Stop note about a large amount of work. Stakeholder note of worker

statement note ...

Question lawyer:

Hello! Help me please! The head of the department, where I work, wrote the chief doctor on me a report. How can I find out its content? The carpet caused, the content of the report was practically not voiced.

A response of a lawyer to the question: Stake up
Elena, you have to offer to write an explanation on the fact that you can learn from this proposal in the general content of the report.

A response of a lawyer to the question: Stake up
Hello, Elena.

You have a complete right to get acquainted with the earnings, require the text. Contact.

statement note ...

Question lawyer:

Can I draw up the memorandums with rear chalk, and at the same time the employee will not even know what a service note is compiled on it?

A response of a lawyer to the question: Stake up
Drawing up any document "rear" is a violation

A response of a lawyer to the question: Stake up
A memorial note is a document on the basis of which the employer must conduct a proceeding and if the employee has the fault of the employee to attract it to disciplinary responsibility (by order). Just a report without proceedings is just paper. If you are dismissed safely, see the court on the issue of illegal dismissal.

The memorandum of employment is written from hand or you can print from a computer ...

Question lawyer:

A memorandum about not execution by an employee of labor duties is written by hand or can be printed from a computer?

A response of a lawyer to the question: Stake up
You can print from the computer. Signed by hand.

How to write an answer to the memorandum, and whether it is necessary to answer it, and also register? ...

Question lawyer:

Hello! How to write an answer to the memorandum, and whether it is necessary to answer it, and also register? Thank you.

A response of a lawyer to the question: Stake up
Looking at what a memorandum. If it is in relation to you and records any of your misconduct, the explanatory should be requested from you. Specify the question.

statement note ...

Question lawyer:

He wrote a memorandum to the head on his subordinate. The head showed a memorandum to my subordinate. Is it competent?

A response of a lawyer to the question: Stake up
Perfect. Because the subordinate must give an explanation to the leadership. And for this he should know what.

A response of a lawyer to the question: Stake up
yes that's right.

I wrote a memorandum note, no later than what time after what happened should you give it? ...

Question lawyer:

I am the head of the department, my subordinate is not the first time comes to my director, today she has created a conflict situation before the start of the working day, then went to me he improved. Perhaps wrote a service note. What can I do in this situation. I wrote a memorandum, no later than what time after what happened should you give it?

A response of a lawyer to the question: Stake up
I am the head of the department, my subordinate is not the first time comes with the director

Natalia, the report can be filed, and you can not apply to the manager, solely at your discretion, is there such terms.

How to write a report note on a disciplinary violation, (for example, I was late for work to work) Is it possible to write it in ...

Question lawyer:

How to write a report note on a disciplinary violation, (for example, I was late for a job) whether it is possible to write it in print form on the computer. And whether she needs (a memorandum) for de governor of an employee, if he wrote explanatory.

A response of a lawyer to the question: Stake up
You can write such a note if the reason for the lateness is disrespectful, written in an arbitrary form, you can print, from hand. If the provisions on the bonuses are provided for departing, it is applied for a violation of labor discipline, non-fulfillment of labor tasks, etc. However, before the deprait should be an order (order) on the imposition of disciplinary recovery, made on the basis of the reporting direct supervisor and a written explanatory employee, from which directly follows that the reason for being late is disrespectful. As a rule, for a single lateness, the measure of disciplinary exposure does not apply, especially, depreciation.

How to write a statement note collective against the dismissal of the authorities ...

Question lawyer:

How to write a collection note collective against the dismissal of the authorities

A response of a lawyer to the question: Stake up
Such notes are written in free form. It is necessary to specify the reasons for disagreement

A response of a lawyer to the question: Stake up
who will write? Better do not write an application for dismissal on your own accord and no one can dismiss you, and so - so far there are no facts - your report will not lead to anything

I was compiled a report on the violation of the employee's labor discipline and was given to the head, but the head ...

Question lawyer:

I was compiled a report on the violation of the employee's labor discipline and was given to the head, but the head did not respond. For which time should answer a memorandum.

A response of a lawyer to the question: Stake up
Dear Olga Aleksandrovna!

The term of response by the Labor Code is not specified. In addition, the employer is not obliged to decide on the verification of the report on the violation of labor discipline.

