What do the Knight of the Wands in Love Signs. Knight Wands, Description and Characteristics of the Card

In a modern understanding of Taro figured arcanes, it is customary to consider as parties to the nature of the most demanding or surrounding, but the traditional importance of the wand knights does not apply to personality. It is separation, departure, care, flight, desertion, lack ("someone in running"), resettlement, emigration, address shift. In the scenarios indicates a missing person, a personality capable of changing the situation in the fact that the events that other cards indicate have already begun.

In the traditional version, the map foreshadows a trip, business trip, travel or adventure. It may be just an adherence in entertaining. The Knight of the Wands with its activity violates Rutin, and people who stuck gives an excellent opportunity to smoke dust from the ears. Perhaps it is for this reason that the card is clearly not the best reputation in the foreign interpretations. When life flowed more dimensional and chinno, the appearance of the knight of the wands foreshadowed the "troubles", the former themselves in themselves from the row of outgoing.

But now, this card foreshadows the condition of the highest activity, stress, hurry, bustle, breathtaking events, when time simply comes on the heels and have to do everything and immediately, because from us suddenly it is required for all "everything immediately." Roast fevering time, a period of turmoil and tension, but they will not have to miss.

On the knight of the wands there is an outbreak of enthusiasm, infusion of fresh strength. Energy, initiative, readiness to act, the spirit of the discoverer. His element - storm and onslaught, impulsiveness and spontaneity. If he appeared, preparedness for the throw is obvious. The main power of the rod knight is an indomitable desire to move forward. What will manifest and with what result will tell other cards.

It can be a human sygrofifier that makes changes to our life, and very quickly. There is a huge inspiration, dust, enthusiasm, ease of lifting and readiness to hate the mountains, but ... the Knight of the Wands is a sprinter, it lacks for a long time (unlike him, the Knight of Pentacles is a marathonist). This particular feature should be remembered, whatever the case. But still the inner energy of this card can lead surprisingly large and dense layers of being and move from the place of the sowing glaciers. The wand knight makes a fresh stream in the most impressive and edge things. In the broadest sense, this card bears the news of the change in the present position and position ("restructuring"), it remains only to attach this interpretation to the context of the situation.

On this map, the time factor is never taken into account. This is expressed, firstly, that everything happens very quickly. Indecent quickly. And secondly, in the fact that everything happens much slower than it seems in the fever of the knight of the wands. It seems to him that things are the case for five minutes. In real life, everything takes two days, if not more. So he lives - forever customs time and always does not have time for him.

Adventuristic! Again, the shabby saddle creaks and the wind wander in the ears. Knight wands gives courage, courage, an optimistic approach to life and self-confidence. In this sense, he has a strong will - he knows how to encourage (but not to restrain). He is confident in himself and knows what he wants - "Everything and immediately!".

The rod knight is very independent, charismatic and creative comrade, changeable and impulsive nature. Sorvigolov, an adventure crawler, a perturbator of calm, "crazy but a glorious young man." Obligations and restrictions will be pretended to him no less than the jester. The card indicates that the person is in finding new impressions, they own the thirst for a new experience and a huge craving to try their strength in the case and say then "I did it!" Why, for which, what price - all these questions are taken out of brackets. His classic image is a brave, daring young survival (it is possible that female), attractive and fondant. He produces an excellent impression, lights up and inspires, but again it is necessary to remember that this is a sprinter. His brilliance is not enough for a long time. Most of all in the world, the wand knight loves excitement, a splash of adrenaline. Free fall, extreme surfing, racing cars, unbridled sex, jumping on a motorcycle from the roof on the roof ... Oh, this youth, when she finally end?! (Replica of Surgeon-King Swords, superimposing the next seams). His trouble is that the actions made not on high energy, it is not interested in definition, cause boredom. His susceptibility to thin vibrations and weakly-efficient phenomena is negligible, and the development of a water (intuitive) aspect of fire is only to be (the next step is the queen of the wands).

The wands knight talks about achieving a very active life modulation, when entusism come to us, energy, enterprise, we boldly move to all four sides and brave any events and turns.

