Interesting ideas for a garden of plastic bottles. Unusual crafts from plastic bottles do it yourself with photos

Interest in crafts from plastic bottles do it yourselfProbably never disappear, because the incredible amount accumulates them in the house. And besides, if it really wants to do creativity, take the children during the holidays or rest at the cottage, to do something cheap and practical - then the best material than PET packaging is difficult to imagine.

That is why today the next, but very interesting selection of the best, which are suitable for all the tasks voiced above.

Crafts from plastic bottles do it yourself photo

A rating of the best, simple works, of course, does not exist, because everyone has their own requirements for a master class and, and to the finally results. For many, it is not as the result as the process of creativity itself, but for others useful and practical crafts from plastic bottles do it yourself, photo Which can be seen in our article, will serve for a long time and become excellent assistants in the farm.

So it is possible to conditionally share all options for useful, decorative and mixed works, that is, those that perform and practical function, but at the same time, let's say, decorate the interior (carved).

For example, such works can be attributed original suspensions and lamp lamps, whose photos you can see above. They are created from a variety of upper parts of the tank, that is, before performing the work, you will need to cut off only the upper third, and the bottom leave for any other works.

Methods for decorating suspension can be different - it can be an applique with cloth, ropes, laces, pebbles, the surface can be painted both from the inside and outside the paints, can be perforated with interesting patterns.

Before you the process of performing such crafts from plastic bottles with their own hands step by stepAs a result of which a wonderful lamp lamp is obtained (naturally, it should be a LED lamp that does not heat up and does not heat the surrounding objects as the incandescent lamp, which can lead to fire). Cut the upper part, and the bottom will be left to create.

Try to process the edges using a hot surface so that they are not sharp or when sticking the cord, get it out of the plastic outbreak. In our exemplary, the exemplary is performed in a technique, like a papier-mache, when tape or polyethylene is pasted on a plastic surface specifically, the lace was glued to it.

The lark is well soaked in the process of work, so when the glue dries, the bottle can be simply from the inside to remove and only the rope frame will remain. But if such a technique is too complicated for you, then leave the bottle inside, simply decorate it with paint or one more layer of rope.

So you can create a magnificent Christmas decoration, if you leave inside the transparent plastic, and the top and bottom of treating a hemp, inserting a small Christmas decoration inside. In the same style, it can become a pretty vase or interior decoration in oriental style, it all depends on your imagination and from the interior of the room, where you are going to hang your new homemade decor.

There is nothing more stronger than, but only provided that these flowers will be made carefully, in interesting technique, using several plastic shades, as in the master class, which is presented to you above. And, on the contrary, there is nothing worse than terrible and corrupt flowers, for example, from a cropped bottom, some painted paint. In such a decor there is no beauty, no aesthetics, even the country area is not recommended to decorate anyone.

Dacha do it yourself crafts from plastic bottles

The real storehouse of interesting advice always concerns the decoration dacha do it yourself. Crafts from plastic bottles Always help us make a country life a little more beautiful, more convenient, more practical. And for families with children, such is a great way and take the kids for a while, and entertain them by the ready-made garden decor.

Already quite a long time, the empty container is used as a container for seedlings or as small pots (caspo) for flowers, greenery, salads. All this can be organized as beautiful that the country decor will also work, and the useful storage system of fresh greenery for the kitchen, cooking.

Just such examples and are demonstrated in the photo, and there is a golden rule that if the plants are beautiful themselves, have a magnificent, elegant greens and bright flowers, then the bottles can not be decorating at all or make decorations minimal. On the other hand, if you are grown with a kitchen greens, like parses or caressing salad right on the summer kitchen, then there will be an excellent idea such a pot, make decoupage or other types of applications for them.

Attracting birds to his site with the help of feeders is a great idea as for the winter and in the summer. Many simply do not think about how much pests can eat the average sparrow or starling in one country season. Especially since the more grain and seeds will be in a bird's dispatch, the less attention they will pay valuable sweets. Before you options crafts from plastic bottles do it yourself garden - Not only cute feeders, but also a drink, also very necessary for a comfortable stay of birds in your garden.

It may be valuable with their decorativeness, but useful things created using conventional plastic on the cottage are not less needed.