Article 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation established that for the commission of a disciplinary offense, that is, non-performance or improper execution by the employee by its fault of labor duties assigned to him, the employer has the right to apply one of the disciplinary recovery. Before applying disciplinary recovery, the employer must request a written explanation from the employee.

A response of a lawyer to the question: Stake up
The Labor Code does not provide for the responsibility of the head to answer you for a memorable note, also does not provide a duty to attract an employee to disciplinary responsibility on the basis of a report, generally attracting an employee to disciplinary responsibility is the right of the head, not a duty, and to attract the disciplinary responsibility of Article 193 The procedure, during which the employee takes an explanation in writing and, according to the results of the explanation, the employer has the right to calculate that there are no grounds for attracting responsibility. You yourself are entitled to contact the head and ask his position on your appeal (memorable note) that I recommend to make you

A response of a lawyer to the question: Stake up
There is no such thing as a service note in the legislation. Thus, this document can apply the concept of a statement. If the employer of the State Institution can be referred to at 59 ФЗ. If the commercial structure then the answer must be prepared in accordance with the deadlines approved by federal legislation, namely within 30 days from the date of registration.

I need to write a memorandum to add a vacancy - an assistant engineer-designer production. Help…

Question lawyer:

Hello! I need to write a memorandum to add a vacancy - an assistant engineer-designer production. Help me please. ..Thank you!

A response of a lawyer to the question: Stake up
Write in arbitrary form

and justify the need for a job - engineer assistant - production constructor

My colleague wrote a memorandum on me, as if I had to bless him and refused to accept the client. But this is not true…

Question lawyer:

My colleague wrote a memorandum on me, as if I had to bless him and refused to accept the client. But this is not true. The incident occurred on 06.06.2014, I learned about the earnings note from third part 13.06.2014. I was transferred to I wrote a statement on dismissal by my own request. From 06/16/2014 I am on vacation, but naturally in our company there are no documents confirming my finding on vacation. Now the head is threatened to me, says either I will write on my own accord or he will fire me on the article for absenteeism. What should I do?

A response of a lawyer to the question: Stake up
Since you are in the company everything is so "naturally", I think that you need to solve themselves and either negotiate with the management or to fulfill their demand.

Does the authorities have the right to write an employee's report on another employee? ...

Question lawyer:

Does the director's MAZ have the right to write an employee's report on another employee?

A response of a lawyer to the question: Stake up
Hello. No, can not - only on his own behalf.

I want to write a memorandum to the director with a complaint about the head ....

Question lawyer:

I want to write a memorandum to the director with a complaint about the head.

A response of a lawyer to the question: Stake up
write of course, if you think that your rights are violated, special knowledge is not required, you can set out everything in free form.

A response of a lawyer to the question: Stake up
good day. This note is written in free form.

How to write a memorandum on the verifier, that he writes the points of instructions on violating by our employees, but ...

Question lawyer:

How to write a memorandum note on verifying, that he writes the points of prescription of violation by our employees, but they were not violated. Disinforms the bosses? SPSB.

A response of a lawyer to the question: Stake up
then a complaint, and not a report

The memorandum of a violation of labor discipline was compiled and attached to the order of removal from work, however, in ...

Question lawyer:

The memorandum of a violation of labor discipline is compiled and attached to the order of removal from work, however, there is no signature

How do I appeal this report note which does not contain the signature of the compiler

A response of a lawyer to the question: Stake up
It is not necessary to organize an order if he violates the rights of an employee. The memorandum may be the basis for the publication of the order.

Tell me how to make a memorandum to the upstream guide. The fact is that the largest ...

Question lawyer:

Hello. Tell me how to make a memorandum to the upstream guide. The fact is that a large shortage was revealed. There is a deliberate assignment of material values \u200b\u200bfor which the whole team is responsible. Ordinary practice - to divide the shortage at all, does not suit anyone. In addition, all employees suspect one employee. Arguments, although they deserve attention, but are not direct evidence. How to properly present in the report note not only the essence of the problem and a request for an appropriate check, but also to draw attention to the activities of a particular person?

A response of a lawyer to the question: Stake up
Write a note in a disconnect form.

Tell me, please, do you need to quote an insult in the reporting note director? ...

Question lawyer:


Tell me, please, do you need to quote an insult in a memorandum to the director?

Sincerely, Julia!

A response of a lawyer to the question: Stake up
Good day!

