Gas heater for winter tent. Heating the tent in winter when fishing

Heating a winter tent is an extremely important topic. The possibility of fishing in the cold season and its result directly depend on the heat inside the fishing shelter. In this review article, we tried to collect all the known options for heating a tent for winter fishing - with the obligatory indication of the disadvantages and advantages of each of them. With all that, we checked and evaluated some of the methods personally, which will also be mentioned in the following story.

Solid fuel mini oven

Long gone are the days when modern portable gas stoves did not exist and stoves were rare. Fishermen at that time used home-made mini-stoves to heat winter tents - welded from sheet iron, or hastily welded from some metal containers. Such stoves were usually fired with wood, although other solid fuels, such as coal, could be used.

One of my acquaintances is a railway worker, in the world - an inveterate breeder, in the late 80s he regularly fished in our surrounding water bodies - the city pond of Revda, etc. He heated his tent with a homemade coal stove. According to his reviews - "it was fried so that it was sitting in a T-shirt."

There were a great many designs of these stoves. At this point, as they say - who was good for what. However, the principle was the same everywhere - a firebox, a stand (so as not to melt the ice) and a chimney that went out through a special hole in the wall of the tent, edged with a non-combustible material like fiberglass. Simply put - a miniature potbelly stove.

At the present time, mini-stoves are superseded from everyday life by more efficient and compact devices for heating a tent. However, this does not mean at all that no one is heating the tent with firewood. In the countryside, especially in some villages far from cities, this is still a very popular method, sometimes the only possible one.

  • Pros: cheap or free fuel, good heating value.
  • Minuses: bulkiness of the structure, complete uselessness in the absence of firewood in the place of fishing, the need for a large amount of fuel (the aforementioned friend dragged an average bucket of coal on a fishing trip). In addition, I had to periodically throw firewood into the stove, distracting from fishing.


With the advent of "lights", "bumblebees" and other gasoline burners, wood-burning stoves began to gradually fade into the background. And for a rather long period of time, fishing tents were heated with primus. Even now, there are still many adherents of this method.

On several fishing trips I had a chance to use the rather popular Dastan primus. Let me put it this way: power. Probably - this is the warmest way of heating a winter tent, and even a preliminary fuss with lighting a primus, as well as some stench of fuel does not overshadow this fact.

  • Pros: compactness, excellent heating value.
  • Minuses: complexity to use. And to this day there are legends about the "reliability" of primus stoves, but here - again - it all depends on the manufacturer, the specific model and the specific product. For example - imported stoves are quite high quality, like some Soviet ones.

Oil burners (multi-fuel)

In fact, these are the same stoves, only a high-tech version. They are devoid of most of the shortcomings of "bumblebees", and you can also use any scatterers-afterburners with them (which you cannot put on a regular primus), thereby increasing their efficiency.

  • Pros: excellent calorific value, versatility in terms of the fuel used.
  • Minuses: high price.

Gas stove with 5 liter propane cylinder

Another old proven method of heating a tent, which is still in full use today. If the balloon is left on the street - the tile itself takes up very little space.

A fisherman friend of mine has been using such tiles for a long time, and does not blow his mustache.

  • Pros: long work from one gas station, excellent calorific value (the models available on the market are very powerful), greater reliability and safety in comparison with kerosene stove.
  • Minuses: the bulkiness of the structure and its increased weight, the likelihood of gas freezing in severe frosts (especially if the cylinder contained not pure propane, but its mixture with other gases).

Gas stove or heater on disposable cylinders

They appeared relatively recently and gained good popularity. They could even supplant other methods of heating tents, if not for one significant drawback, about which - just below.

The author of this article actively uses a gas heater (with a capacity of the order of a kilowatt) for winter fishing, and knows fishermen who are also heated by similar equipment. Previously, I had to use tiles more than once - they warm up very well.

The same category could include and gas lamps, however, their calorific value leaves much to be desired, therefore, if they are suitable for heating a winter tent, then only during mild cold weather.

