The role and significance of water in human life. The role of water in the human body (daily rate and properties)



Water, you have no taste, no color, no smell. It is impossible to describe you, they are enjoying you, not knowing what you are! This is not to say that you are necessary for life: you are life itself. You are the greatest wealth in the world.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Water is vital. It is needed everywhere - in everyday life, agriculture and industry. The body needs more water than anything else, with the exception of oxygen. A well-fed person can live 3-4 weeks without food, and only a few days without water.

A living cell needs water to maintain its structure, as well as for normal functioning; it is about 2/3 of body weight. Water helps regulate body temperature, serves as a lubricant that facilitates joint movement. It plays an important role in the construction and restoration of body tissues.

With a sharp reduction in water consumption, a person becomes ill or his body begins to function worse. But water is needed, of course, not only for drinking: it also helps to maintain a person in good hygiene condition of his body, home and environment.

Without water, personal hygiene is impossible, that is, a set of practical actions and skills that protect the body from diseases and maintain human health at a high level. Washing, a warm bath and swimming bring a sense of vitality and calm.

About water in general

Much has been said about water, but little has been said. Therefore, the phrase “Water is life” doesn’t mean anything to many of us with an even set. And for the careless attitude to it, water cruelly takes revenge on us. Think about what you know about water? Surprisingly, water is still the most poorly understood substance It’s obvious that this happened because there is a lot of it, it is omnipresent, it is around us, above us, below us, in us. Water is considered the most difficult of all substances studied by physicists and chemists. The chemical composition of waters can be the same, but their the effects on the body are different because each water forms was developed in specific conditions, and if life is animate water, then, like life, water has many faces and its characteristics are endless.

Water is, at first glance, a simple chemical compound of hydrogen and oxygen. But in fact, water is the basis of life on Earth.

Water is a universal solvent for a significant amount of substances, and therefore there is no chemically pure water in nature. According to the content of substances dissolved in water, water is divided into 3 classes: fresh, saline and brines. Of greatest importance in everyday life is fresh water. Although water covers three quarters of the Earth’s surface and its reserves are huge and are constantly maintained by the water circuit in nature, the problem of providing water in many regions of the globe has not been resolved and aggravates with the development of scientific and technological progress. About 60% of the Earth's surface are zones where there is no fresh water or there is an acute shortage of it. Nearly 500 million people suffer from diseases caused by lack or quality inferiority of drinking water. Fresh water makes up about 2% of all the planet’s water resources.

By 2050, 4.2 billion people will live in countries where today it is already impossible to meet the daily human need for water - 50 liters per day (data from the UN Population Report). The number of earthlings, doubled over the past 40 years, is now 6.1 billion and may still double by the middle of this century. The main growth is observed in developing countries, where resources, in particular water, are almost exhausted. Now people use 54% of the available fresh water, with two-thirds going to agriculture, according to the Green Dossier. According to experts, by 2025, water consumption will increase to 75% of the current level only due to an increase in population. Already now more than a billion Earthlings do not have access to clean water.The problem is also that in developing countries 95% of sewage and 70% of industrial waste are discharged into water bodies without treatment.

Water in itself has no nutritional value, but it is an indispensable component of all life. In plants - up to 90% of water, and in the body of an adult - about 65%; this circumstance allowed the science fiction writer V. Savchenko to state that a person “has much more reasons to consider himself a liquid than, say, a forty percent solution of sodium hydroxide.”

A definite and constant water content is one of the necessary conditions for the existence of a living organism. When changing the amount of water consumed and its salt composition, the processes of digestion and assimilation of food, hematopoiesis are disrupted. Without water, it is impossible to regulate the heat exchange of the body with the environment and maintain a constant body temperature.

A person is extremely keenly aware of changes in water content and can live without it for only a few days. With a loss of water up to 2% of body weight (1-1.5 L), thirst appears, with a loss of 6-8%, a fainting state occurs, with a lack of 10%, hallucinations appear, swallowing is impaired. With a shortage of more than 12% of water, death occurs. (We advise you to read our article “Drinking regimen and water balance in the body”).

The average daily water intake is 2.5 liters. Excess water leads to overload of the cardiovascular system, causes debilitating sweating, is accompanied by the loss of salts, weakens the body. The mineral composition of water is very important. A person uses water for drinking, containing from 0.02 to 2 grams of minerals in 1 liter. Of great importance are substances that are in small doses, but play an important role in many physiological processes of the body. For example, long-term consumption of drinking water containing less than 0.6 mg / l of fluorine leads to tooth decay.

The content of carbonic and sulfate salts of calcium, magnesium and iron determines the hardness of the water; with a small amount, their water is considered soft, and with a significant amount - hard. Vegetables and meat are poorly digested in hard water, because calcium salts with food proteins form insoluble compounds. At the same time, products are absorbed by the body worse. Tea in hard water is poorly infused and its taste is reduced.

Very hard water is unpleasant for washing, and when washing clothes in such water, the consumption of detergents increases. At home, softening hard water is achieved by boiling.

If pathogens of infectious diseases (cholera, typhoid fever, dysentery, etc.) get into drinking water, it can be a factor in their spread. The causative agents of intestinal infections remain viable in water for a long time. For example, typhoid fever can persist in river water for more than 180 days.

So what do we know about water? Is water just a chemical compound of two hydrogen atoms with one oxygen atom?

The role of water in wildlife.

The most classic expression in relation to water - water is Life, essentially and essentially accurately reflect the state of things!

However, everything “revolves around” when it comes to the true position of water in living matter ... Guesses, the research results have accumulated a great many, but it is time to reduce all research and facts to a single law on water in Nature and living matter in particular.

It makes no sense to list the unique properties of water, because almost all of its properties have been studied at the physical, metaphysical and information levels

(the last statement is not recognized by modern science!) It would seem that all ....

However, studying ancient and modern sources about water, you come to the conclusion ... that the water is practically inexhaustible .... In no sense ...

It is known that in the border areas the most interesting events and strange phenomena always occur. This applies without reservation to the physics of surfaces, the boundary layers of solids, plasma, liquids and gases ... Water is not an exception at the interface between the media, and at the surfaces with which it comes into contact. The role of water in photosynthesis is still unknown, but the process of cognition moves in the solution to this phenomenon. It is also "implicated in geometry ...

“Neither water, nor ice”, existing at the boundary “liquid - solid”, or the so-called mixed region. Physicists claim to have discovered

the existence of mixed regions similar to ice and similar to liquid in a quartz-water interface; with different polar orientations corresponding to water molecules, which indicated either oxygen or hydrogen ends on the surface of a solid. For the first time, scientists were able to determine the spatial orientation of individual molecules in the thinnest layer of water adjacent to quartz. This is a boundary layer of water! For example, that in this place (a layer with a thickness of only a few molecules), some of the water molecules form rigid structures similar to ice (despite the fact that the water temperature is ordinary, room temperature). In liquid water, the hydrogen bonds of several neighboring molecules form unstable, very fleeting structures. In ice, each water molecule is tightly bound to four others. Such a phenomenon was only theoretically assumed, but until that moment it was not confirmed

experimentally. A similar phenomenon was found in quatarons ... Also, scientists found that the orientation of water molecules in this boundary layer may depend on the acidity of the medium. "In reverse osmosis membranes that can separate water from salt ions or other impurities, the pores of the materials are so small that only water molecules can pass through them. In such cases, the behavior of water within just a few molecular layers is very important to determine the capabilities of the membrane." This will create ultrafiltrators without negative and positive pressure.