Alchemically, the wand knight personifies the fire that chips oxygen. This is an air aspect of fire, the path from darkness to light. This is a feverish state of the spirit. The heat, burning in the heart, is uncontrollable and drives in search of new impressions. In this state, it is literally impossible to stop in place. Therefore, he carries, in the broadest sense, the value of changes in position or position, movement and movement to the unexplored. Fire coloring card, scarlet plume, associated with the image of a burning torch, a pyramidal hills, salamanders on a sunny yellow raincoat - all this is a bright indication of the element of fire. Yellow - the color of the Sun, it correlates with the energy required for activities in the material world. In the Hindu tradition, this color is associated with the third chakra, which is the center of the will. The desire and will are presented here in an extremely intensive form, they need limit freedom in any sphere, in case of annoying obstacles occurs, reliability, intolerance and rashness occur. Conscious mind must be aware of creative me and recognize human limitations - this is the highest task of Arkana. In general, he evolves to the king of the wands (through the "water" aspect of the Queen - produces more accurate susceptibility in relation to both reality and internal impulses of other people and gaining understanding of whom and what to inspire what to inspire). Passing by its own way, he gradually acquires determination to truly stubbornly achieve its goals and lead people, awakening in them not only admiration, but also a sense of involvement.

Knight of the wands - a reckless and pile opponent of all outdated and bored. He seeks all the possibilities for the execution of feats, correcting the wrong in this world or simply manifestations of courage and strength of the Spirit. He is directed, in general, besides, what the king of the wands, but he lacks the stability of the motive (if the king is "fire fire", the unstable, changeable, "windy" air) interferes in the structure of the knight), in addition, Largely more plays the public. The fire of the king is able to raise the rocket into space, the fire of the knight - to burn the flooring along the New Year's fireworks. However, its flame is not empty or calculated only on the public. It is irrepressible that the proud and ardent knight of the wands are worn with such concepts as honor, valor, nobility and glory. He cannot disappear from them by logic (swords), subordinate to practical considerations (pentacles), drown them in emotions (bowls), for it is experiencing them completely essentially, considering them something like top debt. It is the rods that encourage unequal battles, without retreating. Swords such heroism is not peculiar, and they do not consider such behavior to a glorious achievement. Why, if there is no chance? Refining by depressing, then you wake up ... Swords do not understand the reckless trips to the frontal attack - it is the rods in it (the sample of a luciferic rebellion). If they consider it a matter of honor, it is impossible to persuade them to care. In such situations, they diligently protect their honor in immunity, for their enemies, from those who love them and to whom they are roads.

Astrologically, wands knight represents characteristics of fiery signs: Aries, Lion, Sagittarius.

Change. Perhaps the emergence of new dulling options (compared to the current position).

The inverted Knight of the Wands is considered an indication of non-payment of loans, outstanding loans, money taken in debt and debtors in the run.

Aventurism and enterprise in love. Such a person as a rod knight, I do not want to compare with a match, although it would be very accurate. Rather, it is a bunch of dry straw, instantly flammable and also quickly burning. Such is the fiery passion for this arcana. Knight wands are too big fidget, so that it can be rejected. To conquer the expression? You are welcome! He grabs a partner as a new toy child, in order to throw it into the corner in a minute. So to speak, "loves hot, goes silently." He seeks to new acquaintances, but much more attached to freedom than to whom he has hot intrigues. Constancy and responsibility is not about him, although the novel can be exciting and unpredictable. According to the Knight of the wands, a man manifests the initiative, with ease of flirting, turns his head, appoints a date ... the main thing is that he will remember where, when and to whom. This is a conqueror going on assault a fortress without long thought. His frankness, demanding and pressure can be asked for a more shy partner before losing the gift of speech (and silence will be interpreted as a sign of consent). "Everything immediately" he needs in love in the same way as in the rest. The wand knight is honest and noble, but in the eyes it can be seen that it is difficult to restrain him, and delicacy and patience are expensive to him.

