Psychological causes of Diseases of Louise Hay Table. Is it possible to heal? Method for getting rid of any disease

The term "psychosomatics" was invented at the beginning of the 19th century. With its help, scientists tried to explain the origin of many diseases whose roots lay (in their opinion) in the relationship between the child and parents.

The psychosomatics (Table of Diseases) described in the article), says how to treat human diseases by defining its psychological reasonsYou need to look for in its past and these relationship problems with others and with yourself.

According to scientific research, the reason for about 80% of human diseases can be explained by psychological problems associated with mental or mental disorders of the patient

According to scientific research, the reason for about 80% of human disease can be explained by psychological problems associated with soul or mental disorders of the patient.

When injections are manifested, this is a signal that a person must change something in his life at the level of mental perception of reality.

Thus, a table of diseases was also drawn up containing psychosomatic explanations of the causes of illness and recommendations, how to treat them, using the councils of three leading psychologist theorists:

  • Yulia Zotovova - the author of books and training devoted to psychosomatics, a famous psychologist;
  • Louise Haye - the author of the book "Heal itself," considering the disease and their psychological reasons;
  • Liz Burbo - the author of the metaphysical explanations of the diseases and books "Your body says: Love yourself" (1997).

Psychosomatic table

Disease and Recommendations for Treatment Psychosomatic interpretation
Yulia Zotovova Louise Haye Liz Burbo

Treatment not only with medicines.

The world around is friendly and not dangerous. All life problems are quite solved.

Psychosomatics: This table of diseases (how to treat is described in the last column) gives such an interpretation of allergies when a person wants something, but scary, and therefore he runs away.You can't take someone? Imagine your own strength and opportunities.
Angina or other throat diseases

The patient must say to himself: "I can express freely and with joy. I want to work in creativity and change myself. "

A person cannot stand up for himself, cannot express his anger and does not want to change. Crisis of creativity.There is no possibility to express yourself, with difficulty abstain from rudeness.

A person must recognize his drawbacks. And retain attempts to achieve dominance over their loved ones with the help of the disease. Your choice is freedom.

The person is in a deadlock, which prevents him from breathing. No exit aggression.The patient is not able to breathe due to the feeling of depression, barely restrained sobs.The main symptom is difficulty in breathing. It is harder to breathe air. This means that he takes a lot, but gives little, and it causes an attack.
Diseases of the joints (arthritis)

The patient must stop the accumulation of its wrath and other paralyzing emotions. It is necessary to work with pleasure for the benefit and yourself, and others. You need to love yourself and look with love for others.

The patient feels his insults to others and feels that they do not like him.

This is a disease of the powerful old men who want to preserve their power.

The patient wishes punishment, piercing and accusing himself. Feels victim.Rheumatic diseases of the joints with signs of the inflammatory process. Pain when driving around the clock, which limits the possibility of movement. Hides the powerless anger on others.
Myopia It is necessary to overcome fears related to early events.
To the future to relate with optimism and respect the opinion of other people.
Psychosomatics of this disease (how to treat is described in the table) indicates the reason in the reluctance of a person to notice everything that is far from him, but sees only his own. The disease often begins in children-egocentric children who are boring.A person is afraid of his future.Lack of vision, in which a person does not see remote items. Teenagers often scares the opportunity to become an adult. It also applies to adults who wants to limit their horizons.
Bronchitis, cough It is necessary to determine its position in the family itself, refer to life problems with joy, because family troubles are a normal process. A person can declare harmony in himself and around that everything is fine.Indicates the depressed irritation. It is necessary to find the cause of this. Frequent conflicts when looking for their place in life.
In adolescents, chronic cough is often associated with the search for its personal space.
Nervous atmosphere in the family, frequent loud disputes and scandals. Calm only occasionally.Metaphysically bronons relate to family relationships. With a quarrel, a person wants to break ties with someone from the family, but not wanting to perform openly, flows into the despondency.
Inflammation and inflammatory processes

How to treat, not only a doctor, assigning anti-graded drugs. The patient will accelerate his recovery, if it is grateful to his body and calmly concentrates for recovery.

The human body announces the internal conflict, the discrepancy between the concepts that "right" and that "want."Psychosomatics (Table of Diseases) explains the causes of inflammation in the feelings of fear and rage, when "inflammation" is manifested.This is the destruction of fabrics in which the body wants to recover and remake themselves.

The patient must love himself, feel his security.

Accumulation for 2-3 years of small irritation and emotions. When everything accumulated and an annoying stimulus appears - gastritis aggravation occurs.Feeling of uncertainty or tightened feelings of doom.A person has accumulated many angry feelings in himself, failed to suppress them in himself.

Learn to cope with your emotions and share them with others.

A person must give his head and brain time to understand and eventually understand and resolve all questions.

Chronic headaches are a sign of high intelligence in combination with the inability to cope with their emotions.A person underestimates himself, has many fears, often engaged in self-criticism.A person blame himself in everything and beats himself on his head, presenting high demands to himself, it helps himself, feeling guilty in non-agarly.
Infectious diseases (colds, etc., even HIV)

How to treat: It is necessary to support your inner strength, get rid of fear of aggression, without showing weaknesses and vulnerabilities, hoping to attract attention and achieve love.

Psychosomatics (Table of Diseases) explains that such diseases are caused due to the adoption of others close to heart.Feeling bitterness and feeling as little in the life of joyful.The infection of the body says not only about weakened immunity, but also about the weakness of the spirit of a person: he does not feel forces for self-affirmation. Pessimists are often susceptible.
Excess weight

A person must learn to respect himself, listening to himself, trying to fulfill the requests of other people. Surrounding, having received a refusal, must understand, "that you have a lot of self-esteem, and will respect more."

The unconscious conviction that to enhance your authority you need more places. "I'm not fat, but big." Sometimes it happens after a strong psychological injury or a tragic case in the form of a protective reaction. The feeling of saturation of food gives a sense of security and more love.A person is tested by defenselessness, can not get or achieve the desired.Such an excessive accumulation of fat in the body becomes a problem, causing a health problem. A man who suffered humiliation in childhood, having matured, is fear of being in an unpleasant situation associated with shame.
Myoma uterus

Conduct with fear caused by the possible occurrence of pregnancy.

If a woman is no longer in childbirth, it is necessary to reorient its unfulfilled mother's function to another goal.

A woman wants to start offspring, but did not use his opportunity and "shears" replacement. If a woman is not able to get pregnant because of diseases in the uterus, then her fear prevails over the desire to have a child.
Urolithiasis disease

You must learn to forgive and do not dive with your resentment, love yourself.

Stone is a concentration of rage and anger accumulated over the years.Bitter and heavy reflections, overestimated pride and curses.

The reason lies in a vulnerable pride. It is necessary to burn out from unnecessary and unnecessary problems, ask for help from others.

This is a foul relationship to yourself, "non-chosen tears." Arises due to the sensation of its importance.Request for help, tears inside ourselves.
Poisoning (nausea and vomiting)

The inner state of a person forces him to feel that his other person acts, it is necessary to show compassion for him and to himself. To tell:
"I have forces and opportunities, I can take everything that comes to me."

Psychosomatics: This table of diseases (how to treat is described in the last column) gives the following explanation: the causes of poisoning - the rejection of the patient of something unpleasant.Decitment of ideas with great perseverance, fear of new.Inxication - the separation of toxic substances by the body: with an external person is strongly exposed to outside, as a result of which physical poisoning happens.
Liver and its disease

The person is angry instead of the opportunity to adapt to the events and the situation, and in reality you need to think about it and make a decision, do not try to change others and at the same time offended by them.

Poor well-being, constant complaints about everything. The accumulation of all negative opinions and life ideas.Permanent causing attitude towards everything and excuse itself in everything.The metaphysical meaning of the phrase "proceed with bile" corresponds to the explanation of the causes of the disease.
Pneumonia (lung inflammation)

Self-pressure: "I am free and breathing, I will listen to all divine ideas. This is the beginning of a reasonable life. "

There was an unexpected and threatening event, because of which the patient does not know how to cope with it and live.Man desperately and tired of life, accumulated an incomplete emotional injury.Heavy experiences due to an unexpected event that threatens all the future life.
Diarrhea (stomach disorder)

Diarrhea often begins with fear for itself. How to treat: To get rid of this problem, you need to increase your self-esteem, then you will also appreciate other people. "I have no more disagreement with life."

Psychosomatics (Table of Diseases) Determines the cause of diarrhea - this is the fear of a person before bad consequences or manifestations of aggression, the desire to get rid of all unpleasant.Strong fear, refusal and escape from all troubles.A man at the emotional level hastily refuses something useful, depriving himself joy and gratitude for useful experience. Insufficient self-esteem.
Kidneys and their diseases

Learn to exercise your inner strength without looking at critical statements. You need to learn to watch and see the true guise of people, and not to create their ideal images in the imagination

The disease is manifested in a violation of equilibrium, when a person incorrectly selects the goals and ways to achieve, disruption of the balance.Disappointment and failure in something, exposure to criticism. Sensations of shame and shame (like children).The kidneys regulate the fluid in the body, and therefore the kidney diseases talk about the inability and powerlessness of a person to solve the necessary questions (by service or in relationships with people).

The man needs to be aware and take their fears and illness, to overcome it with the awareness that physical aging does not affect creative and other abilities.

The cause at the age of men, when the disease proves that, in addition to sexual problems, there are still other values \u200b\u200bin life (material and spiritual).Internal experiences and fears underestimate sexuality and masculinity.The disease in men older than 50 years of age means his experience and feeling of impotence.
Cancer (Oncology)

The disease occurs due to the accumulation of negative feelings, after reaching an emotional limit. Exit - to forgive everyone who hate and become another person, change.

The reason lies in childhood, when the child experienced a sense of loneliness, constantly feeling that the end would come to everything, and the bad would remain. The desire for death after betrayal.Old resentment and wounds, heavy mountain or gloomy mystery do not bring peace, leaving a feeling of not passing hatred.Cancer is the consequence of injury rejected, humiliated by betrayal or injustice of a person.

Child, sick diabetes, you need to stop thinking that the family rejects him.

Acute desire in permanent love and care from other people. The elderly appears when a set of excess weight, when the food replaces love.A big need for control, accompanies grief and long-term longing.The patient is a sensitive and loyal man, trying to take care of others, realizing some other plans.


Love yourself in any condition "I am a divine expression of life."

There is no love for yourself, the teenager is in the feeling of disagreement with himself.
Chronic insomnia

Sleep is a wonderful adviser, everything will work out.

Too strong control, fear of unknown, anxiety, an attempt to push something incomprehensible and threatening.The reason lies in the feelings of fear and disbelief in life, the feeling of guilt.In the afternoon, the events occurred are concerned and do not find the right answer.
Eczema Anxiety and fear of fear cause nervous state, uncertainty.The reason is mental disruptions and irreconcilable antagonism.The patient worries and feels fear, little confidence in itself.

It is important to make the right conclusions and believe in yourself

In the above summary information "Psychosomatics (Table of Diseases)", how to treat this or that illness is described, taking into account their psychological reasons for the appearance of a person. Believe yourself and cure the disease yourself!