For artificial kidneys. Water in the body is not only in a solid, liquid state, but also in a quantum-gel and superionic state. In the so-called superionic phase state, the oxygen atoms in water are firmly frozen in the crystal lattice, but the hydrogen atoms remain mobile as in a gas, traveling freely throughout the crystal at a very high speed. The surion state was previously predicted. Physicists thought that in this form, water exists in the depths of giant planets: at a temperature of a thousand degrees Celsius and a pressure of one hundred thousand atmospheres. Physicist Fried tried to reproduce superionic water in the laboratory, squeezing the usual water between diamond anvils and at the same time heating it with an infrared laser. Which, in fact, we have in the body during cavitation, autowave oscillations, and in the anti-node of a standing wave. By taking data on the vibration of water molecules, the researchers could see that their phase state had changed to some unusual one. But, having caught this boundary, the experimenters could not say for sure what exactly was happening on its other side. To do this, they needed a supercomputer and a week of machine time. Fried and his team calculated the behavior of 60 water molecules under such conditions and found that they are destroyed, and the atoms that formed these molecules actually form a superionic phase - denser than ice, solid as iron, but not ice or liquid or gas in the usual sense. The high conductivity of superionic water may be responsible for the powerful magnetic fields of Uranus and Neptune, the researchers added. Presumably for the bioenergy of living organisms. The degree of water participation in photosynthetic processes is terra incognita. Having solved this problem, we will solve the problem of cancer treatment and the energy of biological systems. Chloroplasts have the so-called thylakoid membranes. Huge groups of complex proteins are fixed on these membranes. There are two such groups - "photosystem I" and "photosystem II" (PSI and PSII). And in the bowels of the PSII is the OEC complex, without which photosynthesis would not be possible - it is a kind of needle, which modern biologists have not reached. What does this needle do? It splits water into oxygen molecules, hydrogen ions and free electrons, using the energy of light. This is where we come to the forefront of photosynthesis research - how exactly does OEC turn its focus and how does this complex actually look. A lot is already known. For example, the composition of the complex - it is based on four manganese ions, one calcium ion, and several oxygen atoms (not those that we will "create" by decomposing water, but internal, immutable). But, alas, their mutual arrangement, as well as the details of interaction with light and water, have not yet succumbed.

Creating an oxygen molecule takes several steps. At the same time, OEC acts like a capacitor - it accumulates a charge in stages, in order to then be discharged in one jump and direct this energy for oxygen synthesis. Are these not signs of crystals, changes in their symmetry and phase state. The complex has five states - from S0 to S4. In S0, two of the four manganese ions have a positive charge of four units (these are MnIV ions), while the other two ions have a charge plus three (MnIII) \u200b\u200band plus two (MnII), respectively. The first three steps (from S0 to S3) are the sequential capture of light quanta with the release of electrons, as a result of which the complex turns into a set of one MnIII and three MnIV (plus, of course, oxygen and calcium). In this case, one of the oxygen atoms from the complex also loses an electron. What is next is unknown. It is only clear that there are two more steps - S3-S4 and return: S4-S0. As a result, the complex jumps to its initial state, and the water falling within the limits of photosystem II decomposes into neutral oxygen and a hydrogen ion.

The electrons released during all these steps are transported to the neighboring PSI protein system, where they participate in a long chain of biochemical reactions leading to carbon uptake and plant growth. How exactly the complex splits water and forms a bond between two oxygen atoms is still a mystery. Surprisingly, it is all about finding a mutual arrangement and the mechanism of interaction of several atoms in the OEC complex - in fact - in a single molecule with the chemical formula Mn4O4Ca. As calculations using the example of silver show, as a result of a recently discovered effect (changes in energy and chemistry at the interface), surface oxidation can begin at an oxygen concentration thousands of times lower than previously thought. Even the thinnest oxide film with a thickness of several molecules can greatly affect the ability of the plate to precipitate gas molecules on itself, which means it will also change the catalytic properties of the sample. The author of the discovery notes that the described effect does not have to be limited to oxides, that is, the combination of a metal with oxygen. The same arguments in certain situations apply to thin films of nitrides, hydrides, etc. and proteins in the allotropic phase and water in the superionic state must be assumed. As it turned out, this phenomenon is very similar to the effect of surface melting. The same thing happens when water quatarons are formed ... In general, the phenomenon is perfectly illustrated by the fact that the thermodynamic and chemical transformations on the surface can be very different from the usual "three-dimensional" laws. Given these facts, it can be assumed for now that gases, guest molecules, and water molecules in the superionic state should interact differently with the cellular and film structures of normal and cancer cells. And, most importantly, water molecules in a similar state, falling into the photosystem, accompany all five states - from S0 to S4. Now it remains only to combine these three mechanisms and the solution to photosynthesis is not far off. Well, there is not far from the creation of artificial living matter ...

Water in many medical schools is described as a remedy ...

Let's start with pharmacology. In Tibetan medicine (which was essentially born in the BO religion, ie Tengrianism), there is a wonderful expression: "Boiled water - standing night, becomes poison."

“Melt water - heals everything ...” etc. Many treatises on the healing properties of water have been written, but modern pharmacology and medicine give water a modest place for the purpose of therapy, calling it a water load, a drinking regimen. At the same time, it does not say at all which water to drink (with the exception of medicinal and table water) ... It will be about water that is recommended inside. This does not apply to balneology, water procedures and spa treatment. This is an unforgivable gap in modern pharmacology and medicine!

Mortality from drug therapy currently ranks 5th among violent and disease-related deaths. The first place is firmly entrenched in cancer ...

Pharmaceutical concerns produce up to 10,000 types of drugs ... Traces of hormones and antibiotics are found in deep groundwater and the stratosphere ...

Even among the people it has long been known that most body systems are completely independent of lifestyle! In people leading the wrong lifestyle, or rather, in the general sense, an unhealthy lifestyle does not cause any deviations. And vice versa! Why is there such a paradox? Just because living matter is not what biologists and doctors mean ... Rather, the laws by which living matter exists are more universal and simpler than it seems to us ...

The model of living matter that I proposed many years ago finds more and more confirmation in various sciences and, above all, physics.

Living matter is primarily a simple physical object. This object is subject to all physical laws, but also has its own properties that bring it out of the world of inanimate nature! Moreover, there is practically no border between the living and the non-living !!! This is a far-fetched border ....

So, proteins and water are the basis of organic living matter. Moreover, the water represents a seemingly silent majority. However, this is completely wrong! It is unacceptable to think that the water of organisms and the water of the external environment are one and the same! Not in the metaphysical, but not in the physical sense of the word. The properties of water molecules that enter the body from the outside are radically different from external water. Ask a simple question. But what so radically changes the properties of water? These are proteins and amino acids ... Amino acids from all known substances on Earth have the most adhesive properties with respect to water molecules ... Especially left-handed. That is why, during the evaporation of water (dehydration) on an adhesive surface, amino acid molecules combine into proteins, which in turn form into fractal structures, which we call primary, secondary, ternary, and quaternary spatial structures of the protein.

