The use of arbolit under various construction work. Arbolit: We use the basic properties of blocks for construction

Arbolit, which, due to the composition of the composition, is also called the trees, was quite popular in domestic expanses in the middle of the last century. Production technology came to us from Holland, and already in the 60s in the territory of the Union there were about hundreds of plants producing arbolit. It was used for the construction of buildings in the coldest regions of the country, since the material has excellent thermal insulation qualities. In the 90s, many plants went bankrupt, about Arbolite forgot, but the buildings built dozens of years ago were still preserved in excellent condition. Today the material is experiencing a new round of popularity, it is actively advertised, but few people know what arbolit consists of, what advantages and cons is characteristic of it and what kinds it happens. Hurry to correct the situation and make clarity.

№1. The composition of Arbolita

Arbolit is one of the varieties. In the title of the material, French roots are traced: Arbre C French translates as "tree". If you know only this fact, you can guess what main materials are part of Arbolit. So it is:

It is clear that the characteristics of the finished material depend on the quality of raw materials. Since the chips in the Arbolit block is the most, then it is paid to the greatest value. The composition should go to chip - not sawdust, hay, tyrsh or chips (otherwise it will be already ophkaketon). The strength of the material depends on the chip caliber. According to standards, the length of the chip can be up to 40 mm, the width is 5-10 mm, the thickness is 3-5 mm. It is desirable that only chips consisted in the block without any impurities, although a small amount of bark (up to 10%) practically does not affect the strength of the products. Wood grade It is not so important, but usually used, but goes much less often, as you need to use more additives due to wood features.

Cement Use no lower M400 brand, but since it has a feature to quickly lose strength properties during storage, in the production of structural arbite blocks it is better to use the M500 brand cement.

Without chemical additives In the production of arbolit, it is not necessary to do everything in the wines contained in the wood of sugar, which impede normal adhesion. Therefore, in production use in advance well-leaked wood, but it does not save. The surface of the chip is mineralized by lime, calcium chloride, or sulfate alumina.

The ratio of components is regulated by GOST. If, for example, exceed the water content, then the output you can get a block of insufficient strength, and there will be more problems with its manufacture.

Arbolit is produced in several types:

  • masonry blocks;
  • hollow blocks;
  • heat insulating plates;
  • panels;
  • the solution for creating monolithic structures and fill in place (like both).

Since the blocks from Arbolita found the greatest application, today they are meant under arbolit. As a rule, they are manufactured with dimensions of 500 * 250 * 200 mm, but products can occur with other parameters.

№2. Production of Arbolita

Production of arbolite blocks is simple, but requires accurate compliance with technology. If short, then the process looks like that. All necessary chemicals add to water. The chip, meanwhile, fall asleep into the mixer, add water to it and are stirred for a short time, then cement is added and mixed for another 3 minutes. The formation is made within 15 minutes in one of the following ways:

  • manual forming without vibration;
  • hand molding with vibration;
  • manufacturing on vibrationan;
  • manufacturing on a vibrationan with a prune.

Naturally, the mechanization of production allows you to get better blocks with the necessary operational qualities. The mixture pressing ensures the correct distribution of chips in the cement and its complete coating with a cement solution. Vibration is used carefully to achieve the uniform distribution of chips, but do not lead to the precipitation of the cement mortar on the bottom day.

Number 3. Arbolit: pros and cons

The composition of arbium blocks allows us to talk about numerous advantages of material:

  • excellent thermal insulation. The coefficient of thermal conductivity of arbolite with a density of 400 kg / m 3 - 0.07 W / m * K, a density of 500 kg / m 3 - 0.09 W / m * K, 600 kg / m 3 - 0.11 W / m * k, 800 kg / m 3 - 0.15 W / m * K, and blocks with a density of more than 500 kg / m 3 are considered already structural. According to calculations, for moderate latitudes of the walls of arbolite with a thickness of 38 cm, it is enough to ensure the required heat transfer resistance. In practice, walls are usually built with a thickness of 30 cm, and the inner and outer decoration slightly increase thermal insulation. Together with arbite blocks, it is not bad to apply good, and then the problem of providing heat insulation is quickly solved;
  • good sound insulation;
  • excellent vapor permeability, so the optimal microclimate is maintained in the house of Arbolit;
  • high resistance fire. Material refers to the difficulty (combustion group - Γ1), a refined (B1) and low-forming (D1) materials;
  • the low weight allows you to save on and simplify the construction process;
  • simplicity processing;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • resistance to and rodents;
  • high strength. Frames are not formed on the surface of the blocks. Buildings can be erected without additional interconnection reinforcement;
  • easy installation of fasteners, incl. and self-tapping screws that distinguishes the arbolite block from polystyrene and ceramzite concrete.

