Is it possible to drink water from a spring and a well? Of course not

In many works, the rural well is praised as a source of clear, icy water. But as the villages age, the question of its quality becomes more and more relevant. In most cases, well water does not stand up to scrutiny: it is contaminated with harmful impurities, the nitrate content is overwhelming, and drinking it is very dangerous.

What is evidenced by the studies conducted in our area, says the assistant hygienist of the Braginsky district HE Center Natalya ANISKOVETS.

- This year, in the Bragin region, we examined 88 water samples from public wells. And, as the results showed, 63 of them do not meet sanitary standards, including 42 (47.7%) - for nitrates.

- So, crystal-clear, invigorating and tasty water at first glance can imperceptibly undermine health?

- It is known that nitrates are 1.25 times more toxic in water than in food. Getting with it and food into the human body, they cause an increase in cholesterol and white blood cells, interacting with hemoglobin, form methemoglobin, not able to supply oxygen to the cells of the body. As a result, metabolism is disturbed, the central nervous system suffers, immunity decreases, old diseases worsen, new ones appear. It has been established that nitrates strongly affect the occurrence of cancerous tumors in the gastrointestinal tract. They are especially dangerous for infants. If an adult's body can resist their content in water of more than 45 mg / l, then children are defenseless against oxygen starvation. According to recent scientific reports, the possible amount of nitrates that a person can receive per day ranges from 42 to 838 mg, and their total safe intake is 300-350 mg / day.

“But how do these compounds get into groundwater?”

- Together with mineral fertilizers and other chemicals used in agriculture, industrial and sewage. In the absence of contaminants, the natural level of nitrates in drinking water does not exceed 8 mg / l, and their maximum permissible concentration is 45 mg / l. As a rule, an excess indicator is observed in areas of intensive farming, as well as around livestock complexes.

- Is it possible to purify water from nitrates?

- Unfortunately, it is very difficult to deal with this problem. Not always cleaning the wells and disinfecting them with bleach or other disinfectants gives a positive result. Boiling does not help either.

Only three-stage filters that combine activated carbon, a cation exchange resin that removes hardness salts, and an anion exchange resin that purifies water from nitrates release water from nitrates and other pollutants. However, it should be borne in mind that such filters also delay macro- and microelements necessary for the body, therefore it is impossible to use such water constantly.

Remember that water from shallow wells (3-4 meters) dug in areas is not suitable for drinking. This is the so-called “high water”, into which sewage from the earth's surface can get. Therefore, if you value the health of your people and those close to you, use water from proven sources or bottled for drinking purposes.

Interviewed by Valentin BELCHENKO

In some localities, a well is the only source of drinking water. In addition, well water is considered the basis for a healthy lifestyle and protection against many diseases. However, such a statement is not always true. Negative external factors can turn life-giving moisture into a source of harmful bacteria. To find out whether it is possible to drink water from a well, it is necessary to do the appropriate tests, and only after a positive laboratory report use it for cooking and quenching thirst.

Crystal clear, filled with useful minerals, cool at any time of the year - for the sake of such water, in fact, wells dig, even with a centralized water supply. As a rule, water in the well falls from the upper aquifers. And if in the past it really was distinguished by increased purity and did not raise doubts about its beneficialness, then the rapid development of industry and the general deterioration of the environment slightly adjusted these indicators. Nevertheless, well water, unlike tap water, contains many substances useful to our body.

Good to know: if the biochemical composition is fully normal, then there is nothing better than starting the day with one or two glasses of well water.

However, along with the benefits of groundwater can carry a number of dangers. All kinds of nitrates, nitrites, pesticides and metals, falling into the upper aquifers, are likely to be in the well, and then in our body. At the same time, the quality of water often changes during the season, therefore, even after positive laboratory tests, it is impossible to guarantee that in six months the composition will remain unchanged and it can be drunk without any harm to health.