This table, of course, will not be able to replace the traditional methods of treating diseases, but will help to find a sick harmony of the spirit and body.

On the cure of the disease according to the method of Louise Hay, see this video:

All about psychosomatics Diseases See this video:

On the relationship of the character of a person and his illness, you will learn from this video:

The theory that any thoughts have a material basis are embodied in our affairs and in how we build relationships with others, no longer new. Thoughts form our reality, affect the well-being and cause the development of various diseases. Such statements were launched by ancient doctors and philosophers.
Since the time of antiquity, the doctrine of the psychological causes of diseases came to its modern mind, turning into science psychosomatics, the founder of which is considered to be Louise Hay.

Psychosomatics is at the intersection of medicine and psychology. It is based on the situation of the relationship of the soul and human body, the violation of which is a mental cause of diseases. For a more accurate understanding of this theory, the author developed a summary table of diseases, which doctors and psychologists have been successfully used in their practice for more than one year.

Louise Hay's biography can not be called completely happy, however, it was the difficulties that experienced on her life path allowed the author to fully describe the mental meaning of diseases, which became the most important discovery for modern psychology. The fact is that the author diagnosed terrible disease, uterus cancer. But, no matter how surprisingly it did not sound, the founder of psychosomatics was able to launch himself in just a few months, simply analyzing the mechanisms for the development of their disease. Long reflections and constructive analysis of their lives led Louise Hay to the development of a table in which she presented the spiritual causes of almost all existing diseases. Using the full table Louise Hay, it is possible to visually see the negative impact of the problems unresolved by a person (for example, hidden offshore, anger, anger, conflict) on any, even with a strong health organism.

However, the most valuable thing that presented the world of psychology and medicine founder of a psychosomatic approach is the idea that knowing the mental causes of diseases may be healing from them in a short time. The cure takes place with the help of affirmations - beliefs that are compiled in accordance with the special rules. Knowing the emotional cause of one or another disease, and using the proposed settings for its treatment, the healing is quite achievable, the author says about this and therefore considers its task to help people through informing about their experience.

Psychological causes of diseases in Louise Hay: 101 Thought, carrying power

The main position on which the psychosomatic science Louise Hay is based is that the stereotypes of human thinking are formed as a result of experiencing certain negative experiences. In the same position, if it is characterized briefly, the Louise Haye table is based. Knowing the possible psychological causes of diseases in Louise Hay, which will easily determine each of them, carefully examining the table of diseases and emotions, you can almost completely get rid of most of them.

What is the famous table of diseases and their psychological reasons for Louise Hay?
- In the first column, various diseases are presented;
- in the second - emotions that cause them;
- The third column of the table contains a list of affirmations, which will help to adjust their thinking in a positive side, contributing to getting rid of the disease.

After examining the Disease Table Louise Hay, it comes to understand that in fact any non-constructive installations in thinking lead to the development of a certain illness. So, for example, cancer is provoked by casual insults, the development of thrush in most cases contributes to the failure of its partner. The cause of cystitis can be containing negative emotions, and such a common, it would seem that the difficulty disease as an allergy is the result of a person's reluctance to take someone or anything (perhaps even himself).

Even diseases such as patients kidney, eczema, bleeding, swelling and burn, Louise Hay considers tied with destructive thoughts.

Thus, in the table of mental causes of diseases and affirmations, Louise Hay, the metaphysical bases of almost all diseases are fully disclosed. This table has a high value for psychology, as it allows to analyze the causes of diseases from the point of view of possible impairment of psyche.

Table of psychological causes of diseases in Louise Hay

Here is the most famous full health table Louise Hay, which can be read for free online:


Probable CAUSE

Thoughts in a new way

Abscess (Jump) Worrying thoughts about resentment, disregard and revenge. I give thoughts freedom. With the past, finished. I'm calm in my soul.
Adenoids Friction in the family, disputes. The child who feels unwanted. This child is needed, he is desirable and adored.
Alcoholism "Who needs it?" Feeling vainness, guilt, inconsistencies. Rejection of his own personality. I live in today's day. Every moment brings something new. I want to understand what my value is. I love myself and approve of my actions.
Allergy (see also: "Hay Fever") Who don't you take out? Denial of own strength. The world is not dangerous, he is a friend. I do not threaten any danger. I have no disagreement with life.
Amenorrhea (lack of menstruation 6 or more months) (see also: "Women's diseases" and "menstruation") Unwillingness to be a woman. Dislike for yourself. I am pleased that I am as I am. I am a perfect expression of life, and menstruation always passes smoothly.
Amnesia (Loss of Memory) Fear. Escapism. Inability to stand up for yourself. I always have a mind, courage and a high assessment of my own personality. Live - safely.
Angina (see also: "throat," tonsillit ") You hold back from rude words. Feel the inability to express yourself. I discard all the restrictions and gain freedom to be.
Anemia (Malokrovia) Relationship type "Yes, but ..." shortage of joy. Fear of life. Unimportant well-being. I do not harm the feeling of joy in all areas of my life. I love life.
Sickle-cell anemia Faith to their own infringement deprives the joy of life. The child within you lives, breathing the joy of life, and feeds on love. The Lord creates miracles every day.
Anorectal bleeding (presence of blood in feces) Anger and disappointment. I trust the process of life. In my life only the right and beautiful.
Anus (rear pass) (see also: "Hemorrhoids") Inability to get rid of the accumulated problems, offended and emotion. It is easy and pleasant to get rid of everything that will not be needed in life.
Anus: Abscess (Jump) Anger on what you want from getting rid of. Relief is completely safe. My body leaves only that I no longer need it in life.
Anus: Swistz Incomplete getting rid of garbage. The reluctance to part with the garbage of the past. I'm glad to break up with the past. I enjoy freedom.
Anus: itch Feeling guilt for the past. I gladly forgive myself. I enjoy freedom.
Anus: Pain Guilt. The desire for punishment. With the past, finished. I choose love and approve of myself and everything I'm doing now.
Apathy Resistance to feelings. Emotion suppression. Fear. Feel - safe. I go to meet life. I strive to go through life tests.
Appendicitis Fear. Fear of life. Blocking all the best. I'm safe. I relax I expect a stream of life happily flowing further.
Appetite (loss) (see also: "Lack of appetite") Fear. Self-defense. Distrust of life. I love and approve myself. Nothing threatens me. Life is joyful and safe.
Appetite (excessive) Fear. Need protection. Condemnation of emotions. I'm safe. There is no threat to my feelings.
Arteries At the arteries flows the joy of life. Problems with arteries - inability to enjoy life. I am overwhelmed with joy. She spreads in me with every heart impact.
Arthritis of fingers The desire for punishment. Censing yourself. Such a feeling that you are a victim. I look at everything with love and understanding. All the events of my life I consider through the prism of love.
Arthritis (see also: "Sustaines") The feeling that you do not like. Criticism, resentment. I am the love. Now I will love myself and approve my actions. I look at other people with love.
Asthma Inability to breathe for your own good. The feeling of depression. Cutting sobs. Now you can safely take your life in your own hands. I choose freedom.
Asthma in babies and older children Fear of life. Unwillingness to be here. This child is in full security, it loves him.
Atherosclerosis Resistance. Tension. Unshakable stupidity. Failure to see good. I fully open up life and joy. Now I look at everything with love.
Hips (top) Stable body support. The main mechanism when moving forward. Long live hips! Every day is filled with joy. I'm firmly standing on my feet and I use. freedom.
Hips: Diseases Fear of movement forward in the fulfillment of the main solutions. Lack of purpose. My stability is absolute. I am easy and joyfully go ahead in life at any age.
Belie (see also: "Women's diseases", "Vaginit") The conviction that women are powerless to influence the opposite sex. Anger on a partner. I create situations in which I turn out. Power I need me - I myself. My femininity pleases me. I am free.
White acne The desire to hide ugly appearance. I consider myself beautiful and beloved.
Infertility Fear and resistance to the life process or the lack of need for the acquisition of parental experience. I believe in life. Making the right thing at the right time, I always find where you need. I love and approve myself.
Insomnia Fear. Distrust of the life process. Guilt. With love, I leave this day and gave a peaceful sleep, knowing that tomorrow will take care of himself.
Rabies Evil. The confidence is that the only answer is violence. The world settled in me and around me.
Lateral amyotrophic sclerosis (Lu Geriga disease; Russian Term: Charcot's disease) Lack of desire to recognize its own value. Non-recognition of success. I know that I am a standing person. Achieving success is safe for me. Life loves me.
Addison disease (chronic adrenal cortex failure) (see also: "Adrenal: Diseases") Acute emotional hunger. Anger aimed at himself. I take love to take care of my body, thoughts, emotions.
Alzheimer's disease (type of dememoracy) (see also: "Larovoye" and "Old age") Unwillingness to take the world as it is. Hopelessness and helplessness. Anger. There is always a newer, the best way to enjoy life. I forgive and betray the past oblivion. I

i am giving joy.

Louise Hay's books are popular from both doctors and psychologists and ordinary readers who want to find detailed information about diseases and their possible causes. The author's work and its followers (for example, "Your body says: Love yourself!", Which supplied the teachings of the founder of psychosomatics, expanding on the basis of the description of the metaphysics of diseases a list of affirmations for healing from them) has long become bestsellers.

Thus, in the book "Heal their body" Louise Hay describes in detail the mechanisms of how a person himself creates its illness with the help of improper thinking. The author claims that a person has the ability to self-herded - it is only possible to "configure" the process of thinking correctly, which is just possible with the help of the author text - affirmations.

Interesting and also a fairly popular addition to this book was the creative album "Heal their life", published by Louise Hayy somewhat later. In it, the author gathered special techniques that will be for the reader in its kind training, allowing to gain positive changes in all life spheres.
Thus, the Table of Diseases Louise Hay and Books, the details of the information presented in it, allow the reader to take a look at the disease perfectly in a new way, setting their psychological root causes, and find the way to healing. In fact, this is the ideal instruction for those who want to live in harmony with the world and with them, gain happiness and health.

Instead of imprisonment

The psychosomatic theory of Louise Hay has successfully proven its effectiveness in practice, turning the consciousness of many people in a positive side. About its significance for modern psychology is evidenced by the fact that it is the books of Louise Hay recommended by their patients even doctors who are adherents of traditional medicine. Thus, psychosomatic science is so amazing and real, that make sure its effectiveness has become possible even for the most tary skeptics.

Blood - "Liquid fabric" of our organism that performs many important functions - It is breathing, and food, and removal of exhaust exchange products. It transfers hormones, maintains water-salt exchange, acid-alkaline equilibrium and constant body temperature. Protects us from all kinds of alien agents (microbes, viruses, bacteria).

As can be seen from the listed, the work of individual organs, systems and the whole organism directly depends on the quality of your blood, From the state of the entire cardiovascular system as a whole. Blood cleaning allows you to maintain it in excellent form.

The best time for her - Spring.

Lymph is a circulating form of the intercellular fluid. It is very similar to the blood in its composition and contains some of its components that leak through the walls of blood vessels.

