How to make a corner table. How to make a computer table with your own hands quickly and without cost

A few years ago, the availability of a computer was considered a luxury. Many children dreamed of having such a car at home. If we talk about our time, the stationary computer is almost every apartment - this is normal and even necessary. So how to sit behind the computer is often, especially if your job is connected with the Internet, it is important to take care that it has a suitable place that would be comfortable and functional.

Often the table for a computer or laptop serves a regular writing desk or even a sofa. But for the convenience of work and preserve your health, you need a special table that will be an excellent apartment design. This article will help you find out. , how to make a computer desk with your own hands (at home). We also demonstrate drawings, photos and video instructions.

First of all, you need to decide on which table you need and what it will serve. To understand what kind of table need is - big or small - will help the list of component elements of the system, which includes:

  • system unit;
  • monitor;
  • keyboard;
  • mouse.

In addition to the basic configuration, you should consider columns, cords, modem, printer, scanner and other devices that you will use in operation. Think of whether you will make the shelves, if so, how much.

An important moment, the material from which the table will be made. Most often, chipboard sheets are inexpensive and, at the same time, reliable material.

Selection of space should also take a lot of time. It is clear that the less place will be occupied by the table, the freer in the apartment. But it is not necessary to overdo it if the table is too small, he will not be able to perform its multifunctional work.

Mandatory conditions of placement rules are:

  1. Access to the power grid (sockets, preferably with grounding).
  2. The presence of windows through which natural light will flow. It would be good to organize space so that the light flows on the left side of the computer.
  3. The absence of a number of heating devices (batteries, fireplaces, electrical heaters). This is done so that the technique does not overheat.
  4. Shelves, paintings and other decorative elements will also interfere, but they can be removed.

The next step after a particular room and the location is selected - the design of the product itself. Before making the drawing, you need to select the type of table. He can be:

  • straight;
  • angular;
  • combined.

Choosing the most suitable view of the table, you can equip the workplace most comfortable and with minimal cost. Moreover, it depends on how quickly you will collect it.

Straight table

The straight table is a classic. You can compare it with a simple writing desk. This option is suitable if you use a computer periodically or for professional work requiring concentration and attention. The presence of direct space along the wall with the window allows you to select this option.

Corner - for people who are sitting near the monitor. The material on such a design will go the least, and it will not take a lot of space. But for important work, this table is not suitable. First, there is little space, which means that the paper, office or other personal tools will constantly interfere.

The table in the corner presses the psyche of man. This fact was proven by psychologists, therefore, in offices, the angular structures are strictly prohibited.

Combined table

Combined table - something average between 1 and 2 option. This design is the perfect option, but takes a lot of space. The presence of shelves and bedside tables allows you to store personal items, documents and folders so that they do not interfere, but were at hand.

So, having understood with all theoretical moments, you can start making the design at home. First of all, you need to calculate the height of the table. The height of the standard design on average is 75 cm. But if your height is above average, there is a formula that allows you to calculate the height correctly:

Growth × 75/175

Suppose your growth is 180 cm. If you apply the formula, it will turn out:

180 × 75/175 \u003d 77 cm

Next, drawings should be made. Remember, how clearly and accurately you will make the drawing, the quality of the finished product and the number of strength spent and time depends. Pay enough attention to him. Here is an example of a simple design that can be easily done at home.

This classic option is easy to manufacture and a lot of material is required for its construction. The design has the following parts:

  • place under the monitor;
  • retractable shelf under the keyboard;
  • a small shelf for storing all the little things;
  • packs for securities, personal belongings and other parts with drawers;
  • two shelves from above, serving for books, vases or an acoustic system.

As you can see, there is a place for all components of the computer system, the main thing is to accommodate everything.

Having collected the entire necessary tool, you can start work. You will need such a kit:

  1. Electrolovka or hacksaw.
  2. Drill and drill.
  3. Screwdriver or screwdriver.
  4. Grinding machine. If your work is directly apartment, take care to remove carpets and other things. To collect all the garbage need a vacuum cleaner.
  5. Chisel.
  6. A simple pencil (better to take soft, it is better visible on wood), ruler and roulette. Roulette size more than 1m.

On this preparatory work ended, you can proceed to work.