We present to your attention an interesting broom for outdoor cleaning, because, as any dachanik knows, in country conditions, any broom or broom wears with space speed, especially if you need to remove the fallen leaves or fruits. To obtain brooms, you need to assemble the design of a long stick and a transverse board, the initial billet will resemble a mop.

With the help of self-samples, several covers are attached to the horizontal board, as shown in the photo in which the neck can be screwed. The tanks themselves are blocked by scissors or a boat on the strips, first cutting the bottom. Try so that the stripes are not too thin, so the broom will eventually work worse, it is necessary that all the "twists" retain the elasticity.

Baby crafts from plastic bottles do it yourself

Entertainment or creating an interesting decor - perfect baby crafts from plastic bottles do it yourself Must combine both of these concepts. It would be not very nice if, as a result of painstaking and exciting work, you did something not too beautiful. Therefore, choosing among a variety of ideas, pay attention not only to the simplicity of execution, but also on the end result, which must definitely find its place in the nursery.

For example, such a place can be very easy to find a stand under pencils and handles made in the form of a space monster, not at all terrible, but very funny.

To work, you will need a suitable container, desirable, already painted so that it does not have to additionally use paints from the can, as well as paper for appliqués - faces, hands, teeth, and so on. For more delicate natures, the pencils are suitable with the image of the cats, which are also sufficiently performed quite performed, the facets are not pasted, but neatly drawn with markers of different colors.

Crafts from plastic bottles with their own hands

If the rest of the material has already gone to the beautiful, then we suggest you use absolutely all parts and make crafts from plastic bottles with their own handsdesigned for children. It is the covers in the farm accumulates a lot, due to its strength, good shape and a variety of colors, they will be very easy to use as educational toys, appliqués and even for didactic material that helps children's development.

The photo presents options for games that you can organize with children or for them using plastic multicolored covers. Destinations of attention with the conversion of covers in chips to play in noliki cross.

And if you insert small magnets into the caps from the back and secure them with glue, you can play not only on a specially drawn field, but also on any iron plate or refrigerator.

Animal-based toys, created on the basis of covers, will help you make you a homely puppet theater, with their help you can easily tell any fairy tale, ranging from the classics, and ending with the stories of your own essay. As for the drawings, this is a great way to teach children to consider in the older preschool age or learn colors in the younger.

To do this, the figure shows circles of different colors, and the baby will need to be found among all the multi-colored covers suitable and place it on the right place. It turns out a simple and fairly exciting game.

Crafts from plastic bottles with their own hands

Perform crafts from plastic bottles with their own hands It may not be very simple, because plastic is difficult to process, sharp scissors or knife, special paint, hot glue, and so on. Therefore, it will be better if all work you will do together, a friendly team, trusting the children to perform simple stages, and leaving work with a sharp or surface treatment with high temperatures.

In the photo you can see how easy you can make small toys if you combine the bottom, stable part from the top. They can reliably connect glue, and can remain autonomous, similar to neat boxes. Be sure to paint with acrylic or stained-glass paints, it will most like it much more. It is also interesting to the idea with bottle matters painted in folk style. To create them, you just need to find the containers of different litters, but similar shape that could be placed in each other.

This master class on making a lamp-based lamp is based on the capacity and multiple plastic spoons is a great option for more complex collaboration. But the finished product will get so interesting and elegant that it can be used to decorate the interior, especially in the modern style.

Sometimes the fact that we immediately throw out in the trash can can be turned into a real masterpiece. For example, many handicrafts are made from empty plastic bottles very practical and beautiful devices, as well as decor elements. The process of manufacturing such products is completely simple, and materials are available to everyone.

In this article we will see how you can make original crafts from plastic bottles for the garden. Showing fantasy, you can not only decorate your site, but also make beneficial devices and even furniture.

You can use even the covers from bottles for the decor. You can easily turn them into mosaics for walls and other surfaces.

Advantages of plastic bottles

Such an occupation can not only benefit, but also to grow into an exciting hobby. Depending on the fantasy, you can make small products or giant structures, such as sweating and buildings.

Applying efforts, such structures can be made from this material:

The main thing is that the material is very affordable and is available in every home. And although plastic is considered not the strongest material if it is properly copped with elements, the construction will turn out not only to be beautiful, but also resistant to different weather conditions.