Cons of Arbolita:

  • the need to protect against direct moisture impact. Cement and mineralized chips have low hygroscopicity, but with direct contact with water (for example, rain with the wind) block can worsch and lose a number of its positive properties, so buildings from arbolita are better additionally facing, but there is nothing at home from many other materials. For reasons of aesthetic or protection are also separated. It is worth noting that there are cases of exploitation of buildings from arbolit without an additional exterior finish - in 10 years nothing happened;
  • not the highest frost resistance. The unit maintains 25-50 frost / defrost cycles depending on the strength, but when the material is protected from direct exposure to moisture, it is possible to significantly extend the service life of the material;
  • insufficient accuracy of geometry, even subject to all requirements for production. For example, and possess much more accurate geometry. The deviation in block parameters leads to the need to increase the masonry solution, and this leads to the freezing of walls on the seams. Recently, some manufacturers began to resort to milling blocks to improve their geometry;
  • the price of arbolite blocks is approximately 1.5 times higher than aerated concrete and foam concrete;
  • abundance in the garage production market of garage production with unknown operational qualities;
  • to preserve the vapor permeability of the house, you must use only breathing materials for finishing the facade, but this is not a minus - rather, recommendation.

Arbolit today is widely used in private construction for the construction of houses (up to 3 floors), cottages, garages and hozpostroops, is in demand material and in the construction of low-rise production buildings. Shrinkage is 0.4-0.5%.

№4. Arbolita density

The density of arbite blocks is the main indicator that is taken into account during the choice and purchase. The higher the density, the material is more durable and resistant to the loads. On the other hand, a smaller density provides the best thermal insulation qualities, so you should choose blocks depending on the purpose of use.

By density, Arbolite blocks are divided into:

The classification of blocks with the release of a structural-heat insulating material with a density of 450-600 kg / m 3 is also found.

If we are talking about erection of walls at home monolithic technology, The solution of 300 kg / m 3 is a density of 300 kg / m 3 possesses the same good bearing capacity as a block of a density of 550 kg / m 3. In addition, monolithic walls, "grown" with a monolithic method using formwork, do not have cold bridges.

№5. The strength of arbolite blocks

The carrier's ability of arbolite blocks directly depends on the strength to compress the material. With increasing density, strength increases. Strength is determined by the brand and class. Mark - the average value for a whole batch of samples, varies from M5 to M100, where the number shows how much kg can withstand cm 2 surface of the block. In the M75 brand batch, blocks can withstand 65-80 kg / cm 2, and for large blocks is a very significant discrepancy, so today it is often used by grades of strength. The class determines the guaranteed strength, i.e. 95% of all samples must comply with the specified parameter. Arbolit classes fluctuate from B0.35 to B3.5.

The sphere of using arbolite directly depends on its strength:

  • heat insulating The material has a strength class to B1 and a storage brand to M10;
  • structural The class of strength to B3.5 and stupid strength to M100.

Blocks B1 can be used when erecting low (up to 3 m) single-storey buildings, for higher buildings it is better to take blocks B1.5, and for 2- and 3-storey houses - blocks B2.0-B2.5.

№6. What to take into account when choosing an arbolit?

Producers of arbite blocks Today, a lot, we will not specifically allocate someone, as in each region there are decent companies and list them for a very long time. On the other hand, everywhere is full and handicraft productionwho are trying to sell frankly bad goods more expensive, and even a certificate of quality is not always a guarantee of actual quality, because we all know how sometimes documents are made. It is best to visit the production, with your own eyes to evaluate the technology and quality of blocks. What are the criteria for checking and how to understand that the product is poor quality?

