounts of bitumen to stew sand, a huge or foam fire extinguisher. Developed fires to extinguish the foaming jet from the beftle stems.

4.19 For smoking, special places equipped with urns, strokes with water, sandboxes should be settled.

4.20 Bitumen production waste is neutralized by burning in the ovens.

4.21 All electrical installations at the end of the work must be turned off, and cables and wires to de-energize.

4.22 When working in basements, sufficient natural or forced ventilation and illumination of jobs should be provided. The voltage of the power grid during operation in closed rooms should be no higher than 12 V with an explosion-proof fittings.

4.23 Workplaces to perform waterproofing work at height must be equipped with means of flashing with fencing and ladders-ladder for lifting on them, relevant requirements for SNiP 12-03-2001.

4.24 Places for the production of waterproofing work should be equipped with primary fire extinguishing agents - fire extinguishers, water barrels, sandboxes, lows, axes, shovels, barrams, buckets.

4.25 Each worker should know his duties in the event of a fire and its extinguishing, be able to use fire fighting tools, to quickly notify the fire team, using communication means, must turn off the electrical appliances and de-energize the wiring.

4.26 To comply with environmental norms, it is necessary to provide a water container intended for flushing tools and mechanisms.

4.27 The wiping material after its use must be collected in a special container for subsequent issuance to the surface and disposal. Burn used witching material is prohibited.

4.28 With the device for painting waterproofing foundations with cold bitumen mastic, it is necessary to be guided by the requirements:

Table 5. - the statement of the need for basic materials per 1000 m

5.2 Needs in machines, equipment; The tool and inventory is given in the table.

Table 6 - Statement of Machines, Equipment, Tool and Inventory


Type, Mark, GOST

Technical specifications

Installation for applying cold mastics

Performance, m2 / h

Power, kWt

Mass, kg.

Thermos for cold mastic

Design of SKB Mosstroy

Capacity, m3

power, kWt


Roofing brush

Beam length, mm

Bunch diameter, mm

Mass, kg.

Hair brush

Mass, kg.

Roller Order

Length, mm.

Spatula scraper

Width of the canvas, mm

Torch nippers

Scissors for cutting fittings

r.Ch. PRP-8-00

Mass, kg.

Trust Orgtekhstroy Chief Sanddural Building

Tank for mastic

Drawings 3956SB

Capacity, L.

SKB Mosstroy

6 Technical and Economic Indicators

6.1 As a unit of measurement for the calculation of labor and machine time costing, a 1000 m2 painting waterproofing of the foundation was taken as an calendar work plan.

6.2 Costs of labor and machine time on the device for painting waterproofing of the foundation and underground structures are calculated according to "single standards and rates for construction, assembly and repair work", entered into operation in 1987, and are presented in the table.

6.3 Duration of work on the device for painting waterproofing foundations is determined by the calendar plan of the work presented in the table.

Table 7 - Calculation of labor costs on the device painting waterproofing foundation

Unit of measurement of final products - 1000 m2

Justification (Yenir et al. Norms)

Name of technological processes

Scope of work

Rate of time

Labor costs

workers, person-h

workers, person-h

machinists, Chel.-h (work machines, Mash.-H)

Cleaning the surface from dust, dirt, fluctuations with electrolates

Production of insulated surfaces of the finished cold bitumen primer mechanized method

Painting waterproofing in two layers of cold bitumen mastic mechanized way

Total protection of building structures and corrosion structures; SSBT General sanitary and hygienic requirements for the air of the working area;

23 TR 94.08-99.2000 Technical regulation of operational quality control of construction and installation and special work when building buildings and structures. The device of waterproofing the underground part of the building.

"Technological card on a device for waterproofing foundations by the method of burning using a rolled bitumen-polymer ..."


on the device waterproofing the foundations by the method of burning using a rolled bitumen-polymer material TechnoElast EPP

Moscow 2012.

Terms and Definitions

General provisions

Materials used

Organization and technology for the production of work

Requirements for the quality of work

Labor protection and safety

The need for material and technical resources

10. Technical and economic indicators

Appendix Appendix 1. The composition of the open control when performing works on the device of the waterproofing membrane

Appendix 2. List of technological equipment, tools, inventory and fixtures

Appendix 3. Material Consumption Norms

Appendix 4. Labor costs

Appendix 5. Collection of nodes

Application area.

1.1. This technological card was developed for the device of the waterproofing membrane of foundations from the monolithic reinforced concrete by the method of moving using a rolled bitumen-polymeric material Tekhnoelast EPP.

1.2. In this technological map, only the device of a two-layer waterproofing membrane from the Material Material Tekhnoelast EPP is considered.

1.3. This technological card can be used in the development of project documentation for the construction of industrial and civil engineering facilities.

2.1. When developing this technological card, references to the following regulatory documents are used *:

GOST 12.1.

004-91 SSBT. Fire safety. General requirements GOST 12.4.

011-89 SSBT. Means of protecting working. General requirements and classification of MDS 12-29.2006 Methodical recommendations for the development and design of the PPB technological card 01-03 Rules of fire safety in the Russian Federation SP 20.13330.2011 Load and exposure to SNIP 12-03-2001 Labor safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements Snip 12-04-2002 Labor safety in construction. Part 2. Construction Production

2.2. When developing this document, the following reference references were used:

Guide to design and device waterproofing foundations. Tekhnonikol Corporation. Moscow. 2012.

Typical technological map on the device by calene-mounted materials by monolithic reinforced concrete walls. TTK-100029434.094-2010. 92 / 6T-2010 TT-49.

GPO "Minskstroy" OJSC "OrgStroy" G. Minsk. 2010 * When using a technological card, it is advisable to check the status of the regulatory document to which the link is given. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), it should be guided by the replaced (modified) document.

Terms and Definitions.

The waterproofing membrane is an element of a waterproofing system that protects the design of the foundation from water exposure.

The base under the waterproofing membrane is the surface on which laying of waterproofing materials is made.