Professor Kutushov M. describes fivefold and sixfold structures, which are called "domain cells". The principle of automorphism or homomorphism suggests that the initial water clusters have such a domain structure. During the movement of amino acids and proteins that are borderline with molecules, water molecules during evaporation, epitaxial forms at the time of phase transitions, and a little at a distance heteroepitaxial forms of water are already formed. In the body, the process of "dehydration" is undulating, unidirectional and constant, which is why everything works synchronously in the body!

And the most important thing! At the moment when proteins go into an allotropic phase state (this is described in detail in all my books), water molecules also change their spatial conformation, becoming allotropic or vital ... This form of water is that very living water. Rather, at the moment of coincidence of the phase states of the protein and water molecules, a standing wave (soliton) is formed. Those. that same matter which at the same time is both matter and free energy, which everyone calls bioenergy.

The nature of this wave is electromagnetic and magnetic. Now back to the water, but with new knowledge. Physicists studying hydrodynamics drew attention to the fact that with the motion of solids in water in the boundary layer, the properties of water change nonlinearly ...

According to the physicist S.E. Postnova in the boundary layer, which behaves as an autonomous object, few particles, a nonlinear change in electrical potential - the body’s internal water has exactly the same properties! Question. What conditions create substances with the same properties? According to S.E. Postnova water is in living matter in a jelly-like state.

In the process of visualization of water in the boundary layer is more like a jelly or rather a liquid crystal. Given the fact that a living creature consists on average 80% of the water, and water from the “boundary layer” of this amount is about 10% of the total volume, while the body spends a huge amount of energy to maintain this layer, but apparently , and uses it as a means of producing free energy. Now let’s bring anisotropy here, and everything falls into place. Now we can say that the health of any living organism depends on the physical properties of water. The property of a young organism is its high anisotropy and dissymmetry. This statement can be explained only by one statement. The property of the boundary water nonlinearly changes approaching the properties of bulk water with distance from the surface, and the quality of the boundary water depends on this surface. If the water is anisotropic, then the epitaxy is pronounced and quite stable. If water and the medium in which it is isotropic, then naturally heteroepitaxial structures are organized near the proteins. This occurs particularly in cancer. How is the fact that the water in the body practically all has the features of border water proved?

On average, a person has 6 liters of blood, of which 3 liters of plasma, the remaining 3 liters of red blood cells. The surface of red blood cells is 3500 square meters. m. And if you distribute three liters of plasma with a thickness of 300 microns. then in this way, even in a large vessel, water is in a boundary state or otherwise crystalline hydrate state. But its exact name is the allotropic form of water! Now we can offer a new mechanism for the transfer of oxygen and carbon monoxide with blood flow and their exchange in the lungs. The same applies to the folding of proteins and DNA replication, and the transport of ions through the membrane, and naturally the formation of free energy in living matter. This mechanism is crystalline hydrate, and depends on the degree of anisotropy and frequency of the autowave process. Both Hooke and Young's modulus and shifts of epitaxial films in membranes and layers depend on the properties of boundary water. The sizes of prokaryotic cells are on average 0.5-5 microns (1.7% of the height of the boundary layer), and the sizes of eukaryotic cells on average from 10 to 50 microns (17% of the height of the boundary layer).

Consequently, cell sizes are limited by surface water and its properties, and these are already signs of a mechanism for the implementation of energy dissipation paths. Now let's touch the saint - the saints of our three-dimensional world of geometry and water molecules ... Solid state physics says: "There are no solid crystalline materials that have fivefold symmetry in the structure." Therefore, polyhydrons with 5-fold vertices do not allow constructing a correctly located crystalline structure!

That is why the boundary water acquires the properties of solid structures being close to their surfaces. Why is this happening? First, the water molecule has fivefold symmetry. They have a 5-fold identical rotating transformation around symmetrical axes through their tops. The tetrahydron of water rotates, and 20 tetrahydrons share one vertex and form an icozohydron. These clusters are the most dense, which is why they represent the least amount of free energy among the possible groups! For amino acids and proteins in the allotropic phase, on the contrary, there’s more than enough free energy ... The number 20 - icozohydron - suggests that 20 amino acids also make up the basis of all proteins for no reason ... Icosohydrons, despite their compactness and highest stability, do not fill the space properly, requiring a different order. They are essentially constantly forced to undergo frustration (stirring). That is why the tropism of water to amino acids is the most important condition for the emergence of free energy in animate non-living matter.

Thus, boundary water can be considered an accumulation of icozohydrons of water molecules with an unstable crystalline structure. Therefore, this water can be considered relict living water. For dense packaging always has free surfaces and does not fit the order that kills internal dynamism without direct contact with metabolic transport and water energy transfer. This can also explain why DNA also has a 5-fold helix (alpha and beta forms) and there are 5-fold rings inside this molecule ... As we know in ancient prokaryotes, DNA is ring ... Water in a living organism has an insulating island (domains) in a nonequilibrium state, and the balance of the criteria of local and general stability determines the real dynamics of the distribution of charges. That is why the charge wave

can be frozen as a standing wave (soliton), and a local stable group can travel through the material. This is a dynamic equilibrium for the effects of frustration of living matter. The dynamic frustration of living protein and water molecules is a quantitative manifestation, or more precisely, a conformational interaction to solve general and particular problems in a living system. Naturally, in such systems the memory of the past remains forever. That is why border relict water, even in scanty amounts, added to a sick or old body, instantly reminds the whole body how to function properly! Moreover, the “golden dissymmetry”, high anisotropy in tissues and organs or not depends on the side of rotation of its icozohydrons ...

The chaotropic and cosmotropic properties of intracellular and intercellular water also depend on the properties of the boundary water. In which there is both heavy water and tritium, and all cell structures change in the same volume. In addition, we know that the water in the tumor is different ... It is all isotropic i.e. not borderline. The increase in the incidence of cancer also confirms the impending catastrophe for all living things ... The water on the planet has been distorted by mankind in the literal sense of the word! Now imagine that the water entering the body is spoiled by impurities and contaminated by xenobiotics ... Such water is not able to turn into a borderline or allotropic form !!! For example, you cannot drink the same water with gas and this is an axiom. For it already has a cluster structure. It makes no sense to say that sweet effervescent drinks like Coca Cola are much more harmful than any carcinogen.

As troubles do not come on their own, so illnesses prefer to visit a person in whole flocks. But there is one reason - the lack of border water. Old age is also the prerogative of drought ... Therefore, having brought water to perfection, it is possible to treat all diseases and old age with it.

It is also now quite obvious to us that information on substances in water is kept fairly well, and it can be transmitted through the TTC system. Now we connect this phenomenon with border water ... and we get super-effective healing, rejuvenating and healing in the literal sense of the word ... water. For such water carries information about any drug, plant and "settles" only where it is intended. This is what humanity has been looking for all its history. Panacea.


Water is the most amazing and most mysterious substance on Earth. It plays a crucial role in all life processes and phenomena occurring on our planet and beyond.

