Red handle in a dream. What dream handle? What if the handle dreams

There are many dreams, in which the decodents of dreams are written, but best, if something strange is dreaming, seek explanation to a specialist. Clasnifants consider a dream in which the handles were dreamed of, interesting enough to understand that he predicts, it is necessary to clearly know all the details of the dream.

What if you dream of a handle?

It can be said that the knobs that people write letters or sign documents, will rarely dream, mostly, those who use them in their work. The prediction of astrologers is based on this circumstance, the head of the large enterprise signs various documents and thus takes responsibility.

If a man doubts in a dream, put his autograph or not, then in reality, all the phrases of the document should be checked, especially those that are written with small letters. A faulty handle in such circumstances means that the dreams do not have enough information to make the right decision.

To see ballpoint balls in a dream, but not to use them - the warning that the passion for various travel and adventures is preventing the dream to engage in real affairs and ensure their future. It is probably worth finding serious work with a decent salary, and not to build air locks.

Seeing the dream, the value of which I want to unravel, you need to remember as many details of the dream, because it is precisely the prediction that will depend on the specialist, in addition, he will give advice as avoiding trouble.

To decipher sleep, it is important and the kind of dreaming handles, if it is automatic, then the dream will come to love joy with a beautiful and sexy woman. As far as the relationship with her will continue, it depends only on the dream itself, if he can conquer the confidence of the ladies, then romantic relationships will gradually lead to the wedding march.

If a person wants to write a letter, and the handle spoiled and does not write, it is necessary to pay attention to the surrounding people, perhaps one of them was planted unkind against the dream, reports the secrets of the firm to competitors or simply spreads dirty gossip.

Digested ballpoint pen in some cases speaks of poor health, most likely it concerns the joints of the hands or legs. It is necessary to undergo an examination and take care of your body, otherwise there may be very bad effects, expressed in the loss of limb mobility, it is always easier to prevent the disease than to treat it.

What does foreshadow?

See the reference box in a dream - to receive the long-awaited news: the dream will receive a letter from a familiar person, with whom he had previously connected good relationships, but then they were interrupted. The message may be unpleasant if ink will be ink in the pile, there will be something unforeseen, as a result of which the dreams will lose support and respect for an influential person.

Dingked ballpoint pen means not only health problems, but also strange forgetfulness, when the dreams in reality forgets about important events that could have a beneficial effect on his life.

The ink handle predicts the conflict with partners, as a result of which, the dreams will consider himself offended. The broken handle means that a man showed himself a bad lover and now he has complexes about his weak potency. A tender and affectionate woman will help to cope with such a problem, which will restore his self-esteem.

If the handles had dreamed, attention should be paid to the associated parts, the type of these items will help to make a true prediction. In some cases, such a dream indicates good changes in life, in others - promises trouble, to cope with which it will be quite difficult.

1 Family dream book

What dream of a woman's handle:

Seeing a handle in a dream - try not to give yourself to draw yourself into unpleasant adventures.
If the handle does not write - you can be accused of violations of morality.

2 Psychotherapeutic dream book

See the handle in a dream means:

Pen - penis. Writing, that is, fix events or experiences. The handle does not write or break. Doubts in potency or attractiveness. Fear of castration.

What does the handle mean in a dream. Pencil - see also ink 1. Pen or pencil in a dream express our communication with other people. If the handle does not work, then we do not understand the information provided to us. If we can't find a pen or pencil, we do not have enough information to deal with something defined in life. 2. From a psychological point of view, the pen expresses the desire to learn, or another need - to give their knowledge to other people. The handle involves getting deeper, systematic knowledge than the prevailed pencil. 3. The desire to fix spiritual knowledge is normal in the process of self-development. But the dream of a handle or pencil suggests that we can achieve and automatic letters.

4 Gypsy dream book

Sleep with a handle means:

Handle - you can make a choice that will have an impact on many people.

5 Dream of Wanderers - Terentia Smirnova

6 Dream lovers

The dream in which you see a handle - foreshadows you problems and quarrels with your loved ones because of your love for adventure.

7 Dream Birthday Birthdays May, June, July, August

Pen - to the letter.

8 Dream of the XXI century

Handle, in a dream means:

The fountain pen is to see in a dream a fountain pen or write it - means that you are waiting for an interesting and promising meeting with the author, a journalist or just a writing person who will play an important role in your life. If the fountain pen will dream of a writing person, the results of his creative activity will be marked and its work is waiting for success.
If a good handle suddenly stopped writing - it means that you need more time to pay for your health. Breaking a fountain pen in a dream - promises possible changes in loving relationships.