Since with independent cutting sheets of LDSP, you can form uneven edges and chips, it is better to take the drawing you like and order the cutting of the material on the furniture factory. They will also be able to perform edge pasting. Below will be drawings and schemes of complex structures. You only have to collect all the details on your own.

To embody a project to life, you will need the following details:

  • side racks, size 735 × 465 mm, 2 pcs.;
  • central rack, size 735 × 380 mm, 1 pc.;
  • countertop size 1200 × 580 mm, 1 pc.;
  • rear wall, size of 1090 × 290 mm, 1 pc.;
  • retractable support for the keyboard, measuring 830 × 380 mm, 1 pc.;
  • internal shelves, size 450 × 250 mm, 2 pcs.

So, when all the details are cut, you can easily assemble such a straight table for a computer. Here are the stages of work:

  1. In the side and central wall you need to make holes under the bottom shelf. Measure 50-70 mm from below and swipe the horizontal line with a pencil. In the place you need to make two parallel holes. There should be 2 holes in the side wall and 2 in the central one. Now secure the shelf using confirmates (you can use screws).
  2. You need to do the same for the upper shelf, but the distance from the beginning of the board to the shelf should be 100 mm and more, depending on the desired shelf size. Squeeze, swipe and make holes. Attach the top shelf.
  3. After that, you need to fix the rear wall. It should be placed in the upper end of the side and central walls. After that, you need to outline the holes and fasten the wall.
  4. Then you need to connect the second lateral wall with the back. To do this, do 2 holes in the rear panel and fasten it to the sidewall using confirmates.
  5. Now it's time to consolidate the rail element rail. From the top of the side and central wall, it is necessary to measure 50 mm and make smooth lines. After marking, secure them.
  6. Further on the shelf itself for the keyboard, you need to fasten the guides.
  7. To install a worktop, you should make holes in the side walls. Drains will be placed there. Exactly the same holes need to be done in the table top. They should not be through, but not too small. It is important that all the holes coincide and the tabletop sat down as it should. To do this, you can attach it to where it should stand, and take the place of holes on the table top and the side walls.
  8. Lubricate the sewing sticks with PVA and insert into the ends of the frame where the holes are made.
  9. Install the table top from above so that the sewage is entered into the grooves.
  10. If you want to make additional shelves on top of the desk, they can also be attached using the wrenches.

It remains only to install the finished table in the place you have chosen.

Make a computer desk can be at home. You need patience, perseverance and a little fantasy. Then your home will have "refuge" for smart techniques and her user.


In the provided video material, you can familiarize yourself with how to make a computer table at home:


In the drawings, you can consider the various designs of the computer table:

It is enough difficult to imagine any modern person's house without a different technical equipment. The championship in this respect takes, of course, a computer. Those who prefer compact netbook models, there is no need to pose with the choice of furniture for their placement. But if the computer is required not only for entertainment, but first of all for work, then, naturally, more powerful fixed equipment will be required. In this case, make a computer desk with your own hands - a rational solution.

Before making a big or small computer desk with your own hands, it is necessary first of all to properly approach the organization of the process.

Therefore, make an accurate list of all items that will be a complete system. Standard this:

Select the appropriate table to design the table. Most often for this use materials such as chipboard.

How to choose a place for a computer table?

The next stage of your work is the definition of the proper location of the table. Naturally, the smaller space will occupy a computer table, the better, since the useful area will not climb. But at the same time, it is also not worth minimizing, since then this piece of furniture is unlikely to fulfill its multifunctional purpose.

Among the basic placement rules, the following are the following:

How to make a computer table project?

After you have decided on a room and a specific location, it's time to proceed to more interesting work - design of a computer table. To do this, you will need to carefully analyze all the source data, examine the following rules and make your drawing.

Important! Accuracy and extremely attentive approach will allow you not only to equip the workplace with maximum comfort, but also significantly reduce cash spending on consumables, therefore, it is responsible to this stage. In addition, on how true you determine all the parameters, the assembly rate will depend on, and the number of nerves spent on it.

What to choose a computer table?

The first design stage is the choice of a suitable design. In this regard, there are several criteria:

The following types of designs distinguish:

How to determine the length of the table?

The required length of the table is determined by a certain number of factors to which belongs:

How to determine the depth of the table?

The calculation of the depth of the computer table is also easy. In this case, focus on the following conditions:

How to calculate the height of the table?

