How to make a dream collage. Dreams Collage - Wishmaker

For the past 20 years, Russians have become closely involved in all kinds of oriental techniques, including feng shui. And it was from there that the concept of “poster of desires” came. This name is well known, but few know how to make it with their own hands.

In fact, this process is simple, the main thing is to follow the rules, which is the main meaning of this oriental art. The first thing you need is a piece of paper. It must be divided into 9 sections according to the bagua grid.

Nine Feng Shui Wish Collage Areas

Now in these areas you need to put pictures for a collage of desires.

1) In the center is the most important area - health. It is necessary to stick here your best photo, where you are cheerful, happy and full of optimism. After all, this photo will symbolize your life in principle.

2) Above the “Health” is “Glory”. Here is your success. Think carefully about what success means to you. For a man and a woman, these are quite different concepts. If for a woman it’s a relationship, for men it’s money. Do not be shy and do not limit yourself to desires. Do you want a sea of \u200b\u200bdiamonds, 15 children or become a millionaire in 20 years? Please, if by success you mean just that, then that is your choice.

3) Below - "Career". What heights you would like to achieve in your career advancement. What ultimately you want to become. The head of the department, or maybe take higher and become the head of the concern?

4) "Wealth." Everything related to wealth should be placed here. Any picture of money you like. Moreover, the more banknotes there are, the better. And you can also stick a picture with a stack of gold bars. Why not? Gold is always liquid.

5) "Wisdom." Even if you did not graduate from universities, it is too late to study, as you think. Glue here a photo of a happy graduate with a diploma or a famous scientist. Let them indicate the full breadth of your thinking. After all, they study not only in schools, but also in life.

6) “Family” is a very female sector. Women obviously do not need to explain what pictures should be here. So explain to men. We post photos of the ideal family in your understanding. If you want a beautiful wife, then the photo shows a beautiful woman. Do not want children - and there are no children in the photo.

7) “Love relations” - everything that is somehow connected with real quivering feelings should be placed here. Well, if you already have a loved one, you can put his photo. If not, we select pictures with images of kissing doves, bound hands, happy couples. Everything that expresses this feeling in one way or another.

8) “Children and creativity” - here should be what you dream about, what you would like to do. Maybe a hobby for which there is no time. So, if you wanted to draw from childhood, put in this zone a picture of a famous artist that you really really like.

9) "Helpers and travel." This is the area to choose from. Are you dreaming of visiting other countries - stick pictures with those cities and places that you would like to visit. If you really need support for life - stick a photo of your friend or saint.

You can combine these two areas.

In the end, you should get such a collage of desires, photo examples below:

Basic rules for filling the poster

  • All pictures and photos should be positive and you personally like. You can take them anywhere: the Internet, magazines, a family photo album.
  • Each picture needs to be signed. The desire should be expressed clearly and concisely. Do not stop at intermediate desires, the poster is usually made for one year, so think about what you want to achieve this year.
  • In sentences there should be no negation and particles of “not”, “neither”.
  • A desire should not be bad for someone, that is, you can’t write "I want Ivan Ivanovich to be fired, and I took his place."
  • Feng Shui's requirement is to start making a collage on the growing moon.

You will find a video on how to create a wish poster below.

Wish Collage is a very powerful tool that will help you fulfill your dreams. In this article, we will understand how it works, think about how to make it better, where to hang it and how to update it often.

How does the wish collage work

Pure psychology, friends. Let's analyze the effectiveness of your desires and dreams using examples from my personal experience.

The first case: we write desires in a notebook / notebook / electronic notes

At the beginning of 2015, I decided to write down all my dreams in an electronic notebook for the reason that they will always be with me, I can always see what I dream about, write down new desires. I supplemented this list for about a month or two, looked through already recorded desires. Then the frequency of entry into this note began to decrease ... Six months later, I looked there, accidentally recalling this note, and was slightly surprised: "Do I really dream about this?" Some desires recorded spontaneously, I did not remember! Needless to say, not a single one has come true during this time, because I did not think about it.

Conclusion: do not try to keep a list of your desires in notebooks / notebooks. If you do not see this list every day, it does not work.