9 Italian psychoanalytic dream book A.Berti

Pen - phallic symbols.
Usually, the image of the handle from which ink flows or which breaks is broken - displays the fear of sterility or impotence.
If the handle does not write - this is a reflection of doubts in sexual power and attractiveness. Another interpretation is possible and this image refers to the programming phase, symbolizes the prescriptions, fate, the drawing path, repeating the road.

10 Psychological dream book

Why dream of a woman's handle:

A pen. Pencil - see also ink 1. Pen or pencil in a dream express our communications with other people. If the handle does not work, then we do not understand the information provided to us. If we can't find a pen or pencil, we do not have enough information to deal with something defined in life. 2. From a psychological point of view, the pen expresses the desire to learn, or another need - to give their knowledge to other people. The handle involves getting deeper, systematic knowledge than the prevailed pencil. 3. The desire to fix spiritual knowledge is normal in the process of self-development. But the dream of a handle or pencil suggests that we can achieve and automatic letters.

11 Dream Interpretation Simeon Prozorova

What dream of a woman's handle:

He dreamed of a handle to what it was (writing) - you have to sign important documents. Imagine that the handle writes very well.

12 Dream Birthday Birthdays January, February, March, April

See the handle in a dream means:

Pen - to the bow.

13 Dream of Freud.

Sleep with handle in the dream interpretation is extruded as:

Door handle - is a phallic symbol.
New or shiny handle - symbolizes excellent sexual shape.
The handle of an unusual form - speaks of the desire to experiment in the sexual sphere.
Many handles on the same door - symbolizes the desire for group sex.
An ugly or shabby handle - symbolizes about health problems.
The lack of a handle in the door - speaks of impotence.
Handle (fountain, fountain pen or ball), like any long object - is a penis symbol.
Hold in your hand - means confidence in your abilities and opportunities.
Verutet in hands - means the need to revaluate the value system and priorities.
If you gnaw or suck the handle - you dream about oral sex.
If you dropped a handle, then for a man it means - loss of attraction to the partner, and for a woman means a refusal of sexual contacts.
If you ask for someone's handle - you propose to install sexual contacts.
If you lent your handle to someone - you suspect your sexual partner in treason.
Loss of handles - is a sign of impotence or treason.
The presence of an additional handle - suggests that or you always have another version of the sexual partner, or you have a replacement for your partner.
However, if you take the same handle - this indicates the groundlessness of your fears.
If a man puts a handle in his pocket - he wants to do group sex.
If a woman puts a handle in his pocket - she expects a close meeting with a sex partner, and if in a handbag, then with a partner.
If the handle is in the center of the dream, you are proud of it - it says about the complex of inferiority, fear for their capabilities.
If your attention is concentrated on a replacement rod - you are prone to self-satisfaction.

14 Dream interpretation housewife

Sleep with a handle means:

Pen - the desire of communication. The handle does not write - difficulty in contact with other people.

15 Single Meneghetti.

Sleep Pen:

The writing handle usually indicates the programming phase, moreover, it may even mean the re-revival of the complex (in the third generation), often adopted for fate or fataum *. In any case, the image is negative (see Write). * Will of the Gods (Lat.).

16 Online dream book

What does it mean if a woman dream handle:

Pen, in the dream book - be alert, you can become an invalid participant in an extremely unpleasant event.
She stopped writing - you will be tinned.
If it is filled with ink - someone will attain your pride, you will be very unhappy.
To see a ball with a ball - I have been issuing some little things, you can nourish yourself large trouble
The ball of the ball is dreaming - this is a warning that you will not lose any little things, since they can depend much on them.

17 Online dream book

What can a handle dreamed:

Pen - penis.
Writing - fix events or experiences.
The handle does not write or break - doubts in potency or attractiveness.

18 ABC Interpretation of dreams

Handle, in a dream means:

See the handle - to getting news, letters, telegrams.

19 Dream name A.Mindel

If the girl dreams of a handle, then that means:

You dreamed of a handle - you see a handle in a dream - a dream says that you love adventures too much to sit in one place and be busy serious business; Passion for adventure prevents you from ensuring properly your future; Another interpretation of sleep: you are a big master to make plans, but they are completely helpless when it comes to implement them. Your handle does not write - you will be accused of immoral behavior; You should hope that influential people will not make an opinion about you, based only on one episode from your life.

20 Female dream book

Why dream of a woman's handle:

The handle - see a handle in a dream - the foresight of unpleasant, serious complications because of your thrust for adventure. If the handle does not write - you can blame you in immorality.

21 Akulina healer dream book

You dreamed of a handle to what it was (writing) - you have to sign important documents. Imagine that the handle writes very well.