The amplification layer is part of the waterproofing membrane, performed in places of adjustment to the protruding parts and the designs of the foundation to increase the reliability and tightness of the waterproofing coating.


4.1. Works on the device of the waterproofing membrane from the Material Material Tehnoelast EPP should be carried out in dry weather at a temperature not lower than "minus" 25 ° C.

4.2. Constructive solutions on the device of a two-layer waterproofing membrane for waterproofing the foundations using the TECHNEELEST EPP material are shown in Fig. 1 and fig. 2.

1 - Foundation Plate; 2 - protective screed; 3 - second layer of waterproofing membrane from the material of the technoelast EPP; 4 is the first layer of waterproofing membrane from the material of the technoelast EPP; 5 - primer Bituminous TechnoNIKOL; 6 - concrete preparation; 7 - Foundation Wall

- & nbsp- & nbsp-

4.3. The base under the waterproofing carpet serves:

concrete preparation - with a horizontal waterproofing device (Fig. 1);

smooth surfaces of the structures from the collection and monolithic concrete or reinforced concrete - with a vertical waterproofing device (Fig. 2).

4.4. Requirements for the quality of the base under the laying of the waterproofing membrane, as well as the controlled parameters are shown in Table 1.

4.5. To protect the waterproofing membrane from mechanical damage, an XPS carbon extrusion polystyrene was used, which is also thermal insulation, or special profiled Planter membranes.

- & nbsp- & nbsp-

Materials used.

5.1. For the device of the waterproofing membrane, a rolled bitumenopolymer material is used for technoelast (TU 5774-003-00287852-99). The main physicomechanical characteristics of the material are indicated in Table 1.

- & nbsp- & nbsp-

* Indicator reference. The manufacturer reserves the right to change this indicator ** Test Methods according to GOST 2678-94 5.2. To seal the irregularities of the base under the laying of waterproofing material, apply the repair composition on a polymer-cement basis.

5.3. To prepare the surface of the base in order to increase the adhesion of the waterproofing material can be applied:

Primer Bituminous TechnoNikol №01 (TU 5775-010-17925162-2003);

Primer bitumen-polymer technological No. 03 (TU 5775-042-17925162-2006);

Primer Bituminous Emulsion Tekhnonikol №04 (TU 5775-006-72746455-2007).

5.4. To increase the reliability and tightness of the nodes and the adjoins of the waterproofing membrane to various designs of the building apply:

Sealant Polyurethane TechnoNikol No. 70;

Sealant bitumen-polymer technoNonikol №42 (TU 5772-009-72746455-2007);

Mastic gluing technoNonikol №27 (TU 5775-039-72746455-2010);

Tape Nicobanend;

Bentonite cord;

Seal (cord of type "Vilaterm");

PVC hydrosponka.

5.5. To protect the waterproofing membrane from mechanical damage:

Extrusion polystyrene fiber XPS CARBON (TU 2244-047-17925162-2006);

Profiled membranes Planter (TU 5774-041-72746455-2010).

Acceptance and storage of building materials 5.6.

5.6.1. When accepting used building materials, it is necessary:

check the status of packaging (containers), the presence of tags (labels, packaging sheets), allowing to identify the material obtained;

check the absence of external damage to the material;

check the completeness of the batch of building materials;

if necessary, request a quality passport from the manufacturer (its copy) to this batch of material.

5.6.2. Packaging sheet indicating the name of the material, physicomechanical characteristics of the material, manufacturer plant, production date, the party's rooms must be maintained until the end of the work on the waterproofing device.

Storage technoelast EPP.

5.7.1. Rolled bitumen-polymeric materials should be stored in a vertical position in one row in height on pallets or without them at a distance of at least 1 m from the heating devices.

5.7.2. Storage of pallets with a technoelast EPP in two rows in height is allowed, with the weight of the upper pallets should be evenly distributed to all the rolls of the lower row with wooden panels or pallets.

5.7.3. Rolled bitumen-polymeric materials should be stored in a closed room, under a canopy or other ways protected from direct exposure to solar radiation.

5.7.4. A short-term (no more than 14 days) storage of pallets with a technolast EPP on an open site is allowed.

5.7.5. In coordination with the manufacturer, other conditions for storing roll materials are allowed, providing protection against moisture and the sun.

Storage of mastic, primers, sealants.

5.8.1. Storage of pallets with mastic should be made in one row in height:

Primer Bituminous TechnoNikol №01, primer bitumen-polymer technoNonikol №03 and sealant Bituminous-polymer technoNonikol №42 Store in a dry, protected from light at temperatures from -20 ° C to + 30 ° C. Warranty period of storage - 12 months;

Primer Bituminous Emulsion TechnoNonikol №04 Store in a dry, protected from light place at a temperature not lower than + 5 ° C. Warranty period of storage - 6 months.

Organization and technology for the production of work.

Organization of work production.

6.1.1. Before the work began, it is necessary:

assign persons responsible for the safe work of work;

responsible performer of work to receive acts tolerance and outfit for the production of work of increased danger;

to the responsible performer to conduct a targeted briefing of workers on labor protection, electro-, fire safety and environmental protection under the painting journal;

acquaint workers with work technology, project documentation, pos, PPR and this technological card;

highlight zones for storing and storing materials;

deliver to the object and implement in the prescribed manner input quality control of building materials;

write the necessary tools, devices, inventory, etc.

provide all the workers with the necessary tools, inventory, devices, equipment, workwear and other personal protective equipment;

check the serviceability of the mechanisms, snap and tools;

take the front of work on the act of acceptance and commissioned works.

6.1.2. Works on the device of the waterproofing membrane of the foundations by the method of burning using a rolled bitumen-polymeric material Tehneelast EPP performs the link in composition:

insulator 3 discharge (and1) - 1 person;

ascellor 4 discharge (and2) - 1 person.

6.1.3. Schemes for organizing jobs in the production of work on the device horizontal and vertical waterproofing membrane are shown accordingly in Fig. 3 and fig. 4 of this technological card.