The only obstacle may seem to collect the material of the desired form and color. In this case, you can attract the collection of neighbors and relatives. Everyone will have unnecessary bottles that they can easily give. Some collect bottles in the parks or near the roads along the way to the cottage, thereby clearing the territory. As a result, "two hares killed": and the material for future flower beds is assembled, and a good deal is done.

Important! Since it is difficult to dispose of plastic, then applying it in this way, you can not only benefit for your site, but also for the environment.

Working with plastic is very easy. For the manufacture of crafts do not need any expensive tools and professional skills. Learn to work with bottles anyone can. Even children will easily master this technique.

To create a craft, you will need the following:

  1. Illustration of product for sample.
  2. Bottles and other necessary materials and tools.
  3. Step-by-step instruction.

From bottles you can make interesting country buildings and fixtures. But since the bottles are short-lived, it is better to start working closer to the season so that the structure does not lose a neat look. You can also make a beautiful platform for your children. Such a process will love the kids. They can make a simple robot along with their parents. At this time, parents can explain to the kids that in this way they not only suggest beauty in the courtyard, but also take care of ecology.

Plastic Bottle Flowers

Beautiful and well-kept flower bed is a great garden decoration. It can be built of plastic bottles with their own hands. Such a fence will help moisture after the rains do not spread outside the flower beds, and also give it a more accurate appearance. How maybe such a flowerba looks clearly visible in the photo. You can come up with your options.

Note! In the same way, the beds can be fencing.

To do this, it is necessary to collect a large number of bottles of one size and shape. Bottles can be both color and transparent, but more effectively look, of course, colored. They can alternate or make a one-photon flowerbed. Sand pour into the tanks, covered with covers and on the thoughtful scheme are laid out in the flowerbed. So that they do not fall, you will have to go a little bottle with soil. Optionally, you can paint all the bottles in one or more colors.

Tip! To make it more convenient, you can paint the bottles before you begin to form flower beds.

In painting, transparent plastic bottles need more. If you have brown or dark green, then you can leave as it is.

Decorative crafts for garden plastic bottles

Showing a fantasy, you can create an additional gardening in the garden, which will always bloom, and also does not rot. For example, your site can replenish one or more palm trees from bottles and metal roths. It is enough to stick into the ground rod of the desired size. After that, cut off the bottom of the bottom and, cutting, cut the edges. In the bottom of the bottle make a hole. Further remains to put our numbers on the rod to get a palm stalk.

But the leaves are made of several bottles, connected together and cut into thin strips. The design is connected and a beautiful green palm tree is obtained on the country's dacha.

Here is a corner, using simple bottles. See visual video from which you will learn a few more details.

In addition, you can form flowers, butterflies, petals, etc. Here, for example, one of the options to decorate the lawn. For its incarnation, you will need:

  • candle;
  • glue master and plow glue;
  • shilo, knife or scissors and thick thread;
  • acrylic paint;
  • wire;
  • plastic bottles of different colors.
  • beads and beads for decoration.

Cut the neck from the bottle, with a reserve of 5-7 cm. Cut it along, forming 6 petals (cut not to the end). Give them a rounded form. To do this, take a candle, set fire to it and fall out each petal. He will slightly melted and becomes soft. First, spend the candle at the edges, and then at the base. Flexing from, giving a form.

Stem can be made of wire. Tychinka - from the wire thinner, some of them can be driven beads. It will be left to collect all together, using glue, wire and sewer. In the end, it remains to decorate the product. It turns out such a chic flower, which will definitely decorate the country area or garden.

You can make them as much as you like, "putting" in the right place. Due to the variety of colors of plastic bottles, the products will be colorful. You can also make bells, ladybugs, etc.

We make animals from plastic bottles

Often the garden or courtyard is decorated with statuette of gnomes or other mythical beings. But why not make sure and make your garden with beautiful, filled beasts from bottles. Look in the photo below as easy, but at the same time this composition looks beautifully.