The second case: a collage of desires on whatman hanging in the place where you will most often see it

The fact that the collage of desires should be exactly the collage hanging on the wall, I have heard more than once. However, to me, as a person weakly believing in the magic of the universe, this always seemed not fundamental. The first “bell” was forgotten dreams from the notes. I made the final decision to create a wish collage on whatman after talking with two people for whom it worked. And more than once.

The principle of the collage of desires is simple to disgrace - this is the work of your subconscious. Read John Kehoe’s book, The Subconscious, Everything Can. It is it that can change your life beyond recognition. The main thing is to learn to control your subconscious and understand the signals that it sends. But I was distracted. So, the collage of desires works at the subconscious level. You see him, you think about your desires. Looking at it, your subconscious mind sets itself to realize these dreams. And you will even unconsciously do everything in order to fulfill these dreams. That's why the collage of desires should hang in the place where you will see it most often.

How to make a wish collage correctly

On some sites, I saw advice to make only a personal collage of desires, they say, it works better. In fact, I think that if you make a family collage, it will work even better, because at least two people already dream of the same thing. Consequently, the energy and forces to fulfill these desires will go more than a minimum of two times. So feel free to do family wish collage if you want.

If the desires are different, then place them on opposite sides of the collage.

Wish Collage Images

Personally, I search for pictures on the Internet, print on a photo printer, cut and glue. You can also cut them from newspapers, magazines, leaflets. Yes, from anywhere! If only the image was color and bright.

Try not to use black and white photographs and images of poor quality. Remember that the human brain responds better to bright colors.

Yes, still sign your pictures in the spirit: “I am in Rome”, “My new car”, “My new home”, “I am on vacation on the Cote d'Azur” and the like. Signatures can be made directly on the computer before printing or with a pen / marker already on the collage itself. The second, I think, is preferable.

Wish Collage Layout

Use an A1 Whatman paper. In the center should be your photo (personal or family). Choose a photo in which you are in a good mood, smiling. This will have a positive effect on you.

Next, identify your most important dreams and stick them next to your photo. It is advisable for the most important desires to choose larger pictures so that they are more noticeable. Remember that the collage will be constantly updated with new dreams. Place more and more new desires on a collage from the center to the edges.

Completed desires, carefully remove and replace with new ones. Never stop dreaming. If a person believes that he has everything in life, he simply does not have enough imagination.

Where to hang a wish collage

I already wrote about this above - where you will see it most often: opposite the bed, on the refrigerator, above the workplace (relevant for those who) and so on. Choose a place for yourself. And every time your eyes fall on the collage, hold it for a few seconds, distract from your current thoughts and remember your dreams.

Good to you, friends, and speedy fulfillment of desires. Share your thoughts on wish collages in the comments.

Feng Shui Wish Card -it is a great way to achieve significant results and successes in careers, studies, love, improve your financial situation, get rich spiritually and fulfill your cherished dreams. How to create such a miracle card on your own, as well as to make it bring real results, we will tell you later in this article.

Feng Shui Wish Board

More than once and in more than one doctrine and theory it was said that any of our thoughts tend to materialize, in other words, reflecting, we ourselves create our future, so any thoughts should be taken very seriously and responsibly.

Today in the world there are a large number of different techniques aimed at and using the subconscious as the main engine to achieve goals. One of the most popular of them is visualization of desires by feng shui  with the help of a specially made card or, as it is also called, boards, paintings, posters, tables, etc. This card is a bright collage of color photos, pictures and inscriptions reflecting our desires. All of them are placed on a large sheet of paper in a certain order, depending on the meaning and topic of desire.

Such feng shui wish collagehelps us to clearly articulate our deepest desires and visualize them in real life. Having placed such a collage at home, not only directed flows of favorable energies begin to help us, but also our own subconscious, which strives for specific, specific goals and often achieved results of such a technique exceed all expectations.

Feng Shui wish table. Where to begin

So you get your own feng shui wish picture  collect all the old glossy magazines, unnecessary books and brochures, and also arm yourself with scissors, glue and a large sheet of white paper (whatman). In addition, for work you will need colored markers, printouts with certain phrases and mottos that are important to you, as well as your photo. In the photo you must be a smiling and completely happy person - this is one of the basic rules of Feng Shui for this technique.

