Schemes for the production of work by bulldozers. Estraging Earthwork Bulldozer Bulldozers for backflow brand

Bulldozers work production schemes

There are three main schemes for the development and movement of soil bulldozers: direct, side and stepped.

The direct scheme is used when digging trenches and recesses, the width of which slightly exceeds the width of the bulldozer dust; When entering the entrances, when the soil is allowed into one place. Working on this scheme, the bulldozer in the development and movement of the soil moves in a straight line, making a reciprocating movement without turns. This scheme of motion of bulldozers is often called pendulum. When moving forward, the bulldozer cuts off the ground on a certain portion of the path, and then transports it to the place of the dump (work stroke). Then he returns to the site began to cut the soil, moving back (idling). The number of workers and idle strokes of the bulldozer depends on the design depth of the excavation and thickness cut with a single passage of soil shavings.

The side scheme of the bulldozer is used when moving the previously developed soil from dumps or bulk materials (sand, gravel, etc.) from bunkers, when developing light soils, cut with thick layers, as well as when working on ores. At the same time, the developed primer is located on the side of the path, along which the bulldozer transports it to the place of sucking. The bulldozer captures the dump ground, makes a swivel movement, moving the soil to the transport pathway, and then transports it to the place of sucking. Only a qualified bulldozer can work on the side scheme, since with insufficient operation of the bulldozer control, a significant part of the soil may be lost during the rotation of the bulldozer.

A stepped diagram of the development and movement of the soil is used mainly when applying embankments, performing overnight work and vertical space layout, when it is allowed to squeeze the developed soil across the entire width of the excavation. Working on this scheme, the bulldozer develops the soil with parallel peaks. Moving the ground from one penetration, the bulldozer performs a no-wheel drive at an angle to the axis of the working stroke and begins the development and movement of the soil at a nearby penetration (Fig. 96).

Fig. 96. Bulldozer embankment scheme
1 - direction of the working stroke of the bulldozer; 2 - center pegs; 3 - Types of high spirits; 4 - swelling layers of soil; 5 - direction of idling of bulldozer; 6 - Direction of the working stroke of the bulldozer

The considered methods for developing and moving the soil to a greater or lesser extent apply almost on all earthy work performed by bulldozers. Below are concrete examples of the organization of bulldozer on various earthlings.

When performing overnight work with the swelling of the soil in the previously developed space, the development of the soil is carried out by crossed peaks, inclined towards the production of 10 ... 12 °. The development of the soil is beginning in areas located in the immediate vicinity of the upper brow of the slope of the old generation. In this case, the thickness of the sliced \u200b\u200blayer of soil increases as the bulldozer approximates to the production, so that its slope it has been maximum.

The vertical layout of the area with the help of bulldozers is carried out after breaking through the entire area, indicating the depth of removal of the soil at high sections and the height of it in the excretion. The soil is developed by parallel peaks. In this case, it is advisable to apply a combined diagram of the development and movement of the soil, combining direct and step diagrams.

The construction of bulldozers without the use of other machines (rinks, watering machines) is allowed only in cases where the technical conditions for the production of work is not provided for the soil seal and local data allow you to use ground from reserves.

Depending on the width of the embankment, the development of the soil is carried out in one or bilateral side reserves. Early mound in the following technological sequence. Before starting work, they produce a geodesic breakdown of embankments and side reserves, the purpose of which is to outline the axis and the boundaries of the base of the mound, the borders of the Berm and reserves. The reserves are laid mainly on the main side of the embankment with a transverse bilateral bias of the bottom 0.02 to the middle of the reserve. The longitudinal slope of the reserve bottom should be at least 0.002 and not more than 0.008. For ease of operation, the sinking of the mound is taking off with a length of 50 ... 100 m.

The development of the soil starts from the field browing of the reserve. Moving at the first speed, the bulldozer cuts off the ground with layers up to 30 cm and moves it towards the embankment. When approaching Berma, the bulldozer dumps gradually lifting so as not to cut the ground on the beer. The styling of the soil into the body of the embankment produce rollers, placing them in the width of the embankment. The idling of the bulldozer to the reserve is carried out at the maximum reverse speed.

The ground from each penetration in the reserve is placed in the body of the embankment by placing it in the width of the embankment, after which the bulldozer begins to develop the soil on the next rollers. After the first layer of embankment, the bulldozer rises on the entire length of the capture of the brush and, moving along the structure, smulls the soil stuck with rollers, simultaneously sealing his caterpillars. Smelling of the subsequent layers of embankment bulldozer produces in the same sequence. Having finished the smell of embankment to a given height, the bulldozer spills the top layer of the soil, plans Berm and the bottom of the reserve, bringing longitudinal and transverse slopes to the design marks.

Smelling of mounds with a height of 1.5 ... 2 m can be made without layer-by-layer leveling of the satched soil immediately at full height. In this case, the working mark of the embankment must be increased against the design by 10 ... 15%, since the embankment for a long time at the end of construction will be precipitated.

When building a roadbed on Kosoyras, the soil is developed and moved to the semicrix longitudinal and transverse strokes of the bulldozer. On Kosoyochi with a transverse bias of 8 ... 10 °, it is advisable to develop the soil to develop longitudinal strokes. At the same time, the bulldozer moves the ground into the shafts, located across the entire width of the half-hence. In the future, the bulldozer transports the ground from the shafts to the semi-roll, moving at an angle to the axis of the road under construction. On Kosoyrats with a transverse bias 12...20 ° The development of the soil is conducted by transverse peaks, in which the bulldozer moves perpendicular to the axis of the web. This allows you to increase the performance of the bulldozer due to an increase in the thickness of the sliced \u200b\u200blayer of the soil, since the bulk of the soil moves under the slope.

Before moving the soil into the semi-suction, the surface of the koyar, which is the base for the semi-satisfaction, is bass or cut the ledge with a bulldozer. To protect the road sheets from the effects of surface water from the Nagorn side by its groove and a bulldozer, to which a special nozzle is attached to the dump of which the drainage canvas is torn.

The backflow of the trench by the bulldozer is made with a soil from the dust located along the trench, in the following technological sequence. After laying a pipeline, cable or device of another structure, it is filled with manually at the same time (so as not to damage or not shift a falling down pipe or structure) to a height of 0.25 ... 0.3 m above the riding structure. Further filling of the trench produces a bulldozer, moving cross-transverse moves.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe dump is divided into separate areas, the bulldozer comes to the dump of the soil at some angle, takes the soil in the portion I and moves it into the trench. After that, with transverse peaks, it moves into the trench of the ground from the site II, then with oblique peaks from the section III, transversely from the area IV, etc. The similar scheme of motion of the bulldozer is used when creating foundations of buildings. With this alternation of the directions of the motion of the bulldozer, the path of moving it with the soil is reduced and the conditions of the soil set are improved.