The main functions of lymphs: trophic (nutritious) and protective. It plays a huge role in supplying cells with nutrients and the removal of waste elements of the exchange, dead leukocytes, phagocytes, microbes, viruses, etc. The poisons and bacterial toxins are easily penetrated into it, neutralized in lymph nodes.

The acceleration of the Lymph current increases the intensity and dynamism of metabolic processes, and the slowdown and stagnation of lymphatic fluid muffled the life of cells and tissues.

When the organism is very large, lymph nodes, the spleen is filled with toxins, slags, they cannot perform their cleansing and protective functions. Therefore, the lymphociation is greatly relieved by people with pulmonary, cardiovascular, renal diseases and people with fatigue syndromes.


The lymphatic system is a combination of specialized capillaries and vessels involved in the transportation of lymphs from tissues and organs into the venous system. Lymph is a colorless or amber fluid that ensures the metabolism between the blood and tissues of the body. It transmits nutrients from the blood into the cells and returns cell waste into the blood. Diseases of the lymphatic system include swelling of lymph nodes and cancer.

Lymph nodes are similar to small oval thickening and are located everywhere in the course of the lymphatic system. Each lymphatic node has its own functions and its "territory." These nodes help the cells of the body get rid of life waste, returning them into the blood. They also help the body to defend themselves from infections.
Emotional blocking

Swimming or inflammation of the lymphatic node says that a person has been regretted for too long caused by someone or something. He would like the situation to develop in accordance with his plans, but cannot come into contact with a person from which this situation depends. It blocks relations with it just like the circulation of lymph in its body.

Such a mental installation does not allow him to realize my life plans. He ceases to appreciate himself, feels awkward in relations with people. The swollen gland in the left armpit spindle says that a person lays himself in a relationship with his children, in the right - in relations with other people (his wife or spouse, employee, etc.), in groin - in sexual relations.
Mental blocking

You must understand what to control all situations and all the people with whom you have to deal is impossible. Such a delusion is an eternal source of regrets and disappointments. You oversail, since you have too much mistakes about what you have to do and who should be to keep a good relationship with people. Your body wants you to understand that your opportunities are not impossible. Try to look at the situation at a different angle. In it, undoubtedly, there is a good party, namely the opportunity to relax and love yourself. Failure to fight and attempt to slow down the natural course of things is not the best way to resist difficulties.

Liz Burbo

  • If you failed to find a solution to your situation with this article, I will find a consultation and we will find a way out together.

    This is a description of the nature of the "unhappy" person

    His 2 main problems:

    1) Chronic dissatisfaction of needs,

    2) the inability to direct your anger internship, containing it, and with it to keep and all warm feelings, every year they make it more and more despairing: so that he will do it better, on the contrary, only worse. Cause - He does a lot, but not that.

    If you do nothing, then, over time, or the person "burns at work", loading itself more and more - until complete exhaustion; Either his own self will be devastated and disinterested, an unbearable hatred of herself will appear, refusal to care for himself, in the future - even from self-physician.

    A person becomes similar to the house, from which bailiffs carried furniture.

    Against the background of hopelessness, despair and exhaustion there are no strength, energy even on thinking.

    Full loss of ability to love. He wants to live, but begins to die: the dream, metabolism is disturbed ...

    It is difficult to understand what he lacks precisely because it is not about the destruction of the possession of someone or something. On the contrary, he has the possession of destruction, and he is not able to understand what is deprived. It turns out to be their own self. He is unbearably painful and empty: it can not even arrange it in words.

    If you learned in the description of yourself, and you want to change something, you need to urgently learn to two things:

    1. To learn the following text by heart and repeat it all the time until you learn how to use the results of these new beliefs:

    • I have the right to need. I am, and I - I am.
    • I have the right to need and meet the needs.
    • I have the right to ask for satisfaction, the right to seek what I need.
    • I have the right to crave love and love others.
    • I have the right to a decent organization of life.
    • I have the right to express discontent.
    • I have the right to regret and sympathy.
    • ... on birth right.
    • I can get a refusal. I can be alone.
    • I'll take care of myself anyway.

    I want to draw the attention of my readers to the fact that the task of "learn the text" is not an end in itself. Autotraining itself will not give any sustainable results. Every phrase is important to live, feel, find it confirmation in life. It is important that the person wants to believe that the world can be arranged somehow differently, and not just as he got used to imagine him. What is from himself, from his ideas about the world and about themselves in this world, it depends on how he will live this life. And these phrases are only a reason for thinking, reflection and searches for our own, new truths.

    2. To learn how to send aggression on the one to whom it is addressed in fact.

    ... Then the opportunity to experience and express to people and warm feelings will appear. Realize that anger is not destroyed, and can be presented.

    Want to know what is missing a person to become happy?

    You can sign up for a consultation at this link:

    For K. Ageuya "negative emotion" is needed or desire, the satisfaction of which is the key to changes in life ...

    To search for these treasures, I invite you to your advice:

    You can sign up for a consultation at this link:

    Psychosomatic diseases (it will be correct) - these are those disorders in our body, which are based on psychological reasons. psychological reasons are our reactions to traumatic (complex) life events, our thoughts, feelings, emotions that do not find timely, correct for a particular person of expression.

    Mental protection is triggered, we forget about this event through time, and sometimes instantly, but the body and unconscious part of the psyche remember and send us signals in the form of disorders and diseases

    Sometimes the call can respond to some events from the past, withdraw the "buried" feelings outward, or the symptom simply symbolizes what we prohibit ourselves.

    You can sign up for a consultation at this link:

    The negative impact of stress on the human body, and especially the distress, colossal. Stress and the likelihood of disease development are closely interrelated. It suffices to say that stress is able to reduce immunity by approximately 70%. Obviously, such a decrease in immunity may pour into anything. And even well, if it is just colds, and if oncological diseases of orastma, the treatment of which is already extremely difficult?

The famous author of 15 publications in psychology and psychosomatics - Louise Hay. Her books helped a large number of people to cope with serious diseases. The Disease Table Louise Hay includes various diseases, the psychological reasons for their appearance. There are also affirmations (new approaches to the process of treating the soul and body). The books "heal their body", how to heal their life Louise Hay became desktop for a significant number of people.

Is it possible to heal yourself

The famous table of disease Louise Hay is worth finding in one of the popular writer books. Her work in a matter of days has become very popular worldwide. The publication healed himself, Louise Haya himself is represented not only in the print version, it is easy to download for free in video and audio format. The American writer is called the "queen of affirmations", because its treatment technique really works.

Motivating book consists of several sections:

  1. Bestseller begins with the theory. In this part of the book, the causes of diseases in Louise Hay are considered. The author of the book believes that the sources of health problems are old stereotypes of the vision of life, which remained in the subconscious from childhood. Miss Hay is convinced that signs of any physical ailment are an external expression of psychological difficulties hidden deeply in the subconscious.
  2. In the final part of the book, Louise Hayu describes the powerful strength that lives in every person. She is able to positively influence the well-being and life in general.
  3. After studying the theory of the book "Healed itself", everyone will get a chance to familiarize themselves with the miraculous table of Louise Hay disease. Do not hover, start fighting with a notch today.

Diseases and their root cause - Table Louise Hay

The table developed by Louise Hay will help cure not only the body, but also the soul. Thanks to the competent use of tabular data, you will feel the tide of strength and energy, you will be able to defeat any disease, start a new life, full of positive emotions. In the Miss Hay table, only the most common malaise are presented:


Probable source of problem

New method of treating Louise Hay (affirmation)


Refusal to your strength.

The world does not represent danger, he is my best friend. I agree with my life.

Insecurity. You try not to pronounce rude words.

I get rid of all self-restraints, I get free.

Louise Hay believes that the disease is caused by the feeling of depression, containing tears.

My choice is freedom. I calmly take my life in my own hands.

Hurtness, anger on a partner. Belief in the fact that a woman cannot influence a man.

I am overwhelmed with femininity. I myself create situations in which I turn out.


Feeling guilt and fear. Distrust of the events in life.

I am in the arms of a quiet sleep and I know that "tomorrow" itself will take care of himself.


According to Hay, it is a slight expression of hatred. Vera in physical and mental flaws.

I am beauty, love, full of positive life.


Strong doubts in their own value.

I love very much, appreciate myself.

Doomed, long uncertainty in life - according to Louise Hay, lead to the disease.

I do not threaten anything to me. I approve of my actions, respect myself.

Hypertension (increased pressure)

Fear of being punished for any activity. Fatigue from the fight against difficulties.

I enjoy active actions. My spirit is strong.

How to work with a table and healing affirmation

How to use the table with the affirmations of Louise Hay? We answer the question with a detailed instruction:

  1. We choose a disease that interests us from the first column of the Table Hay.
  2. We study the likely emotional source of illness (second column).
  3. Affirmations, invented Miss Hay, are in the last column. We judge the "Mantra" we need, we say it 2 times a day at a minimum.
  4. If you believe in the method of Louise Hay, to maximize information for treatment, practicing every day, the results will not wait to wait.

Video about psychosomatics of diseases in Louise Hay

Diseases are often associated with our emotional state. Not in vain say that all the ailments of nerves. Louise Hay was able to prove that the human body and his internal problems are closely connected. After watching the video will become clear what psychology and psychosomatics of diseases Table Louise Hay. The roller with the Miss Hey seminar will allow you to learn about the unique technique in more detail.

Louise Hay - one of the first masters of our time began to talk about the relationship of all human systems: the physical body, emotions and thoughts. She argued that non-harmonic thoughts and painful emotions destroy the physical body, cause illness. Louise Hay has created a unique table in which a certain thought corresponds to each disease, a vital installation.

Physical diseases and their respective root causes on the psychological level

Problem / Probable Cause / New Approach

Abscess / concentration in the former insults, vengeful feelings. I free my thoughts from the past. I am in peace and harmony with myself.

Addison disease (see also: adrenal diseases). Serious emotional insufficiency. Anger on yourself. I take love to my body, thoughts and emotions.

Adenoids. Intelligence in the family. The feeling of a child that he is not needed to anyone. This is welcome, a favorite child.

Alcoholism. All senseless. The feeling of the strugnure of the existence, the feeling of guilt, inadequacy and self-denial. I live here. I make the right choice. I love and appreciate myself.

Allergic reactions (see also: hay fever). Who are you allergic? Denial of own strength. The world is safe and friendly. I do not threaten anything, I'm in Ladu with life.

Amenorrhea (see also: Gynecological Diseases, Menstrual Disturbance). Unwillingness to be a woman. Hate yourself. I like being the one I am. I am an excellent expression of smoothly current life.

Amnesia. Fear. Escapism. Inability to stand up for yourself. Mind, courage, the ability to correctly appreciate yourself - my inalienable qualities. I am not afraid of life.

Anemia. Diffidence. Joyless life. Fear of life. You consider yourself not good. I am not afraid to get joy from life. I love life.

Anorexia (see also: Loss of appetite). Denial of life. Exaggerated fears, hate and denial themselves as individuals. I'm not afraid to be myself. I am beautiful as it is. My choice is life. My choice is joy and taking yourself.