Swans have always been a symbol of love and purity. Such a lake with birds for the garden will be appropriate. Especially since it is not difficult to make it. Here is the instruction of the lake from plastic bottles step by step:

  1. Follow 40 (you can less, you can more) Blue plastic bottles.
  2. Using the shovel, insert their neck down, as shown in the figure (the shape and dimensions of the lake can be any).
  3. Of 10-15 bottles you need to make a swan. Paint their water-emulsion paint in advance.
  4. Similarly, stick to the ground and connect with white scotch. So you need to make two swans.
  5. Make a head from the cardboard, squeezing it on both sides.

Note! If you work even more, you can build such a large lake for the garden.

Another popular option is a pig or a bottle cow. Not only that little animals will decorate the garden, you can use both pots.

You just need to cut off the top of the bottle of 6 liters, paint it into a pink color, cut the ears from the cut piece and paint the eyes and a piglet. The cow from the bottle is also made.

Below are the photos of several more examples that can be made independently. With such animals, your garden will be original, beautiful and cheerful.

Plastic Bottle Garden Furniture

It is often not enough furniture for the garden owners in the country. How strange it sounded, but you can make garden furniture bottles. Surprised? Then let's see how you can implement this idea.

Performing work in the garden, you will be tired. In order for a moment to relax and enjoy beauty, you will need to sit down. From plastic bottles you can make comfortable chairs and a sofa, on which the pleasure will be resting. In the photo you can see how the idea with the sofa is implemented.

Make chairs or otfik either will not be difficult. It is enough to make a cube, which is shown in the diagram below, and to strip it with foam rubber and cloth. You can also construct two such cubes and put the board between them. It turns out a simple bench.

And for the flow of time in the garden, it brought even more joy, a coffee table is made of plastic containers. So, you will have a full-fledged place to relax.

Pots for plastic bottles

Buying simple pots is not always profitable. Especially if you have a whole greenhouse of colors and plants. Yes, and they look just, without any features. But significantly cheaper to make pots and vases with their own hands. Especially since this will not need a lot of time, forces and money. As for the decorative side, it is possible to create a miracle in the garden in the garden.

Some take plastic bottles, cut out the top of them, put the bottle of the side, paint, fall asleep with soil and plant plants. Even seedlings will feel great in such homemade plastic pots.

Others, on the contrary, make hanging pots with flowers and hang them in front of the door. This is a pretty colorful decorative element that complements your home. It is enough to cut off the top of the plastic container, paint it, make two holes and plant a plant. Deliver hang in a convenient place.

Or you can make another variation that is shown below. See how simple everything is done. But passing by such beauty is simply impossible.

There are also options for creating ordinary plastic pots that stand on the windowsill or table. The technology is the same as in the previous versions, only you do not need to hang the crafts. Agree, plant a plant in such a pot is much nicer than in the usual container.

There is no limit to your fantasy, so do not push away from templates, and create your works of art from plastic bottles for the garden.

Plastic Bottle Feathers

Do you like our smaller brothers and take care of them? Then you will be pleased to hear that from plastic containers you can make a feeder for squirrels, birds and other animals. If wooden crafts could scare you, the construction of plastic feeders will not require you a lot of time, forces and skills.

You can make a large feeder of 5 liters or a small one of the usual 1.5 l bottles. It is possible to even make several such "snacks" so that more birds can eat there. Naturally, poultry are not aistet that will be forced trough, if she is ugly. But you can still decorate it, as the handicraft will become an ornament and decorative element of your garden. Especially since it does not take you a lot of time.

Tip! You can decorate the feeder with the child or fully instruct it this task. So, the child will be learning to take care of animals, and also strengthens their relationship with you.

Plastic bottles - a proven way to save money. It is not necessary to spend money on materials, and the benefits are essential. And even if it is not possible to do everything "as it should" from the first time, samples for "samples and errors" will be enough. Such "container" dozens and hundreds carry on the garbage. And in vain. What can be made of plastic bottles with your own hands? Photo crafts on the Internet you can find a variety of. A person with any level of preparation, if desired, will be able to build its own design facility.
Bottles are a great material for crafts with children.

Reincarnation of plastic bottle

Why is it better to give a second life, and not dispose of? It is no secret that such enterprises in our country are not everywhere, but purposefully to look for the relevant containers for the Russian person - the case is unusual. So there are no-sized bottles with dozens and hundreds of thousands in landfills, and if you consider that plastic is not subject to decomposition of about 500 years, it is possible that one day the entire planet will cover plastic garbage. Question - And whether garbage?

