Tarot Cards History Application. Taro Wisconti - the beginning of the history of the tarot cards

The appeal "Three times the greatest" was taken in relation to Hermes for the reason that he is a great knowledgeable and was considered the greatest among the philosophers, the greatest of all the priests and the greatest of all the kings and, according to the ancient texts, contained "three composite wisdom of the whole world " Tota-Hermes of the Trismegist was honored for the prophet of a common true God, and Kirill Alexandria (IV century from R.H.) said that he was the first to confessed the Holy Trinity.

The story, unfortunately, did not preserve the indisputable evidence regarding the material embodiment of the Egyptian god of Tota. Some researchers argue that he, or as it also called Trei, came to Egypt's land after the death of the island of Atlantis. If you take into account the time of the Faucet Civilization of Atlantov, quite definitely specified by Plato, it will turn out that he appeared in Egypt about 9600 to R. Kh. But this does not quite coincide with the affairs of the Tota, who is considered by the inventor of writing (or brought it from Atlantis ) because the oldest chronicle known to us, not counting the symbolic letters on the columns of the temples, dates back to 4400 to R. X. Of course, more ancient sources of writing could simply do not reach our days, or Plato in his "critting" simply made a mistake for 5,000 years old.

Since the Hermes could be a leaving from Atlantis, which means it was a representative of some mysterious and high civilization, perhaps his image is a collective of the so-called "fallen angels." According to the "Book of Enha", they were the racial of the divine creatures, which were called Irin in Hebrew - "those who look" or "those who are awake." To Greek language, this term was translated as Egrira or Gregory, which means "guards." These guards are also found on the pages of the Hebrew "Jubileev book". Their descendants were called the term Nephilim - in Hebrew, this word means "those who fell" or "fallen". In the Greek translation, it is gigantes, or "giants" - Race of Gigans, described by the Greek poet Hesiod (approximately 907 BC) in the Poem "Theogony". As in the Bible, in the book of an ancient Greek poet, it is told about the creation of the world, about the occurrence and sunset of the "Golden Age", about the arrival of the races of gigids and the worldwide flood.

Stanza 1 and 2 at the beginning of chapter 6 of the Books of Genesis say: "When people began to multiply on Earth and they were born her daughter, then the sons of God saw the daughters of human, that they were beautiful, and they took [their] wives, which someone chose." And stanza 4 chapters 6 of the Books of Genesis continues: "At that time, they were gigid on Earth, especially since the Sons of God began to enter the daughters of human and they began to give birth to them: these are strong, sincerely nice people."

Historian S. Kh. Hook in his book "Mythology of the Middle East" writes: "For a brief and, apparently, intentionally foggy references to 1-4 Straas of Chapter 6 of the Books of Genesis lies a more common myth of the Half-Cellifications, which were rebuilt against the gods and were overthow in the underworld ... The fragment described by the authors of the Bible was initially an etiological myth , explaining the faith in the existence of the disappeared race of giants ... ".

It is possible that the Hook of Rights, and if 1 - 4 Strands of Heads 6 of Genesis are a product of more ancient Middle Eastern myths, which means a long time ago, at the dawn of human history, on our planet, perhaps on the island of Atlantis or on biblical lands, the highest And the more perfect race of the female creatures. Some of her representatives began to marry with women from less civilized races, as a result of which giants appeared on the world. However, then a series of global cataclysms collapsed on the planet, which brought with them fire, flooding and darkness, putting an end to the domination of the race of the female creatures and their giants.

However, back to the "Book of Enha". In the first chapters, the author retells the story set out in the 6th chapter of the Book of Genesis and the narrative of God's Sons took wives from among mortal women. Further stating that "in the days of Jared" (Father Enha) two hundreds of custody "went" to Mount Hermon - mythical place, identified with a triple peak of Jebel-Eshech (9,200 feet above sea level) in the northern part of the ancient Palestine. In the Old Testament times, his snow-covered vertices were considered sacred in all the tribes that inhabited the Holy Land. It is quite possible that it was on this mountain "Transfiguration" of Christ, when his disciples witnessed, as the Lord "transformed before them."

At this mountain, Guardians brought an oath and "obliged themselves with mutual curses", it is probably perfectly understood by the consequences of their actions and for themselves and for all mankind. It was this conspiracy gave the name of the "Fall" (or "Travel from Heaven to Earth") angels, since translated from the Hebrew "Hermon" or Herm means "Curse".

Further in the "Book of Enoch" mentions the name of the leader of the Guardians - Salmaaz and nineteen of his subordinates, these are "chiefs over dozens of them." Then we learn that rebellious guards who communicated with people opened them the forbidden secrets of the sky. One of the leaders named Azazel "taught people how to make swords, and knives, and shields, and breastplate lats, familiarized them with the metals of the earth and the art of their processing." He also taught people to make bracelets and decorations and showed how to use antimony, white brilliant metal, found use in visual art and medicine. Women he taught the art of "imposing paints to the eyes", introduced "with all kinds of precious stones and with all the shades of flowers" - that is, before that, the woman did not use cosmetics and did not decorate themselves with jewels.

Other guards opened scientific knowledge to people - taught meteorology ("recognizing clouds"), geography ("earth signs"), as well as astronomy and astrology ("constellations", "Sun signs", "Moon"). The guard by the name of Kasdeia "showed the children of human wicked movements of spirits and demons and the bias of the embryo in the womb so that he could go out." In other words, he taught women to make abortions. One of the guards named Penoom "taught the sons of human bitter and sweet", that is, add salt, seasonings and spices to food. In addition, he instructed humanity, how to write ink on paper. " And the leader of the Guardians Salmaaz taught people "witchcraft and how to instill trees." Perhaps one of the gifts of the guards or fallen angels was also a deck of tarot cards, in the senior arcany of which the echoes of their history are hidden. According to the "Book of Enha", the rebellious guards opened the secret knowledge of humanity, however, in the end were imprisoned by the Heavenly Archangels before the onset of the day.

The plots of illustrations of some senior arcanes cause associations with the history of fallen angels. For example, the Arkan "Having" depicts the connected salmahasis, forever hanging down his head between the Earth and the sky in the Constellation of Orion. He got a harsh punishment for opened a beautiful girl named Ishtashar forbidden name of God in exchange for carnal pleasures. And Arkan "Scary Court" can be depicted not by the revival of the dead under the voice of the pipe of the Archangel Gabriel, and the descent of the two hundred Angels (200 is the numerical meaning of this arcana) to the ground that brought a qualitatively new round of development for the human race and revival from the darkness of ignorance.

The first reliable historical mentions about Tarot maps belong to Europe of the XIV century. This is an age of defeated the Order of the Temple, a century of war, Zhanna Dark. A century of Dante and his "Divine Comedy" ... Thus, modern Tarot cards have medieval origin (which, by the way, makes them a particularly interesting tool for those who are fond of medievalist).

However, there is reason to believe that the cards themselves are much older, and many historians, writers and occultists in vain offer their versions of their origin. It is not amazing that, but then, to what extent there are certain information that are given in the literature on tarot on this score.

Sometimes, the sources worthy of all respect are in terms of the history of Tarot turn out to be blatant superficial and die actual errors. We decided to spend our research to recreate the plausible historical context as possible and make clarity to this question. If you have any additional information on the history of Tarot - send, we will be happy to make them in the piggy bank. If you have questions, ideas - write, we will look for and thinking together.

All tarot early decks that have come down to us were works of art that were created by artists by order of famous people (by the way, and today the Tarot deck is not so cheap).

The oldest of the complete decks containing all 78 cards that have come to this day, the deck of the Wisconti Sforza family is considered, created in the first half of the XV century in Italy.