Flooding an artificial structure, the design of which does not require manual backfill (reinforced concrete collectors, tunnels, pipes of large diameter, etc.) are produced in the following order. Initially, the construction is sprinkled on one side to a height of up to 0.5, then it makes a suction of it to a height of up to 1 m on the other side of the soil brought by dump trucks. The final backfill of the structure at full height (after the twist of it is made on both sides) execute as described above. Compliance with such a consistency of the backfill is necessary, since the deformation of the structure is possible with one-sided beep.

When stripping the slopes with bulldozers, the dumps of the soil are predominantly along the bottom of the slope of the slope. This allows you to move the soil from top to bottom. With the help of bulldozers, the slopes are cleaned, the steepness of which does not exceed 1: 2.5.

In some cases, it is allowed to stripping the slopes with the movement of the soil up the slope. The organization of work on this scheme is advisable in areas where the main volume of work on stripping the slopes is performed by excavators or other machines, and the bulldozers only obey and align the slopes.

TO Atientary: - Mechanization of earthworks

Local Resource Statement GESN 29-02-026-03

Name unit of measurement
Reverse fusion of the soil (sand) bulldozer with a seal of pneumatic rollers overlapping tunnels in pitchers with fastening and slopes 100 m3 filling material
The composition of the work
01. Receiving material for filling from car dump trucks at the place of storage with the subsequent feed under the excavator loader. 02. Submission of material for filling with an excavator with a grab to the place of frustration. 03. Movement of material for filling with a bulldozer for a distance of 50 m. 04. Sealing material for filling with a rink at 8 aisles. 05. Watering material for filling with water.

Rates values

Pricing takes into account the PZ work on year 2000 (Moscow prices), calculated on the GESN of the sample 2009.. The cost must be applied to the current price indexing.

You can go to the price page, which is designed based on the 2014 editorial standards with additions 1
To determine the composition and consumption of materials, machinery and labor costs were used by GESN-2001

Labor costs

Name Units. Change Labor costs
1 Workers' cost of construction workers discharge 3.8 chel.-Ch 2,34
2 Labor costs of machinists (refer to the cost of EM) chel.-Ch 9,97
Total working work costs chel.-Ch 2,34
Warm for workers \u003d 2.34 x 9,4 Rub. 22,00
Warry pay \u003d 134.16 (for calculating overhead and profits) Rub. 134,16

Operation of machines and mechanisms

Cipher Name Units. Change Consumption ST-UF
1 070150 Bulldozers when working on other types of construction of 96 kW (130 hp) Masha.-Ch 3,25 94,21 306,18
2 120910 Rollers at the pneumocole move 16 t Masha.-Ch 3,36 156,32 525,24
3 121601 Polishing machines 6000 l Masha.-Ch 3,36 110 369,60
TOTAL Rub. 1 201,02


Cipher Name Units. Change Consumption ST-UF
1 407-9085 Priming m3. 110 0 0,00
2 411-0001 Water m3. 10 2,44 24,40
TOTAL Rub. 24,40

Total for resources: 1 225.42 rubles.

The bulldozer is a landing and transport machine that performs the development, transportation, filling and smoking of the soil (Fig. 2.42). However, during the operation of the bulldozer, in contrast to the stapler, the developed soil is moved not in the ladle, but it is dragging along the ground, pushed by the working body - a knife. The volume of the pushed soil (prism of drawing) depends on the size of the knife, which, in turn, determines the necessary energy (the power of the engine base engine).

1. Product type: Planning platform, erection of shallow (up to 3 m) kittylovanov, low (up to 3 m) embankments, refinement of soil in the pit after an excavator, performing backflow of trenches and sinuses of the kittle. Recent processes are carried out mainly with the help of bulldozers.

2. The composition of the process: stabbing of the soil, transportation (drawing) of the soil, dumping, leveling, return (idle) (Fig. 2.43).

3. Input to the process is common (see page 29).

4. Resources.

4.1. Materials - soils of I-II groups of natural addition; Bashed soils of III-IV groups.

4.2. Technique: bulldozers. They are distinguished by the database: Crawler - have a large traction force; Wheel - more mobile and do not require special transport to deliver an object. The main technological parameters of the bulldozer are the dimensions of the knife (dump) that determine its performance.

The knife can be fixed hard - uncontrollable, possibly the presence of a knife control system (rotation to some angle) in the horizontal and vertical plane (Fig. 2.44).

5. Process technology.

The diagram of the work of the bulldozer can be: shuttle, shuttle with displacement, zigzag, lateral penetration (with backfilling) (Fig. 2.45). The rational range of soil transport is 10-40 m, in some cases up to 70 m. When using special technologies: trench penetration, frontal move - up to 100 m.

Fig. 2.44. Development and layout of the soil by bulldozer: A - Move the blade in the vertical plane; b - installation of dust in terms of an angle to the longitudinal axis of the bulldozer; V - the same, at an angle to the horizontal plane; g - layout of the discovery by a bulldozer equipped with a tiene blade; 1 - tractor; 2 - hydraulic cabled or cable polyspast; 3 - dump; 4 - Dump Speak Planner

The development of catlovanov is carried out on one side (Fig. 2.46, a), and during large sizes to reduce the crash range, the development is carried out from the center for two sides (Fig. 2.46, b; 2.47).

The dumping of the soil into the mound is carried out in layers, alternating with the seal, the layer thickness is set by the power of the sealing mechanism and is 0.3-1.0 m. If necessary, an intermediate moistening of the soil of each layer is performed (Fig. 2.47).

Inverse backfills of trenches and sinuses of the kittlers are also carried out in layers, alternating the laying of the layer and its seal. After the skewlings, the soil layer is wetted for effective seal.

When drinking pipelines before working the bulldozer, two operations are performed manually: Underfilling of the soil (shot) under the pipe and backfilling the pipe with a layer of soil 30-50 cm. After manual operations, the soil in the trench begins to "reset" the bulldozer. When drinking collectors, reinforced concrete trays of heating mains, etc. Failure is carried out alternately: first on the one hand to a height of 0.5 m, then from the other to the height of 1.0 m and further, alternating 1.0 m. The filling of the sinuses of the retaining walls lead horizontal layers to the entire length of the wall or its site.