22 ABC Interpretation of dreams

An object that personifies anxiety associated with official papers. Sometimes - phallic symbol. The writers foreshadow. The rest is a warning against slanderous scriptures.

Handle in a dream - a symbol with many interpretations. To present a reliable explanation, which he dreams, foreshadows trouble, conflicts, chagrins, or vice versa, it prophesoes overcoming obstacles, good news and service growth. Dream Interpretation proposes to understand what the symbol foreshadows.

Show caution

Did you have to acquire stationery? The circle of your enemies will be replenished with another person.

Write something on paper - keep careful. Dream interpretation indicates: frivolity is able to deliver you trouble.

A broken handle from the dagger in a dream of sulitis: Support for enemies in fact will be a bear service caused damage.

What dream of a handle from the entrance door? In reality, you will be able to overcome all the problems and grinds that have arisen on your vitality.

Broken door handle in a dream - a foremone of major difficulties. But you do not need to panic - it is possible to resolve them, but not independently, but with the support of foreign people.

Take care of health and inner harmony

Did a new rod from the handle not written? Dream Interpretation explains: It follows as best to follow your own state.

What dreams ball, or helium handle? Sleeping man does not make sense of paramount events, or does not remember them at all. Automatic handle or fountain - to insults and claims. The dreams will soon feel himself humiliated.

Buy it - the vision is a reminder for a dream about his mental values \u200b\u200band inner feelings. It should be given great seriousness.

The door that does not have a handle, in a dream, the closeness of impotence will break up a man. This is the signal to be visited to the doctor.

Miller's dream book: Ahead of complexity

In a dream, a similar symbol - in reality, due to a particular sympathy, adverse incidents are expecting to a different kind of adventure. If the handle is necessary for the letter, but it does not write - the dream is accused of significant violations of moral norms.


What does it mean if there was no paste in the rod, since it was completely written? One of the familiar dreams is very grieved.

The handle that writes in red gives the following tip. The person will decide whether the result of which will have a significant impact on his native people, as well as buddies.

Writing a handle - for those who are not writers - in the dream book, indicates difficulties in contact with outsiders. Probably, the dream has a low self-esteem.

What does the bag warn on which the handle is torn off in night gold? In fact, you can lose friendly relationships with a person, in support of which you need so far. The reason for this will be the absence of your attention to his troubles.

View the door handle in a dream - a new acquaintance is foreseen soon.

A broken knob from a cup to propheted conflict with relatives, comrades. Try to establish relationships with them, in order not to delay the quarrel.

Wait for news

The chopped handle necessary for cleaning means: Soon sleeping will suggest the news, the meaning of which will be greatly interested.

The subject for the letter often foreshadows receipt or sending information. Perhaps you will tell you news, or you inform it to free personalities.

Written accessories in some cases prophesy unpleasant communication, tightened for a long time.

Work, business

To see in a dream a costly elegant handle - according to the dreams, in reality you will have a growth in service. In the near future your position will become more durable. If you received a golden handle as a gift - your high post is certainly yours.

Dreamed that you gave it? In the future, minor changes are expected in working moments.

What dreams when you can not find a written subject? Dream Interpretation says: You do not have enough information to solve some question, or not able to resolve the circumstances in life.

Love, sex

When in a dream you handed it as a gift - you like adventurous situations that will cause the conflict with the second half.

Dreamed to find an object for writing? The dream will soon begin small. No need to perceive it seriously.

Freud's dream book is called the door handle with a phallic symbol. When it is completely new and glitters - this is a sign of wonderful sexuality. An unusual form indicates a dream like to exercise experiments.

Sleep from Saturday on Sunday 04/28/2019

Seen sleep from Saturday to Sunday comes true on the same day. The events that he foreshadow depends on the mood of the dream. If you saw ...

Interpretation of sleep in which a handle is present depends on what value this item has, from interacting with it in a dream, as well as on what goals and intentions are haunted, because the explanation of similar dreams may differ, it depends on the temperament or the current mood.

What if you dream of a handle?

Equally a handle, then a person who is looking for work, will finally find a worthy post with high-balance and acceptable working conditions. A written handle foreshadows rapid recruitors, gaining responsibilities that will open up new opportunities, search for partners and successful embodiment of projects. Those who dream of changing activities can safely start looking for a new fascinating case if in a dream they will see an expensive, and even better registered, writing handle. In writing the handle - confidently take for a new type of activity, even when the ever configured is skeptical, to succeed in finding a new hobby, striving for the better.

