How to glue the mirror to the cabinet door - a detailed description of the workflow. What to do with a mirror door of the cabinet? Is it possible to flick the mirror with self-keys

The mirror, time immemorial, which was a symbol of wealth, - today an indispensable subject of the interior. And indeed, how to do without it? After all, the mirror allows you to visually expand the room, enter the room more light. Its owner it gives the opportunity to look at itself from the side. But why then more and more people are looking for ways to get rid of this interior object? Is there always a mirror appropriate? Let's try to figure it out and find ways to solve the problems that have arisen.

Myths about mirrors

The most common reason for which people seek to save their homes from mirrors are various mystical legends, originating from the "door to another world" to the source of "energy absorption".

So, for example, when a person sleeps, his soul temporarily leaves the body. And if the mirror is in the bedroom, then the soul may accidentally get lost and go on a trip to the parallel worlds, where it will miss the reflective surface. In other words, the person sleeping opposite the mirror risks remaining soulless.

It is worth mentioning, in ancient times it did not apply to women, especially red, because it was thought they had no soul.
Also, many believe that children under the year and close can not be approached to the mirror - it can be jammed.

In addition to delivering everyday trouble, there is a legend, according to which the mirror is a portal, a binding past, present and future. That is, with a great desire, you can go on time trip and ... do not return. To be between the two worlds. Never find peace.

But still, it is only myths. Scientific rationale is no less interesting to superstition and in many ways it justifies them. More from the school course of biology, we know that the person is inclined to think what he does not know. And in the end, instead of the full picture of the worlds - only a hoax, deception of yourself.

How to know, maybe right and scientists, and mystics?

Nevertheless, there are objective reasons to remove the mirror in certain places.

Where and why should not have mirrors

Consider cases where superstitions and scientific views are similar in view.

  • In the bedroom. "Lose Soul" is not the first reason to get rid of the mirror in the bedroom. The fact is that when a person sleeps, the mirror creates a feeling of the presence of someone else's in the room. Your actions, especially in the semi, are perceived as other people's. And this is somehow large stress. To fully sleep is already becoming impossible. Break, lethargy, reluctance to do something - maybe the reason in the mirror?

  • In the nursery. Analogously to the example above the mirror can scare the child at night. It is especially not recommended for the presence of this subject of the interior, where the kid is quite small. Problems with falling asleep, frequent awakening, irritable behavior in the afternoon - that's what the mirror in the nursery is involved.

  • In the kitchen. We are talking about all reflective surfaces in the cooking zone. During cooking, it is better to concentrate on the process, in order not to create a feeling of fatigue at the mistress. And according to believing, you should not waste energy, which should go to food, to the "soulless" mirror.
  • In the dining room. It is believed that the mirror opposite the table with disadvantages - the sign is good, to wealth, but this is only if it does not look at it. One look - and the matter is gone. Yes, and who is able to resist - not admire the meal? Moreover, from the point of view of physiology, the mirror in the dining room will not bring anything good. Looking at your reflection, a person is distracted from food, which entails problems with digestion.

So, the problem is brewing - there is a mirror where it should not be. Fortunately, this issue is easily solved - let's find out how.

Ways to get rid of the mirror

There are many of them. Below are the best of them.

  • Remove the mirror.No mirrors - no problem. It sounds easily, but sometimes it may not be such a simple task. For example, the bedroom already has a wardrobe with mirror doors. Do not get rid of the same from the cabinet now? And if the housing is removable, how to be then?

  • Vinyl sticker.A compromise solution that will allow not only to close the mirror, but also will give a self-expression to your interior. We choose any color and pictures in the size of the surface and rejoice, as our home has been transformed. It is worth noting that the sticker is made of vinyl film - durable material capable of withstanding water drops and fat, so this option is perfect for the kitchen.

  • Sticker for chalk.A variety of vinyl stickers, but I want to highlight it in a separate item, because it is specially designed for drawing on it with shallow. Just imagine what delighted the child will be if instead of a frightening mirror, falling asleep, he will look at his own creations!

  • Coloring the mirror.Armed with paints (acrylic, nitro, aerosol and other types), you can easily close the mirror surface. And with the help of reusable stencils, the drawing acquires new patterns and becomes completely unique. The same mirror cabinet in the bedroom easily turns into canvas, open for your creativity.