Strong instincts, bright sexy temperament, sparks and sup. Excitability and impatience, a person flashes like a dry twig. Just here threatens the "African passion" and stormy sex on the first date. The question of protection will be solved difficult, but it is here - absolutely necessary (first, the Knight of the wands are inconsistent and careless, and secondly, he personifies situations in which no one thinks about the consequences, but this does not mean that they will not arise) . In intimate relationships, the wands knight is also energetically as in everything else and before kissing with him, it makes sense to gain in light stock of the air, since the ability to translate the spirit he is unlikely to provide. Sex as an adventure and childish urgent satisfaction of desires. It is worth warming that it is typical of the roasting in the morning after a turbulent night (and independently of the sexuality), and it can not at all strive for a new date. The Knight of the Wands Loves to Put and Purchase. He is vain and self-confident. At the same time, there are so many life, recklessness and charm that it is difficult not to love. A more irresistible and "unsuitable" partner is difficult to imagine for a person who wants to reliability in relations, but just he will not stand - the wand knight carries an enchanting liberation from the routine, which has been soldered as a respectable integrity in a respectable man in serving. The knight of the wands, in general, is similar to the actor in the film of the Genre of Action - he is minor towards the rapid act on the screen. He, like no other, is able to give, let it in a short time, such brightness and completeness of life, to force to such an extent about the problems, weekdays and anxieties that one is expensive. The paradox is that he himself as a person is most likely, will not be very remembering, but the time spent next to him will be unforgettable. It is it that will be remembered all his life as one of the most dizzying and happy.

The evolutionary task of the Knight of the Wands itself is to go to the next level of development, subdued by love (Queen of the wands as a water aspect of fire) and raised over himself.

A storm in a glass of water, difficulty in implementing events, stopping on full race. Capture, discussions, debate, protest, prosperity, rejection and refusals, upset transactions and negotiations on them. Odor, fight, disorder, separation. Intrastomanda rivalry, envy, hot temper, an anthewed atmosphere. Disagreements, breaking friendship. Parting, flight. Traditionally, it is considered an indicator of an unsuccessful marriage, an upset marriage, is associated with the grooms in the runs, leaving husbands. It is also a map of jealousy and sexual hooliganism, such as seduction for a dispute.

Some person gives a lot of trouble and trouble, random amateur, violent hooligan or a desperate fraudster. Perhaps he feels off, unsatisfied, he just has no place to give himself.

Interestingly, one of the traditional values \u200b\u200bof an inverted knight of the wands: parties, factions, groupings (including criminal, gangster). It bears the spirit of principled amorality (the main principle: not to have principles).

Archetypical compliance

FEB in a fiery chariot

Siegfried, who passed through a raging fire to wake up Brungilda

Yazon mining golden fleece

d'Artagnan and all him like characters, merchants and bravets who make a bunch of feats without a special personal benefit, just to commit them

"Buntar for no reason"

The spirit of an inverted knight of the wands on the content and manner of execution very precisely corresponds to the song "NE ME QUITTE PAS"

Direct position

In the event that the knight of the wands in the literal position fell, the card symbolizes a man - a fighter. He is always ready to defend his interests, not afraid of concomitant problems and goat competitors. At the same time, he is a romantic, everything is interested in his life. Loves disputes and competitions. He does not think for a long time, but prefers actively and with enthusiasm to act in order for his goals to be achieved. Not afraid to risk.

The gigging creates around himself. He wants to see an immediate result of his work. Expectations and reflections are not for him. Usually, these people love to do business, sports. Often travel. Surrounding with them is easy. Having a sense of humor and easily reacting to trouble, they are open to new ideas. They are generous, impulsive. Among them are many leaders and trade union leaders. All of them are strong, excite, active.

Inverted position

The knight of the wands in an inverted form warns of unnecessary risks. The map speaks of such features of the nature of gadgetting as: frivolity, recklessness, tendency to doubtful adventures, excessive rush, jealousy, suspicion.

The fact that there are failures, it is not by chance. No one is to blame. The man himself, their rapid actions provoked them. The map advises to look at yourself from the side and revise the life goals in the root, otherwise the trouble will only be aggravated. This man is inclined to lies. It may happen that he is deceived and his. This should be thought about it.

Rod Knight: Value in Love and Relationships

Direct position

If you consider love and relationship, the card means a strong sexual energy, pleasure from satisfying sexual fantasies, emotionality. The wand knight symbolizes the temperamental personality, which is waiting for changes in the love sphere.