And1 and2 and1 y2 1 - pallet with rolled materials; 2 - manual trolley; 3 - Water bucket; 4 - fire extinguishers; 5 - gas cylinder; 6 - Rolls of waterproofing materials; 7 - wall of the foundation; And1, and2 - islers fig. 3. Scheme of the organization of the workplace at fig. 4. Scheme of the organization of the workplace in the device of horizontal waterproofing the device of vertical waterproofing the technology of work production.

Works on the device of the waterproofing membrane include:

Preparatory work:

checking the base under the laying of waterproofing materials;

signing an act on hidden work;

organization of the workplace.

Main works:

preparation of the foundation for laying waterproofing materials;

laying of waterproofing materials on the horizontal surface;

laying of waterproofing materials on a vertical surface;

device nodes.

Preparatory work.

6.2.1. Check the indicators of the quality of the base under the laying of the waterproofing membrane in accordance with the requirements of the table 1 of this document.

6.2.2. If indicators deviate from the regulatory values \u200b\u200bto perform activities to improve the quality of the base to the required values.

6.2.3. The device of the waterproofing carpet is processed after drawing up and signing the act on hidden work.

Main works.

Preparation of the base under the laying of waterproofing materials.

6.2.4. In the presence on the surface of the base of cement milk, rust and other substances of no fat origin, remove them with a hydraulic, mechanical or combined method, after which rinse and dry the base.

6.2.5. Remove fat contaminations from the surface of the base. With a slight depth of contamination, they are treated with surfactants (surfactant) and washed, with greater depths, the scene is removed and replaced with a new concrete mixture or close to the repairing composition on a polymer-cement basis.

6.2.6. Seared on the basis of unevenness, sinks, cracks with a polymer-cement-based compound.

6.2.7. In places, adjoining the foundation plate to the walls of the foundation to perform inclined sides at an angle of 45 ° and a height of 100 mm from the cement-sandy solution.

6.2.8. Clean the base from dust, dirt and garbage.

6.2.9. Check the moisture content.

6.2.10. To ensure the necessary adhesion of the filtered roll materials with the base of the entire base surface to be treated with primer cold compositions (primers). As a primer, applied on dry surfaces, apply:

Primer Tekhnonikol №01 or No. 2 with humidity no more than 4% by weight;

Primer Bituminous Emulsion TechnoNonikol No. 04 at a moisture content of up to 8% by weight (use is possible at temperatures not lower than +5 ° C).

6.2.11. Grinding to apply in one layer with brushes, brushes or rollers.

6.2.12. The technoelast EPP is sent after complete drying of the engineering surface (on the tampon applied to the surface, traces of primer should remain).

6.2.13. It is not allowed to carry out work on the application of primer composition simultaneously with the work on the catch of waterproofing material and other work using an open flame.

Laying of waterproofing materials on the horizontal surface 6.2.14. Before laying the waterproofing materials, make the surface markup of the base to ensure the accuracy of the coolant of rolls, in order to avoid the offset of rolls in the end seams.

6.2.15. In the cold season, prior to the work of the work, it is to withstand rolled waterproofing materials in a warm room at a temperature not lower than "plus" 15 ° C for at least 24 hours.

6.2.16. If you need to suspend work on laying the EPP technolast for more than 14 days, it is necessary to provide measures to protect the laid material of the effect of UV rays.

This can be done with the help of sheets of a flat slate or CSP, a geotextile with overwhelming 300 g / m2 and other materials that ensure reliable protection against solar radiation and not leading to the destruction of the bitumen-polymeric material.

6.2.17. In front of the direct stacking rolls of waterproofing materials to roll on the horizontal surface so that the cloth leveled and adopted a flat form.

6.2.18. Rolled rolls when laying exercise in one direction.

6.2.19. The coaling of the welded rolled material is to produce in the process of melting the bottom side of the panel with a burner flame with simultaneous heated surface of the base or a previously stacked layer, turning the roll and pressing it to the base.

6.2.20. Heating to produce smooth burner movements for uniform warm-up material and the surface of the base (previously stacked layer). This will provide a solid fitting of the material and will avoid imparal-melted places.

6.2.21. The deformation of the indicator pattern on the film applied from the bottom side of the material panels when it is melted with a flame of the burner, indicates the degree of heating the bitumen-polymer binder and the preparedness of the material to the glue.

6.2.22. For high-quality gluing material to the base or to a previously laid layer, it is necessary to achieve the formation of a small roller of the bitumen-polymer binder in the place of contact of the material with the surface (Fig. 5).

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6.2.23. A sign of sufficient warm-up of the material is the leakage of the bitumen-polymer binder from under the side edge of the material by 5-10 mm, which is a guarantee of the tightness of the adolescence.

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6.2.26. After laying the lower layer of the waterproofing membrane on the horizontal surface, laying the upper layer of the waterproofing membrane on the horizontal surface.

6.2.27. The technology of laying the upper layer of the waterproofing membrane is similar to the laying technology of its lower layer.

6.2.28. The rolls of the rollers of the upper layer of the waterproofing membrane are carried out in the same direction that was selected for the lower layer. The cross sticker of the cloth rolls of the upper and lower layers is not allowed.

6.2.29. The distance between the side junctions of the plane technolast EPP in adjacent layers should be at least 300 mm. The end adhesions of the adjacent panels should be shifted relative to each other by at least 500 mm (Fig. 7).

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Laying of waterproofing materials on the vertical surface 6.2.30. The rules for laying the filling materials on the vertical surface are the same as when laying the filtered materials on the horizontal surface. The main difference is the technique of moving rolled materials.

6.2.31. The supply of rolls with a vertical waterproofing membrane device is made in two ways: manual and mechanical (Fig. 8, 9). For the convenience of the production of work with a manual method of feeding rolls, use the chopped material billets with a length of no more than 2m. Mechanical roll feed is carried out with a winch or truck crane, which allows you to lay the rolls to the entire height of the foundation wall without cutting.