Next, take a sheet of paper, a pen and make a list of your desires, you can even make   notebook of wishes by feng shui. Once it is ready, scroll through the stack of magazines and select the appropriate images. It is clear that with dreams of a material nature it is simple, if you are dreaming with a chic car, you should find a picture with an image of just that, girls who dream of expensive furs or jewelry need to focus on the corresponding photos, but what about goals of a different nature? For example, you sleep and see how you are entering a prestigious university or have long been striving to open your own business, but so far nothing has worked out. In this case, you should choose pictures that convey in their content the very action that you are trying to come closer with all your might. A photo of a student (student) is quite suitable for students, and a future businessman can pick up the image of the director's chair or door with a sign on which his data and position will be indicated.

If you still could not find the desired image of the object or action, try to depict it yourself or replace it with an inscription that you can do by hand, cut them out of the same magazine, newspaper, book, and print them on a printer. It is important that this inscription be in the present tense and already reflect the event that you are dreaming of. For example, one of the items on your wish list is the dream of losing weight, which means a printed or written phrase should sound something like this: "I lost weight, I became slim and beautiful."

I would like to warn you in advance that plots, clippings, pictures, photos for a good board that provides one hundred percent feng Shui wish fulfillment  you will have to look for a single day, a hastily made board will not work as well as the one that you carefully think through and create ideally with your dreams.

Another important point, the size of clippings from magazines and the images on them should be true and adequate in relation to them. So the picture with the shoes from the famous designer should not be several times larger than the picture on which the house or car of your dreams is photographed, even if the shoes are in the first place for you today. Try to keep the proportion in everything, although it is not easy to do so, so that the collage of desires works correctly and does not divide dreams into priority and secondary.

When cutting out photos and pictures from magazines, books, etc., be sure to look on the opposite side, there should not be any negative on it, not in pieces of text, individual words, as well as images. Also, the clippings should be intact, not wrinkled, not torn and not scratched, all this can lead to the opposite effect.

After the necessary clippings, drawings, inscriptions, pictures, etc. will be assembled, decide on the basis, for it is better to take a clean large white whatman paper or cardboard, do not use the back of sheets of large wall calendars, all kinds of posters, visual material, etc. Gluing several album sheets into one large one is also not recommended. If you were unable to get a large sheet, it is better to draw a map on a small solid, than on a large composite, so that nothing could divide your dreams, aspirations and goals into parts.

Feng Shui wish card. How to do

Next, you need to divide the prepared sheet into sectors, using the Bagua grid for this. Typically, these grids are depicted in the form of a beautiful octagonal figure or a regular square divided into nine equal parts.

Get a compass and use it to find the west, make a corresponding mark on the paper, and already starting from it, lay the Bagua net on the base. In the center of the sheet you should have the “Health” sector, you paste your photo into it, for those who did not remember or did not pay attention, we remind you that you should be alone in a good mood with a happy, positive smile.

To the right of the center in the west you should have the “Creativity and Children” sector, if you want to become a singer, actor or writer, put there an image of a person of a similar profession, if your goal is to replenish in the family, fill this sector with photos of little children, strollers cots, etc.

To the left of the center in the eastern part is the "Family" sector, for those who only want to create it, you should fill it with clippings of couples in love, newlyweds, etc. It’s good for married people to stick here pictures of a large, friendly family that spans several generations, such a message will help you in real life create a strong, happy, large family.

In the upper left above the “Family” sector in the southeastern part there is the “Wealth” sector, everyone who wants to improve their material condition should stick there pictures of bundles of banknotes, money rain, a thick wallet with banknotes, a large handful of gold coins, jewelry and etc. Cash feng shui wish zonecan also be enhanced by the image of special figurines and symbols that help to find financial and material wealth, you can learn more about them.

The Love and Marriage sector, located above the Children and Creativity zone in the southwestern part, those who want to bring love to their home need to stick pictures of lovers, kissing couples, closed hands, hot hugs, decorate them with beautiful hearts , Cupids, love doves, swans and other love symbols. People who have already found their soul mate can post her photo here, while the rule remains unchanged, the real person depicted in the photo should smile and be in a good mood.

The middle part between “Love and Marriage” is occupied by a sector of the southern direction called “Reputation and Glory”, in order to achieve the fulfillment of desires in this area, you need to paste the corresponding pictures there.

