Sticking wallpaper in the bathroom tips. The legacy of the Soviet Union or an unusual design move: wallpaper for the bathroom

August 7, 2016
Specialization: Capital construction works (laying of foundations, erection of walls, construction of a roof, etc.). Internal construction work (laying of internal communications, rough and final finishing). Hobbies: mobile communications, high technologies, computer technology, programming.

I have been working as a builder for several decades and have the opportunity to observe the evolution of finishing materials. And recently I noticed that wallpaper for the bathroom, which for a couple of decades had been undeservedly forgotten, are becoming popular again.

Therefore, I decided to devote today's material to the question of which wallpaper is suitable for decorating a bathroom with your own hands. Naturally, we will not talk about low-quality products produced by the printing houses of the USSR, but about innovative finishing materials with unique performance characteristics.

The ability to use wallpaper in the bathroom

First of all, I want to touch upon the issue of the advisability of using this type of finish in sanitary facilities, the microclimate of which is characterized by high humidity and significant temperature fluctuations in the air.

Leaving the aesthetic side of this issue for a while, I can name several reasons at once why wallpaper for the bathroom I personally consider one of the best decorative materials:

  1. The price of wallpaper is less than the cost of tiles or other similar facing materials. Moreover, the entire repair will cost you less, since wallpapering the walls is a less laborious process than installing ceramics.
  2. For pasting walls with wallpaper, it is not at all necessary to involve a professional in the work. You can do all the work yourself. Moreover, the process will not take as much time as it seems at first glance.
  3. In specialized stores of finishing materials, there is such a large assortment of wallpapers that with their help you can make any design fantasy a reality. Moreover, this finishing material is perfectly combined with tiles, and with plastic panels, and with plaster.

  1. Wallpaper can be easily glued to the walls, just as easily dismantled. Therefore, if you have a desire to change the interior of the bathroom, you will also not spend a lot of money or a lot of time on this operation. You can complete all the work within one or two days, the instructions for pasting canvases are quite simple, it will not be difficult to prepare a surprise for your loved ones.

Of course, there are also a few disadvantages that limit the use of bathroom wallpaper. The most important are:

  • poor tolerance to moisture and direct contact with water;
  • high coefficient of water absorption;
  • danger of the adhesive layer developing on the decorative surface of the wallpaper.

However, all this can be easily avoided if you know what kind of wallpaper you need to glue in the bathroom. This is what I want to tell you in as much detail as possible in the next section. I will warn you right away that here I will not dwell on how to glue the wallpaper. This is a topic for a separate material, look for it on our website.

Varieties of wallpaper for bathroom decoration

So, the time has come to tell you what wallpaper can be glued. In sanitary facilities, due to the specifics of the microclimate, it is necessary to use waterproof wallpapers that do not change their operational properties during the entire period of operation.

I will describe the most common types of waterproof wallpaper.

Washable paper backed

The simplest and most inexpensive wallpaper option is paper-based washable. These are classic paper sheets, painted in a single color or decorated with various patterns, on the surface of which a waterproof layer of hydrophobic materials is applied. Thanks to this, the material perfectly tolerates operation in high humidity conditions, does not absorb water and is easily cleaned of dirt.

I myself often washed this decorative material with soapy water and a household detergent, and also wiped it with a damp cloth to get rid of stains. At the same time, their appearance did not suffer in any way, and the drawing retained its clarity.

The big plus of this look is the huge variety of colors and patterns that adorn the bathroom design. In addition, the waterproof film gives the surface of the material a gloss that reflects light from lighting fixtures. This visually enlarges the bathroom space in old apartment buildings. After all, there they do not differ in space.

I would also like to say that the waterproof film on washable wallpaper prevents moisture from penetrating into the paper base of the wallpaper. That is, air infiltration through the enclosing structures is disrupted and the walls stop "breathing". Therefore, if you are going to glue washable wallpaper for the bathroom, take care of good ventilation with a powerful electric fan.

Paper wallpapers are the cheapest option, but not the best. Therefore, I do not want to dwell on their description for too long and will immediately move on to more advanced options both in terms of technical characteristics and in terms of appearance.


The term "vinyl wallpaper" refers to a finishing material consisting of two layers:

  • upper decorative - it is made in polyvinyl chloride, painted in different colors and has a different relief;
  • substrates made of paper or non-woven - with its help, the wallpaper is fixed to the surface.

Depending on the materials used, the strength and durability of the finish is determined. Non-woven wallpaper is more durable, so I advise you to buy them for finishing the bathroom.

Moreover, you can choose finishing options that imitate ceramic bricks, tiles, wood or facade plaster. Bathroom design options only depend on your artistic taste.

I would like to note another important advantage of vinyl waterproof wallpaper - good soundproofing properties. The wallpaper perfectly absorbs sound waves, so the rest of the inhabitants of the apartment will not be disturbed by the noise of water and opera singing coming from the shower stall.

There are several types of vinyl wallpaper on sale, which differ from each other depending on the characteristics of the top decorative layer. Personally, I used the following types of wallpaper for decoration:

  1. Foam vinyl... Finishing material with high aesthetic qualities. It can be easily painted in any color and cleaned with household detergents. In addition, when glued, it is able to mask small defects and irregularities in the base.

The disadvantage of vinyl wallpaper made of foamed vinyl is a high coefficient of water absorption. The porous surface absorbs moisture and is difficult to part with it. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures to ventilate the bathroom.

  1. Made from heavyweight vinyl. In this case, the surface of the wallpaper is quite dense and absolutely smooth. Most often, I have come across such wallpapers that imitate mineral surfaces: brickwork or a savage stone.

The dense structure of the vinyl surface makes the wallpaper very easy to maintain. The material does not fade in the sun, so if you have a window in your bathroom, you don't have to worry about the preservation of the bright color of the chosen finish.