What can be made from a conventional plastic bottle

Products from plastic bottles that received a "second chance", a long time "won" the hearts of eologists and ordinary residents of the Earth. Very often, people are trying in any ways to attract the public to the ecological problem of utilization of garbage from plastic, volunteers are also carried out shares on cleaning natural zones and parks - explain to people that the right attitude to the dishes from this material will help to maintain our world cleaner. Many talented designers have made their name on creating art objects from plastic.

How can you use plastic bottles so that you spoke the whole world

It was a resident of Nebraski Garut Brightman. In the hometown of Lincoln, he created a canopy for his car from one and a half thousand used plastic bottles, at the bottom of which he poured specially painted water of blue, yellow and green colors, so that the canvas resembles a floral carpet. The process of creating a "kinetic ceiling" took more than 200 hours of work. The construction reminds of itself every time it rains or blows the wind - a kind of noise and a root is heard throughout the district. Nevertheless, the find has already entered the top 50 of the most unusual buildings of the world and brought great fame to its author.

Bottle canopy Garth Brightman

And how many useful things can be made from a conventional plastic bottle? It is enough to drive this request in the online search string. Nobody calls the exact number. Dozens and hundreds of Russians have long used a plastic container to decorate the garden, storing small things, create unusual lamps and furniture. The needlewomen willingly share instructions, how to turn transparent plastic to toys, spectacular jewelry, and tell how to create flowers from plastic bottles with their own hands.

For many owners, not only beauty and decor, but also functionality come to the fore. Self-timers made of plastic bottles with their own hands can replace dozens of things needed in the farm.

Here are just some original ideas of useful items for the house of plastic bottles.

Vase or storage form

Piggy bank for coins

Original handbag for charging the phone

Dishes and kashpo for flowers

Decorative glasses for dental brushes

Advantages and disadvantages of plastic bottles

Plastic for hundreds of years does not change its shape for hundreds, it is easily clean and misses moisture. Such a flowerbed or shelf will serve not one year. Plastic is incredibly light. The design of this material (for example, a greenhouse or temporary shower) can be easily transferred. And even if some element "fails", it is easy to replace it to a similar one. As drivers say, "there are always the details for a shift", and in this case it is also free.

From the minuses you can allocate only one. Not always such crafts have an attractive look. However, this minus can also be transferred to the plus, with practice will come and skill.

Crafts from plastic covers from bottles

Covers from plastic bottles - universal material for decor. Some use covers for creating panels and paintings. It all depends on the fantasy of a person and its creative abilities.

Birds from the lids
Panel from the lids

Options for crafts from plugs from plastic bottles set. This material is often used for decor of premises and garden tracks. However, they will have to collect them for a long time. Think in advance what color is the product planned, and ask you to help you.

Such painstaking work requires a considerable excerpt. If a person does not have such quality as heaviness, or he does not like monotonous work, this option is not for him.

Laying tracks in the country and the design of the flower. Typically, plastic caps are collected for the design of tracks or rugs in the country. At the house most often plugs are laid out in a special mosaic to a non-frozen cement basis, and if it is necessary to decorate the flower or approaches to it, the lids are put straight on the ground. This is done in order not to disrupt oxygen access to the soil.

Plastic Bottle Dresser

The time for the manufacture they will not take, however, will serve for conscience for many years.

Sometimes plastic bottles are used to store shoes or trifles.

Shelf for shoes
Plastic Bottle Shelf

Such shelves do not take much space, however, will allow the mass of time to search for the desired shoe pair.

Plastic Bottles Jewelry

Many thanks to the plastic must say fashionable. Not every lady will understand that these masterpieces are made of recycling.

Plastic Bottle Necklace

Earrings and necklaces outwardly do not give themselves as a product slightly "used". On the contrary, such products enjoy unprecedented demand for fashionistas.

The technology of manufacturing such necklaces and seryo is similar to the one we have already spoken about, plastic cut out in the right form, simply melted over open fire. Here the form of "blanks" and heat heating time are essential. In this case, the main thing is not to overeat. You can decorate an art object beads and rhinestones, fasten with a fishing line or thin wire. In any case, the author is guaranteed an exclusive model.

By the same principle, bracelets can be made, however, some ladies prefer the old plastic to "framing".