Perhaps a new object for love will appear. It will be necessary to choose between the already established relations and indefinite foggy prospects. If you deceive your partner, it will not lead to anything good. On two chairs, as they say, you will not break.
Inverted position

When the inverted card falls out - this may mean what the governing person often falls in love. It is typical of the novels with opposite sex. Often, the relationship is not obliged to anything. The constant change of partners brings dissatisfaction and mental emptiness. Often, this person thinks only about himself and his desires.

As an option, the Knight of the Wands warns of a dicking relationship with a partner, which at this time is near. From pity you should not be near. If you part, you can find happiness with the new chosen one. Another map speaks of the inclination very much to patron a beloved (beloved).

Rod Knight: Meaning in the situation and question

Direct position

When the Knight of the Wands arose in the situation, and the map is in a literal position, new opportunities are opening in the career of this person. He can safely show all his positive parties by implementing creative ideas. The leadership will undoubtedly appreciate such an employee. His creative ideas can go further and he may want to change the place of work.

It was at the moment that a good time has come. Everything will take shape perfectly. Changes are coming in the life of the gadget. It is possible to move to new housing. A new love relationship is not excluded, and a new job. Also, a person can visit inspiration and he wants to realize his ideas.

Also are not excluded travel and travel to another country. Everything will be successful. A new type of activity, or a trip, is favorable for the extinguishing person to stay away from their problems, and could think about life plans.

If recently there was a quarrel with someone, it is another reason for loneliness. If there is a vacation, time spent on the sea coast, it will be fun and careless. Meeting with an excellent stranger (stranger) may radically change the fate of the fortune. Random acquaintance can grow into a strong marriage.

Inverted position

Walking if the knight of the wands fell in a turned position, waiting for trouble. At this time, it is in a state of stress. Trouble at work, in relationships with a partner, health problems - all this can knock off anyone.

Man, surviving and worrying, can further worsen the situation. We must try to keep yourself in your hands. As for love relationships, the coldness of the partner may inspire the thoughts on the break of relationships. It is not worth the hot, because if you give each other maximum attention, go together to rest - the ferventness of the former feelings can be returned.

Forget about the sexual sphere. The map warns from the conclusion of marriage. The team provides discords due to the fact that each employee wants to seem indispensable. There is no sense of satisfaction from fulfilling its professional duties. It seems to him that he is not in his place.

Rod Knight: Value Day Card

It will not be easy to guessing on this day. Perhaps it is necessary to show yourself to others not from the best side. It may be a quarrel, and trouble. On this day, you should not begin new things and implement the conceived. For this, other days will come.

If you keep your emotions under control, giving can avoid many problems. Whatever happens today, you should keep calm.

A person will not be able to risk this day. The situation is how the giaver wants, there will be no fold. It is not worth the upset about this, because the difficulties in the life of life are hardened, give a person to become stronger.

In a difficult matter, you will have to show all your positive parties. On plans for the future, the map advises anyone to not report anyone that everything conceived successfully happened.