Fig. 8. Manual roll feed when device version. 9. Roll feed with a winch with a tick waterproofing of the device vertical waterproofing 6.2.32. Roll rolls when laying in one direction, bottom up.

6.2.33. The laying of the weed roller materials on the vertical surfaces to produce in the process of melting the bottom side of the panel flame with a simultaneous heated surface of the base or a previously stacked layer, turning the roll and pressing it to the base.

6.2.34. For high-quality gluing material to the base or to a previously laid layer, it is necessary to achieve the formation of a small roller of the bitumen-polymer binder in the place of contact of the material with the surface (Fig. 5).

6.2.35. In the process of manufacturing work on the device of the vertical waterproofing membrane, to ensure the nestling of adjacent cloths of at least 100 mm (lateral nipple). The end oilstart of rolls should be 150 mm (Fig. 6).

6.2.36. To increase the reliability and tightness of the end alternation, to carry out the trimming of the cloth angle of the material in the deposit below (Fig. 6).

6.2.37. After laying the lower layer of the waterproofing membrane on the vertical surface, laying the upper layer of the waterproofing membrane on the vertical surface.

6.2.38. The technology of laying the upper layer of the waterproofing membrane is similar to the laying technology of its lower layer.

6.2.39. The rolls of the rollers of the upper layer of the waterproofing membrane are carried out in the same direction that was selected for the lower layer. The cross sticker of the cloth rolls of the upper and lower layers is not allowed.

6.2.40. The distance between the side junctions of the plane technolast EPP in adjacent layers should be at least 300 mm. The end adhesions of the adjacent panels should be shifted relative to each other by at least 500 mm (Fig. 7).

Device nodes.

The node of the soles of the foundation (Fig. 10).

In the places of the adjoining of horizontal and vertical surfaces to perform inclined sides at an angle of 45 ° and a height of 100 mm from the cement-sandy solution and laying a layer of amplification from the roll material technoelast EPP.

1 - wall of the foundation; 2 - primer bituminous technonikol; 3 is the first layer of waterproofing membrane from the TECHNEELEST EPP material; 4 is a second layer of waterproofing membrane from the Material Tekhnoelast EPP; 5 - Extrusion polystyrene technologist XPS Carbon; 6 - layer of amplification from the material of the technoelast EPP; 7 - quilt from cement-sandy solution 100x100 mm; 8 - soil backfill; 9 - Foundation Plate; 10 - protective screed with a thickness of at least 50 mm; 11 - concrete preparation; 12 - compacted leveling sand preparation; 13 - compacted primer base

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The device for waterproofing the foundation in the base zone (Fig. 11).

The waterproofing membrane starts at a mark above the ground level by 0.30.5m.

The top edge of the rolls is fixed to the base of the metal edge rail.

Not less than 300mm 1 - wall of the foundation; 2 - primer bituminous technonikol; 3 is the first layer of waterproofing membrane from the TECHNEELEST EPP material; 4 is a second layer of waterproofing membrane from the Material Tekhnoelast EPP; 5 - Extrusion polystyrene technologist XPS Carbon; 6 - soil backfill; 7 - sand pillow; 8 - scene; 9 - adhesive mastic Tehtonol №27; 10 - edge rail (fix with self-drawing with a step of 200 mm); 11 - Polyurethane sealant Tehtonikol12 - facade design

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Waterproofing of the pile head (Fig. 12).

1 -fundant plate; 2 - protective screed with a thickness of at least 50 mm; 3-context layer of waterproofing membrane made of material Tehnoelast EPP; 4 is the first layer of waterproofing membrane from the material of the technoelast EPP; 5 - primer Bituminous TechnoNIKOL; 6 - concrete preparation; 7 - rewards of reinforcement; 8 - pile headband; 9 - bitumen-polymer sealant Tehtonikol №42; 10 - Bentonite swelling cord; 11 - anti-adhesive gasket (for example, Ruberoid Strip); 12 - Mastic hot technoNonikol №41, reinforced with a glasswork (before applying the mastic to mourn the protective film TechnoElast EPP); 13 - compacted leveling sand preparation; 14 - compacted primer base

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Horizontal deformation seam with side hydrochponne (Fig. 13).

- lateral PVC hydrochponka tehtonikol; 13 - compacted leveling sand preparation; 14 - compacted primer base Fig. 13. Horizontal deformation seam with side hydrochponne. Horizontal deformation seam with internal hydrosponne (Fig. 14).

1 -fundant plate; 2 - protective screed with a thickness of at least 50 mm; 3 - second layer of waterproofing membrane from the material of the technoelast EPP; 4 is the first layer of waterproofing membrane from the material of the technoelast EPP; 5 - primer Bituminous TechnoNIKOL; 6 - concrete preparation; 7 - an additional layer of the Material of the Tehnoelast EPP; 8 - polyethylene film; 9 - Tekhtonikol polyurethane sealant; 10

- seal (cord type "Vilaterm"); 11 - Extrusion expanded polystyrene TechnoNIKOL XPS CARBON; 12

- lateral PVC hydrochponka tehtonikol; 13 - compacted leveling sand preparation; 14 - compacted primer base Fig. 14. Horizontal deformation seam with an internal hydrosponne vertical deformation seam (Fig. 15, 16).

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1 - wall of the foundation; 2 - primer bituminous technonikol; 3 is the first layer of waterproofing membrane from the TECHNEELEST EPP material; 4 is a second layer of waterproofing membrane from the Material Tekhnoelast EPP; 5 - layer of amplification of the material technoelast EPP; 6 - an additional layer of the Material Material Techno EPP; 7 - Extrusion polystyrene technologists XPS Carbon; 8 - polyurethane sealant Tekhtonikol; 9 - Bentonite swelling cord; 10 - metal sleeve; 11 - pipe; 12 - internal sealing element; 13 - metal clamping element; 14 - anchor bolt; 15 - Popping Soil

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Requirements for the quality of work.

Preparatory work.