Well water can be fraught with dangers

A person has the ability to get used to certain foods and fluids, so over time he ceases to notice an unpleasant aftertaste or smell. However, it is far from always possible to drink ground water from a well without additional purification, even if its taste does not cause you discomfort.

Natural factor

Oddly enough, but it is nature that often causes the insufficient quality of well water. The aquifer may be oversaturated with iron or manganese. If in small doses these elements have a positive effect on the body, then their overabundance is often the cause of serious diseases.

Important! The sanitary norm of iron in drinking water is 0.3 mg / l, and manganese - 0.1 mg / l.

A large percentage of iron adversely affects human skin, causes an allergic reaction and can lead to a change in blood composition. Manganese has a specific taste, and the result of its exposure is sometimes a mutagenic effect.

Agriculture and Industry

For the treatment of agricultural land, they are increasingly resorting to the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Getting together with groundwater into a well, such elements cause great harm to health, since they can affect any human organ.

No less dangerous is an industrial enterprise that does not care too much about proper waste disposal. Petroleum products and other pollutants cause irreparable damage to all living things, as a result of which the upper aquifers in such an area are often absolutely unsuitable for drinking.

Irrigation of the field with chemical fertilizers adversely affects the quality of groundwater

Snow melting

Spring flood often often worsens well water. Of course, a lot depends on the location of the well and the amount of snow cover. However, experts strongly do not recommend using a natural source during this period without prior purification.

Tip: when changing the color, taste and smell of water before use, it should be boiled.

Why is winter-spring transition so dangerous for the upper aquifers? Melting of snow leads to the entry into the ground of all waste and harmful substances that have accumulated on the surface of the earth in the winter. At this time, their concentration is maximum.

How to clean a well

To learn how to purify water from a well for drinking and cooking, you need to analyze it. Only knowing the composition, you can choose the right filter and thereby achieve the required quality. The primary task is to maintain the well in good condition, for which it should be periodically cleaned up, consisting of the following steps:

  1. Pumping water.
  2. Cleaning the walls and bottom.
  3. Arrangement of drainage.
  4. Disinfection of the inner surface.
  5. The second pumping.
  6. Filling the well.

The main attention should be paid to drainage, which serves as an additional filter. Coarse pebbles or stone chips can be used as drainage, but silicon is preferable. In this case, drinking well water will be not only safe, but also beneficial.

Silicon has a bactericidal and antiseptic effect.

All stages of well cleaning must be performed in accordance with the standards of its operation. It is better to entrust this procedure to a profile company, which, in addition to carrying out treatment activities, will help you choose the right filter element for your conditions.

As a rule, not very deep wells are drilled in summer cottages - their depth is 30-50 meters. Aquifers located at such a depth are poorly protected from chemical or microbial contamination, and therefore, water quality is often far from the best.

Is it necessary to boil water from a well

Modern filters produced by industry, which are used by well owners to purify water, can not always fully cope with purification so that the chemical and microbiological parameters of the fluid comply with the norm. Water with such quality is quite suitable for technical needs, but it is not always possible to use it for domestic purposes.

In order to know for sure whether the water in the well is suitable for drinking, hand it over for chemical analysis. It is possible that according to the results of the analysis, your water will turn out to be beautiful and suitable for use not in boiled form. Most people who take water from a well nevertheless believe that it is better to boil it before use - despite the absence of harmful elements in it and the external purity. With the naked eye it is impossible to discern whether there are pathogens in the water, which can often be eliminated by ordinary boiling.

Is it possible to find out the quality of water at home

If for some reason it is not possible to deliver a sample of water to the laboratory, try boiling water several times. Boiling in itself can cause many processes that clearly give an idea of ​​the quality of water. For example, with increased hardness, boiling water will leave plaque and lime flakes on the dishes.

Try pouring liquid into a small, transparent container and putting it away for a few days in a shaded area. After a couple of days, you can check the water. If an oily film with colored shades has formed on the surface, raw such water should never be consumed.

Throw some potassium permanganate crystals into the water. At the same time, good water will get a pinkish color, poor-quality brown.