№7. Arbolite blocks do it yourself

Numerous reviews of private builders indicate that arbolit is better to buy ready, than to produce yourself. The technology seems to be not complicated, but it is difficult to achieve the necessary strength at home, and the labor-intensity of the work is very high. Moreover, the personally made arbolit is better not to use for masonry bearing walls, but or the garage can be built from it, so we give the instruction how to make arbolite blocks with your own hands:

To improve the quality of the material, it is better to get a vibrostol and detachable forms. The composition and proportion of the mixture can vary depending on the desired result.

For use arbolic blocks with a size of 500 * 250 * 300 mm or 500 * 250 * 200 mm, the masonry leads into one or half of the block, the partitions are asserted from blocks 500 * 250 * 150 mm. Preferably after every 3-4 rows of masonry to take a break for drying. When erecting low-rise small buildings, reinforcement is not required - in other cases, the reinforcement is better stacked every 3rd row. The house from Arbolita will have no less than 60 years (it was so many first houses from this material, and they are still in excellent condition) - it is only important to choose high-quality material with the necessary operational qualities.

The construction of a vehicle storage is a fundamental task for a true car enthusiast. In this case, the design must perform certain functions.

Well, it is worth not a barn, a chicken coop or a simple shop, but a real house for a kind of family member. Get an excellent and inexpensive structure allow arbolic blocks, so the garage from Arbolita can be found more and more.

Build a garage from block arbolit

The construction of arbolita buildings does not have significant differences from construction from other block materials. The greatest similarity will be with foam block, except for the moment that the arbolit will be cheaper. To build the same chicken coop or barn, it is also better to use a cheaper material, especially since it is often used to build houses (if a person is good in such a structure, then the material is suitable for other purposes). Like all building processes, the construction of the garage from the arbite blocks should be performed on a specific algorithm.

Create a project

Without pre-design, it is hardly possible to build a building that can satisfy existing needs. To begin with, it is worth understanding which functions should perform a garage: exclusively storing the car or also the implementation of its repair. In the second case, construction begins with the construction of an audit pit.

Before arranging the pits, do not forget to check the level of groundwater, otherwise you will have to make repairs in the aqualing. In any case, waterproof the walls. For their arbolit, it is not recommended to use arbolit - it is susceptible to moisture, so the walls are better lay out of the brick or slag block.

Also for the construction of the garage you need a detailed project. Some are trying to do without it, but professionals draw a drawing even if a barn or chicken coop is built, although without problems can be built and "on the eye". The accurate project is the key to the durability of the design and its compliance with the goals.

To create a project yourself - use special programs or find ready-made. It will not prevent the project of the garage from arbolite blocks to geologists and engineers. Only in this case, you can be sure that the specific structure will have the necessary characteristics in the conditions of the selected area.

Marking site

Marking of the site under the foundation

You take the project, pegs, fishing line (you can rope) and place the perimeter of the future garage. Pay attention to a number of facilities. If they are already erected, then it is better to retreat from them.

With the excavation of the Earth to create a trench under the base there is a chance to disrupt the strength of the foundations of other buildings. Intervention can destroy the barn, chicken coop or even a whole house.

Foundation building

Feature of structures from light arbite blocks - there is no need to include a deep foundation. The design of a material consisting of 90% of the organic components (wood) will have a small mass. Therefore, the usual belt foundation will be quite enough.

To improve the platform for the car, you can use any preferred option: pour concrete, use special blocks, lay out paving slabs (paving, wave, coil, rhombick, etc.).

A trench for a garage from arbium blocks, in most cases, a meter is depth. The width depends solely on the thickness of the walls (50-70 cm).

On the bottom of the trench, the sand layer is falling asleep - a special pillow. It is also recommended to perform waterproofing walls before filling the solution.