Fig. 2.50. Performing backflows by the movement of the bulldozer with a sloping blade: 1 - dumping the soil for filling the trench; 2 - swelling of the soil manually; 3 - direction of motion of the bulldozer 1; 2; …five

All inverse backfills in the urban dam are subject to snowing only with sand as a ground with a minimum sediment.

To improve the performance of the bulldozer, the following schemes are used:

Cutting and drawing of soil when the bulldozer moves under the slope. Increase performance by 3-5% (Fig. 2.51);

To hold a large number of pushed soil bulldozer to the knife install openings. Increased performance by 7-15% (Fig. 2.51);

Front stroke (work) of two or three bulldozers. This allows you to significantly increase the volume of the prison of drawing and increase productivity by 30-70%. However, it requires high qualification machinists that ensure the synchronous operation of two or three bulldozers (Fig. 2.52);

Trench penetration. Here the walls of the trench hold the soil on the dump, and the bulldozer transports the volume of the soil, the maximum possible motor for this power. The walls can form naturally when the bulldozer is operating due to the soil, lost on the sides of the dump (Fig. 2.53), as well as from the undergraded soil with a parallel penetration of two or three bulldozers with some distance between them.

In the conditions of the construction site, the bulldozer performs the planning of roads, ways to tower cranes, the planning of the dump trucks of the soil, sand, as well as the device of congresses in the pit and the like.

Evaluation of technology. Based on the type of elderly structures, the presence of a specific technique and the specified carriage range is an approximate assessment of soil development costs can be performed in Table. 2.3.

A source: Building technology technology. Snarsky V.I.

Typical Technological Map (TTK) Backflow, Running and sealing soil into trench with collector 1. Scope Technological map (TC) Composed on the production of work on refreshing, leveling and sealing one bunning 50 H in length of incomplete soil I group and connected group II Optimal Flooring in the trench of a 1,8 m collar and a collector of 1.8 m wide and a height of 1.9 m. When binding a TC to a specific object and construction conditions, specify the work of work production, the volume of work, calculation will lose labor, mechanization tools, taking into account the maximum use of the park mechanisms. General provisions 1. Technical recommendations are applied to work on the sealing of the soil during the backfill of the kittlers, trenches, the sinuses after laying underground engineering networks, the devices of the foundations of the buildings. 2. Technical recommendations also apply to work on the sealing of the soil after the restoration repair of underground engineering networks in the roadway area of \u200b\u200bthe road. 3. The seal of the soil should be made in accordance with SNiP 3.02.01-87 "Earth structures, grounds and foundations" and EAS 52-96 "Instructions for the production of earthworks in road construction and with the device underground engineering networks." 4. Characteristics, terms and definitions of soil are used in accordance with GOST 25100-95 "Soils. Classification". Soil seal technology with tranche backfilling 1. The backflow of trenches of engineering communications is made after testing them and executing the act, performing insulation of the joints, channels, niches and obtaining the permission to conduct a backfill. 2. Failure of trenches For underground communications, the soil must be carried out after laying pipelines and network devices, it is also necessary to take measures against their shift along the axis and against damage to pipelines and their insulation. The soil seal diagram during trenche backfill, the flow chart of trenche filling and the trenche backfill circuit is shown in Fig. 1, 2, 3, respectively. Fig.1. Scheme of soil seal when trench coats: 1 - zone above the pipeline, where the soil seal is prohibited; 2, 3 - the thickness of the soil layer, compressed by manual mechanisms; 4 - a layer of soil compacted by a manual nechanized tool; 5 - soil layers compacted by mechanical trimps (accepted up to 0.25 m); - The thickness of the sealing layer, the seal is made simultaneously on both sides note. Handmade neverthent tool - shovel, scoop, wooden traaming; Manual mechanisms - platform vibrators, electric machines, mechanical traaming. Fig.2. Scheme of the organization of work on the backfilling of trenches: a) Excavator-planner; b) bulldozer; 1 - Excavator-planner; 2 - reverse fusion of the soil with a bulldozer; 3 - reverse fusion of the soil with an excavator-scheduler; 4 - smoking the soil with an excavator planner; 5 - manual soil leveling; 6 - polyvinyl chloride pipe; 7 - soil for backfilling; 8 - bulldozer; 9 - Sewage Well The distance from the slope of the trench before the start of the rope of the groove of the trench should be at least 0.7 m at a trench depth of up to 3 m and at least 1.0 m with a trench depth of more than 3 m. Fig.3. Trench backfill scheme: a) telephone sewage; b) Babeless thermal network; 1 - soil layers sealing with manual electrical frames; 2 - soil layers, falling asleep and sealing manually; 3 - plastic pipes; 4 - drainage tube (pipe filter or other); 5 - pipelines; I - soil layers sealing with light mechanical traamies; II - soil layers sealing by manual electrical machines; III - soil layers, falling asleep and manually sealing 3. Flipping trenches with laid underground communications is made in two receptions. First, the sinuses are falling asleep and bubble and pipelines are added to height over the riding of the pipeline at least 0.2 m with a thorough layer-by-hand traam, and in the winter period of time for pipes of ceramic, asbestos-cement and polyethylene - 0.5 m. The rest of the trench is then falling asleep by cautiously dropping the soil with bulldozers. 4. The layer layer filling of pipelines is carried out predominantly pneumatic, motor, electric traaming, as well as a vibration method. 5. The sinuses between the pipe and the walls of the trench are falling asleep in layers in EO-3532a excavators, EO-2621B excavators, EO-3123, EO-4225, etc.; The layer thickness must be no more than 0.25 m. The seal is made evenly on both sides by electric Types of EE-4502A. 6. When sealing the soil over communications, the thickness of the protective layer should be at least 0.25 m for metal and reinforced concrete pipes and at least 0.4 m for ceramic, asbestos-cement and plastic pipes. The protective layer over communications is also compacted by electric traam. 7. When laying cable lines of trenches should have a bottom of the submission, and from above - a filling of a layer of small lands that do not contain stones, construction trash. The thickness of the sand layer for the submetock and the thickness of the layer of frustration should be at least 0.1 m. 8. When drinking pipelines laid in trenches with a slope of more than 20 °, it is necessary to take measures against the sloping of the soil and blurring it with stormwater. The strengthening method should be specified in the work project. 9. When laying pipes from polyethylene, the bottom of the trench is aligned, and in rock soils it is necessary to arrange a pillow of a loose soil with a thickness of at least 0.1 m without inclusion of stones, rubble, etc. 10. Field of polyethylene pipelines need to be produced during the cold time. After their preliminary density test. 11. Further frustration of the soil over laid pipelines is made by excavators, planners excavators, layer bulldozers with a layer thickness of 0.7 m for sand, 0.6 m for sandy and loam, 0.5 m for clay. The layer seal is made by hydraulic hammers and vibrating plates. 12. The backflow of the trench is soil using a bulldozer is presented in Fig.4. From the figure it is clear that the area of \u200b\u200bthe blade from which the soil is taken is divided into separate, sequentially developed areas. The bulldozer approaches the edge of the blade from its end at some angle, takes the ground in the portion I and after moving it into the trench passes to the next section II. The soil from the sections II, IV, VI move to the transverse passage of the bulldozer, and from the portions I, III, V, VII - oblique. This method of work reduces the length of the passenger bulldozer passes and improves the conditions of the soil set. Fig.4. Reverse fusion of trench ground with a bulldozer: 1 - bulldozer; 2 - pipeline 13. When passing the route along buildings, fences, green plantings, the rope of trenches is performed manually with a layer-by-layer snowflowing in 0.2 m. 14. Trenches and pitched in the intersection areas with existing or designed roads should be filled with the entire depth of sand and compact up to - 0.98. 15. Sealing the upper layers by 1.0-1.2 m from the surface can be made by trailed rollers to T-150 tractors (SD-801) and self-propelled different type of 6-15 tons (DU-47B, DU-64, 58a et al.) 16. In places crossing trenches with existing underground communications (pipelines, cables, etc.), passing within the depth of trenches, the project should provide devices that ensure the immutability of the provisions and the safety of communications for the production period and operation. If such devices are not provided, the backflow of trenches should be carried out in the following order: the subfolding under the active communications is performed by sand throughout the transverse cross section of the trench to the height of half the diameter of the pipeline (cable) or its protective shell with layer-by-layer seal; Along the trenches, the size of the intake at the top should be greater than 0.5 m on each side of the pipeline (cable) or its protective shell, and the slope of the slopes must be 1: 1. 17. Completed work on the sealing of the soil to make the author and technical supervision and draw up an act for hidden work. 18. Flooding and sealing of kittlers, trenches, sinuses, on which rail routes should be constructed for the installation of tower cranes, should be made similarly to the base of the base from the bulk soil. 19. The bulk of the earthen canvases should be laid layers with a mandatory layer-by-layer seal. The thickness of the layers is determined by the machines used and mechanisms for sealing the soil. 20. The density (volumetric weight of the skeleton) of the ground of the earth cannut in g / m should be no less for: small and dust sands - 1.7; Sudes - 1.65; Suglinkov - 1.6; Clay - 1.5. 21. In the device of railway tracks with wooden semispals, the density of the soil should be checked every 12.5 m, and when the device with reinforced concrete beams is under each beam. 22. The results of the inspection must be entered into an act of passing the rail into operation. 23. Recommended machines and equipment for backfilling of kittlers, trenches, sinuses, soil seals are shown in Table 1.1. Table 1.1.