Plastic Bottles Bracelets

Most often such products forces novice craftsmen. Leather, fabrics, felt, ribbons and beads are going through. The advantage of such a product is that it will never lose the form.

Crafts from plastic bottles in the country

Huge space in the literal and figurative sense to use plastic bottles opens in the country. Here, the mountains of unnecessary containers are "stored" here, and it is here that it is easier to use it.

Plastic bottles - a special element of the country decor

The first thing that rushes into the eyes of the Guests of the Dacha Plot, whose host is a fan of "plastic case," - an incredible number of figures from this material, flower beds from plastic bottles and flower beds, greenhouses and arbors.

Piglets-flower beds

However, sometimes such designer "things" are well merged with the environment, which is not clear even that here the present, and what is made of plastic, to name these architectural finds in an inanimate nature difficult.

Artificial reservoir
Another pond

Crafts from plastic bottles for the garden affect the imagination. It seems that you did not get into the garden, but in a living corner.

Animals from plastic


Bugs in the garden

Plastic bottles as building material

Very often, guests heading for berries and a basket are puzzling unusual and even frightening art objects.


And when he is looking for an inconspicuous "house for thought," suddenly "stuck" on a very interesting gazebo of plastic bottles. And it does not matter why a person was heading, to circumvent such a masterpiece without selfie no longer succeed.


Greenhouse outside

Greenhouse from within

The fact that plastic bottles are widely used in construction, there is nothing surprising. In the countries of South Africa, they are used as the main building material. After all, humanitarian assistance, including water, will be taken here exclusively in plastic bottles, so such houses are available even for the poorest.

Building household houses in Africa

The main condition is to create strong walls from bottles using wet sand. Water inside closed bottles will not evaporate, and the walls are optimal strength and temperature.

Plastic watering bottles

According to such a principle, Russian daches create a garden and decorative wells for seedlings in their garden. Sometimes a plastic bottle is knocked up vertically to provide a plant with moisture in the absence of possibility for watering. The bottle is pre-singe in several places so that the roots of the plants can get to the water.

Plastic bottles in watering

Capacity from under the water are used as budget "rods". The hose is directly connected to the bottle, and the jet under pressure starts watering at a sufficiently large distance.

Bottle Sprayer

Homemade crafts from plastic bottles for children

Very often, plastic containers becomes indispensable for the manufacture of the crafts that was needed yesterday. It's no secret that the grandiose fairs of crafts in kinders and schools are an opportunity not so much to show the child's child how much to fumble their pride.

Animals from plastic
Decorative Casket Fruits

Crafts from plastic bottles for school most often lie on the shoulders of parents, not children. While those calmly sleep and see the third dream, the parents convulsely try to create a craft from a plastic bottle.

Plastic bottle in this sense is an invaluable thing. First, they are always in stock. Secondly, an interesting flower vase can be a good "bribe" for the tutor, even if the firewood was not in the "topic." After all, the teacher is always interested in the group there were more living plants.

Penguins of plastic bottles

By the way, such vases or tanks for flowers will take a closure for a long time not only in kindergarten, but also at home. It is enough to charge the baby watering a home flower garden. With such a "zoo", the child will be happy to fulfill the instruction.

In a special publication of our portal, we will tell you in detail about the crafts from natural material. You will learn what materials can be used which crafts can be done with children and features working with materials.

Plastic products for moving games

If there is no new toy - make it yourself. With such an approach, plastic containers will become a real "bottle-revenue". It can be used to create many interesting things and useful things for the child.

What is the advantage of toys from plastic bottles - the child is always "busy". First, the creation of your toy, and then the game. The attitude towards such a masterpiece is more leaning, because he did and spent strength and time.

Plastic bottle can be used as a basket for playing the ball.

You can make such a toy on the thread.

Bottles can be used to play in the bow.

You can hide the bottle and put something tasty there.

Houses for dolls of plastic bottles

The main thing for the child is the development of fantasy. And what develops it - of course, role-playing game. The child willingly begin to adopt social roles when it felt that he could be a "owner" in the house. Let quite a little.

House for dolls

The creation of such a house from plastic bottles does not occupy a lot of time, and save - in any case, a certain number of personal time parents are provided. Especially if, besides the house, the child will have doll furniture. Here a plastic bottle comes to revenue again.