The outer shell of our planet, populated by living organisms, the biosphere is the reservoir of life on Earth. Its primary principle, its indispensable component is water. Water is both the building material that is used to create all living things, and the environment in which all life processes take place, and the solvent that removes substances harmful to it from the body, and the unique transport that supplies biological structures with everything necessary for the normal flow of complex physical and chemical processes. And this comprehensive effect of water on any living structure can be not only positive, but also negative. Depending on its state, water can be both the creator of a flowering life, and its destroyer - it all depends on its chemical and isotopic composition, structural, bioenergetic properties. The anomalous properties of water were discovered by scientists as a result of long and laborious studies. These properties are so familiar and natural in our everyday life that the average person does not even suspect their existence. And at the same time, water - the eternal companion of life on Earth is truly original and unique.

Water can be in liquid, solid and gaseous state. It takes the form of the vessel in which it is poured. Water is capable of transmitting information, “remembering” words and thoughts, turning on the healing mechanism in the human body. Water purifies not only physical, material dirt, but also energy dirt.

Our ancestors, who lived many centuries ago, did not know Coca-Cola, lemonade, beer and other pleasant drinks and quenched thirst with natural water. And this water was, in modern terms, benign. This means that there were no impurities unhealthy for health like various carcinogens, oil products, etc. And in those days, people, of course, were sick, but the causes of illness were most often determined not by drinking water.

The knowledge of the amazing and mesmerizing properties of water begins from the contemplation of the beautiful structural creations and the touch of musical harmony of water presented to the Japanese scientists Masuru Emoto. The shocking experiments on climate control, the effect of water on the state of human health and ecosystems, the phenomena of electromagnetism in water, and the facts of nonlocal interaction of aquatic environments, including biological ones, are a small list from a circle of amazing phenomena that form an aura of mystery around water.

In these manifestations, even it becomes clear to a person ignorant in the depths of modern science that water is not a construction of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, but something much larger that has unique properties, including the ability to perceive information in itself as about the state of the environment environment, and about biological objects interacting with it. At the same time, the response of water to such an impact is nonlocal in nature, as it can manifest itself both in the past and in the future.


1.White M.L., Levadny V.G. The molecular structure of water. M.: Knowledge 1987 .-- 46 p.

2.Bernal J.D. Geometry of structures from water molecules. Advances in Chemistry, 1956, v. 25, p. 643-660.

3.Bulenkov N.A. On the possible role of hydration as a leading integration factor in the organization of biosystems at different levels of their hierarchy. Biophysics, 1991, v. 36, v.2, p. 181-243.

4.Zatsepina T.N. Properties and structure of water. M .: publishing house of Moscow State University, 1974, - 280 p.

5.Naberukhin Yu.I. Structural models of fluid. M .: Science. 1981 - 185 p.

Water in itself has no nutritional value, but it is an indispensable component of all life. None of the living organisms of our planet can exist without water.

All living plant and animal creatures are composed of water:
   fish - by 75%; jellyfish - 99%; potatoes - by 76%; apples - 85%; tomatoes - 90%; cucumbers - 95%; watermelons - by 96%.

In general, the human body consists of 50-86% by weight of water (86% in the newborn and up to 50% in the elderly). The water content in various parts of the body is: bones - 20-30%; liver - up to 69%; muscle up to 70%; brain - up to 75%; kidneys - up to 82%; blood - up to 85%.

This circumstance allowed the science fiction writer V. Savchenko to state that a person “has much more reasons to consider himself a liquid than, say, a forty percent solution of sodium hydroxide”.

Throughout his life, a person daily deals with water. He uses it for drinking and food, for washing, in summer - for relaxation, in winter - for heating.
   For humans, water is a more valuable natural wealth than coal, oil, gas, iron, because it is irreplaceable.

A person can live without food for about 50 days, if during a hunger strike he will drink fresh water, he will not live without water for a week - death will occur in 5 days. According to medical experiments, with a loss of moisture in the amount of 6-8% of the body weight, a person falls into a fainting state, with a loss of 10% - hallucinations begin, at 12% a person cannot recover without special medical assistance, and with a loss of 20%, inevitable death .

In the human body, water:

  • moisturizes oxygen for breathing;
  • regulates body temperature;
  • helps the body absorb nutrients;
  • protects vital organs;
  • lubricates the joints;
  • helps convert food to energy
  • participates in the metabolism;
  • removes various waste products from the body.

A person begins to feel thirst when the amount of water in his body decreases by 1-2% (0.5-1.0 l). The loss of 10% moisture from body weight can lead to irreversible changes in the body, and the loss of 20% (7-8l) is already fatal.

An ordinary person loses 2-3 liters of water per day. In hot weather, with high humidity, during exercise, water consumption increases. Even thanks to breathing, a person loses almost half a liter of water daily.

A proper drinking regime implies maintaining a physiological water balance - this is balancing the flow and formation of water with its release.

The daily need of an adult in water is 30-40 grams per 1 kg of body weight. About 40% of the body's daily water needs are met with food, the rest we must take in the form of various drinks. In summer, 2 to 2.5 liters of water should be consumed daily. In the hottest areas of the planet - 3.5 - 5.0 l per day, and at an air temperature of 38–40 ° C and low humidity, outdoor workers will need 6.0 - 6.5 l of water per day. At the same time, you should not be guided by whether you are thirsty or not, since this reflex arises late and is not an adequate indicator of how much water your body needs.
   It is interesting to know that cereals contain up to 80% of water, about 50% in bread, 58-67% in meat, and up to 90% in vegetables and fruits, i.e. “Dry” food consists of 50-60% of water.

And about 3% (0.3 l) of water is formed as a result of biochemical processes in the body itself.
   According to some estimates, over 60 years of life, a person drinks about 50 tons of water - a whole tank!
   Participating in the metabolism, water can reduce fat accumulation and reduce weight. Many of those who want to lose weight, believe that their body retains water and try to drink less. However, water is a natural diuretic and, if you drink it, you lose weight.

If the body receives a sufficient amount of water, then the person becomes more energetic and hardy. It’s easier for him to control his weight, because digestion improves, and when you are tempted to have a bite, it is often enough just to drink water to reduce your appetite. Symptoms of dehydration are dry skin (may be itchy), fatigue, poor concentration, headaches, increased pressure, poor kidney function, dry cough, back and joint pain.

Studies by scientists have already shown that drinking enough water can minimize back pain, migraines, rheumatic pains, as well as lowering blood cholesterol and blood pressure, thereby reducing the likelihood of a heart attack. Consuming enough water is one of the best ways to prevent kidney stones from forming. Since water does not contain salts, fat, cholesterol and caffeine, then, accordingly, it is excreted differently from the body.

German scientists, having tested on volunteer students, came to the conclusion that those who drink more water and drinks exhibit more endurance and a penchant for creativity than drinkers less.

Regular intake of water improves thinking and coordination of the brain. The brain and the whole body will be sufficiently charged with the necessary substances, if the water we drink is of high quality, that is, it will be rich in minerals. A healthy person should not limit himself to drink, but it is much more beneficial to drink often and little by little. It is harmful to drink plenty of fluids at once, since all the fluids are absorbed into the bloodstream, and until its excess is removed from the body by the kidneys, the heart gets an excessive load.

Thus, we can conclude that the role of water for humans is enormous. Today, each person can create for himself the conditions for maintaining the priceless water balance by properly organizing the drinking regime.

Water is the source of life on Earth, great natural value, covering 71% of the surface of our planet, the most common chemical compound and the necessary basis for the existence of all life on the planet. The high content in plants (up to 90%) and in the human body (about 70%) only confirms the importance of this component, which does not have taste, smell and color.

Water is life!

