The plot from the fairy tale is a good deed. Fairy tales about good and evil short

Autumn - magic time. Nature changes so quickly that it seems as if this happens not to itself, but at the manual of some kind of magic brush, instantly squeezing everything around with multi-colored paints. Hedgehog loved autumn. He loved to see how nature changes, as plants and animals change.

And these changes were not only external. Protein, for example, every autumn became more strict to his children, was constantly angry with the kids who were still frolicked and walked, as if eternal summer was waiting ahead, not a harsh winter. The hare became very concerned. He constantly recalculated reserves, guessing whether he would have enough them for the winter. He ran through the forest all day, collecting the last mushrooms, berries and apples. For the Hedgehog, the autumn was the time of old dating and pleasant memories.
Once Hedgehog met with a star. They moved away and since then the starlings each autumn flew to her friend on the road to the warm edges, unless, of course, allowed the weather. This year, the weather was warm, and the starway remained at the hedgehog for a whole day. Hedgehog was glad to the guest, he pulled out the most delicious supplies from the storage room, which he himself loved, and even a specially cooked treat for the guest, began to sweep a friend. They sat all day, telling each other interesting stories that were involved in them for the year. They were so good together that time was flying completely unnoticed. Evening came.
"It's good here," said Skzorets, unscrewing tea, - warm, cozy.
"Yes," Hedgehog agreed, "good. Stay still on day to buy.
Skzorta thought.
- No I can not. It's time. Tomorrow the wind will change, and it will become much harder to fly. And the path to the sea is without that difficult.
- To the sea? - I did not understand the hedgehog. - And what is it?
- Sea? - The starman thought. - So immediately and not explain. The sea is a lot of water.
- How is the river? In the river, too, a lot of water! - Hedgehog guess.
"Neu-e-t," Skzorets smiled, - in the sea of \u200b\u200bwater more. So much that except water shows anything from the horizon to the horizon. And another sea, it's a living.
- Live? - Surprised Hedgehog.
- Yes, it is a huge and alive.
- How is the living?
- How would it explain to? There are many creatures in the sea, and it itself seems alive. This is especially noticeable in the morning, at dawn. First, the sea sleeps, the surface is smooth and smooth. Then the breeze begins to blow - this is the breath of the wakeful sea. It has not yet woken up, but his sleep is no longer strong. It is here, then the waves run on the surface, sometimes swimming the jellyfish or beam of algae. And here the sun goes. It rises straight from the sea, big and red. And the sea immediately wakes up, begins to breathe waves, brown foam. And everything in the sea wakes up: the fish begin to sink at the surface, the birds scream, the giant sea creatures swim. And heard becomes how Gulko beats the heart of the sea by the sea.
Hedgehog was sitting at the table, leaning around the paw, and dreamed of a friend. The bird talked about such unusual things that all this seemed a fairy tale.
- What color are the sea? - asked Hedgehog.
- It happens different. When it is angry, it happens even black, but most often it is blue-green.
- Green. Eh, "Hedgehog sighed dreamily," I would take a look at the sea at least with one eye.
- It is very far from here. There can only fly. Do not go. - Skworets noticed sadly sadly.
He unexpectedly alerted.
"It's time for me to fly, the weather is changing."
Hedgehog looked into the window. The sun can be seen on the horizon, the light breeze was shoved, the sky was clean and cloudless.
- Sit down a little more, look like a good street.
"I would glad," Skworets sighed, "but I have time." We, migratory birds, very well feel the weather changes. I feel that there will be a storm soon.
- Then fly, of course. The path is not close. - Hedgehog agreed.
He spent a friend to the street. There Skzorets slid out, made a circle around the ate and, twirling for a piece of fare, turned to the south.
The remainder of the evening, the hedgehog spent as in the middle. He did not leave the words of the bird from his head. He really wanted to see the sea. But he perfectly understood that she would never get to the sea.
So he sat until late evening, sighing softly and slightly.
In the evening, a squirrel ran to him.