Some people ask if vinyl wallpaper can be glued in an enclosed bathroom, because it can release chemicals that are harmful to health. I will answer right away that all modern vinyl wallpapers are made using environmentally friendly technologies and do not harm health under normal operating conditions.

  1. Made from hard vinyl. Wallpaper on a non-woven base, the top layer of which is characterized by increased density and strength, as a result of which it perfectly tolerates external mechanical stress.

Solid vinyl wallpaper imitates tile, decorative plaster, and upholstery fabrics.

  1. Silk-screen printing. This is the most attractive variety of vinyl wallpaper. In appearance and texture, the surface of this finish resembles silk, and the pattern is applied by hot stamping.

The result is a thin wallpaper with which you can effectively and richly decorate any room, including the bathroom. At the same time, all the operational properties of vinyl wallpaper, such as strength, durability and water resistance, are fully preserved.

So that you can make your own decision about using this type of finish in the bathroom, I will list the pros and cons of vinyl wallpaper.

I'll start with the benefits:

  1. First of all, it is an amazing appearance. And I'm not only talking about the variety of colors and shades, but also about interesting textures. I pasted wallpaper in the bathroom, which an inexperienced person might confuse with tiles or ceramic bricks.
    After such a finish, the walls acquire volume, due to which minor irregularities and other surface imperfections can be hidden.
  2. Complete water and air tightness. The material does not absorb water (with the exception of some varieties) and does not allow air saturated with water vapor to enter the paper backing.
    This extends the service life of the material, but disrupts the natural regulation of the indoor climate. To get rid of excess moisture, you should worry about the efficient operation of the system.
  3. Strength. Vinyl wallpaper not only feels great in sanitary facilities, but also easily tolerates minor mechanical damage. Therefore, if you accidentally hit the wall surface with a mop, there will be no scratches or dents on it.
    And if some area breaks, with the help of the remnants of vinyl wallpaper, it is easy to carry out local surface repairs without resorting to the help of an experienced craftsman (as would be the case with damage to the tile).
  4. Durability. Due to the combination of high technical characteristics, this finishing material will retain its performance and appearance for a long time. You are more likely to get tired of the finish than to need to replace it.

In order not to be disappointed in the selected wallpaper after gluing them, always ask the sellers to provide documents confirming the quality of the products and compliance with the building codes in force in the Russian Federation.

As for the shortcomings, I can note two of them - the high cost (compared to paper wallpaper) and the difficulty of gluing. The fact is that when installing the finish, you should very carefully adjust the seams between the individual sheets of material. Otherwise, I personally do not see any restrictions.

If you have a different opinion, I ask you to express your opinion on this in the comments at the bottom of this material.


Now I want to tell you about liquid wallpaper for the bathroom. This is a new finishing material that allows you to effectively decorate not only plumbing rooms, but also the rest of your home.

The finish is more like decorative plaster and is sold as a dry powder, which must be mixed with water in the proportions indicated on the package before use.

Moisture-resistant liquid wallpaper, in addition to a binder and coloring pigments, contains fillers from various mineral and organic materials: mica, gelatin, algae, silk fibers, oak bark, cotton, and so on.

Thanks to this, after being applied to the walls and hardening, these "wallpapers" acquire a very effective and unusual appearance. Moreover, you can combine various types of liquid wallpaper with each other, vary the density and consistency of the material, achieving unique effects.

To the touch, liquid wallpaper in the bathroom resembles densely knitted felt or smoothly polished natural stone. They can be applied to any surface, including horizontal ones (ceilings, for example).

I am often asked whether it is possible to glue liquid wallpaper just on a brick or other similar mineral base. Here I have to disappoint you. They should only be applied to flat and previously prepared surfaces. It is better if it is drywall or a wall carefully plastered with sanitizing plaster.

In my practice, I used the following types of liquid wallpaper:

  1. Silk. Consist of natural silk fibers. They can be applied to mineral surfaces with very slight imperfections. Options are sold in powdery and ready-to-use form.
  2. Cotton. The dry powder contains 99% natural silk fibers and 1% binder. After application and hardening, they form a smooth surface that is very pleasant to the touch.
  3. Cellulosic. The most economical option for liquid wallpaper. The material consists of fibers that are formed from wood processing. This wallpaper can be used to decorate a mineral surface that has small cracks and other similar defects.

One of the most attractive properties of liquid wallpaper is the ability to regulate the humidity level in the room. The decorative surface absorbs excess water vapor, after which it gradually gives it back. This allows you to effectively regulate the microclimate in the bathroom without the use of powerful forced ventilation.

So that you can independently decide whether it is possible to use liquid wallpaper in the bathroom, I made a table in which I described all the pros and cons of this material.

pros Minuses
Environmental friendliness. The material consists almost entirely of natural materials (fibers of silk, cotton, cellulose, and so on), therefore, regardless of the operating conditions, it does not harm human health. This is especially important for people with allergic diseases. Great hygroscopicity. In case of direct contact with liquid, the finish absorbs water, which is then disposed of for a long time. Therefore, it is better not to decorate with liquid wallpaper the sections of the walls that are in contact with water (near the shower or bath).
Attractive appearance. Wallpaper is applied in the same way as plaster, therefore it forms a seamless homogeneous surface. And the possibility of combining the material and using it with other types of finishes allows you to create unique designer interiors. They wear out under constant mechanical stress. Although this property is inherent in a large number of finishing materials.
Soundproofing properties. The structure of the wallpaper allows them to effectively absorb sound waves, providing comfort for the inhabitants of an apartment or private house. Liquid wallpaper is quite expensive, but its price is fully paid off by its high performance characteristics and long service life.
In addition to the above, liquid wallpaper has antistatic properties, is not damaged by deformation of the base, it perfectly tolerates prolonged exposure to direct sunlight and does not absorb odors generated in sanitary facilities.