Preparation of solution

Now it is relevant in the construction of structures from blocks to use special adhesives, but in this case its use is irrelevant. From a material point of view, it is also that to build a chicken coop of gas blocks. Moreover, for arbolitis with its nonideal surface, it is optimal to use a cement solution that can compensate for all irregularities. As for proportions, it is not necessary to invent anything new. A standard cement mixture is prepared.

Laying wall

The process is similar to construction from other blocks and bricks, so it will not be described in detail. We only note that you need to start with corners and constantly check the evenness of the rows using a level.

Installation of the baton

This stage is considered to be the most difficult when building a garage. Note that the project initially must contain data width data (1 auto - 3 meters and more). Also, severe monolithic structures are often installed as beams, therefore, to prevent emergency load on the arbolit, you need to build a strain belt to strengthen the beam supports.

Installation of roof

Its design may be the easiest. For example, you can look at the chicken coop or another building, in which there is no attic room.

Algorithm of roofing structures:

Internal work

When constructing a conventional building to protect the car from atmospheric phenomena, it is enough to carry out insulation with ordinary materials: minvata or foam.

Before carrying out internal works, consider the location of the shelves and burzhuyki, if such is planned to be installed.

It is also necessary to carry out waterproofing to protect walls from moisture. For this, polyethylene and drywall are used, and after the surface of the paint desired color is painted.

Outdoor work

Stucco using reinforcing mesh

Outside, too, it is worth protecting the walls from the effects of frost and moisture. The easiest option: a layer of foam, on top of the army, and shocking. Plaster is also painted. After that, you can put the gate and "to acquaint" the car with his new home.

Construction of a garage from block arbolita is a great solution that can provide optimal conditions for storing the machine within a small budget. Only when buying, choose the proven manufacturers, if, of course, do not want to detect in the middle of the garbage blocks during sawing and observe how the walls are literally scattered in your eyes.

The monolithic arbolit is among the most economical building materials used for more than 50 years in different countries for low-rise buildings. Economical construction from "Opilk concrete", as it is called, respectively, the composition will be in demand at all times, especially when erecting secondary simplicity of industrial workshops or for private country house-building. In the monolithic walls, the arbolite mass is poured into the prepared formwork, and for the traditional construction of the house, the mixture of concrete and sawdust is formed in the form of blocks.

  1. Properties and composition of arbolit
  2. What is part of Arbolit
  3. The main properties of blocks
  4. Production of Arbolita
  5. Molding blocks from arbolit

Properties and composition of arbolit

The advantage of the material is the minimum cost, low thermal conductivity, simplicity of manufacturing technology and composition of arbolit. Brick blocks made of a mixture of sawdust and concrete with some impurities are also available and reliable, they are easy to make with their own hands right in the country area, which will give additional savings. Its minimum thermal conductivity makes it in demand even in a cold climate. Molds for filling the prepared mixture is easy to do on their own, taking into account the desired size, and if necessary, the material is well sustained.

Like foam concrete, the opilk concrete is classified as building material from a group of light concrete. He is like an artificial stone made on the basis of woodworking waste - these are chips, fine chips and sawdust. Arbolit photo - varieties of material use in construction.

Today, the arbolit form in the form of plates, blocks, panels and monolithic walls. The standard edition of the arbolite of the material is the outer blocks of 20x30x50 cm and small panels, and partitions and seals are made from blocks 20x20x50 cm. For thermal insulation, the ready-made panels 120x230x20 (28) are used. At the same time, this standard is recommended, but not mandatory, manufacturers often pour blocks Arbolite Other sizes. The diameter and form of internal voids also varies, as well as the composition of the material. According to GOST, arbolite blocks have an inner coating with a concrete-lime solution that impedes the effects of moisture.

Depending on the climatic zone and natural conditions, other dry plant components are often added to the layouts. Such brick manufacturing techniques are known in antiquity, but the most widely used a mixture of straw and clay, and today, experimenters for creating economical building materials make focus on a mixture of concrete with industrial production waste.

In the post-war time, in the period of active Soviet construction, sawdust blocks found ubiquitous use, thanks to affordability and efficiency. In addition to the monolithic arbolit, the wood mixture with concrete was flooded in the form of a hollow brick. In this case, arbolit sizes can have both standard and arbitrary, it is important that they are comfortable for laying.