Anorectal bleeding (hematohasis). Anger and irritability. I trust life. In my life there is a place only for good, the right action.

Anus (see also: Hemorrhoids). Liberation canal from all unnecessary. Extreme clogs. I easily frees from what no longer needs life.

Abscesses. Irritation and anger on what you do not want to free yourself. I'm not afraid when something decreases. It takes what I don't need anymore.

Fistula. Incomplete cleansing from the garbage of the past. I willingly free from the past. I am free. I am love myself.

Itching Wines in the past. Repentance. I forgive myself. I am free.

Pain. Wines. The desire to punish yourself. The sense of own imperfection. Past rushed into the fly. My choice is to love and approve to treat yourself in the present.

Apathy. Reluctance to feel. Burial itself alive. Fear. I feel safe. I am open to life. I want to feel life.

Appendicitis. Fear. Fear of life. Unwillingness to perceive good. I feel safe. I relaxed and happily sailing on the waves of life.

Artery. Inability to rejoice in life. I am full of joy. She spreads for me.

Arthritis of finger hands Desire to punish yourself. Condemnation. Feeling victim. I look at the world with love and understanding. All that happens in life, I perceive through the prism of love.

Arthritis (see also: joints). Understanding that never loved. Criticism, contempt. I am love myself. I now decided to love myself and treat my love. I look at others with love.

Asthma. Crushed love. Inability to live for yourself. Suppression of feelings. I am not afraid to become a master of life. I decided to be free.

Asthma. In children are afraid of life. Unwillingness is in this place. Baby does not threaten anything, he bathes in love. This is a welcome child, and all his indices.

Atherosclerosis. Internal resistance, voltage. Progressing narrow thinking. Unwillingness to see good. I am open to life and joy. My choice is a look at the world with love.

Hips. Captured children's anger. Often anger on the father. I imagine my father child devoid of parental love, and easily forgive him. We are both free.

Hip (a). Support equilibrium. On them the main load when moving forward. Long live every new day. I'm balanced and free.

Infertility. Fear and resistance of life. Or unwillingness to take advantage of the life experience of parents. I trust the process of life. I always do what you need, where you need and when you need. I love and appreciate myself.

Anxiety, anxiety. Distrust of life. I love myself and with approval I treat myself. I trust the process of life. I do not feel fear.

Insomnia. Fear. Inappropriate attitude to life. Feeling guilt. I happily say goodbye to the last day and plunge into peaceful sleep, knowing that tomorrow will take care of me.

Rabies. Anger. Confidence that violence is the answer. Around me rest, and in my soul I calmly.

Myopia (see: eye diseases, myopia).

Side amitrocy sclerosis (Lou Geriga disease). Unwillingness to recognize their own significance, to succeed. I know myself. I'm not afraid to succeed. Life is favorable to me.

Diseases of the hips. Fear moving forward in solving the main problems. Lack of traffic target. I reached absolute equilibrium. I go ahead in life with ease and joy at any age.

Horrel diseases (see also: acute inflammation of almonds, tonsillitis). Holding anger. Inability to express yourself. I am freed from all prohibitions. I am free and can be myself.

Diseases of the throat (see also: tonsillit) inability to speak. Holding anger. Cheating creative activity. Unwillingness change yourself. How cool to pronounce sounds. I am free and happily express myself. I easily speak from my own behalf. I express my creative "I". I want to constantly change.

Disease glands. Incorrect distribution of ideas. Unwillingness to part with the past. All divine ideas and spheres of activity in which I need is known to me. Now I move forward.

Diseases of the tooth, dental canal. Unable to clutch your teeth in anything. No beliefs. All destroyed. Teeth symbolize the ability to make decisions. Indecision. Inability to analyze ideas, make a decision. I laid a solid foundation for my life. My beliefs support me. I accept the right decisions and feel confident, knowing that I always do it right.

Knee disease. Stubborn "I" and pride. Inability to give up. Lack of flexibility. Forgiveness. Understanding. Sympathy. My flexibility allows me to easily go through life. All right.

Bone diseases:

Deformation (see also: osteomyelitis, osteoporosis). Mental pressure and stiffness. Muscles are compressed. Loss of mental mobility. I breathe full of breasts. I am relaxed and trusting the process of life.

Blood diseases: (see also: leukemia). Lack of joy. Insufficient exchange of ideas. New joyful ideas are freely circulated in me.

Blood coagulation disorders (see: Anemia) - blockage. Blocked the flow of joy. I awakened a new life.

Diseases of the frontal sinuses (sinusitis). Irritation experienced in relation to a close person. I proclaim the world, and harmony lives in me and surrounds me constantly. All right.

Diseases of the mammary glands. Unwillingness to indulge yourself. The problems of other people are always in the first place. I appreciate me, are considered to me. I now care about myself with love and joy.

Cyst, tumor, mastitis. Excessive maternal concern, desire to protect. Accounting excessive responsibility. I let others be as they are. We are all free and nothing threatens us.

Urinary bubble diseases (cystitis). Sense of anxiety. Adherence to old ideas. Fear of release. Feeling humiliation. I calmly break up with the past and welcome everything new in my life. I am not afraid of anything.

Foot diseases (bottom). Fear of the future. Reluctance to move. I am happily and confidently go ahead, knowing that everything will be fine in the future.

Diseases of the respiratory organs (see also: seizures of suffocation, hyperventilation). Fear or unwillingness to choose a lot of breasts. The feeling that it is not entitled to take a seat under the sun and even exist. I live on the right of birth to full and free life. I deserve love. My choice is a full-blooded life.

Liver diseases (see also: hepatitis, jaundice). Standing complaints. Search for disadvantages to fool yourself. The feeling that is not good enough. I want to live with an open heart. I am looking for love and find it everywhere.

Diseases of the kidneys. Criticism, disappointment, failure. Shame. Reaction like a small child. Guided by providence, I do it right in my life. And in response I only get good. I'm not afraid to develop.

Back Diseases:

Lower department. Fear having money. Lack of financial support. I trust the process of life. I will be given everything I need. I'm safe.

Medium department. Guilt. The inability to part with the past. The desire to be alone. I break up with the past. I am free, I can go further, radiating love.

Top department. Lack of emotional support. Confidence that dislike. Keeping feelings. I love myself and with approval I treat myself. Life supports and loves me.

Neck disease. Unwillingness to consider the problem from different sides. Stubbornness. Rigidity. I easily agree to consider the problem from different sides. I am a flexible man. We are given a variety of solutions and you need to use it. I am not afraid of anything.

Alzheimer's disease (see also: dementia, old age). Unwillingness to perceive the world as it is. Hopelessness and helplessness. Anger. There is always a new opportunity to fully experience life. I say goodbye to my past. I'm starting to live joyfully.

Bright's disease (see also: jade). He feels like a child who does everything in some way, considers himself a loser. I love myself and treat my approval. I care about myself. I am always adequate.

Incenko's disease - Cushing (see also: adrenal disease). Imbalance ideas. Roll towards destructive. Sensation of crushing. I love my thoughts and body with love. I concentrate on thoughts that allow you to feel good.

Crohn's disease (inflammation of the small intestine). Fear. Anxiety. It seems that not good enough. I love and appreciate myself. I do everything in my power. I am beautiful. I'm in Lada with me.

Disease of the lymphatic system. Warning that your brain must focus on the most important thing in life. From now on, I fully concentrate on life in love and joy. I live calmly. In my thoughts, peace, love and joy.

Parkinson's disease (see also: paralysis). Fear and strong desire to control everyone and that's it. I stay in a relaxed state, as I know that nothing threatens me. Life turned to me face, and I trust her.

Padpet disease. The feeling that the earth goes out under the feet. No one to rely on. I know that life supports me. Life loves me and cares about me.

Huntington's disease (progressive hereditary chorea). Dispose of yourself from the inability to influence others. Hopelessness. I give all things in the hands of providence. I'm in Lada with my life.

Khodkins disease. Fear not to meet the standard. Fighting to prove that you stand something. Fighting to a victorious end. The joy of life, forgotten by race for recognition. I am happy that I can be like I am. I am good enough. I love and appreciate myself. I radiate and absorb the joy.

Pain (new). Thirst for love and desire to feel near support. I love and appreciate myself. I am worthy of love.

Pain (acute). Wines. Wines always seeking punishment. I do not hold evil for the past and refuse him. Everything around me is free, and I am also free. One kindness remained in my heart.

Pain in the ears (otitis: inflammation of the external, middle and inner ear). Rage. Unwillingness to listen. Too many problems. Conflicts between parents. There is a solid harmony around me. I am happily listening to everything pleasant and good. I am a focus of love.

Boy. Anger, hooked inside. I joyfully express my emotions.

Bronchitis. Stormy family life. Disputes and screams. Sometimes closure in yourself. I proclaimed the world and harmony in myself and around myself. All right.

Bulimia. Feeling hopelessness and horror. Flashing hate to yourself. I am loved, I cherished me and supports life itself. I'm not afraid to live.

Bursitis. Depressed anger. Desire to hit anyone. Only love takes off tension, and everything that is not saturated with love retreats to the background.

Vaginites (see also: gynecological diseases, leikore). Anger on the sexual partner. Sexy wine. Self-suming. My love and respect I feed to myself are reflected in relation to those around me. I am delighted with my sexuality.

Thymus. The main iron of the immune system. The feeling that life is aggressive. My full love of thoughts support my immune system. I do not threaten anything from the inside, nor outside. I listen to my love.

Epstein Virus - Barra (Malgic-Sky Encephalitis). Stay on the verge of breakdown. Fear is not good enough. All internal resources are exhausted. Permanent stress. I relaxed and realized my value. I am quite good. Life is easy and joyful.

Blisters. Resistance to everything. Lack of emotional protection. I easily stepping in life and perceive everything that happens in it. I'm all good.

Volchanka (system red lupus). Defeatism. It is better to die than to stand up for yourself. Anger and punishment. I can easily and freely stand up for myself. I declare my strength. I love and appreciate myself. I am free and I'm not afraid of anyone.

Inflammation of the glands (see: Infectious Mononucleosis):

Inflammation of the watched canal (see also: wrist) / anger and confusion, as life seems unfair. I decided to create a joyful and rich life for myself. I am easy.

Ear inflammation / fear, red circles before your eyes. Inflamed imagination. I have peaceful, calm thoughts.

Nail rustling on the fingers. The feeling of concern and guilt due to your right go ahead. The Lord gave me the right to choose his way in life. I'm safe. I am free.

Congenital cysts. Solid confidence that life turned to you back. Pity for yourself. Life loves me, and I love life. I decide to live full and free life.

Writing (abortion, spontaneous abortion). Fear. Fear of the future. Posting for later. Do all the nefple, not on time. Guided by providence, I make the right things in life. I love and appreciate myself. All right.

Rash (see: Walled diseases, simple herpes). Halitosis (see also: an unpleasant smell of mouth). Destructive position, dirty gossip, dirty thoughts. I'm saying gently and with love. I exhale good.

Gangrene. Painful mentality. Bitter thoughts do not allow you to feel joy. I concentrate on pleasant thoughts and let the joy to flow through the stream through my body.