Name of machinery, equipment Brand type Performing technological processes Excavators with hydraulic equipment EO-2621B-3 EO-4245 EO-4225A EO-3123 and others. Hydraulic hammer to excavators Ronson "Rammer-700" Rammember-1600 SP-62; SP-71. Sealing soil in pitchers, trenches, sinuses Vibroplites DU-90; Du-91. Electrotrambovka IE-4502A IE-4505 Bulldozers Dz-42; Dz-162-1; DZ-190 et al. Reverse fusion of buttels, trenches, sinuses Excavators-planners EO-3532A UDS-114 Reverse fusion and distribution of soil in trenches and sinuses Rollers Do-54m do-47b Sealing the upper strata of trenchDU-64 DU-58A, etc.
Note. The need for machines is determined by the project manufacturing project, depending on the constructive solutions of structures, the volume of work and the duration of their implementation. 24. With a negative air temperature, the sealing of the soil of reverse filling in trenches should be carried out until the seal coefficient is reached 0.98. 25. The soil sealing time depending on the air temperature is indicated in Table 1.2. Table 1.2 26. For layer-by-layer sealing backflows, the following methods are recommended: for incoherent soils - vibration and vibration; For attractive soils - Radine, Running, Vibration, Vibration; For connected soils - Radine, racing, vibration and combined. 27. Sealing the soil in cramped conditions when setting down the extraction places of elements of tongue fences should be made using special sealing means of static, vibriate or shock action, allowing to obtain a seal coefficient of at least 0.98 to the entire depth. 28. The process of sealing the soil in places of disassembly of elements of tongue compounds should be carried out by installations equipped with devices that control the degree of layers of its seal. 29. In the conditions of Moscow, installations of type can be used: static sensing C-832, static and dynamic UGB-IBCM dynamic action, dynamic CBP-15m. 2. Organization and technology of the building process Prior to the beginning of the backflow of the soil of tranches with the collector, it is necessary to: fully finish the collector laying; finish and test collector waterproofing; remove all auxiliary materials, equipment and mechanisms from the trench; Create acts on hidden work and get the permission of the customer for backstage. Reverse filling, leveling and soil seal are performed sequentially by layers. The thickness of the layer is made depending on the sealing machine used in accordance with the data below. Table 2.1 Inverse backflow of the lower layers of the soil is produced by an excavator-scheduler 30-3332a; Running is performed manually or, if the work area allows., Excavator-scheduler (Fig. 5-10). Fig.5. The scheme of the backfill and soil leveling is the EO-3332A excavator-scheduler from OTM. -2.5 to OTM -1 1 - Excavator-planner EO-3332a; 2 - Bulldozer DZ-42; 3 - car dump truck ZIL-MMZ-3555; 4 - collector; 5 - the zone of soil leveling manually Fig.6. Direction of the movement of the excavator-planner Fig.7. Direction of the car dump truck Fig.8. Direction of motion of the bulldozer Fig.9. Places of parking excavator-scheduler Fig.10. The diagram of the backfill and leveling of the soil with a bulldozer from OTM. -1 to ONM. 0 1 - Excavator-planner EO-3332a; 2 - Bulldozer DZ-42; 3 - car dump truck ZIL-MMZ-3555; 4 - collector; 5 - The soil leveling zone by manually upper layers fall asleep and smash the DZ-42 bulldozer. Unlocking soil I group seal with vibration plates SVR12.5; SVR25; SVR31.5; SVR63.1, connected soil and group - EE-4501 electrotrabs (IE-4505); Yz-4502; IE-4503 (IE-4506); IE-4504 (Fig.11-14). Fig.11. Scheme of the sealing of the connected soil II of the group of electrotransmissions 1 - EE-4505 Electrotrambobovka; 2 - Vibration plate SVP31,5; 3 - collector; 4 - soil sealing places EE-4504 Electrotrambob Fig.12. Scheme of the sealing of the connected soil I of the group of the vibration plate 1 - EE-4505 electrotrabovka; 2 - Vibration plate SVP31,5; 3 - collector; 4 - soil sealing places of the EE-4504 electrotrobovka Fig.13. Direction of movement of electrotrobovka Fig.14. The direction of the vibration plate movement of the soil seal scheme is designed for the SVP31.5 vibration plate and EE-4504 electrical framework. Due to the fact that the technology of production of work for vibratory slabs SVR12,5, SVR25, SVR63.1 and Edectrotrotrobovok from-4501 (IE-4505), IE-4502, IE-4503 (IE-4506) is similar to the above, they are drawn up only by calculation The cost of labor and the breakdown scheme for traffic offspring, leveling and soil sealing (Fig. 15-18). Fig.15. Returning and soil leveling schemes when sealing vibrating plates 1 - reverse fusion of the soil with an excavator-scheduler; 2 - reverse backfilling and smoothing of the soil with a bulldozer; 3 - smoking the soil with an excavator-scheduler; 4 - manually jumping Fig.16. Soil seal schemes with vibration plates 1 - soil seal SVP12.5; 2 - soil seal from-4504; 3 - SPV25 soil seal; 4 - soil seal SPV63.1 Fig.17. Returning schemes and soil leveling when electrotransmissions are sealing 1 - manual soil leveling; 2 - soil leveling with an excavator-scheduler; 3 - reverse backfilling and leveling of soil bulldozer; 4 - reverse frustration of the soil with an excavator-scheduler Fig.18. Electrotrambobs Soil Seal Schemes Note: All soil layer is sealing electrotrums. The soil is sealing, starting from zones near the collector, and then move towards the edge of the trench, and each subsequent passage of the traamy machine must overlap the traumatic traam of 0.1-0.2 m. For backfilling, the soil is delivered to zil The Imz-555 with a lifting capacity of 4.5 tons, with a body capacity of 3 m. The backfill, leveling and sealing of the incoherent soil of the group I perform a brigade of 8 people: a driver - 6 solid. - 1 Pom. Machineist - 5 raz. - 1 driver - 5 rav. - 1 excavator - 3 rav. - 1 dealers - 1 break. - 4 backstage, leveling and sealing of the connected soil of the group II performs a brigade of 9 people: a driver - 6 solid. - 1 Pom. Machineist - 5 raz. - 1 driver - 5 rav. - 1 dealers - 3 solutions. - 2 excavators - I rav. - 4 Soil seal is performed with optimal humidity with available: for connected soils ± 10%, for incoherent ± 20%. 