Cot for cubes

Typewriters and airplanes

Not trouble if your baby does not really like to play with machine. Most likely, the child got used to the same type of models. Not always in the "purchased cars" the desired soldier will enter, and in such models will go - and not one.

Plastic bottles

Artillery arrived at the air support. Ambulance on wings just by the way! The game gets a new plot.


This toy is not scary to leave in the sandbox. Everything that you need from you is not to forget to wash the bottle of chemicals before giving a child in hand. You can decorate such a car with a sticky ribbon or incommable markers.

Plastic Bottle Shoes and Skiing

Plastic shoes are not an edge. Some designers who are preparing for the environment, the matter uses bottles to create fashionable things. Clothing and hats have long become the subject of ultramody designers.

Now in line - shoes.

The only thing that restrains Kuturier, is the risks associated with the insurers of models. After all, plastic is a sufficiently slippery thing. Literally. However, Russian craftsmen are trying such vertices. Here, for example, shale for a bath. Quite nothing.

Shale for baths

And this is the training life - to exit .... In the forest. Such plastic uggs easily overcome any bog due to their volume. Often the foresters use such shoes in winter.


Skis from plastic bottles with their own hands can be a good alternative to a hike on a predator, because the traces left in this way will not give the presence of a person by the smell.

Skis from bottles

Crafts from plastic pipes

Plastic pipes - especially durable material. Their uniqueness is that special attachments help achieve the desired form and volume, while the product maintains stability and strength. These are such unusual crafts, you can make it possible to make it possible from this material.

Plastic pipe cycomobile
Sledge of pipes

The minus material is that, in contrast to plastic bottles, it will be released "in a penny". However, if there are familiar pipelines, this material can be indispensable to create comfortable everyday things.

Sports corner of the house

Furniture. Plastic pipes are unique in that they can bend at right angles and create niches. You can do both chairs and beds. They are easily moved either to increase, if, for example, the child has grown.


Dryshi. Such dryers can be used and collect. They are lungs and do not take a lot of space. Other options for using plastic pipes


Plastic bottles and fittings today ceased to be only cackeds for storing or transferring pipe fluid. Today it is a resource to be used with the mind. Ideas about what can be made of plastic bottles may appear from nowhere, just look around. If a person is mindlessly to "save" to Tara, she ultimately "swallow" everything is alive. Therefore, if you suddenly see an overheaky bottle, do not rush to carry it in a trash can. Perhaps she will still serve you faithfully.

We hope that today's article was useful to the reader. Questions if they remained, you can ask in discussions below.

Plastic bottles are inexpensive and affordable material from which you can make many unique and original things that can not only decorate your garden or courtyard, but also bring practical benefits. At the same time, you do not need to possess the skills of plumbing or construction work, as well as buy expensive tools and equipment. The instruction below will help implement the most unusual ideas.

Flowers from polymer containers

You can start the creative process of decorating a country area, making flowers from plastic bottles for the garden. It will not require great effort from you, and the result will exceed the most bold expectations. Having finished, you can make not one flower, but the original and unusual flower, which will delight the eyes of all the inhabitants of the cottages and her guests.

Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare the following materials:

  1. The right amount of polymer containers. Garden crafts from plastic bottles of one size and shapes will not look very attractive, therefore it is advisable to diversify the original raw materials. Remember, the larger the size of the bottle, the larger the colors can be obtained.
  2. Acrylic paint. Used to dye plastic, therefore, before purchased, it will be necessary to automatically with the instruction manual and make sure that the selected composition is suitable for applying to a plastics surface.

If your bottle garden "grow" from already colored tanks, buy paint and apply it to the details, it is not necessary that it will accelerate the manufacturing process and reduce its laboriousness.

Further work is made in such a sequence:

  1. Bottles need to cut the neck. You do not need to remove a large amount of plastic, it is enough just to separate the cork and shoulder itself. The rest of the tank will go on petals and a whin.
  2. With the help of a garden knife or stationery scissors from the bottle, petals of suitable size and shape are cut. Do not separate them from the bottom of the bottle, as the latter will perform the middle of the bud, to which the "stem" is attached.