Accounting of the table height is also not more complicated than the previous parameter. Standard level - 75 cm from the floor. It may vary if your growth is far from average, and you will use the computer table one. In this case, calculate the height you need as follows:

Height * 75/175 cm

Important! In order to clearly understand how to calculate the calculation, read the following example: with an increase in 1,82m, 182 * 75/175 \u003d 78 cm are required.

How to determine the sizes of the stand under the monitor?

Many consider unnecessary presence of such a structural element, and at the same time it will provide a more convenient viewing of all the necessary information on the monitor and release some space.

Depending on the form, the data of the following type of type varies:

How to properly design the shelf for the keyboard?

The shelf for the keyboard is another integral design element of the computer table. Such a module will provide a number of advantages regarding PC usage:

To make data into the drawing of the computer table with your own hands, choose the design type of 2 of the existing:

Niche or regiment under the system unit?

Uninterrupted PC operation ensures that it is correctly functioning system unit. Therefore, it is extremely important to create favorable conditions for its placement to ensure the duration of operation and the absence of the need to perform frequent repairs.

The main rules of placement include:

To understand why it is necessary to make a special compartment in a computer desk under a system unit, we denote the advantages:

Benefits Stands:

  • mobility;
  • autonomy;
  • a small amount of consumables.

    Important! As a lack, we note the fact that you can use it solely for its intended purpose. As a support for a stand, use rollers with guides or adjustable furniture supports. The parameters of such supports of the most simple design determine in 280 mm width, 500 mm of length at 120 mm height.

Pluses of the design of a niche:

How to make a draft stands under a computer desk?

Use as an additional element of the design of the computer table of the couch is not only a practical solution, but also a sign of a good design taste. It can be used for:

By the installation method, the stands are distinguished by:

How to design the extension on a computer table?

Increasingly, when choosing a table design for PC, preference is not given not simple, but more complex options with the add-in. This decision is not accidental, because the useful space is significantly expanding, and the vertical is used for this. It is the blank that can be an excellent option for installing a scanner, printer, book storage and documentation in an ordered form.

The main requirements for the extension are two factors:

  • attractiveness and originality of design;
  • the practicality of the size and layout of the shelves.

With regard to dimensions, be sure to consider the installation site of the monitor and its diagonal:

Take into account some additional recommendations for designing the extension:

How to assemble a computer desk with your own hands?

So that you can more clearly imagine the assembly process, as an example below shows the diagram of the drawing of a computer table of a chipboard (pine) with a stand for a system unit, a retractable shelf for the keyboard and an additional shelf at the bottom, a table with 3 drawers and a preset with serial instructions. His mounting.

Materials and tools

To fulfill all the work, you will need:

Table assembly - work sequence

Drawings of computer tables

View additional drawings of different computer tables that you can also collect with your own hands.


Browse another example on the assembly of the computer desk of the budget option below the proposed video.


Drawing and assembling a computer table with their own hands at first glance may seem the time-consuming task, to cope with which is not under power. In fact, be sure that this is more creative process that you will certainly like, and at the end of the process will bring pleasure not only from convenient work at the computer, but also moral satisfaction from the work done on your own.

Hello everyone! Some time ago I caught fire the idea of \u200b\u200ba computer table, which would suit me in everything. Finally came the day when the reflection of my computer is screwed in its polished surface. About how he was done and what did it happen, I want to tell you! You are waiting for many photos.

I will not repeat much, so if we generalize, then I wanted a comfortable beautiful quality durable relatively compact and at the same time a mobile computer desk. So the idea was born, which can be seen in the first picture in the header.

As I have already written before, initially I was going to do this table myself, as I love to work my hands and I have some experience in creating my own furniture, but weighing my strength, I decided that it would be too difficult for me - a lot of accurate sizes and many Places where you can lock the entire idea with a slightly accumulating. Therefore, friends who specialize in this direct participation were engaged in realization. At the very first stages, I realized that it was a very reasonable solution because the sequence of actions and the professional approach was completely different than I imagined it. Especially with internal radius ... But everything is in order.

As the base of the table was chosen glued oak with a thickness of 25 mm. From wooden panels were harvested forms of top countertops, main bottom and sidewall.