"Hi, Hedgehog," she said, "something was not visible all day all day. Didn't you get sick?
"No," Hedgehog smiled at her, "I am healthy."
- What kind of sad then?
- Yes, the Skzorets flew to me, about the sea told. It is beautiful very and big. I would like to look at the sea, but it is far away.
Protein just grinned.
- I found someone to listen, Skvortz. He does not affect everything, everything is big and beautiful.
- Yes, yes, - reluctantly agreed Hedgehog, not distracted by his thoughts.
"I went," said Squirrel, "you can bore a big basket for nuts?"
- Yes, of course, the Hedgehog passed to the storage room and made a large basket from there.
"Thank you," thanked the squirrel, "you always help me out."
She went to the door, but the threshold stopped.
- So what, you say, the sea then?
- Huge, until the horizon. And there are waves there. It is noise, especially at dawn, and in it lives many, many things.
Hedgehog spoke quickly and briefly and, of course, not so beautiful as the star.
Protein gone, and Hedge began to prepare for sleep. In bed, he could not sleep for a long time. He lay everything and thought about the sea. And so, when he, finally, trisped, he heard a quiet knock.
Hedgehog was alerted. The knock was repeated again. Hedgehog opened his eyes and sat in bed. Someone quietly, but persistently pounded.
Hedgehog went to the door.
- Who's there? - He asked.
In response, a knock rang out again, and here hedgehog realized that he was not on the door, but from the side of the entrance leading to the lower branch of ate.
Hedgehog climbed the stairs to the entrance.
- Who's there? - He asked.
"This is we, a lush," a familiar voice was heard from behind the door.
Hedgehog opened the door.
- Are you so late?
- Rather soon, soon the morning was already answered. Mom sent us. Come with us.
- Where to? - Surprised Hedgehog.
- Top, go. Mom did not say to speak, surprise will.
Hedgehog was surprised, but went beyond. Two bobcones poured in front of him on the branches, pointing a safe way. It was easy to go: along the branches were stretched ropes, and somewhere where, in the most difficult places, rope ladders were traditional, which were not there before.
- Where does the stairs come from? - asked Hedgehog.
"We did," Lachata was noticed with pride, "so that it was easier to climb to climb."
- on the top!? - Hedgehog was horrified. - I never climbed so far.
- Nothing, we have prepared a good way. Walk!
And indeed, soon they passed the hollow proteins and the hollow, where the supplies were stored. They climbed higher and higher. The further they climbed, the more the ladies and the transitions made by the shredders became, so that soon hedgehog was climbed almost on the most paincoon.
There, at the top, he was already waiting for the squirrel.
"I am glad that you have found courage to get in yourself here," she said, smiling mysteriously, "here, sit down more comfortable.
Squirrel pointed to a large fork, similar to a comfortable chair. Hedgehog sat down and just now managed to look around. It was high, very high on the tree. The fir was higher than other trees, so the hedgehog saw the forest like the birds see him.
True, at first it was not very clear, it was still dark. But the sun was to appear, raising his huge body over the horizon. And the hedgehog saw the forest, green and endless, until the horizon itself. And here the wind, cold and impusty. And the waves ran along the top of the trees. There are no longer enough leaves, whipped up the blessed oxades. Several birds first emerged, it was, from the forest, but then, frightened by the wind, again dived into the depth. And the sun rose more and higher, and the wind became stronger. And the forest roared, clogged, taking the winding branches of the trees. From the horizon there were clouds.
Hedgehog watched and suddenly painted him:
- This is the sea! As a real sea! I did not know that our forest is the same as the sea!
Protein just laughed. They still stood a little, and then the squirrels led the hedgehog down. He did not want to descend, but the proteins insisted. The wind was attaching and upstairs became dangerous. Even the proteins decided to stay at the hedgehog at home and wait for the starting storm. And the storm did not make himself wait. Blowed a hurricane wind, went raining. But in the hole of the hedgehog was warm and cozy. The animals sat at the samovar, drank tea with jam and listened to both the window, somewhere there, raging the green forest "sea".