Give some Todoroga handle - lose a unique chance to improve the quality of life, the reasons can be uncertainty, the lack of clear motivations and goals. If a gift is presented with a dream from mercenary intentions, then in life it means that a person who has a dream, is able to retreat from his mains and violate the principles for the sake of personal watery and lack of conflicts. But to give a pen member of the family, meaning high hopes for the help of relatives and loved ones, believe in virtue of the family member, have a strong rear and feel defense.

Important news concerning the ambulance is expected to expect those in a dream to sign documents or puts the signature when buying tickets, foreign trips or business trips are possible, especially when there is a huge number of pens for writing.

Purchase a written pen, and, to do it in the food department, it means to strive to the atypical solution of pressing problems, people who see such a dream, often the complex situation in such a way that its decision turns into a growing puzzle. Writing school essays in a dream - to experience the nippers of the long-completed affairs, but not to have the opportunity to change anything, to push the situation with constant discontent. Breaking a handle - avoidsterotypes, non-standard approach to the fulfillment of routine tasks, using a creative person. If in a dream, a man has to be crazy out of the handles, then in life all his ability to think differently, an unusual task will arise in front of him, capable of changing the life, which consistent with tremendous effort.

Find in the Snowflower - to gain a reliable friend who can be a colleague, such friendship will last for many years and bring a lot of positive impressions. Quarrels for the handles - seeks to achieve more in the career, but so far all starts unnoticed, because colleagues are making a maximum of efforts to appropriate unknown glory and achievements.

What does foreshadow?

Furniture handle-sleep foreshadows the purchase of new items of decor, improving the appearance of the housekeery of the workplace, and all expenses will be unexproite and accurate. The cabinet in a dream the cabinet for the handle, it means that you feel confident to further sediments, not to be afraid of new discoveries, although to understand that All of them can success and material benefits. To clean the furniture at home, while paying out the handles - finally note that family members also need comfort, stop lingering at work, attend together entertainment.

Open the door handle and get into the car - feel the tide of strength, readiness for new victories Imiro-setting from the current day, getting out of the car - to be distracted from the mainstream, sprayed into small things and to be insufficient and scattered. Immediately, gliders, notepads and special devices will be able to Helping the planning of the extension, there will be no superfluous classes on time management or a simple constituent routine of the day. To break the handle when landing into the car - to influence the change of life, all the problems rest in the absence of an accurate purpose and reluctance to leave the comfort zone.

The handle in a dream means both positive changes and the presence of certain difficulties, it all depends on what goals are the one who sees the dream. This subject sometimes also means the presence of ambitious possibilities for improving the quality of life.

Handle in a dream - a symbol having several values. To completely interpret what he dreams, whether problems, quarrels, disappointment bears, or foreshadow the overcoming of difficulties, news, career growth. Dream interpretation will help figure out this symbol.

Show caution

Did you have to buy pencils, handles? Among your ill-wishers will appear one more.

Writing on paper - should be more careful. Dream interpretation emphasizes: frivolous behavior may entail problems.

The broken knife against a knife in a dream foreshadows: the help of "benevolers" for verification will be a bearish service carrying service.

What dream of a handle from the entrance door? In reality, you will overcome all the difficulties and obstacles that will arise.

Broken door handle in a dream - forever the big problems. However, it is not necessary to panic - they can be solved if not yourself, then with the help of loved ones.

Take care of health and inner harmony

Dreamed, as if good, it seems that the rod suddenly stopped writing? Dream interpretation notifies: you need to give more time to health.

What dream of ball, gel? The dreams does not attach importance to something important or forgot about him. Fountain pen or feathers - to insults, complaints. A man will soon feel offended.

Buying her - a dream reminds sleeping about the value of his thoughts, feelings. It is necessary to give them more importance.

The door without a handle in a dream foreshadows the man's approach of impotence. This is a signal to visit the doctor on time.

Miller's dream book: Ahead of complexity

To see this symbol in a dream - in reality, because of the love of the dream, it is waiting for his trouble. When it is needed for a letter, but does not write - he is expected accusations of serious violations of morality.


What dreams, as if the passage ended in the rod? Some of the familiar sleeping will disappoint him very much.

A red writing handle suggests: a person will make some choice that will later affect his loved ones, familiar.

To write it - for the one who is not a writer - according to the dream book, tells about the problems when communicating with others. Perhaps he has understated self-esteem.

If you saw a handle with a torn handle - you can lose support for a reliable friend. The reason for this will be your inattention to his concerns and ungratefulness.

See the door in a dream - soon get acquainted with someone.

The abdicted ear from the cup throws a quarrel with relatives, friends. Try to make up with them not to delay the conflict.

Expect news

Dingked handle for writing means: the shortness of the dreams will know some interesting news.