Below, under the “Family” zone, in the northeastern direction is another important sector and it is called “Knowledge and Wisdom”. It will help you to achieve certain successes in training, to activate it, paste the clipping photo of a diploma, certificate, certificate of completion, etc. on paper.

Below under the Health sector in the north there is the Career zone, it is easy to guess that it can help you achieve certain successes at work and will ensure career advancement. Attach here the necessary pictures or photos of specific individuals to the heights of which you are striving.

The last ninth sector, located in the northwest, is called "Helpers and Travels." Here you can put landscapes of countries and cities in which you dream to visit for a long time. Here you can also attach photos of your patrons, the faces of saints and other deities, which, in your opinion, can protect and protect you.

Feng Shui Wish Poster  should be created only in a good mood and with full faith in its miraculous action, and for this you should choose a favorable day.

Try to fill all the spaces of the paper without leaving empty spaces, as they say, “A holy place does not exist empty,” because, in fact, the void in life is always filled with something and it is not always something good, so it’s best to control this process, than letting it go.

It is very important to display your own, innermost dreams in the poster, and not follow fashion or someone else's advice. Also, pay attention, you should make a wish poster exclusively for yourself, and not for several people, even if they are all close to each other. Otherwise, the result may be the most unpredictable and not always positive.

It’s good if, in addition, near each dream you set specific dates and set periods for achieving certain goals, all this will stimulate your subconscious mind and you, without expecting it yourself, will begin to search for how to implement your plan in each specific case. Moreover, it is advisable to put down these dates spontaneously, chaotically, without hesitation and not planning anything, in a word, as your intuition tells you.

Be sure to make your own loud and affirmative inscriptions next to the glued pictures - “My family”, “My car”, “My work”, “My house”, “My wealth”, etc. This is important, because it may happen that one day you enter the house of your dreams from a magazine clipping, but it will not be yours, but your friends, so it’s very important to concretize and appropriate everything only to yourself.

Believe that all of your plans will surely be fulfilled, and do not give up, if all this does not happen right away, maybe dreams will come true one by one, and those that will be achieved can be replaced on the poster with new clippings. You can also deal with those dreams, which for some reason are no longer relevant.

If more than half of the plan has been fulfilled, feel free to start creating a new one, but first transfer it to it, then what you have not managed to achieve, and only then supplement it with new plans and dreams.

Feng Shui Wish Wall. Where to place

Place a collage poster in the most secluded place of your house, away from prying eyes, because these are your goals, and it is not necessary for outsiders to know about them, but what to do is to look at the pictures every day at least once. Moreover, looking at them you should not analyze closely whether you have moved forward or not, you should be several steps forward and already clearly imagine how you possess all this. And here you have to become a real director of your own picture of life, turn on all your imagination and feel your own dreams with your senses in the brightest colors. For example, you dream about a vacation on the sea coast of exotic countries, the sound of the surf, warm sand, light breeze, the smell of marvelous flowers, all this should clearly be presented to you.

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  • Posted October 17, 2012

Hello dear friends! Today, an unusual post again. Surely you have heard about the books that are popular today. Transerfing reality»The author of this creation is Vadim Zeland. Whether he is a fictional character or not, I honestly don’t know. About 2.5 years ago, I became interested in his books and read them all from cover to cover, at that time there were only 6 of them, and now I know more.

Yes, the information contained in the books had a stunning effect on me for a person who is looking for something unusual in this life, but the problem with people who are interested in transfering is that they get hung up on it. I don’t want to denigrate the author somehow since I know how much he has fanatical fans, but nevertheless, if you analyze the chronology of books, then with each new edition a gag is invented such as the world is complete chaos, there is no karma, no laws, do whatever you want. And there are only some mystical forces of balance. It smacks of a totalitarian sect, to be honest.

There is no karma, but there is balance. So balance is karma. There are a lot of such inconsistencies in the book, so if you read transerfing, then absorb the information selectively, as I already said the book contains a lot of gag. Nevertheless, from the transerfing I learned a lot of things for myself, including the visualization technique.

Collage of desires. What is it?

Have you ever heard of a wish collage? The first time I found out about him, when I came to my very good friend at the age of 15, his parents were businessmen and they lived very richly not like us. Once when I was at their house, I noticed a large hanging paper on the wall, to which various pictures were stuck. On one was a large house, on the other sea, on the third a lot of money, on a fourth car. I asked a friend what is this?