7.1.1. Quality control of the base under the laying of waterproofing materials is assigned to the master or brigadier.

Main works.

7.2.1. The facility will start the "Journal of Work Production", in which they are recorded daily:

work date;

conditions for the production of works on separate invigays;

results of systematic quality control of work.

7.2.2. In the process of preparing and performing waterproofing works, check:

integrity and geometry of rolled waterproofing materials;

correctness of the implementation of nodes (deformation seams, places of passage of pipes and communications, adjoining horizontal and vertical surfaces);

matching the number of layers of waterproofing coating indications of the project.

7.2.3. Detected during the inspection of layers of defects or deviations from the project should be corrected before the start of work on the laying of the overlying layers of the Acceptance Commission.

7.2.4. The acceptance of the completed waterproofing membrane is accompanied by an inspection of its surface, especially in deformation seams, places of passage of pipes and communications, adjoining horizontal and vertical surfaces.

7.2.5. In case of acceptance of work performed, the acts of hidden works are subject to certification:

preparation of the foundation;

obuntovka base;

device of strengthening layers;

device of the lower layer of the waterproofing membrane;

the device of the upper layer of waterproofing membrane.

7.2.6. During the final acceptance of the waterproofing coating, the following documents are presented:

passports for apply materials;

data on the results of laboratory tests of materials;

logs of work on the device of the waterproofing membrane;

executive drawings of coatings and roofs;

acts of intermediate acceptance of work performed.

7.2.7. Requirements for the quality of work and the composition of the open control when performing work on the device of the waterproofing membrane are given in Appendix 1.

Labor protection and safety.


8.1.1. The production of work on the coating applying the applied rolled bitumen polymer materials should be carried out in accordance with the requirements:

Snip 12-03-2001 "Labor safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements ";

Snip 12-04-2002 "Labor safety in construction. Part 2. Construction Production ";

PPB 01-03 "Fire safety rules in the Russian Federation";

GOST 12.1.

004-91 "SSBT. Fire safety. General requirements";

GOST 12.4.

011-89 "SSBT. Means of protecting working. General requirements and classification. "

8.1.2. Men are allowed to work on the device for waterproofing foundations. Professional training; introductory instruction on occupational safety, fire and electrical safety; having outfit-tolerance.

8.1.3. The briefing should be noted in a special log signature instructor. The magazine should be kept by the person responsible for carrying out work at the facility or in the construction (repair) organization.

8.1.4. Persons performing work with the use of special equipment should be trained on fire and technical minimum programs at mandatory for rental (exams).

8.1.5. Foreign persons are forbidden to be in the working area during the production of waterproofing work.

8.1.6. Work on the laying of all layers of coating should be carried out only when using personal protective equipment (PPE) in accordance with the "Model sectoral regulations of the free issuance of special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment by workers engaged in construction, construction and repair and construction work", p.26. Working and home clothing should be stored in separate cabinets.

8.1.7. Before starting work, the insulator must wear overalls and make sure of its health.

8.1.8. It is necessary to get from the master, the head of work, briefing about secure methods, receptions and sequences of fulfilling the coming work.

8.1.9. Before starting work, the insulator must prepare a workplace, remove unnecessary materials, clean all the passages from garbage and dirt.

8.1.10. External inspection Check the serviceability of cylinders, burners, sleeves, reliability of their fastening (mounting the sleeves only with metal clamps), the serviceability of gearboxes, pressure gauges.

8.1.11. Works performed at a distance of less than 2 m from the circuit of the height of equal or more than 3 m, after installing temporary or constant protective fences. In the absence of these fencing, the work should be performed using a safety belt, while the location of the Caraborn of the safety belt should be specified in the work project.

8.1.12. Place the building materials are allowed only in places stipulated by the project production project.

8.1.13. In the workplace, the stock of materials should not exceed replaceable need.

8.1.14. The use of materials that do not have guidance and safety instructions and fire safety is not allowed.

8.1.15. Tools should be removed at the end of each shift.

8.1.16. Upon completion of work with electrical equipment, portable power points are disconnected from power supplies and removed into a closed room or covered with a cover from a waterproof material.

8.1.17. Works on the heat and waterproofing of coatings are allowed at an outdoor temperature to -20 ° C and in the absence of snowfall, ice and rain.

8.1.18. Places of production of waterproofing work should be provided with primary fire extinguishing agents in accordance with the rules of fire safety in the production of construction and installation work.

8.1.19. You should not allow contact of rolled waterproofing materials with solvents, oil, oil, animal fat, and the like.

8.1.20. Solvents and sealing compositions should be kept in a hermetically closed container in compliance with the rules for storing flammable materials.

8.1.21. Letting the container from under these materials should be stored on a specially designated platform remote from the place of work.

Fire requirements.

8.2.1. The facility should define a person responsible for safety and readiness to the action of primary fire extinguishing means.

8.2.2. The head of the facility is obliged to issue all types of work with the filled materials with the use of combustible insulation.

8.2.3. In the outfit, the tolerance should indicate the place, technological sequence, methods of production, specific fire fighting activities, responsible persons and its validity period.

8.2.4. The workplace of the work should be provided with the following means of fire extinguishing and medical care:

fire extinguisher from the calculation by 500 sq.m. roofing, not less

sand box 0.5 m3

asbestosite cloth

a first-aid kit with a set of medicines

bucket with water

8.2.5. The selection of fire extinguishers is made according to 5 NPB fire safety standards 166-97 "Fire technique. Fire extinguishers. Requirements for operation. " The use of fire extinguishers when using infrared radiation equipment should be carried out in accordance with the "tactics of extinguishing electrical installations. Recommendations "(VNIIPO, 1986).

8.2.6. Fire extinguishers should always be kept in good condition, periodically examined, checked and recharged timely.

8.2.7. The use of primary fire extinguishing tools for economic and other needs that are not associated with fire extinguishing is not allowed.

8.2.8. All employees should be able to use primary fire extinguishing tools, comply with the requirements of GOST 12.1.004-91 "Fire safety. General requirements".