Rod Knight: Combination with other maps

Senior Arkana Wands Cups Swords Pentakley

stupid gust, hasty actions

Ace Wands

burn freeze; succumbed

Ace Cups

love adventure

Tuz Sword

forky desire to make a conceived

Ace Pentacles


raw idea

King Wands

creative ascent

King Cups

bulk emotions

King of swords

conflict with a representative of power

King pentacle

thirst for financial authorities

attempting from the guardian to master knowledge

Queen Wands

fill the creative impulse

Queen Cups


Queen of Sword

Queen Pentacles

pursuit of a rich lady


maternal instinct

Knight wands

Knight Cups

roman tie

Knight Swords

fight; Hot desire to prove at all costs

Knight pentacle

affairs trip


enthusiasm in work

Page sacks

tighten the fervor, but add calculation

Page cups

with hot take offering

Page Swords

rush; Unexpected clarification of relationships

Page pentacles

adventure adventure

the desire to create a family

Two wips

inexperience; stop

Two cups


Two swords

the desire for equilibrium

Two pentacles



passion in relations

Troika wands

fast but surface results

Troika Cups

surface relations

Troika Swords

take offense in the cast

Troika Pentacles

professional excitement



Four Wands

catch good luck

Four cups

frightened interest

Four Swords

hire hot aspirations

Four pentacles

spores because of the inheritance

passionate desire to go to find something new

Five Wands

confusion; Disagreement

Five Cups

loss due to impulsivity

Five Swords

hot collision character

Five pentacles



desire to change your life

Six wands

inspirational idea leading to the goal

Six Cups

reluctance to return to the usual or past

Six swords

impulsive desire to quit everything

Six pentacles

reward for courage

the desire for change; Desire to end with gray weekdays

Seven wands

Value of knight wands in the literal position

Creative plans, beauty, energy, courage, enterprise. Travel, moving, changing work or happy change in personal life. The map foreshadows the implementation of all your plans. But it is impossible to relax, the situation requires the maximum concentration of all forces.

Knight wands tarot - an honest man deserving confidence. Perspective relationship with a decent young man.

  • energetic, confident, generous and friendly man
  • foreign journey, emigration, change of housing
  • easy, openness, public game, individualism

The wands knight represents an open and confident young man. His eloquence, charm and refinement make it popular. As for events, the card speaks of changes surrounded by the client. Perhaps he will take a short-term journey or will change the place of residence.

Tarot Map Knight Wands is a friend or relative, ready to help with an inappropriate. This is a young man, but mature in his actions, a person who has an almost instinctive understanding of business and financial issues, and this understanding he gains knowledge and experience. In addition, a friend ready for self-sacrifice. In any case, someone, whose advice can be trusted and whose help can be used at the moment of doubt. Travel, change the place of residence or environment.

The value of knight wands in an inverted position

Unpredictability, impermanence, lack of positive shifts. Quarrel, conflict, deception, heart flour. The situation is extremely dangerous, you can harm at any time.

The key value of the inverted map of Taro Knight of the wands is inconstancy and unreliability. The card represents a person unpredictable, changing his point of view, direction or sympathy quickly, without warning, throwing others. Permanent quarrels and scandals will be associated with it. It is better not to have anything in common with such a person.

  • energetic, generous and friendly, but at the same time an extremely impulsive and unpredictable person
  • wastiness, travel problems, indecision
  • gap, intervention, obstacles, stubbornness, envy, quick temper, rivalry, threat of dismissal

The inverted map of Taro Knight of the wands means that the young man is intolerant and boastful, constant disagreements are connected with him. Another interpretation indicates the difficulties in interpersonal relationship, about unsuccessful travel and operations with property, which is probably indecisive.

Inverted Knight Wands Taro foreshadows disputes, disorder in personal life. Gap friendship, parting or flight.

Internal meaning. Provides for understanding direct card position

If the Knight of the Wands of Tarot personifies a certain person, then this is a young man in which the questioning sees a relative or friend, ready to help. As in other masters, this character has all the qualities of their symbolic parents; He is honest, not proud and deserves confidence; Man, ready to donate something for you.

If the Tarot Map Knight Wands does not personify a certain person, it indicates a journey or some movement - moving, a change in work, to change in personal life.

Astrological meaning:

Mars in Avnel as a symbol of thirst for life, entrepreneurial veins, energetic, impatience and search for adventure.

Direct position:

The knight of the staff is delight and impulse; The possibility of new developments, an inspirer and inspired, enterprising and noble spirit, personality capable of changing your situation. Missing man.

Reverse position:

An inverted card means: an obstacle to the implementation of plans; The need to change something, an unpleasant person bringing big troubles.

Knight wands.

Characteristics: Air of fire. Sagittarius.

Pusty, energetic. Collects life experience. A debate, full of enthusiasm and enthusiasm. Cardicity, generosity, goodwill. Purposeful. It has a sense of self-esteem. Able to organize work. Aspiration on the first impulse.

People wands switched attention to any company: King authority, Queen - magnetism, knight - noise and azart.

Events: departure, lack, flight, emigration. Moving to a new place, changing the place of work or direction of activity.

Meeting with wand knights.

Business: rapidly developing, risky. Sometimes short-term. "Zeal, hurry, risk" - the main characteristics of the business.