Approximately in 1432 the engagement of Francesco Sforza took place in the future, in the future of the fourth duke of Milan, and Bianca Mary Visconti, and it is assumed that the Bonfazio Bonbo deck holds a court artist (real work of art) was one of the gifts. This does not mean that there were no tarot cards. Earlier decks have not fully reached us.

There are many hypotheses and assumptions that preceded their appearance, but none is subjected to actual evidence, so they are equally difficult to prove or refute. But the authors of all assumptions converge in one - unlikely, so that such a well-digestive and deep system of images, and endowed with phenomenal stability (the composition of the Tarot deck for the long century did not undergo almost no changes), was just invented on the occasion of the Duccian wedding.

The most, perhaps, intriguing is that neither 22 senior arkan, and 56 faded arkanov were in no way signatured. It seems that the medieval fans of Tarot knew the sequence of arcanes and their meaning. Today's publishers in 90% of cases consider their duty to ease the life of the user, inscribing the cards and helping to understand who is who, where the magician, where the emperor, where the hierofant ...

And in those times, images were identified without text keys. In other words, in the XV century, people did not need a cheat sheet to understand the structure of the deck, as if it was about something of course, which was not intended for any errors and delusions.

This is, it is even more important that the deck was used both for progress and for the game "in the Tarocchi), and the game as a rule requires a quick and unmistakable consideration (you will not ask in the midst of the" Oh, tell me, and what is it me for the card?). "

An explanation occurs in the books that pompous marches were often suitable for the Middle Ages (tradition, rooted in Roman Saturn and Triumphs and Triumphs), and therefore the sequence of senior arcanes (triumphs triumphs, "Trionthi") was known to be known, not withstands criticism.

In the XVIII century, the French writer, theologians and the occultist Antoine Kurt de Zabellen (Gebellin, Zavenlen) in the work of Du Jeu Des Tarot put forward pretty

the current version of the Egyptian roots of Tarot.

According to this version, Tarot is a holy book created by one of the oldest secret Egyptian mystical organizations that briefed the followers of the Asar-Hapi cult (more famous under the Greek name of Serapis, which is literally translated as the "bull tomb").

Presumably, the book was a set of hieroglyphic tablets (or a collection of individual papyrus) and contained the immortal teachings of the Tota - scribe of the gods, the masters of all sciences and arts, the connoisseurs of all crafts, the keeper of the book of life and the author of the famous emerald (he was Hermes Trismegist, "three times Greatest").

And now there is an opinion that Arkana Tarot is a simplified and encrypted version of the Immortal Book of Tota.

According to legend, this book contained a "key to immortality", that is, the secret of the process, through which a complete revival of a person occurs. Currently expressed by a more modern language, Tarot describes the path of development of the human "I" towards its highest, transcendental essence.

Senior Arcans describe the stage of spiritual transformation, and the youngest are life lessons, thanks to which this transformation occurs. This book was used in mystery, during occult practices, initiating. By the way, there is a version that in the most ancient Egypt, this teaching was purely secret for the reason that the book of Tota foreshadowed the inevitable fall of the royal dynasty and the destruction of the Egyptian kingdom. According to the legend, she among few miracle was saved during a fire in the Alexandria Library in 47 BC, from there he fell into ancient Rome, where he lived to the ages of Christianity.

Papus in his "key to the occult sciences" puts forward a version that when Egypt hung the danger of destruction (just at the very times), the priests of mystical society considered many options, how to maintain sacred knowledge for future generations dedicated.

Oral tradition could be interrupted at any time, and indeed everything on Earth is subject to change and destruction - not only the repository themselves and carriers, but religion, ideology, society ... and the priests reasoned that the only thing that is little subject to change is herself Non-estechnical human nature, full of excitement and levity.

Based on one of the most ancient and common human preferences - love for gambling - they created a storage of information, the deck of cards, encrypting in it symbols of century-old wisdom for dedicated to the uninitiated remaining fun or primitive pictures. So it is or not, but the cards seem to be indecent.

And the version that the Allegory of the Senior Arkanov is rooted in the teachings of the secret schools of Egypt, and describe the stages of the development of convert towards the transformation into a true master, very stable.

Let's listen to the most surprise yourself if we learned that the works of the ancient Egyptians still exist today ... If we were added that this book was widely used in most of Europe, and that she visited almost a few centuries Everyone in their hands, of course it would be amazing ...

We own it, without possessing it in reality, because they never tried to decipher at least one page ... ". It is eager to draw attention to the striking stability of the Taro structure, that its numerous and inconsistent figures in their partitions represent a mystery, which no one has never tried to solve.

The famous French philosopher, the occultist and Kabbalist Alphonse Louis Constant, known as Eliphas Levi, wrote about the book of a bus, encrypted in the form of 78 Tarot Arkanov: "This is a monumental and unique work, simple and durable, as a structure of the pyramid, and therefore as long as a durable.

This is a book that contains a quintestence of all knowledge and infinite combinations of which can resolve any problems. Talking with us, she makes us think; It generates all possible concepts and controls them ... The location of the Tarot cards in a certain order can be revealed everything that can be known about God, the Universe and Man.

Defacial books captive, possessing only the Tarot cards and the ability to use them, could have been able to know the universal science in a few years and communicate on any issue with inexhaustible eloquence. "

He believed that the use of tarot as a tool for predictions is the most superficial (after the game) method, and in reality it requires a much more elite intellectual and spiritual approach, being a container of huge knowledge.

Well, apparently it is, and it is very noticeable when looking at the literature dedicated to Tarot. Part of the books is devoted to fortune telling and interpretation of Arkanov, and part (much more complicated for perception) - the study of their deep essence, as an example, you can mention the books of Oswald Wirth and Valentina Tomberg.

So, the sources associated with tarot can be considered the teachings of the secret schools of ancient Egypt, which partially inherited curious and restless ancient Greeks, as well as Kabbalah - mystical Jewish doctrine. The order of senior arcanes is associated with Hebrew writing and account system. We will look at this topic in more detail in the section of the site dedicated to Tarot's bonds with other esoteric sciences, since actually the connection between Taro with Kabbalah is viewed most clearly.

The number of senior arkanov really coincides with 22 letters of the Jewish alphabet, and the number of licenses of the Arcanes - with the number of Sephir on the sephyr's tree. 22 cinema or "paths" are associated with 10 Sephirs, forming a Kabbalistic tree of life. And finally, it should be noted that there is a connection between the first persons of the ancient Judaism and Egypt, a completely allowing knowledge leakage.

It is enough to recall Joseph, which ruled by Egypt in time immemorial, and Moses, who was one of the Egyptian high priests. Note that the "Kabbalistic" version of the origin of Tarot corresponds to the "Book of Tota" precisely through sacred writing and numerology.

According to legend, he invented speech and alphabet, in which all letters are divine ideas, all ideas are numbers and all numbers are a huge array of information signs.

In Kabbalistic teaching, letters and figures are also considered as vaulting energy storage facilities containing a huge amount of information. How not to remember the Pythagora studied in Egypt and his ideas about the sacred, divine nature of numbers!

India occupies a certain place in disputes about the origin of Tarot. In the ancient Indian game "Four Kings" there is a significant similarity with four masts of cards. However, four masses reflecting the four elements of the world - a variety of cultures could come to this idea.

In theory, the older arkans and four masters of the younger Arcans could easily arise separately (the first as a symbolic storage of some ideas, and the second as a game), and even then someone's inventive mind connected them into one deck, which would be witty to preserve the highest ideas encrypted in senior arcany. And the fact that the game itself is in all likelihood really happened from Indian or Chinese chess, it is practically no doubt.