8.2.9. The places of performing waterproofing works, as well as near the equipment having an increased fire hazard, should post standard signs (fire safety plates).

8.2.10. The places of conducting waterproofing works are allowed to store no more replaceable need for building materials. The supply of materials should be at a distance of at least 5 m from the border of the work area.

8.2.11. At the end of the working shift, it is not allowed to leave rolled materials, a combustible insulation, gas cylinders and other combustible and explosive substances and materials at the site of work.

8.2.12. Rolled waterproofing materials, combustible insulation and other combustible substances and materials used during operation must be stored outside the building being repaired in a separate structure or on a special area at a distance of at least 18 m from under construction and temporary buildings, structures and warehouses.

8.2.13. When stored on open areas of the waterproofing materials, bitumen, combustible insulation and other building materials, as well as equipment and goods in combustible packaging, they must be placed in stacks or groups of no more than 100 m2. The gap between stacks (groups) and from them to under construction or utility buildings and structures should be taken at least 24 m.

8.2.14. Print formulations and solvents, as well as their evaporation contain oil distillates and therefore are flammable materials. Inhalation of their vapors, smoking and performing roofing works near the fire or on closed and non-ventilated areas are not allowed. In the event of the sunbathing of these materials, it is necessary to use (when lighting fire) powder fire extinguisher and sand. Water is prohibited to use water.

Safety requirements when working with gas and liquid burners.

8.3.1. When working with gas cylinders (operating gas - propane), it is necessary to be guided by "temporary instructions for safe operation of posts, storage and transportation of cylinders of liquefied gases of propane-butane mixture with waterproofing work."

8.3.2. For transportation of cylinders with liquefied gas propane-butane in the construction site zone, it is allowed to use special carts designed for 2 cylinders. Calls on trolleys should be securely attached to the clamp.

8.3.4. The cant of filled cylinders is allowed within the workplace and only on the basis that does not give a spark when the metal is impaired.

8.3.5. When working with gas flame equipment, it is recommended to use protective glasses.

8.3.6. When Ignoring a manual gas flame burner (Gas - propane), a valve should be transferred to 1/4 - 1/2 turns and after a short-term blowing of the sleeve to light the combustible mixture, after which the flame can be adjusted.

8.3.7. Ignition burners to make a match or a special lighter. It is forbidden to light the burner from random burning items.

8.3.8. With a burning burner, do not move beyond the limits of the workplace, do not climb along the trap and forests, do not make sharp movements.

8.3.9. The extinguishing of the burner is made by overlapping the gas supply valve, and then lowering the locking lever.

8.3.10. For breaks in the work, the flame of the burner must be spent, and the valves on it are tightly closed.

8.3.11. When interruptions in the work (lunch, etc.), valves should be closed on gas cylinders, gearboxes.

8.3.12. If the burner is overheated, the work must be suspended, and the burner is sweating, and cooled to the ambient temperature in the container with clean water.

8.3.13. Gas flame work should be carried out at a distance of at least 10 m from the groups of cylinders (more than 2) intended for gas flame work; 5 m from separate cylinders with combustible gas; 3 m from gas pipelines combustible gases.

8.3.14. When igniting the manual liquid burner (working fuel - diesel fuel), the compressor is first included, feeding a small amount of air to the burner head (adjustment of the valve), then a fuel feed valve is opened and the resulting fuel mixture is found at the head slice. The consistent increase in fuel and air consumption is set to a steady flame. You can only move the compressor in the disconnected state.

8.3.15. When a gas leak is detected from cylinders, work should be stopped immediately. Repair of cylinders or other equipment at the workplace of gas flame work is not allowed.

8.3.16. In case of freezing gear or shut-off valve, heat them only with clean hot water.

8.3.17. Gas cylinders should be at a distance of at least 1 m from heating devices and 5 m from heating furnaces and other strong heat sources. Do not remove the cap with a balloon blowing hammer, chisel or another tool that can call a spark. The cap from the cylinder should be removed by a special key.

8.3.18. Sleeves protect against various damage; When laying, not allowing and flattening, twisting, inflexibility; do not use oil sleeves, not allow sparks, heavy items hoses, as well as avoid exposure to high temperatures; Prevent the use of gas sleeves for supplying liquid fuel.

8.3.19. Pneumoshoslags are used to supply compressed air.

8.3.20. Cylinders when working at non-permanent places should be fixed in a special rack or trolley and in the summer are protected from heating by the sunny rays.

8.3.21. Gas cylinders should be moved only on specially equipped trolleys.

8.3.22. If the fire occurs in the workplaces, it is necessary to extinguish it using fire extinguishers, dry sand, covering the foci of the ignition asbestos or tarpaulin.

8.3.23. In cases of accidents that occurred as a result of the accident, all operations on the evacuation of victims, the provision of first aid, delivery (if necessary) in the medical institution the roofer performs under the guidance of the master (pro-bar).

8.3.24. At the end of work using a gas flame burner, an insulator must close the fuel supply valve on the burner, overlap the valve on the cylinder, turn off the compressor.

8.3.25. Remove sleeves with gearboxes from cylinders, wind them and remove them in the designated storage place.

8.3.26. Callery valves close the protective caps and put the placing cylinders for storage.

8.3.27. Clear workplace, remove tools and devices, materials, glasses, burners, cylinders. Inform the master (foreman) about all the problems noticed during operation; Lower the cradle down and remove the handles from the winches; turn off the power tools and mechanisms from the mains; Rent a hand tool and safety belt; Take a warm shower or thoroughly wash with water with soap face and hands.

8.3.28. Electrical equipment in warehouses for storing gases should be explosion protection.

8.3.29. Performing works on the waterproofing device simultaneously with other construction installations associated with the use of open fire (welding, etc.) is not allowed.

8.3.30. Equipment used for heating the weaving rolled material (gas burners with cylinders and equipment) is not allowed to be used with malfunctions capable of making fire, as well as with disabled controls and technological automation, ensuring control of the specified temperature, pressure and other regulated conditions. security, parameters.