The most interesting began with internal radius. Here are these:

As I imagined this: we take it, roughly speaking, the plinth, pull in it the desired radius and glue it into the corners. Everything. But then there are several nuances. Firstly, it is very difficult to pull the desired radius on a thin wooden bar. Secondly, it is very difficult to adjust the desired radius so that it perfectly stood at this angle along the entire length. And thirdly: if you managed to cope with the first two points, then the edges of the bar will be very subtle and brittle, which is most likely it will turn into "blurred" and "torn" edges outside of this radius.

Therefore, the masters are done like this: the base is cut, there is a high prepared bar between parts and after that "on the spot" the necessary radius is adjusted. Nizhny ready.

Similarly, we do with the upper radius. Adhesive, fit.

In parallel, you prepare all other parts of the table.

We glue it all together:

Already almost complete table. Upstairs lies a future retractable table top under the keyboard with the mouse. Also, of course, wooden.

On the finish line before painting:

What is the result? I will move without unnecessary pauses.

And this is he learned.

From now on, I will tell you a little more. In the past, the post discussed a lot, how best to implement locking mechanisms. The decision, as always, turned out to be very simple: by analogy with construction equipment, two legs with rubber bands are twisted into the floor at the bottom and tightly fix the table on the spot. On the same photos it is clearly seen a gray painted outline. I wondered him not only as a decorative element, but also in order to hide the seams and joints. The paint was applied from the spray gun, so the contour turned out very dense and even, to the touch looks like plastic. I do not want to pick up myself, but I just note that the body combination is live and the painted contour turned out to be even more interesting than in the project. The table looks very modern, especially this is appropriate in the concept of a computer table.

Here: Shelf for UPS and holes for laying wires.

They met!

For the system unit, I decided to provide additional fastening. Still, the table on the wheels, you never know what ... Unfortunately, I did not calculate the length of the bolt, but I think the idea is clear.

And the base of the attachment for the system unit is very convenient to use to shorten the wires. So nothing superfluous prevents nor under his feet, nor fall under the wheels.

UPS. On the same photo shows the stoppers of the retractable countertop. By the way, it turned out very comfortable and wide. It was possible to win a little additional space thanks to the rails, located not on the sides of it, as the manufacturers of most computer tables make, and under the table top. It puts forward quite far and does not bend.

I decided to make a small cut in order to demonstrate all the charm of his mobile properties. I note that to feel it is not necessary to carry the table from the room into the room, it is convenient to even just roll back from the wall to stick, say, wires. Or rearrange him into the angle away when guests came and need to put a large table. And I have no TV, so it is very convenient to pose it closer to the sofa ... In general, scenarios mass, when it can come in handy.

In general, I thought for a long time and recalled for a few ideas for a more massive table in a similar design, which would probably like the opponents of the retractable shelves, but I personally consider them a very convenient solution especially in conditions of small town apartments.

The bulky structures do not want to be like, otherwise Synchron with mobility ideas, so I want to add a table with some such shelf:

At this end. I hope that at least a little bit of infecting you with my ideas and you gladly went along with me from the first non-zero project in Skachchape to the kitchen itself on the feed of the table itself.

The computer is in every home, and it is necessary for him comfortable, with all the necessary shelves and boxes for comfortable work.

Of course, this piece of furniture can be bought in the store, the range of computer tables is very large, and it's not difficult to choose a design in your needs.

But the cost of exclusive models completed to order is quite high. Therefore, many people are thinking about how to make a computer table.

Before starting the creation of this interior item, you need to decide on the place of its installation, and only after that start designing the design. there is three types Computer tables:

  • straight;
  • angular;
  • combined.

Important! In order for the workplace to be comfortable and convenient, you need to properly choose the type of construction, while building a table with minimal cost.


Straight design is a classic. If you figure out, this is a simple writing desk, with some additional superstructures. This option will suit those people who use the computer from time to time, for example, to communicate in social. networks. This computer table is installed at the wall.


This model is for advanced users who spend a long time. Corner construction is preferable in apartments and rooms with a small areaSince they occupy a dead corner zone. Material for this design is not needed.

Important! The angular construction is not suitable for people who work at the computer, documents and stationery will constantly interfere with their hands.


The combined table is the perfect option for professionals, since there are many bedside tables, shelves, niches. This piece of furniture it takes a lot of spaceSo for a small room will not work.

It is more complicated to collect this design than the first two, but if we are patient, then the result will please you.