The written activity often promises receipt or sending a message, that is, you will learn some important news either yourself sharing it with someone.

Pencils, handles for writing sometimes stuffed a painful correspondence that will delay indefinitely.

Work, business

To see a dear beautiful handle in a dream - by dream, I will have a career growth. Soon your position will be strengthened. Get gold as a gift - take a high responsible post.

Did you dream to give it? Ahead is not too significant changes in business, work.

What does the impossibility of finding it? Dream interpretation claims: You do not have enough information to solve a question or deal with some life circumstances.

Love, sex

If in a dream you gave it - you love the adventures and adventures very much, it will cause quarrels with your loved one.

Did you have to find a written affiliation? Sleeping soon a small intrigue can be tied up. Do not give it too much importance.

Freud's dream book calls the door handle with a phallic symbol. If it is new or brilliant - this is a sign of an excellent sexual form. Unusual shape door handle - a dreamy loves to experiment in sex.

New family dream book

  • Seeing a handle in a dream - Try not to give yourself to draw in unpleasant adventures.
  • If the handle does not write - You can blame morality violations.

New family dream book

  • Seeing a handle in a dream, try not to give yourself to draw yourself into unpleasant adventures.
  • If the handle does not write, you can blame you in violations of morality.

Dream of Freud.

  • Door knob - It is a phallic symbol.
  • New or shiny handle - symbolizes the excellent sexual form.
  • Knob of unusual shape - Speaks about the desire for experiments in the sexual sphere.
  • Many handles on one door - symbolizes the desire for group sex.
  • Ugly or shabby handle - symbolizes about health problems.
  • No handle in the door - Speaks about impotence.
  • Pen (fountain, fountain pen or ball), like any long object - It is a symbol of penis.
  • To hold in hand - means confidence in your abilities and opportunities.
  • Thrink in the hands - means the need to revaluate the value system and priorities.
  • If you gnaw or suck the handle - You dream of oral sex.
  • If you dropped a handle, then for a man it means - Loss of attraction to the partner, and for a woman means a refusal of sexual contacts.
  • If you ask a handle from someone - You offer to establish sexual contacts.
  • If you lent your handle to someone - You suspect your sexual partner in treason.
  • Loss of handle - is a sign of impotence or treason.
  • Availability of additional handle - It suggests that or you always have another version of the sexual partner, or you have a replacement for your partner.
  • However, if you take the same handle - It talks about the groundlessness of your fears.
  • If a man puts a handle in his pocket - He wants to do group sex.
  • If a woman puts a handle in his pocket - She expects a close meeting with a sex partner, and if in a handbag - then with a partner.
  • If the handle is in the center of the dream, you are proud of it - It speaks about the complex of inferiority, fear for their capabilities.
  • If your attention is concentrated on a replacement rod - You are prone to self-satisfaction.

Gypsy dream book

  • You can make a choice that will have an impact on many people.

Dream lovers

  • Sleep in which you see a handle - foreshadows you problems and quarrels with your loved ones because of your love for adventure.

Dream lovers

  • The dream in which you see a handle foreshadows you problems and quarrels with your loved ones because of your love for adventure.

Female dream book

  • See a handle in a dream - forever the unpleasant, serious complications because of your thrust for adventure.
  • If the handle does not write - You can blame you in immorality.

Dream Stranger

  • Fountain pen - message, news; Writing work; Need to write a letter close.

Italian dream book Meneghetti

  • The writing handle usually indicates the programming phase, moreover, it may even mean the re-revival of the complex (in the third generation), often adopted for fate or fataum *. In any case, the image is negative (see Write). * Will of the Gods (Lat.).

Psychoanalytic dream book V.Sammukhalova

  • Penis. Writing, that is, fix events or experiences.
  • The handle does not write or break. Doubts in potency or attractiveness. Fear of castration.

Dmitry Dream and Winter Dream

  • Ballpoint pen in a dream - A sign that in reality you could forget about something important or not to give the values \u200b\u200bto some facts that you can come in handy.
  • Ink pen - Research sign and complaints. Perhaps in the coming days you will feel offended.
  • See in a dream that someone's hands are stained in ink - foreshadow that you risk suffered from slander and false imaging.

In the article on the topic: "Dream Dream Handle" - represented current information on this issue for 2018.

Dream of Gypsy Serafima

What dream of a handle, interpretation of sleep:

Handle - means sending or receiving a message; Different types of handles have different meanings; The fountain person can represent a sexy symbol; Door handle (has an analogy with the work of the joints of the body) can draw attention to one of the joints, so this dream is interpreted, which you dream.