  • Stained glassThere is, from which to choose: you can use a rigorous matte color without patterns or, on the contrary, take something bougar, attracting attention. It all depends on your taste. Stained glass window looks in surprise naturally, and in sticking is not so complicated, so lovers of aesthetics and wishing to close the mirror - this option should seem very seductive.

So, we have every reason to close some mirrors, there are ready-made solutions. Consequently, it remains only to get together and take the case! Let the house come to the house and well-being!

March 7, 2018
Specialization: Master in the construction of plasterboard structures, finishing work and laying flooring. Installation of door and window blocks, finishing of facades, installation of electricians, plumbing and heating - for all types of work I can give detailed consultation.

Sticking mirrors on elements of furniture - the process is simple, but responsible. If you make mistakes and do everything wrong, then over time the mirror will begin to shift from its place or falls at all, and breaks. In the review, we will deal with how reliably and efficiently spend work, you will learn several ways and you can choose the one that best suits your situation.

Types of fastening methods

First of all, we will understand what methods can be fixed by mirrors. All of them proved their reliability, but the technology of work is varied and used for certain situations.

Mounting bilateral scotch

The simplest solution that has such advantages:

  • Two-way scotch allows you to glue items very quickly.. It equally reliably holds the mirrors, and glass, and other leafy materials. To understand the technology, you will need a couple of minutes, and the simplest set of devices, which is almost in every home and apartment;

  • The cost of this option is lowBut if quality is important to you, we recommend purchasing materials not from the budget, but at least from the average price segment. Choosing a specific decision, remember that the material should have a soft spacer, the usual stationery tape is not suitable, as it is not designed for high loads;
  • Buy tape will not be difficult.It is sold in construction stores, as well as in the outlets that are engaged in car spare parts. The second option is even preferable, since the automotive double-sided tapes are distinguished by increased strength and durability;

It is best to select a bilateral tape from 0.8 to 2 mm, it will smooth fine irregularities and ensure high adhesion strength with the surface. From manufacturers, the products of 3M have proven best of all, this option is recommended by professionals.

  • Glue elements best at temperatures from 10 to 25 degrees, It is this range that provides a solid fixation. Most often in the room the optimal microclimate, so there is no problems with this aspect, but if it is very hot in the room, it is better to wait until the temperature decreases so that the adhesive layer does not go to the tape and the mirror has not shifted;
  • Easy to calculate the required amount of material. Before gluing elements, the amount of tape required for work is calculated. To do this, you need to know the total weight of the mirror, 1 kilogram of the mass is used 60 sq.m. bilateral tape;
  • Ability to dismantle elements. If the mirror is pasted crookedly, then you can remove it and redo the job. To do this, use a guitar string or a thin ribbon of polystyrene, which cuts out the foamed part of the bilateral tape. After that, all the remnants of the old material are removed and the new one passes.

From the disadvantages you can select the following:

  • Double-sided tape is not suitable for heavy mirrors. If the size of the element is large and the weight is significant, then it is better to choose another method of fastening. This option is optimal for small mirrors;
  • It is important to purchase high-quality material.. Many poor-quality tapes are on sale, which do not provide a proper level of strength.

Special compositions and liquid nails

The most popular option that allows you to glue mirrors to any surfaces:

  • Chipboard and ldsp;
  • Tile in the bathroom or in the kitchen;
  • Wooden and veneered bases;
  • Plaster, concrete and oxpackled surface.

Since we understand how to stick the mirrors on the furniture, then we will analyze this option in more detail. Let's start with the advantages:

  • Low cost. The price of the compositions is low, and they are sold in all construction stores;
  • A wide variety of options. Different solutions are used - from special compositions to liquid nails and silicone for glass. It is best to use silicone, since the composition of liquid nails includes ammonia, which over time can damage the amalgam of the mirror and spots come on the surface;

  • High reliability. If the elements are fastened by technology, the fixation strength will be perfect. Below the workflow is disassembled in detail so that you can make gluing on your own.

Of the minuses it is worth noting the following:

  • The impossibility of dismantling. After the composition was frozen, separate the mirror from the door of the cabinet or panel in the hallway will not succeed. We will have to change the element entirely, and these are high costs;
  • The importance of the right work. If the technology is broken, that is, the danger that the mirror simply falls off with time. In addition, if an inappropriate composition is used, then with time the mirror can be spoiled.