The role of water in human life is invaluable: it is used for drinking, food, washing, various household and industrial needs. Water is life!

The role of water in human life can be determined by its share in the body and organs, each cell of which is rich in an aqueous solution of the necessary nutrients. Water is one of the effective means of physical education, widely used for personal hygiene, health-improving physical education, hardening, water sports.

Biochemical properties of water

Preservation of the elasticity and volume of a living cell would be impossible without water, as well as a significant part of the chemical reactions of the body that occur in aqueous solutions. Such a valuable liquid is indispensable for its thermal conductivity and heat capacity, which provides thermoregulation and protects against temperature changes.

Water in human life is capable of dissolving some acids, bases and salts, representing ionic compounds and some polar nonionic formations (simple alcohols, amino acids, sugars), called hydrophilic (with Greek literally - a tendency to moisture). The nucleic acids, fats, proteins and some polysaccharides - hydrophobic substances (from Greek - fear of moisture) are not capable of liquids.

The biological significance of water is quite large, since this invaluable liquid is the main medium during internal processes taking place in the body. In percentage terms, the presence of water in the body is as follows:

Body systems

Adipose tissue

Of interest in this regard is the statement of the science fiction writer V. Savchenko, who in one phrase revealed the significance of water: a person has much more motives to consider himself a liquid, unlike, for example, a 40% sodium solution. And among biologists, a joke is popular that, as a means of its own movement, water “invented” a person whose main component of the body it is. 2/3 of its total amount is contained inside the cells and is called an “intracellular” or “structured” fluid, which is able to ensure the body's resistance to the influence of negative environmental factors. The third part of the water is outside the cells, with 20% of this amount being the extracellular fluid itself, 2% and 8% - respectively, lymph and blood plasma water.

The value of water in human life

The value of the natural component in life and everyday life is simply invaluable, since without it, existence in principle is impossible.

Water is essential for life because:

  • moisturizes respirable oxygen;
  • helps the body in the qualitative assimilation of nutrients;
  • promotes the conversion of food into energy and normal digestion;
  • participates in the ongoing metabolism and chemical reactions;
  • removes excess salts, toxins and toxins;
  • debugs body temperature;
  • provides skin elasticity;
  • regulates blood pressure;
  • prevents the occurrence of kidney stones;
  • it is a kind of “lubricant” for joints and a shock absorber for the spinal cord;
  • protects vital organs.

The water cycle in the body

One of the conditions for the existence of all living things is a constant water content, the amount of which is absorbed into the body depends on a person’s lifestyle, age, physical health, and environmental factors. During the day, up to 6% of the water in the body is exchanged; Within 10 days, half of its total number is updated. So, the body loses about 150 ml of water per day with feces, about 500 ml with exhaled air and the same amount of sweat and 1.5 liters is excreted in the urine. About the same amount of water (about 3 liters per day) a person receives back. Of these, a third of a liter is formed in the body during biochemical processes, and about 2 liters is consumed with food and drinks, and the daily need for exclusively drinking water is about 1.5 liters.

Recently, experts have calculated that a person should still drink pure water about 2 liters per day in order to prevent even the slightest dehydration of the body. The same amount is recommended to consume yogis who know the true meaning of air and water. An absolutely healthy human body should ideally have a state of water balance, otherwise called water balance.

By the way, German scientists, after a series of experiments conducted on students, found that those who drink water and drinks more than others are more seasoned and creative. Water plays a stimulating role in human life, filling it with energy and vitality.

According to some estimates, over 60 years of life, an average person drinks about 50 tons of water, which is comparable with almost a whole tank. It is interesting to know that ordinary food is half composed of water: in its meat - up to 67%, in cereals - 80%, vegetables and fruits contain up to 90%, bread - about 50%.

Water Consumption Situations

Usually a person receives about 2-3 liters of water per day, but there are situations in which the need for it increases. It:

  • Elevated body temperature (over 37 ° C) Each increasing degree of water requires 10% more of the total .
  • Hard physical work in the fresh air, in which liquids need to drink 5 to 6 liters.
  • Work in hot shops - up to 15 liters.

A deficiency of valuable fluid is the cause of many diseases: allergies, asthma, overweight, high blood pressure, emotional problems (including depression), and its absence leads to a disruption in the performance of all body functions, undermining health and making it vulnerable to disease.

Loss of water up to 2% of the total body weight (1 - 1.5 liters) will cause a person to feel thirsty; loss of 6 - 8% will lead to a fainting state; 10% cause hallucinations and a violation of swallowing function. Depriving 12% of water of the total body weight will lead to death. If a person is able to survive without food for about 50 days, provided that drinking water is consumed, then without it - a maximum of 5 days.

In fact, most people drink less than the recommended amount of water: only a third, and the resulting ailments are not at all associated with a lack of fluid.

Signs of lack of water in the body

The first signs of dehydration:

A steady supply of water into the body in the required amount helps to ensure vitality, get rid of ailments and many serious diseases, improve thinking and coordination of the brain. Therefore, the emerging thirst should always be tried to satisfy. It is better to drink often and little by little, since a large amount of liquid in order to replenish the daily norm once will be completely absorbed into the blood, which will give a noticeable load on the heart until the kidneys remove water from the body.

The body's water balance is a direct path to health

In other words, water in a person’s life with a properly organized drinking regime can create acceptable conditions for maintaining the necessary water balance. It is important that the liquid is of high quality, with the presence of the necessary minerals. The situation in the modern world is paradoxical: water, the source of life on Earth, can be dangerous to life itself, carrying a variety of infections with almost every drop. That is, only pure water can be useful for the body, the quality problem of which in the modern world is very relevant.

Water scarcity is the terrible future of the planet

Rather, the very problem of the availability of drinking water is becoming vitally important, every day turning into an increasingly scarce product. Moreover, the importance of water on Earth and its lack in international relations are discussed at the highest level and often in a conflict way.

Now more than 40 countries lack water due to the aridity of many regions. In 15 - 20 years, even according to the most optimistic forecasts, the significance of water on Earth will be understood by every person, since the problem of its shortage will affect 60 - 70% of the world's population. In developing countries, the water deficit will increase by 50%, in developed countries - by 18%. As a result, international tension around the topic of water scarcity will intensify.

Contaminated water as a result of human activities

This is due to geophysical conditions, human activities, often ill-conceived and irresponsible, which significantly increases the pressure on water resources and leads to their pollution. A huge amount of water goes to the needs of cities and industry, which not only consume, but also pollute the water, dumping about 2 million tons of waste into water bodies daily. The same applies to agriculture, in which millions of tons of waste products and fertilizers flow into reservoirs from farms and fields. In Europe, out of 55 rivers, only 5 are considered clean, while in Asia, all rivers are extremely littered with agricultural waste and metals. In China, 550 out of 600 cities experience water scarcity; due to severe pollution in the water bodies, fish cannot survive, and some rivers flowing into the ocean simply do not reach it.

What flows from the taps

Yes, and why go far if the quality of water, leaving much to be desired, concerns almost every person. The value of water in human life is great, it is especially relevant when it is consumed, when sanitary standards run counter to the quality of the fluid consumed, which contains harmful pesticides, nitrites, petroleum products, heavy metal salts. Half of the population receives hazardous water, causing about 80% of all known diseases.

Chlorine is dangerous!