Egypt, India, Israel is, of course, well. But it makes no sense to discharge with historical accounts Actually Europe, in which there has always been enough of its secret religious groups, whose spiritual views did not coincide with the dogmas of the Catholic Church, and after the crusades who opened the cultural gateways to the East, and it was not going to work out at all. Attempts to "bring order" with the help of the Inquisition only improved the art of keeping exercises in secret. Most of the decks were created in Marseille in the south of France, who knows the people about many things.

The south of France in Europe is the historical focus of heretical mystical knowledge, alternative to the teachings of the Church. It is not by chance that the French occultists of the centuries held the palm of the championship in the study of Tarot - Zhebel, Ettela, Eliphas Levi, Papa ... Marseille Tarot, who lived to the present day, and

it makes accuracy as the same structure as the Milan Taro Wisconti Sforza, with illustrated senior and figured arcanes, and the end of the XV century was widely distributed. And in 1594, Paris Card Masters in the Charter of their Guild already referred to themselves "Tarotiers" (Tarotiers).

Also believed that the esoteric symbols of Tarot were penetrated into Europe thanks to the wrath of gypsies, known to their addiction on the maps. However, the "Gypsy version" arises ambiguity. The first ambiguity is discrepancies in the views on the origin of the Gypsies themselves, not the Egyptian itself, not the Indian, not the same one does not exclude each other .... It was fought, as his followers believed that Gypsies lead their own genus from one of the tribes who lived in Ancient Egypt. However, the history reports that at the beginning of the XV century, the Islamic conqueror Tamerlan expelled them from the Industan Peninsula, and the Tabor began mass movement to the West across the Indian River, Afghanistan, the deserts of Persia and Arabia ... and Egypt, if and was in their biography, then much later . Then the Balkans, Germany, France ... In Paris, Tsygan appeared, according to the chronicles, in 1427. And here the second ambiguity lies. Cards at this point already had a walk in Europe.

According to another version, the decks of numbered cards that existed in the Middle East were delivered to Europe with crusaders, and a special role was assigned to the Templars - perhaps deservedly, since the Knights of this Order were very consistently built contacts with Muslims for almost a two-year stay on the Holy Land, where the fantastic The mixing of Arab, Jewish, Byzantine cultural phenomena is a real alchemical boiler.

Therefore, the fact that older arcans can hardly have Islamic origin, nothing else says. The Holy Land at that time was flooded by immigrants from various regions of the Middle East, so the Templars had the case not only with Arabs. What and from whom they came there for two hundred years - on this score, apparently, they were not aware of the kings or historians or Pope Roman. It is significantly the fact that intensive interaction with Middle Eastern cultures has enriched Europe with many ideas, discoveries and finds.

Medicine and fashion, philosophy and optics, mathematics and cooking, math and chess techniques - it seemed that there was no single gap in European life, in which the East would not be leaked. Borrowing concerned and spiritual life - this time created the soil for the flourishing of a huge number of secret societies, whose views did not coincide with the doctrines of Catholicism.

True, the main mention of playing cards in Europe appeared almost a century after the end of the crusades. The Italian chronicler Cowelzo reports that at the end of the XIV century, there was a game of cards from Saracin and called "NAIB" in their territories.

Well, the Spanish name of the NaiPes playing cards (and the Maurians at one time were pretty defeated Spain) is a weighty argument both in favor of the Saratic origin of cards and in favor of the crusader version. There is also a Jewish word Naibes, resembling the oldital name of Naibi cards - and in both languages, which is interesting, this word means magic, fortune-telling, prediction.

Here they are, the riddles of history!

Crusaders seemed to have come down from the scene too early, and the Gypsies appeared too late to reliably explain the appearance of cards in Europe.

However, if you believe in some sources, Tarot's cards appeared in Europe at the very beginning of the XIV century, just at the time of the end of the cross crusades and extermination of the Order of the Templars.

Today it is believed that the first written mention of some card game in Europe dates back to 1337 and belongs to a certain monk-Dominican ("Tractatus Moribus et Disciplina Humanae Conversations"). Yes, and the preserved historical testimonies do not exclude the existence of other, earlier and not reached us.

For example, in the collection of the British Museum (London), the manuscript of a certain monk Johann Brefeldsky is kept, which is unknown where, when, and by whom the invented game of the card (Ludus Cartarum) appeared in their territories (the territory of modern Switzerland) in 1377. He writes that it is comparable to the game of chess, since "both there are kings, queens, nobles and commoners," four kings in it, people paint these cards in their intelligence and use the most diverse ways of the game.

It is known that even then prohibits for such games began to appear in Europe (in any case, for money). This did not prevent the French king Karl VI in 1392 to order Jacmese Gringonier three gilded decks.

There is no reason to think that the gringonier invented them - he was a gifted draftsman, and reproduced on the parchment, the images already known by the time, easily identified with modern symbols of Senior Arkanov Tarot.

These were only 22 senior arcanese maps. No more no less. Edict about the game for money could hardly be broken with such a thing.

What were they king? Is that the French monarch of the XIV century was aware of their essence much better than we assume ... generally it seems that the older and younger arcans tarot have two different stories. Perhaps they really came to Europe in different ways?

Perhaps alone really originated in the Middle East as a system of spiritual knowledge, while others in the Far East as a game? Or was the futility? Why are younger arcanes are known literally to all under the guise of four cardas, and the older arcans at some point "disappeared" from the deck? Why only one of them remained in her - the jester, more famous for Joker (and it is he who inhales life into the whole system of senior arcanes)? And after all, he really retained his seniority, the position of "all trump cards" hitting any card in the deck ...

Why did the knights disappeared from the deck? Fazy, ladies, kings are known to everyone, and for some reason Knights turned out to be "non-graphs" people ... And why did you need to rename the master of junior arkanov? All these peaks, cherry, baptism, tambourine ... Why do these allegory, why could not be called swords - swords, and bowls - bowls?

Sometimes it seems that the evolution of the card deck indirectly tell us about one of the most painful and mystical secrets of the Middle Ages - the extermination of the Knight Templar, whose swords, according to a steady legend, kept the bowl .... The Great Okkultist Alistair Crowley in his deck eliminated the kings and gave their place knights. Inexplicable step ....

Whatever it was, and from where the maps either lead their mysterious origin, but in the XIV - XV centuries, they firmly settled in Europe and, by passing the Middle Ages, entered the Renaissance Epoch. It was noted that the cards served the court entertainments of the European nobility, like chess. They were accompanied by the title and in the mountain, and in joy, they laid out and women, and women, but were attached to them serious esoteric importance, it was difficult to say.

There are very extensive information about the use of tarot for gadas in the XVI-XVII centuries. It was in that epoch, despite the activities of the Inquisition, there was a special latitude of thinking, which allowed combining a deep faith in God, the development of scientific views on the world, and the active use of occult practices. As an example, the Astrologer and Occultist of John Di, who used the tarot for "conversations with angels" and William Lilly with his "Christian astrology".

It can be said that, unbiased by studying the meaning of Arkanov and the capabilities of Tarot, we are all symbolically becoming "people of rebirth", because the willy-noilists expand the horizons and learn to see the relationship as if mutually exclusive teachings.

The space examination of Tarot is unique in that here the traditions of Gnosticism and Christian mysticism get along with the ancient pagan wisdom (from which he in many ways increased, enhancing a nearly irreconcilable conflict). Esoteric traditions such as alchemy and astrology, Numerology and Kabbalah are connected with Tarot, there is a place and mythology, and eastern philosophy, and all this sooner or later falls into a circle of attention of someone who took the cards.