Fiberglass Wallpaper

Another way to decorate a plumbing room is to decorate the walls in the bathroom with fiberglass wallpaper. This material is a canvas woven from fibers obtained by melting glass under the influence of high temperature.

Thanks to the use of such raw materials, wallpapers receive unique technical characteristics that make them an excellent option for use in the bathroom. The wallpaper is durable, tolerates moisture well and does not harm human health.

Depending on the additions to the quartz (glass) mixture, manufacturers receive finishing materials with different surfaces. But all types of fiberglass wallpaper are divided into two large groups:

  1. Smooth. They are also called fiberglass or cobweb. They are a material that is more often used for reinforcing surfaces, sealing cracks, irregularities and other defects. Although such fiberglass can be painted with acrylic, giving an attractive appearance.
  2. Embossed. They are used for finishing decorative wall decoration in bathrooms and other premises. They have a higher density and better tolerate external mechanical stress. Their surface is covered with geometric patterns or other reliefs that can be painted with acrylic paints.

I will dwell in more detail on some of the technical characteristics of fiberglass wallpaper:

  1. High density. The material does not absorb water, therefore it is suitable for use in the bathroom. After finishing, the wallpaper serves as a reinforcing layer, preventing the appearance of cracks on the walls or ceiling pasted over with them.
  2. Strength. Fiberglass wallpaper withstands external mechanical stress well. They can be used to decorate plumbing rooms where a large number of people are expected (bathrooms and toilets in hotels, shopping centers, offices, and so on).

  1. Fire safety. Glass fiber has a high melting point, as a result of which glass fiber wallpaper does not ignite during a fire and does not contribute to the further spread of fire. The material does not emit combustion products hazardous to humans.
  2. Water vapor permeability. The product does not prevent air infiltration through the building envelope. This means that air saturated with water vapor can freely penetrate the decorative finish, and the humidity in the bathroom decreases.

Glass fiber has a very long service life. They retain their performance properties for at least 30 years from the moment they are glued.

Moreover, they can be repainted up to 20 times without damaging the internal structure of the substrate. Therefore, if you suddenly want to change the design in the bathroom, you just need to buy a bucket of paint (or several) and paint the walls with it.

I cannot fail to mention a few, from my point of view, the disadvantages of this type of decorative finish.

  1. First, it is increased fragility. Careless handling may cause the material to crumble before being glued to the wall. However, this disadvantage is inherent in cheap, low quality wallpapers. If you buy fiberglass from reliable stores, you do not need to worry about strength.
  2. Secondly, increased paint consumption. If you are going to paint embossed glass canvases, then be prepared for the fact that this will require more paint than if you were decorating a simply plastered and putty surface.
  3. Thirdly, there is, albeit a small, but still the possibility of the appearance of tears on the wallpaper as a result of the shrinkage of the walls on which they are glued.

However, all these disadvantages are more than offset by the exquisite appearance that your bathroom acquires after decorating with fiberglass wallpaper.


And the last finishing option is self-adhesive wallpaper for the bathroom. They are PVC film, decorated with some kind of pattern or pattern, on the back side of which dry glue with a protective layer is applied, which must be removed before installing the wallpaper on the surface.

Typically, self-adhesive wallpapers are produced in rolls from 40 to 90 cm wide and 14 m long. They can be used to decorate any surface, including walls in the bathroom.

Self-adhesive wallpaper for the bathroom comes in several varieties:

  • cork - are distinguished by increased heat and sound insulation properties;
  • with imitation of the texture of leather or decorative plaster;
  • with a matte and glossy surface;
  • imitating wood texture and so on.

The advantage of all types of self-adhesive wallpaper is the polymer top layer, which makes the material water-repellent and facilitates daily care. The material is easy to clean with household products.

In addition, the products in question have several other advantages:

  1. Strength. Self-adhesive film tolerates mechanical stress well without being damaged. She is not afraid of intensive use, therefore, such wallpaper can be used to decorate walls in public sanitary facilities.
  2. Long service life. The material retains its appearance and performance properties for at least 10 years when used in harsh bathroom conditions (characterized by high levels of humidity and significant temperature fluctuations).
  3. Environmental friendliness. Polyvinyl chloride itself and the glue used for gluing have zero emission of harmful chemical compounds, therefore, during use, the wallpaper does not harm the environment and human health.
  4. Ease of installation. The film is easily glued to a flat prepared surface. There is no need to apply glue to the walls. Simply remove the protective paper, apply the material and smooth it out. It is also easy to dismantle if necessary.
  5. Affordable cost. The price of self-adhesive wallpaper is low, so everyone can paste over any surfaces in the bathroom (up to cabinets) with them.


In this article, I have provided you with as much information as possible about what wallpapers are for decorating walls in the bathroom and what are their features. If you are interested in the process of wallpapering walls, I recommend that you watch the video in this article.

And in the comments to the material, you can tell what wallpaper for the bathroom you used. And what do you think about this kind of decorative trim. How impressive does a plumbing room look when pasted over with one or another wallpaper? Any opinion will be welcome.

A bathroom is a room with its own special microclimate, the dominant features of which are constant high humidity and significant temperature fluctuations. That is why, thinking about bathroom design, many traditionally prefer the time-tested solution - tiled tiles... At the same time, the modern building materials market offers wallpapers that are practically not inferior to tiles in terms of their characteristics.

Wallpaper in the bathroom: weighing the advantages and disadvantages

The main disadvantages to wallpapering a bathroom are well known. First of all, it is hygroscopicity - the ability of the paper base to absorb (saturate) water vapor, which is why, over time, the wallpaper begins to swell and then completely peel off. In addition, the glue itself, under the influence of temperature and moisture, loses its properties.