  She said that his mother is fond of Feng Shui, and in some book on this Feng Shui it was said that if you want to achieve material values, you should be done, the book was convincingly written, saying that everything that you don’t draw will come true. Yes, that was all that they painted and glued there, it came true. But the problem was that the house burned down in the future, they had an accident by car, the money corrupted them and made them very proud people. With all my gut, I suspected that something was wrong with this visualization technique.

Nevertheless, being a native of a very poor family, I had a lot of material desires and I wanted to have a lot of things and as a student at the age of 19 having read books of transerfing, I created my own wish collage. By the way, it is also called a visualization board. Oh my god, it is still stored on my computer:

As soon as I created it in a few months ( after about 3) global changes began to occur in my life. I moved from the hostel to the apartment, met a girl and found a small movement of people involved in personal growth. Oh miracle, I thought. It all suddenly fell on his head.

I won’t pull the cat by the sausage, I’ll say right away, after half a year with the guy with whom we rented an apartment we didn’t coordinate in character and ran away to the hostels again, we parted with the girl because of my underdevelopment ( then I was still completely irresponsible), but this movement turned out to be a sect. What do you think, what have I done for myself a lesson from all this? Right! All that you have to get will come to you by itself and you don’t need to shout about it and draw all kinds of boards \u003d)

Why not practice the visualization method?

I decided to look into this issue and find out why all the visualization techniques work this way, that is, nectar first, and then poison. And found .... In one of the lectures, the popular doctor and psychologist Oleg Gennadyevich Torsunov, on the basis of many years of experience, shed light on this problem. Here is what he says:

You may or may not believe it, but most likely this is true. I say that because I have implemented experience in visualization practice. And now I understand that with a longed desire a person pulls out his pious karma and uses it to achieve his material desires.

Someone has enough karma to save what they received, but someone doesn’t, as, for example, happened to me. The only problem is that using pious karma for material desires, we will not be able to recover from a serious illness in the future, not to get into an accident, to help relatives, since there will be nothing left. Therefore, only you can decide Wish Collage  in your life or not. Here, in general, is the whole philosophy about this visualization technique.

Program for creating collages from photos

Good!!! You need something vital or if you have been dreaming of something for a long time, no problem, start the path to achieving this goal by creating dream collage. Let's see what programs exist for creating collages from photos.

  1. Adobe Photoshop  - classics of the genre. On the Internet you can find a bunch of professional lessons on the topic of creating collages, but if you are not a Photoshop monster or do not want to spend a lot of time licking each picture in a collage, I advise you to find the program easier.
  2. Auto Collage- a powerful program. It automatically creates curly collages, and with it you can just coolly arrange photos for printing.
  3. Collagemaker  - a small program is just right, so as not to waste time and quickly throw some kind of collage, but remember to do something really worthy you can’t do here.
  4. Photomix  - A program for applying effects to photographs. Suitable for pre-processing photos before applying them to.
  5. Photo Collage  - But this is generally power. This is what we need. What can this program do? Yes, anything ... themed collages, greeting cards, invitations to celebrations, posters, wallpapers for your desktop’a and the design of print publications such as posters.

To create a collage, I will use “Photo Collage”. Do not forget that all the software you need to download exclusively from the torrent so as not to pick up the virus from any warez. You can download software. This is a link to the torrent tracker, if you don’t know how to download it, then I wrote an article about it. By the way.

  And so we go into the program and press the “ Create new project

Page templates are basically the same as collage templates, but collage templates initially already have a colorful background. Look here:

Choose a template with the background you like and click on. Now you need to select the page settings, I recommend setting the resolution of your desktop, for example, I kept my collage with a picture on the desktop and it was constantly in my sight.

The tools in the program are very easy to use. In the left part, select the pre-selected pictures with desires and drag them into the frames. Moreover, also on the left in the toolbar, you can change the template on the go, add text, change the size of the collage and impose effects and frames on the photo.

When you save the collage, the image parameters window will appear, I recommend setting the quality to 100%, as well as increasing smoothing by 3-4 points. Next, click save!

That’s the whole principle of the program.

Now you have two options to put a picture on your desktop is the first option, and the second to go to the nearest printing shop and print your collage on whatman paper. That's all for me!


As I said, to create a collage of desires or not is your business. I already have experience with this esoteric practice. Well, if you decide on a photograph Photo Collage  to help you. Do not forget to subscribe to blog updates, there is still a lot of tin. Damn, at such a pace my blog will be aimed at esoteric topics, and not at seo \u003d)

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Everyone knows that dreams often materialize in a mysterious way for us. One has only to convey to the Universe visualized desires, how events in life are arranged so that the final result pleases with pleasant coincidences. Imagine what will happen if you come to the realization of a dream in science, and with Chinese wisdom correctly designating intentions will help us in this.

We bring luck to life

The wish map will become a projection of the set goals, visual programming of the subconscious and the start of a success. Be wizards for yourself, and let the energy of good fortune into your home.

Scissors, a personal photo in a happy period of life, and beautiful pictures from magazines expressing desires will become tools for spinning the wheel of Fortune.

After postponing the cut out illustrations, refer to the Feng Shui calendar to select a date with a good luck indicator, avoiding the days indicated as
  Deliverance, Closing, Destruction and also Sha days. The position of the moon in the sky also matters, and the period is of interest for work.

Make a Feng Shui Wish Collage

The process of attaching pictures can be identified in two ways:

On whatman paper  - cut out illustrations or printed photographs are drawn up with colored markers with the corresponding wishes under the attached pictures. Remember the power of words if you do not rely on image accuracy. All inscriptions on the collage of wishes for Feng Shui should be recorded in the present tense.

On the computer  - processed pictures of bold desires by the photo editor are saved in the computer.

Working with the Bagua grid

Regardless of whether you make a wish card for Feng Shui to be viewed or placed on the computer desktop, there are rules for the exact placement of a wish collage depending on the cardinal points. To do this, there is, in the form of an octagon, which will help to correctly calculate the desired sector and its position for placing images and symbols.

In the center of the octagon is a health zone with which you need to start working. Attach your positive photo to this zone. When signing pictures, avoid “not” particles and write short sentences in the affirmative form, for example, “I am healthy” or “I am young”. The correct use of the word is essential, so there is an opposite difference between the expressions “I'm thin” and “I'm slim”, and this should be taken into account when drawing up a wish map for Feng Shui.

Below, under the picture, is placed. Designate your talents with future labor achievements, and consolidate your work successes with images. Clarify for yourself the direction of the company and imagine yourself in your position. You can attach an eloquent picture and sign - “I am a leader by N company” or draw a career ladder, having detailed the nuances and showing the future salary in numbers.

Above your photo is located, requiring vivid screensavers of an appropriate nature. Imagine how you would like to become a celebrity and in what field you want to achieve fame.

The left corner of the octagon - and prosperity. Unleash your financial fantasy and shower yourself with the golden rain of material prosperity. Images of banknotes, symbols of wealth, like a car, a house, diamonds will do, and the approximate phrase “1,000,000 rubles in my bank account” will be appropriate. Do not limit yourself to your fantasies, because you make a wish map for Feng Shui.

Bottom left - responsible for success in education. Decorate the sector with pictures of books, the image of a happy person who received a long-awaited diploma of higher education, if that makes sense to you.

Located between the zones of wisdom and wealth. Photos of a family with children with happy faces will be appropriate. Reflect in your collage your own view of the harmonious relationships of your family members.

The upper right corner implies passionate love, passion in relationships, and the interweaving of female and male hands, will become symbolic of sensual success. A photograph of a loved one will also be appropriate and will contribute to the development of relationships.

Under the sector of creativity and children, which can be activated at your discretion, depending on how you want to achieve self-expression. Do not forget to indicate on the wish card for Feng Shui what successes you expect from the children and secure their future victories with selected drawings.

Fans of travel and adventure will find a sector in the lower right corner of the Bagua grid. Beautiful photos of cities and countries will contribute to a pleasant trip and experience.

Now it remains to evaluate the work done, find a place for the wish card for Feng Shui, and open the door to pleasant changes.

How to work with a wish collage

You have illustrated your desires of the universe and will certainly bring them to life. First you need to hang the card in a modest place in which your gaze will stop, and the gaze of skeptics will not cling.