Interestingly, flourishing and games, and gadaval practices came to the age of enlightenment - such a rational, so reasonable ... It was in the XVIII century that the Tarot study began.

It was in the XVIII century that the French linguist mentioned above mentioned above, the Occultist and Mason, Count Antoine Kurt de Zabelolen first investigated the archetypical meaning of senior arkanov.

There is an opinion that the revelation convened during the game of the card in one of the Parisian salons. However, it should be recognized that the descending of this revelation was very well prepared by the previous classes of the graph and was not at all random. At the end of the Theological Faculty at the University of Lausanne, de Zaeblen became a wandering preacher, and this nature of classes and frequent travels led him to the study of cultural differences, passion from mythology and sacred sacraments.

He believed that all famous religions contain the same truths, and as a linguist sought to revive an ancient hieroglyphic language, which would explain the principles of myth-making. In 1773-1784, he began to publish unique labor under the name "Primitive World, his analysis and comparison with the world of modern", better known under the abbreviated name "Le Monde Primitif".

The next volume of this amazing study, which came out in 1781, contained a treatise "On the game of Tarot" ("Du Jeu Des Tarot"), in which he was fought and put forward a rather popular version of the Egyptian roots of Tarot, that it should be taken as A book and that Tarot is analyzed from the point of view of the sacred number 7 (each suit contains twice seven cards twice, and the older arcans are three cards, plus there is a jester that embodies the "secret of the number of National").

In addition to the idea, the application called "Tarot Study, including the possibility of privacy through cards," including all 78 images were presented.

A great interpreter Taro Jeell Francois Aliette became a student and successor of Zebelin, who is more famous under his Masonic name-flipstroke. It is curious that he entered the lie just that year when his teacher published his famous treatise dedicated to Tarot. He himself, two years later, he released the way "the way to challenge through the deck of cards called Taro", and put this most method on the commercial basis.

It is interesting that the initial figures in this area were men, and, perhaps, it was Ettela that modern gadels and fortune-tales should consider "the godfather". Firstly, Ettela created his own deck of 78 arcanes, saturated with Masonic symbols (subsequently wrote entire monographs on the study of this deck, and various options were created), and sold this deck sold!

Secondly, he inspired himself to the right and left to the Parisians to go left, getting good money for his art. They say, in her old life, he was not the hairdresser, not the bookseller, but it didn't go to any comparison with the success he had as a fortuneteller.
There are disputes, who exactly, Ettela or de Surel, offered a curious interpretation of the word Tarot as a combination of "Tar" (road) and RO (Royal).

In those days, in the decoding of Egyptian hieroglyphs, a place for fantasy was much more than now, but as not to remember Freud with his "royal road to the unconscious." There is also an idea that at the heart is the Egyptian word Taru, meaning to "demand a response" (which largely reflects the meaning of mantical practices).

Other researchers believe that the name of the maps came from Hebrew and is a distorted word "Torah". There is an opinion that Tarot is an anagram of the Latin word Rota ("Wheel"). The famous occultist of the 20th century Paul Foster Case produced entire four anagrams, having received the phrase "Rota Taro Orat Ator", approximately converted as "Tarot's wheel heralds the law of wisdom" (ATOR - Egyptian dedication goddess).

In the books of Rosenkraucers and Masons, the term "Rota Mundi" is often found, the "Wheel of the World". It should be noted that during the time of working on his book, in 1776, it was furified by the Masonic Life, therefore the information given to them on the origin of the Tarot could well be not his own hypothesis, but the information was drawn by his teachers.

It remains only to add that the masons and Rosenkraucers persistently insisted that they are spiritual heirs of the Templars (and some modern researchers believe that they had for this basis), and according to one of the versions, it was the Templars "the godfathers" tarot, bringing They are in Europe from the Middle East.

Whatever it was, they were far from the first and far from the only seekers of the Tota. Gnostics and alchemists of antiquity, Templars and Rosenkrazers, theosophists and "free bricklayers" ... Everyone who managed to touch the secret knowledge of antiquity, made their contribution to these searches.

After the success of the Renaissance and Epoch of Enlightenment, Tarot will conquered new times and new spaces. It entered the XIX century, marked by enormous interest in occultism, esoteric and mysticism, and penetrated from Europe to other continents, primarily in North America. Loud name in the history of Tarot XIX century was the name of the most famous French occultist of Alfonso Louis Konstan, better known as Eliphas Levi

He was an abbot of the Roman Catholic Church, passionately enthusiastic learning symbols and mystical Judaism. Naturally, taking into account the profession and Sana, he could not openly publish his famous work "The Doctrine and Ritual of Higher Magic" ("Dogme et Rituel de La Haute Magie"), so he translated his name to Hebrew.

He believed that Tarot is a sacred occult alphabet, which is all the Egyptians, the Jews, the Greeks - attributed to someone "from their" (Egyptians - Touo, Jews - the eldest Son of Cain Enochu and so on).

About Tarot He wrote the following: "Tarot cards ... are the most advanced divination tool, which can be used with complete confidence due to the proportional accuracy of figures and numbers depicted on them.

In reality, the prediction of this book is always strictly reliable, and even when she does not predict anything, she always opens something that was hidden, and gives the wise council to those who ask him. "

With this, perhaps, you can agree. It also seems that everyone who now is seriously interested in Tarot, the willy-unilies come to the same philosophy as Eliphas Levi: guess-guess, but do not forget that cards are the keys to the deep understanding of the human nature and the laws of life. It would seem - a set of numbered pictures ... Truly said - "Such a wealth is concluded in such poverty"!

The French doctor Gerar Eckoss, who wrote under the pseudonym paws, was becoming a successor of the ideas of Eliphas Levi.

It was especially interested in the correlation of tarot, astrological symbols and letters Kabbalah. In 1908, he published the book "Predictive Tarot", equipped with an album of 78 cards, which were proposed to cut and stick to the cardboard. This deck inspired the Swiss hypnotist, the Mason and the Osvald Osvald's Occult Master to create it a very exquisite modification (Some Tarologists of the Wiper's deck are considered one of the most "high-level" to this day) and writing a difficult monograph "Le Tarot Des Imagiers du Moyen Age".

It was Papus in the book "The key to the occult sciences" finally formulated the idea of \u200b\u200ban encrypted card key for the transfer of changes on the laws of the universe in a compressed form. In the ancient world, knowledge was transferred after strict inspections from the mouth of the mouth, but in the course of the development of civilization, such a practice became too risky and the dedicated had to look for some new "know-how" to save their developments from oblivion and loss.

By the way, one of the most speculative versions of the origin of the cards reports that the Egyptians, in turn, did not create a book of Tota, and Tarot is generally a fragment of an atlitical civilization, which continues to exist in a strongly distorted form ... However, Paul did not come so far His assumptions, and leanned to the idea that for the first time the wisdom of Tarot was still encrypted into a foreseeable era.

One of the most striking events in the history of Tarot will undoubtedly be considered the emergence in 1888 in Victorian Britain (just the times of Conan Doyle) an extremely influential occult society - a hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.

The society was founded by Doctors and Masons William Woodman and Wyen Wecott, as well as a large connoisseur of various esoteric traditions by Samuel Liddem Magregor Mats (Mosel). All of them, in turn, were members of the Rosicraser Occult Societas Rosicruciana. With their light hand, the magic of ancient Egypt, Kabbalah and medieval mysticism walked into a completely consistent system of occult views, but Tarot Golden Dawn is almost the only thing that he remains.

The radical distinguishing feature of this order was the presence of women (as a rule, Masonic and Rosencraser lodges took only men in their ranks). It was from this environment that the two most famous Tarologists of the 20th century came out, giving "ideological roll" regarding the Golden Dawn system, if you can put it, and what is interesting - in diametrically opposite directions.