Citation of insult is unnecessary, especially if it contains an abnormative vocabulary. If there is a need to tell the director the essence of insults with a personal conversation.

A response of a lawyer to the question: Stake up
I think, yes. What you want to quote.

Does it have the right to write a memorandum to the employee to the director for care from the Saturday ahead of time and without putting in ...

Question lawyer:

Does it have the right to write a report on an employee to the director for care from the Saturday ahead of time and not informing the responsible deputy director?

A response of a lawyer to the question: Stake up

Yes, you can

Standard note on the head ...

Question lawyer:


I work as a sales manager in the wholesale department for 3 years. A few months ago, we had a new employee - he was appointed head of the wholesale department. This person is not an introduction to the specifics of the company, without passing any training, began to make me and some more managers work, which is not included in our duties, began to constantly distract from the routine work, to tear. Making some mistakes in work, accuses others in everything, expresses claims, goes to complain to the Higher Management. Makes an imbalance to a coherent job, takes time, does not know how to communicate with people.

We want to write a memorandum on him, how to make it competent? Can it be fired? Thanks in advance!

A response of a lawyer to the question: Stake up
Hello, Veronica Yuryevna.

You need to write a memorandum to the head. Then you can write a claim to the head for the involvement of the work that is not due to the workforce. Contact.

A response of a lawyer to the question: Stake up
First, make sure that in your organization for each of you there is a job description from which you can see that you are required to do, and what is not. With this instruction you should have been addressed to get acquainted with the work. If it is not at all, then all the more nothing can impose anything else. If it is, take the copy and show this to the manager. that there are no such duties. You can submit a report with a description of the situation in the department. Only be sure to register the report, the secretary is obliged to do this in the magazine of incoming documentation. A copy of the report with the setting secretary about the reception Leave yourself (i.e., two copies at once. Do). For the future, there are always difficult situations to fix the reports so that then you could prove your innocence, and the guilty of other persons. Let's get questions, write me.

Do I need to register a memorandum of insult and if so, who has? ...

Question lawyer:

Do I need to register a memorandum of insult and if so, who has?

A response of a lawyer to the question: Stake up
Any statement is submitted to you to register in your interests. The application is subject to registration with an employee in whose obligations is included in the registration of incoming correspondence (it is often the secretary of the head) of good luck.

How to competently write a memorandum to the head, so that it is fired? ...

Question lawyer:

At our enterprise, the guard of the passage is constantly rude and Hamit to employees. How to competently write a memorandum to the head for her to be fired?

A response of a lawyer to the question: Stake up
Reports are written in arbitrary form. Describe what exactly and when it happened.

Stop note What threatens? ...

Question lawyer:

I work in organizing 3 years, no complaints have ever always reported reporting on time, I perform all the work quickly. In May, I got sick, I have a hospital on my hands, but the head of the department knows how I work and constantly stay after work (large volumes of work) did not hold hospital and closed the tabel as a fully spent month. The deputy director learning about this wrote on the director a memorandum for a service investigation on what basis the head of the department closed me the Tabel when I was sick. And I did not provide the hospital in the personnel department (sick-sick on my hands). What threatens for it. Please answer very important.

A response of a lawyer to the question: Stake up
Nothing it threatens. Present an indoor sheet of disability and discharged epicride from the clinic.

I wrote a memorandum to the employee who slandered me. Tell me please I have the right to not be present on ...

Question lawyer:

I wrote a memorable note on the employee who slandered me. Please tell me, I have the right to not be present on the proceedings of this fact on the statement not to meet this employee.

A response of a lawyer to the question: Stake up
well, however, it is necessary to confirm its actions, then why then wrote and when proceedings should be present

Tried to submit a memo. I received an email answer that it is not accepted for a number of reasons. What legal ...

Question lawyer:

Tried to submit a memo. I received an email answer that it is not accepted for a number of reasons. What legal documents are governed by the procedure for receiving notes

A response of a lawyer to the question: Stake up
The memorandum is submitted for a personal signature.

Is it possible to write a report note to the director of violation of official duties for several people? Or need to write ...

Question lawyer:

Is it possible to write a report note to the director of violation of official duties for several people? Or need to write for everyone? We have a group of operating service engineers. They were tasked for a month. During the month, the task is not fulfilled. They stupidly ignored her.

A response of a lawyer to the question: Stake up
Hello Konstantin!