Rod classes: middle managers, good organizer. Middle-level entrepreneur. May be: drivers (riders, riders), actors, merchants works of art.

Health: Strong, but does not protect. Next to injury. Heart problems.

Relationships: disputes, passion. Not too serious relationships from the series "won and threw": all excitement in conquest.

Tip: Act quickly and boldly. Do not build distant plans.

Warning: Avoid showing business. Do not raise noise from nothing.

Outcome: "Yes". Successfully.


Characteristics: Scandalist. Validity, arrogance, self-love, stubbornness, envy. Very quick-tempered, to rage (in combination with force - can and beat), but it can be disposed. Very varying pride.

Gap, separation, obstacle, discord, intervention. Failed due to external circumstances travel. Serious problems due to impulsive behavior.

Professional rivalry. Thirst for power. Posyness and snobism.

Meeting with an inverted rod knight.

Business: solid adventures. An insignificant result or its absence. Problems at work.

Occupation: -

Health: Hazardous Injuries

Relationships: Rough relationship. Alienation, parting, scandals. Apathy.

Tip: Cancel your dust.

Warning: There are dangerous obstacles on your way.

Outcome: "no". The goal is not achieved.

General value:

The rider of wands symbolizes heat and even the heat of the soul, manifested in the thirst for life, passionism and enthusiasm, but sometimes turning into impatience, increased excitability, impulsiveness and inclination to exaggerations. Therefore, a lot depends on what area of \u200b\u200bour life is a given question, for the answer of the card can mean both warming heat and the molding heat. Intirect the same, expressed by this card means: I want everything and if possible, everything is right away. If it fails right away, or we do not get everything, we are annoying, starting, becoming aggressive. However, the inner energy inherent in the rider of the rods, in any case, the whole layers of being in motion will move the exploratory ice and makes a fresh stream in the long-habitual situation.


We are stuck impatience, our forces require a way out, and it is very difficult for us to accept the thought that nothing is given right away that you need to wait for some time. It may mean that the case itself, the task itself carries us very much, however, we wanted to start it immediately, and when we were forced to wait, our desire "blows up", and then even the slightest obstacle beat off with us all hunting work further. In some other situations, rider wands can mean tough competition or collision of interests inside the collective.


Here the rider wands means that we are in the phase of self-affirmation, defend our convictions, fighting for the ideals, not too taking care of their practical value - or hoping to prevent their execution to others. On the other hand, the enthusiasm, which we exhibit, infect others, and they begin to help us that, of course, stimulates the work of the whole team. However, in cases where it is necessary to make decisions on which the future and the team depends on, and all its members, excessive emotionality and hasty can lead to errors.

Personal relationships:

Flame of love passion - or, on the contrary, a fierce confrontation. Both can easily lead to extremes. However, where these powerful energies can be combined for the sake of any common cause, they bring excellent results that you never manage to achieve alone.

Knight wands in combination with other tarot cards

With the "Jester" card - stupid mistakes in the manual.

With a map "Mag" - a raw idea.

With the map "Supreme Priestess" - an attempt with the guardian to master knowledge.

With the "Empress" card - Maternal instinct.

With the emperor map - enthusiasm in work.

With the map "Ierofant" - the desire to create a family.

With the "Lovers" card - a passion in relationships.

With the chariot map - a trip.

With the "power" card - a passionate desire to go to find something new.

With the post "Hermit" - a desire to change your life.

With the "Wheel of Fortune" - the desire for change; Desire to end with gray everyday life.

With the map "Justice" - unwillingness to listen to reasonable arguments.

With the map "Having" - good intentions remained only intentions.

With the "Death" card - an irrevocable desire to end the old life.

With the map "Moderation" - find a reasonable grain, it would seem in an unreasonable idea.

With the "Devil" card - a game with fire.

With the "Tower" card - a fiery idea, breaking about the cruel reality.

With a star "Star" - an infinite faith in their aspirations.

With the map "Moon" - to get to see.

With the "Sun" card - an unrestrained desire to be embarrassed into people.

With the Court card - the speedy disposal of past life.

With the "World" map - take a worthy place.


With the "TUZ Wands" card - an extraordinary lift; Infinite motivation.