8.3.31. When using equipment for heating, it is prohibited:

hamming frozen pipelines, valves, gearboxes and other parts of gas installations with open fire or hot objects;

use the sleeves, the length of which exceeds 30 m;

twisted, climb or clamp gas-conductive sleeves;

use clothing and mittens with traces of oils, fats, gasoline, kerosene and other combustible liquids;

to allow for independent work of students, as well as workers who do not have a qualifying certificate and security coupon.

8.3.32. Storage and transportation of gas cylinders should be carried out only with fuse-screwed on their neck. When transporting cylinders it is impossible to allow jogs and shocks. Carrying cylinders on shoulders and hands is prohibited.

8.3.33. When applying with empty cylinders from the combustible gases, the same security measures, as well as with filled cylinders, should be observed.

8.3.34. When interruptions in work, as well as at the end of the work shift, the equipment for heating the roll material should be disconnected, the sleeves should be disconnected and exempt from gases and vapors of combustible liquids.

8.3.35. At the end of the work, all the equipment and equipment must be removed in specially designated premises (places).

8.3.36. Only bellows with combustible gases are allowed at the workplace, directly used during operation. Create a margin of cylinders or store empty cylinders at the venues of work is not allowed.

8.3.37. Storage of materials and installation of cylinders on the roof and indoors closer than 5 m from evacuation outputs (including approaches to outdoor fire stairs) is not allowed.

8.3.38. Capacities with combustible fluids should be opened only before use, and at the end of work, close and hand over to the warehouse. The packaging from the combustible liquids should be stored in a specially designated place outside the workplace.

8.3.39. Ballons with combustible gases and tanks with flammable liquids should be stored separately, in special warehouses or under sheds behind the net fence, inaccessible to unauthorized persons.

8.3.40. Storage in one place of cylinders, as well as bitumen, solvents and other combustible liquids is not allowed.

8.3.41. The fueling of the fuel of the units on the roof should be carried out in a special location provided by two fire extinguishers and a sandbox. Storage on the roof of fuel to refuel the aggregates and empty taras from under fuel is not allowed.

8.3.42. When a fire is detected or signs of burning (smoke, the smell of Gary, the temperature rise, etc.) is necessary:

immediately report this to the fireguard;

if possible, measures for evacuating people, fire extinguishing and ensuring the safety of material values.

8.3.43. At the end of the work, it is necessary to inspect the places and lead them into a fire-proof condition.

First medical care for burning hot bitumen.

With strong burns, the bitumen should follow the following rules:

Cool with water bitume (better cold) in order to prevent deep lesions of the tissues.

Cooling with water must be made immediately until the bitum harms and does not cool, it is not recommended to cool more than 5 minutes to avoid supercooling.

You can not remove bitumen from the burned area, you need to provide qualified medical care as soon as possible.

The bitumen on post-commemor bubbles is removed along with the skin simultaneously with the initial washing and removing dead tissues.

The bitumen located on the non-penetrated skin is not deleted, the treatment is produced by vaseline or drugs on animal fats similar to petroleum, lanoline, antibacterial ointments.

Subsequent processing of ointments and dressings should be made until the bitumen is completely dissolved and will not be removed - usually from 24 to 72 hours.

After removal of the bitumen, a common burn treatment is made.

The use of solvents to remove bitumen is not allowed, as they can enhance the lesion of the tissues.

The need for material and technical resources.

9.1.1. A list of technological equipment, tools, inventory and devices is given in Appendix 2 to this document.

9.1.2. The rate of consumption of materials for the two-layer roofing device is shown in Appendix 3.

9.1.3. The form for the preparation of the statement of the need for materials, products and structures is given in Table 1.

Table 1. Statement of the need for materials, products and structures

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The device of the horizontal waterproofing membrane 1.1 Material for the device of the lower layer of the waterproofing membrane M 1.15 1.2 Material for the device of the upper layer of waterproofing membrane M 1,15

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Vertical waterproofing membrane device 2.1 Material for the device of the bottom layer of the waterproofing membrane M 1.15 2.2 Material for the device of the upper layer of waterproofing membrane M 1,15

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The device of the horizontal waterproofing membrane

1.1 Cleaning the base from garbage

1.2 Seeing wet places

1.3 Loading base primer Device of the bottom layer of waterproofing by method 1.4 of the catching device of the upper layer of waterproofing by 1.5 by the device of the vertical waterproofing membrane

2.1 Cleaning the base from garbage

2.2 Seeing wet places

2.3 Loading base primer The device of the lower layer of waterproofing by method 2.4 of the catching device of the upper layer of waterproofing by method 2.5 of the gifter application 4. Labor costs *

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Labor costs are indicated taking into account preparatory and related work.

* Appendix 5. Collection of nodes Technological card on a device for waterproofing foundations by the method of burning using a rolled bitumen-polymer material Tehnoelast EPP

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List of drawings arem. Sheet number dock. Signature Date Technological Card on a device for waterproofing the foundations by the method of insertion using a rolled bitumen-polymeric material Tehnoelast EPP 1 Device of the horizontal waterproofing membrane 2 Waterproofing of the pile head 3 Horizontal deformation seam 4 node of the base of foundation 5 The device of the vertical waterproofing membrane 6 is a vertical waterproofing membrane device 7 Arrangement of tube penets

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1 Foundation Plate 2 Protective Screed Thickness of at least 50 mm 3 Second layer of waterproofing membrane made of material Tehnoelast EPP 4 First layer of waterproofing membrane made of material Tehnoelast EPP 5 Concrete preparation 6 Primer Bituminous TEKHNONIKOL 7 Sealing alignment sand preparation 8 Sealing primer base