Abroad, similar domestic building materials are popular:

  • woodstone,
  • dryna Pan
  • durisole, etc.

Today, arbolit is used for the construction:

  • seasplets in the construction of industrial buildings;
  • garages;
  • cozpostrok;
  • country houses;
  • warehouse premises;
  • dacha settlements;
  • model cottage construction.

In homes of small floors, the arbolit is used to build not only the inner walls, but also outdoor, requiring facing decoration, for example, siding or "wild stone". Carrier walls and minor saint are cast from arbolita, also made of small hollow blocks make light designs for fences or partitions. In addition, in the cold climatic zone, it is successfully used for an additional second layer when insulating outdoor stone walls, that is, as thermal insulation - arbolit video.

The density of thermal insulation and structural blocks - in the range of 400-850 kg / cubic meters.

The thermal conductivity of arbolite is 0.08 W / m-0.17 W / m, that is, higher than that of foam concrete, ceramzite concrete and all types of bricks.

Frost resistance of building materials - F25-F50, as an experiment was used in the Arctic and Antarctic construction.

Fire resistance indicators - 0.75 h -1.5 h, not flammable.

In terms of resistance to damage to rodents, termites, bacteria, fungi and rot - classification of bioscistance V group.

What is part of Arbolit

Arbolit is blocks consisting of a two-component mixture - filler from wood waste and lightweight concrete with a slight amount of chemical stabilizers for wood resistance. Despite the woody base, country houses are no different, sound and thermal insulation from more expensive materials. The only requirement is obligatory.

The material is fire-resistant, does not shrink, conditionally has 2 varieties - construction (more dense, full) for outer walls and thermal insulation with emptiness for internal works and upper floors. Light blocks are successfully used to facilitate the upper floors in small buildings on soils, where they do not recommend building large and high private houses.

The base of arbolit composition:

  • sulfate resistant or portland cement;
  • wood-organic filler;
  • chemical additives.

Chemical stabilizers are able to give the wood of Arbolit Additional properties:

  • remove excess pulp polysaccharides for the durability of the material;
  • significantly increase bactericidal indicators;
  • adjust the porosity of sawdust, etc.

Under the filler use dry waste of woodworking:

  • chip
  • shavings,
  • sawdust,
  • crushed bark and needle
  • solid stalks of farm crops (cotton, cereals, rice straw, etc.), depending on local raw materials.

Thanks to this technology, in order to save, building materials from undergraduate vegetable waste can be made in remote agricultural regions. The release of arbolita with their own hands can be established serially - for local needs.

There are other options, respectively, the production of arbite blocks, for example, is sometimes used liquid glass with ash, lime, sand, slag and other components.

The main properties of blocks

The properties and technology of Arbolit are combined in themselves the dignity of concrete and natural orientation materials for construction. For example, the strength gives it a concrete, and the tendency to self-detention, the deduction of heat and the absorption of odors - from the wood. Like all building materials, the arbolit has its own minuses and obvious advantages.

1. The main advantages of building materials:

  • multifunctionality in construction is the ability to cast monolithic walls, blocks, plates, jumpers for window and doorways of the required shape and size;
  • arbolit is amenable to processing (sawing and drilling), makes it possible to obtain blocks of the desired configuration, for example, triangular, under the alignment of a series of the iser roof;
  • economical building material from undergraduate ingredients;
  • the simplest production technology and the ability to manufacture blocks directly on a construction site;
  • the hardened arbolit has a high adhesion, well sufficiently facing and finishing, often without a frame and reinforcing grid;
  • due to the high heat insulation, the houses from arbolit differ with smaller heating costs than the stone analogs;
  • arbolit fireproof, despite the wood content;
  • not susceptible to rotting and damage to fungus;
  • frost-resistant material;
  • high sound insulation, it is favorable for use in the construction of houses near the railway canvases and airfields;
  • the ease of material makes it indispensable on problem soils;
  • environmentally friendly arbolit is appreciated by allergies and supporters of eco-technologies of construction;
  • homogeneous material with equal distribution of the mixture;
  • gives the least all waste during sawing, and broken blocks easily glue with mounting glue;
  • gives savings time when laying, thanks to large and light blocks;
  • has a small proportion;
  • does not give a shrinkage;
  • perfectly holds fasteners (screws, nails, dowels) and light fittings for decorative trim.