In 1903, the first one of them broke off from the famous Order, Arthur Edward Wait. He led his own esoteric group - "Holy Order of the Golden Dawn." It is significant that the name differs from the original only in one word.

Wate was an outstanding mysticism and highly appreciated his teachers, but was distinguished from them a pronounced commitment to Christian religious traditions.

Biographers Wait claim that during the illness as a child, he experienced a state of practically clinical death, and coming out of him, quickly went on amendment and, despite the early age, firmly intended to devote his life to the occult sciences revealing the unity of peace and man.

He studied alchemy and Kabbalah, the secrets of Christian mysticism, the ideas of Masons and Rosencreers - with such training, it was naturally with open arms accepted in the Order of the Golden Dawn.

However, as usual, the esoteric fractions are inclined to split. Wait never joined the Neo-Sequipte paganism, which was cultivated by the adepts of the Order. For him, religious knightly ideals and legends about the Holy Grays were much more important.

He came to the conclusion that four taro suit symbolize the sacred objects described in the knightly legends - a spear, a bowl, sword and shield (on another version - discos, one of the sacred objects used in the ritual of the communion along with the bowl).

Wait put forward the idea that not only the older arkans describe the mystical path of the soul, but each of the four most junior arcanes describes the way of gaining one of the four important spiritual values. Together with the artist Pamela Colman Smith, who chose him to his mentor, he created a unique deck for the first time containing fully illustrated junior arcanes than and its popularity.

In 1909, thanks to the publisher William Ridera, this deck saw the light. Therefore, the deck later began to be called a dealer of Raidera-Wait, and the decks created on the basis of its arcanes and the next traditions of their traditions - "Ryderovski clones". Knowing about the religiosity of Wait, many today consider his deck insufficiently "ideologically free."

In fact, if the minimum Christian symbolism, which is present on the arcans, becomes a serious obstacle to working with this unique and universal deck, then it is much more talks about anyone's ideological attitude than all Watet stained glass windows and tiara combined.

A year later, Wait published the monograph "Illustrated Key to Tarot"), where he made a comparative analysis of the existing systems, described the values \u200b\u200bof the cards and gave them to interpretations in a direct and inverted position.

He did everything so that the leadership was simple and understandable. It is obvious that it did not contain the tenth lobes of Knowledge of Wait.

Theoretical calculations on astrology, kabbalistic and other adjacent sciences were minimized if not to say to zero. Perhaps the author kept the secrets of his order, but more like the fact that his goal was different - he sincerely wanted the maps "go to the people."

And it was unequivocally succeeded. It is enough to look at the online stores selling Tarot decks to make sure. As in the fact that the versions of the very deck of Raider-Wait exists a lot, although the differences between them are not very significant.

In 1971, an authorized version was issued in the United States with the preservation of accurate images and original paints - a personal deck of Arthur Way was taken as a basis, still in the property of his ninety-and-long daughter, Sibilla Wate.

A little later than Wate, in 1907, borrowing the main ideas of the Order of the Golden Dawn, his esoteric group was founded by the second mega-tarologist of the 20th century - Alister Crowley.

He himself believed himself by the embodiment of Eliphas Levi. It is rightfully considered one of the most odious and eccentric figures in the occult medium.

If Wate was a commitment to Christian traditions, then Crowley, who joined the Order of the Golden Dawn on his protection, was subsequently glorified by disgusting to Christianity, addiction to heroin and sexual occult practices.

His Order of the Silver Star was the focus of the magic of the corresponding sense. The scandalous and self-destructive behavior has not been canceled into the crown of outstanding occult gifts and huge erudition.

In the 40s, Crowley took almost the same move as Arthur Wate, who collaborated with Pamela Smith, namely, in collaboration with a talented artist Lady Freeda Harris, he created his deck of Tarot cards.

In this deck, the symbols are hardly used by all the great civilizations of antiquity, there is an influence of tantricism, in general it is exceptional for the wealth and complexity of ideas in it.

Working on the deck was completed in 1944, and it was published only in 1971 with the assistance of the fraternity of the Mages of Ordo Templi Orientalis, which Crowley was headed at one time.

It remains with regret to notice that the names of the two most popular deck contain the name of the developer and do not contain the name of the artist. By justice, they would have to be called Tarot Wait-Smith and Tarot Crowley Harris.

There is no doubt that Taro has a story, there is a future, but the distant past it prefers to preserve under the cover of the mystery.

As Massimiliano Philadoro, we will not get answers to Tarot's riddles, learning from where the cards lead their origin or determining who invented them.

Some works create themselves, and the author of Tarot can be considered justice to consider all humanity. The problems that Taro puts, its archetypal images, the themes to which it is drawn will always cause people in any way. The symbolism of cards is universal, connected in many cultures and philosophical currents and they can really be viewed as a book of occult knowledge that can lead to a deeper understanding of the vital process and themselves.

Our days can rightly be considered a genuine Renaissance Tarot. Having discovered the inexhaustible archetypal capabilities provided by the structure of Arkanov, the publishers in vain produce thematic decks, essentially adapting to this structure a variety of spheres of human experience. Tarot is used in various fields of counseling, becoming something much more flexible and versatile than tool for divination.

Options for its use are extremely diverse. It can be said that in our days, Tarot begins to disclose his genuine potential, its colossal ability to reflect the universal models of human experiences and life situations, the crises of internal growth and the lessons of external events through which we all pass. It is really perceived as a wisdom book that has absorbed the myths and knowledge of different peoples and telling us an ancient story about the sides of the hero ... which each of us is on their life path.

Used in the preparation of material sources:
1. Banzhaf Haio (2006) Tarot Ridera-Wait. - St. Petersburg, publishing group "All", Publishing House "Girgore", 208 p. Original edition: Banzhaf Hajo (2001) Das Tarotbuch.
2. Banzhaf Hayo, Acron (2006) Encyclopedia Arkanov Tarot Crowley. Full interpretation of cards. - St. Petersburg, publishing group "All", 240 p. Original edition: Banzhaf Hajo & Akron (1995) The Crowley Tarot. The Handbook to the Cards by Alister Crowley and Lady Frieda Harris
3. Banzhaf Hayo, Teler Bridget (2006). Tarot Aister Crowley. Keywords. - St. Petersburg, publishing group "All", original edition: Banzhaf Hajo & Theler Brigitte (2001) Keywords for the Crowley Tarot. ISBN 1-57863-173-4.
4. Banzhaf Haio, Hemmerline Eliza (2009). Tarot Ridera-Wait and Tarot Alistair Crowley. Practical guide. - St. Petersburg, publishing group "All", original edition: Banzhaf Hajo & Hemmerlein Elisa (1999) Tarot As Your Companion. The Rider-Waite and Crowley Thoth Tarot Decks. A Practical Guide.
5. Bartlet Sarah (2007). Taro. Full guide. - Moscow, "storehouse-buildings".
6. Berkovsky Yuri (2004). Tarot: An oldest symbol system. - Moscow, Ripol Classic.
7. Wirth Osvald (2003). Tarot Mages. - St. Petersburg, "Exlimbries".
8. Hollandand Scott P. (2005) Tarot for beginners. - Moscow "Grand", "Fair-Press", original edition: Hollander Scott P. (1995) Tarot for Beginners. - Llewellyn Publications. St.paul. USA.
9. Gugenheim Max Background (2006) All about Tarot Maps. Arthur Wait system. - St. Petersburg, "Crystal"; Moscow, "Onyx", 176.
10. Kaplan Stewart R. (2004) Classic Taro. Origin, story, divination. - Moscow, CenterPolygraf, Original Edition: Kaplan Stuart R. Tarot Classic.
11. Moore Barbara (2006) such a different tarot. - St. Petersburg, Publishing Group "All", Publishing House "Girgore". Original edition: Moore Barbara (2004) What Tarot Can Do for You.- Llewellyn publications St. Paul. USA.
12. Papus (2004). Kabbalah. Predictive tarot. - Moscow, AST Publishing House.
13. Pollak Rachel (2006) Tarot. Full illustrated manual. - Moscow, AST, Astrel. Original edition: Pollack Rachel (1999) Complete Illustrated Guide to Tarot. Harper Collins Publishers Ltd.
14. Tomberg Valentine (2000). Meditation on tarot. - Kiev, Sofia.
15. Philadoro Massimiliano (2007). Universal tarot. - Moscow, "Fair Publishing". Original edition: FILADORO MASSIMILIANO (2005). The Universal Tarot. Lo SCARABEO.
16. Hall Mainie P. (1994). Encyclopedic statement of Masonic, hermetic, Kabbalistic and Rosencray Symbolic philosophy. - St. Petersburg, Spex.
17. Chalova Julia (2007). Tarot deck. Archetypes, predictions, layouts. - Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix.
18. Shmakov Vladimir (1993). Sacred Book Tota. Great Arcans Tarot. - Kiev, Sofia.