Dream Interpretation Healer Evdokia

What dream of a handle in a dream?

Handle - serious complications due to love for adventure and levity; If the handle does not write - you will be accused of immorality.

Summer interpreter of dreams

What dream handle?

Autumn interpreter of dreams

What dream handle?

The handle is to a shallow intrigue, so the dream book interprets the dream that you dreamed.

What dreams of the handle in the dreams?

Handle - seeing a handle in a dream, try not to give yourself to draw yourself into unpleasant adventures. If the handle does not write, you can blame you in violations of morality.

Spring interpreter dreams

What dream handle?

What dreams in the dream handle:

The handle - see the handle - to suffer because of your own love for risky entertainment. If your handle does not write in a dream, you will be accused of immoral behavior.

If you are carrying a bucket, and the handle fell off, we fear wrong friends and partners.

See the handle in a dream:

If you dream of a handle on the door - then you will get to overcome all the problems on your life path.

Dreaming in a dream broken door handle or or furniture - you will soon have big problems.

If you saw a ball handle in a dream - then you will soon reach any news.

If you wrote something in a dream with a handle - then you will have problems because of your rash behavior.

It dreams in a dream that in your handle ended ink - then you will be very disappointed in someone.

See also: What does the pasta dream, why dream blue ink is being shot, what dreams of writing a letter to write.

Interpretation of sleep with time, day, month

Do you dream of a handle? Share sleep!

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Handle interpretation of dreams

Handle in a dream - a symbol with many interpretations. To present a reliable explanation, which he dreams, foreshadows trouble, conflicts, chagrins, or vice versa, it prophesoes overcoming obstacles, good news and service growth. Dream Interpretation proposes to understand what the symbol foreshadows.

Show caution

Did you have to acquire stationery? The circle of your enemies will be replenished with another person.

Write something on paper - keep careful. Dream interpretation indicates: frivolity is able to deliver you trouble.

A broken handle from the dagger in a dream of sulitis: Support for enemies in fact will be a bear service caused damage.

What dream of a handle from the entrance door? In reality, you will be able to overcome all the problems and grinds that have arisen on your vitality.

Broken door handle in a dream - a foremone of major difficulties. But you do not need to panic - it is possible to resolve them, but not independently, but with the support of foreign people.

Did a new rod from the handle not written? Dream Interpretation explains: It follows as best to follow your own state.

What dreams ball, or helium handle? Sleeping man does not make sense of paramount events, or does not remember them at all. Automatic handle or fountain - to insults and claims. The dreams will soon feel himself humiliated.

Buy it - the vision is a reminder for a dream about his mental values \u200b\u200band inner feelings. It should be given great seriousness.

The door that does not have a handle, in a dream, the closeness of impotence will break up a man. This is the signal to be visited to the doctor.

In a dream, a similar symbol - in reality, due to a particular sympathy, adverse incidents are expecting to a different kind of adventure. If the handle is necessary for the letter, but it does not write - the dream is accused of significant violations of moral norms.


What does it mean if there was no paste in the rod, since it was completely written? One of the familiar dreams is very grieved.

The handle that writes in red gives the following tip. The person will decide whether the result of which will have a significant impact on his native people, as well as buddies.

Writing a handle - for those who are not writers - in the dream book, indicates difficulties in contact with outsiders. Probably, the dream has a low self-esteem.

What does the bag warn on which the handle is torn off in night gold? In fact, you can lose friendly relationships with a person, in support of which you need so far. The reason for this will be the absence of your attention to his troubles.

View the door handle in a dream - a new acquaintance is foreseen soon.

A broken knob from a cup to propheted conflict with relatives, comrades. Try to establish relationships with them, in order not to delay the quarrel.

Wait for news

The chopped handle necessary for cleaning means: Soon sleeping will suggest the news, the meaning of which will be greatly interested.

The subject for the letter often foreshadows receipt or sending information. Perhaps you will tell you news, or you inform it to free personalities.

Written accessories in some cases prophesy unpleasant communication, tightened for a long time.

Work, business

To see in a dream a costly elegant handle - according to the dreams, in reality you will have a growth in service. In the near future your position will become more durable. If you received a golden handle as a gift - your high post is certainly yours.

Dreamed that you gave it? In the future, minor changes are expected in working moments.

What dreams when you can not find a written subject? Dream Interpretation says: You do not have enough information to solve some question, or not able to resolve the circumstances in life.

Love, sex

When in a dream you handed it as a gift - you like adventurous situations that will cause the conflict with the second half.

Dreamed to find an object for writing? The dream will soon begin a small love affair. No need to perceive it seriously.