But, if, having foreseen all these disadvantages, choose the right materials (for example, glue - with increased adhesion and antifungal composition), then you can appreciate the undoubted advantages:

  • profitability - bathroom design and finishing with wallpaper will significantly reduce the cost of repairs compared to laying tiles. When gluing wallpaper, the cost of a finished 1 square meter of wall covering (taking into account materials and work) will come out almost an order of magnitude less than when using tiles
  • ease of installation - it is quite possible to do on your own, as opposed to installation plastic panels or laying tiles without the involvement of specialists, which gives additional savings
  • maintainability - if necessary, simply glue the wallpaper if some part has moved away. If you are tired of the old interior, then it is enough to simply update it. Carrying out such a mini-repair will not require large financial investments and great efforts.

The wallpaper is easy to dismantle, but you will have to tinker with the tiles, plus - dismantling the tiles is a very dusty process. If, with insufficient ventilation mold will appear on the wall covering, the wallpaper will be easy to remove, the walls should be treated with a disinfectant (anti-fungal) coating and new wallpaper will be glued

  • decorativeness - the ability to select wallpaper, varied in pattern, color and texture, while no other option for wall covering can offer such a wide range of options

How to choose wallpaper for the bathroom: considering options

The main parameter on which the choice of wallpaper for the bathroom must be based is the ability to withstand moisture. Today, you can pick up moisture-resistant wallpaper for the bathroom, which more or less meets this requirement:

  • washable wallpaper- the most affordable (for the price) option. They are covered with a special coating that prevents moisture from penetrating inside, deep into the inner layers of the canvas, thereby protecting the wallpaper from swelling and subsequent delamination. They are quite resistant to water, in addition, with the help of a sponge (damp cloth) they can be cleaned well, it is easy to remove dirt, fungus or dust from them, which is especially important to maintain hygienic requirements in the bathroom.
  • vinyl wallpaper is the most common choice when choosing wallpaper for a bathroom. Since they are made on the basis of polymer, they can not only withstand steam, temperature and moisture, but even withstand direct contact with water. True, the increase in quality also led to an increase in cost, but this is fully justified due to a noticeable increase in the term of use, compared to washing wallpaper, without loss of decorative and operational properties. Long-term operation is additionally ensured by the use of special glue for gluing, which has an increased level of adhesion

Advice! It is worth avoiding wallpapering the walls in places of direct contact with water - near shells, above the bathroom - even with a high level of moisture resistance and careful care, vinyl and washable wallpapers will darken and begin to peel off

  • Self-adhesive wallpaper is a water-repellent film that does not transmit moisture, on the back side of which an adhesive base is applied, so you do not need to purchase glue separately for gluing them. Their disadvantage is a very small assortment, limited to imitations of natural stone or different types of wood of different quality.
  • the liquid wallpaper- in fact, it is more of a water-based decorative plaster, which contains binders, cotton and silk fibers, mineral additives, glitter. They are sold as dry mixes.

They are applied like traditional plaster, after hardening they become absolutely impervious to moisture, and after additional coating with acrylic varnish they are practically waterproof. An aesthetically appealing coating, distinguished by the uniqueness of the pattern and the originality of the texture.

  • glass wallpaper- not able to absorb moisture at all. Woven from fiberglass and impregnated with a special composition based on modified starch. They differ in durability, strength, environmental friendliness, a variety of textures. A special plus - they can be easily repainted, such wallpapers can be repainted up to 20 times with water-based or latex paints.

Wallpaper in the bathroom: choosing a style

The use of wallpaper in the bathroom means combining it with other surfaces - tiled or simply painted.

It is important to choose wallpaper that will match in style, to avoid an excessive heap of textures and colors - this will create the impression of clutter and chaos. Wallpaper, sustained in light colors, will create a joyful, sunny mood, green and blue add a sense of cleanliness.

In small bathrooms, dark colors should be avoided - they visually reduce the volume.

A neat drawing on light wallpaper will not only allow you to reclaim space, but also set the mood of the bathroom you need.

Modern technology is able to create wall coverings that are resistant to moisture. Wall decoration can be simple, fast and high-quality if you use wallpaper for pasting the bathroom. Until recently, only ceramic tiles were used when renovating a bathroom, because there was no sufficiently durable and waterproof wallpaper. But now moisture-resistant wallpaper is widely used to create beautiful and cozy bathroom interiors.

A bathroom is a room where specific requirements are imposed on any coating. Plain wallpaper, vinyl, non-woven or paper can not be glued to the walls in the bathroom. As a result of exposure to water, the finish will gradually lose its presentable appearance, the wallpaper in the bathroom will begin to flake, swell and bubble. Only special coatings are suitable for application to walls.

Even if the instructions indicate that the wallpaper is moisture resistant, it is better not to use it on the wall on which the most water falls when taking a shower.

It is also better to cover the place above the sink with tiles or a plastic panel. There are colors that mimic the wallpaper covering, wallpaper tiles. Often, collections of finishing materials for bathrooms contain both tiles and wallpapers in the same style. Such ready-made options greatly facilitate the task of choosing. With the help of different finishing materials, you can harmoniously divide the bathroom into zones, creatively delimit the space, highlight the accent wall. In order for the repair to last a long time without restoration, you need to choose the materials wisely. How to choose wallpaper for the bathroom?

Wallpaper in the bathroom: typical mistakes and the right choice

Water resistance is not the only thing to look out for. It is imperative to take into account the material from which the coating is made. Sometimes manufacturers, in order to sell a product, indicate high moisture resistance even for paper wallpapers, which, in principle, cannot be. Frustrated buyers after a few years have only negative reviews about such wallpapers. Repairs have to be redone, and these are new costs.

It is necessary to carefully study the composition of the wallpaper with any purchase, but when choosing wallpaper for the bath, this is especially important.

What kind of wallpaper can be glued in the bathroom?

If the renovation is done for a long time, you need to choose only wallpaper from good materials.