  • Pros: compactness, you can also add affordable and relatively inexpensive fuel here.
  • Minuses: the main one is the probability of gas freezing even in light frosts (thin-walled cartridges are designed for gas mixtures with a lower vapor pressure, evaporating at higher temperatures). How to deal with this is written in. In addition, some tiles and heaters are very limited in power, which somewhat reduces their efficiency during severe frosts.

Paraffin candles

The power of one candle is about 40 watts / hour. Not such a small indicator. It turns out that four dozen candles may well compete in terms of heat generated with a portable gas heater.

The author of these lines more than once had to heat a fishing tent with ordinary candles. We can say with confidence that this method works great in mild frosts with the correct number of candles: the holes do not freeze, and it is quite comfortable in the tent.

  • Pros: lighting, simplicity, no need for additional equipment.
  • Minuses: low power (the stronger the frost, the more candles you need).

Dry fuel

Some types of dry fuel, for example, “dry alcohol” tablets, burn for 10-15 minutes without soot and odor. The specific heat of combustion of this fuel is 30 mJ / kg, which corresponds to 8.3 kilowatts. You can go further and calculate the "power" of one tablet. It is approximately 332-498 Wh. Consequently, dry fuel can be used to heat a winter tent.

One of my friends, a fisherman, once had a chance to heat a tent with dry fuel on a winter fishing trip (on the river), but not anyhow, but during an overnight stay. We took a lot of pills with us - several packs, but only three were needed for heating. It was not possible to freeze on that night (considering that outside the thermometer did not drop below -10 ° C). As well as proper sleep.

  • Pros: high calorific value, ease of use.
  • Minuses: the need to be distracted every 15-20 minutes to ignite a new tablet. It is possible that this problem would be solved by a special stove, where several tablets could be loaded at once, and then "stretch" the process of their combustion, limiting the supply of oxygen. However, so far no one has invented it.


The specific heat of combustion of alcohol is 27 mJ / kg, which is almost two times less than that of natural gas, but it is quite enough to use alcohol as fuel for a tent heater. And some fishermen - who have constant access to stocks of this substance - do just that, using home-made alcohol lamps from tin cans as a heater. Nevertheless, most anglers consider this approach to be unreasonably wasteful, if not even blasphemy, and it is understandable for what reason.

  • Pros: good heating value.
  • Minuses: relatively high cost of fuel, or difficulty in purchasing it.

The fisherman himself

The human body, it turns out, can also be regarded as a heater. In a quiet state, it emits an average of 60 watts of heat per hour. Therefore, with a slight "minus" - after setting up the tent - the holes usually stop freezing, and a heater is not required.

  • Pros: nothing extra is needed.
  • Minuses: low power, sufficient only for "warm" winter weather.

The sun

To some, this item will seem even more frivolous, but in fact, the sun's rays have a very high calorific potential. Especially when you consider the fact that during the winter in our hemisphere, the Earth is at the closest distance to the Sun.

On clear, windless days - even in 30-degree frosts - you can notice the appearance of icicles on dark objects partially covered with snow. This is due to the fact that the sun heats them up to a low above-zero temperature, at which the snow begins to melt. And the temperature difference here clearly exceeds 30 degrees, which is very much even a lot.

The sun also slightly warms up the fishing tent, though with a very meager part of the heat of its rays. And the lion's share of this heat is dissipated into the outer space - due to the reflection from the fabric and its cooling by the constantly circulating cold air outside.

Somehow it is necessary to direct the solar heat into the inside of the tent, but at the same time minimize its return to the outside. The prospects for this heating method are obvious, and it is quite feasible even with modern technologies. But so far there are no practical developments in this direction. Who will do it?

  • Pros: free energy.
  • Minuses: uselessness in cloudy weather and at night. Well, as mentioned above - at the moment, the full use of solar heat to heat a winter tent is just a theory. But in practice, it turns out that in sunny weather we have a small bonus - five degrees to the main source of heating, be it a stove, primus stove, burner, or heater.