3. Requirements for the quality of work of work control of the compaction quality 1. In the device of trenches, boilers and sinuses, control over the quality of soil sealing in the process of manufacturing work and after their completion should be organized. In the process of performing the work, the type of soil used and the correctness of its suproes, density and humidity and the uniformity of the soil seal should be checked. 2. The type of soil used is mounted by determining the particle size distribution and the number of plasticity. 3. Control of the density and humidity degree is made by testing soil samples. This check is performed by the dumping layers at depths of 0.3; 0.5; 0.9; 1.2; 1.5 m from the top of the shurt. The shruffles are scheduled: in trenches - along the axis of the trench every 50 m; in the sneakers of the kittlers - around the perimeter of foundations every 50 m, but at least one at the end of the building; At the bases under the floors - 100 meters one shoef. 4. The degree of soil density is controlled by comparing the density of the sample taken without disrupting the embroidery structure or trenches, with the optimal density of this soil obtained by the standard seal method. The degree of density of the soil is determined by the coefficient of the compaction "K". Methods for determining the coefficient of the coefficient "K" (method of standard sealing of juice, the method of cutting rings, the MHP construct densityman "Condor") are presented in Annexes 1; 2; 3. 5. With the collaboration of several construction organizations on a construction facility, control over the quality of the soil seal is assigned to the general contractor and the technical supervision of the Customer. 6. In order to high-quality sand seal in trenches, entering the roadway zone, the central road laboratory of the union of administrative and technical inspections of Moscow, or the Niimosstroy road construction laboratory determines the sand seal coefficient and give permission to restore the road construction. 4. Material and Technical Resources Table 4.1. cars and equipment
Name A type Mark. Number of seal Technical characteristic electric traam vibratinglitis estimated adopted estimated adopted Excavator-planner Crawler EO-3332A. 0,91 1 0,93 1 The greatest radius of digging - 6.8 Bulldozer Also DZ-42. 0,29 1 0,26 1 Based on the DT-75 tractor. Dissue length 2.52 m Electrotrambovka Manual IE-4504. 1,4 2 0,22 1 Plate dimensions 500x460 mm. Productivity 50 m / h Vibration plate Also 5UR31.5. 0,14 1 Dimensions of the plate 2415 × 1125 mm. Productivity 750 m / h
Table 4.2. Operational materials (kg)
Name For excavator planner For bulldozer norm for 1 hour machine operation norm for 1 hour machine operation number of total work on sealing electrotrabovkov vibratinglitis electrotrabovkov vibratinglitis Diesel fuel 6,8 51 51,6 7,9 25,2 24,7 Petrol 0,04 0,3 0,3 0,04 0,13 0,11 Diesel oil 0,3 2,24 2,28 0,36 1,15 1,03 Industrial oil 0,03 0,22 0,23 0,01 0,03 0,03 Nigrol (Viscose) 0,02 0,15 0,15 0,16 0,51 0,46 Solidol. 0,18 1,35 1,37 0,11 0,35 0,32 Grease graphite 0,09 0,67 0,68 Grease cable 0,06 0,45 0,46 Kerosene 0,06 0,45 0,46 0,03 0,1 0,08 Autol 0,05 0,37 0,38 0,03 0,1 0,08 Oil spindle 0,05 0,37 0,38 Materials of unforgettable 0,03 0,22 0,23 0,02 0,06 0,06 Rope steel 0,03 0,22 0,23
5. Environmental protection and safety regulations Security requirements 1. In the work of work, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of SNiP 12-03-2001, SNiP 12-04-2002 "Labor Safety in construction", SNIP 3.02.01-87 "Earth structures, grounds and foundations" and ENV 52-96 "Instructions for The production of earthworks in road construction and under the device underground engineering networks. " 2. The work on the seal of soils are allowed by persons who have reached the age of 18, which have passed medical examination, special training, introductory briefing and briefing in the workplace on safety. 3. All used machines, fixtures must have passports and inventory numbers for which they are recorded in special accounting logs and periodic examinations. Specially trained workers and attendants are allowed to manage construction machines and to work with devices. 4. Places of work on the streets, drives, in the courtyards, as well as in places where people or transport moves, should be fenced by protective fences. At the fence, it is necessary to establish warning inscriptions and signs, and at night the workplace work should be illuminated. 5. Persons allowed to manage manual electrical machines must have II Qualifying Safety Group. 6. In the manufacture of work, use only good equipment and devices. 7. The production of earthworks in the area of \u200b\u200bexisting underground communications should be carried out under the direct leadership of the ProraB or Master, and in the security area of \u200b\u200bcables under stress, or the active gas pipeline, in addition, under the supervision of electrical or gas economics workers. When the soil is unloading, the car dump truck is not closer than 1 m from the browing of the trench. 8. Do not allow the presence of people, as well as the production of other works in the zone of earthmoving machines. 