Whale whales for fishing trifle.

Fish Melnoga in the ocean clouds walks. Keith will break, fall away with an AP! - And full of mouth. The mouth shut, the water through the mustache straightened. The whole melon is in a throat. The throat is small.

Fishing, as Whale sees, - immediately to the shore. Whale behind her.

Run - Rzraz! - And drove ashore.

Well, that whale is a beast, and not a fish: no water will not die.

Lies on the sand, like a black rock, - neither there or here. He sighs hard: wait now when the water comes!

Here on the shore of the wolf.


Growl than to get started. See - Mount meat. Almost moving.

Ran up. "Because start?" - pretend.

I saw it from the Water Crab.

"End of Whale! - thinks. - His sea beast - need to help out. "

Drove up.

Stand! - shouts by wolves. - And I am with you. China is enough for everyone. It is rated - everything and we will get up.

Wolves stopped.

What to wait?

How - what? Do not know: China is just eating at the moon. Than the moon is higher, the kityatina is tastier!

Wolves were surprised, but did not argue. Crab in the ocean lives, with whale. Him, Puchglase, more visible.

Russell on the shore around the whale, the muzzle upstray up.

Even evening - long wait for the moon!

Keith lies, sighs.

So because of the mountain, the moon looked out and crawled up the sky.

Wolves are sitting, silent, whale look at. Do not notice that in the ocean water rises. With hunger teeth are tickling. I look at the crab: is it time to be taken for whale?

Crab is sitting on myself, the pives of the sides strokes.

Suddenly there are wolves - the wet fell.

Retained the mountain and the eyes do not descend.

Fas became the moon in wolves above the heads.

I hung and whale under it water. Sighed, scored the full chest of the air, how will give the tail! Splashes in all directions.

Polish wolves.

Whale Water is a tail of the tail, the wave is driven by a wave. Wolves - on the mountain.

Keith turned his head to the sea, clog the tail and went, went! Floored to the depth, scored air - and disappeared. Only his tail and saw.

And Crab slowly - sideways, sideways.

Wolves have senses - neither whale, no crab! Long on the shore sat. That up, on the moon, will look, then down, water.

Nothing understands - the people are land. How do they know that the sea-ocean are fed and riding!

And than the moon is higher, the strokes are stronger.

Ship fly and spray

He lived on the ship fly.

Most of all, she loved to give advice.

Tent sailors rope - flies here like here!

Just! Once-z-zom, once-zh!

Buzzing until you drive.

Flare flies on the ship kitchen - galley. There is a cook - COC, all in white, - compote cooks.

Sela fly on the shelf, where the salt was standing, and rang:

From zyum Zr. forgot, from Zyu! Z, Z, Zhsa!

The chef raisins have long been laid. He endured, endured - yes how to clap the towel. Fly did not hit the fly, and salt in compote - boo!

Fly from the kitchen.

Sees: on the deck of a ship's dog catches his tail. She is:

S-Z-Zadi, Once-Zing, S-Z-Zadi! Z-Z-teeth, z-z-teeth!

Fog - on the fly. Washed - yes aboad bulls! Barely saved.

And the fly is already sitting in the gap.

How from her, lipuch, get rid of? ..

Came a ship to a hot country. Has stopped. Fly from the gap got out.

Rhir-hot! Z-Z-Kony!

Seed on board in the shade. Sits, looks into the water.

Look - pops up from the depths of a short, wide fish. The spin is gray-green, four stripes on the sides.

I wanted a fly to give a fish board, how best to swim in the water. Did not make it. Scored a fish of water in the mouth - yes how to sprinkle in a fly!

He knocked her from the side. Fly Fly Fly Kwyrka into the water! While she flew, managed to work:

And what horror is unknown. Spray-fish her - Hop! - swallowed.

Chilim and three slid

Float chilim between stones, Mshanku-Green Pillard.

Chile is small, the shrimp is tired - like a fish, swims like a flea, jumps. Schelch tail, - and disappeared.

Floats, and in the head at the very: "No matter how to do not sleep!"

I looked around - everything is calm.

The bull is the eye on top of the sludge lies, prey looks out. Strapping-Balyanus in the house sleeps, the mustache put up. His good house: a lime bottle with a lid. Another cancer is a hermit - in the bottom of the wandes, the house for himself drags. His house is stolen - snail shell.

No one walk in a hurry - right, the tide is not soon ...

Suddenly sees Chile: on the bottom there are three brown balls. Something familiar, and what - I will not remember. He is to them.

Only walked - immediately at the balls, the needles stood up. Chile back jump!

And the balls moved and crawled along the bottom.

Funny crawling! Release between needles yellow legs suicide. The leg will stretch, will die to the pebble and pull the ball forward. Over it is different.

Ba! Yes, this is the sea hedgehog! How did he not recognize them before?

Cheated Chile. Tail clots, around the hedgehog jumps.

"If only to low tide in the sea leave!"

I thought - and I forgot again.

And hedgehogs on the stones crawl, behind themselves three tracks leave. Greens with stones eaten, as a knife was removed.

They climbed to a big block, on the top of the Makushka.

I looked at Chile.

Ah ah ah! - Even jumped from horror. - Jersey stone gnaw!