Fishermen are more often more worried about low temperatures outside, which are very difficult to deal with when fishing. Winter suit with fleece, mittens with fur, felt boots and even special thermal underwear as for cosmonauts, it is unlikely that they will significantly help even in the 20-degree frost. Consequently, in order not to freeze on ice, in a piercing wind, additional heating means are simply needed.

The thought immediately comes to mind of mobile house or tent, it is very difficult to do without it in an open pond in winter, and you can freeze in a matter of minutes. Numb legs and arms do not add any sympathy to winter fishing. Plus, freezing for a long time is very unhealthy. Therefore, choosing a good tent for winter fishing will guarantee that you will not survive in the forest in winter, but will turn winter fishing into a comfortable and exciting activity.

Setting up a tent for winter fishing

The first thing to do before setting up your tent on winter fishing- this is to determine from which side the wind is blowing and position the tent so that the entrance and ventilation openings go out to the opposite side. Thanks to this, the tent will be protected from direct penetration of cold air and will be more stable.

While inside the tent, the angler must leave at least one open air vent, no matter how strong the frost is. Otherwise, condensation will quickly form inside the tent, leading to more cooling. When setting up your winter fishing tent, be sure to ensure that it is the lower part was covered with snow. In this case, you will not only insulate it, but also give it greater stability. You can freeze the lower part to ice, but just be careful later when removing the tent.

Heating tent for winter fishing

One winter tent for winter fishing will be small and very ineffective in terms of keeping warm. They get out of this situation in different ways. Typically anglers use:

  • candles for heating tents for winter fishing

Candles for heating a tent for winter fishing are the most economical and compact way, they are cheap and take up little space. Wax or paraffin candles generate enough heat when they burn and keep the temperature inside the tent, but only up to a certain temperature outside. But it is known from experience that even at minus 15 on the street, this wax option does not matter. Plus, it is possible for a fishing line to hit the fire from a candle.

  • gas stoves for heating on winter fishing

For winter fishing enthusiasts, special heaters are produced. They differ in fuel, due to which they heat the tent, as well as in working volume. Some units work without refueling for two to three hours, others a little longer. Most often, these heaters run on gas fuel. The most popular means of gas equipment is a cylinder with a tile. The tile gives off much more heat, quickly warms up the space of the tent, but it should be remembered that the tile with the balloon is rather bulky equipment.

  • dry fuel for heating the tent on winter fishing

Other anglers use dry fuel warmers to heat their tents during winter fishing. You can easily make such a heating pad yourself. To do this, in an ordinary tin can, we make holes for air intake and the oven is ready. It is suitable both for heating a tent and for heating food. But dry fuel emits a lot of unpleasant odors and if you burn it, for example, all night, you can get poisoned and even lose consciousness. Therefore, it is not recommended to use this heating method.

How to heat a tent on winter fishing

In addition to the aforementioned methods, many fishermen heat their kerchiefs with a kerosene stove during winter fishing. Some fishermen, going on a trip by car, take cast-iron stoves for their tent. They run either on gas or wood. And in order not to get fired up, a pipe is attached to the stove, which goes out into the street. Such a stove is heated all night long; the temperature in the tent will be very comfortable.

It is extremely important to remember about safety when fishing! Heated dry tents are easily ignited by the slightest spark or overheating of heating devices, be very careful!

How to insulate a winter fishing tent

However, to warm up the tent is half the battle; it is also necessary to keep this warm in it. To keep warm, some manufacturers make double-walled tents. It is noticeably warmer in such constructions. But if you have the most ordinary scarf, then you can try to modernize it. You can use any non-toxic building material intended for waterproofing and thermal insulation. This material can be used to cover the floor in the tent, saving space for holes, then the cold from the ice will enter the house much less. It is also possible to make tent covers in the form of caps from such material. And then wonderful winter fishing for pike, burbot, bream, carp, perch, carp will be provided for you!

For those who are really interested in the topic, we suggest watching a video about heating tents during winter fishing.