9. One-sided filling of the sinuses in freshly led retaining networks and foundations is allowed after the implementation of measures to ensure the stability of the structure under the conditions taken, methods and order of snowpad. 10. Systematically monitor the state of slopes of trenches, and when cracking appears to take measures against the collapse of the soil. 11. Systematically check the quality of soil seals. Near the designs of all work performed only in the bright time of the day. 12. The descent of workers in the pit (trench) and their rise should be carried out by stairs installed on the border of the danger zone for the passage of people when working machines. Environmental protection 1. It is necessary to carry out activities and work on environmental protection in accordance with the "Rules for organizing the preparation and production of earthy and construction work in Moscow" (Resolution of the Government of Moscow N 207 dated March 17, 1998). 2. It is prohibited to use equipment for sealing equipment, which is the source of excretion of harmful substances into atmospheric air and elevated noise levels and vibration. 3. All areas of the territory where the soil seals are made - in trenches, ribs, sinuses - should be fenced according to the construction plan or work scheme. 4. At the construction site, household and utility rooms for workers and the ITR should be placed in accordance with regulatory requirements. Equipment should be equipped for storing materials, structures, products and equipment, as well as for the installation of construction equipment. 5. In the production area of \u200b\u200bthe soil sealing, a cut and storage of the plant layer of the soil should be performed into special designated places, the saved trees must be fenced. 6. Production and household drains formed at the construction site must be cleaned and neutralized in the manner prescribed by the construction project and work project project. 7. After laying underground engineering networks, frosting trenches, kittlers, sinuses and subsequent seals to the required density, the surface of the Earth must correspond to the marks specified in the project manufacturing project. 8. The entire territory on which work was made to seal the soil in trenches, pit and sneakers should be landscaped. 9. To sowing the lawn, the mixtures of herbs should be used, in particular, a mixture of a comb of ordinary, mehytal meadow, slavery English and red oatmeal. 10. For landscaping the object, considerable attention should be paid to the choice of the type of plant for green plantings. It should take into account the climatic, soil and hydrological conditions of the landing area, as well as the features of its planning and development. Under the conditions of Moscow, the trees with a thick crown should most often apply: linden, birch, maples, poplar, larch, as well as fruit trees: apple trees, cherries, pears; From shrub rocks should be used by acacia, jasmine, lilac, etc. 11. On the streets, travel and sidewalks that have an improved road surface, trenches and pitchers are developed in bonds and fall asleep in layers in sand. These works are performed in the presence of representatives of the technical supervision of operational organizations, road services and the author's oversight of design organizations. 6. Work schedule Schedule of production on refreshing, leveling and sealing of incoherent soils of I group of vibration slab SVR31,5 Table 6.1.
Name of works unit of measurement Scope of work Performers Working hours per unit measure on the total work 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 100 meters 0,25 0,44 0,6 0,86 5,4 (2,7) 100 meters 2,6 1,4 (0,7) 3,64 (1,82) M. 25 44 60 0,07 1,75 3,08 4,2 Excavation I Drag. - four Sealing the soil by electric EE-4504 by layers of the 1st 2nd 100 meters 0,25 0,44 4,1 1,05 1,8 100 meters 1,37 1,54 0,66 (0,66) 0,9 (0,9) 1,02 (1,02) Machinist 5 raz. - I. 100 meters 1,37 1,54 0,33 (0,33) 0,45 (0,45) 0,51 (0,51) Soil seal with a vibration plate 5OR31.5 by layers of the 3rd 4th 5th 6th 100 meters 0,6 0,86 1,37 1,54 0,27 0,16 0,23 0,37 0,42 Excavator 3 discord. - I.
Table. 6.2 Production schedule for refreshing, leveling and sealing of connected soils II of the EE-4504 Electrotrambovka Group
Name of works unit of measurement Scope of work Labor costs, person-h (mash.-h) Performers Working hours per unit measure on the total work 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 Reverse fusion of the soil with an excavator-planner E0-3332A by layers of the 1st 2nd 3-yi 4th 100 meters 0,22 0,39 0,53 0,76 56,2 (23,1) 1,35 (0,68) 2,42 (1,21) 3,28 (1,64) 4,72 (2,36) Machinist 6 raz. - 1 Pom. Machineist 5 raz. - one Running the 4th Layer of Soil Excavator Schedule 100 meters 2,6 1,4 (0,7) 3,22 (1,61) Multicipation of soil manually by layers 1st 2nd 3-ie M. 22 39 53 0,09 1,98 3,5 476 Excavation I Drag. - four Reverse fusion of the soil with a ds-42 bulldozer by layers of the 5th 6th 100 meters 1,22 1,37 0,77 (0,77) 0,94 (0,94) 1,06 (1,06) Machinist 5 raz. - one Pilling of the soil with a DZ-42 bulldozer by layers of the 5th 6th 100 meters 1,22 1,37 0,46 (0,46) 0,56 (0,56) 0,63 (0,63) Soil seal with EE-4504 Electrotrambovka in layers 1st 2nd 3-yi 4th 5th 6th 100 meters 0,22 0,39 0,53 0,76 1,22 1,37 5,06 1,12 1,98 2,68 3,86 6,18 6,94 Dracks 3 solutions - 2.
7. Technical and economic indicators Table 7.1.
Indicators unit of measurement Sealing soil vibration slabs electrotrabovkov SVR12.5. SVR25 SVR31.5. SVR63,1 IE-4501 (IE-4505) IE-4502. IE-4503 (IE-4506) IE-4504. The volume of earthworks 100 meters 5,06 5,06 5,06 5,06 4,49 4,49 4,49 4,49 Labor costs for total work person-dn. 4 4,48 3,8 4,12 14,9 6,75 19,3 6 person-dn. 0,79 0,89 0,75 0,81 3,32 1,5 4,3 1,34 Salary for total work Rub. Cop. 20-33 22-92 19-66 21-33 70-55 32-92 89-79 28-06 The same, 100 m compacted soil Rub. Cop. 4-01 4-52 3-88 4-20 15-70 7-C (4 20-08 6-50 Development per worker in shift 100 meters 1,27 1,13 1,33 1,23 0,3 0,67 0,23 0,75 Time of operation of machines for total work Mash.-SM. 1,29 1,4 1,28 1,3 1,54 1,32 1,59 1,3 The same, 100 m compacted soil Mash.-SM. 0,21 0,28 0,25 0,26 0,34 0,29 0,. 0,29