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1 Foundation Plate 2 Protective Screed Thickness of at least 50 mm 3 Second layer of waterproofing membrane made of material Tehnoelast EPP 4 First layer of waterproofing membrane from Material Material Material EPP 5 Primer Bituminous TechnoNIKOL 6 Concrete preparation 7 Releases of reinforcement 8 Piling headproof 9 bitumen-polymer sealant Technonikol №42 10 Bentonite sweeter cord 11 Anti-adhesive gasket (for example, Ruberoid Stripe) 12 Mastic TEKHNONIKOL №41, reinforced with a glasswork (before applying the mastic to mourn the protective film Tehnoelast EPP) 13 Sealing alignment sand preparation 14 compacted primer base

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1 base plate 2 protective screed thickness thickness of at least 50 mm 3 second layer of waterproofing membrane made of material Tehnoelast EPP 4 first layer of waterproofing membrane from material technoelast EPP 5 primer bitumen technonikol 6 concrete preparation 7 Extra layer of material Material technolast EPP 8 polyethylene film 9 Polyurethane sealant TEKHNONIKOL 10 Sealer (cord of type "Vilaterm") 11 Extrusion polystyrene foam technonekol XPS Carbon 12 Side PVC hydrochponka TEKHNONIKOL 13 compacted alignment sand preparation 14 compacted primer base

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1 Foundation Plate 2 Protective Screed Thickness of at least 50 mm 3 Second layer of waterproofing membrane from Material Material Material EPP 4 First layer of waterproofing membrane from Material Material Material EPP 5 Primer Bituminous TEHNONIKOL 6 Concrete preparation 7 Internal PVC hydrochponka TEKHNONIKOL 8 sealing (Vilaterm cord) 9 Polyurethane sealant TEKHNONIKOL 10 Extrusion polystyrene foam TechnoNIKOL XPS Carbon 11 compacted leveling sand preparation 12 compacted primer base

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1 Wall of the foundation 2 primer bituminous technonikol 3 First layer of waterproofing membrane made of material Tehnoelast EPP 4 second layer of waterproofing membrane made of material Tehnoelast EPP 5 Extrusion polystyrene foam TechnoNIKOL XPS Carbon 6 layer of amplification from material TechnoElast EPP 7 quantile-sand solution 100x100 mm 8 Pottar Backgrounds 9 Base Plate 10 Protective Screed Towing At least 50 mm 11 Concrete preparation 12 Sealing alignment sand preparation 13 Sealing ground base

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1 Wall of Foundament 2 Primer Bituminous TechnoNIKOL 3 First Layer of Waterproofing Membrane from Material Material Tehnoelast EPP 4 Second Layer of Waterproofing Membrane from Material Techno EPP 5 Extrusion Polystyrene TECHNONICK XPS CARBON 6 Pot

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1 Wall of the foundation 2 primer bituminum technonikol 3 First layer of waterproofing membrane made of material Tehnoelast EPP 4 second layer of waterproofing membrane from Material Material Technolast EPP 5 Extrusion polystyrene foam TechnoNikol XPS CARBON 6 Soil reverse backfill 7 Sand Pillow 8 Globe 9 Adhesive Mastic TEKHNONIKOL №27 10 Edge Rake ( Bashed by self-drawing with a step of 200 mm) 11 polyurethane sealant Tehtonikol 12 facade design

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1 Wall of the foundation 2 Primer Bituminous TechnoNIKOL 3 First layer of waterproofing membrane made of material Tehnoelast EPP 4 second layer of waterproofing membrane from Material Material Material EPP 5 Additional layer Material Material TEKHNONEAST EPP 6 Extrusion polystyrene foam TechnoNikol XPS Carbon 7 Side PVC Hydroshponka TEKHNONIKTOK 8 SUPPACTER SUPPACTER ( Cord type "Vilaterm") 10 Polyurethane sealant Tekhtonikol

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1 Wall of the foundation 2 primer bituminous technonikol 3 first layer of waterproofing membrane made of material Tehnoelast EPP 4 second layer of waterproofing membrane made of material Tehnoelast EPP 5 Extrusion polystyrene foam TechnoNIKOL XPS Carbon 6 internal PVC hydrochponka TEKHNONIKOL 7 soil reverse backfill 8 sealant (cord type "Vilaterm") 9 Polyurethane sealant Tehtonolikol

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1 Wall of Foundament 2 Primer Bituminous Technonikol 3 First Layer of Waterproofing Membrane Material Material Techno EPP 4 Second Layer of Waterproofing Membrane Material Material Tehnoelast EPP 5 Staying Material Material Tehnoelast EPP 6 Additional Layer Material Material TehnoElast EPP 7 Extrusion Polyuretur Technonikol XPS CARBON 8 Polyurethane Seaner Technonikol 9 Bentonite swelling cord 10 metal sleeve 11 pipe 12 inner sealing element 13 metal clamping element 14 anchor bolt 15 soil backfill

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1 Wall of Foundament 2 Primer Bituminous TechnoNIKOL 3 First Layer of Waterproofing Membrane Material Material Tehnoelast EPP 4 Second Layer of Waterproofing Membrane Material Material Tehnoelast EPP 5 Extrusion Polysty Foam TechnoNIKOL XPS Carbon 6 Soil backfill 7 Layer of amplification from Material Techno EPP Material 8 Phalter from cement-sand solution 100x100 MM.

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1 Wall of the foundation 2 primer bituminous technonikol 3 First layer of waterproofing membrane made of material Tehnoelast EPP 4 second layer of waterproofing membrane made of material Tehnoelast EPP 5 Extrusion polystyrene foam technology XPS CARBON 6 Soil reverse backfill 7 layer of amplification from Material Eppe

Safety when handling a liquid crystal display at ... "is called Apsheron? Herodotus and Baku Baku Atlantis Mystery of the Device Tower Zoroastrians Residents Baku? Romans in Baku where there was a dry ... "The sixty-detector of the poet, who remained in the consciousness of compatriots, one of the keepers of the ideals of the Prague Spring. Meet him I had only one day. We sat at the table of the cafe ... "2017 www.Syt -" Free Electronic Library - Electronic Materials "

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