2. Arbolit has its own minuses:

  • requires the construction of a high concrete foundation for the construction of a country house with waterproofing, if the country area is erected in places of high humidity. This is due to the porosity of the material, and the straightening water is very difficult to remove the outside, because the arbolit is characterized by large water absorption - up to 50-80%. Due to the low moisture resistance, the protective finish of the outer layer is required;
  • you can not always buy finished blocks, but make arbolit with your own hands is sometimes problematic. In many places, this simple and well forgotten technology is only reborn. Arbolit with their own hands video gives a complete picture of the production technology, which is worth carefully examined before it is done by making it yourself.

Production of Arbolita

The arbium mixture for the molding of blocks is prepared in different ways, depending on the technology. For example, based on a concrete mixer, liquid glass, wood chips, and portland cement brand 500.

For the release of large volumes of Arbolit, special equipment can be rented or acquired. This will require equipment for:

  • kneading
  • rambling
  • masonry in molds,
  • furnaces for drying
  • place for curing, protected from moisture.

Detailed industrial production technologies of arbolite blocks have specialized companies that sell them with a set of equipment. In domestic use, you can use the simplest recipes, the method of grinding woodworking waste and arbolite technology, however, and then do not do without concrete mixing and forms to obtain blocks.

Molding blocks from arbolit

The best filler for mass under the arbolit will be a varieneface sawdust in a mixture with a crushed chip, treated with a lime solution, which have already been shutter speed (drying) 3-4 months in air. Sawdust, moistened in a lime solution, stirred and dried, it removes cellulose polysaccharides to eliminate the causes of rotting and swelling.

The form for rectangular blocks can have arbitrary sizes, but it is better to use the standard - 25x25x50 cm. The boards inside should be as smooth as possible. Slices of film linoleum can be additionally treated by KN-3 mastic.

Experienced masters recommend making forms for arbolite blocks from cropping boards with their own hands, and for the convenience of the removal of finished products they advise on the walls to fill the pieces of linoleum. The mixture during the filling of the form can be sealing manually by any suitable to this device. If there is a ready-made vibropress, you can use it.

The filled block is withstanding the day inside the shape, after that it is laid out under the sighting canopy. Some technologies are recommended to withstand blocks under the film for final hydration of 1.5-2 weeks. The low temperature of the warehouse room does not affect the quality of arbolite blocks, but they should not leave them in the frost. In the heat, blocks can dry and sweep up, so they are periodically sprayed with water.

The opilk concrete mass is conveniently kneaded in a metallic trough or drawer, where the sifted sawdresses and the chopped chips are laying, poured with a solution of water with chemical goods. The moistened substrate is well mixed up to uniformity, then the cement is moved, stirred and dry cement is added again until a thick consistency is obtained. The most convenient kneading is obtained in a small concrete mixer.

Related proportion:

  • 1 part of the volume - sawdust plus chopped chips,
  • 1 part of the volume - dry cement,
  • 1.5 parts of water with additives up to 4-5%.

Cement may be more, while the arbolit will be stronger, but heavier, and for porous and hollow material, which goes on insulation and simpleness, cement is added less.

For additives used:

  • liquid glass;
  • calcium chloride;
  • sulphate aluminum or aluminum;
  • slaked lime.

When filling out the shape with a mixture to obtain arbolit, you can insert 2-3 identical wooden throws to get emptiness. The mass is placed by layers of 3 receptions, followed by a seal with any suitable bits or wooden hammer device. For Arbolita for the first floor, you can add reinforcement between layers. Surplus is necessarily removed, the top is aligned, for example, a wide construction spatula, the form is set under a canopy to frozen concrete.

When removing the finished arbite block, we turn over to a flat area and the hardened material is exposed to a week under the film and finally dries 3-8 days before the masonry.