If the task was put in a group, then write a member to the group. Otherwise, individually for everyone.

Ham's behavior in everyday life is a very unpleasant phenomenon. Disputes about the motives and purposes of such a life position will leave psychologists, but the fact remains a fact - some people do not climb in the pocket. This situation is particularly unpleasant within the working team, where there is ethics of business relations. In addition to the frank rudeness, some individuals can annoy the working points by evading the performance of official duties or non-fulfillment at all. To counteract such employees, you need to be able to write a memorandum, with samples, you can easily get acquainted.

The notion of the report and its types

It is necessary to deal with violators with the help of a memorandum, which is a special business-based information and reference paper containing the present situation that has arisen the question, effect on them and the action to solve them.

However, not always the report has the kind of complaints. The document may assume information about the process of the task being performed, its end, declare the completion of the supervisory orders. The goal of the report as a complaint is precisely in an informative indication of the situation and encourage the decision to measure.

Note in the direction has the form of internal or external. The first is drawn up in the name of the chief of the division. For example, an ordinary employee can write a complaint to the name of the Brigadier, the manager. The middle chief points the director. The external note is written on the face of the highest instance. For example, the managing subsidiary decors the report to the director of the central (head) office. In addition, to write an external report requires a special form, while the inner can be written on a regular A4 sheet. Such blanks are issued by the departments of the enterprise itself. As well as the report document is classified as follows:

  • Initiative note. She is written by employees who have a goal to influence another employee. They can be both a colleague and immediate supervisor. The document describes one or more situations, as well as ways to solve the circumstances;
  • Informative note. Does not have the goal of complaints about the employee, and is used only as reporting on the current state of affairs;
  • Reporting note. Filling this document only occurs at the stage of the full end of work and serves as a report on the task. It may also contain information on the work done by each employee.

An interesting fact: you can make a document based on your own desire or at the request of the leadership.

Structure and form of proper filling

In the form of writing, as well as the content of the report can be compared with the service note. The main difference of documents is only the subordination between the sender and the recipient. The memorandum is written on the leading party rank above, and the service is equivalent. The structure of the document implies the following:

  • Company name;
  • Specifying the type of document;
  • The number under which the document is registered and its date;
  • When writing a report of an external type, a place is indicated;
  • FULL NAME, held by the post of person to whom the document is addressed;
  • Header. Usually begins with the words "o ...", "regarding ...";
  • Main text. Its composition is divided into two parts. The first narrates about the conflict that has arisen or the situation that happens, the second implies specific ways by decision or request;
  • At the end of the document there is a signature of the compiler with decoding, its position is indicated.

Interesting fact: a memorandum not has a legislatively approved form.

The above structure is valid for any type of report.


Khamsky behavior

A complaint against Ham's behavior is written only in the name of a higher management.


An explanatory employee is attached to the document.

Violation of work discipline

Failure to fulfill official duties


Finding the impact on the inadequate behavior of employees in the team is not so difficult. The compiled material will help correctly classify and write an office note. Remember that the prevention of unhealthy behavior in the working society is also necessary. The selection of employees has an important role. Consider all the factors and maybe you will not bring a piece of paper for writing a report.

In the reports that are used in the internal document flow of organizations, the results of the activities of individual employees or divisions are displayed. Such a document can be compiled at the request of the management for reporting, but in some cases a memorandum is drawn up by the initiator, in the role of which managers of divisions or employees themselves.

Depending on the purposes and objectives, the memorandum may be information, reporting or initiative. The latter species is more often found, and among such notes, complaints are dominated by the staff associated with the disorder of discipline, security influence and work schedule.

In this case, the memorandum is compiled by the immediate head of such an employee and, in addition to bringing to the attention of the higher management of such a fact, may require the requirement to apply the appropriate punishment.

A sample reporting report note is used if you need to notify the execution of certain orders or orders, as well as for reports on the work done with the current status, if they are not completed yet. In most cases, such documents are formal papers that requests the manual to comply with the overall reporting.

In contrast to the reporting, the information report is not compiled at mandatory, with a strict and accurate report in such a document from the compiler not required.

To communicate between organizations for information purposes applied. For example, if you need to convey information to the director, the equipment should be maintained, as a result of its failure.