Any computer desk, unless of course this is not the simplest model, has some functional zones:

  • shelf under the system unitIt should be located in such a way that there is free access to the block, but all the wires were hidden behind the working area. The size of the shelf must correspond to the dimensional dimensions;
  • table top - an integral part of the design, the monitor will stand on it;
  • stands under the column - The element is mandatory. The audio system takes a lot of space and put them on the table uneconomically, and the table space should be as ergonomic as possible;
  • scanner, printer, MFP - should stand separately, and on the upper shelf, as they use not every day;
  • stand under the keyboard - Although some believe that this element is harmful to health.

Tip! Ease of work can be enhanced by providing storage boxes for storing stationery.

How to fit the drawing with your own hands?

As soon as it is decided which configuration table you need, you can proceed to the practical part - directly manufacturing with your own hands. At the very beginning of the project creation, the design sizes are determined specifically with a height. The standard table has a height of 75 cm, but there is a special formula for calculating:

Important! Table height \u003d growth, multiplied by 75 and divided by 175.

If a person's height is 180 cm, then applying this MONO formula to calculate that the height of the computer table will be 77 cm.

If you find it difficult to create your own drawing, adapt the already existing in the network with your own hands. The classic table for the computer is easy to manufacture and has such compound as:

  • countertop under the monitor;
  • shelf under the keyboard;
  • shelves for stationery trifles;
  • drawers under the paper;
  • two top shelves for acoustics or decor.

If everyone is correctly designed, then there is a place on a computer desk for all necessary elements.

After everything is solved with the project, you need to make a detailed action plan, in which step-by-step instructions for assembling the structure will be described.

Materials and tools

Before starting work at home, prepare everything you need. Materials:

  • furniture shields 1.8x20x200 cm - 2 pcs;
  • shields 1.8x60x200 and 1.8x40x200 - 3 pairs;
  • boards 1.2x12 cm - 6.2 meters;
  • plywood 6 mm - 1 sheet;
  • guides for drawers - 3 pairs;
  • a pair of guides for the shelf under the keyboard;
  • fittings and fasteners.


  • screwdriver and drill;
  • hacksaw;
  • construction stapler;
  • grinding;
  • chisels;
  • corner construction and ruler;
  • roulette;
  • sandpaper of various fractions;
  • glue;
  • tassels and varnish;
  • furniture tape.

Materials are indicated at the calculation of the fact that the classic design will be collected. When creating an individual computer table, this list must be corrected for the project.

Tip! When choosing guides for retractable shelves and boxes, it is better to prefer ball models, despite the fact that their cost is higher than the roller. The minus roller elements are that they serve not long, they are not fully extended, do not have a reliable limiter.

How to make?

The construction assembly is made strictly according to the drawing, which was prepared earlier.

How to assemble the lower tier?

First of all is carried out marking details On the surface of the material:

  • three vertical walls;
  • countertop;
  • covers for bedside table.
  • All actions are manufactured according to the project.

Vertical walls need to be written - the front, the upper corners are cut into 2x2 cm, the sleeps are cleaned.

Usually, the computer table is installed to the wall close, so Bottom corners are spilled under the size of the plinth. Typically, this distance is 4.5x5.5 mm.

On the vertical wall of the back, which passes in the center you need to make a sample, it will be at an altitude of 26.5 cm. The sample width is 20 cm, the depth is 1.8 cm. When assembling in this place there will be a cross. The sample is done so that the element is screwed to the scores to the side walls. This panel replace the posterior wall structure. In this case, the table will receive proper rigidity and stability.

As soon as all the elements are willing, the openings under fasteners are drilled in the right places. If this is not done, then during the assembly, the furniture shield can crack in the place of attachment. Twist the elements with self-draws.

It has time for making a niche to set the system unit. If you are a system administrator or a programmer, then access to the system unit and its constituent you need constantly. Therefore, it is worth equipping a stationary, durable and stable shelf on self-drawing.

The horizontal shelf and the side wall cut down in size sizes. At the side element, cut the front angle from above, to handle the sandpaper. So it is worth the rear lower corner under the plinth. Fix the shelf to the side wall, then the design is bonded with a side desk and rear crossing. Operactions under the shelf and a table need to close the panels drinking for the base. The fastening in this case will be the seasons. In this case, the glue does not handle them.

The bottom of the computer table is ready. You can proceed to the construction of the superstructure with shelves.