Freud's dream book is called the door handle with a phallic symbol. When it is completely new and glitters - this is a sign of wonderful sexuality. An unusual form indicates a dream like to exercise experiments in sex.

Predictions for those who have dreamed of ballpoint handles. What dreams of a handle in a dream?

There are many dreams, in which the decodents of dreams are written, but best, if something strange is dreaming, seek explanation to a specialist. Clasnifants consider a dream in which the handles were dreamed of, interesting enough to understand that he predicts, it is necessary to clearly know all the details of the dream.

What if you dream of a handle?

It can be said that the knobs that people write letters or sign documents, will rarely dream, mostly, those who use them in their work. The prediction of astrologers is based on this circumstance, the head of the large enterprise signs various documents and thus takes responsibility.

If a man doubts in a dream, put his autograph or not, then in reality, all the phrases of the document should be checked, especially those that are written with small letters. A faulty handle in such circumstances means that the dreams do not have enough information to make the right decision.

To see ballpoint balls in a dream, but not to use them - the warning that the passion for various travel and adventures is preventing the dream to engage in real affairs and ensure their future. It is probably worth finding serious work with a decent salary, and not to build air locks.

Seeing the dream, the value of which I want to unravel, you need to remember as many details of the dream, because it is precisely the prediction that will depend on the specialist, in addition, he will give advice as avoiding trouble.

To decipher sleep, it is important and the kind of dreaming handles, if it is automatic, then the dream will come to love joy with a beautiful and sexy woman. As far as the relationship with her will continue, it depends only on the dream itself, if he can conquer the confidence of the ladies, then romantic relationships will gradually lead to the wedding march.

If a person wants to write a letter, and the handle spoiled and does not write, it is necessary to pay attention to the surrounding people, perhaps one of them was planted unkind against the dream, reports the secrets of the firm to competitors or simply spreads dirty gossip.

Digested ballpoint pen in some cases speaks of poor health, most likely it concerns the joints of the hands or legs. It is necessary to undergo an examination and take care of your body, otherwise there may be very bad effects, expressed in the loss of limb mobility, it is always easier to prevent the disease than to treat it.

What does foreshadow?

See the reference box in a dream - to receive the long-awaited news: the dream will receive a letter from a familiar person, with whom he had previously connected good relationships, but then they were interrupted. The message may be unpleasant if ink will be ink in the pile, there will be something unforeseen, as a result of which the dreams will lose support and respect for an influential person.

Dingked ballpoint pen means not only health problems, but also strange forgetfulness, when the dreams in reality forgets about important events that could have a beneficial effect on his life.

The ink handle predicts the conflict with partners, as a result of which, the dreams will consider himself offended. The broken handle means that a man showed himself a bad lover and now he has complexes about his weak potency. A tender and affectionate woman will help to cope with such a problem, which will restore his self-esteem.

If the handles had dreamed, attention should be paid to the associated parts, the type of these items will help to make a true prediction. In some cases, such a dream indicates good changes in life, in others - promises trouble, to cope with which it will be quite difficult.

Add to calendar

Handle in the dreams

Handle in a dream - a symbol having several values. To completely interpret what he dreams, whether problems, quarrels, disappointment bears, or foreshadow the overcoming of difficulties, news, career growth. Dream interpretation will help figure out this symbol.

Show caution

Did you have to buy pencils, handles? Among your ill-wishers will appear one more.

Writing on paper - should be more careful. Dream interpretation emphasizes: frivolous behavior may entail problems.

The broken knife against a knife in a dream foreshadows: the help of "benevolers" for verification will be a bearish service carrying service.

What dream of a handle from the entrance door? In reality, you will overcome all the difficulties and obstacles that will arise.

Broken door handle in a dream - forever the big problems. However, it is not necessary to panic - they can be solved if not yourself, then with the help of loved ones.

Take care of health and inner harmony

Dreamed, as if good, it seems that the rod suddenly stopped writing? Dream interpretation notifies: you need to give more time to health.

What dream of ball, gel? The dreams does not attach importance to something important or forgot about him. Fountain pen or feathers - to insults, complaints. A man will soon feel offended.

Buying her - a dream reminds sleeping about the value of his thoughts, feelings. It is necessary to give them more importance.

The door without a handle in a dream foreshadows the man's approach of impotence. This is a signal to visit the doctor on time.

Miller's dream book: Ahead of complexity

To see this symbol in a dream - in reality, because of the love of the dream, it is waiting for his trouble. When it is needed for a letter, but does not write - he is expected accusations of serious violations of morality.


What dreams, as if the passage ended in the rod? Some of the familiar sleeping will disappoint him very much.

A red writing handle suggests: a person will make some choice that will later affect his loved ones, familiar.