To avoid possible infection with any infection, the water is chlorinated, which does not detract from the danger. On the contrary, chlorine, which destroys many dangerous microbes, forms unhealthy chemical compounds and provokes diseases such as gastritis, pneumonia, and oncology. When boiling, it does not have time to completely dissolve and combines with organic substances always present in water. In this case, dioxins are formed - very dangerous poisons that surpass in their strength even potassium cyanide.

Water poisoning is much worse than food poisoning, because water in human life, unlike food, takes part in all biochemical processes of the body. Dioxins accumulated in the body decompose very slowly, almost for decades. Causing violations of the endocrine system, reproductive functions, they destroy the immune system, cause cancer and genetic abnormalities. Chlorine is the most dangerous killer of our time: killing one disease, it gives rise to another, even worse. After the global chlorination of water began in 1944, epidemics of heart disease, dementia and cancer began to appear on a massive scale. The risk of getting cancer is 93% higher than those who drink non-chlorinated water. There is only one conclusion: you should never drink water from the tap. The environmental significance of water is the number 1 problem in the world, since there will be no water - there will be no life on Earth. Therefore, an indispensable condition for maintaining health is its cleaning and compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards.

Water plays an extremely important role in nature. It creates favorable conditions for the life of plants, animals, microorganisms. Water remains liquid in the temperature range most favorable for their life processes, for a huge mass of organisms it is a habitat. The unique properties of water are of unique value for the life of organisms. In reservoirs, water freezes from top to bottom, which is of great importance for the organisms living in them.

An abnormally high specific heat capacity of water favors the accumulation of an enormous amount of heat, contributes to slow heating and cooling. Organisms living in water are protected from sharp spontaneous fluctuations in temperature and composition, as they constantly adapt to slow rhythmic fluctuations - daily, seasonal, annual, and so on. Water has a softening effect on weather and climate conditions. It is constantly moving in all spheres of the Earth, along with the circulation flows of the atmosphere - over long distances. The circulation of water in the ocean (sea currents) leads to planetary heat and moisture exchange. The role of water as a powerful geological factor is known. Exogenous geological processes on Earth are associated with the activity of water as an eroding agent. The erosion and destruction of rocks, soil erosion, transport and deposition of substances are important geological processes associated with water.

Most organic substances of the biosphere are photosynthesis products, as a result of which organic matter from carbon dioxide and water is formed in plants using the solar light energy. Water is the only source of oxygen released into the atmosphere during photosynthesis. Water is necessary for biochemical and physiological processes occurring in the body. Living organisms, including humans, consisting of 80% of water, can not do without it. Loss of 10-20% of water leads to their death.

Water plays a huge role in human life support. It is used by him directly for drinking and household needs, as a means of transportation and raw materials for industrial and agricultural products, has recreational value, its aesthetic value is great. Such is far from a complete enumeration of the role of water in nature and human life.

In nature, water does not occur in chemically pure form. It is a solution of complex composition, which include gases (O 2, CO 2, H 2 S, CH 4 and others), organic and mineral substances. In moving streams of water there are suspended particles. The vast majority of chemical elements are found in natural waters. Ocean waters contain an average of 35 g / dm 3 (34.6-35.0 ‰) of salts. Their main part is chlorides (88.7%), sulfates (10.8%) and carbonates (0.3%). The least mineralized waters of precipitation, ultra-fresh waters of mountain streams and fresh lakes.

Depending on the content of dissolved mineral substances, water is distinguished: fresh water with a dissolved salt content of up to 1 g / dm 3, brackish - up to 1-25 g / dm 3, salty - more than 25 g / dm 3. The border between fresh and brackish waters is accepted according to the average lower limit of human taste perception. The boundary between brackish and saline waters was established on the basis that, with a mineralization of 25 g / dm 3, the freezing point and the maximum density quantitatively coincide.

The most familiar and most incredible substance on Earth is water. The significance of water cannot be overestimated in the life of all living things on the planet, it is present in every moment of our existence. Being the predominant element in the composition of any organism, water also directs its vital activity.

Water in nature

Humanity throughout its existence has been trying to solve the mystery of this amazing and contradictory element. How did it arise, how did it get to our planet? Probably no one will be able to answer this question, but everyone knows that the importance of water in nature and human life is unimaginably great. One thing is absolutely true - today there are as many water reserves on Earth as there were at the birth of the universe.

The unique properties of water shrink when heated and expand when freezing is another reason to be surprised. No other substance has similar properties. And her ability to move from one state to another, so familiar and at the same time, amazing, playing an exceptional role, makes it possible for all living organisms to exist on Earth. The Highest Mind assigned to the main party the maintenance of life and participation in constantly occurring natural processes.

The water cycle

This process is called the hydrological cycle, which is a continuous circulation of water that enters the atmosphere from the hydrosphere and surface of the earth, and then back. The cycle involves four processes:

  • evaporation;
  • condensation;
  • precipitation;
  • water runoff.

Once on the ground, part of the precipitation, evaporates, condenses, the other part fills the reservoirs due to runoff, the third turns into groundwater, going underground. So, constantly moving, feeding water arteries, plants and animals and preserving their own reserves, roams, protecting the Earth, water. The significance of water is obvious and undeniable.

The mechanism of the cycle and its types

In nature, there is a large cycle (the so-called world), as well as two small ones - continental and oceanic. Precipitation collected over the oceans is carried by the winds and falls on the continents, and then again returns to the ocean with runoff. The process when ocean water continuously evaporates, condenses and again falls into the ocean in the form of precipitation, is called the small ocean cycle. And all similar processes taking place over land are combined into a small continental cycle, in which water is the main character. Its importance in the natural processes of continuous circulation, supporting the Earth's water balance and ensuring the existence of living organisms, is undeniable.

Water and man

Lacking nutritional value in the usual concept, water is the main component of any living organism, including humans. No one can exist without water. Two-thirds of any organism is water. The importance of water is extremely important for the proper functioning of all systems and organs.

Throughout life, a person daily comes into contact with water, using it for drinking and food, hygiene procedures, rest and heating. On Earth there is no
  more valuable natural material, as vital and indispensable as water. Doing without food for quite long periods of time, a person will not live without water for 8 days, since when a person is dehydrated within 8% of his body weight, a person faints, 10% cause hallucinations, and 20% inevitably cause death.

Why is water so important for humans? It turns out that water regulates all the basic life processes:

  • normalizes the humidity of oxygen, increasing its absorption;
  • carries out thermoregulation of the body;
  • dissolves nutrients, helping the body in their assimilation;
  • moisturizes and protects vital organs;
  • forms a protective lubricant for the joints;
  • improves metabolic processes in the activity of body systems;
  • promotes the evacuation of waste from the body.

How to maintain water balance

On average, a person loses 2-3 liters of water per day. In more extreme conditions, for example, in heat, with high humidity and physical exertion, water loss increases. To maintain the normal physiological water balance of the body, it is necessary to balance the intake of water with its removal by competent drinking regimen.

We make some calculations. Given that the daily human need for water is 30-40 grams per 1 kg of body weight and about 40% of the total need comes from food, the rest should be taken in the form of drinks. In summer, daily water consumption is 2-2.5 liters. The hottest regions of the planet dictate their requirements - 3.5-5.0 liters, and in extremely hot conditions up to 6.0-6.5 liters of water. Do not allow dehydration. Alarming symptoms of this disaster are dry skin, accompanied by itching, fatigue, a sharp decrease in concentration, blood pressure, headaches and general malaise.