If you are not sure how to write a reportthat's right - you can use the finished form and fill it in the sample. But in some cases there is no such possibility, and the document has to be issued independently. Due to the fact that the document of this nature is considered to be official paper, if it is compiled, it is necessary to adhere to an official-business style and comply with the basic requirements:

  1. For a memorandum, you can use as a corporate form of organization, as well as using the standard A4 sheet sheet.
  2. In the upper part of the document, the details of the organization are indicated.
  3. Further, the compiler writes his position, the name and initials in the parental case (for example, "from the master of the Fedoseeva N.N.).
  4. Be sure to spell the title "Report note" without quotes.
  5. In the main part of the document, the text of the note is located, after which the compiler is set and its decoding, as well as the full date of drawing up the document: without it, the document will not be valid.

Such an example of a memorandum is suitable for internal use within one organization and to send it in case of interaction with other companies.

Nuances drawing up a report

The meaning and purpose of such a document is quite transparent, but sometimes, when it is drawn up, people allow a number of errors relating to the main text. For example, a memorandum of non-fulfillment of official duties is an official service document that can be considered not only within the organization, but also by representatives of other structures.

Accordingly, there is no place for emotional statements, personal claims and deployed colorful descriptions. The document must be decorated in a business style and contain the essence of the appeal and the indication of the measures that the compiler considers the necessary to perform the addressee.

The memorandum is often served by the "starting point" during internal investigations that concern the disciplinary violations of employees. For example, if the immediate head of the employee caught him at work in a drunk - wines for the possible consequences of human work in such a state not only on the intruder himself, but also on the boss.

If the desire of the head to punish an employee for this violation will arise a few days later or at least the next morning - "traces of the crime" will simply not be, and to prove the fact of the employee's stay in the workplace in a drunken form will not work. To do this, you need to make a document on the fact by specifying the date and exact time of the event.

It is important to note that a memorandum in itself in such cases cannot be evidence of discipline disorders. To do this, it is necessary to attach the appropriate additional paper to the document, an example is an act about the emergence of an employee in a drunken state, which should be signed by two witnesses. In the note itself, such signs should not be.

The standard sample of the report should be at each enterprise: it will save employees from the need to invent something their own and at the same time allow mistakes in the design. Of course, such a sample cannot be universal for each case, but the general rules for design in this case will be understood.

And last: the memorandum may deviate, a response that does not suit the compiler can be drawn up, such a document can even be ignored for a certain time. All these issues are solved within the organization, but in order for the document to be considered outside the organization (for example, in judicial processes), it must necessarily be linked by the recipient, which thus confirms that it is familiar with the document.

The administrative work of employees of the management team is often related to writing for one reason or another of the reports, on the basis of which decisions are made on administrative and disciplinary issues.

Consider that this document represents what is its status, and how to write a memorandum in connection with one or another circumstance.

Report: Definition and Objectives

The report of the official is a document containing information and suggestions on a specific issue that implies and subsequent implementation of certain decisions. The presence of a memorandum in the resolution of production situations involving disciplinary decisions.

The report is provided for OAS, where it is currently under No. 0286041. It does not have the established standard, and is compiled according to the principle for documents. The form on which a memorandum is drawn up, a sample of its writing for specific violations, should be provided in the internal regulations, and are attached to them as an application.

The purpose of writing a memorandum to the employee is usually bringing to a higher management of official information in terms of disciplinary disorders. The document is addressed to the head of the enterprise, to file it is authorized or an official, in whose subordination is a worker who admissible a violation of labor discipline.

How to write a memorandum to an employee: a sample of a common form

Like each internal document, the report consists of:

    "Caps" - a part containing information about the name of the enterprise, the names and initials of the addressee - the head of the enterprise, positions, surnames, the initials of the person who has compiled a document;

    information and notification part - a section containing information on disciplinary violation;

    the operative part is part of the document containing the conclusions of an official regarding the disorder of the discipline by the employee;

    signatures of the official and the date of drawing up the document.

The official note is decorated in accordance with this structure in the prescribed manner are filed with the manager who, after review, makes a decision, and indicates to resolution certified by the signature.

Review Samples of writing a memorandum

It should be noted that in submitting the company's head of the enterprise, additional information should be specified. So correctly written

    the report on the employee must contain information about the category of a specialist and the serviced area, for the workshop of the production workshop or the site, in addition to the direction of the position, you can specify the discharge or class of a specialist, a plot of work;

    the memorandum of note on the student should contain information on what specialty he is undergoing training (student of a locksmith, joiner, turner, and so on.) For more than a period of time, there is an internship in this capacity, is a regular employee or a course of practical training under The direction of the educational institution.