Table 7.2 Calculation of labor costs for backfill, leveling and sealing of incoherent soil I group of vibration slab SVR31.5
Name of works unit of measurement Scope of work Reverse fusion of the soil with an EO-3332A planner by layers of the 1st 2nd 3-yi 4th 100 meters 0,25 0,44 0,6 0,86 5,4 (2,7) 1,35 (0,67) 2,38 (1,19) 3,24 (1,62) 4,65 (2,32) Running the 4th Layer Scheduler Excavator Scheduler 100 meters 2,6 1,4 (0,7) 3,64 (1,82) Multicipation of soil manually by layers 1st 2nd 3-ie M. 25 44 60 0,07 1,75 3,08 4,2 Soil seal Electrotrambovka IE4504 by layers 1st 2nd 100 meters 0,25 0,44 4,1 1,05 1,8 Reverse fusion of the soil with a ds-42 bulldozer by layers of the 5th 6th 100 meters 1,37 1,54 0,66 (0,66) 1,02 (1.02) Pilling of the soil with a DZ-42 bulldozer by layers of the 5th 6th 103 M. 1,37 1,4 0,33 (0,33) 0,45 (0,45) 0,51 (0,51) Soil seal Vibration slab SVR31.5 by layers of the 3rd 4th 5th 6th 100 meters 0,6 0,86 1,37 1,54 0,27 0,16 0,23 0,37 0,42
Table 7.3 Calculation of labor costs for backflow, leveling and sealing of incoherent soil I group of vibration plates SVR12.5, SVR25, SVR63.1
Name of works Level mark, m unit of measurement Scope of work Time rate per unit of measurement, people -CH (Masha) Labor costs for total works, people. -CH (Masha) SVP12.5 SVP25 SVP63,1 SVP12.5 SVP25 SVP63,1 SVP12.5 SVP25 SVP63,1 from -3 to - 1 from -3 to -0.8 from -3 to -0.9 100 meters 2,14 — — 2,68 — — — 2,39 5,4 (2,7) 11,58 (5,79) — — — 14,5 (7,25) — — — 2,92 (6,46) Smoking of the soil Excavator-scheduler E0-3332A from -1.3 to -1 from -1.2 to 43.8 from -1.5 to -0.9 100 meters 2,64 — — — — 2,73 — 1,4 (0,7) — 2,68 3,7 (1,85) — — 3,82 (1,91) — — 3,74 (,87) from -3 to -1.3 from -3 to -1.2 from -3 to -1.5 M. 158 — — — 170 — — — 127 0,07 11,05 — — — 11,9 — — — 8,87 Soil seal Electrotrambovka IE-4504 from -3 to -2.5 from -3 to -2 from -3 to -1.5 100 meters 0,17 — — — 0,69 — — — 1,29 4,1 0,7 — — — 2,84 — — — 5,3 Reverse fusion of the soil bulldozer DZ-42 from -1 to 0 from -0.8 to 0 from - 0.9 100 meters 2.92 - to 0 — 2,38 — — — 2,67 — 0,66 (0,66) 1,93 (1,93) — — — 1,57 (1,57) — — — ,76 (,76) Smoking of the soil bulldozer DZ-42 from - 1 to 0 from -0.8 to 0 from -0.9 to 0 100 meters 2,92 — — — 2,38 — — — 2,67 0,33 (0,33) — — — 0,2 (0,2) 0,96 (0,96) — — — 0,78 (0,78) — — — 0,54 (0,54) Soil seal vibration slab from -2.5 to 0 from -2 to 0 from -1.5 to 0 100 meters 4,89 — — — 4,37 — — — 3,77 0,61 — — — 0,33 — — — 0,19 2,98 — — — 1,44 — — — 0,72
Table. 7.4 Calculation of labor costs for backflow, leveling and sealing of connected soil II groupElelectrotrotype IE-4504
Name of works unit of measurement Scope of work The rate of time per unit of measurement, person-h (Masha) Labor costs for total work, person-h (Masha) Reverse fusion of the soil with an excavator-scheduler E0-3332A by layers of the 1st 2nd 3-yi 4th 100 meters 0,22 0,39 0,53 0,76 6,2 (3,1) 1,36 (0,68) 2,42 (1,21) 3,28 (1,64) 4,72 (2,36) Excavator Scheduler E03332A 4th Layer of Soil 100 meters 2,3 1,4 (0,7) 3,22 (1,61) Multicipation of soil manually by layers 1st 2nd 3-ie M. 22 39 53 0,09 1,98 3,5 4,76 Reverse fusion of the soil with a ds-42 bulldozer by layers of the 5th 6th 100 meters 1,22 1,37 0,77 (0,77) 0,94 (0,94) 1,06 (1,06) Pilling of the soil with a DZ-42 bulldozer by layers of the 5th 6th 100 meters 1,22 1,37 0,46 (0,46) 0,56 (0,56) 0,63 (0,63) Soil seal Electrotrambob IE-4504 by layers 1st 100 I. 0,22 5,06 1,12 2nd 3-yi 4th 5th 6th0,39 0,53 0,76 1,22 1,37 1,98 2,68 3,86 6,18 6,94
Table. 7.5 Calculation of labor costs for inverse backfill, leveling and sealing of connected soil of II group electrotrabobovka IE-4501 (IE-4505), IE-4502, IE-4503 (IE-450B)
Name of works Level mark, m Unit of measurement Scope of work The rate of time per unit of measurement, Che-h (Masha) Labor costs for total work, person-h (Masha) electric traam IE-4501 (IE-4505) IE-4502. IE-4503 (IE-4506) IE-4501 (IE-4505) IE-4502. IE-4503 (IE-4506) IE-4501 (IE-4505) IE-4502. IE-4503 (IE-4506) Reverse fusion of the soil Excavator-planner EO-3332a from -3 to 0.8 from -3 to -1 from -3 to - 0.75 100 meters 2,46 — — — 1,99 — — — 2,7 6,2 (3,1) 15,2 (7,65) — — — 12,4 (6,2) — — — 6,8 (8,4) Smoking of the soil with an excavator scheduler 30-3332a from -1.2 to -0.8 from -1.4 to -1 from -1.2 to -0.75 100 meters 2,35 — — — — — — — 2,38 1,4 (0,7) 3,3 (1,65) — — — 3,15 (1,57) — — 3,34 (,67) — Smart manual soil from -3 to -1.2 from -3 to -1.4 from -3 to -1.2 M. 144 — — — 120 — — — 144 0,09 12,9 — — — 10,8 — — — 2, 9 Reverse fusion of soil bulldozer D9-42 from -0.8 to 0 from -1 to 0 from -0.75 to 0 100 meters 2,03 — — — 2,5 — — — 1,79 0,77 (0,77) 1,56 (1,56) — — — 1,92 (1,92) — — — ,38 (,38) Sealing soil electric traam from-3 to 0 100 meters 4,49 — — — 4,49 — — — -4,49 19,52 — — — 5,8 — — — 27,3 87,6 — — — 26,1 — — — 22,58