One raised, it became visible: from the bottom of the mouth, five white toys in the mouth. Silent prickly, scraps with teeth stone. I slipped myself every hole, Loe, the needles spread and let's turn around, drill the stone.

"Crazy! - Decided Chile. - There is nothing to do. "

The slider goes slowly into the stone, as if drunk. Stone soft shell. The walls between the holes were ruined - it turned out a common pit on three.

"So many barns, and in stone are hidden. Stupid! " - thought Chile.

Stopped - no around the water. Wrapped the cast! Fucking, beat. From stone on a stone jumps, chips.

"That's gone!"

From the last forces jumped up, turned over yes to the pit with water - slap! I skipped, sees - the needles stick out. So he got to the hedgehogs! Well, what are cunning: a pit something is not in vain! They are not afraid now.

"And like other maritime residents! - remembered Chile. Slied head out of the pit. - Look, all died? "

How wrong!

Goby in the wet slope gone. One tail sticks out. Balyanus hid in his house, the cap shut. Cancer-hermit in the sink climbed, the input of the plug, as a plug, plugged.

Each has its own supply of water:

by bull - in Ile,

at Balyanus - in a bottle,

hermit - in the sink.

Everyone was settled, all the tits are waiting.

Sea rooster

Steamed the sea, which appeared in him a new fish.

Natalia Bobrysheva
Tale "Sunny" about the inhabitants of the Black Sea

Lu.: Probably, the sun Flowing all night under water to snap and climb, on the other hand.

Lu.: This is exactly shining sun under water! I will be deepened and I'll find out everything.

Lu.: You did not see the sun? I am sure it is somewhere here! (looks around)

Jellyfish: The sun is me, Medusa Aurelia! See how I am beautifully shine in the water!

Lu.: No, you can not sun be! You shine, but not so bright, and in general you look like jelly!

A fish - Solhenman: Sun is Ya! I call me fish - Solhenman! I have finners like sun rays.

Lu.: But you do not shine at all! What are you the sun?

Nonway (2 - 3): This is us the sun, the sea at night glow thanks to us. We spend the night!

Lu.: Yes no, you can't be Sun.! You are completely tiny, and sun big and round!

M. Drakon: The sun is me! And try only to disagree with me, I immediately use you to ugly poisonous spikes. (Suitable to LU exposing spikes)

Author: Seeing the terrible spikes of the sea dragon, the baby Lou was very frightened and swam away from dangerous fish, but suddenly he was in complete darkness. Water has become muddy and dirty, the dolphino wanted to nourd over to the surface, but where he did not know. And suddenly Lu saw a glowing ball ahead, then another one else. (Children come out) Where blond balls appeared, the water became clean and the dolphinohen could see the jellyfish sisters of Aurelia.

Lu.: What are you doing here?

Medusa: We eat waste that gets into the sea and so clean the sea water. Should someone take care of the sea!

Lu.: I did not know that you need to take care of the sea.

Medusa: Of course you need if the sea is contaminated, all it inhabitants perished!

Mom Dolphin: Lou, here you are where! Is it possible to dive one to the baby at night? How did you scare me! It's good that I found my sun

Lu.: Mom sorry. I'm just looking for the sunwhich hides in the sea! And it turns out that sun is Ya?

Mom Dolphin: The sun - This huge star in the sky, which gives life to everyone on Earth! And moms call sun of TogoWho loves most of all in the world!

Lu.: Now I understand everything the sun is in the skyAnd his rays are reflected in the water! It can not be found at the bottom of the sea among marine residentsWith which I met today! Mom, I also learned today that you need to take care of the sea, cleaning its water! (Mom and Lou float)

Publications on the topic:

The abstract of complex classes in music and appliqués in the younger group "Sunny, Sunny! Look in the window! " Under calm music included in the hall. Educator: Good morning! Birds Put! Good people got out of bed! 1. Empowerment: "Hello!" Educator:.

Purpose: Formation of ideas about the inhabitants of the Black Sea. Software tasks: to introduce children with the inhabitants of the Black Sea; Develop.

An abstract of classes "At the Black Sea Day" (middle group) Tasks: - create the applique of the underwater world with your own hands. - educate accuracy.

Literary living room "Acquaintance with the work of Sasha Black" Purpose: Implementation of new forms of interaction in the "adult-child" system, aimed at the full development of children. Tasks: Educational.