With the "Double Wands" card - inexperience; stop.

With the map "Troika Wands" - fast but superficial results.

With the "Four Wands" card - catch good luck for the tail.

With the "Five Wands" card - confusion; inconsistency.

With the map "Six Wands" - an inspirational idea leading to the goal.

With the "Seven-Boats" map - hasty and inconsistency put a conquered under the blow.

With the "Eight Wands" card - fast departure; Emergency circumstances; Lightning events.

With the map "Nine Wands" - descend from the skies to the ground; cool off

With the map "Ten Wands" - efforts to nowhere.

With the "Page Wands" map - to temper the dust, but add calculation.

With the map "Queen of the Wands" - filled with a creative impulse.

With the map "King of Wands" - a creative rise.

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In the literal position Knight Wands (Staff) Tarot

Name: Rod Knight, Kretnya Tref, Squeezer Knight, Knight Staff, Cavalier Wands, Rider Wands, Prince of Wands, Bulletin, Conqueror of States, Going to the leader, Lord of Spirits Fire. Brunette.

Papers value: Check out, change, moving, lack, removal, flight, emigration, desertion, plants transplant, transfer, relocation, ability, escape.

Interpretation of Tarot Card Wands: The appearance of the card Knight Wands means that it was time to start active actions or performing a campaign. If your aspirations are noble, and thoughts are clean, now the right moment is to start acting or go to the long-conceived journey.

Interpretation Knight Wands (Staff) Taro in Little Position

Interpretation:Map Taro Knight Wands is interpreted as the beginning of events, the arrival of which you were very waiting. Your efforts on their preparation did not disappear, and the events begin to gain momentum. It is noticeable not only to you, but also around you people.

Junior Arkan Taro Rider Wands is a source of fire and the center of all world energy. For a person who is indicated by this card, also called the knight of the staff, no problem will be too difficult and large. Such a person has already appeared in your environment, he is always ready to come to the rescue, no your task is blowing it, any support for him is not in a burden, and timely advice is always possible by the way. He is quite ready to sacrifice all sake of his friends and loved ones.

Look around, you will immediately understand who the wands knight indicates. This is a romantic person, brave and decisive, always ready to come to the rescue. Its determination sometimes borders with uncompromising, but it cannot be called neither cruel nor aggressive. He alien lovers and egoism, he is extremely honest and fair. He is adequate in his actions, ready for the upcoming difficulties, is not afraid to meet face to face with the enemy and perfectly fits into any situation.

Meeting with him for you means the beginning of a big change, ranging from reassessment of values \u200b\u200band ending with spiritual revival. These changes may be expressed in travel or even moving to a new place of residence. If the wands knight appeared in your fortune telling, then wait for the appearance of a person who literally would take you by the hand and send them to the sides of the world.

Interpretation Inverted Knight Wands (Staff) Tarot

Papers value: Gap, discord, separation, separation, section, divorce, party, party, guard, svara, quarrel, cut, clipping, break, not continued.

Interpretation:Inverted Knight (rider) Taro wands are interpreted as unforeseen obstacles and difficulties in the embodiment of your dreams. Your strength and funds were spent in vain. If you still intend to start a new thing, then the inverted Knight of the Wands advises while refuse to implement your plans due to increased risks. If we are talking about a forced journey, then you will not be avoided.

If the inverted rider of the Tarot Stakes indicates a particular person, then this person will bring quarrels and discord into your life. It will cause your quarrels with friends or unpleasant situations in the work, right up to its complete termination.

Knight Wands (Staff) Day Map

Today you have a hot day, pick up suitable layouts for him. Perhaps today will give yourself to know your rapid temperament, and you want to give will to your feelings. Passions will be increasing to the limit, and you will certainly want everything and immediately. Although once in life, you can go on our insane desires and act at the behest of the heart. If your emotions require exit, go to have fun today or go to some adventure. The main thing today is not to build far-reaching plans, today there is an inappropriate day.

Board Cards Horseman Wands: once inside the action, perform boldly and act with temperamentally, only better let it be noise due to trifles.

CAUTION Map Horseman Wands: for its part, avoid eye displacement and do not cheat "noise and dust."