Mechanical fastening method

In this case, a special fastener is used, which is designed to install mirrors on furniture. There are several basic options:

  • Metal brace. The simplest and cheap solution, which is metal elements, bent so that they have a mirror of a certain thickness. In order for the fastening from excessive effort, cracks on the surface are not formed, silicone gaskets are underway under the bottom;

  • Through holders - allow you to attach mirrors to any surfaces. From the outside, the installation location closes the decorative part, and inside the self-sufficiency or a dowel, depending on where the installation is made. This option is more complicated by the fact that it is necessary to produce glass drilling, and this is a difficult lesson, besides, you will need a special drill;

  • Furniture fasteners with decorative lining. Most often, it is done in the form of clamps that hold the mirror from above and below, and outside the installation site is closed with a decorative plug of any color and shape. With this option, you can hang the mirror anywhere;

The advantages of this solution are:

  • This is a secure installation option.. No need to worry that the mirror slides over time;
  • You can dismantle the element. If the mirror is damaged, then it will not be difficult to replace it, fasteners turns around quickly and easily;
  • Many options. Pick up the optimal will not work.

There are also its cons:

  • Installation complexity. Attachment requires a screwdriver to drill holes and twist the screws. If you are mistaken with a drilling site, then it will not be able to close the hole, the upper film of the coating will be corrupted;
  • Not very attractive species. The plugs do not always fit into the design, and this is the main problem.

How to make yourself glue the mirror to the cabinet door

We will look at how to glue an element to silicone, since this is the easiest and easier for a reliable option. This method is suitable for any designs, the main thing is to work correctly and use quality materials.

Materials for work

First, collect everything you need:

  • Special silicone for glasses and mirrors. Sold in construction stores and is characterized by the fact that it does not contain mirrors damaging the amalgam. In addition, the compositions of this group have high adhesion to smooth surfaces;

If you found liquid nails, which have a mark "for mirrors", you can use them.

  • Composition for degreasing surfaces. Remove the traces of fat and other substances from the furniture and the reverse side of the mirror with the help of White spirit or another universal solvent. Special automotive compounds can be used for degreasing, they are more expensive, but they almost do not smell;

  • Mirror of the desired size. Permanently measure the measurements and order the element in the finished form, the ends will be processed in it, which is very important for safety.


Fixing the mirror is performed using such devices:

  • Pistol for applying sealant. With it, work will pass quickly and efficiently and the cost consumption will be minimal. The cheapest option is suitable, since the load in the process of work on the tool will be low;

  • Measuring tool. To accurately determine the location of the mirror, a construction roulette or a ruler is used. And for marking, it is best to use a building pencil or a felt-tip pen;
  • Ribs for degreasing surfaces. Here any clean rag is suitable;
  • Screwdriver or screwdriver. If the mirror is put on the door in the cabinet, it is better to remove it, as it must lie horizontally;
  • Heavy items. To press the glass to the surface of the furniture, burden on it. You can use healthy elements or even ordinary banks in which water is nanit.

Fastening process: Step-by-step instructions

We'll figure it out how to attach the mirror with your own hands:

Illustration Description
Prepared workplace. It is best to make flooring, to which the door or another element of furniture is stacked, to which the mirror will be glued, it can be placed nearby, if there is enough space.
The door of the cabinet is preparedThe following actions are performed:
  • On the surface with a roulette and a pencil there is a position of the mirror. You can even attach a carved element, align it and make tags by template, is the most accurate option;
  • Next degreases the surface, for this, a rag or a sponge is wetted in a solvent and the base is thoroughly wiping to remove everything too much.
Mirror is preparing. For this purpose, the element is turned over the front side down and is carefully wiping into the same cloth moistened in the solvent.

In order not to damage the front surface of the mirror, put on the flooring soft tissue.

How to issue a wardrobe

The wardrobe is in any apartment is a fact. And very often he occupies a large enough space, sometimes - completely the wall. It is his who wants to make part of the interior, to place a wardrobe so that it stops being just a place for storing things. After all, if such a large square is empty - it is boring and not interesting.

How to decorate the cabinet with your own hands

Decorate the cabinet yourself by any person, if it is going to take advantage of not complex decoration techniques. Our online vinyl sticker store offers to solve this issue easily and not expensive.