October 31- International Black Sea Day. And we live on the Black Sea. Here we have passed the week of the Black Sea. I learned a lot about our beloved.

Cognitive occupation "Residents of the Black Sea" in the preparatory group using IR technology Objective: to expand and systematize the knowledge of children about the representatives of the Black Sea DNA. Tasks: introduce children with the inhabitants of the Black Sea,.

The attitude with theatrical activity is carried out gradually. The first stage is acquaintance with the theater and stoke up, with the rules of behavior in the theater. Important.

Why the crab has no head.
(African folk tale).

The goddess of Nzamby has created all animals. She began to create a crab before it came to go to bed, and she didn't have enough time to finish him. "Come tomorrow, I will give you a head," she said. "Nzamby needs two days to make me, because I am a very important person," crab boasted before other animals.
Nzamby heard about the bragging of the crab and decided not to give him heads.
The crab from shame hidden under the rock. To this day, he puts his eyes straight from under the sink, as he still has no head.

Tiddalik causes a flood.
(Australian folk tale).

Tiddalik was the biggest frog. Once he drank water from all ponds, lakes and rivers of the world. Only water in the seas remained. But animals could not drink salt water, so they had to die from thirst. Fortunately, an idea appeared in eel. He began a funny dance that Tiddalik was laughed. When his mouth revealed, the water ponds, lakes and rivers, and animals were saved.

Magic fish.
(Scandinavian folk tale).

Once the poor fisherman caught the magic fish. "Let me go, and I will fulfill everything you wish," said fish. The fisherman wanted a big house, and his desire was fulfilled.
He caught a magical fish again and again and made more and more desires. And each his desire was fulfilled. But when the fisherman demanded the moon and the stars, the fish decided that he was too gracious, and took all his gifts. And the fisherman again became poor.

Why water salt.
(Norwegian folk tale).

One day, the sailor stole a magic mill that could nourish everything you wish. He took her to the sea to his ship and demanded that the salt would be nourished for him. When the salt was enough, he ordered the mill to stop, but did not know the magical words. Soon the salt was so much that the ship and mill sank to the bottom of the sea, and the mill continued to grind salt. She continues to grind it so far, so the sea is salty.

How born starfish.
(Based on Donald Bissset's story).

Once, a dark star night, seven elephants decided to catch a falling star. They went to the top of the sea rock and, climbing one on the other, formed a tower. Elephant, who was at the top of the top, reached and took out the falling star with his trunk. But he did not resist her and dropped into the sea! Slowing past the fish swallowed it and turned into a starfish.

There are word delicious-tasty. You will say such a word - and immediately saliva flow. For example, "Banana". And remember the "Pineapple", and the saliva will flow even more.

There are words soft, fluffy and affectionate. For example, "kitten" and "chicken".

And there are terrible. Here is one word - "Barracuda". Say loudly:
-Bar-rth! - And immediately everything will be scary. Even those who do not know what it is.
And Barracuda is a naval pike, so big, long. Even longer than a sofa or bed. She has big sharp teeth and small predatory eyes.

She lives in the ocean and hunting all the living things that comes across towards her. She has a silver, cast blue. Therefore, in transparent water Barracuda is almost imperceptible. And when it looks out for prey, it freezes. Only her toothy mouth with a protruding lower jaw, it opens, it closes. As if she corts her face to someone. That's what it is terrible!
I met Barracuda Langusta and said:
- Langust - sea cancer, I eat you!

And he answered nothing. Once. It is necessary to save. He swell into a deep hole, and only the mustache sticks out. Do not get Barracuda Langusta.

Through the corals hrying the chopper fish, the body of which was thickly covered with needles.

I discovered her barrah and says:
- Fish-Yozh, I eat you!
The fish was frightened, the fear swelled in all directions.
It became a round-round, like a ball. Frozen in the water, and spiny needles settled: do not come! Not a fish, but some spiny balloon.

I tried Barracoo to bite the ball-ball. Where there! Needles do not give. Sharp, and even poisonous, stick out in all directions. So Barrarwood sailed off Solono Bread.
Meanwhile, the shell crawled along the bottom. She was carrying her heavy house-sink.
- Cun shell, I eat you!

And the shell hid in his durable, like a stone, a house and calmed down. Try, get it out from there!

I saw Barraja sailing octopus.
- Octopus-charture, I eat you!

Only she said, as he splashed her dark ink straight into her eyes. While Barrarose looked around, octopus and the trace was heated.