Such mysterious things like tarot cards, in the history of mankind there is a bit. The mysteriously appeared unknown from where, these cards lightningly won the whole of Europe. What are they and for what they were created for? Are they somehow magic toolstored esoteric secrets, Or just a toy, what a lot appeared for the history of mankind? It is clear that numerous daily and predictorsenjoyed in their activities tarot cardswill insist on their irrational entity, non-recreable mechanism of their action.

Let's try to figure out the essence of Tarot and think about whether we will not be able to use them in your life without resorting to the extraneous assistance of the priests and fortune-telling. I will try to set out all my considerations in such a way that they are understandable to a person who has never encountered Taro, because and until recently was such. I will build further reasoning from the point of view of a person with a technical, and not occult education. Therefore, I foresee the indignation of experts in the area of \u200b\u200bthe occult by my amateur arguments. However, I want to use such a tool like Tarot, in my own interests and is not going to keep my thoughts in secret. Is it possible - it becomes clear in the course of the case, but my preliminary reflections on this topic suggest me that Tarot is an extremely interesting and useful thing, if you use it in the countries that it is capable of covering, and the person is able to perceive.

The main misconception of modern people is an idea of \u200b\u200byour own mental superiority over the people of the past. The human brain has practically not changed over the past ten thousand years. People who lived two or four thousand years ago were not more stupid. Therefore, what was invented earlier may well be applied now. We now use computers, or at least calculators, to perform calculations. Now no one remembers such a simple and effective tool for multiplying multi-valued numbers, like pester sticks. I am deeply convinced that Tarot's cards were invented as a tool for performing any actions related to the analysis of the current situation and / or human relations. This I will try to show in my further reasoning. In order to start these arguments, you need to remember the story ...

History of tarot cards

Not being a specialist in the field tarot history, I can only rely on the opinion of enough authoritative and well-known specialists. One of these specialists is currently Haio Banzhaf (Hajo Banzhaf)which in his book "Your Satellite Tarot writes the following:" Studies of card history lead us in the XIV century. " And further: "It is known for certain that in Europe Taro appeared in 1600." Here Banzhaf has in mind that the so-called cards Junior ArkanovBasically, but not completely coinciding with a complete deck of well-known playing cards, came to Europe from Islamic countries in the fourteenth century.

Photos can be enlarged by clicking
Cards Senior Arkanov It appeared unknown from where about 1600, and then the same mysteriously disappeared from the deck of playing cards.

In fact, the history of tarot is very confusing and controversial, more detailed information can be found in Russian Wikipedia http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/karti_Taro. There are also references to additional sources of information. Like any mysterious history, tarot origin covered with many legends and speculation, including communications with the ancient Egyptian occult knowledge and Hebrew Kabbalah. In accordance with Wikipedia: Kabbalah is a spiritual mystical philosophical teaching, the main sources of which Jewish religious books are considered. These links are quite dubious, although it is impossible to deny their possibility.

The first more or less reliable mention of Tarot was made in Italy, but the first widespread deck of Tarot cards was the so-called "Marseille Tarot", which was finally imposed at the end of the XVI century. It seems from the name that it spread primarily in France. It served as a primary source for a variety of other tarot deck. And first of all it served as the source of interpretation of the values \u200b\u200bof the cards, while drawings in subsequent decks have undergone significant changes. In the XIX century, two more decks were created, Tarot Ettela and Tarot Osvalda Wirth. Currently, the most common appeared in the XX century raider-Wait And Tarot Crowley (Tota Book). Recently, the fame of the Tarot Aquarius era has acquired. Tens of all are tens, if not hundreds of different tarot deck. When writing these notes as the basis was taken as the most common, radiera-Wait.

The composition of the Tarot deck

Tarot cards are divided into two large groups - Senior Arcana and Junior Arcana. The word Arkan comes from the Latin word Arcanum, which means "closed", "secret". In turn, the maps of junior arcanes are divided into additional groups on the values \u200b\u200band in colors (masters). By values \u200b\u200bof the cards are divided into digital and curly (or court) cards. In masters, the maps of junior arcanes are divided into four groups corresponding to masters of playing cardsbut having other names:

  • Wands \u003d Trephica (Cross)
  • Swords \u003d peaks
  • Cups \u003d Chervi.
  • Pentacle \u003d Bubne

Digital maps of junior arcanes have values \u200b\u200bfrom one to dozen, and the ratio of digital values \u200b\u200bin tarot does not matter.

Figure cards in each Tarot Taro (as opposed to playing cards, in which there are only three figure cards), which the names of the Rayder-Wait are called:

  • King
  • Queen
  • Knight

Thus, the younger arcans have 56 cards (for fourteen cards of each suit)

Senior Arcanese maps do not have, although they have sequence numbers and names. Programmers will be very pleased to know that the first card (jester or fool) has a number 0 (zero). In total, there are 22 cards in the senior arcans, therefore, the Card has completed this sequence has the number XXI. By the way, it was because of this number of cards of senior arcanes and a hypothesis about the connection of Taro with Kabbalah arose, since Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters.

In total, Tarot's deck has 78 cards. It should be noted that before the appearance of the deck of Raider-Wate, the drawings had only senior arcanes cards and curly cards of junior arcanes. Sometimes the drawings also accompanied the cards of units of all the masters (aces). The deck of Raider-Wait was illustrated in full drawings of the artist Pamela Colman Smith (Pamela Colman Smith), which gave a magnificent graphic illustration of Arthur Edward Waite interpretation (Arthur Edward Waite). William Rider, whose name entered the name of the deck, was only a publisher who provided the release of this deck. Probably it would be more fair if this deck had the name Taro Ridera-Smith, but history, alas, not always fair ...

The next part of my notes will be devoted to the analysis of common interpretations of maps and attempts to highlight the general approaches to the definition of card values. If my assumptions that tarot is a tool, correct, then you can try to evaluate the possibilities of using Tarot in our daily life.

Lion Borisovich Vysokubov

The origin of these mystical cards is far away in an ancient culture. Nevertheless, we cannot talk about a particular origin. There are many legends that seek about different. It is hard to call not that the origin of the cards themselves, but even from what the name "Taro" went. Some inclined to assume that the name comes from lines crossing on the back of the card, which are called "Tarotee". Others are more adhered to theories that the name was formed from the Italian deck "Taoche", as they called a deck in the XIV century. And this is still not all theories. With other possible origins, we will get to know further in the article.