It may also be that the water from the well in your area is completely unsuitable for drinking. In this case, it is better to bring water from a more suitable source, and if possible, connect to a centralized water supply. For example, if we are talking about a country cooperative, try to find the opportunity and drill a well with sufficient depth. Compliance with sanitary standards will create a reliable source of water supply with water suitable for domestic use.

Water is an essential component of all living cells. Without it, no organism on Earth can exist. Human health directly depends on the quality, composition and purity of water. Therefore, today the service is in great demand   water delivery   in offices and at home.

But is such Belgorod water safe?

Facts and myths about spring and artesian water

1. Spring and artesian water differs from other natural varieties of water. This is not entirely true ... Spring and groundwater coming to the surface are called spring water. In chemical properties, they are very similar to the same well or   artesian , which are poured into large containers for coolers, sometimes, but not always always additionally cleaning it. The main difference is the way to the surface. You can call Rodnikova only water that comes out of the bowels of the earth in a natural way, and not man-made (drilling a well, digging a well). And artesian water is water from deeply drilled wells.

2. Spring and artesian water NOT   cleaner than othersvarieties of water. Before reaching the surface, water passes through balls of sand and gravel, which act as natural filters. Such "cleaning" does not always have a positive effect on the composition of water and in the Belgorod region (taking into account the nature of local soils) does not give it healing properties. Water often contains an excessively excessive concentration of calcium, magnesium, and iron salts! And this is far from the calcium and iron that we need and are well absorbed by our body. Such substances in Belgorod water are the cause of kidney stones and salt deposits in the joints, and iron harms the liver!

3. Spring and artesian water not   possesses healing properties. Do not confuse natural mineral water (for example, in sources in the North Caucasus) with ordinary artesian water. Even real mineral water (medicinal or medicinal-table) should be drunk only as directed by a doctor and for a limited period.Uncontrolled and constant use of mineral water, even of proper quality, can also cause health problems!

From all of the above, it follows that water extracted from the earth artificially and bottled is harmful. Our inspections of bottled water in Belgorod, which is sold in stores and transported by numerous companies to offices and homes, showed that it is not so much different from tap water. The content of harmful substances in it often just rolls over.

When liquid crystals are destroyed in poorly structured natural mineral water, the harmful effects of gases and supermineralization cease to be compensated, and the bottled product passes and the discharge of “conditionally useful” to the category of “definitely harmful”.

For a person, those salts that he receives with milk and food are quite enough. The deposition of stones and the creaking of joints in people who uncontrollably consume mineral water, or tap water, cannot be surprised by dietitians.

In order not to harm your body, you should not drink water from unverified sources. In everyday life, you care about the quality of what you consume, install a high-quality Atoll osmotic water filter, monitor the composition of food. Do not drink water from a spring and a plastic bottle if you are not sure of its origin. Use your own filtered water - from the filter that you buy from a reliable supplier, guaranteeing its quality and after-sales service!

Read the section "How to recognize a high-quality and reliable filter?"

Watch Channel One"Conspiracy Theory. Water Traders"   and you will understand how much low-quality bottled water is on the market today and how much money you spend at the risk of harming yourself and your family. Take care of your health and the health of loved ones. And we will help you with this!

The standard for drinking water in the Russian Federation is determined by a document from the set of “Sanitary Norms and Rules”, namely SanPiN “DRINKING WATER AND WATER SUPPLY OF POPULATIONS”. These rules are approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, periodically changes and adjustments are made to them.

The rules emphasize that water is "safe in epidemiological and radiation terms, harmless in chemical composition and have favorable organoleptic properties." If you familiarize yourself with the document, it becomes clear that drinking water is an extremely complicated thing and sometimes it’s very difficult to get really true water from technical water. In addition, it should be borne in mind that if in the countries of the former USSR the requirements for drinking water are more or less the same, then in countries of the far abroad a completely different liquid can be considered drinking water.

Many rural water consumers often do not think about what kind of water they drink. And just consume the water that is available. If there is a well, drink the well and praise it as soon as they can. There is water from the column, they drink it, although there are already fewer praise for it. And the same principle, unknowingly, is transferred to the water from the well. But, after some time, when euphoria passes from a new source of water supply, the owners of well water begin to notice that they say some kind of well water is different. It is different in taste, color, sensation from tap water in the city or well water from the garden. And they will be right. Indeed, water from a well, as a rule, is industrial water, not suitable for drinking, and in some cases for domestic purposes.

Well water tastes good to us. And this is so, since in nature, we would have to drink approximately the same water content. Well water, for the most part, is balanced in mineral composition, which is why it seems so tasty to us. But, due to the shallow occurrence, organic water spoils well water. All sorts of bacteria, decomposing corpses of small animals, rotting leaves and generally high water after melting snow or heavy rainfall, all this affects the taste of the water and greatly reduces its level of safety for ingestion. Well water, in contrast to well water, is more mineralized, may contain dissolved gases, but it is poor, almost sterile, with organic matter. Unless, of course, a large cemetery or a sewage treatment center that has not been reconstructed for a long time is not located nearby.

In any case, in order to make sure that the water from the well is suitable for drinking or for domestic purposes, a laboratory test should be performed. A water sample is taken, and then the laboratory conducts a series of analyzes to determine the composition of the water. Depending on the means available to the owner of the well, he may order various analyzes for filling. The most complete list will include not only all indicators from SanPin on the chemical composition, but also bacteriological studies. The second study should be careful. First, water must be taken in a specially prepared, sterile container. And, secondly, when installing a borehole pump, casing and other things, bacteria will inevitably be brought into the well. And since they will have nothing to eat at depth (especially in deep wells), then over time their population should come to naught.

Regarding the analysis itself, the extent to which it should be complete should be decided by the owner himself. He wants to know everything about his water or not. But it must be remembered that it is desirable to do water analysis with some periodicity, because the composition of the underwater basin is prone to a certain variability. But with the laboratory that will conduct the analysis, it is worth determining even more thoroughly. In the open market, there are at least three options for conducting water analysis: in laboratories at companies selling water purification equipment, independent laboratories, and state laboratories. It is immediately clear to any citizen of our country that the level of confidence in the results of the former is obviously lower than all subsequent ones.

Cleaning options

After receiving the analysis from the laboratory, it is already possible to determine how your water will be purified and adjusted to the requirements for drinking water. Looking ahead, I want to note that there are such difficult cases for water treatment specialists when bringing water to normal becomes millet economically inexpedient. It is cheaper to import water in tanks or filter sewage. Alas, anything can happen here. Below I will try to give a brief classification of the possible (and applicable) methods of water purification. The list is far from complete, but will be useful for a general understanding of where to go.

Reverse osmosis

Osmosis is the process when a liquid, which is a solvent, tries to penetrate through the membrane in the direction of the highest concentration of what the liquid can dissolve. So, for example, if you divide the vessel with a membrane with very small pores through which only water molecules can pass, pour water on the one hand, and on the other hand a salt solution and balance the pressure on the membrane walls, then water will gradually seep through the membrane to the saline solution , gradually lowering its saturation.

Reverse osmosis, built on the opposite movement of the solvent (water). In reverse osmosis plants, all the same liquid separation and a membrane with the thinnest holes permeable only to water molecules are used. But, thanks to the created pressure, from the side of untreated water, it is forced through the membrane. Moreover, almost distilled water is squeezed, consisting almost exclusively of H 2 O molecules. Water residues, with an increased concentration of filtered substances, are washed off into the drainage.

The effectiveness of a reverse osmosis treatment plant depends on the pressure developed by the water being treated, the state of the membrane and the initial “contamination” of the water. It is possible to use multi-stage reverse osmosis plants, where filtering on the membrane occurs several times.

Reverse osmosis plants are mainly used in factories, or for desalination of sea or brackish water. Recently, similar systems have appeared in everyday life. Compact appliances are installed under the sink and allow you to get relatively clean water. It should be borne in mind that the reverse osmosis system, despite its effectiveness, purifies water only from matter molecules that are larger than water molecules. But it does not save from dissolved gases, however, as well as from substances with smaller molecular sizes than water.

But complaints about the reverse osmosis system cause a completely different reason. Many have heard that drinking distilled water that is poor in minerals is unhealthy. The point here is that by consuming such water, a person not only reduces the flow of useful minerals into his body, but also flushes them out of it (we recall osmosis). But supporters of the use of reverse osmosis systems insist that a person gets the necessary amount of minerals from food by eating food. In general, the point in this dispute is still not fully set, but filter manufacturers are already trying to satisfy all consumer demands and produce reverse osmosis systems with additional mineralization. But here it is not so simple. Yes, mineralization cartridges will help to saturate the filtered water with useful elements, but in the existing systems on the market it is not possible to regulate the level of mineralization. And it turns out that when the mineralizer is new, the level of water salinity will be high, and towards the end of its service life the mineralization will decrease.

Sorption method

Sorption is, in general, three different methods. The first is adsorption. During adsorption, unwanted substances are absorbed by the surface of the solid. Therefore, materials adsorbents are usually porous, have a large surface area. The most popular adsorbent, i.e. activated carbon can be called a substance that absorbs unwanted substances by the surface.

The second way is the absorption process of the absorption of impurities by the volume of a substance (not by the surface, but by the volume). As a rule, absorption is used in technological processes in industry, although it is possible that water filters based on this process may appear.

If you move away from the scientific interpretation and go down to the household level, the adsorption is used very actively in terms of water filtration. Typically, household filters for small amounts of water are filled with something like activated carbon. The method is quite working, however, the filters will periodically need to be changed, and the filtration efficiency drops as the surface of the adsorbent becomes dirty.

Well, the third is ion exchange, but I’ll dwell on it separately.


The use of such active substances as ozone for water purification is not something exotic. Ozonation systems have already been used for a long time to clean water in swimming pools and waterworks. Ozone is not only a terrible poison for biological objects, but also the strongest oxidizer. Actually, precisely because of the strongest chemical oxidation abilities, it is poison for the living. For this reason, ozone is used, on the one hand, for disinfecting drinking water, and on the other, for purification from metals dissolved in water. After all, it is no secret that, for example, iron dissolved in water is not so easy to separate from the water itself. And with the help of ozonization, the dissolved metal passes into a solid form and can be mechanically separated from the water being purified.

However, despite all the advantages of ozonation, the method is practically not used for water purification in private households. Ozonation equipment requires qualified service, because any malfunction in the system can have serious consequences for the health of residents. Moreover, the high energy costs of ozonation make its use economically costly, and in some cases impossible due to the lack of sufficient capacity.


The use of mechanical cleaning is almost the most ancient method of water preparation. Mechanical filters are able to rid the water of sand, pebbles and other objects. The essence of mechanical cleaning is very similar to the method of reverse osmosis, but instead of a membrane a mechanical filter with coarser cells and large pores is used.

As a filtering substance, depending on the fraction of the substance for screening, various materials can be used. In practice, the following types of mechanical filters are common:

  • Coarse filters - grids in skew filters. They are used in closed systems or for catching wear and tear of equipment. Such filters do not have the ability to clean too large amounts of contamination due to their small size and are used where the water should already be cleaned.
  • Wash filters are close relatives of a splay filter, but of a larger size. Used for the primary purification of water from large particles. Structurally, the filter looks like a flask with a grid installed inside. The flow of water passes through the flask and the grid, while the pollutant remains outside the area cut off by the grid. If necessary, when the filtered material is already accumulating enough, the valve in the flask opens and the flow of water flushes everything into the drain. Thus, by rinsing the filter with water, it can serve for a long time without replacing the filter element itself.
  • Propylene filters - one of the most common, look like a piece of soft "foam" pipe. Due to the porous structure, the filter effectively retains pollution. Moreover, these filters are inexpensive and differ in the size of the retained contaminants. The most common filter options delay contamination in the range of 5–10 microns, although there are filters with pores on the market to filter objects up to 1 micron.
  • Filament filters are similar in principle to the action of propylene, but are made by tightly winding the thread. Water, passing through such a reel with several layers of threads, is quite tolerably filtered. The thread filter is easier to manufacture, but it does not provide filtering of very small contaminants.
  • “Nanofilters” - various “inventions” of local and foreign craftsmen fall into this category, who promise to purify water from everything for cheap. Firms manufacturers or sellers say one thing, and people on the forums and in life say about such filters is quite another. As a vivid example, a washing filter made of a wound metal thread coated with glass or silver can be cited. According to the authors, the gap between the threads of the thread is so small that only water with useful elements passes through it, and the additional coating with glass or silver even more scares away harmful elements. But roofing felts made such wonderful filters carelessly, roofing felts they are fundamentally unworkable, but the people respond negatively about them.

Ion exchange resins

The ion exchange filtration method is similar to the sorption method, in fact it is one of its varieties. Various ion exchangers act as a filtering substance in the process. It can be both granules and finished bulk structures or even membranes. The essence of the method is in the exchange of ions of solutions of the medium being filtered and the filter itself. In this case, the property of the medium can change significantly, so the acid can become a saline solution and vice versa.

The ion exchange method is used for water desalination or for changing the properties of solutions. However, recently similar filters began to be applied also to removal of the dissolved metals from water. Moreover, the method of ion exchange shows not such bad results. Of course, under each water, you need to pick up your own set of ion exchangers. Ion exchange resins can work in filters for a long time, and subject to the technology for many years and decades. This is possible due to the ability of ion exchangers to restore its original state. This happens by washing the tank with ionites with a solution of sodium chloride. Salt in such filters is usually stored in rectangular containers, connected by hoses with a tank with ion exchangers. At the signal of the automatic controller, the salt solution is fed and washes the ion exchangers, reverse ion exchange occurs, and the remaining solution is drained into the drainage.

By the way, on the pillars in the cottage villages hang ads for the supply of salt for cleaning systems. True salt for the restoration of ion exchangers is used not in the form of powder, but in pressed tablets, which allows to reduce the period between loading new batches of salt into the system. The use of tableted salt is due to the fact that it dissolves more slowly and, as a consequence, smaller tanks can be used to store the washing solution.

Oxidation based systems

Strictly speaking, water treatment systems based on oxidation should also include systems with ozonization, because there and there an oxidizer is used. In the case of systems with ozonation, ozone acts as an oxidizing agent, while in ordinary systems oxygen is used. Under the action of oxygen, oxidation or oxidation of metals dissolved in water, primarily iron, occurs. The oxidation process takes place in the so-called aeration columns, where the water is saturated with air and the iron from the bivalent form passes into the trivalent form, which is mechanically filtered in the next filter.

Such systems can be identified by the presence of several connected cylinders and a special air pump, which pumps air for aeration of water. During the operation of such a system, no chemicals are used, and water is used as a consumable material, just like in the wash filter. However, such systems can not cope with any metal, for example, with manganese, a faithful companion of iron, such a system can no longer effectively cope.

UV cleaning

Now it is quite often possible to find such elongated metal bulges on pipes with an electric cable in cleaning systems in country houses. These are ultraviolet lamps. Similar devices, only more powerful and differing in design, are used in industry, at water treatment plants. The purpose of UV is to kill as many viruses and bacteria as possible. Ultraviolet radiation affects living organisms when it is too much. That is how the process happens, the lamp irradiates water, living organisms and viruses die.

In reality, as a rule, several types of filters are used in water treatment in order to bring water to the standard as much as possible. After all, natural underground water often “suffers” at once with a multitude of “sores”.

Typical water problems

With the exception of very rare and unique cases, most users face the same problems with well water. I will try to put them all in a register and I hope that it will be easier for my reader, later, to navigate in all the variety of problems. But, despite all the classifications, in some cases, it is better to contact specialized companies, because professionals can notice the nuances in your water that you simply miss without paying any attention to them.

A lot of iron

This is probably one of the most frequent problems with well water in the Moscow region and some other regions. The problem is that dissolved iron is present in the water, it is also called bivalent iron. Dissolved iron just in water and not see. Here it is, pouring from the tap is normal, but it is worth letting such water to stand for some time, so the flakes begin to accumulate at the bottom of the vessel. Iron is oxidized either to ferric iron, which is insoluble in water, or to iron hydroxide, which, similarly, is not soluble in water.

There may be a lot of ferric in the water. Then it will immediately be colored, and after settling it will look the same as that of water with dissolved iron. When exceeding the norms for iron, water becomes unpleasant to the taste, and rusty smudges appear on the plumbing. Within reason, the glandular diet does not affect the state of health, iron is very poorly established by the body.

The method of ion exchange or oxidation (ozone, aeration, catalytic oxidation, and other methods) is usually used to clean and normalize the iron content in water. By the way, catalytic oxidation copes with iron in water quite effectively, however, it can adversely affect biological wastewater treatment systems. Especially if it is planned to drain drainage and recovery flush for catalytic backfilling in them. Membrane, including reverse osmosis technologies, can also be used to remove iron, the latter can filter out dissolved iron. But such systems do not have a sufficient level of performance, especially for domestic purposes, and require either very good water purification from all impurities before filtration, or frequent maintenance and replacement.

Water too hard

Many of us have heard that there is hard water, but there is, on the contrary, soft water. Hardness is determined by the level of content of dissolved alkaline earth metal salts in it, as a rule, it is calcium and magnesium. It is the salts of these metals that are called hardness salts. However, water hardness can add content to other salts.

Hard water strongly dries the skin, soap is poorly soaped, scale is actively formed in kettles and water heating systems. But too soft water is also not very good. Wash off soapy water with excessively soft water - it is a confusion, metal pipes with soft water can corrode unnecessarily. Too soft water will not be so tasty, because the taste of water is determined by the content of hardness salts. Yes, and too hard or too soft water can have a negative impact on health. Overabundance of hardness salts can lead to urolithiasis, and lack of cardiovascular diseases. True, as is clear, somewhere in the middle.

You can get rid of increased rigidity in various ways. Even ordinary boiling will lower the hardness of the water to a reasonable level; everything that is superfluous will remain as scum in the kettle. But for domestic use it is better to look at less expensive methods. The first is to think about the option with the ion exchange. That is why it was actually developed. Cations do an excellent job with their task, and are regenerated by regular table salt. By the way, such systems to reduce hardness are already used in water treatment systems with installation under the sink. And they can be regenerated in the same way as large water treatment systems.

Reverse osmosis will cope with this task, though the total mineralization of water will also decrease, which, as we know, is considered by some not the best outcome. Water hardness can be reduced with the help of reagents, but here it is necessary to periodically stock up soda ash or slaked lime. There are methods for reducing the hardness of water using electrodialysis, but this is more likely more exotic than common practice.

Too much manganese

In cases where an increase in the level of iron occurs in water, an increase in the level of manganese is also often encountered. Excessive content of manganese leads to deterioration of the taste of water, dark spots on plumbing and black bloom on water pipes.

Getting rid of manganese is more difficult than iron, but in practice, proven methods are used to achieve a decent result at average costs. Vacuum aeration or ion exchange is used for demanganization. Like iron, manganese is converted from the bivalent to the trivalent form, either by oxidation with oxygen, or by catalytic loading, the latter must be periodically restored by resorting to washing with their complex compositions. But the ion exchange method allows you to avoid unnecessary fuss and removes manganese along with iron, and at the same time softens water.

There is gas in the water

The content of dissolved gases in water can be a problem. Being in the depth of the soil at great depth, water can be carbonated with extraordinary ease. And in consequence, gas can be released from water in the most unexpected places. At best, you will have carbon dioxide gas and carbonated water from your tap, and adding fruit syrup you can start selling soda to your neighbors. But after all, gas in water can be any, for example, flammable or highly smelly, and the problem can arise not only in the form of air traffic jams in pipelines and other equipment.

For the degassing of water can be used as chemical methods, when the gas is bound to another substance during a chemical reaction or by physical means, for example, by aeration. In any case, the problem is not solved easily and equally for all gases.

Dregs and mud sand

Perhaps this is one of the easiest problems. To deal with it helps filters of different nature. In the case when the well is not sand, it is often resorted to pre-pumping the well before the water intake. This operation can be automated by starting a timer pumping with a given regularity, chosen experimentally. It is possible to apply also washing filters with regular washing on the timer, or with division of a stream on clear water and a drainage, with the corresponding backpressure valve.

Some tricks with water treatment equipment

It is no secret that the equipment for water treatment takes a fair amount of space. Yes, and it should be installed in a warm room, where the temperature is always positive. Freezing aggregates can lead to negative consequences, even if the water from the system is drained. Loading and other filtering elements may contain residual water, which, when freezing, will simply break them, perhaps not the first time, not the first winter, but it will inevitably make it. From this it follows that it is necessary to design a room for equipment placement in advance, even at the stage of creating a project for a house. Otherwise, you will have to face the problem of finding the best solution for placement.

As you know, the larger the volume of the accumulator, the less often the pump will turn on and the longer it will last. But it is not always possible to find a place in the already finished house to accommodate a large hydroaccumulator. To the aid here can come savvy. Indeed, instead of one 100 liter hydroaccumulator, you can safely put two to fifty liters. Or four to 25. If there is no place in the house, but there is a underground, where the temperature is above zero all year round, then the hydroaccumulator can be placed in the subfield, and so that it does not rot from the increased humidity, then it can be taken in stainless steel or treat with such available means as Movil or Cannon Fat. Means are inexpensive, are purchased in any automobile shop and are intended precisely for protection against corrosion.

If a water purification system is required, but space is catastrophically small (and many systems are critical including orientation in space and can only be installed vertically), then you can look at the so-called cabinet water treatment systems. Such systems are about half as compact as their full-size counterparts, but they are also inferior in performance by the same amount. But, thanks to their modest size, they can be installed, for example, in a closet or other limited space.

Sometimes it is required to carry out remote switching of a water supply system, for example, to open or close ball valves remotely or to perform similar operations. Help here can a special remote control mechanism. There are options with a voltage control of 12 volts, such systems are integrated into complex water management systems or leakage control. But there are also using the usual voltage of 220 volt household network. And although the prices for such controlled faucets bite, they can find their rightful place in your water supply and treatment system.

If you need to lay a cable or pipe through a wall of concrete or brick, you can drill it with a conventional perforate or a powerful drill. For this you need to use the crowns on the concrete / stone. Crowns with carbide teeth calmly drill the concrete in percussion mode, but metal fittings are too tough for them. But diamond crowns, although they are more expensive, will pass the metal without any drilling, using only ordinary rotation. For domestic use it is worth choosing crowns for dry drilling. If the depth of the crown does not allow the hole to be drilled to its full length at once, then it is possible to chip off small pieces of the wall in the channel with an ordinary drill, remove them and continue to drill deeper. If there is not enough depth at all, then you can mark the central hole with a long drill and continue drilling from the other side.

Natural water, though made "in nature", but often requires cleaning, at least minimal. And cleaning can be very costly. And in order not to throw money on the air, it is worth a very responsible approach to this issue. After all, it depends on how well the water analysis is performed, the system is selected and mounted, your budget will sing romances, or you will have an excellent reason to brag to your friends about how you managed to select systems of quality and not pay too much.