The wardrobe assumes large sliding doors, as a rule, mirror. If you want to update the interior because you have changed the mood, and you want to do something quickly and cheap, then you appealed to!

How to decorate a wardrobe

Stylish stickers on the wardrobe will transform your room, give it a special charm. Someone prefers to apply sandblasting on the mirror. This design of the door of the cabinet coupe is definitely beautiful, but is performed once, and it can be changed with a mirror.

How to decorate the cabinet the coupe do it yourself

If you want to spend some bold experiment, try placing decorative stickers on the cabinet mirror mirrors.

Stickers on the mirror of the cabinet coupe - where to buy

If you do not have enough fantasy, but there is a desire - take advantage of ready-made ideas, viewing stickers provided on our website. In the catalog of our site, the widest choice of vinyl stickers and stencils, which will convert your room! And quite affordable prices will allow you to update the interior as often as you want.

But on the other hand, stickers can serve you for a very long time, they are very wear-resistant. They can be washed and even rub, and they will not burn out if the sun rays appear on them.

How to decorate a wardrobe

A large area of \u200b\u200bthe cabinet allows you to use large-sized stickers for its decor. It is on such a surface that they will look most effectively.

How to make a closet

Another way to decorate the door of the cabinet compartment is angular patterns. If you want something elegant and thin, then such stickers will help you realize your desires.

At the same time, you have some advantages:

  • small stickers apply (and shoot afterwards) faster and more convenient;
  • due to smaller sizes, such a sticker will cost quite inexpensively;
  • without closing the entire space of the cabinet door, you can use them as an ordinary mirror.

How to apply a sticker on the door of a wardrobe

  1. Preparation of the surface.

    Before starting work, the surface must be cleaned from traces of fingers, dust and other contaminants.

  2. Preparation stickers

    The sticker should be decomposed on a flat surface, and smooth it with the help of a rochel - a special spatula.

  3. Fitting stickers.

    To make sure that you post a sticker in the correct position without removing the substrates, stick it with a painting tape for the cabinet doors, and look from the side. You may want to move the sticker. Mark the point of the point of application of the corners with a pencil.

  4. Application stickers.

    Gently remove the substrate with small pieces, top down. The released surface of the drawing immediately apply on the mirror and smooth the rockel without excessive pressure. Do not hurry, apply the sticker carefully, thoroughly smoothing.

  5. Final inspection.

    Carefully inspect each applied element so that all edges are glued, regardless of the size of the element.

Today we celebrate the wardrobes in almost every apartment. The convenience and practicality of this type of furniture is no doubt, but the decor remains its weak point. The panels and mirrors of the large square are a rather boring picture that will certainly want to diversify.

How to decorate a wardrobe? Of course, you can order expensive doors from several panel inserts or with photo printing, but you have to overpay a solid amount.

We will offer you 5 inexpensive ways to decorate the cabinet do it yourself. What are their advantages?

A wide field for designer solutions;

Saving money;

Convenient technologies that will not require special skills and a lot of time spending.

Method number 1. Big vinyl sticker

Vinyl decorative stickers on the wardrobe, as a rule, are produced on a monophonic German film Oracal, which significantly simplifies the selection of color. Externally, they look like a stylish pattern applied with paint. At the same time you can care for the cabinet in the usual way. Unless not resort to strong friction. And most importantly, when you get tired of one drawing on the door of the wardrobe, you can literally per minute to remove the sticker without any traces and apply a new one.

This method is universal and can be used for doors from any materials. You can apply a sticker on glass and cabinet mirrors with a compartment. They hold perfectly and look very impressive. At the same time, you get rid of obsessive reflection, and traces from fingers that constantly appear on the glass surface will stop being too noticeable.