Materials (edit):

  • Vinyl;
  • Non-woven;
  • Fiberglass;
  • The liquid wallpaper.

In any damp room, there is an increased chance of mold forming on the walls. In order to prevent the wallpaper from rotting, you need to well treat the walls with a specialized anti-fungus agent before gluing.

Waterproof wallpaper for bathtubs: ideas

There are no restrictions on the choice of wallpaper color and texture.

Wallpaper in the bathroom can be:

  1. Flat or embossed;
  2. Smooth or rough;
  3. Matte or glossy;
  4. Patterned, Gradient or Solid;
  5. Embossed, patterned or unadorned.

Washable Bathroom Wallpaper

This type of coating has an important advantage - it is very easy to care for. You will still have to periodically clean the walls, because white stains from drying water remain on the walls in the bathroom. Washable wallpaper can be cleaned with a sponge and soap.

Self-adhesive wallpaper for the bathroom

Wallpaper glue, when it hits the front side of the canvas, spoils the appearance. Such stains can only be removed while they are fresh, but it is not always possible to notice them immediately. The problem of old glue stains leads to a rework of the repair, because yellow streaks and drops are annoying.

Self-adhesive wallpaper already has a composition for adhesion to the walls on the back side, so they are glued with a guaranteed good result.

Wall decoration in the bathroom with fiberglass wallpaper

Wallpapers that can be painted in any color you like and repainted at least every season are made of fiberglass. The embossed surface perfectly holds the paint, color change can be carried out up to 15 times.

Wallpaper has an important advantage - it strengthens the wall with a strong mesh covering. If the bathroom is in such an old house as Khrushchev, this option is the best one.

How to glue fiberglass (video)

Self-adhesive wallpaper for bath, photo wallpaper

You can brightly and cheerfully decorate the walls with the help of photo reproductions and photographs on the wallpaper. There are beautiful options for sale with tropical landscapes, azure sea, palm trees, marine abodes and coral reefs. The basis for the photo wallpaper can be non-woven, vinyl or fiberglass. Only fiberglass wallpaper can be used to decorate the wall directly above the bathroom.

An interesting move is the photo wallpaper, divided into square segments, like tiles. Such wallpapers can be combined with plain tiles.

How to glue combined wallpaper: original bathroom finish

The use of different colors and materials makes the interior unique. In addition to the combination of tiles and wallpaper, you can use a combination of 2 types of wallpaper.

With this solution, you can:

  • Protect the wettest walls with waterproofing wallpaper;
  • Divide the bathroom into zones;
  • Accentuate the beautiful color of the accent wall with a neutral color frame.

Wall decoration with 2 types of wallpaper requires accuracy. You can glue the combined wallpaper and achieve a good result if you carefully read the instructions on the package. Each type of wallpaper has its own subtleties. Attention should be paid to the allowance, the sequence of the arrangement of the canvases, the shrinkage and stretching of the wallpaper.

Pigmented wallpaper primer, adhesion composition

Preparation of walls for pasting must be done with preliminary priming.

The primer performs the functions:

  1. Protection of the wall from moisture soaking, closing the pores in the surface;
  2. Increased resistance to humidity and temperature extremes;
  3. Strong adhesion of the wallpaper to the wall plane;
  4. Protection against fungus, mold.

To make it convenient to apply the primer, a pigment is added to it, which changes its color as it dries. When fresh, the primer may be bluish, pinkish or white, and when dry, it becomes transparent. By changing the color, you can control the drying and promptly remove drops and smudges from the wall.

Wallpaper for the bathroom: reviews of different types

The originality and beauty of the repairs carried out are always noted by the guests of the apartment. Using wallpaper in the bathroom is an unusual move that surprises many. If the walls are not strong enough, then they are reinforced with fiberglass, which gives a rich and radiant color to the paint after painting.

In new homes, non-woven or vinyl washable wallpaper can be selected.

Self-adhesive wallpaper is more suitable for novice builders without experience; repairs with them can be made neat even with minimal effort. Practical owners choose washable wallpaper, because it is the easiest material to care for. Before purchasing wallpaper, it is useful to know the reviews of those people who have already made repairs.

Happy wallpaper owners point out the following facts:

  • If you combine tiles and wallpaper, it is cheaper and more durable;
  • Of all the wallpapers, the strongest are fiberglass;
  • It is imperative to process the wall before gluing, otherwise after 2-3 years the repair will lose its presentable appearance;
  • Vinyl and non-woven wallpaper should not be glued where there is a lot of water, above the bathtub and sink.

Reasons for gluing wallpaper in the bathroom (video)

The bitter experience of people who have lost repairs due to mold indicates that it is imperative to treat the walls with a specialized anti-mold agent before priming and gluing.

Examples of wallpaper for the bathroom (photo)

It is worth choosing the right type of wallpaper, and such a finish will bring a lot of advantages:

  • saving money and time, since any type of wallpaper will cost you much cheaper than ceramic tiles, and gluing wallpaper is faster and easier than laying tiles;
  • huge assortment possible patterns, colors, textures, patterns, which allows you to decorate the bathroom in accordance with the design idea, making it truly original;
  • wallpaper is much easier not only to mount, but also to dismantle, if the need arises. This allows, if desired, easy to change interior bathroom;
  • high maintainability... It is easy to glue the damaged part of the wallpaper, without having to change the entire covering.

It is also worth noting that no matter how moisture-resistant the wallpaper is, it is still better not to use it in the shower corner. In this case, the most appropriate bathroom design option would be combination of two finishing materials... In all other cases, a competent choice of wallpaper will allow you to create not only a high-quality finish in the bathroom, but an interesting interior.

Wallpaper for the bathroom, of course, must be moisture resistant: on the packaging it warns about this quality of the material sign with three waves... Besides, glue must also be waterproof, which, in addition, must withstand temperature extremes, have excellent adhesion, and have antifungal properties.