Video - heating a tent for winter fishing

Enjoy your winter fishing and remember to be safe on the ice and in a heated tent!

The calendar spring this year does not want to replace winter at its post. Already the eighth of March has passed - it would seem that it's time to uncover summer gear and go to open water. But where there - half-meter ice, coupled with a dense snow cushion, transparently hint to anglers - wait, guys, at least until April, do not hide the ice screws. And those did not really want to - for a long time it was no longer possible to catch the holiday of the last ice in all its glory. This is especially true for night bream fishing - the smell of spring can be heard everywhere, starry but warm nights, and active fish. The angler's soul rejoices!

But despite the fact that it is already warm enough outside, the utmost attention should be paid to equipment for night fishing. This especially concerns the issue of heating the tent - everyone wants not only to fish at night, but to do it with maximum comfort, sitting in light slippers and in the same thermal underwear. Yes, this is exactly how experienced breammen fish, living on the ice for 3-4 days and even more!

How to warm up your tent?

In fact, there are not many options for heating a tent for amateur fishing. I will make a reservation right away, we are not talking about Siberian fishing conditions, where instead of tents, full-fledged houses with a well-thought-out heating system are used, in this situation everything is much simpler. There are two main sources of heating in this situation: an ordinary candle and liquefied gas.

We warm ourselves with a candle!

In fact, a candle is not such a bad option for night fishing. 2-3 candles are usually enough to provide quite comfortable conditions for fishing in a tent. In addition, this method is the most romantic - two small lights symbolize the very fishing hope that glimmers in the soul of each of us. In addition, candles are the cheapest heating method and also the most mobile. A fisherman does not need a large amount of versatile equipment; a heel of candles can easily fit in a fishing box.

However, in reality, not everything is so rosy. Due to their characteristics, candles have many disadvantages, which should be remembered all the time:

    · Candles are a source of open flames that can cause a lot of harm, starting with the banal burning of the fishing line while playing and ending with a fire. Unlike a gas burner, they do not have a fulcrum and are usually mounted in the snow, and therefore any careless movement can lead to its fall;

    · Candles "smoke" - even after a couple of hours of fishing, the tent becomes covered with a thick layer of soot. Add a specific smell here, and you will understand that there is not enough good;

    · The open flame of a candle burns out oxygen quite strongly. Experienced winter roads note that after fishing by candlelight, in most cases, the head becomes cast iron and cracks in the truest sense of the word. This is due to carbon monoxide, lack of oxygen and the presence of associated combustion products;

Due to the above reasons, many anglers use candles as an alternative option, resorting to them only as a last resort. The main heating option is gas.

The night light angler's best friend is gas!

In fact, gas sounds very general and is solely the type of fuel used for heating and cooking. There are three main types of gas containers used by anglers - compact aerosol cans and five and twelve liter gas cans.

    · With an average intensity of work, one aerosol can is enough for 3 hours of continuous burning. It is irrational to use it for heating, but it is quite enough as a source of fire for cooking and boiling water;

    · A five-liter cylinder, with moderate operation, is able to provide a fisherman with fire for 24 hours, and for this reason it is the most popular among ice fishing fans. All that is required for the latter is to visit a gas station on the eve of fishing and refuel a cylinder;

    · Twelve-liter cylinders with an average intensity of operation "work" for 2-3 days, and therefore they are preferred by those who go fishing for 2-3 nights. For such operating conditions, they are optimal;

The cylinders also differ in the principle of the valve design. Depending on the type of valve, there are valve and valve cylinders. Experienced flayers in this situation are advised to use valve models - due to the low reliability of the design, valve cylinders very often let gas through and cause a fire.

What to choose as a heating source?