The formulation of reports of the heads of landlines, structural units, departments and workshops differ in the type of violation made by the employee. If a sample note on the violation of labor discipline is not approved by an internal administrative document in the enterprise, when writing a report should be guided by generally accepted standards.

Consider the correct writing of the informational and notification part of the report, in relation to the specific types of violation of the labor discipline, bringing further samples of the report note.

For an insult employee (sample):

« I hereby bring to your attention that 09/20/2018, the car mechanic 5 Zhevelev's discharge Viktor Sergeevich, being on the territory of the car repair shop, provoked a conflict situation and in the presence of workers' workshops, using an abnormative vocabulary and personal appeal, inflicted a personal verbal insult to the gas-plaster Ivanov P.P.

In connection with the commission of an immoral act and had previously similar violations of labor and working discipline, I ask you to endure the auto show of 5 discharge Shevelev V.S. Disciplinary recovery - reprimand.

To this purpose: Explanatory notes Sheveleva V.S., Ivanova P.P., Utilities Trephonova A.I., Sokolova Yu.V.»

Sample of a memorandum of violation of labor discipline

A memorandum - a sample on the worker who has committed the program:

« I hereby bring to your information that 09/20/2018, the driver 1 of the garage class Vitaly Nikolayevich, did not go to work without a good reason. When clarifying the circumstances of the Neboda, the explanation did not give.

In connection with the violation of labor discipline, expressed in a nebid to work without a valid reason, please render the driver of 1 CL. Garage Prikhodko V.N. Disciplinary recovery - reprimand.

To this applied: Explanatory note of Prikhodko V.N.

The memorable note is a sample for an employee for entering a drunken work:

« I hereby bring to your information that 09/21/2018, the driver of the 3rd class of the Garage of Starodubtsev Peter Semenovich, went to work in a drunk. It was not allowed to exit. Previously had similar violations and disciplinary recovery "reprimand" for the use of alcoholic beverages during working hours.

Due to the violation of labor discipline, expressed in the access to work in a drunken form, I propose to dismiss Starodubtseva P.S. In connection with the repeated appearance at work in a state of alcoholic intoxication.

To this applied: Explanatory note of Starodubtseva P.S. "

Summary of non-fulfillment of official duties (a sample of writing in a single refusal without good reasons):

"I hereby bring to your attention that Tokar 4 discharge of workshops Mitrofanov P.P. 09/18/2018. Without an explanation of the reasons, refused to carry out direct job duties, without adopting an order for cutting multisope threads, and therefore was a ripped production process in workshops.

Due to the refusal to perform official duties, I ask for Mitrofanov P.P. Disciplinary recovery - reprimand.

To this applied: explanatory Mitrofanova P.P. "

The memorable note on the incorrect behavior of the employee (sample of writing) in relation to colleagues:

« I hereby bring to your information that 09/22/2018, the mechanic of Garage Nikolaev Anatoly Fedorovich, being in the enterprise, made an incorrect behavior in relation to the drivers of the garage who were preparing for a line to travel expressed in the use of abnormative vocabulary and unequivocal gestures, coarse behavior.

In connection with the commission of immoral disciplinary misconduct, I ask the mechanics of Garage Nikolaev A.F. Disciplinary recovery - Comment.

To this applied: Service notes Prokhorov I.T., Sazonova D.F., Ivanova L.I, explanatory Nikolaev A.F.»

It should be noted that the incorrect behavior of the employee can be manifested not only towards colleagues, but also in relation to customers and customers, partners, enterprises, and other persons. In this case, when a report on the behavior of the employee is drawn up, the sample of its informational and notification part is written in the same way as the above, and the name and initials and initials, in relation to which incorrect behavior, its place of work and powers are allowed.

Incorrect writing office document

Often, in writing reports, officials - heads of structural units, allow mistakes in the formulation of information and notification and resolution parties.

Let us give an example. Stop note - sample incorrectly written document:

« I hereby bring to your attention that the car mechanic is 5 discharge Shevelev VS, provoked a conflict situation - insulted the gas-plaster Ivanova P.P.

To this applied: Explanatory note of Ivanova P.P.»