To write it - for the one who is not a writer - according to the dream book, tells about the problems when communicating with others. Perhaps he has understated self-esteem.

If you saw a handle with a torn handle - you can lose support for a reliable friend. The reason for this will be your inattention to his concerns and ungratefulness.

See the door in a dream - soon get acquainted with someone.

The abdicted ear from the cup throws a quarrel with relatives, friends. Try to make up with them not to delay the conflict.

Expect news

Dingked handle for writing means: the shortness of the dreams will know some interesting news.

The written activity often promises receipt or sending a message, that is, you will learn some important news either yourself sharing it with someone.

Pencils, handles for writing sometimes stuffed a painful correspondence that will delay indefinitely.

Work, business

To see a dear beautiful handle in a dream - by dream, I will have a career growth. Soon your position will be strengthened. Get gold as a gift - take a high responsible post.

Did you dream to give it? Ahead is not too significant changes in business, work.

What does the impossibility of finding it? Dream interpretation claims: You do not have enough information to solve a question or deal with some life circumstances.

Love, sex

If in a dream you gave it - you love the adventures and adventures very much, it will cause quarrels with your loved one.

Did you have to find a written affiliation? Sleeping soon a small intrigue can be tied up. Do not give it too much importance.

Freud's dream book calls the door handle with a phallic symbol. If it is new or brilliant - this is a sign of an excellent sexual form. Unusual shape door handle - a dreamy loves to experiment in sex.

Dream interpretation pen writing

Some characters from night vision have several values. One of these characters is a handle.

If you dreamed of a handle, then most likely you have to exchange important news, information with other people.

Subject of office

If you happened to see a handle in a dream, then you may come across in disabilities, or you yourself will hide information from others.

Often this symbol may concern studying or career issues.

Contracted Miller

Dreamed the subject for the letter

In the dream of Gustav Miller there are two absolutely opposite interpretations.

On the one hand, Miller believed that seeing a handle in a dream, means that your thrust for adventure and rapid actions will come out with sideways.

On the other hand, Miller hinted on an excessive timidity of a sleeping person, which prevents him from realizing in life. You absolutely do not know how to own the situation, and this enjoy the surrounding people.

A variety of interpretations of dreams

Interpreter of Scharova

Door handle means that you are able to overcome all obstacles that has prepared life for you.

You see in a dream a broken handle on furniture or doors - expect big trouble.

Double door fittings

According to this dream book, the handle of the ball, which means that soon you will learn interesting information. To write down in the night dream - you will begin troubles because of your spontaneous actions taken.

During the Scripture ink ended - a certain person will greatly disappoint you.

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This dream book also gave a variety of predictions that depended on what kind of handle you saw:

  • just a handle - you can seriously suffer because of love of risk;
  • the ball stops writing - you will be accused of behavior that will be despised by society;
  • handle has a bucket that you carried - your friends or partners will be summed up.

Autumn interpreter

See in a dream a feat handle

If a man is born in autumn, what does the fountain pen dream about? It is believed that the child's child will break the discipline, and have to have a conversation with the director of the educational institution.

Ballpoint handle - a small intrigue with a colleague at work, a neighbor, a fellow traveler in transport.

Interpretator of spouses winter

Seen in a dream, the ballpoint pen may be familiar with that you did not pay attention to some kind of item that in the future you will be very useful.

If the one dreamed of what he writes ink, then in a short time you will collide with insults, you can hurt the surrounding people.

To see the hands of a man pinched in ink - you will be tightened to you, you risk seriously suffered because of this.

Diversity Interpretations Sigmund Freud

Dreamed shiny bright door fittings

Any handle door or writing Freud symbolizes a male sexual organ.

As for the door fittings, such a symbol is responsible for your energy in the sexual sphere. Beautiful, brilliant - dreams is in an excellent form. Unusual forms, it means that you always strive to diversify your intimate life.

See many handles inserted on the door - you would like to try group sex.

If this item is missing on the door, then the vision can speak from your impotence. Ugly, the breakdown indicates you for malfunctions with male health.

Try to remember what exactly you did in the night vision:

  • severe a cap - subconsciously you strive for intimacy through oral sex with a partner;
  • to pick up a pen - a dream man that I saw a dream, stopped being attracted to my partner, and for a woman a vision predicts a refusal of intimate life;

Bite the cap

A few more predictions

If in a dream you will end ink, it may well begin troubles in personal life. The dream is worth a while to avoid intrigues on the side, because they may not bring satisfaction, but significantly spoil the opinion of the people around you.

Sharing handles shows that you are ready for new meetings, your heart is free.

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