We have sorted out the gas reservoir, and now is the time to decide on the parameters of the device, which will serve as a source of heat. And in this situation, the choice of anglers is also small:

  • A compact tourist hob for 1 or 2 burners is considered a universal option. At its budgetary cost, it does an excellent job with its heating responsibilities, and also allows you to cook food and boil water if necessary. The most popular are the simplest "Tourist" type gas stoves equipped with a flame regulator and piezo ignition. Experienced fishermen, when using such devices, offer a special life hack - to save gas and reduce the amount of oxygen burned out, a red brick is laid on the tile or a container with sand is installed. After these two objects are heated to a high temperature, the gas is turned off, and the brick or sand goes into a mode of slow heat dissipation, performing the functions assigned to them for 2-3 hours. After that, the cycle is repeated.
  • Infrared heater - a special device, familiar to many for its technical application, is a special device with a spiral heating element. It emits a powerful stream of really hot air and perfectly heats the tent even in severe frost. This device has two drawbacks: firstly, you cannot cook food on it. For this purpose, the angler is forced to have an additional tourist tile with him, thereby increasing the amount of equipment carried. Secondly, such a device burns out oxygen very strongly - history knows many negative cases of using this device, which have reached the point of death. Using an infrared heater requires the angler to constantly monitor the ventilation of the tent and the flow of fresh air.

How to maximize comfort while fishing?

The use of a gas stove opens up for the angler the possibility of using various additional equipment for heating the tent. The most widespread are devices of two different classes:

As you can see, there are many ways to heat a fishing tent. They are all different from each other - both in terms of the principle of operation and efficiency. However, they all require close control of the situation from the angler, a fresh head and awareness of every action. This is the only way to ensure maximum safety and enjoyment of the fishing process.

Fans of winter fishing and tourists know firsthand how difficult it is to heat a tent in the cold season without special equipment. Heaters are intended to help with this - gas, infrared and wood-burning stoves, which we will talk about in this article.

The publication discusses the advantages and disadvantages of different types of this equipment, and also provides recommendations that will help you choose the right tent heater.

Tent heaters for winter fishing

Heating the tent in winter is needed not so much to ensure a comfortable temperature inside the tent - you can always dress so that any frost will not be scary - the main task of heating is to prevent the hole from freezing, which at sub-zero air temperatures becomes covered with an ice crust in a matter of minutes.

A good tent heater must meet the following requirements:

  • safety - modern tents are made of flammable synthetic fabrics, so the presence of a source of open fire inside the tent is unacceptable;
  • the possibility of autonomous operation - this criterion immediately weeds out all heaters powered by electricity, and narrows the choice down to gasoline and gas equipment;
  • efficiency - a fishing tent is small, and therefore a good heater will heat the air in it as quickly as possible;
  • high-quality assembly - the device must be resistant to shocks that may arise during transportation, and resistance to low temperatures (preferably the absence of polymer materials prone to cracking in the structure, etc.).
  • low weight and compact dimensions - ice, especially thin, has limited strength and bearing capacity, and therefore the weight of the equipment should not be too large (the previously widely used potbelly stove, in the presence of more advanced analogues, is not the best choice).

As a result, you have to choose between heating with candles (which is suitable only for mild frosts), using gas or gasoline-type heaters and using heat exchangers.

Trying to heat a tent with a candle at an ambient temperature below -5 degrees is a useless exercise, this method is applicable only in early winter or in spring at about zero temperatures. In addition to the availability of advantages, it has practically no advantages, while the disadvantages are obvious - the candles burn quickly and have low efficiency, and for long-term fishing they need a sufficiently large number, which can hit the pocket.

1.1 Types of equipment

A gas burner is the most cost-effective way to heat a fishing tent. Depending on the principle of operation, gas-powered equipment is divided into two types:

  • gas with a metal working fluid;
  • gas-ceramic.

These units can be made in the form of independent structures with a cylinder for fuel, or as attachments for gas stoves.

The combustion zone of such burners is made in the form of a perforated container, inside which a gas supplying nozzle is located - gas combustion occurs on the surface of its walls. In this case, the device is equipped with a reflector - a reflector that directs heat rays in a given direction.

The advantages of burners with a metal working fluid include an affordable cost, the disadvantages are the relatively low efficiency and heat transfer, due to which a large amount of fuel is required for the effective operation of this equipment.

