Louise Hay Table Pressure. Exercise Louise Hay against negative allegations

35 353 0 Hello! In the article, you will get acquainted with the table, which lists the main diseases and emotional problems that caused them, according to Louise Hay. There are also affirmations that will help heal from these physical and psychological problems.

Psychosomatics of diseases Louise Hay

Table of psychosomatic diseases Louise Hay is based on many years of observation of the relationship between human body and his mental state. According to the psychologist, all negative emotional shakes, neurosis, internal insults and experiences directly lead to diseases.

The table is fully described and their root causes, as well as ways to combat them with help. The table was the basis of the book of Louise Hay "healed himself," which helps people change their lives, make it more joyful and successful.

Disease Table Louise Hay

Disease Cause of disease Formula
Abscess (abscess)Sensibility, revenue, sense of undervaluationI let go of my freedom. I stop thinking about the past. My soul is pacified.
Abscess perianal Revulsion to what is not getting rid of.I can get rid of everything safely. I release from my body unnecessary to me.
Adenoitis Misunderstanding in the family, clashes. The lack of feeling of love for yourself from the side of the child.This baby is a whole universe for his parents. He was really waiting for and thankful fate for him.
Alcohol addiction Lost, the feeling that you are to blame, disrespect for your person.This is my reality. Any new MIG gives updated emotions. I start to realize why I am important to this world. All my actions are faithful and reasonable.
Allergic reactions Rejection of someone. Rejection of yourself as a strong personality.There is no danger in the world for me, for we are friends with him. There are no dangers around me. The universe and I live in Lada.
Amenorrhea(no menstrual cycle from six months or more)Rejection of yourself in the role of a woman. Nelyubov to yourself.I am glad that I am a woman. I am a perfect creating nature with timely menstruation.
Amnesia (memory loss)Permanent state of fear. Attempts to escape from real life. The inability to protect yourself.I understand, bold and highly appreciate myself as a person. Everything around me is absolutely safe.
Angina(Affirmation should be pronounced throat harass)You want to bed to everyone around. It seems to you that you are not able to convey the thought in a different way.I remove the shackles from myself and becoming a free person who can be as much as nature created me.
Anemia The absence in the soul of joyful unrest regardless of the situation. Unreasonable fears before any small problem. Bad state of health.Joyful feelings help me move forward and make my life brighter. My appreciation to the universe is limitless.
Anemia Cherpovoid cells


Treating any disease, by Louise Hay, occurs at the level of psychological impact. For complete healing, it is important to combine basic treatment with regular affecting affirmations, sincerely believing in his healing, and the result will not make himself wait.

101 thought carrying force

Useful articles:

Alcoholism, N.arkomania.

  1. Unable to cope with something. Creepy fear. The desire to go away from everyone and everything. Unwillingness to be here.
  2. The feeling of futility, inconsistencies. Rejection of his own personality.


  1. Who don't you take out? Denial of own strength.
  2. Protest against anything that is not able to express.
  3. It often happens that allergy's parents often argued and had completely different views on life.
Appendicitis. Fear. Fear of life. Blocking all the best.


  1. Fear. Distrust of the life process. Guilt.
  2. Flight from life, unwillingness to recognize her shadow sides.

Vegetative dystonia.

Weight: Problems.

Appetite excessive. Fear. Self-defense. Distrust of life. Fevering overflow and getting rid of hate feelings.


  1. High heel. Often symbolizes fear and need for protection. Fear can be a cover for hidden anger and reluctance to forgive. Trust in itself, to the very process of life, abstaining from negative thoughts is how to lose weight.
  2. Obesity - the manifestation of the tendency to defend against something. The feeling of the inner void often awakens appetite. The eating provides many people a feeling of acquiring. But the mental deficit will not fill in food. The lack of confidence in life and fear of life circumstances will plunge a person in an attempt to fill out the spiritual emptiness by external means.
Lack of appetite. Denial of personal life. A strong sense of fear of hate and denial itself.
Khudoba. Such people do not like themselves, feel insignificant compared to others, afraid to be rejected. And therefore try to be very kind.

Cellulite (inflammation of subcutaneous fiber).Accumulated anger and self-telling. Forces himself to believe that nothing bothers her.

Inflammatory processes. Fear. Rage. Inflamed consciousness. The conditions you have to see in life are angry and disappointment.

Girsutism (excessive extension in women). Hidden anger. Usually used cover - fear. The desire to blame. Often: reluctance to engage in self-education.

Eye diseases. Eyes symbolize the ability to clearly see the past, present, future. You may not like what you see in your own life.

Astigmatism. Rejection of your own "I". Fear to see yourself in the true light.

Myopia.Fear of the future.

Glaucoma.Pretty reluctance to forgive. Pressure solar insults. Crave all this.

Falnarity. Feeling not from this world.

Cataract. Inability to look ahead with joy. Foggy future.

Conjunctivitis.In life there was some event that caused a strong anger, and this anger is strengthened by fear again to perch this event.

Blindness, retinal detachment, severe head injury. The rigid assessment of the behavior of another person, jealousy, with contempt, arrogance and rigidity.

Dryness in the eyes.Evil eyes. Unwillingness to look with love. Rather, die than forgive. Sometimes the manifestation of maliciousness.


  1. There is a very emotional man who can not get along with what he sees.
  2. And which feels anger and irritation, when it understands that other people look at the world otherwise.
Head: Diseases. Jealousy, envy, hatred and resentment.


  1. Underestimation of yourself. Self-criticism. Fear. Headaches occur when we feel defective, humiliated. Forgive yourself, and your headache will disappear by itself.
  2. Headaches often occur from understated self-esteem, as well as from low resistance even minor stress. A person who complains of permanent headaches, literally all consists of psychological and physical clips and stresses. The usual state of the nervous system is always on the limit of their capabilities. And the first symptom of future diseases becomes headache. Therefore, doctors working with such patients at first teach them to relax.
  3. Loss of contact with your true Ya. The desire to justify the overestimated expectations of others.
  4. The desire to avoid any errors.


  1. Hate forced. Resistance to the move of life.
  2. Migraines are created by people who want to be perfect, as well as those who have accumulated a lot of irritation in this life.
  3. Sexual fears.
  4. Hostile envy.
  5. Migraine develops in a person who does not give itself the right to be himself.

Horro: Diseases.

  1. Inability to stand up for yourself. Switched anger. Crisis of creativity. Reluctance to change. Problems with the throat arise from the feeling that we "have no right", and from the feeling of our own inferiority.
  2. The throat, in addition, is a section of the body where all our creative energy is concentrated. When we resist change, we most often appear problems with the throat.
  3. You need to give yourself the right to do what I want, not Winter yourself and not afraid to disturb others.
  4. Patient throat is always irritation. If he is accompanied by a cold, then, in addition, still confusion.
  1. You abstain from rude words. Feel the inability to express yourself.
  2. Feel anger from what you can not cope with any situation.
Laryngitis. Anger interferes with talking. Fear prevents from coming. You must join me.
Tonsillitis.Fear. Depressed emotions. Potted creativity. The conviction in their inability to speak for himself and independently seek to satisfy their needs.
Hernia. Interrupted relationships. Voltage, burdelessness, incorrect creative self-expression.

Childhood diseases.Vera in calendars, social concepts and controversial rules. Adults around behaving like children.

Adenoids. The child who feels unwanted.

Asthma in children. Fear of life. Unwillingness to be here.