Computer add-in

In order for the computer desk to be the most functional and convenient for work, it is necessary to provide not only to the shelves, a tabletop and a network under the system unit, but also the upper part with stripes.

An add-in is not only an extra room for storing small items, but also performs a decorative function.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Place the desired items on the furniture shield, cut off.
  2. All the sleeves thoroughly treat sandpaper so that sharp angles are rounded.
  3. The sidewalls will be attached to the tabletop, so you need to determine the fasteners.
  4. Make a template with a thickness of 1.8 cm.
  5. Attach the table top and make markup. For more accurate marking in the ends of the template, you need to equip holes using a drill and drill.
  6. Then drill holes in the tabletop on the markup in this way:
    • drill with the drill of the desired section drill through holes in the tabletop;
    • on the ends of the sideline to drill the deaf hole with the drill of the same section.
  7. To install the side elements of the add-in on the table top, use the building angle, it will help to avoid skewing in the design.
  8. Side racks are screwed onto the screws under the tabletop, while the through and deaf holes are combined.
  9. Next, it is fixed by the upper shelf of the superstructure, for this, from the shield 40x200 cm, the element of the desired length with a width of 31.5 cm is chopped.
  10. The middle rack is cut from the shield 20x200 cm. It is worth equipping like side walls and install on a tabletop with self-tapping screws, adjusting the perpendicularity of the construction angle design.
  11. The next step will be the arrangement of the rear side. Which is screwed to the sidewalls of the middle element. This process is also regulated by the corner.
  12. Now you need to equip a place under the printer, which is usually on the left side. Please note that the printer has a significant proportion, therefore the regiment under it should be durable and stable. For greater strength of the design, the regiment is not just screwed into the screws, and additionally fasten it to the side walls with the help of furniture corners.

On this, work on the arrangement of the superstructure is completed, and you can proceed to the next stage.

Retractable panel and drawers

Retractable boxes are needed in such a design as a computer desk. The functionality of these elements is indisputable. How to equip retractable boxes We now consider:

  1. For the bottom of the design, you will need a plywood from which we saw the elements of the desired size.
  2. From the board we form lateral walls.
  3. Connect the samples of 4 side elements.
  4. With the help of a construction stapler and brackets, connect the bottom and side sides of the box.
  5. Important! The width and depth of the interior box is regulated on the basis of the thickness of the guides, which will be installed on the interior of the bedside table.
  6. Fasten the guides in such a way that the gap of 1.8 cm is formed between them and the edge of the bedside table. It is such a thickness that the front panel of the box will be.

The remaining boxes are inhabited in the same way.

Screw the guide profile at the desired distance from the table top, set the brake elements and the shelf.

This construction structure is not over. Now it needs to be thrown into the components and handle the details of varnish. Once all items are finally dried, you can make the final assembly of the computer table.

Tip! To enhance the design, all the end elements and fasteners are processed with joinery glue before assembly.

Cladding and decoration at home

As soon as the design is collected finally, proceed to her facing and decorating:

  1. First of all, you need to install the facades on the retractable elements.
  2. To cut the facade elements, splash. In places setting the handle to drill holes.
  3. Attach the facade to the front wall of the box and outline the place of attachment.
  4. Attach the front panel and secure it on the box with bolts that the handle will be attached.
  5. For more reliability, the facing panel is fixed with self-drawing from the inside of the boxes. Self-tapping screws need to take such a length so that they entered the facing panel to the maximum of 2 \\ 3.
  6. Useful video


    As it is clear from the article, there is nothing complicated in creating a computer table with your own hands. It is fairly fair to follow the instructions, stock patience.

    Important! If it is decided to perform a design from the MDF panels, then experts advise ordered material to separate details in a specialized workshop. It will not cost much money, and the details will turn out to be smooth and neat, with a removed edge.

    It is not necessary to immediately take for too complex designs, if you have no carpentry experience, start with simple.

    In contact with

    With the arrival of our life of personal computers, it became relevant to make a computer desk corner with their own hands. Recently, angular computer tables are gaining increasing popularity. Made a computer table with your own hands, you can not only get furniture with an individual design, but also to save your budget significantly.

    The homemade corner table will save place in the room and your budget.

    Of course, you can buy a table in the store, but there are people who prefer to do everything with their own hands.

    Where to start the manufacture of a table

    Determine with dimensions
    You can look at the location scheme on the table.