# 2. Which wallpaper is suitable for the bathroom?

From the above requirements for wallpaper, it becomes clear that paper-based wallpaper is in no way suitable for the bathroom. In such conditions you can use the following wallpaper:

  • as well as vinyl;
  • other washable wallpapers, incl. and .

No. 3. Vinyl wallpaper for the bathroom: advantages and gluing

Vinyl wallpaper is one of the best bathroom wallpaper options. They perfectly tolerate contact with water vapor, temperature extremes and even direct contact with water and prolonged contact with it. Ideal for bathroom environments... In addition, such a coating is perfectly washable, and its appearance remains unchanged for a long time: it is not even afraid of direct sunlight. In addition, there is a huge variety of this type of finish: you can find a color, shade, pattern and texture for every taste. But that's not all. Such wallpapers are even capable of hiding some of the imperfections of the walls in the bathroom, and they can be used even in new buildings, so this is an excellent replacement for ceramic tiles. This is a durable finish, the only drawback of which is not the lowest price. In addition, the material does not allow air to pass through, but you can also find on sale breathable vinyl wallpaper, but they will cost an order of magnitude more.

Vinyl wallpaper gluing should not cause any particular difficulties, and consists of the following stages:

  • surface preparation and alignment of large defects;
  • cutting wallpaper into strips of the required length, taking into account the allowances at the top and bottom, as well as taking into account the comparison of the picture, if any. The manufacturer indicates the necessary information for fitting the picture on the package;
  • gluing itself, and it is also necessary to look for information on the features of applying glue on the packaging of wallpaper, because some manufacturers provide for applying glue to the wall, others - on the wallpaper itself. The gluing is carried out end-to-end, it is better to work together, starting to glue the strip from top to bottom and in parallel rolling the wallpaper with a roller to displace excess glue and air bubbles;
  • wallpaper is glued end-to-end at a temperature of 20-24 0 С and in the absence of drafts.

You can simplify your task when buying self-adhesive wallpaper: It is enough to slightly moisten them with water and press firmly against the wall.

No. 4. Liquid wallpaper for the bathroom: features and installation

Experts advise cover liquid wallpaper after application with a layer of protective varnish to give them maximum moisture resistance. In terms of application, liquid wallpaper is quite simple:

  • first you need to prepare the surface and prime. At the same time, you can start preparing liquid wallpaper by adding the amount of water specified in the instructions to the dry mixture;
  • apply wallpaper with a float in a uniform layer 2-3 mm thick;
  • after drying, you will be able to appreciate surface without joints... Also, be sure to apply a protective coat of varnish.

No. 5. Glass wallpaper for the bathroom: features and gluing

Method of gluing fiberglass wallpaper is not much different from vinyl wallpaper: the sequence of actions is the same, only, which is designed specifically for fiberglass. It is better to choose acrylic or latex paint, but the color or their combination already depends on the preferences of each.

No. 6. What other wallpaper can be used in the bathroom?

A bold enough solution would be to use it in the bathroom. photo wallpaper... They are able to make a room unique, visually expand the space, and give it a distinctive atmosphere. that possess moisture resistant properties, which is indicated on the packaging, but even such material is better to glue on the wall that is located away from water sources. Sticking photo wallpaper requires maximum attention, because you need to accurately match the drawing, and for this it is better to mark the wall. In addition, the surface should be perfectly flat, and the wallpaper should be protected from above with a layer of varnish.

No. 7. What else to consider when choosing and gluing wallpaper in the bathroom?

Although many types of wallpaper are waterproof, they are it is better not to use where they will be in direct contact with water: above the sink or above the bathtub, in the shower enclosure. It is better to use tiles in these places, which can simply be correctly combined with wallpaper, and then the interior will turn out not only practical, but also stylish.

When combining materials, you need to try to create, sustained in the same style, so do not use too many shades and different patterns in the same room, and remember the basic properties of colors. Light shades visually expand the room, while bright and dark shades act the other way around, so the former are suitable for small bathrooms, and the latter for spacious ones to make them more comfortable.

You also need to take into account the selected room style... So, for the bathroom, wallpaper with floral motifs is suitable, in the classic style - wallpapers in light shades, in a pop-art style interior you can combine several bright shades, and for minimalism choose discreet wallpapers using monochrome colors.

In conclusion

Wallpaper in the bathroom is a rather bold decision that will allow you to create a unique interior, but at the same time it will require you to be extremely careful when choosing materials and organizing the interior. Really high-quality materials will allow you to create a unique interior, which at the same time will be no less practical than bathrooms completely finished with ceramic tiles. And yet, once again I would like to note that the best option would be to combine wallpaper with tiles.

In the recent scarce past, a person planning a renovation in his bathroom faced the problem of finding finishing materials. The question of choice simply did not stand - they used what they could "get". Today you can buy any coating, you just need to choose the most suitable one.

Buyers spoiled by a wide selection are looking for non-standard solutions that will make the decor of the room beautiful and original. One of them is wallpaper for the bathroom. Of course, not every wallpaper is suitable for such a finish. How not to make a mistake in your choice? We'll figure out.

Wallpaper for the bathroom is a practical and very beautiful solution. Correctly selected moisture-resistant panels will last a long time and make the bathroom stylish and elegant.

But it is not customary to glue wallpaper in the bathroom, and this is a big mistake, because such a finish allows:

  • Save on materials. If you calculate the cost per square meter of the finished coating, the most budget tiles will cost more than high-quality wallpaper.
  • Save money on the work of the master. Only a professional can lay tiles or apply decorative plaster on the walls, while even an inexperienced home craftsman can glue the wallpaper.
  • To save time. It will take several days, possibly weeks, to lay the tiles. Whereas the wallpaper will "fall" in place in one day, maximum two.
  • Recreate any style you like. A wide range of canvases with different textures, colors and designs allows you to choose the most unusual decorative solutions.
  • It is easy to replace a boring or deteriorated design. It is very easy to remove old wallpapers and replace them with new ones. In a couple of days, the bath will delight its owner with a new interior.