The first batch is better to make a small one - to verify the properties of the resulting arbolit. You can experience the possibility of sawing, perforation and retention of nails.

Arbolit is an excellent choice of building material, for the construction of the garage.

What are the requirements for the garage of its construction?

The garage should ensure reliable storage of the car !!!

First of all, the garage is built to protect the car, and.

Protection against external atmospheric (and not only) impacts.

Everything is fine here without any explanation. You defend your steel horse from the rain, hail, the distortion of ice crusts, falling branches, trees, icicles and other "pleasures", broken glass and scratches on the body "from the benevolers" and children. The onset of these events is quite likely when your car is just standing on the street.

Let's stop more on protection against malicious intent.

The uniqueness of the arbite blocks of fundamentally distinguish them from the blocks of light concretees with other fillers consists in their plasticity (property of wood) and a large clutch surface with a masonry solution (chipping property). As a result, we obtain a monolithic elastic wall, from which it is impossible to knock out a single block. To destroy the arbolite wall, you need an electrified tool (Bulgarian, perforator or other). Simply, it's almost impossible to do anything. To destroy the walls of arbolite with a manual tool, much more time is required and significantly more noise will be produced. This is an undesirable factor for a person trying to enter your garage. The wall will spring, sharpen in places of strikes, but hold. It is much easier to cut with a grinder with a grinder and enter the garage than to destroy the wall from Arbolit.

High humidity protection.

This car is mainly iron. The iron, when interacting with oxygen contained in atmospheric air in the process of the chemical oxidation reaction proceeds to the state of the oxide of FE2O3 - rust. Especially actively, this reaction proceeds in conditions of high humidity. Therefore, even when your car costs, and not travels on the puddles, he rust. Especially actively, if before that you drove on puddles or snow.

Our motorists have long noticed that if you put a car into an iron or stone garage, the rusting process occurs quite actively. If the wooden boards are for the floor, this process slows down significantly. This is due to the fact that wood, like a sponge, absorbs an extra moisture, reducing its concentration in the surrounding atmosphere, which leads to a slowdown in the car rusting process.

Now imagine that your car surrounds wood not only by gender, but also from the walls, which, absorb an extra moisture from the air, bring it to the capillars into the atmosphere outside the garage. What effect to get? That's right, the amount of moisture in the atmosphere will decrease even more, the time to remove moisture from the garage will decrease and your car will serve you even longer.

The garage should be fireproof !!!

The fire prevention properties of Arbolit were repeatedly proven, both under conditions of laboratory tests and in field conditions. Arbolit It is impossible to ignite and he does not support burning!!!

Regulatory time, when conducting fire tests, products from Arbolit, is 1.5 hours. A similar indicator have products from foam blocks.

The presence of a cement cocoon that eliminates oxygen access to wood, and its very low thermal conductivity, lead to the fact that there is a gradual destruction of the block only at the place of fire exposure. Videos demonstrating this property of arbolita in sufficient quantities are posted on the Internet.

The garage must provide comfortable conditions for the operation of the car. !!!

The arbolit is so warm material that in absolutely light frosts, the car supplied to the garage from the arbite blocks in the evening, completely calmly mature in the morning without additional heated and other televitations.

The heat accumulated in the engine and the car body turns out to be enough to warm the air in the garage to a temperature sufficient to start the car in the morning and maintain this temperature for several hours.

In addition, in our conditions a garage, this is where very often his owner is engaged in its service depending on its autocalification. And not only service.

Once again we emphasize that the arbolit is a very warm material. This means that a comfortable temperature in the garage can be achieved with the help of simple and inexpensive energy sources for a very short period of time (provided that you are well insulated the gate, wicket and roof of the garage. After that, you can completely give up your favorite business.

In addition, the arbolit is perfectly embarrassing, nails are driven into it, screws and self-tapping screws. Walls are durable so much that it is possible to fasten the shelves of almost any weight. And this means that you can completely safely equip the garage with your own hands under your needs: hang the shelves to accommodate spare parts and tools, place large-sized parts on the walls (so that they do not interfere with the feet), lay the wiring in boxes or walls. At the same time, you are completely devoid of such "pleasure" as a selection of dowels, anchors and their mount in the wall. Just take a self-tapping screw or a hook with a screw corresponding to the required load, choose the place of the attachment. In the case of self-pressing - just screw in the wall. In the case of a hook - drill a hole in the wall with a simple drill along a smaller diameter of the hook thread, and simply screw it into the resulting hole.