Attachment 1 Determination of the density of the soil by the sensing method with the help of an extended drummer 1. The probing method can be used in determining the density of sandy and sampling soils in the field. 2. The method is based on the resistance of the soil immersion in it a standard stamp of the circular cross section with a diameter of 16 mm. The stamp is descended using weights of weights from a height of 300 mm. 3. The degree of density of the soil is determined in the optimal humidity interval or close to it. 4. Drummer (Fig. 1) consists of a terminal with a terminal pin (stamp) with a length of 250 mm (1), a guide rod of 900 mm (2), a weight of 2.5 kg (3), a restrictive ring (4), screw (5) and handles (6). Fig.1. The drummer is elongated to determine the soil density by sensing 5. The soil test is performed as follows. The drummer is vertically installed on the aligned surface of the soil. Then raise the weight to the restrictive ring and freely drop it. So repeat so much shocks as it is necessary to immerse the drummer at a depth of 250 mm. At the same time calculate the total number of shocks. According to the tariff graphics (Fig. 2), for this type of soil, a point is found corresponding to the resulting number of shocks with the entire terminal blocking of the elongated drummer. From this point, a vertical line is carried out before crossing the curve, after which the volumetric mass of the soil skeleton (soil density) is found on the vertical axis. Fig.2. Tariff graphs of the dependence of the number of shocks on the density of the soil within their optimal humidity: a) for sandy soils; b) for suesy soils Appendix 2 Control over the compaction of the mound of cutting rings The main control over the compaction of the embankment in the process of production of work is carried out by comparing the volume weight of the skeleton of the soil, selected from the embankment (), with the optimal density (). Sampling and determining the bulk weight of the soil skeleton in the embankment is made using a primer collector (Fig. 1), consisting of the lower part with a cutting ring and drummer. Fig.1. Groundotlector A is the lower part of the primer; b - cutting ring (separately); In - a drummer with a movable cargo in the selection of the soil sample onto its smashed surface put a primer collector in the assembled form and the drummer clog it into the ground. Then the lid and intermediate ring of the bottom of the selected is removed, the cutting ring is poured, carefully removed along with the ground, the ground is cut into a knife with the lower and upper edges of the ring. The ring with the soil is weighed with an accuracy of one gram and the volumetric weight of the wet soil in the embankment is determined by the formula:, where - the mass of the ring, r; - the mass of the rings with the soil, r; - Crimp ring, see this test is produced three times. Also three times determine the humidity of the test sample of the soil by drying the sample in 15-20 g, taken from each ring with the soil, to a constant mass. The volumetric weight of the skeleton of the soil of mound is determined by the formula:, where - the weight humidity of the soil in the fractions of the unit. The resulting volumetric weight of the skeleton in the mound is compared with the optimal density of the same soil. The coefficient characterizing the degree of sealing of the soil in the embankment is determined by the formula: Appendix 3 Dynamic DPE DPU "Condor" Universal to determine the quality of the soil seal 1. The universal dynamic dennener DPU "Condor" is intended for operational control of the quality of soil seal during the construction of roads, airfields and other engineering structures. 2. Dynener DPU applies in cases of sandy, samp and drum soils containing no more than 25% of solid particles larger than 2 mm. 3. When using a real denneter for express control of the quality of road-building work, it is required, in accordance with SNiP 2.06.03-85, at least 10% of all measurements to carry out standard methods, in particular for soils - weighing with sampling rings (GOST 5180-84). Technical data of the densector Design and preparation for work The base of the DPA device to control the density of the soil (Fig. 1) is a working part, which includes the guide rod (1) with handle (2), moving on the cargo (3) and anvil (4) Through which the falling cargo strikes (3) are applied. Fig.1. The DPA device to control the soil density when controlling the soil density, in the anvil (4) instead of the limiter screwing the rod with a conical tip (5). Control of the density of the soil 1. The densemer is assembled according to the scheme (Fig. 1), when the rod with a conical tip screws into the anvil. 2. This establishes the type of soil used on the basis of the determination of the particle size distribution (GOST 12536-79) for the incoherent soil, and in the case of a coherent soil additionally and the number of plasticity (GOST 5180-84). 3. On the controlled facility, the platform is leveling at least 30x30 cm in size, which is the first penetration in the middle. The penetrometer is installed strictly vertically to the surface of the soil and the drips of the garrie rod rushes into the ground to a depth of 10 or 20 cm depending on the thickness of the dumping layer of the soil. Then, the rod is clogged by the determination of the number of blows to a depth of 20 or 30 cm. To obtain averaged density value, the penetration is repeated in two or three places at a distance of at least 10-15 cm from the initial probe location. 4. The compaction coefficient of incoherent soils is determined by graphics 1 by the average of 3-4 definitions, and for connected soils according to graphics 2. Schedule 1. Definition of the coefficient of incoherent soil seal: the sand of the middle size and large (1), sand dusty (2) graph 2. Determination of the sealing coefficient in the latter case, with a possible change in humidity from the optimal value, it is necessary to establish the natural humidity of the soil by drying the sample in the temperature cabinet (thermostat) to obtain more accurate density values. The humidity at the same time should be expressed in relative values, where - the optimal humidity of the soil, determined by the method of standard sealing of Unionornia. Material prepared Demyanov A.A.