The main disadvantage of decorating the walls in the bathroom with wallpaper is considered to be their instability to the effects of moisture, of which there is a lot in the bathroom.

Ceramic tiles are considered the best material for decorating bathrooms, since they are moisture resistant, durable, and besides, they are also beautiful.

Indeed, traditional paper-based panels do not withstand not only the ingress of water, but even contact with humid air. However, there are special wallpapers created for the decoration of wet rooms. They should be chosen for gluing in bathrooms.

In addition, special attention should be paid to the adhesive. It should also be designed for rooms with high humidity, otherwise the composition will absorb moisture, swell and show through the coating with ugly dirty spots.

Even moisture-resistant panels must be protected from water. Surfaces in direct contact with water are best covered with tiles, plastic panels and other similar materials.

Wet areas: where can wallpaper be glued?

Experienced builders will attest that the humidity level in the bathroom will vary. There are wetter and drier areas here, which must be taken into account when wallpapering. If the tile or plaster can withstand any impact, then decorative panels in some cases need to be preserved.

There are four moisture zones in the bathroom:

  • The inner surface of the shower cabin and the area above the bathroom. This is the "wettest" area where it is not recommended to glue wallpaper. Even the most moisture-resistant panels will get wet and deteriorate here. You can tile or paint this area.
  • The section of the wall above the bathtub starts above 25 cm from its side. Quite humid area, where large splashes of water reach. Here you can already stick liquid and fiberglass. It is important to choose the types of canvas that will withstand frequent cleaning, because this area gets dirty pretty quickly.
  • Fragment of the wall, located 60 cm to the right and left of the bath rim or shower edge. A relatively dry area, where water splashes occasionally reach. Suitable for all types of waterproof wallpaper.
  • The driest zone starting from the edge of the previous section. Here, the wallpaper panels are not threatened by anything except condensation. You can glue any moisture-resistant wallpaper.

Bathroom wallpaper is a good way to create an exclusive interior. The picture shows a decorative panel made with liquid wallpaper of different colors and textures.

What types of wallpaper can I use?

Finding wallpaper for your bathroom is pretty simple. There are several types of panels that are specifically designed for use in wet areas. Let's consider them in more detail.

Option # 1: Washable wallpaper

Washable is a group of wallpapers designed for gluing in rooms with high humidity. Their peculiarity lies in a special coating that makes them durable. It also does not allow the panels to "breathe", therefore, in the rooms covered with such wallpaper, there must be good ventilation.

The advantages of the material include:

  • Versatility. Suitable for adhesion to plaster, concrete, drywall and any other surface.
  • Long service life, which is about 10-15 years.
  • Ease of care. Easy to clean with a damp cloth, sponge and detergent can be used if necessary.
  • Easy to stick on and just as easy to remove from walls.

You need to understand that washable wallpapers are of different types, so when choosing them it is important to pay attention to the marking. The letters on the label will tell you what material was used to make the panels:

  • BB - foamed vinyl;
  • PB - embossed vinyl;
  • PV - flat vinyl;
  • STR - structural canvas for painting;
  • STL - fiberglass.

In addition, all washable wallpapers are divided into types depending on the degree of moisture resistance. The following markings are used here:

  • Straight line. Moisture-resistant wallpaper, they are not intended for washing. When gluing, it is allowed to remove excess glue with a damp sponge.
  • Two lines. Cloths can be washed using mild detergents.
  • Three lines. The so-called "super washable" wallpaper. You can use a sponge and saturated soap solutions to clean them.
  • Brush and line. Such panels can be treated with detergent and a stiff brush.
  • Brush and three lines. Extra durable wallpaper with high abrasion resistance.

For bathrooms, you need to choose at least super-washable panels, and even better - wallpaper that can be washed with a brush.

In addition, it is better not to choose models with a pronounced texture, because from frequent washing, which is inevitable in the bathroom, they will quickly lose their appearance.

Special care should be taken to glue the joints of washable wallpaper. So that they do not diverge, you can lay narrow paper strips under them, once again coat with glue and roll with an effort with a rubber roller

Before gluing washable wallpaper, it is important to carefully study the manufacturer's recommendations, they may differ depending on the material of the panel. In general terms, the procedure for gluing moisture-resistant wallpaper is as follows:

  • We calculate the number of whole strips. To do this, we divide the length of our wall by the width of the wallpaper roll. We cut off the required number of panels, remembering to add 50 mm of the length of the strip for trimming.
  • We mark the line for gluing the first strip. For this we use a plumb line or a building level. Do not forget that we are starting to glue the wallpaper from the window, so all the joints will be less noticeable.
  • Apply glue to the first strip with a roller or brush and, if required by the manufacturer, roll it up with the greased side inward and leave it to soak. We coat the wall with glue.
  • We apply the wallpaper soaked with glue on the wall, aligning the edge with the marking line. Press and roll the wallpaper to the wall with a wide roller, removing all air bubbles. Raise the canvas a little from the bottom and top, cut it and glue it again.
  • Glue the remaining strips in the same way. At the same time, we strictly monitor that there are no overlaps at the edges. The joints can be additionally glued with a special compound and rolled with a narrow roller.

Moisture-resistant wallpaper is heavier than usual, which should be taken into account when choosing an adhesive. You should heed the manufacturer's recommendations and select only special compounds: for vinyl, acrylic, non-woven, and so on.