Eye diseases. Unwillingness to see what is happening in the family.

Otitis (inflammation of the external auditory pass, middle ear, inner ear). Anger. Unwillingness to listen. In the house noise. Parents quarrel.

Habit nibble nails.Hopelessness. Selfhood. Hate to one of the parents.

Staphilococcus in children. Immovable attitude towards peace and people from parents or at ancestors.

Rickets.Emotional hunger. The need for love and protection.

Birth: deviations. Karmic.


  1. Longing for unfulfilled. Strong need for control. Deep grief. There was nothing pleasant left.
  2. Diabetes is caused by the need to control, sadness, as well as the inability to take and absorb love. Diabetik does not make attachments and love, although they crave them. It unconsciously rejects love, despite the fact that the deep level is experiencing the strongest need for it. Being in the conflict with himself, in rejection of yourself, he is not able to take love from others. The acquisition of internal mental peacekeeping, the openness of the adoption of love and the ability to love is the beginning of the exit of the disease.
  3. Attempts to control, unreal expectations of universal happiness and sadness to the degree of hopelessness from the fact that it is impracticable. Inability to live your life, because it does not allow (I can not) rejoice and enjoy your life events.

Respiratoryways: Diseases.

  1. Fear or refusal to inhale full breasts. Do not recognize your right to occupy space or exist at all.
  2. Fear. Resistance to change. Distribution of the process of change.
  1. Inability to breathe for your own good. The feeling of depression. Cutting sobs. Fear of life. Unwillingness to be here.
  2. A man with asthma seems to have no right to breathe himself. Children-asthmatics are usually children with a highly developed conscience. They for all accept the blame on themselves.
  3. Asthma arises when in the family the depressed feelings of love, depressed crying, the child is experiencing fear before life and does not want to live more.
  4. Astmatics express more negative emotions, more often angry, offended, melted anger and thirst for ignition compared to healthy people.
  5. Asthma, problems with the lungs are caused by the inability (or reluctance) to live independently, as well as a lack of living space. Asthma, convulsively holding back air flows from the outside world, testifies to fear before frankness, sincerity, before the need to accept the new thing that carries every day. Acquisition of confidence in people is an important psychological component that promotes recovery.
  6. Published sexual desires.
  7. Wants too much; Takes more than it should and gives up with great difficulty. He wants to seem stronger than there is and those causing love for himself.


  1. Deprived pity.
  2. The protracted situation "all against me" and the inability to cope with this.
Rubble. Request for help. Inner crying. You are a victim. Non-recognition of own value.

Nose-beam discharge. Child crying, inner tears, sense of victim.

Nose bleeding.The need for recognition, the desire of love.

Sinusitis. An irritation caused by one of the closests.


  1. Bitterness. Heavy thoughts. Curses. Pride.
  2. Looking for bad and find it, scold someone.

Gastric diseases.

  1. Horror. Fear new. Inability to absorb a new one. We do not know how to assimilate a new life situation.
  2. The stomach is sensitive to our problems, fears, hatred for others and to themselves, discontent with themselves and their destiny. Suppression of these feelings, unwillingness to admit to themselves, an attempt to ignore and "forget" them instead of understanding, awareness and permits may cause various gastric disorders.
  3. The gastric functions are frustrated in people who react to their desire to receive help or manifestation of love from the other person, the desire to rely on anyone. In other cases, the conflict is expressed in the feeling of guilt because of the desire to take away the power of anything among the other. The reason explaining why gastric functions are so vulnerable to such a conflict, it is that the food is the first explicit satisfaction of the recipe-collective desire. In the thoughts of the child, the desire to be loved and the desire to be fed is very deeply connected. When in a more mature age, the desire to get help from another causes shame or shyness, which is often in society, the main value of which is considered independence, desire this finds regressive satisfaction in the increased rift to the absorption of food. This thrust stimulates the secretion of the stomach, and the chronic increase in secretion in a predisposed individual can lead to the formation of ulcers.


  1. Protecting uncertainty. Feeling of doomed.
  2. Irritation.
  3. Strong outbreak of anger in the nearest past.
  1. Fear. Pads of fear.
  2. Heartburn, excess of gastric juice indicates displaced aggressiveness. By solving the problem at a psychosomatic level, the transformation of the forces of the suppressed aggression into the action of an active attitude towards life and circumstances is seen.

The ulcer of the stomach and duodenalist.

  1. Fear. Solid confidence that you are damaged. We are afraid that they are not good enough for their parents, bosses, teachers, etc. We literally can not digest what we imagine. We are still trying to please others. No matter what post you take at work, you may have a completely absence of self-esteem.
  2. Almost all suffering from the patient's ulcers there is a deep inner conflict between the desire for independence, which they highly appreciate, and the need for protection, support and care.
  3. These are people trying to prove all their need and indispensability.
  4. Envy.
  5. People with ulcerative disease are distinguished by anxiety, irritability, increased operation and an exacerbid sense of duty. It is characterized by a reduced self-esteem, accompanied by an excessive vulnerability, shyness, susceptibility, uncertainty in itself, and together with this increased demandingness, imperisibility. It is noted that these people seek to do much more than really can. They are typical of the trend towards active overcoming difficulties in combination with strong internal anxiety.
  6. Anxiety, hypochondria.
  7. Published sense of addiction.
  8. Irritation, indignation and at the same time helplessness from attempts to change yourself, adjusting to someone's expectations.

Teeth: Diseases.

  1. Long indecision. The inability to recognize ideas for their subsequent analysis and decision-making. Losing the ability to confidently immerse yourself.
  2. Fear.
  3. Fear of failure, before the loss of faith in itself.
  4. Unstability of desires, uncertainty in the achievement of the chosen goal, awareness of the irresistibleness of vital difficulties.
  5. The problem with the teeth tells you that it is time to move towards actions, concretize your desires and proceed to their implementation.
Gums: Diseases. Inability to perform solutions. Lack of a clearly pronounced attitude towards life.

Bleeding gums Lack of joy on solutions adopted in life.

Infectious diseases. Weakness of immunity.

  1. Irritation, anger, annoyance. Lack of joy in life. Bitterness.
  2. Starting mechanisms are irritation, anger, annoyance. Any infection indicates an uneteced spiritual disorder. The weak resistance of the body to which infection is superimposed is associated with a disturbance of mental equilibrium.
  3. The weakness of immunity is caused by the following reasons:
    - dislike for yourself;
    - Low self-esteem;
    - Self-deception, betrayal itself, so the lack of peace of mind;
    - hopelessness, despondency, lack of taste of life, tendency to suicide;
    - internal disorder, contradictions between desires and affairs;
    - The immune system is associated with self-identifications, - our ability to distinguish between someone else's ability to separate "I" from "not me."

Stones.Can be formed in anguil bubble, kidneys, a prostate. As a rule, people who have long to carry some heavy thoughts and feelings associated with dissatisfaction, aggression, envy, jealousy, etc. The person is afraid that others guess these thoughts. A person is rigidly focused on his ego, will, desire, perfection, ability and intelligence.

Cyst. Permanent scrolling in the head of the former offense. Misuse.

Intestines: problems.

  1. Fear before deliverance from the whole sense and unnecessary.
  2. A person makes hasty conclusions about reality, rejecting it all if he is not satisfied with only a part.
  3. Irritability due to the inability to integrate conflicting aspects of reality.
Anorectal bleeding (blood presence in feces). Anger and disappointment. Apathy. Resistance to feelings. Emotion suppression. Fear.