A gas heater with a ceramic working body is devoid of the above disadvantages. The gas in it burns on the surface of a perforated ceramic plate, which has maximum heat-saving capabilities - during operation, it heats up to orange and gives off its energy in the form of heat waves, which heat not the air inside the tent, but objects directly inside it.

When using gas equipment of any type, the following safety rules must be observed:

  • periodically it is necessary to air the tent in order to remove gas combustion products from it;
  • the heat exchanger must be installed at a distance of at least 50 cm from its walls;
  • it is forbidden to leave the device working at night without supervision;
  • devices can only be connected to special cylinders equipped with automatic protective systems that automatically turn off the gas supply when the burner is extinguished or when there is overpressure inside the cylinder.

The heating equipment must be installed on a non-combustible material stand, the area of ​​which is 50% larger than the device itself.

1.2 Heat exchanger "Copressi Ripos" (video)

2 Overview of popular heat exchanger models and recommendations for selection

Having studied tourist and fishing forums, we came to the conclusion that the most quoted heating equipment for tents is the Ripus heat exchangers from the Italian company Copressi. In the budget category, domestically produced Snegir heat exchangers are in the lead.

Ripus heaters operate on liquefied gas, they are infrared equipment with a working medium made of heat-resistant stainless steel 0.8 mm thick. Heat exchanger Ripus is designed to work together with popular tourist tiles of the Tourist and Hephaestus series. The device is equipped with a fan that provides accelerated warm-up of the tent due to the forced circulation of warm air. The fan consumes 0.3 A and operates from the built-in battery.

Consider the characteristics of this equipment:

  • Efficiency - up to 90%;
  • dimensions - 14 * 14 * 35 cm;
  • weight - 3.9 kg.

Ripus is also equipped with a chimney that removes gas combustion products outside the tent. The pipe diameter is 57 mm, it is made of plastic and can be removed from any point of the tent.

Snegir stoves manufactured by the domestic company SnegirFishing can be considered as a budget alternative to the Kopressi Ripus heat exchanger. Snegir heat exchangers are produced in two versions - with and without a built-in fan, the price difference between the models is 500 rubles - 4700 and 4200 rubles, respectively.

The principle of operation of the Snegir equipment is quite simple - the structure is installed over a source of open fire (it can be a gas burner or a gasoline stove stove), its flame enters the receiving funnel and enters the coil of the heat exchanger, through which carbon monoxide is discharged through the chimney. As a result, the air in the tent is warmed up due to the thermal energy, which is given off by the walls of the structure. The presence of forced airflow provides more efficient heating by increasing the volume of air in contact with the walls of the heat exchanger.

The gas heat exchanger for the Bullfinch tent is equipped with adjustable legs, which allows it to be used with tiles of any size. This company, in addition to heating devices, produces other fishing equipment - winter and summer tents, gas stoves, camping tables and chairs, PVC film floors.

Experienced tourists know very well that outdoor recreation is good only if you go to it. This primarily concerns the night when you have to go to bed in the tent. A good hiding place, a warm sleeping bag is a classic. But more recently, tourists have begun to enjoy the fruits of scientific and technological progress, taking a gas heater for a tent with them on a hike. What kind of device it is, how it works, what requirements are imposed on it - all this is in today's review.

Read in the article

Design features and principle of operation of a portable gas heater

  • gas-burner;
  • power regulator;
  • reflector;
  • protective valve;
  • thermal fan.

All these units are housed in one metal housing. Today these devices are sold in all stores, since we have enough tourists in our country.

Gas Ceramic Infrared Burner

This is the most compact device of all of the above. In fact, it's just a burner enclosed in a housing, on top of which a ceramic mesh is installed. It is the latter that is the source of infrared radiation after strong heating. The burner is convenient because it is simply connected to a gas cylinder through a hose. It can be used to heat a small tent for one or two people.