Errors in writing the sample given:

    the main situational circumstances are not indicated - when and where the disciplinary misconduct was carried out, which was expressed and in whose presence it was perfect;

    the summary part is not formulated - the offense is not given and the penalties of the perpetuation are not proposed;

    explanatory notes from the perpetrator of the conflict and the explanations of the persons present at the same time were not selected.

Full Sample Notes

And in conclusion, we present a complete sample of a memorandum for a violation of work discipline:

Stake up

I hereby bring to your information that 09/18/2018, the driver of the 2nd class of the garage chromium Zakhar Viktorovich, went to work in a state of residual alcohol intoxication. Nurse for the release of Frolova M.N. It was not allowed to exit. Earlier, chromium already had similar violations. It has an incomplete disciplinary penalty - reprimand.

In connection with the violation of labor discipline, expressed in entering the work of alcohol intoxication, I ask to dismiss Chromova Z.V. For a repeated impairment of work discipline - the appearance at work in a state of alcohol intoxication.

To this applied: explanatory notes by Frolova M.N., Chromova Z.V.

The memorandum is an information and reference document, which can be drawn up both at the initiative of the organization's employee and to indicate the guidance. Usually, such notes reflect the result of the execution of orders of the authorities, information on the progress of any works or complaints to fail fulfilled its duties.

The memorandum may be one of three possible species:

  • reporting;
  • initiative;
  • information.

In the first case, the note in most cases is formal and contains a report on the completion of a certain stage of work or the execution of orders, orders or guidelines.

A kind of information also contains information about the status and course of work, and, unlike the reporting note, this document describes the current state of affairs.

The initiative note may contain the impressions of the addressee to fulfill certain actions and decision-making. This may occur not in direct form, but in the form of a statement of some facts or expressions of wishes that can lead to response actions. By the way, the memorandums in which violations are reported on the part of employees belong to this species.

To compile such a document, there are foundations, as it is advisable to write a report by certain reasons. These include deterioration or improvement of workflows in connection with the actions of one or more persons, the need to resolve various conflict situations, expressing disagreement with the decisions taken by higher persons.

For the implementation of correspondence between employees of one organization, it is used, which is used to illuminate issues arising during the work. For example, it can be added to the name of the head with an explanation of the need to purchase parts for the machine, in the event of its breakdown, or if necessary, replacing the cartridge to the printer, etc.

How to write a memo

The memorandum is compiled in the official style, and the usual sheet of A4 paper is suitable for use inside the unit, and to send a note from this structure to this structure. In any case, the writing of the memorandum on the form or on the pure sheet is allowed, it is much more important to adhere to the structure of the document.

The sample note suggests the following type of document:

  • details of the Organization or Structural Division;
  • "Cap" with an indication of the compiler and the addressee;
  • name and title;
  • text note;
  • date and signature of the compiler with decoding.

The text itself consists of two conventional parts, in the first of which the compiler indicates the essence of the appeal, and in the second asks for adopting appropriate measures or gives the addressee to recommendations on how the outlined situation can be corrected.


In some cases, the question of how to write a memoRegarding the right design. Sometimes such a document can be sufficiently large and on one page the text does not fit. In this case, it is enough just to numbered all sheets, putting the pages of Arabic numbers in the upper right of the sheets.

A vivid example of a memorandum that takes several sheets is a reporting note, which contains a complete report on the activities of a large enterprise for a certain period. In this case, the document may contain various information on the functioning of all units. Often, such reports require the listing of employees, managers and responsible persons by names, which increases the volume of notes.

Regardless of whether a report on the non-compliance with the duties of a particular employee is drawn up or this is only a formal report, on such a document, the date of compilation and dispatch must be affixed.

For large enterprises, where such documents are compiled regularly, it is recommended to draw up and approve a sample of the report so that employees do not spend time to draw up such a document and did not allow errors.

In small enterprises and in private organizations, such a document is practically not used, but in large companies, the memorandums are an integral part of internal document management and can even be checked by external controlling organizations.

For example, the accrual of large premiums or unfavorable delay in payments in state-owned enterprises cannot be made without relevant supporting documents, which in most cases are either guidance orders or report notes. In the case of their absence, the company may be fined.

Any report, even if it is intended for internal use, can be used in court proceedings, but only if it is related to the appropriate way, and the addressee received it and familiarized himself with its content.