According to such a technique on the walls, you can place the shelves, cabinets, spare tires, large parts, tool fixtures. Those. All (!!!) What can be placed on the walls, freeing the floor and the lower space of the garage for comfortable work.

At the same time, labor costs will be an order of magnitude lower than the same work with walls from other building materials.

The construction of the garage should not undermine the family budget !!!

We tried to highlight the factors that affect the cost of construction from arbolite blocks on a page on the construction of a bath. Everything described on it is also relevant for the construction of the garage.

Build a garage - only from Arbolit !!!

Based on all foregoing, we believe that the most good material by criterion for the price / quality / comfort is arbolite blocks.

For understandable money, you get the opportunity in the shortest possible time to build a very durable and warm structure, allowing you to effectively save and serve your car.

Arbolit is used in construction for more than fifty years, and during this time he has established itself as an excellent construction and thermal insulation material for the construction of low-rise buildings and structures. Dacha and country houses are built from it, household buildings. The bath from arbolite blocks in terms of its qualities and characteristics is not much inferior to a wooden building.

Such properties of the material ensure components included in its composition: cement, sand, vegetable and wood fibers. Good vapor permeability, heat and sound insulation, structural strength - all this arbolite blocks, the reviews of which and specialists, and consumers testify to its wonderful technical and performance characteristics.

Production technology of arbite blocks: from which components produce arbolit?

The technology on which blocks from arbolite are manufactured, similar to the production of wall blocks from cement-sandy solution. The difference is that in the preparation of the mixture instead of a certain part of the sand, crushed wood or vegetable fibers are used. For the preparation of the mixture, cotton, rice straw, flax and other industrial cultures are used. The mixer is covered with a mixer and stirred with water. Depending on the percentage of components, thermal insulation and structural blocks are distinguished. The first have a density of 400 to 500 kg / m3, and the second this value reaches 850 kg / m3. The strength of different types of blocks is also different and is M5-M15 and M25-M50, respectively.

The thermal conductivity of arbolite depends on its density. With D400, it is equal to 0.08 W / (M ° C) for chopped wood, and 0.07 for plant fibers. In structural blocks with a density of D700 thermal conductivity with wood filler 0.14 W / (M ° C), and with vegetable - 0.12. The lower thermal conductivity of arbolite with fillers from vegetable fibers is due to the greater porosity of the initial raw material.

To increase strength in the manufacture of arbum blocks, fittings are used. This will complicate the technological process, and increases production costs, but allows you to get a more durable material from which buildings can be erected with greater altitude. In this case, the protective layer of arbolite must be at least 15 mm. For reinforcement, the rod steel of the Classes A - I, A-II and A-III and the wire of the periodic profile are used.

Weight, sizes and laying of walls from arbite blocks with their own hands

The houses from arbolite blocks are warm and relatively inexpensive, which is important to reduce the cost of construction and operation. Due to high vapor per capita, arbolit provides regulation of humidity, which contributes to the improvement of the microclimate. Choosing materials for finishing, it is necessary to take into account this property and apply the layers as the vapor permeability coefficient decreases.

Due to the low density and good workability of the material, construction from arbite blocks requires smaller labor than the construction of a house of bricks, a collection or monolithic reinforced concrete. The first row of blocks are placed on the top of the base or foundation. First lay out the angles and places of intersection of external and inland walls. Having laying out the nodes to the height of 3-4 blocks, proceed to the laying of the rows. Each series needs careful alignment. Taking into account the good workability, the blocks are pered to the use of power tools.

In order to make the laying of high strength every 2-5 rows reinforced. Additionally reinforce window and doorways, as well as the top row. Often, the masonry is completed by the Armopoyas device from the reinforced concrete, which is used for the mounting of the Maurolalate or roofing system.