  1. Fear not to meet in the allotted time.
  2. Anger in the past. Burdened feelings. Inability to get rid of the accumulated problems, offended and emotion. The joy of life is sinking in anger and sadness.
  3. Fear before parting.
  4. Depressed fear. Must do the unloved job. It is necessary to finish something to finish to get certain material benefits.
  1. The reluctance to part with outdated thoughts. Furnaceing in the past. Sometimes in peeling.
  2. Popps indicate an excess of accumulated feelings, ideas and experiences with which a person cannot or does not want to part, cannot be released for new ones.
  3. The tendency to dramatize some kind of event in his past, the inability to allow the situation (complete Gestalt)

Syndrome of an irritable large intestine.

  1. Infantility, understated self-esteem, tendency to doubt and self-evidence.
  2. Anxiety, hypochondria.

Colic. Irritation, impatience, dissatisfaction with the environment.

Colutes. Uncertainty. Symbolizes the ability to easily part with the past. Fear to release something out of the hands. Unreliability.


  1. Spring.
  2. Fear of losing significant or be in a hopeless position. Concern about the future.
  3. Unrealized ideas.

Indigestion. Animal fear, horror, restless condition. Grumbling and complaints.

Belching.Fear. Too greedy to life.

Diarrhea. Fear. Renouncement. Running.

The mucosa of the colon. The layering of obsolete confused thoughts clog out the slag removal channels. You batch in a viscous bog of the past.

Skin: Diseases. Reflects the fact that a person thinks about himself, the ability to appreciate himself in the face of the surrounding world. A person shakes himself, attaches too much the opinion of others. Rejects himself as they reject others.

  1. Anxiety. Fear. Wellness precipitate in the shower. I'm threatened. Fear that you will be offended.
  2. Loss of self-session. Failure to accept responsibility for your own feelings.
Abscess (affection). Worrying thoughts about resentment, disregard and revenge.
Herpes is simple. The strongest desire to do everything badly. Unspoken bitterness.

Fungus. Backward beliefs. The reluctance to part with the past. Your past takes over the present.

ItchingDesires, reaching a contrary to character. Dissatisfaction. Repentance. The desire to get out of the situation.

Neurodermit.The patient with Neurodermitis has a pronounced desire for physical contact, depressed by the restraint of parents, so it has violations in contact bodies.

Burns. Anger. Internal boiling.


  1. Fear of being offended, wounded.
  2. The king of feelings and himself. Failure to take responsibility for your own feelings.

Acne (acne).

  1. Disagree with me. Lack of love for yourself;
  2. A sign of a subconscious desire to push others, not to consider themselves. (i.e. not enough self-esteem and making themselves and their inner beauty)
Furuncle. Some concrete situation poisoning a person life, causing intense feelings of anger, anxiety and fear.

Neck: Diseases.

  1. Unwillingness to see other sides of the question. Stubbornness. Lack of flexibility.
  2. Pretends that the disturbing situation does not bother him at all.
  1. Irreconcilable antagonism. Mental breakdowns.
  2. Insecurity in its future.

Bones, skeleton: problems.A person appreciates himself only for being useful surrounding.

  1. The feeling that you do not like. Criticism, resentment.
  2. Could not say "no" and accuse others that they are exploited. For such people, it is important to learn how to say "no" if necessary.
  3. Arthritis is one who is always ready to attack, but suppresses this desire. There is a significant emotional effect on the muscular expression of the senses, which is extremely controlled extremely strongly.
  4. The desire for punishment, the censure of themselves. The state of the victim.
  5. A man is too strict to himself, does not give himself relaxing, he does not know how to express his desires and needs. "Inner critic" is too well developed.
The hernia of intervertebral disks. The feeling that life completely deprived you of support.
Rachiocampsis.The inability to sail through the flow of life. Fear and attempts to keep outdated thoughts. Distrust of life. No whole nature. No courage of beliefs.

Lesana pain. Unrealized expectations in the sphere of interpersonal relationships.

Radiculitis.Hypocrisy. Fear for money and for the future.

Rheumatoid arthritis.

  1. Extremely critical attitude towards the manifestation of power. The feeling that too much is cared for you.
  2. In childhood, these patients have a certain style of education, aimed at suppressing an expression of emotions with an emphasis on high moral principles, it can be assumed that constantly, from childhood, the inhibited braking of aggressive and sexual pulses, as well as the presence of an excessively developed super-speech, forms a low-adaptive protective mental mechanism - repression. This protective mechanism suggests conscious displacement of the disturbing material (negative emotions, incl. Anxiety, aggression) to the area of \u200b\u200bthe subconscious, which in turn contributes to the emergence and increasing of the Angedonia and depression. The prevailing in psycho-emotional state becomes: Angedonia - a chronic deficit of a feeling of pleasure, depression is a whole range of sensations and feelings, of which low self-esteem and a sense of guilt are most characteristic of rheumatoid arthritis, the feeling of constant voltage, because The suppression mechanism prevents the free output of mental energy, an increase in internal, hidden aggressiveness or hostility. All these negative emotional states in lengthy existence are able to cause dysfunctions in the limbic system and other emotional hypothalamus zones, a change in activity in serotonergic and dopaminergic non-monitoring systems, which in turn leads to certain shifts in the immune system, and together with these patients emotally dependent The voltage in the occasional muscles (due to the constantly suppressed psychomotor excitation) can serve as a mental component of the entire mechanism for the development of rheumatoid arthritis.

Back: Diseases of the bottom.

  1. Fear because of money. Lack of financial support.
  2. Fear of poverty, material disadvantage. Forced to do everything yourself.
  3. Fear to be used and not get anything in return.

Back: Diseases of the middle part.

  1. Guilt. Caution is riveted to all that in the past. "Leave me alone".
  2. The conviction that it is impossible to trust anyone.

Back: Top Diseases.No moral support. The feeling that you do not like. Help the feeling of love.

Blood, veins, artery: diseases.

  1. Lack of joy. Lack of motion of thought.
  2. Inability to listen to your own needs.

Anemia. Shortage of joy. Fear of life. Faith to their own infringement deprives the joy of life.

Arteries (problems). Problems with arteries - inability to enjoy life. I do not know how to listen to your heart and create situations associated with joy and fun.


  1. Resistance. Tension. Failure to see good.
  2. Frequent chagrins due to acute criticism.


  1. Stay in the situation hated by you. Disapproval.
  2. Feeling overload and crushing work. Exaggeration of seriousness of problems.
  3. Inability to relax due to the feeling of guilt upon receipt of pleasure.

Hypertension, or hypertension (increased pressure).

  1. Self-confidence - in the sense that it is ready to take over too much. As much as unable to withstand.
  2. There is direct connection between the feeling of anxiety, impatient, suspicion and risk of hypertension.
  3. Due to self-confident desire, take over the unbearable load, work without rest, the need to justify the expectations of the surrounding people, to remain meaningful and respected in their face, and in connection with this displacement of their depth feelings and needs. All this creates an appropriate internal voltage. Hypertension is desirable to leave the pursuit of the opinions of people around the people and learn to live and love people primarily in accordance with the deep needs of their own heart.
  4. Emotion, the reactive not expressed and deeply hidden, gradually destroys the body. Patients with high arterial pressure suppress in themselves basically such emotions as anger, hostility and rage.
  5. Hypertension can provide situations that do not give a person the opportunity to successfully fight for the recognition of their own person to others, excluding the sense of satisfaction in the process of self-assertion. In a person who is suppressed, ignore, the feeling of constant discontent with himself, not finding the output and forcing it daily "swallowing offense".
  6. Chronically ready to fight hypertensive have circulatory dysfunction. They suppress the free expression of hostility towards other people because of the desire to be loved. Their hostile emotions are burly, but do not have exit. In his youth, they can be gowns, but with age notice that they repel the people from themselves with their revenue and begin to suppress their emotions.