In the manufacture of fiberglass wallpaper, they are given a relief texture, which is very well emphasized by painting. Standard panels can withstand up to 15 stains, allowing the owner to change the appearance of the bathroom as often as he wants

Option # 2: Glass fiber

Fiberglass wallpaper is one of the most practical and functional finishing options. For their manufacture, fiberglass or the finest glass threads are used. Depending on the production method, the texture of the canvas will be different. If it is woven on a conventional loom, the fabric will be almost smooth.

Feature of gluing fiberglass wallpaper: the glue is applied only to the wall, but not to the canvas

Interesting relief canvases are obtained after processing the threads on a special jacquard machine. Smooth panels are less dense, therefore they are rarely used for finishing. For decoration, heavier and denser embossed canvases are most often chosen. Advantages of fiberglass:

  • Absolute security. The material is completely environmentally friendly, since it contains natural substances: clay, quartz sand, soda and dolomite.
  • Hypoallergenic. The canvas does not attract dust.
  • High moisture resistance. Fiberglass wallpaper does not lose its properties when exposed to moisture and is not afraid of it.
  • Air permeability. The material "breathes", which prevents the appearance of mold and mildew under the coating.
  • The ability to apply several layers of paint, on average, the canvas can withstand 15-20 colors.
  • Easy to apply coating.

High-quality fiberglass wallpapers are devoid of significant drawbacks. The masters do not recommend purchasing cheap analogs. Low-quality panels do not even withstand unrolling and crack right in the hands. The technology for gluing glass fiber wallpaper is very simple.

However, there are a few things to consider:

  • Fiberglass sheets should only be handled with long sleeves and protective gloves. Glass fibers crumble during cutting and, if they get on the skin, cause irritation.
  • The front and back sides of the wallpaper are different. Usually they are wound inward with the front side.
  • Before gluing glass fiber wallpaper, the walls must be treated with a weak glue solution or primed.
  • Such wallpapers are considered heavy, therefore special formulations must be used for gluing them.

The procedure for gluing fiberglass wallpaper in the bathroom is almost the same as gluing washable wallpaper. The only difference is that the cloth does not need to be coated with glue. It is applied directly to the wall. The strips are glued end-to-end, the protruding drops of adhesive are removed with a clean, dry cloth.

Liquid wallpaper for the bathroom is a dry mixture that is diluted in certain proportions with plain water. After swelling and thorough mixing, the coating is ready to use.

After gluing, fiberglass is most often painted using styrene-butadiene or acrylic paint.

Option # 3: Liquid wallpaper

This type of wallpaper is a special kind of decorative plaster based on cellulose fiber. The bonding agent is CMC glue. In addition, liquid wallpaper can contain all kinds of additives that affect the texture and appearance of the coating.

These can be: cotton, natural silk, seaweed, plant bark, wool, and so on. The advantages of liquid wallpaper include:

  • No seams. The result of their application is an ideal smooth surface, while when gluing ordinary panels, the seams will be noticeable.
  • Environmental friendliness. The material contains natural fibers that are absolutely safe for humans. Liquid wallpaper is hypoallergenic and does not attract dust.
  • Undemanding to the quality of the foundation. The coating is capable of hiding small wall defects. It can also be applied in a new home. Shrinkage of the structure is not terrible for liquid wallpaper.
  • The ability to "breathe", which prevents the "greenhouse effect" and, as a result, the occurrence of mold and mildew.
  • Good sound and heat insulation.
  • Maintainability. The coating must not be washed with aggressive detergents or rubbed with a brush. However, stains are very easy to deal with. You need to cut out the damaged piece and apply a new layer of liquid wallpaper.
  • Large selection of colors and textures. Depending on the additives added to the base, such wallpapers can have a very different look and texture.
  • Easy to apply and remove. The special structure of the wallpaper allows it to be applied to any surface of the configuration, up to pipes of different diameters. In this case, the coating lays down tightly, without folds and creases.

The disadvantage of liquid wallpaper can be considered a relatively high cost. However, if we take into account the rather long service life of the material, rather low consumption and maintainability, we can conclude that, in terms of per square meter of wall, the cost is not so transcendental.

It is very easy to repair a coating made with liquid wallpaper. It is necessary to cut out the damaged area and apply a new composition to it. There will be no seams and joints on the coating

The application of such a coating is not difficult. The procedure is performed as follows:

  1. Cooking the walls. To do this, remove the old coating, carefully putty all cracks and other defects. To reduce the consumption of material, the base is primed with any suitable compound.
  2. Strictly following the instructions, we prepare the solution for application. To do this, fill the dry mixture with water and wait until it dissolves. After 20 minutes, mix the composition well, it is ready to use.
  3. Take a spatula or plastic trowel and apply liquid wallpaper to the wall from corner to corner. In this case, you should not press hard on the tool, otherwise the material will be compressed, and the texture of the coating will disappear. The application layer should be about 1-4 mm, it depends on the type of filler.
  4. We level the finished surface with a special plastic float.
  5. Leave the coating on for 48 hours to dry completely. The room where the wallpaper dries should be well ventilated.

Another "minus" is sensitivity to moisture, so you need to choose a special coating for the bathroom. It has a special marking. If there are doubts about the moisture resistance of liquid wallpaper, after application, they are covered with a protective layer of varnish.

Liquid wallpaper is applied to the wall with a spatula or trowel. Even a novice finisher can cope with such work.

Conclusions on the topic

What wallpaper should be pasted into the bathroom? The choice is up to the owner of the premises. They can be any, the main thing is that a moisture-resistant option is chosen. Such coverage will not only be attractive, but also functional, and, most importantly, inexpensive. Buying wallpaper will not empty the family wallet, and you can stick the panels yourself.

Therefore, many people choose wallpaper for finishing the bathroom, despite the fact that such a decision seems absurd. A wide range of wallpaper canvases allows you to choose the best option for any room style. At the same time, it will be very simple to change the interior decor - you just need to replace the wallpaper.