Beneficial effect

It is interesting that, taking a direct part in metabolic processes, water contributes to weight loss. It is a common misconception that people who want to lose weight need to drink less water, since the body retains water, causing significant harm. You can not drive your own body into even more stress, knocking it out of the usual water exchange. In addition, moisture, as a natural diuretic, tones the work of the kidneys, causing weight loss.

Getting the optimal amount of water, a person adds strength, energy and stamina. It is easier for him to control weight, since even the psychological inconvenience of forced changes while reducing the usual diet is easier to carry. Scientific studies have proven that daily consumption of enough clean water helps fight severe ailments - it helps relieve back pain, migraines, reduce blood sugar and cholesterol and blood pressure. In addition, by toning the kidneys, water inhibits the formation of stones. It is proved that people with a creative inclination tend to drink a lot, and the great artists were encouraged to create masterpieces by sea water. The value of water, it turns out, is important in art.

Water exchange of plants

Like a human being, water is essential for any plant. In different plants, it makes up from 70 to 95% of the mass, controlling all the processes that occur. Metabolism in a plant is possible only with a large amount of moisture, so the importance of water for plants is undeniably high. Dissolving mineral substances in the soil, water delivers them to the plant, ensuring their continuous flow. Without water, seeds will not germinate, the process of photosynthesis will not occur in green leaves. Water that fills the cells of the plant provides him with vitality and preservation of a certain shape.

The most important condition for the life support of the plant organism is the ability to absorb water from the outside. The plant, receiving water, mainly from the soil with the help of roots, delivers it to the terrestrial parts of the plant, where its leaves evaporate. Such water exchange exists in every organic system - getting into it gives off nutrients, evaporates or is excreted, and then again, enriched with useful substances, it enters the body.

Another amazing way of penetrating water into living cells is its osmotic absorption, i.e., the ability of water to accumulate externally into cell solutions, increasing the volume of fluid in the cell.

The art of consuming water

The constant use of pure water significantly improves the mental activity of the brain and coordination of movement, and therefore, the importance of water for the vital activity of brain cells is especially valuable. Therefore, a healthy person should not limit himself in drinking, but some rules should be followed:

  • drink a little, but often;
  • you should not drink a lot of water at once, since an excess of fluid in the blood will deliver an unnecessary load to the heart and kidneys.

So, the importance of water for living organisms is enormous. Therefore, the creation of conditions for maintaining their own water balance is necessary for every person.

Water in human life. The biological and environmental significance of water

Water is the source of life on Earth, a great natural value, covering 71% of the surface of our planet, the most common chemical compound and the necessary basis for the existence of all life on the planet. The high content in plants (up to 90%) and in the human body (about 70%) only confirms the importance of this component, which does not have taste, smell and color.

Water is life!

The role of water in human life is invaluable: it is used for drinking, food, washing, various household and industrial needs. Water is life!
  The role of water in human life can be determined by its share in the body and organs, each cell of which is rich in an aqueous solution of the necessary nutrients. Water is one of the effective means of physical education, widely used for personal hygiene, health-improving physical education, hardening, water sports.

Biochemical properties of water

Preservation of the elasticity and volume of a living cell would be impossible without water, as well as a significant part of the chemical reactions of the body that occur in aqueous solutions. Such a valuable liquid is indispensable for its thermal conductivity and heat capacity, which provides thermoregulation and protects against temperature changes.
  Water in human life can dissolve some acids, bases and salts, representing ionic compounds and some polar nonionic formations (simple alcohols, amino acids, sugars), called hydrophilic (with Greek literally - a tendency to moisture). The nucleic acids, fats, proteins, and some polysaccharides, hydrophobic substances (from Greek, fear of moisture) are not capable of liquids.

The biological significance of water is quite large, since this invaluable liquid is the main medium during internal processes taking place in the body. In percentage terms, the presence of water in the body is as follows:

Body systems

Adipose tissue

Of interest in this regard is the statement of the science fiction writer V. Savchenko, who in one phrase revealed the significance of water: a person has much more motives to consider himself a liquid, unlike, for example, a 40% sodium solution. And among biologists, a joke is popular that, as a means of its own movement, water “invented” a person whose main component of the body it is. 2/3 of its total amount is contained inside the cells and is called an “intracellular” or “structured” fluid, which is able to ensure the body's resistance to the influence of negative environmental factors. The third part of the water is outside the cells, with 20% of this amount being the extracellular fluid itself, 2% and 8% - respectively, lymph and blood plasma water.

The value of water in human life

The value of the natural component in life and everyday life is simply invaluable, since without it, existence in principle is impossible.

Water is essential for life because:

  • moisturizes respirable oxygen;
  • helps the body in the qualitative assimilation of nutrients;
  • promotes the conversion of food into energy and normal digestion;
  • participates in the ongoing metabolism and chemical reactions;
  • removes excess salts, toxins and toxins;
  • debugs body temperature;
  • provides skin elasticity;
  • regulates blood pressure;
  • prevents the occurrence of kidney stones;
  • it is a kind of “lubricant” for joints and a shock absorber for the spinal cord;
  • protects vital organs.

The water cycle in the body

One of the conditions for the existence of all living things is a constant water content, the amount of which is absorbed into the body depends on a person’s lifestyle, age, physical health, and environmental factors. During the day, up to 6% of the water in the body is exchanged; Within 10 days, half of its total number is updated. So, the body loses about 150 ml of water per day with feces, about 500 ml with exhaled air and the same amount of sweat and 1.5 liters is excreted in the urine. About the same amount of water (about 3 liters per day) a person receives back. Of these, a third of a liter is formed in the body during biochemical processes, and about 2 liters is consumed with food and drinks, and the daily need for exclusively drinking water is about 1.5 liters.

Recently, experts have calculated that a person should still drink pure water about 2 liters per day in order to prevent even the slightest dehydration of the body. The same amount is recommended to consume yogis who know the true meaning of air and water. An absolutely healthy human body should ideally have a state of water balance, otherwise called water balance.

By the way, German scientists, after a series of experiments conducted on students, found that those who drink water and drinks more than others are more seasoned and creative. Water plays a stimulating role in human life, filling it with energy and vitality.

According to some estimates, over 60 years of life, an average person drinks about 50 tons of water, which is comparable with almost a whole tank. It is interesting to know that ordinary food is half composed of water: in its meat - up to 67%, in cereals - 80%, vegetables and fruits contain up to 90%, bread - about 50%.

Water Consumption Situations

Usually a person receives about 2-3 liters of water per day, but there are situations in which the need for it increases. It:

  • Elevated body temperature (over 37 ° C) Each increasing degree of water requires 10% more of the total .
  • Hard physical work in the fresh air, in which liquids need to drink 5 to 6 liters.
  • Work in hot shops - up to 15 liters.

A deficiency of valuable fluid is the cause of many diseases: allergies, asthma, overweight, high blood pressure, emotional problems (including depression), and its absence leads to a disruption in the performance of all body functions, undermining health and making it vulnerable to disease.