Hypotension, or hypotension (reduced pressure).

  1. Ugly, uncertainty.
  2. You killed the ability to solve your life yourself and influence the world.
  3. Love shortage in childhood. Improved mood: "Anyway, nothing will happen."

Hypoglycemia (decrease in blood glucose). Depressedness of life. "Who needs it?"

Psychosomatics of diseases Louise Hay - knowledge system, expressed in the table of relations between psychological factors and somatic ailments. Table Louise Haya is based on its own observations and many years of experience. Her vision of causal relationships between the psyche and the body is printed in the book "Heal their body", where she sets out their thoughts, observations and recommendations for people. A woman argues that negative emotions, experiences and memories are destructive to the body.

Psychosomatics of diseases in Table Louise Hay shows how these internal destructive impulses are reflected on the health of the body. In addition to the root cause of disease, Louise Hay gives recommendations regarding independent treatment with the help of the installations that it leads next to the disease.

Louise Hay can not be called a pioneer in science. The first knowledge of the influence of the soul on the body appeared in ancient Greece, where philosophers argued about the relationship of psychological experiences and their impact on health. Along with this, medicine eastern countries also developed these knowledge. However, their observations are not scientific, but only are the fruit of guesses and assumptions.

In the mid-19th century there were attempts to separate psychosomatics, but it was not yet popular at that time. Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, tried to study diseases caused by unconscious. He allocated a few ailments: bronchial asthma, allergies and migraine. However, his arguments did not have a scientific justification, and his hypothesis did not receive recognition.

In the early 20th century, the first serious observations were systematized by Franz Alexander and Helen Dunbar. It was they who then laid the scientific foundations of psychosomatic medicine, formulating the concept of "Chicago Seven", which includes seven major psychosomatic diseases. Closer to the middle of the 20th century, the United States began to publish a magazine relating to psychosomatic ailments. Another popular author engaged in psychosomatics of various diseases is.

Louise Hay has no special education. Almost all his life she was looking for part-time and had no permanent employment. Her children and teenage psychological injuries prompted the influence of negative emotion. In the 70s, she found himself, and began to preach in the church, where I realized that unilles advises the parishioners and partly heal them. Working, it began to draw up their own reference book, with time, the Louise Hay turned into a psychosomatic table.

The influence of psychological problems for somatic health

Psychosomatics is now a scientific system in which knowledge is made from biology, physiology, medicine, psychology and sociology. There are several theories that in their own way explain the effect of psychological problems on body health:

Who threaten psychosomatic problems

There is a risk group, which includes people with certain features and thinking type:

It is important to remember that the temporary appearance of one of the item does not affect health. However, permanent stay in such a state affects the body.

Description of the consolidated psychosomatic table of major diseases

In the consolidated table, Louise Hay describes the psychological causes of disease. Most of them:

How to work properly with this table:

On the left there are diseases or syndromes. Right - the psychological cause of their occurrence. It is enough to look at the list and find your ailment, further - the cause.

How can you heal yourself

Fully reconcile independently will not be possible - for this you need to contact the psychotherapist. Often, thoughts or emotions, leading to the development of diseases, are not recognized. They exist somewhere in the unconscious. Only full-fledged work with a psychotherapist will give a healing effect.

However, independently can be carried out. Psychohygin and psychoprophylaxis - the only thing that can help a person prevent the development of psychosomatic diseases. Psycho-geniine includes the following subsections:

  1. Psychohygin family and sexual activity.
  2. Psychohygien Education, school training and university.
  3. Psychohygin work and recreation.

Ultimately, psychological hygiene is aimed at satisfying the main vital needs:

Healing model on Louise Hay theory

Louise Hay in the process of healing used an integrated approach, which in 1977 allowed the woman to get rid of cancer on their own. She refused the methods of traditional medicine and decided to take advantage of its work in practice.

Louise Hay has created several exercises for everyday work on themselves:

The woman itself did this: every morning she thanked herself for what he now has. Then Louise meditated and took a shower. After that, he started the morning gymnastics, had breakfast with fruit, tea and proceeded to work.

Affirmations by the method of Louise Hay

Louise Hay gained popular with its affirmations. These are positive verbal installations for life, repeating every day that, a person gets rid of the internal experiences and a negative thinking. The author of the book "Healed Himself" amounted to a number of such affirmations that recommends repeating to achieve success and cure. She created the settings for all: women, men, children and old people.

The most common settings:

  • i am worthy of a good life;
  • i am glad to every day;
  • i am unique and income;
  • in my power to solve any problem;
  • i do not need to be afraid of changes;
  • my life is in my hands;
  • i respect myself, otherwise respected me;
  • i am strong and confident;
  • express your feelings - safely;
  • i have great friends;
  • i can easily cope with difficulties;
  • all obstacles are overcome.

How to work with the book "Heal yourself"

Read this book means not just run through the eyes on the chapters. Reading psychological literature implies a deep awareness of every thought of the author. In the process of studying the material, it is necessary to form an internal review of read, analyze your feelings and thoughts. This is not only working with the text, but also work on yourself while reading.

The point of force is here and now - in our minds.
Every our thought literally creates our future.
We form our beliefs in childhood, and then we are moving in life, recreation of situations that our beliefs would come.
It is stupid to punish yourself at the moment just for the fact that someone offended you a long time ago. People who have caused us suffering were the same intimidant as you are now. Constantly remembering your past - it means to deliberately do with yourself.
All events that took place in your life so far have been the result of your thoughts and beliefs that came from the past.
Let go of the past with love, be grateful to him for led you to such awareness.
If the thought of a negative character occurred to you, then just tell her "Thank you for participating."
We must make for yourself the choice of liberation themselves and forgive everyone without exception, especially themselves. Let we do not know how to forgive, but you need to want to hardly.
As soon as a person gets ill, he needs to look in his heart, who needs to forgive.
In order to change the other, you must first change yourself. You need to change the course of our thoughts.
The more I hold down for any statement, the more clearer for me, that it is from this statement that I need to free yourself.
The greatest resistance in us because of fear - fear of unknown.
Your mind is your instrument, and you decide how to use it.
Our body all the time speaks with us. If we just found time to listen. Each body cell reacts to every idea and every word.
All our relationship with the outside world reflect our attitude to yourself.
You and only you are responsible for your life. You can spend the time of wasted, networks on the involvement of the relatives or the oppressive atmosphere of the parent home. By doing so, you preserve an idea of \u200b\u200byourself as an unfortunate martyr and the victim. This approach is possible, however, if you do not refuse it, - do not see you happiness in life.
Self-criticism is the inclusion of your ego. You so taught your mind to constantly humiliate yourself and resist the changes that you are now just hard not to pay attention to what he tells you.
... Let these thoughts quietly pass through your mind, they have no power over you, of course, if you yourself do not choose them. Such thoughts are your resistance to change. Our thoughts have no power over us while we do not submit themselves.
The feeling of guilt has nothing to do with the events that happened in fact.
Independent, at what stage of life you are, what contribution to it and what happens in it is always doing everything in your power, - in your current level of understanding, knowledge and awareness.
Faith acquisition is an instantaneous process, jumping nowhere. You just need to take and entrust yourself to the inner strength associated with the universal mind.
I believe in what I own all the necessary knowledge, I believe that I care about me, even if I do not own the situation.
I am a whole with the force of creating me. I'm safe. In my world - everything is fine.
Journey for a thousand miles begins with one step.
All the so-called problems are nothing more than the opportunity to change and grow again.
When we love ourselves, approve of our actions and remain ourselves, our life becomes so beautiful that you will not express words.
Self-creating and self-acceptance is the key to positive changes in our lives.
Drown away the thoughts that make you unhappy, do the things you like, see people with whom you feel good.
To become the owner of all wonderful things, you must first of all believe that they are possible.
Love yourself - it means to celebrate the very fact of the existence of your personality and be grateful to God for a gift of life.
In each of us, there is still a three-year-old child who is scary who wants only a little love.
Love is not an external manifestation, it is always inside us! Love is the only answer to any our problem, and the road to such a state is through forgiveness. Forgiveness dissolves insult.
Your destination is to be an personification of a beautiful and loving life principle.
Our inner force depends on this, as we appreciate your right to be worthy in this life. "I want to free yourself from the hidden desire to be unworthy. I am worthy of all the best in life, and I allow myself to take it with love! "
Trust Life. Wherever the fate threw you, the journey is necessary. You have to cross the field of life experience and check ourselves, where the truth, and where is a lie. And then you can return to your inner center - the soul, cleaned and overreach.
People who do not feel love to themselves, as a rule, do not know how to forgive.
First of all, you need to adopt all that we have previously rejected. Take the part of itself, which, maybe it seems ridiculous, stupid, untidy, frightened. Every part of yourself.
Every time you say that you are scared, remember the inner child. This is because he utters these words. Let the child understand and believe that you have never come off under any circumstances and never leave him in trouble. You will always be next to him and never sob.
Each of us has an inseparable connection with the Universe and Life at all. Power inside us is expanding the horizons of our consciousness.
Love yourself - it means to determine the purpose of your life, find your favorite activity.
Love for another person and marriage is great, but passing, and the novel with himself is eternal. He is forever. Love the family inside you: a child, parent and years that share them.
When we are frightened, we strive to obey everything to your control. So we do not allow positive changes in your life. Trust Life. It has everything we need.
Insert your love in everything you do. If you have trouble, consult inside: what lesson from this situation should be removed?
If you are disappointed, repeat what you would like to see in your life, and then take it with joy and gratitude in my heart.
In the world, everything is in good luck, it is only that and waiting for you to decide to get acquainted with his indiscrect wealth. Money is much more than you can spend. People are more than you met in all their lives. Joy - more than you can imagine. If you believe it, you will have everything you want.
Rivalry and comparison of yourself with others - these are two main obstacles to becoming a creative person.
In order to gain force and bring to the end of the changes started, you need time. Time and continuous effort.
You do not have to believe everything. All you need to know will come to you in the right place at the right time.
These were the quotes Louise Hay.

Do you have problems with your feet? Consider metaphysical (thin, mental, emotional, psychosomatic, subconscious, deep) causes of problems and diseases of the legs.

Dr. N. Volkov Writes: "It has been proven that about 85% of all diseases have psychological reasons. It can be assumed that the remaining 15% of diseases are associated with the psyche, but it is still to establish this connection in the future ... Among the causes of diseases, feelings and emotions are occupied by one of the main places, and physical factors - supercooling, infection - act again, as a starting mechanism ... "

Dr. A. Meneghetti. In his book, Psychosomatics writes: "The disease is a language, a subject's speech ... To understand the disease, it is necessary to disclose a project that the subject creates in its unconscious ... then a second step is needed to make the patient himself: he should change. If a person psychologically change, then the disease, being an abnormal strength of life, will disappear ... "

Consider metaphysical (subtle, mental, emotional, psychosomatic, subconscious, deep) causes of problems with the legs.
This is what world-famous experts in this field and the authors of books on this topic are written about it.

Common problems with legs.

In his book, "Reiki" - universal energy of life "write about the possible metaphysical causes of problems with legs:
Our feet we enter into the future, and if you have a fear of the future or you understand that you can not live more like you live, however, you do not recognize yourself in this consciously, then your legs will clearly show you the current situation - they will prevent you Step forward. Consciously look at your life situation and recognize the availability of this fear. If you can't move forward in the outer life, then go inside yourself, collect calm and strength there, and then ask yourself what you want in reality and what you can easily and easily achieve. Choose this and then take steps in this direction. So you can again confidently and joyfully go ahead.

Dr. Oleg Torsunov
In his book, the "Communication of Diseases with Character" writes about the possible metaphysical causes of leg problems:
Suppose a person at his work firmly actively acts, and when it goes home from work, he shoes, in this case he will gradually begin to hurt his legs. It occurs when there is a joy in professional (creative) activity, but there is no joy in general, in life. If, on the contrary, a person does not want to do his job, but in his life he is joyful, the brisk, his legs are strong. But if he does not want to do professional activity correctly, firmly and cheerfully he is passive in her, they will suffer from the bones of the hands.

Louise Haye
In his books "healed themselves", "how to heal their lives" indicates the main negative installations (leading to diseases) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) related to the appearance and healing of the feet problems:

Feet carry us in life. Problems with legs indicate fear to move forward or reluctance to move in a certain direction. Our legs are carrying us, drags, wolf and they are sitting on them, fat, full of children's hip disadvantaged. Unwillingness to act often manifests itself in serious problems with legs. Varicose veins are either a house, or work that you hate.

Feed disease at the bottom:
Fear in front of the future. Reluctance to move.
Harmonizing thoughts: I am happily and confidently go ahead, knowing that my future is fine.

Hips (top):
Stable body support. The main mechanism when moving forward.
Harmonizing thoughts: Long live hips! Every day is filled with joy. I firmly stand on my feet and I use freedom.

Dr. Loule Viilma In his book, "Psychological Causes of Diseases" writes:
Feet (problems and diseases):
Increment in communicating related to economic issues.
Desire to get material benefit, honor and glory.

Sergey N. Lazarev In his books, "Diagnostics of Karma" (books 1-12) and the "Future Man" writes that the main cause of absolutely all diseases is the deficit, lack, or even the absence of love in the soul of man. When a person puts something higher than love for God (and God, as they say in the Bible, there is love), then, instead of finding Divine love, it rushes to something else. To the fact that (erroneously) considers more important in life: money, fame, wealth, power, pleasure, sex, relationship, ability, order, morality, knowledge and many to many other material and spiritual values \u200b\u200b... But it's not a goal, But only funds for finding the divine (true) love, love for God, love, like God. And there, where there is no (true) love in the shower, as feedback from the universe, diseases, problems and other troubles come. It is necessary so that the person thinks, realized that he was not going there, he thinks, he says and does something wrong and began to be corrected, became the right way! There are many nuances, as the disease is manifested in our body. You can learn more about this practical concept from books, seminars and video seminars Sergei Nikolayevich Lazarev.

Achillovo tendon

Liz Burbo In his book, "Your body" loves himself! "" Writes about the possible metaphysical causes of problems with achillov tendon:
See the heel article, with the addition that man seeks to show his power too much.


Liz Burbo In his book, "Your body says" believes! "" Writes about the possible metaphysical causes of problems with the thigh:
As a rule, if a person complains about pain in the hip, it is very difficult to put the correct diagnosis. If it is a cramp, see the article of the cramp.
Emotional blocking:
The thigh is a leg department (and the legs drive us forward) between the knee and the hip joint; The metaphysical meaning of the thigh is associated with desires and sensations. In the hips are important artery and veins, which provide blood flow to the legs. Since the blood vessels are associated with the ability to enjoy life, pain in the hip suggests that a serious adult part of a person's personality will not give him pleasure from the affairs planned by him. A person who has a hurt hurts his feelings and often tries to prove his importance to other people.
Mental lock:
Pain in the thigh encourages you to pay attention to the desires of your inner child who wants to play and have fun. This does not mean that you have to forget about your serious side - just try to establish harmony between the needs of a child and adult who get along in your personality. You no longer have to obey your adult's voice (which is the echo of your father or your mother). From now on, you must manage your life yourself.

Bodo Baginsky and Sharamon Shalila
In his book, "Reiki" - the universal energy of life "write about the possible metaphysical causes of the problems with the hips:
Problems with thighs also indicate a certain inflexibility and invariance caused by fear before the future and inability to make decisions in important situations. Do not forcing yourself for moving forward. Reiki will help you develop inner calm, vitality and trust, on the basis of which you can again be happy and free to make decisions and walk forward. Then every step will be a true movement forward.

Louise Haye In his book, "healed themselves" indicates the main negative installations (leading to diseases) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) related to the emergence and healing of leg problems.

Hips (top):
Fear of movement forward in the fulfillment of the main solutions. Lack of purpose.
Harmonizing thoughts: Long live hips! Every day is filled with joy. I firmly stand on my feet and I use freedom. My stability is absolute. I am easy and joyfully go ahead in life at any age.

Burst's thumb (inflammation bag between tendon and bone)

Louise Haye In his book, "healed themselves" indicates the main negative installations (leading to diseases) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) related to the appearance and healing of the thumb and healing of the foot.
Lack of joy when looking at life.
Harmonizing thoughts: I'm happily run forward to welcome the amazing events of my life.


Liz Burbo In his book, "Your body says" love yourself! "" Writes about the possible metaphysical causes of varicose veins of veins:
Varicose veins - a disease that is manifested in increasing veins and reducing the elasticity of venous walls.
Emotional blocking:
A person suffering from varicose veins will want to have more freedom and free time, but does not know what to do for this. It is overstrained, and many tasks and problems seem to be unbearable to him, as he is inclined to exaggerate their seriousness. Working, he does not feel joys. Perhaps this person constantly forces himself to be in a situation that he is extremely unpleasant. The purpose of the body part in which varicose veins arose, indicates that in which area of \u200b\u200blife should look for the problem.
Mental lock:
The stronger the feeling of gravity (in the legs, for example), which causes you sick veins, the hardest you seem to your life. It's time for you to understand that not everything in this life is determined by the word. You can afford to relax, relax, without Winter yourself. A quiet voice, which all the time makes you work without tired, is not your heart voice. Trust your heart that knows your needs better. Choose what you want, and what you love.

Dr. Valery V. Sinelnikov In his book "Love your illness" writes about the possible metaphysical causes of varicose veins of veins:
The varicose veins often suffer from people who experience a feeling of overload and crushing. One of the reasons for the occurrence of this disease is an incorrectly chosen direction in life. Think about your profession. Does it allow you to reveal your creative potential? Or, on the contrary, slows down your development? If true last - review your attitude to work. It should give you not only the opportunity to make money, but also the joy of creativity, pleasure, the possibility of self-improvement.
Staying for a long time in the situation hated to you can also lead to the expansion of the veins. For example, dead-end family relationships.
A man and a woman are married for more than twenty years. He abuses alcohol, insults her, beats. She pulls the WHO family problems on themselves. There are no love and mutual understanding in the family. A woman does not suit this situation, but it does not dare to make a decisive step and break this relationship.
Another important reason is the fear of the future. This fear becomes an obstacle for easy and free moving forward.
To my wife, a young woman walked for a while on a massage. She did not work anywhere. Her husband was a big businessman, and she did not feel the shortage of money. She looked great, and the only thing that bothered her was extended veins on their feet. The woman often told about himself and his life. From its stories began to be understood by the causes of her illness.
- Lyudmila, you know, I often think about what awaits me in the future. And for some reason, I always feel fear, anxiety. It seems to me that with my husband can happen something. And what then will be with me?

Louise Haye
In his book, "healed themselves" indicates the main negative installations (leading to diseases) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) related to the emergence and healing of varicose veins:
Stay in the situation hated by you. Disapproval. Feeling overload and crushing work.
Harmonizing thoughts: I am friends with the truth, I gladly live and go ahead. I love life and freely rotate in it.


Liz Burbo In his book, "Your body" loves himself! "" Writes about possible metaphysical reasons for dislocation:
Dislocation is a persistent abnormal displacement of the joint surfaces relative to each other, usually caused by a sharp movement. When dislocate, there is a sharp intermittent pain. Dislocation is most susceptible to the ankles, knees and wrists.
Emotional blocking:
Dislocation occurs in a person who feels that it is forced to go there, where he does not want to go (legs), or do something that he does not want to do (hands). It allows others to manipulate itself, goes beyond its capabilities and is angry due to the fact that he cannot say anyone. He is afraid to break some rules, and dislocation is a comfortable reason for him to stop.
Mental lock:
Dislocation indicates the intensity of the sufferings that you cause yourself, stubbornly continuing to look at everything in my own way, that is, to crawl the world into the narrow framework of your rules. Try to be more flexible. Before indignant by the fact that others are trying to make you do something against your will, try to analyze the motives of these people.
Perhaps then you either agree with them, or realize that they are simply unable to justify their expectations, and tell them about it. If you make yourself move yourself in some direction, find out what fear you drive and how much this fear is real. If you show more flexibility towards yourself and other people, you will be much easier to satisfy your needs.

Shin (pain)

Liz Burbo In his book, "Your body says" love yourself! "" Writes about the possible metaphysical causes of the head of the legs:
The shin is a part of the leg between the knee and ankle. The pain in the legs usually occurs when a person stands or goes.
Emotional blocking:
Obviously, pain in the leg prevents moving forward, step or run, so it is connected with our attitude to the future and our ability to move forward in life. Any pain in the shin speaks of fear, which is called or a collision with something new, or the need to do something to achieve the goal. Such fear may be associated with new work or love relationships.
If the shin hurts when a person is at rest, it means that he does not allow himself to stop and prepare for movement in the new direction. If the pain in the leg appeared as a result of an accident, see the relevant article in addition to this explanation.
Mental lock:
If the pain in the lower leg occurs while driving, your body tells you that you think too much before moving forward. These meditation, or indecision, are caused by some fear that help you avoid mistakes, but at the same time interfere with surviving some kind of important and necessary experience for you. Try to find faith in yourself and in this world - this will help you faster and more confident to move towards action.
Esley the same pain in the lower leg occurs only at rest, she says that you want to do too much and too fast. Do not think that people will find you lazy or ungrateful if you give yourself a small respite.

Louise Haye In his book, "healed himself," indicates the main negative installations (leading to diseases) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) related to the appearance and healing of problems with the shot:
Wrecked ideals. The legs symbolize the vital principles.
Harmonizing thoughts: I'm glad and love I live at the level of my highest requirements.

Icres (problems)

Liz Burbo In his book, "Your body" loves himself! "" Writes about possible metaphysical causes of problems with eggs:
Caviar is the round of the muscles on the back side of the lower leg, between the ponated strap and the ankle. See the Leg Article (pain), with the addition that this part of the leg determines its strength, as well as the sustainability of the entire body when walking. Any problem in this place indicates that a person wants to move forward faster or stable, but it stops some kind of fear.

Knee (pain)

Liz Burbo
The following description refers to all problems that can affect the natural knee functions, as well as pain in this joint.
Emotional blocking:
Pain or problem in a knee that violates one of its functions is a sign of insufficient flexibility in relation to the future. The pain in the knee usually arises from a vain and stubborn person who does not want to take ideas and tips of other people. This attitude to him only harms, as it deprives himself the opportunity to find lighter ways to ensure its future. If the pain is caused by arthritis or arthrosis, see also relevant articles.
Mental lock:
This pain helps you realize that you are not flexible. Do not forget that your body always tries to warn you about what you can not realize. You do not want to take new ideas and change your attitude to your own future or the future of people you love, as you are afraid of losing control over yourself or on the situation. You should no longer believe in what to give up is to become knees or submit. Perhaps the lack of flexibility is explained by the fact that you are afraid to become similar to one of your parents. Know that you can live an independent life, regardless of parents. But absolute independence does not exist, we all need someone from time to time.

Bodo Baginsky and Sharamon Shalila In his book, "Reiki" - universal energy of life "write about the possible metaphysical causes of knees problems:
If you are internally, you can not or do not want to bow down - from pride, stubbornness, egoism or unconscious fear, then this is manifested at the body level in inflexible knees. You can avoid unpleasant pain in your knees, developing tolerance and sympathy, as well as the ability to forgive. Reiki wonderfully helps in this. If you can be internally slound, then your knees will soon begin to be sad.

Louise Haye In his book, "healed themselves" indicates the main negative installations (leading to diseases) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) related to the emergence and healing of problems with knees:
Stubbornness and pride. The inability to be a pliable man. Fear. Inflexibility. Reluctance to give up.
Harmonizing thoughts: forgiveness. Understanding. Compassion. I easily inferior and give in, and everything goes well.

Alexander Astrogor
In his book, "Confession of sores" writes:
Knees hurt in people whom the pride overcomes. If pride is good quality, for a person must be proud for himself, for his profession or work, for his children, the country, and so on, the pride is already a spiritual vice of a person, she has a man on his knees ...
Pride is when a person compares himself with someone, but in his favor. At the same time, a person convinced about herself that I am better than His (her), that he will not put me on his knees, I will not crawl in front of him! In order to get sick, it is not necessary to constantly compare himself with another person. Sometimes it is enough once to emotionally to create sensual tension so that the knee or immediately both got an energy hole. But whenever a person will see the object of his pride, a sharp pain will immediately remind himself. If the situation is released, forgotten, forgiveness, then the knees stop hurting. So everything is simple. It is more difficult to relieve pride, your stubbornness, forgive, forget, do not react ...
The knees are hurting and those who come to themselves, and therefore even more emphasize their excellence. In this case, it is no coincidence that people say that if it was sought, life will put you on his knees. But people see quite different reasons, saying that for many of them the problem with the knees is that the joints cannot cope with the load, which is the weight of a person, expressed in kilograms. No, this is the weight and power of your feelings that give the soul to not break the spirit of stubbornness.
Having two knees: the right and left, the person is experiencing pain then in one of them, then in both at once. Why is this happening? No medicine, except for karmic, does not respond to this question, and it explains it as follows. The fact is that each knee has its own energy and mental reasons, which include a painful reaction.

Right knee is me with my own problems, I do not want this and I will not do what they are inclined. And inclined sometimes behold. For example, a person graduated from a university and worked for a long time at the plant, at the institute or somewhere else. But its workplace was reduced, the plant went bankrupt, the institute collapsed, because his research was not needed to anyone. And the person says: "Go sell newspapers, trade ice cream, etc." And he answers: "Yes, I have a higher education, and I will never go out to this!" He does not understand that this is his education that was not necessary for anyone, as he himself, but at the same time the pride hits his knees.
Right knee shows us a protestant person with an installation on its principles that do not correspond to reality. And the more stubbornness, he exists, the stronger and the longer his right knee will be sick.
From the listed arguments, we turn to the facts that, despite the ban on the disclosure of the disease, with ease inform the media.
In March 1997, American President Bill Clinton was to meet in Helsinki with Russian President Boris Yeltsin. The meeting had to be transferred for one day, as a few days before, Clinton, going down the stairs, damaged the right knee. I had to urgently do the operation. Meeting topic: Expansion of NATO east. Sensually emotional protest clinton: not bowed to Russia - hit him on the right knee.
During preparation for elections at different levels, some candidates begin problems with the knees. If a person presses on others with his authority, name or position, then it is his problem with menisci, as a rule, on the right knee. And how many artists and other well-known people have problems not only with the right, but also with the left knee at the same time?
From the front of the knee covers the knee pad, called a cup. You are invited to a cup of coffee to solve some mercantile questions, but you refuse our beliefs, then the right knee will encounter you about that excessively acute reaction that you, without applying, suppressed in yourself.

Left knee is the world around me. It reacts to people with whom a person lives or constantly communicates. Very often this is a psychological reaction in a husband to his wife, or vice versa, if one of them is constantly trying to subordinate to themselves (the boss is subordinate). At the same time, education is set to education, position, money or anything, if only to emphasize their superiority. Acute mental reaction of a person that you will not put me on your knees leads to a disease of the left knee.
People with sore knees always feel the lubrication when changing the weather. It is like how we change the mood at the sight of some person: it becomes overcast on the soul (life joy is lost), in front of the dampness (tears), and losses as a protest against those who are trying to break us, subordinate to their will.
The left knee may be painfully reacting in any working team, when all the same, but at the same time someone exploits someone, uses it. A person understands this, and nothing can do anything, but the painful reaction to these actions will cause pain in the left knee.
So it turns out that either you will stand on your knees (right knee), or you put on your knees (left knee). But all this is needed an acute mental reaction, which can end up with the fact that the knee joint will be replaced by artificial ...
We put on your knees to those who love, it became, to relieve pain, we need someone's loved to put on your knees. It is best if it is children, grandchildren, playing with which you forget about those problems that constantly keep you in tension. For the absence of beloved people to put a cat or dog to their knees. Their therapeutic properties are known with deep antiquity ...

Knee (curvature inside and outdo)

Liz Burbo In his book, "Your body" loves himself! "" Writes about the possible metaphysical causes of knees problems:
When curvatched the knee inside the axis of the leg, it is also shifted inside, and when knee curbing, the foot axis is turned outward. Legs have a arc-shaped form. See the article of the foot (pain), with the addition that a person suffering from this anomaly is difficult to exercise direct and move directly to the goal.

Ankles (problems)

Liz Burbo In his book, "Your body says" love yourself! "" Writes about the possible metaphysical reasons for the ankles problems:
See the article of the foot (problems), with the addition that the person is not flexible enough in terms of the ability to act, manage the course of his life. If problems are associated with an accident, see the relevant article.

Corn on foot or on hand

Liz Burbo In his book, "Your body" loves himself! "" Writes about possible metaphysical causes of corns:
Corn is a significant thickening of the epidermis. Corn usually appear on the legs (on the soles of the feet or on the fingers) and on their hands in those places that are constantly or regularly subjected to mechanical irritation - pressure or friction.
Emotional blocking:
People who appear corn on their feet are very afraid of the future. They constantly constrain their natural gusts and desires, thus blocking their future. Corn on hand has the same meaning, with the only difference that the fear relates more to the real than to the future.
Mental lock:
Corn on foot or on hand means you do not allow yourself to do what you want to do. What fear is your natural gusts? Fear do not like the one you love? Maybe you are too demanding to yourself and therefore constantly afraid to fail? Your body wants you to fully power all your abilities and stopped holding back the natural movements of the soul.

Louise Haye In his book, "healed themselves" indicates the main negative installations (leading to diseases) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) related to the appearance and healing of corns:
Highlighted areas of thinking - a stubborn desire to preserve the pain of past in consciousness. Crazy concepts and thoughts. Hardened fear.
Harmonizing thoughts: new ways and thoughts are completely safe. I am freed from the shipment of the past and freely go ahead. I'm safe. I enjoy freedom.

Foot fingers (problems)

Liz Burbo In his book, "Your body says" love yourself! "" Writes about the possible metaphysical causes of the problems of the toes:
The following problems are associated with fingers of the legs: deformation, fracture, cramps, corn, wound and ingrown nail.
Emotional blocking:
Since the legs symbolize our movement in life, the fingers of the legs are associated with how we perceive the elements of this movement. Most of the problems with the fingers of the feet prevent us easily to walk easily, so they say that a person creates unnecessary fears that prevent him from moving forward or perceive his future. His especially worried all sorts of little things that prevent him from seeing the situation as a whole. About such people they say "no forest sees the trees." In the end, he completely loses contact with his desires, and his movement is gradually slowed down.
Most often suffer thumbs of the legs (for example, by the rotation of the nail). Since the thumb indicates the direction, problems with it speak about the feeling of guilt or regret, associated with the selected direction or with the direction that a person only plans to choose. This feeling of guilt will necessarily affect his future.
If we are talking about a fracture, convulsion or corn, see the relevant articles in this book.
Mental lock:
Problems with the fingers of the legs mean that you have to restore contact with your desires and your vision of the future, without dispel your attention to minor details. Understand that the fear of the unknown is experienced by all people and that only the one who does nothing is mistaken. Focusing on the details, you slow down your movement forward and block your own desires. In addition, you know that what was neither your decision was about the future, regret generates only new fears. There are no mistakes, there is only an experience that will come in handy in the future.

Louise Haye In his book, "healed themselves" indicates the main negative installations (leading to diseases) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) related to the emergence and healing of the problems of the fingers of the feet:
Symbolize minor details of the future.
Harmonizing thoughts: everything will decide by itself. I have a calm attitude towards the trifles of life.

Heel (Pain)

Liz Burbo In his book, "Your body says" love yourself! "" Writes about the possible metaphysical causes of heel pain:
The heel is the back of the foot, which relies the leg when walking. Pain pains very often arise without a visible physical reason.
Emotional blocking:
The pain in the heel suggests that a person wants to move forward, to the goals set, but hesitates, as it feels the absence of support, supports. The person of this type can not move to action without anyone's consent or permission. He does not dare to admit himself that he wants someone to come to him on his heels. When it acts, without receiving the approval of other people, he has a sense of guilt. Without support, it is not capable not only to move forward, but even stay in place.
Mental lock:
Your heel tells you that you can make decisions and move forward, relying only on yourself. You yourself for yourself - the best support for which you should count on. You should no longer believe in what you can love or be loved only if your views will completely coincide with the views of the people around you, those whose love you are looking for. There is not a single couple of people in this world who would agree with each other absolutely in everything. If we were all thinking and felt at exactly the same way, life would be unbearably boring. Understand that no one is obliged to support all your ideas, but you are not obliged to maintain all the undertakings of those who love. And yet: let someone come to you on the heels, but you have to move forward yourself under all conditions.

Feet (problems)

Liz Burbo In his book, "Your body says" love yourself! "" Writes about the possible metaphysical causes of stop problems:
The foot is the lower leg department, which allows a person to walk, stand, etc. With the footsteps there are so many different problems that there is a whole separate sector of medicine that is exclusively studying the foot. If the problem is related to one of the bones of the foot, see the bone article (problems) and the following description.
Emotional blocking:
Since the foots are connected with walking, they symbolize the movement forward, development. Problems with footsteps say that a person does not develop, not moving forward. He either feel some kind of fear that stops him or allows others to restrain their development. He is not confident in himself and cannot give his life the right direction. Problems with footsteps may occur in the event that a person feels like stuck, trample in one place. But it may be a person who is not tightly tied to the ground or the physical world and would like to escape from reality. Some false fears forcing it to leave the material world into the world of spiritual or world of fantasies. The pain in the foot is often pursuing a person who is afraid that it can be bought by foot, that is, they will dismiss or otherwise remove from performing some functions. If the pain in the foot is intensified at rest, this suggests that a person does not allow himself to relax. He is too in a hurry to achieve the goal, makes too much effort, as it appreciates itself according to what and how he can do.
Mental lock:
Stop - a very important part of your physical body. Foot support you and allow you to move forward. They tell you that you have to move cheerfully and easily, not straining. Your feet are constantly in contact with our caring mother-earth, so there are problems with them that you have to grow up on your feet, to be here and now, to trust the world and your intuition. Boldly move forward and without hesitation use the funds you consider necessary for this movement. Do not let others come to your heels. So you accumulate a rich experience and open new abilities. Feel confidently, and life will support you.

Bodo Baginsky and Sharamon Shalila
In his book, "Reiki" - the universal energy of life "write about the possible metaphysical causes of problems with the footsteps:
Problems with feet are generally similar to problems with legs. If, for example, the fingers are affected, it means that the problem relates to some details of the future. And here we are dealing with a certain fear of future, caused by an insufficient understanding of the patterns of life. Problems with the feet clearly indicate this when the feet do not allow you to walk forward without effort. Often problems with the feet indicate too fast volitional progress, which in this way somewhat slows down. Understand that progress always arises from the interaction of two poles - activity and peace. Follow the requirements of your body and deliberately go to the step of rest. Find in itself the inner silence from which the truth and understanding grow, as well as love and power. Then you again can be happy to move forward.

Searches and studies of metaphysical (subtle, mental, emotional, psychosomatic, subconscious, deep) causes of leg problems continue. This material is continuously adjusted. We ask readers to write your comments and send additions to this article. To be continued!


  1. Louise Hay. "Heal yourself", "how to heal your life."
  2. Lazarev S. N. "Diagnostics of Karma" (books 1-12) and "Future Man".
  3. Valery Sinelnikov. "Love your disease".
  4. Liz Burbo. "Your body says:" Love yourself! ".
  5. Torsunov O. G. "Communication of diseases with character. Human vital energy. "
  6. Bodo Baginsky, Sharamon Shalila. "Reiki" - universal energy of life. "
  7. Alexander Astrogor "Confession of sores."
  8. L.Viilyma "Soul Light", "Psychological Causes of Diseases", "Forgive yourself."