    Before making an angular computer desk, you need to decide on the table form, its size, design, and possibly with some additional features. It is very important to clearly imagine its appearance, the materials used in the creation of the table will depend on it.

    All that may be needed during the work should be prepared in advance.

    Now it is necessary to make a project manufacturing a computer table. With it, it is necessary to consider some parameters:

    • table features, it is important to provide such trifles as the number of boxes, as well as the need for a retractable shelf under the keyboard and other shelves under the office equipment;
    • the height of the table, and it is very important for whom this table is manufactured, if it is intended for an adult, then a standard height is needed, if for a child, then it is necessary to choose the right height, focusing on the growth of the child, do not forget about the size of the swivel chair ;
    • when planning additional shelves, you need to consider the size of the office equipment and make the shelves strictly under them;
    • the size of the table must correspond to the room in which it will be, taking into account the furniture already located here.

    Before starting work, you need to make a sketch of the table with all sizes.

    You can simply think about the storage of CDs, for this you need to measure the width of the pre-purchased plastic liner for disks. Now you need to perform a drawing in which all the necessary items are noted with an exact indication of all sizes. It is necessary in order to subsequently the most rational use the material. In the drawing, you must specify the number and type of fastening elements.

    For the manufacture of a computer table with their own hands the following tools will be needed:

    • line;
    • striker;
    • ready plastic liner for disks;
    • lobzik;
    • screwdriver Set;
    • circular Saw;
    • drill and drill set.

    From materials for the computer table, you will need:

    List of materials for the manufacture of computer table.

    • pine boards required to enhance the product, the optimal thickness will be 25 mm boards;
    • for shelves, boxes and side walls, it is better to take the MDF plate in the amount of quantity required;
    • screws for fasteners, about 130 pcs.;
    • guides for shelves and boxes, their number will depend on the amount of data of the elements;
    • plastic ties for angles;
    • faceted edge and grinding sliced \u200b\u200bfor processing edges of boxes and shelves;
    • varnish or primer for final processing.

    Make a computer table with your own hands is easy, but you need to be very attentive when stating dimensions in the drawings and when pruning individual elements from a large canvase.

    Table assembly with drawers

    After all the necessary items are cut, you can start assembling a computer table. You need to start the assembly with side elements. At the same stage, we produce a fastening of the guides under the retractable shelf and under the boxes. It is necessary to do it very accurately to avoid skewing boxes with further use. Then all the side walls are connected using the wrenches. In order to make the mount more durable, you can add PVA glue into the hole. Next, all walls are fixed using self-tapping screws.

    The edges that are visible are treated with the edge ribbon, such a tape is attached using a conventional hot iron, it is possible to try it through a thin cloth or ordinary paper.

    Tools for the manufacture of a table: drill, jigsaw, screwdriver, screwdriver, passage.

    A computer table can be installed depending on the pre-selected design. You can buy special metal round legs with a plastic base to avoid scratches on the floor, or at the initial stage, when designing, to provide the main focus on the side stands mounted on the above metal legs or simply on additional planks made from similar side stacks of the material.

    After all the edges of the computer table are processed, you need to secure the worktop. As a rule, it is simply fixed on the wanks, after adding PVA glue into the holes. Holes for them are prepared in advance, having previously turned over the countertop using a drill. It is best to use the limiter in this case, since the depth of drilling is small and possible by negligence damage the front side of the table top.

    Now we install in the guide board, intended for the keyboard, and insert the boxes. Check, whether everything works.

    In the event that, according to your project, the monitor will not be installed on the worktop, but on a separate shelf, it is best to mount on a special metal stand, firstly, it is very stylish, secondly, reliably.

    Space under the system unit

    If you are going to use a personal computer behind this computer desk, not a laptop, you must provide a place under the system unit. It is best for these purposes a special stand. It is easy to make it, but the convenience of it will be mass. You do not have to climb your table with superfluous elements, while the system will be very mobile, it will not be tight binding it to the table. It is necessary for a base carved by the size of the system unit, as well as two side planks. To base, you can attach beautiful metal legs with a plastic base or install wheels instead.

    The manufacture of the table with your own hands is not too complicated and very exciting occupation. But it is necessary to approach him. The main thing is to provide at the initial stage all the little things, and also very accurately cut out individual elements. And then the table made with their own hands will exceed all your expectations.