Loss of water up to 2% of the total body weight (1 - 1.5 liters) will cause a person to feel thirsty; loss of 6 - 8% will lead to a fainting state; 10% cause hallucinations and a violation of swallowing function. Depriving 12% of water of the total body weight will lead to death. If a person is able to survive without food for about 50 days, provided that drinking water is consumed, then without it - a maximum of 5 days.

In fact, most people drink less than the recommended amount of water: only a third, and the resulting ailments are not at all associated with a lack of fluid.

Signs of lack of water in the body

The first signs of dehydration:

A steady supply of water into the body in the required amount helps to ensure vitality, get rid of ailments and many serious diseases, improve thinking and coordination of the brain. Therefore, the emerging thirst should always be tried to satisfy. It is better to drink often and little by little, since a large amount of liquid in order to replenish the daily norm once will be completely absorbed into the blood, which will give a noticeable load on the heart until the kidneys remove water from the body.

The body's water balance is a direct path to health

In other words, water in a person’s life with a properly organized drinking regime can create acceptable conditions for maintaining the necessary water balance. It is important that the liquid is of high quality, with the presence of the necessary minerals. The situation in the modern world is paradoxical: water, the source of life on Earth, can be dangerous to life itself, carrying a variety of infections with almost every drop. That is, only pure water can be useful for the body, the quality problem of which in the modern world is very relevant.

Water scarcity is the terrible future of the planet

Rather, the very problem of the availability of drinking water is becoming vitally important, every day turning into an increasingly scarce product. Moreover, the importance of water on Earth and its lack in international relations are discussed at the highest level and often in a conflict way.
  Now more than 40 countries lack water due to the aridity of many regions. In 15 - 20 years, even according to the most optimistic forecasts, the significance of water on Earth will be understood by every person, since the problem of its shortage will affect 60 - 70% of the world's population. In developing countries, the water deficit will increase by 50%, in developed countries - by 18%. As a result, international tension around the topic of water scarcity will intensify.

Contaminated water as a result of human activities

This is due to geophysical conditions, human activities, often ill-conceived and irresponsible, which significantly increases the pressure on water resources and leads to their pollution. A huge amount of water goes to the needs of cities and industry, which not only consume, but also pollute the water, dumping about 2 million tons of waste into water bodies daily. The same applies to agriculture, in which millions of tons of waste products and fertilizers flow into reservoirs from farms and fields. In Europe, out of 55 rivers, only 5 are considered clean, while in Asia, all rivers are extremely littered with agricultural waste and metals. In China, 550 out of 600 cities experience water scarcity; due to severe pollution in the water bodies, fish cannot survive, and some rivers flowing into the ocean simply do not reach it.

What flows from the taps

Yes, and why go far if the quality of water, leaving much to be desired, concerns almost every person. The value of water in human life is great, it is especially relevant when it is consumed, when sanitary standards run counter to the quality of the fluid consumed, which contains harmful pesticides, nitrites, petroleum products, heavy metal salts. Half of the population receives hazardous water, causing about 80% of all known diseases.

Chlorine is dangerous!

To avoid possible infection with any infection, the water is chlorinated, which does not detract from the danger. On the contrary, chlorine, which destroys many dangerous microbes, forms unhealthy chemical compounds and provokes diseases such as gastritis, pneumonia, and oncology. When boiling, it does not have time to completely dissolve and combines with organic substances always present in water. In this case, dioxins are formed - very dangerous poisons that surpass in their strength even potassium cyanide.   Water poisoning is much worse than food poisoning, because water in human life, unlike food, takes part in all biochemical processes of the body. Dioxins accumulated in the body decompose very slowly, almost for decades. Causing violations of the endocrine system, reproductive functions, they destroy the immune system, cause cancer and genetic abnormalities. Chlorine is the most dangerous killer of our time: killing one disease, it gives rise to another, even worse. After the global chlorination of water began in 1944, epidemics of heart disease, dementia and cancer began to appear on a massive scale. The risk of getting cancer is 93% higher than those who drink non-chlorinated water. There is only one conclusion: you should never drink water from the tap. The environmental significance of water is the number 1 problem in the world, since there will be no water - there will be no life on Earth. Therefore, an indispensable condition for maintaining health is its cleaning and compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards.

The value of water in nature and in human life

Morning dewdrop

Svetlana Shumilina

the importance of water in human life and in nature is very large. because we need water the most. A person can live without food for several days, and without water only 3 days or more. plants without water will dry. animals can also die of thirst. therefore, water is the most necessary in human life

Mix_ boomeraxe

Water is the main factor determining the climate on the Earth's surface.

Alexandr borodach

Water is the source of life on the planet
  WATER - a liquid without color, odor, taste and with zero calorie content - is absolutely necessary for all types of life on Earth. Neither people, nor animals, nor plants can live without water. Neither an elephant nor a microbe can do without it, and there is nothing to replace water with. To maintain health, each of the more than five billion people on Earth needs to consume - together with various drinks and food - about two and a half liters of water per day. There will be no water - there will be no life.
Without water, no crops or cattle can be raised. And there will be no food - there will be no life.
  But, fortunately, water on Earth is abundant. Judging by the photographs taken from space, our beautiful blue planet should not be called Earth, but Water. If all the water is evenly distributed on the surface of the Earth, then we get a world ocean with a depth of 2.5 kilometers. And in the Pacific Ocean the whole land of our planet will fit perfectly, and there will still be a place.
  Of course, most of the water on Earth is found in the seas and oceans, and sea water is salty. If you drink only sea water, you will soon die of thirst and dehydration - the body can not cope with an excess of salt. You can not use sea water in agriculture and industry: it will kill almost the entire crop and quickly rust any mechanism. Therefore, in general, sea water is suitable only if it is desalinated, and this is very expensive.
  Fresh water accounts for only 3 percent of the world's water supply. Almost all of it - 99 percent - is enclosed in ice, on the tops of mountains or is located deep underground. Only 1 percent of fresh water is directly available.
  It seems that one percent is very small, a drop. Could it be that we are left without fresh water? Unlikely. One magazine says: “With an even distribution, this would be twice or three times more than enough for today's population of the Earth” (People & the Planet).
  Basically, the total amount of water on Earth does not decrease or increase. One science journal says: “The water we use today may have once quenched the thirst of a dinosaur. The fact is that all the water that exists today on Earth has existed on the planet - and will always exist - ”(“ Science World ”).
  After all, water circulates endlessly: from the oceans it enters the atmosphere, from there - to the earth, then to the rivers, and then returns to the oceans. A very long time ago one wise man wrote: “All rivers flow into the sea, but the sea does not overflow; to the place where the rivers flow, they return to flow again ”(Ecclesiastes 1: 7).
  Water is the main factor determining the climate on the Earth's surface.
The main role of water is that it is a medium and a source of hydrogen for life processes. Almost all organic substances of the biosphere are a product of photosynthesis, in which plants use light energy to combine carbon dioxide with water. Without water, as you know, photosynthesis cannot occur. The process to which the whole life of our planet owes. Water is the only source of oxygen released into the atmosphere during photosynthesis. Water is necessary for biochemical and biophysical processes that enable life on Earth. Figuratively speaking, life is enclosed in a drop of water.
  1 Like Complain
  the importance of water in human life and in nature is very large. because we need water the most. A person can live without food for several days, and without water only 3 days or more. plants without water will dry. animals can also die of thirst. therefore, water is the most necessary in human life