Hyperglycemia (see: Diabetes).

Hyperthyroidism (see also: thyroid gland). The rage due to the fact that you feel no one needed. I'm in the center of life. I appreciate myself and everything I see around.

Hypoglycemia. Too much in life worries. All in vain. I decided to make my life with bright, light and joyful.

Hypothyroidism (see also: thyroid gland). Desire to surrender. Feeling hopelessness, depressed. I am building a new life according to new laws that support me in everything.

Pituitary. Ensures the management center by all processes. My body and thoughts in absolute equilibrium. I control my thoughts.

Eyes). They personify the opportunity to clearly see the past, the present and the future, I look at life with joy and love.

Eye diseases (see also: barley): rejection of what happens in life. From now on, I create a life on which it will be pleasant to watch.

Astigmatism. I am a source of trouble. Fear to see yourself in the true light. From now on, I want to see my beauty and splendor.

Cataract. Inability to look ahead with joy. Gloomy future. Life is eternal and full of joy.

Baby eye diseases. Unwillingness to see what is happening in the family. From now on, the child lives in harmony, joy, beauty and security.

Squint (see also: keratitis). Reluctance to look at life. Contliminate aspirations. I'm not afraid to watch. I am in Lada myself.

Falcastness (hypermetropium). Fear of the present. I know for sure: here and now nothing threatens me.

Glaucoma. Absolute inability to forgive. Cargo old offense. You are overflowing them. I look at the world with tenderness and love.

Gastritis (see also: Diseases of the stomach). Long stay in suspended state. Feeling of doomed. I love and appreciate myself. I am not afraid of anything.

Hemorrhoids (see also: anus). Fear of the last feature. Anger for the past. Fear to give will feelings. Oppression. I refused everything that loves love. Places and time for everything I want to do is enough.

Genitals. Personify male and female principles. I'm not afraid to be like I am.

Diseases of genitals. Concern about the fact that it is not good enough. My life gives me joy. I am beautiful as it is. I love and appreciate myself.

Hepatitis (see also: liver diseases). Reluctance to change something. Fear, anger, hatred. Liver as focusing anger and rage. I have good, refused brains. I finished with the past and moving forward. All right.

Herpes (herpetic rashes on genitalia). Absolute confidence in sexual fault and the need for punishment. Shame as a reaction to publication. Vera in the punishing God. The desire to forget about the genitals. My understanding of God supports me. I am absolutely normal and behave naturally. My sexuality and my body deliver joy. I am beautiful.

Herpety rash (see also: Simple herpes). The containment of angry words and the fear of them to pronounce. I create an exceptionally positive attitude, as I love myself. All right.

Gynecological diseases (see also: Amenorrhea, Dysmenorrhea, Fibroma, Leicore, Menstrual Cycle Disruption, Vaginites). Denial itself as a person. Denial of femininity. Refusal of female principles. I am delighted with my femininity. I like being a woman I love my body.

Hyperactivity. Fear. Feeling pressure. Irritation. I do not threaten me, no one presses on me. I am not a bad person.

Hyperventilation (see also: attacks of suffocation, diseases of the respiratory organs). Fear, incredulous attitude to life. I feel safe in this world. I love myself and trust life.

Myopia (see also: Myopia). Fear of the future. I manage the creator, so I always feel safe.

Exotropia. Fear of the present. I love and appreciate myself right now.

GLOBUS hysteric (see: Feeling of a foreign body in the throat).

Deafness. Rejection of all and all, stubbornness, isolation. What you do not want to hear? "Do not disturb me." I listen to the vote of the creator and enjoy what I hear. I have everything.

Jews (fuunkula) (see also: Carbuncules). Stormy manifestation of maliciousness and anger. I am love and joy myself. I live in peace and harmony.

Shin. Broken, destroyed ideas. The skin personifies the norms of life. I reached the highest standards in love and joy.

Headache (see also: Migraine). Rejection yourself. Critical attitude towards his person. Fear. I love and appreciate myself. I look at myself with my eyes full of love. I am not afraid of anything.

Dizziness. Thoughts flute like butterflies, scattering thoughts. Unwillingness to have their own glance. I focus and calm. I'm not afraid to live and rejoice.

Gonorrhea (see also: Venericual diseases). I have to be punished, because I'm bad. I love my body. I like that I am sexy. I love myself.

Throat. The path of self-expression. Channel of creativity. I open my heart and sneeze the joy of love.

Fight fungal disease. Fear to be incomprehensible. Inability is easy to go ahead. I love myself and with approval I treat myself. I allow myself to go ahead. I'm not afraid to move forward.

Fungal diseases (see also: Candidiasis). Fear take the wrong decision. I make decisions with love, as I know that I can change. I'm safe.

Fungus. Outdated stereotypes. Unwillingness to say goodbye to the past. Permission to rule over the present. I am happily and freely live in the present.

Influenza (see also: respiratory diseases). Reaction to a negative environment and belief. Fear. Trust the numbers. I am above group beliefs and do not trust the numbers. I was freed from all prohibitions and influences.

Hernia. Broken relationships. Tensions, depressions, inability to express yourself in creativity. I have non-aggressive and harmonious thoughts. I love and appreciate myself. I can be myself.

Nibble nails. Confusion. Selfhood. Contemptive attitude towards parents. I'm not afraid to grow up. From now on, I easily and happily lead my life.

Depression. Your attacks rage are unfounded. Full hopelessness. Fears of other people, their prohibitions do not worry me. I myself create my life.

Childhood diseases. Trust of fortune telling, social concepts and false laws. Behavior, like a child in an adult environment. This child protects providence. It is surrounded by love. He developed spiritual immunity.

Diabetes (hyperglycemia, diabetes mellitus). Association due to missed opportunities. Thirst to keep everything under control. Deep sadness. Any moment of life is filled with joy. I'm happy to meet today.

Dysmenorrhea (see also: gynecological diseases. Menstrual violation). Anger on yourself. Hate to your own body or women. I love my body. I love myself. I love all my cycles. All right.

Breath. Personifies the ability to inhale life. I love life. Live - safely.

Glands. They personify a certain position: "The main position in society." I possess creative power.

Jaundice (see: liver disease). Domestic and external causes of prejudice. Imbalance reasons. I treat all people, including yourself, tolerant, with sympathy and love.

Stomach. Delays food. Digesting ideas. I easily "digest" life.

Cholelithiasis. Bitterness. Grave thoughts. Curse. Pride. I gladly freed from the past. I, like life, such! Same pleasant.

Gum disease. Inability to perform solutions. Unstable position in life. I am strong. I filled myself and my thoughts with love.

Respiratory diseases (see also: bronchitis, colds, influenza). Fear "inhale" life with full breasts. I'm safe, I love my life.

Gastric diseases: gastritis, belching, stomach ulcer. Horror. Fear new. Inability to learn new. I have no conflict with life. I constantly assume a new one every minute. All right.

Diseases of adrenal glands (see also: Incenko's disease - Cushing). Failure to fight. Unwillingness to take care of herself. Constant anxiety. I love myself. I can take care of myself.

Disease disease. Fear weakens masculinity. Hands are lowered. Feeling of sexual pressure and a growing feeling of guilt. The belief that is age. I love and appreciate myself. I am Odo-crap my power. I preserve the youth of the soul.

Liquid delay in the body (see also: swelling). What are you afraid of losing? I gladly break up with ballast.

Stuttering. Uncertainty. Incomplete expression. Tears as relief - not for you. No one bothers me to talk on my own behalf. Now I'm sure I can express myself. At the heart of my communication with people lies only love.

Constipation. Unwillingness to part with old ideas. The desire to remain in the past. Cutting poison. After parting the past, I free the place for a new and lively. I miss life through myself.

Tinnitus. Unwillingness to listen to others, listen to inner voice. Stubbornness. I trust my "I". I liste with love to my inner voice. I participate only in those events that love.

Goiter (see also: thyroid gland). There is no irritation that they impose someone else's will. The feeling that you are a victim deprived of life. Dissatisfaction. I have power and authority in life. No one bothers me to be myself.

Itching Desires that are contrary to character. Dissatisfaction. Conscience remorse. Passionate desire to leave or escape. I am deceased where I am. I accept everything that I should know, knowing that my needs and desires will be satisfied.

Idiopathic paralysis of the face muscles (see also: paralysis). Controlled anger. Unwillingness to express feelings. I am not afraid to express my feelings. I forgive myself.

Overweight (see also: obesity). Fear of protection. Fear of feelings. Insecurity and self-denial. Finding the completeness of life. I'm in Lada with my feelings. I'm safe. And I create this safety myself. I love and appreciate myself.

Excessive hair growth in women on male type (Girsui-Tism). Hidden anger, often covered with fear. Blame everything around. There is no desire to follow yourself. I am with my parent care. My shield is love and approval. I'm not afraid to demonstrate who I really am.

Heartburn (see also: ulcer of the stomach, diseases of the stomach, ulcers). Fear and fear again. Cooking fear. I breathe free and full of breasts. I'm safe. I am confidential about life.

Impotence. Sexual pressure, tension, feeling of guilt. Social prejudices. Cruise attitude to the former partner. Fear mother. I allow breaking out of my sexuality and live easily and joyfully.

Stroke (brain circulation disorder). Hands are lowered. Unwillingness to change: "Rather, I will die than changing." Denial of life. Life is constant changes. I easily get used to the new one. I take everything in my life: past, present and future.

Cataract. Inability to look into the future with joy. Gloomy perspectives. Life is eternal, she is full of joy. I hopefully catch my MIG.

Cough (see also: Respiratory diseases). Wish to command the world. "Look at me! Listen to me! " I was noticed and appreciated. I am loved.

Keratitis (see also: eye diseases). Unrestrained anger. The desire to keep everyone and everything in sight. With the help of love, I healed everything that I see. I choose peace. In my world, everything is fine.

Cyst. Permanent return to the painful past. Cultivation of offense. False path of development. My thoughts are beautiful, because I do them. I love myself.

Intestine: the path of liberation from all unnecessary. I easily break up with what I don't need.

Diseases. Fear to part with the fact that it is already unnecessary. I easily and freely part with the old and happily welcome new.

Intestinal colic. Fear. Unwillingness to develop. I trust the process of life. No one threatens me.

Guts (see also: a thick intestine). Assimilation. Absorption. Liberation. Relief. I easily absorb and absorb everything that should know. I gladly freed from the past.

Cell anemia. Nelyubov to yourself. Dissatisfaction with life. I live and breathe the joy of life, but I eat love. God creates miracles every day.

Skin diseases (see also: urticaria, psoriasis, rash). Anxiety, fear. Old, forgotten disgust. Threats to your address. My shield thought about happiness and rest. Past is forgiven and forgotten. From now on I am free.

Knee (see also: joints). It personifies pride and your "I". I am flexible and plastic.

Colic. Irritability, impatience, dissatisfaction with others. The world is responsible for love only for love and made by love thoughts. Everything is calm in the world.

Myocardial infarction. The joy is expelled from the heart, in which money and career reign. I return joy in my heart. I express love to everything that I do.

Urinary tract infections (cystitis, pyelonephritis). The feeling of humiliation and insult, as a rule, by partner in love. Accusation of others. I was freed from the stereotypes of thinking, which brought me to such a state. I want to change. I love and appreciate myself.

Infectious colitis: Fear and unrestrained anger. The world in my thoughts, created by me, is reflected in my body.

Amebiaz. Fear of destruction. I have strength and authority in my life. I live in peace and harmony with me.

Dysentery. Contracting and hopelessness. I am full of life, energy and joy of existence.

Infectious mononucleosis (Filatov's disease). Outbreaks of anger caused by a lack of love and praise. They waved against themselves. I love and appreciate myself. I care about myself. I am self-sufficient.

Infection. Irritation, anger, anxiety. I'm calm and live in harmony with me.

Spinal curvature (see also: Language shoulders). Inability to use the benefits of life. Fear and desire to cling to the old ideas. Inappropriate attitude to life. Beliefs lack courage. I am freed from all fears. From now on I trust life. I know that life turned to me. I straighten my shoulders, I am slim and high, I am filled with love.

Candidiasis (see also: fungal diseases). The feeling of disaster. Overcrossing irritation and anger. Requirement and distrust in personal relationships. Examine desire to "impose a paw". I allow myself to be whom I want. I deserve in the life of the best. I love myself and with approval I treat myself and others.

Carbuncules. Evil soul due to an unfair attitude. I am freed from the past and I hope that all my wounds will heal.

Blood pressure:

High. Old emotional problems. I gladly freed from the past. I live in peace and harmony.

Low. Lack of love in childhood. Defeatism. Feeling, meaninglessness of any action. I decided to live and enjoy the present. My life is solid joy.

Croup (see: Bronchitis).

Palm. They hold and manage, compress and hold, grab and let go. This variety is due to life circumstances. I will solve all the problems in my life easily, happily and with love.

Larygitis. Strong irritation. Fear to speak out. Despite to authoritations. No one bothers me to ask what I need. I'm not afraid to express myself. I am in consent with me.

Left side of the body. Ensures susceptibility, female energy, woman, mother. My female energy is perfectly balanced.

Lightweight: Ability to inhale life. I take from life exactly as much as I give.

Lung disease (see also: Pneumonia). Depression. Sorrow. Fear to breathe life. Do not understand what should live in full life. I breathe life with full breasts. I am glad to live full life.

Leukemia (see also: blood disease.) Mixed dreams, inspiration. All in vain. I move from the prohibitions of the past in the current freedom. I'm not afraid to be myself.

Leicore (see also: gynecological diseases, vaginites). Confidence that the woman is powerless in front of a man. Anger addressed to a friend. I myself create my life. I'm strong. I admire soy femininity. I am free.

Fever. Anger. Tantrum. I am a cold, calm expression of peace and love.

Face. This is what we are the world. I'm not afraid to be myself. I am, what really is.

Coliths (see also: Talted intestines, intestines, mucus in a colon, spastic colitis). Unreliability. Personifies painless parting with what no longer needed. I am a particle of a vital process. God does everything right.

Coma. Fear. The desire to hide something or anyone. I am surrounded by love. I'm safe. For me, create the world in which I will heal. I am loved.

Conjunctivitis. Anger and confusion as a reaction to what you see in life. I look at the world through my eyes full of love. From now on, a harmonic solution is available to me, and I accept the world.

Coronary thrombosis (see also: myocardial infarction). Feeling loneliness and fear. Disbelief in their own strength and success. I have everything in my life. The world supports me. All right.

Bone marrow. Symbolizes the most intimate thoughts about themselves. My life sends the divine mind. I feel in complete safety. They love me and support.

Bone (s) (see also: Skeleton). Personifies the structure of the universe. I am well folded, everything is balanced in me.

Urban (see also: rash). Secret fears, make an elephant fly. I will bring the world to every corner of my life.

Circulation. The ability to feel and express emotions. I can fill with love and joy everything in my world. I love life.

Bloodmeys (see: Absadins).

Bleeding. Where is the joy? Anger. I am the joy of life, I am ready to feel it constantly.

Bleeding gums Little joy from decisions taken in life. I believe that I make the right deeds in my life. I'm calm.

Blood. Personifies the joy that spreads freely by the body. I myself am the joy of life in all its manifestations.

Corn. Ocashed concepts and ideas. Fears are rooted. Outdated stereotypes, stubborn desire to cling in the past. I am not afraid to introduce new ideas. I am open for good. I go ahead, freed from the past. I'm safe, I am free.

Mammary gland. They personify maternal care, feeding and nutrition. I give as much as I get.

Seasickness. Fear. Internal shackles. Feeling like trapped. Fear that you can't keep everything under control. Fear of death. Insufficient control. I easily move in time and space. Only love surrounds me. I always control my thoughts. I'm safe. I love and appreciate myself. I live in a safe world. I feel friendliness everywhere. I trust life.

Wrinkles. Wrinkles on the face - the result of bad thoughts. Contempt for life. I enjoy life and enjoy every moment of the day lived. I became young again.

Muscular dystrophy. "There is no need to become an adult." I am freed from all the prohibitions of my parents. I can be the way I am.

Muscles. Unwillingness to perceive new impressions. They provide our movement in life. I perceive life as a joy dance.

Narcolepsy. Inability to cope with problems. Unrestrained fear. The desire to escape from all the flight. I rely on Divine Wisdom, which always protects me. I'm safe.

Addiction. Flight from yourself. Fears. Inability to love yourself. I realized that it was beautiful. I love myself and admire himself.

Violation of the menstrual cycle (see also: amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, gynecological diseases). Denial of his femininity. Wines. Fear. Confidence that genitals are sin and dirt. I am a strong woman and consider all the processes taking place in my body, normal and natural. I love and appreciate myself.

Lobcovaya bone. Protects genitals. My sexuality is not threatened.

Ankles. Inability to challenge the feeling of guilt. Ankle personifies the ability to enjoy! I deserve joyful life. I accept all the pleasures that life gives me.

Elbow (see also: joints.) Ensures the change of direction and reconciliation with new circumstances. I easily focus on new circumstances, directions, change.

Malaria. Imbalance with nature and life. I reached a full balance in life. I'm safe.

Mastitis (see: Milk glands, Milk glands).

Mastoiditis (inflammation of the deputy head of temporal bone). Anger and confusion. Unwillingness to hear what happens, as a rule, with children. Fear prevents proper understanding. The divine world and harmony surround me and live in me. I am an oasis of peace, love and joy. In my world, everything is fine.

Uterus. The house where life matures. My body is my cozy home.

Meningitis of the spine. Inflamed imagination and anger to life. I am freed from the feeling of guilt and start to perceive the peace and joy of life.

Malgic encephalitis (see: Epstein Virus - Barra).

Migraine (see also: Headache). Unwillingness to led you. Life meet in bayonets. Sexual fears. I relax in the stream of life and let her give me everything I need. Life is my element.

Myopia (see also: eye diseases). Fear of the future. An incredulous attitude towards what awaits ahead. I trust the process of life. I'm safe.

Multiple sclerosis. Stiffness of thoughts, hard-hearted, iron will, rigidity, fear. I concentrate on pleasant, joyful thoughts and create a world of love and happiness. I'm not afraid of anything, I am happy.

Violation of the psyche (mental illness). Flight from family. Care into the world of illusions, alienation. Violent isolation from life. My brain is used for its intended purpose and is a creative expression of the divine will.

Violation of equilibrium. Scattering thoughts. Inability to focus. I am in full security and consider my life perfect. All right.

Rubble. Holded sobs. Baby tears. Victim. I understand that I myself have my life. I decided to enjoy life.

Neuralgia. Punishment for the guilt. Painful, painful communication. I forgive myself. I love and appreciate myself. I communicate with love.

Neuralgia of a sedlication nerve. Hypocrisy. Fear of money and the future. I began to understand what my real benefit. It is everywhere. I'm safe, and nothing threatens me.

Urinary incontinence. Excess emotions. Years of repressed feelings. I want to feel. I am not afraid to express my emotions. I love myself.

Incurable disease. It can not be heal at this stage, eliminating external signs. We will have to penetrate deep into to affect the process and achieve recovery. The disease has come and leave. Miracles occur every day. I go inside to destroy the stereotype that caused the ailment. I am happily watching Divine healing. So be!

Fixability of the neck (see also: Neck disease). Iron stupidity. I am not afraid to consider other points of view.

Unpleasant smell from mouth. An angry and vengeful breath of thought. Irritation causes everything that 1 happens in life. I break up with the past with love. From now on I will treat everything with love.

Unpleasant (body) smell. Fear. Dissatisfaction. Fear of people. I love myself and with approval I treat myself. I feel safe.

Nervousness. Fear, anxiety, struggle, hurry. Distrust of life. I make an endless trip to eternity. I still have a lot of time ahead.

Nervous seizures (breakdowns). Concentrated on themselves. Channels are clogged. I swallow my heart and building communication with others based on love. I am safe. I feel good.

Nerves. This is a means of communication, perception of information. I communicate easily and joyfully.

Accidents. Inability to protect yourself. Denial of authorities. The tendency to solve problems with power methods. I was freed from such thoughts. I'm calm. I am a good man.

Jade (see also: Bright's disease). Exaggerated response to failure or disappointment. I always do in my life right. I refuse the old and welcome new. All right.

Leg (s). Bear us in life. I choose life.

Nails. Protect protection. I'm without fear dragging everything.

Nose: personifies self-knowledge. I have a rich intuition.

Bleeding from the nose. Thirst recognition. Resentment on what remained unnoticed. Thirst for love. I love and realize my significance. I am beautiful.

Rubble. Request for help. Holding crying. I love and calm myself. I do it in the form that gives me pleasure.

Nasal congestion. Do not realize your significance. I love and appreciate myself.

Baldness (baldness). Fear. Voltage. Attempt to control everything. Inappropriate attitude to life. I am complete. I love myself and with approval I treat myself. I am confidential about life.

Fainting. Fear that is impossible to overcome. Dimming consciousness. I have enough spiritual, physical forces and knowledge to cope with everything that is waiting for me in life.

Osteoporosis also: (see bone disease). It seems that there are no support in life. I can stand up for myself, and life supports me, it always happens unexpectedly, but there is a love.

Acute inflammation of almonds (see also: tonsillitis). Confidence that you can not ask for yourself what you need. Once I was born, it means that I should get everything I need. I can now easily ask everything in need. The main thing is to do it with love.

Acute infectious conjunctivitis (see also: conjunctivitis). Anger and confusion. Reluctance to see. I no longer strive to be the first. I am in harmony with me. I love and appreciate myself.

Edema (Eden). Unwillingness to part with the past. Who or what keeps you? I'm happy to say goodbye to the past. I'm not afraid to part with him. From now on I am free.

Belching. Fear. Torch live. Enough time and space for everything I'm going to make. I'm calm.

Toes. They personify small details of your future. All the little things will come true without my participation.

Hand fingers: personify little things in life. I live in harmony with all the trifles of life.

Large. Personifies mind and anxiety. My thoughts are in harmony.

Pointing. Personifies my "I" and fear. I'm safe.

Middle. Ensures anger and sexuality. My sexuality satisfies me.

Nameless. Personifies unions and sadness. In love I am peaceful loving.

Little finger. Personifies family and pretense. In a big family, what life is, I myself naturalness.

Obesity (see also: overweight): Very sensitive nature. Often need protection. You can hide behind the fear so as not to show anger and reluctance to forgive. My shield is the love of God, so I am always safe. I want to improve and most responsible for my life. I forgive everyone and build life as I want. Nothing threatens me.

Shoulders. Anger due to the fact that they are deprived of love. I'm not afraid to send so much love into peace as needed.

Stomach. Anger due to the fact that they are deprived of food. I eat spiritual food. I am satisfied and free.

Pelvis. Building anger on parents. I want to say goodbye to the past. I'm not afraid to break parental bans.

Burn. Anger. Flashing rage. I create peace and harmony within myself and in my surroundings.

Ossification. Hard, inflexible thinking. I am not afraid to think flexible.

Shingles. Afraid that will be very bad. Fear and tension. Too sensitive. I am relaxed and calm, because I trust life. In my world, everything is fine.

Tumors. Sweeping old insult and blows, hatred cultivation. Consoration remorse are becoming more stronger. Error computerized stereotypes of thinking. Stubbornness. Unwillingness to change outdated patterns. I easily forgive. I love myself and deliver joy with wonderful thoughts. I'm waiting with love from the past and I think only about what awaits me ahead. All right. I am not difficult to change the computer program - your brain. Everything changes in life, and my brain is constantly updated.

ORZ (see influenza).

Osteomyelitis (see also: Bone diseases). Ombotty, confusion towards life. Does not feel any support. I'm in Lada with life and trust her. I'm safe, and no one threatens me.

Surface trico. Allow others to put in your skin. It seems that they are not good and clean. I love and appreciate myself. No one and nothing have the power of me. I am free.

Increased blood pressure (see: Pressure).

Increased cholesterol content (atherosclerosis). Plugging of joy channels. Fear feel joy. My choice is love for life. My love channels are open. I'm not afraid to take love.

Elevated appetite. Fear, the need for protection. Condemnation of these feelings. I feel safe. I'm not afraid to feel. I have normal feelings.

Gout. The need to rule. Impatience, anger. I am not afraid of anything. I live in a world with me and surrounding.

Pancreas. Personifies the charm of life. I have a wonderful life.

Fitness wart. Irritation caused by your own approach to life. Confusion about the future. I confidently and easily look into the future. I trust life.

Vertebral (see also: vertebral pole). Flexible support for life. I support life.

Polio. Paralyzing jealousy. Desire to stop someone. The best of life is enough for everyone. I find my own good and freedom with the help of thoughts, full of love.

Low appetite (see also: anorexia). Fear. Self-defense. Distrust of life. I love myself and approvingly to myself. I do not feel fear. Life is not dangerous and joyful.

Diarrhea fear. Negation. Escapism. I am perfectly established the process of absorption, assimilation and release. I live in peace and harmony.

Pancreatitis rejection. Anger and confusion, as life seems to have lost its attractiveness. I love and appreciate myself. I myself make my life attractive and joyful.

Palsy (see also: Parkinson's disease). Paralyzing minds. Feeling a chance to something. The desire to escape from someone or something. Resistance. I think freely, and life proceeds easily and pleasant. I have everything in my life. My behavior is adequate in any situation.

Parese (parstisia). You do not want any love or attention. On the way to spiritual death. I share my feelings and love. I respond to every manifestation of love.

Liver. The place of concentration of anger and primitive emotions. I want to know only love, peace and joy.

Pioryeuses (see also: periodontitis). Anger on yourself for the inability to make a decision. Weak, pitiful man. I appreciate myself, and the solutions that I accept are always excellent.

Food poisoning. Allow others to take control. Feel defenseless. I have enough strength, authorities and skills to cope with everything.

Cry. Tears - the river of life, which is replenished both in joy and in sorrow and fear. I am in the world with my emotions. I love myself and with approval I treat myself.

Shoulders. They personify our ability to be happy to endure life circumstances. Life becomes a burden for us as a result of our relationship to her. I decided that from now on all my experiences will be joyful and full of love.

Bad digestion. Instine fear, horror, anxiety. Take more than you can digest. I am peacefully and happily digest and absorb everything new.

Pneumonia (see also: inflammation of the lungs). Despair. Fatigue from life. Emotional, non-heaven wounds. I am easy to "inhale" divine ideas filled with air and the meaning of life. This is a new experience for me.

Cuthes (see also: Injuries). Punishment for non-compliance with its own principles. I am building a life that Storm is awarded me for good deeds.

Scratching. The feeling that you are cut off from life. I am grateful to life for the fact that she is so generous to me. I am blessed.

Renal-stone disease. Hanging buns of anger. I easily free from old problems.

The right side of the body. It distributes, gives the output of male energy. Man, father. I am easily and without efforting your male energy.

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Confusion, as a result of which you fall under someone else's influence. Neon understanding of the processes occurring in the body of a woman. I manage my thoughts and my life. I am a strong, dynamic woman! Each of my organ functions perfectly. I love myself.

Prostate. Anathection of a male start. I appreciate and enjoy my masculine.

Flower Flight from the family, from Himself, from life. I am at home in the whole universe. I am safe and understand me.

Swelling (see also: swelling, fluid delay in the body). Narrow, limited thinking. Painful ideas. My thoughts flow easily and freely. My ideas do not brake my movement.

Sunshine attacks (see also: hyperventilation). Fear. Inappropriate attitude to life. The inability to part with childhood. Email is not scary. The world is safe. I am complete.

Problems of menopause. Fear, which is more unwanted. Fear of aging. Self-denial. Feel that not good enough. I balance and calm during the change in the cycle. I bless my body with love.

Power problems. Fear of the future, fear of not moving on the life path. I go through life easily and joyfully.

Leprosy. Complete inability to resist life. The soothed belief that is not good or cleaner. I am above all the prohibitions. God leads me and sends me. Love heals life.

Simple herpes (herpetic rashes on the lips) (see also: colds). "God shelma metitis." Gorky words did not break down from lips. I only pronounce the words of love, my thoughts are always full of love. I am in Lada and harmony with life.

Cold. The narrowness of thinking at times. The desire to retreat so that no one bothers. No one threatens me. Love protects and surrounds me. All right.

Walled diseases (ORZ). Feeling of tension; It seems that you will not have time. Unrest, mental disorders. Get offended by trifles. For example: "I always worse than others." I relax and let my mind do not rebel. There is a solid harmony around me. All right.

Acne (inflammation). Rejection yourself, disgust for yourself. I am a divine expression of life. I love and accept myself what I am.

Acne (see also: acne, Jews). Small outbreaks of anger. I'm calm. My thoughts are serene and light.

Mental diseases (see: impaired psyche).

Psoriasis (see: Skin Diseases). Fear of the offense. Do not think about yourself. Failure to be responsible for their feelings. I enjoy the joy, which gives life. I deserve in the life of the best. I love and appreciate myself.

Cancer. Deep wounds, resentment. Rooted contempt. Secrets and deep sadness devour the soul. Got hate. All senseless. I love with love with the past. I decided to fill life with joy. I love myself and treat my approval.

Stretching. Anger and resistance. Unwillingness to move in life in a certain direction. I believe that life leads me to the highest good. I am in harmony with me.

Drawing strabismus (see: eye diseases).

Rickets. Lack of emotions, love and confidence. I'm safe. I focused the love of the most universe.

Rheumatism. Feels victim. Lack of love. Chronic bitterness of contempt. I myself create my life. This life is getting better and better, since I love and appreciate myself and others.

Rheumatic arthritis. Complete unstedened authorities. Feel their pressure. I myself am my authority. I love and appreciate myself. Life is Beautiful.

Birth: personify the beginning of life. A new joyful and wonderful life begins. Everything will be fine.

Generic injuries. Karmika (theosophical concept). You chose to come into life in this way. We choose our parents and our children. Unfinished cases. Everything that happens in life is necessary for our height. I live in the world with those surrounding me.

Mouth: the place where new ideas and food come. I am with love I accept everything that feeds me.

Diseases. Attached views, hospitable thinking. The inability to perceive new ideas. I happily meet new ideas and concepts and do everything for their understanding and assimilation.

Suicide. You see life only in black and white. Failure to find another way out. There is a lot of opportunities in life. You can always choose another way. Nothing threatens me.

Fistula. Fear. The process of liberation of the body is blocked. I feel safe. I completely trust life. Life is created for me.

White hair. Stress. The faith is that the state of constant voltage is normal. I live quietly and calmly. I am strong and capable.

Spleen. Obsession. Loanness. I love and appreciate myself. I believe that life turned to me. I am safe. All right.

Fever (see also: Allergic reactions). Emotional deadlock. Fear that time is wasted. Persecution mania. Guilt. I have everything in my life. I do not threaten anything to me.

Heart: (See also: Blood). Focus of love and security. My heart beats in the rhythm of love.

Diseases. Tightening emotional problems. Stone on the heart. All Wine stress and tension. Joy and only joy. The joy is impregnated by my brain, body and life.

Sinth of the thumb. Inability is calm and happily treat life. I gladly go ahead to meet an amazing life.

Syphilis. Wash the strength. I decided to be myself. I appreciate myself as I am.

Skeleton (see also: bones). Fusion of the foundation. Bones personify the structure of your life. I am strong and healthy. I have a wonderful foundation.

Sclerodermia. Correct from life. You can't take care of yourself and be where you are. I relaxed, because I am sure that nothing threatens me. I trust life and myself.

Scoliosis (see: Curvating the Spine).

Gas accumulation (meteorism). Rowing for yourself. Fear. Ideas that unable to understand. I relax, and life seems easy to me and pleasant.

Larovoye (see also: Alzheimer's disease, old age). Unwillingness to perceive the world as it is. Hopelessness and anger. I have the best place under the sun, it is the safest.

The mucus in the colon (see also: colitis, colon, intestine, spastic colitis). Summing up the old stereotypes, which are clogged with all channels, leads to the sound of thoughts. The quagus is sucking. I part with my past. I think it's clear. I live today's day in love and peace.

Death. End of a kaleidoscope of life. I will gladly know the new faces of life. All right.

Disk offset. The absence of any support from life. Indecisive man. Life supports all my thoughts, therefore, I love and appreciate myself. All right.

Tapeworm. Strong belief that you are a victim. Do not know how to react to your attitude towards other people. t Internal reactions. The point of concentration of the power of our intuition. Good feelings that I feel to myself, I feel and other people. I love and accept all sorts of manifestations of my "I".

Solar plexus. I trust my inner voice. I am strong physically and morally. I am a wise.

Spasms, cramps. Voltage. Fear. Desire to grab and keep. Pully of thoughts caused by fear. I relax and let my mind do not rebel. I relax and release. In life, nothing threatens me.

Spastic colitis (see also: colitis, thick intestine, intestine, mucus in the colon). Fear to part with what should go. Uncertainty. I'm not afraid to live. Life will always give me what you need. All right.

AIDS. Feeling defenselessness and hopelessness. A sharp feeling of self-induration. The conviction is that not good enough. Denial itself as a person. Feeling guilt for what happened. I am part of the universe. I love my life itself. I am strong and capable. I love and appreciate everything.

Back. Personifies life support. I know that life always supports me.

Absadins, bruises. Small life conflicts. Designation. 1 I love and the Hall of myself. I treat myself gently and kindly. All right.

Elder diseases. Social prejudices. Old thinking. Fear of being natural. Denial of all modern. I love and accept myself at any age. Every moment of life is completely.

Street dementia (see also: Alzheimer's disease). Return to safe childhood. Require care and attention. A kind of control over the environment. Flight from reality. I'm protected by God. Safety. Peace. World Mind is like every stage of life.

Tetannik (see also: trisms of jaws). The need to spill anger, get rid of painful thoughts. I allow love to spread in my body. It cleans and heals every cell of my body and my emotions.

Feet. They personify our understanding of themselves, life and others. I have a proper understanding of everything, and I want it to change with time. I am not afraid of anything.

Sustaines (see also: arthritis, elbow, knee, shoulders). They symbolize the change of direction in the life and ease of these changes. I easily change a lot in life. I am sent, so I always move in the right direction.

Sun shoulders (see also: shoulders, spinal curvature). They carry the severity of life. Hopelessness and helplessness. I stand straight and feel free. I love and appreciate myself. My life is getting better every day.

Dry eye. Angry view. Look at the world with love. Forgiveness prefer death. Hate and despise. I will hardly forgive. From now on life in the field of my vision. I look at the world with sympathy and understanding.

Rash (see also: urticaria). Irritation due to lateness. So children do, wanting to attract attention. I love and appreciate myself. I'm in harmony with life.

Tiki, cramps. Fear. Fear that someone is watching you. I accept everything that happens in life. Nothing threatens me. All right.

Colon. Attachment to the past. Fear to part with him. I easily break up with what I don't need anymore. Past remained in the past, I am free.

Tonsillitis. Fear. Depressed emotions. Lack of freedom of creativity. I am freely enjoying a blessing that gives me life. I am a conductor of divine ideas. I am in harmony with me and the environment.

Nausea. Fear. Rejection of ideas or circumstances. I am not afraid of anything. I believe that life will only bring me good.

Tuberculosis. Reason for exhaustion - egoism. Owner. Vulgar thoughts. Avenue. t I love and appreciate myself, so I create a full joy and peace of mind in which I am going to live.

Injuries (see also: cuts). Anger on yourself. Guilt. I am freed from anger with a non-aggressive way. I love and appreciate myself.

Trimmus jaws (see also: Tetannik). Anger. Desire to keep everything under control. Refusal to express feelings. I trust life. I can easily ask what I want. Life responds to my requests.

Acne (black). Small outbreaks of anger. I put my thoughts in order. I'm calm.

Nature thickening. Contempt for yourself, confusion, infrained by pride due to an unsuccessful career. I am freed from mental stereotypes that brake my height. Now success is provided to me.

Bitches: Fear. Insecurity from any condemnation. I forgive myself and love every day more and more.

Animal bites. Anger facing yourself. The need to punish yourself. I am free.

Insect bites. The feeling of guilt arising from trifles. I was freed from irritation. All right.

Urethra. Angry emotions. Sensation of humiliation. Accusations. In my life there is only a place for sensations.

Fatigue. All new meet in the bayonets, miss. An indifferent attitude towards what you are doing. I am enthusiastically in life. I am full of energy.

An ear. Personifies the ability to hear. I listen to love.

Fibre and cyst (see also: gynecological diseases). Remove the resentment caused by a partner. Blow on the female "I". I am freed from the stereotype formed by these experiences. In my life I create, there is a place only for good.

Phlebitis. Anger and confusion. Accusations to others for prohibitions and lack of joy in life. Joy is bottled in my body, and I am in Ladu with life.

Frigidity. Fear. Refusal of pleasure. Confidence that sex is something bad. Inattentive partners. Fear of the Father. I am not afraid to delight my body. I am happy that I am a woman.

Cholecystitis (see: Breast-stone disease).

Snore. Unwillingness to part with old stereotypes. I am freed from all thoughts that do not bear love and joy. I move from the past to a new, boiling life.

Chronic diseases. Unwillingness change yourself. Fear of the future. Feeling danger. I want to change and develop. I create a reliable new future.

Cellulite. Called anger. Self-suming. I forgive others. I forgive myself. I am free in love and enjoy life.

Cerebral paralysis (see also: paralysis). The desire to combine family love. I do everything to create a friendly, loving family. All right.

Maxillofacial injuries (temporal mow). Anger. Contempt. The desire of revenge. I want to change the stereotype that led me to such a state. I love and appreciate myself. I'm safe.

Scabies. Inability to think independently. The feeling that you climb into the soul. I am the personification of life, full of love and joy. I am independent.

Feeling of a foreign body in the throat (globe hysteric). Fear. Distrust of life. I'm safe. I believe that life is favorable to me. I express myself freely and joyfully.

Neck (cervical spine). Elimination of flexibility. Allows you to see everything. I'm in Ladu with life.

Thyroid gland (see also: goiter). Humiliation. "I never managed to do your favorite thing. When will my turn come to? " I do not pay attention to the prohibitions and express myself freely and creatively.

Eczema. Pronounced antagonism. Stormy stream of thoughts. Harmony and peace, love and joy surround me and live in me. I am safe and under his guard.

Emphysema. Fear of life. It seems that unworthy to live. Once I was born, I have the right to live full and free life. I love life. I love myself.

Endometriosis. Insecurity, disappointment and confusion. Instead of loving yourself, love sweet. In all blame yourself. I am strong and desirable. How to be a great woman! I love myself. I am satisfied.

Enuresis. Fear of parents, usually father. I look at the child with love, sympathy and understanding. All right.

Epilepsy. The feeling that you are pursued. Unwillingness to live. Permanent internal struggle. Any action is violence. I see the life of an endless and joyful. I will live forever, joyfully and in Lada with me.

Buttocks. Personify power. Buttocks - loss of power. I wisely use my strength. I'm strong. I am not afraid of anything. All right.

A stomach ulcer (see also: heartburn, gastric diseases, ulcers). Fear. Confidence that is not good enough. Anxiety, anxiety that you can not like. I love and appreciate myself. I am in harmony with me. I am beautiful.

Peptic disease. Constantly restrain yourself, do not allow yourself to speak out. Blame yourself. I see only joyful events in my loving world.

Ulcers (see also: heartburn, ulcer of the stomach, gastric disease). Fear. You are convinced that it is not good enough by themselves. What gives you? I love and appreciate myself. I am in harmony with the world. All right.

Language. With it, you are taking the joy of life. I enjoy the wealth of life.

Eggs. The basis of male dignity, masculinity. I am happy to be a man.

Ovaries. The location of the birth of life. From the very birth, my life is balanced.

Barley. (See also: Eye diseases) Look at the world an angry look. Corn on someone. I decided to look at all with love and joy.

Varieties of curvature of the spine

Diseases / Possible Reasons / New Stereotype of Thinking


1 w. p. Fear. Confusion, flight from life. Poor well-being, "What do neighbors say?" Infinite conversations with themselves. I focus calm and balanced. My behavior is harmonized with the universe and my "I". All is well.

2 w. n. denial of wisdom. Reluctance to know and understand. Indecision. Despite and accusation. Conflict with life. The denial of spirituality from others. I am a single integer with the Universe and Life. I am not afraid to recognize new and develop.

3 w. P. Not sensible attitude to comments from other people. Guilt. Sacrifice. Painful struggle with his "I". The greed of desires in the absence of possibilities. I am only responsible for myself and I am glad that I am as it is. I'm governed with everything that I take.

4 w. p. Feeling guilt. Constantly repressed anger. Bitterness. Holding feelings. Swallow tears. I fit well in reality. I can enjoy life right now.

5 w. P. Fear to seem ridiculous, experience humiliation. Inability to express yourself. Rejolation of the benevolent attitude of others. The habit of pulling everything on your shoulders. I communicate with people without problems - this is my good. I broke up. I know with something - with a unrealized dream. I am loved, and I'm not scary.

6 w. p. Too big responsibility. The desire to solve problems of other people. Resistance. Stubbornness. Lack of flexibility. Let everyone live as it can. I care about myself. I easily go through life.

7 w. p. confused. Anger. Feeling helplessness. Can't stretch your hands to other people. I have the right to be myself. I forgive all the offenses of the past. I know myself. I communicate with others with love.

1 chest vertebra. Fear in the life of a large number of problems. Insecurity in their forces. The desire to hide. I take life and easily perceive it. I'm all good.

2 g. Fear, pain and insult. Reluctance to feel. The heart ", dressed in armor. My heart is able to forgive. I was freed from my fears and I'm not afraid to love myself. My goal is internal harmony.

3 g. Chaos in thoughts. Deep old resentment. Inability to communicate. I forgive everyone. I forgive myself. I mustle myself.

4 g. Borrow. Preconceived to others: "They are always wrong." Crown. I discovered the gift of forgiveness and I do not hold offense at anyone.

5 g. Relaxing to give out emotions. Depressed feelings. Rage, anger. I skip through myself all the events. I want to live. All right.

6 g. Nitrogenous attitude to life. Excess negative emotions. Fear of the future. Permanent sense of anxiety. I believe that life will turn to me face. I'm not afraid to love myself.

7 w. p. constant pain. Refusal to life joys. I make myself relax. I let joy in my life.

8 g. Bad luck as an obsession. Internal resistance to good. I am open for good. I love my whole world and supports.

9 g. Permanent sense of betrayal of life. "To blame everything around." The mentality of the victim. I possess strength. I am with love I inform the whole world that I create my own world.

10 g. The unwillingness to take responsibility. The need to feel like a victim. Blame everyone besides yourself. I am open to joy and love that is easy to give another and easily accepting.

11 g. Low self-esteem. Fear to join relationships with people. I am beautiful, I can love and appreciate me. I am proud of myself.

1 Lumbar vertebra's dream of love and the need alone. Insecurity. I do not threaten anything to me, everyone loves and support me.

2 p. Submersibility in the resentment of childhood. Hopelessness. I grew up my parents and live for myself. It has come.

3 p. P. Crime on sexual soil. Guilt. Hate yourself. I say goodbye to my past and get rid of him. I am free. My sexuality and my body deliver joy. I live in full security and love.

4 p. P. Refusal of carnal joys. Financial instability. Fear of promotion. Feeling your own helplessness. I love myself what I really am. I rely on your own strength. I'm always reliable and in everything.

5 p. P. Insecurity. Difficulties in communication. Anger. Inability to enjoy. Good life is my merit. I am ready to ask and get what I need with joy and pleasure.

Sacrum. Impotence. Dusty anger. I am for myself strength and authority. I'm freed from the past. I start right now to enjoy life.

Coccyx. Not in Lada with me. In all blame yourself. Sweeping old offense. I will achieve the life of equilibrium if you have more to love yourself. I live today's day and love myself what I am.