Scientific view of the history of tarot cards

Tarot Wisconti is considered the oldest deck - Sofin. It was made in 1450 to order two families: Wisconti and Sforza. It was this deck that became a prototype that of 78 sheets that we can see today.

Figure 1. The history of Tarot begins with the cards of Wisconti deck - Sofin (one of them is in the picture).

At that time, such decks were done manually and stood quite expensive and only rich people could be allowed to order them. Wisconti was at that time one of the richest people of Italy.

According to historians, from the very beginning Taro was intended as cards for games, only an extended version. Tomphy (triumphs) were added to the usual 56 cards - 21 card, which had its own unique drawing and could beat all ordinary cards. Adding another map of the jester we get 78 cards. This made it possible to create games with more complex rules. Today we know the rules of only one game using Tarot's cards.

The following in the history appears a deck of tracca Manteny in 1465. It is already different from the previous one that contains only 50 cards and 5 texts (heavenly arch, basics and virtue, science, muses, social status). The number of cards can tell us that the structures of the deck is based on the Kabbalistic division of the universe, known as 50 Bina gates.

But some are inclined to assume that the history of Tarot's cards originates not in 1420-1440, but a little earlier. There is reason to believe that in 1392, Jacina Gringonier ordered to make a deck for King Charles VI. Until now, some of them are stored in the National Library in Paris. However, these cards (they are also called Taro Charles VI), most likely were made only for card games and did not carry any mystical essence.

Some sources claim that the first who brought Tarot's cards to Europe was Bohemian Gypsies who called themselves the Egyptians. This event dates about the 9th century. The very word of Tyrot (or Tarot) meant "Road of Vladyk".

We can talk about the earlier history of the origin of the Tarot cards, but only with legends. There is no reliable information.

Tarot History as Divination Cards

Only in the 18th century Taro began to be used as cards for divination. The first who decided to do this was the Paris seller of seed named Jean-Baptiste Altta (ettela). He was one of the most famous predictors of that time.

Figure 2. Jean-Batist Altt - the first who started the Tarot story as divination cards

At the end of the 18th century, two French researchers Antoine Kur de Mel tried to understand the mystical origin of the Tarot cards.

When the chickens delablie wrote his famous book "Primitive World", he decided to tie the Tarot card history with Egypt. More information from his point of view can be found at the end of the article, where we will tell the Egyptian legend of the origin of these mystical cards.

Already in the 18th - 19th centuries, mystical maps were used mainly only for divination.

Legends about Tarot Maps

Egyptian legenda

The very first idea of \u200b\u200bthe origin of tarot cards is from ancient Egypt. It all started a long time ago. Back with the appearance of Atlanta. But, today we will not deepen into this branch of history, but let's start Taro's legend.

Imagine Pharaohs from ancient Egypt. We will also call them ancient magicians. They were the ancestors of the Atlanta and had the knowledge that the mighty civilization possessed. The fact that the ancient Egyptians had "unearthly" knowledge, even today's researchers and scientists do not refute. Soon Atlantis broke up, but people from the ancient centuries were able to protect some knowledge. It was possible to them thanks to another structure of consciousness. They remembered well what happened to them in the past life. So they could accumulate their knowledge. Nevertheless, in each next life they could lose some knowledge obtained in previous lives.

This question has become particularly important before the nomadic tribes began to attack Egypt. In fact, Pharaohs (or Magi) were not afraid of death, because they knew that they would be rejected and would continue their lives in another body. Most of all, they were afraid to lose knowledge. Once they all gathered and began to think what to do with this problem. Total accepted 3 ways to convey or remind themselves about lost knowledge.

  1. One of the proposals was to leave the records somewhere in the Tibet Mountains, where ordinary people could not get. Selected magicians could familiarize themselves with the inscriptions with meditation.
  2. The second proposal was to pour gold ingots with hieroglyphs that could remind the ancient magicians about their knowledge. As we know, gold can lie very long and not spoil.
  3. But the youngest of magicians offered to create a gamble game. Thanks to Azart, the people could support the existence of this game and do not even think that there was a mysterious meaning in it.

Ancient magicians made the right choice by creating a gamble game for the people. Thus, to today, we have a deck of tarot cards, which people retained. But there is one big "but". If initially a deck was made as a book that could remind any knowledge, then in no case could it be changed by hieroglyphs (drawings) on these cards. The fact is that before in ancient Egypt, it was impossible to change the written texts. If you break this rule, the death penalty could become punishment. And at that time, the creators of Tarot cards and did not think that the time would come when anyone could redraw, change, add drawings on the maps. Thus, today we have many different tarot decks, but most of them are not suitable for reading those tips that have left for themselves magicians.

From the above, it can be concluded that the deck of tarot cards was originally done for divination. It has become much later to guess.

According to one of the Egyptian legends, in ancient Egypt there was a temple in which there were 22 rooms with different images on the walls. The legend claims that it is from these drawings on the walls and the Great Arkana Taro went.

Kar delabllen wrote the following words in one of his books: "Tarot. Card game, common in Germany, Italy and Switzerland. This is the game of Egypt, as we will show one day; its name consists of two oriental words, Tar and RHO (RHO) , and means the "royal way". " However, the facts refute the truth of these words, which means that Tarot's cards have Egyptian origins.

Kabbalistic legend

Also on one of the legends, some people claim that the Tarot deck went from Kabbalah and her story should begin with 300 of our era.

The documentary in which you can learn as the history of ordinary playing cards and the history of the origin of the tarot cards

Many people, for sure, heard about the possibility of finding out the future using Tarot's cards. Even skeptics always sought to hear what they are waiting ahead. According to the evidence, it is using cards that can be seen not only what a personal life will be, but also to get answers to financial issues. It costs to notice that the shrouded secret divination causes an unprecedented interest lately. Not only clairvoyant, but also ordinary people are increasingly resorted to a mysterious deck.

What is fortune telling on the tarot cards

A man involved in the practice of divination will say that Tarot is hidden ancient symbols opening the way to an unfaught future. This is one of the oldest artifacts of the Renaissance era. The first information about the depleted deck is found in the manuscripts of the XV century in Italy. It was used for the game, according to the rules of similar with the traditional bridge. And only from the XVIII century Taro began to be used in the process of predicting the future. The fortune telling on the maps does not give direct answers, as many believe, but only allow you to look at the event from a different point of view. The use of tarot decks in despondency is a way to understand not only your life, but also to know loved ones.

Card History: Event Chronology

1200: For the first time history mentions the maps used in a specific game in Europe. It is believed that they penetrated from the Middle East. Over the century, the cards are becoming the most popular entertainment of rich and famous. The deck has four masters, has senior and younger cards.

1442: Illustrated cards become sought after by the princely yard of Ferrara. During this period, the artist Bonifazio Barbo creates a deck (preserved to this day), which has become a kind of wedding gift.

1500: The availability of the first printed cards allows tarot to penetrate into broad masses of the population. Until this period, the card had only influential and wealthy pelmes.

1526: The first legend of fortune telling using Taro, which was performed by the gypsies. The wandering people arrived in European countries in the 15th century, bringing with them new systems for the prediction of the future with the help of Tarot. According to Tsygan, the indigenous population of Egypt and thanks to it, Taro will expire ancient Egyptian origin.

1781: The statement of the priest of Protestant Antoine Clavy de Zaeblane that Tarot is a lost tot book that opens the secrets of the worldview.

1850: Batist Paul Grima, a well-known publisher, produces one of the most sought-after alets of Eleeilli cards.