Operational safety

Regardless of the modification of the gas heater, this is a device in which fuel is burned. This means that safety precautions during operation must be strictly observed. What needs to be done to avoid irreparable consequences:

  1. The distance from the apparatus to the walls of the tent should not be less than half a meter.
  2. Organization of ventilation to remove propane combustion products. The tent should be ventilated periodically.
  3. Do not aim the burner and its reflector at the walls of the tent, clothing or other flammable objects and materials.
  4. Do not leave the heating unit turned on overnight when no one is controlling it.
  5. Cools down, carbon monoxide gases go down, where they can concentrate. Therefore, the sleeping place should be at least 25 cm above the floor.
  6. Special attention to gas cylinders. For heaters of this type, it is better to use special containers with automatic protection against leaks and in case of extinguishing the burner flame.
  7. The gas cylinder must be changed outside the tent on the street strictly according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  8. It is prohibited to dry clothes over the heater.
  9. Do not install the device near flammable or explosive materials.

Attention! A delivery made of non-combustible material must be installed under the gas heater. The fixture should be 30% larger in area than the heater itself.

Requirements for choosing a gas heater

The most important thing that a user should worry about is their own safety. Therefore, when purchasing a device, you need to pay attention to two items:

  1. Automatic protection system. It is intended in case the apparatus is accidentally overturned or exceeds the maximum permissible tilt. In the cramped conditions of the tent, the likelihood of such a situation is high.
  2. The presence of a gas analyzer that will monitor the concentration of carbon monoxide. Whether you like it or not, even a well-functioning ventilation cannot guarantee one hundred percent removal of fuel combustion products.

Compactness is an important selection criterion. The smaller the device, the easier it is to carry. Although for lovers of winter fishing who travel by car, on the contrary, the more powerful the apparatus, the better.

Review of popular models

The modern market for heating equipment is simply inundated with gas heaters from domestic and foreign manufacturers. Here are just two popular models.

Infrared gas heater "Pathfinder-Hearth"

To begin with, this is not the most compact device. Its dimensions are 275 × 275 × 180 mm, but it weighs 1.8 kg. It will be inconvenient to carry such a device in a backpack, moreover, it has a rectangular shape. But on the other hand, it can be used to heat a tent with an area of ​​up to 15 m². And this is a decent size. And its fuel consumption is small - 108 g / h.

The additional name "Hearth" means that this model can be used as a stove. To do this, it is laid horizontally with a reflector and a grid up, by the way, on the last one and put the dishes. A handle is used as a support for stability.

And other positive qualities of the model:

  • the flame is not blown out in the wind;
  • the package includes a special adapter that can be used to connect to a large gas cylinder;
  • minimal oxygen burnout;
  • the smell of carbon monoxide is not felt.

Feedback on gas heater "Pathfinder-Ochag", MaksiMc, Tomsk: Gas heater Pathfinder Hearth PF-GHP-IM02 - Perfect for both garage and small house

Pluses: Lightweight. Powerful. Economical. Not expensive. Gas cylinders are sold at any hardware store.

Disadvantages: Not found.

I haven't gone fishing yet, but I managed to test it in the garage. On the street it was -18 in the garage (capital) in the area of ​​-10. He warmed up in 30 minutes (standard garage 18 sq. Meters), to quite tolerable +18.

More details on Otzovik:

Heater "Pathfinder-Ion"

Most likely, this device is a burner. Compact - dimensions: 200 × 215 × 120 mm, light weight - 370 g. But with a sufficiently large power - above 1 kW. This device can be used to heat a tent up to 20 m². At the same time, fuel consumption is not more than 100 g / hour.

Review of this model, Huntsman 47, Nizhny Novgorod: Gas heater Pathfinder-ION - Powerful heater

Pluses: Powerful, heating can be regulated.

Disadvantages: Gas cylinders are expensive.

With its low weight of only 370 grams and gas consumption from 50 to 110 grams. h and power up to 2 kilowatts can heat a room up to 20 square meters, they can heat even a palette, even a small hunting lodge, and also dry damp clothes.

More details on Otzovik: