Video review Dvorterrier photo dog. Dvorterrier

Dorterrier dogs are purebred animals. Such dogs do not have pedigrees and there are no parents who would have titles, for this reason this breed is called the yard. But despite the fact that these are purebred dogs, they are very strong in health, they have excellent quick adaptation to any conditions and they are very loyal dogs. Of course, each person chooses a particular breed depending on their advantages and requirements. If you need an excellent watchman and defender, a loyal friend, then in this case you better not find a shepherd, pit bull or yard dog.


These are dogs without a breed, but they are in no way inferior to those dogs that have a breed and have a passport. And the character of this breed is individual, since each dog does not have a clear breed and it can adopt any skill and character. And this will talk about the uniqueness of each dog. Her appearance will also be different and can be absolutely any, and you can never be completely sure which puppy will be in the end.

Breed benefits

Dvorrieri have several advantages:

Dogs have excellent immunity and are very resistant to various diseases. Since these are street dogs, they have high endurance and therefore, these dogs have survival. These dogs perfectly tolerate all natural disasters and at the same time feel comfortable.

They get used very quickly to their master and the house where they will live, only you need to feed them. Such dogs will appreciate every little thing, they remember it for a very long time, they are very grateful for the good life that the owner gives.

Dogs will not require any specific food, which will take you a lot of time. In the diet of dogs can be cereal, meat, cottage cheese and absolutely any foods that you eat. These dogs are recommended to be fed twice a day, and there is no need to increase the number of meals.

You can also feed your pet food that is sold in stores. Or you can just give the dog what you have after dinner and he will be just happy, because he likes the food that the person has.

The character of a dweller

These are incredibly loyal dogs and very flexible, they will not be a hassle. By nature they are very mischievous and will feel great in any family, whether there are so little children or not, and even with people of their age they will be just wonderful. They love to play, will bring a stick or push the ball with their nose. These dogs do not like patterns and any measurements. They are not very large in growth, although there are exceptions, but at the same time they are excellent defenders.

They are not cowardly and they have a very strong grip. Such a dog will live perfectly in the courtyard of a private house and fresh air is what she needs. They just need constant activity, very rarely they are lazy. When meeting with the owner, they will wag their tails and enjoy the meeting. But it is still necessary to educate and help him, to show what can be done and what cannot.


These are very smart dogs and they always understand their owner, so you need to talk to him and tell how you are doing. If he just sits and looks at you, he remembers your actions and what you do, they study you in order to know in the future what to expect. These are animals that have a good memory. He can remember the simplest commands, the dogs are attentive and able to listen. After he completes the command, it is advisable to thank him and pamper delicious. They will appreciate this attitude and be faithful.

Have you heard of such a breed of dog as? So they call dogs whose breed is indefinable, in other words, this.

Suppose you decide to have a dog, a cute and loving animal. Previously, it is necessary to consider the pros and cons for one or another breed. It’s best to make a list of breeds. If it should be a guard dog, then a shepherd or a Doberman is best. If just a cute little animal - Pekingese or Italian greyhound. But do not forget to include the dvorterrier in your list, and do not rush to put these dogs in the very last place on your list.

Let me first say a few words in defense of this "breed".

If thoroughbred dogs in various books and encyclopedias about breeds, as a rule, are credited with static qualities, then the dweller terrier is endowed with completely unique traits and habits. Such dogs cannot be called "copies" in relation to their breed, since the character of each is unique.

Choosing a dog, whether on the bird market or through various sites, people, as a rule, are first of all looking for a faithful and devoted friend, and not a car with a certain attitude. That is why many owners do not even train their dogs, because they believe that this subordinates the will of the animal and is the wrong approach.

Here are the main advantages of dvorterrier:

1. As a rule, the dvorterrier is not so susceptible to various diseases. It easily tolerates any temperature and weather conditions (naturally, it still depends on the length of its coat). Mostly capricious, quickly get used to the new owner and place of residence. Wrong is the idea that the door terrier should live on the street. It depends on the dog itself. If she is comfortable in the yard, then why not. However, if it is a short-haired dog, then it does not need to sleep on the street.

2. They do not need to draw up any special diet. It is enough to give the dog a sufficient amount of meat, and there are already enough vitamins in order to strengthen its immunity. However, like everyone else, dvorterers can enjoy dog ​​food as well. But personally, I believe that dog food is an unhealthy diet. There is not even a fraction of those vitamins and minerals that are trumpeted in all advertisements.

Dogs eat about twice a day. Do not exaggerate or downplay this norm. Do not overfeed the dog, but do not let it starve.

3. It so happened that these dogs are very inexpensive for the reason that they do not have a good pedigree. Often they are even given as a gift, if only in good hands.

4. Unpredictability. These are dogs with character and do not give in to any standard measures. Yes, in fact, you buy a "pig in a poke", which does not have a good pedigree or a specific description. However, believe me, such a dog can surprise you more than others.

The first dog that was presented to me did not relate specifically to any particular breed. It was a translator of two different pinschers. Nevertheless, this dog possessed an unusually vivid personality and seemed to be like me in all her actions. She grabbed everything on the fly and, despite her small stature, could stand up for her master no worse than a fighting dog. True, she was a little lazy, but again this is my influence on her. It was not just a dog, but my best friend, whom I will never forget. All people were moved and could not understand what kind of breed it was.

Naturally, it wasn’t such a dweller terrier. As I said earlier, it was a mixture of two different pinchers. But when we bought a book that described many different breeds, then I could not see my dog ​​in the Pincher description. She was completely different. It seemed that this was a small copy of my character: a little naughty, jealous and even at some moments aggressive, but still very kind, playful and affectionate with people close to her. She could be offended or ask for forgiveness, look guilty. And when we left home, leaving the dog on the farm, she looked with such eyes that it seemed that she was about to cry.

You will never find such increased emotionality in the characterization of a pincher, because, I repeat, in thoroughbred dogs all their features and habits correspond to certain long-studied patterns.

Dvorterrier can become not just a good friend, but a part of your family. He will learn everything that only you can and wish to teach him. Perhaps there were never noble dogs in his family, however, with the right approach, you can raise from him a representative of the most unique and noble breed, which you will never find anywhere else in life.