Recent years of the XIX century: Tarot cards are endowed with a new symbolism in the spirit of the highest ritual magic. The Order "Golden Dawn" issues the illustrated cards by millions of circulation, called the Rider Taro, which became the base for predictions.

1910: Publication of the publication of Arthur Edward White "Illustrated Key to Tarot", dedicated to mysticism, Divine origin of a deck with mysterious symbolism.

Today Tarot cards have different stylistic design:

  • "Tota" - cards decorated in a modern style, replete with exoteric signs;
  • "Egyptian" - maps with the image of Egyptian symbolism;
  • "Marseille" - cards using the French style design;
  • "Wisconti Sofin" - cards in which the symbols are executed in the style of the Renaissance era;
  • Ridera-Wait - maps having the most meaningful image, suit and numbering. This mysterious deck is one of the most popular in despusting.

History of predictions in Russia with the help of tarot

In Russia, attitudes towards tarot cards can be characterized by two stages.

For the first time, the miracle deck appeared in the XIX century. The fan of the entire mystical king Paul I in every way promoted the development of fortune-class systems. With its board, the predicting methods of Malaya Lenorman, "visits to Sibilla,", etc. penetrated into Russia. In 1861, the "Mysterious Book of Tota" appears in Moscow, to which the deck of cards with drawn junior arcans appended. But the system has acquired a special popularity only at the beginning of the twentieth century, thanks to the policy and esoteric to Dr. Paulus. At that time, the fortune-up system was considered as:

  • mystico-hermetic: P. Uspensky in his predictions used basic central characters drawn in black and white. In his opinion, white is the basis of human knowledge, and a black - contrast, allowing to see the peculiarities of each nature;
  • philosovskoy-hermetic: V. Shmakov used the coincidence of esoteric systems and their harmonic relationship with science;
  • numerology: G.O.M. Used the connection of numbers and senior arcanes.

During the Soviet Union, Taro, like other occultary sciences, subsides. And only with the collapse of the Great Country Card returned to the country in the British-American version. In Russia, the versatile prediction traditions are mixed with the result of which a kind of difference line arises. Today Taro after many experiments have a purely psychological sound. Practical areas arise:

  • medicine on tarot;
  • design of the technique;
  • hadal systems.

The Russian tradition of Tarot is not to predict the future. It involves a deep analysis of relationships, studying the behavioral factor of people with the surrounding world. This is one side of modern practice. Other - the character of "gypsy", legends and predictions of the future.

Gypsy tarot is directly connected with mysticism. Their deck is considered universal and used to analyze events and relationships between people, psycho-emotional diagnosis of man. It is rare to notice, Roma rarely wondered. Most often, they resorted to the deck for predictions to a specific client. The meaning of the illustrations of the Gypsy deck is significantly different from traditional tarot: almost all cards have differences. For example, older arcans, such as dad, hanged and other in them, are simply absent. Also replaced in them and numbering: justice is indicated in the Gypsy Diggle of the Seven, the force has the number eleven. In the deck of Gypsy tarot there are cards and the sky, which are no longer anywhere else.

The Gypsy predictive system is built on the works of Roland Buckland, who was the grandson of Baron nomadic people, is unique and has many layouts:

  • a day map is a fortune telling, which is used to define a specific date: that it will bring, which events will occur. Using this alignment, the occultists receive advice, how best to enroll in one situation or another;
  • for a new acquaintance, which will tell about the first impressions after a meeting with an unfamiliar person;
  • on a beloved, allowing you to determine the common interests of two people;
  • find out the truth used to obtain reliable information, etc.

The use of gypsy cards is the most difficult process of prediction. Few magicians use them in despondency. The gypsies themselves do not apply other cards, fully trusted the native deck.

Tarot appearance: myths and legends

In a word, it is reliably when the cards appeared unknown. And that is why there are many legends about this mystical attribute.

  • Ancient Egypt. The most common legend in the world is a legend coming from ancient Egypt. According to reference, for the transfer of secret information, the ancient Egyptian priests encrypted their knowledge in the symbols: these information was available only to dedicated to people. The deck, consisting of 78 gold cards in the form of plates with certain images, could tell all wisdom of the world.
  • China. According to the dictionary of Ching Jie-Tunga, since the 1120th year in China, a game occurs in China, in which plates from ivory with drawings deposited on them are used. At that time, the country led active activities with Europe. It is on shopping channels and a tarot fell into all countries of the world. But there were maps predictors the future - remains a mystery.
  • Babylon. The similarity of Tarot symbols are located on the cylinders of the Babylon stored in the British Museum. Many decks in accuracy transmit famous images. Babylonian origin of the deck is not proven, as, however, no other, therefore has the right to exist.

Wandering people

In the ancient times, the wise men saw: the world began to fill in people who do not perceive the integrity of being. There was a fear that humanity can use unique knowledge not for the benefit of the earth. The wise men encrypted their knowledge, transforming them into symbols on 78 plates and gave the resulting deck to the wandering people - Gypsies. In accordance with this belief Tarot, this is:

  • Tora - law
  • Ator - Nature
  • Rota - Circle
  • Orat - Speech

It is believed that with the help of a mysterious deck of cards you can:

  • get a reliable answer to the question of interest, it is only necessary to ask him correctly;
  • perform an analysis of the current situation and find a more acceptable output;
  • find out future events of life and change them in a timely manner.

Prediction features

The use of tarot decks in the prediction process is only a tool. They are used to obtain information about the future, help analyze the present, contribute to the adoption of a right decision in doubtful situations. The main thing in handling them is the ability to correctly interpret the dropped symbols.

Occultists believe that fortune telling with the help of Tarot on itself is incorrect. After all, the governing constant at the subconscious level conducts an analysis of the situation, and, accordingly, he can interpret the alignment as it is convenient. In such a situation, the cards are dangerous - incorrectly directed magic is able to destructively influence the person.

Improper handling of cards leads to untruth information: the gigging programms itself to failure. Therefore, a professional never guarantees 100% accomplishment of predictions, because Tarot is help in searching for ways in life situations and which one to choose each decides on their own.

It is believed that cards cause dependence. But the problem lies not in the deeline itself, but in its use. If a person feels uncertainly and is infinitely resorted to fortune investigation - dependence really arises.

Danger of fortune telling

The fortune telling on tarot is a set of interpretation skills, skill and intuition. Only professionals know how to contact them. Incorrect behavior is fraught:

  • insomnia;
  • decline;
  • stress, depression;
  • emotional disorders;
  • strong outflow of energy.

Occultists argue that in the process of divination there are hidden consciousness channels, resulting in energy information. Inability to send this kind of energy leads to the exhaustion of human life resource.

Cognitive facts about tarot cards

  1. Full control over your own worldview.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to use tarot simply from curiosity: magic information is hidden in the deck and the game is capable of damageing.
  3. There are more than 10,000 tarot deck with different symbols: images of movie and sports stars, voodoo dolls, astronomical symbols. Each person has the opportunity to pick up that deck, which he advocates himself.
  4. Benegorians can interpret the cards in their own way, based on the personal understanding of the symbolism.
  5. Modern psychologists use tarot cards to compile the psychological state of the client, offering him to choose a map from the deck with which he associates itself.
  6. Dragging the deck leads to the flow of energy - cards charge. That is why the occultists offer "prevent" the cards in the deck to the client to obtain reliable information about him.
  7. Some religion negatively put to fortunate on tarot, justifying it by the fact that a person has no power over destiny.

Symbols of tarot cards hide something otherworldly and unfamiliar, which causes interest. But only a person owning a gift can recognize and correctly interpret the cards. It is necessary to approach the fortune to fortunefully: the religion of cards can change the believer in the genuine man.