The procedure for applying a large sticker on the door of the shafa coupe:

  1. Preparation . Clean the surface from dust, traces of fingers and other contaminants;
  2. Smoothing. Spread the sticker on a flat surface and scream it with a rocket (spatula for smoothing), which our store always sends it in the kit;
  3. Fitting. Attach the pattern on the door to mark the pencil or erasable felt-tip pen of the position of the corners. For accuracy, we recommend gluing a sticker with a substrate to the greasy tape and to see from from afar, how the drawing will look like.
  4. Removal of the substrate and applying . Because the sticker is a big remove the substrate directly from the cloves fixed on the tape from top to bottom with small pieces. We immediately apply the released drawing to the surface and gently, without excess pressure, smooth the rocket. And so until Niza. In parallel from top to bottom, remove the transparent mounting film. Work should be done slowly and carefully. Thoroughly smoothed everything, even the smallest bubbles. It is the most convenient to apply non-slots on the door of a wardrobe coupe together. If bubbles still remained, pinched them with a needle closer to the edge and remove the air with rhael.
  5. Check. After removing the substrate and the mounting film, do not be lazy to look carefully, as each element glued. Even a small flower, all edges should be smoothly staying on the surface.

How to apply large vinyl stickers on the surface, tells this video:

Useful advice: when applying a sticker on a mirror or glass, a cabinet compartment sprinkle with water. The sticker will be easier to smooth up.

Method number 2: decoration of the doors of the cabinet coupe corner patterns

If you do not want to put the entire surface of the door, we recommend using vinyl stickers with elegant angular patterns. Here you will receive additional benefits:

The angular patterns are less, respectively, the sticker will cost cheaper;

Small elements to apply much easier and faster;

Decorating the corners, you allow the mirror to serve you as a mirror.

When applying a small vinyl sticker, we recommend first remove the substrate. Put it on a flat surface with a drawing down, picker one of their corners and take a gently at an acute angle. If some element sticks to the substrate, return the site to the place, once again, turn it out with the rocket and try to take on. The sticker must remain on the transparent film with adhesive layer up.

For applicationstickers Take on the top corners of the circuit film and stick, smoothing down from above along the markup lines. Well, if the second person will help you, which will keep the sticker from the bottom so that it does not stick ahead of time.

Method number 3 decor cabinet coupe full color posters

Doors of the cabinet coupe with photo printing - the pleasure is not cheap. Colored posters based on vinyl film are much more accessible, and it looks more often much better. This is achieved by high print quality. You can stick poster on one of the doors or make a composition on all panels of the wardrobe.

Pictures on color posters can be the most diverse: from abstract figures, to their own photos with commemorative places. Apply them follows as ordinary vinyl stickers.

Method number 4 wardrobe with stained glass windows - economy option

Decorate the doors of a wardrobe stained glass stained glass glasses have the opportunity only very wealthy people. We offer a way to decorate, which will allow you to feel all the charms of stained trim without significant costs.

Technology is extremely simple. The translucent stained glass film with a glue surface is applied to the mirror door of the wardrobe. The film skips the light that returns to us through the reflection. As a result, the effect of the glow occurs similar to the reflection from the stained glass. Apply stained glass on the wardrobe mirror is also simple as the usual vinyl sticker. Rate decorative effect.

For order available

Method number 5 Matting glass and mirrors with a paste or aerosol

Drawings on mirrors and glass cabinet, applied by matting, look very noble and elegant. Matching is a technology that allows us to give a smooth glass surface roughness and opacity. For this, a special chemical composition is applied.

Matting is usually carried out to order and is quite expensive. We want to tell how to make this spectacular decor for a wardrobe with your own hands.

You will need:

  1. Disposable (adhesive) or reusable stencil for a wardrobe;
  2. Pasta or aerosol for matting;
  3. Spatula for applying paste.

The procedure for performing work on the matting of glass and mirror doors:

  1. Clean the surface from dust and fatty traces with alcohol or wiper.
  2. Secure stencil on it. Disposable adhesives are applied according to the method of vinyl stickers. Reusable are fixed on a temporary aerosol glue. Watch the pattern of drawing to be securely fixed.
  3. A thin layer of paste is applied to the open sections with a spatula or a special aerosol for matting is sprayed. After the time specified on the package to the composition, the lowest excess pastes are removed by the spatula, and the stencil is removed.

In such a simple way, you can apply even complex drawings with small details on the door of the wardrobe.

Video on the matting mirror on the stencil with pasta and aerosol

We hope that the proposed 5 ways will help you easily choose exactly how to decorate the cabinet door doors without unnecessary costs.

Stained glass films of the "Crystal Inay" series are perfect for decorating the mirrors of a wardrobe, glass doors and partitions, a shower cabin. An exquisite translucent pattern will make the glass surface attractive and discovers the possibility of zoning space.
For order available several surface drawings