  1. To give petals of a more natural form, they can be rounded. It will help in this heated with a soldering lamp or gas burner a knife or metal rod. The first crafts from plastic bottles for the garden are hardly ideal, however, as your experience accumulates, your products will look better.

  1. You can make a multi-layer flower. To do this, the first part with the help of sewing and wire is attached the second, carved in the same way.
  2. The last stage is to attach the stem. The material for it will serve a metal rod, a wooden wand, a durable wire and so on.
    Emboss the flower leg as follows:
    • cut from another tank with a ribbon to wind up the stem, and then fasten, paying both of its end;
    • hound on a rod or stick a hemp rope of green color, which glue PVA glue.

Crafts from plastic bottles for the garden do not have to be big and high.
Long small flowers also look attractive.
It is only necessary to enter them into landscape.

Useful devices

Garden crafts with their own hands from plastic bottles can be delivered not only aesthetic pleasure, but also perform many useful functions. The scope of their application is limited only by your fantasy.

Water heater on solar energy

If you have not had time to install an electric or gas heater in the country house, to ensure water heating in the shower to a comfortable temperature will help the solar collector.

Like other crafts with plastic bottles for the garden, this device is made of polymer containers without the use of complex and expensive equipment. The price of hot water in this case will be zero, which, among other things, will help you to save on payable utilities.

So, for the design of the collector, such materials will be needed:

  • plastic bottles of 2 liters with a capacity;
  • empty dairy bags;
  • polymer pipes with a diameter of 100 and 20 mm;
  • accessories for plastic pipes (tees, corners and plugs);
  • glue for connecting plastic parts;
  • matte paint black;
  • sandpaper;
  • duct tape;
  • painting brush;
  • wood hacksaw;
  • kiyanka.

The manufacturing process itself is advisable to divide into several stages:

  1. The plastic bottle is cut down the bottom, after which they are pairwise inserted one to the other and glued together. It is necessary to monitor the seam to be sealed.
  2. Frame is collected from the pipes. Details with a diameter of 100 mm are needed to form a frame, and smaller (20 mm) are suitable for connecting bottles among themselves to a common network. In the right places use accessories.
  3. The entire collector is mounted on the plywood sheet, upholstered with black bags from under milk. The same color stains pipes. This will help increase the heat-absorbing characteristics of parts and raise the efficiency of the entire device.
  4. The finished design must be installed on the roof of the house or its southern wall. The collector must be fixed under the tilt to get the maximum ultraviolet rays.

According to the inspector, the collector panel, 1 square meter. m. effectively heats water sufficient to wash one person.

Growing plants

What other garden crafts do it yourself from plastic bottles can benefit? Naturally, those that help in growing plants. It is about tanks for seedlings, as well as devices that help water the lawn and the garden in the summer.

Making both the first and the second product is not particularly difficult. Just cut off the neck from bottles and make holes for drainage or dispersion of water.

If you paint the pot or dispersion with acrylic paints, you will receive a decoration for a garden of plastic bottles, which will carry and payload.

Buildings and constructions


Immediately after buying a country land plot, any dacket wants to build a housing there to hide from bad weather, keep the tools of labor and just rest after heavy work in the garden and garden.

Therefore, telling about what crafts for the garden with their own hands from the bottles can be made, it will be worth mentioning and about the possibility of building the temporary (A, maybe and permanent) residential house.

Before replacing traditional bricks or slag blocks with polymer tanks, read the following tips:

  1. Bottles need to fill with river sand. This will increase their strength and reduce the thermal conductivity coefficient.
  2. It is recommended to lay the reinforcing metal grid between adjacent rows, which will further increase the finished design.
  3. The cement solution does not stick to the plastic, because in each bottle it is necessary to do a plurality of holes that will allow the mounting mixture to enter into interaction with sand inside the container.
  4. During the masonry, it is advisable to fix the necks of the bottle of beep or wire to the complete solidification of the solution. This will warn the walls of the wall.

The polymer from which the bottles are made, over time, loses its properties from the effects of unfavorable environmental conditions.
Therefore, do not hope that your house will live more than 5-10 years.

Of the material under consideration, other elements of the building can be made:

  1. Tiles. For this, plastic bottles need to warm up in the sun, so that the polymer softens a little, after which it is pressed with a steel or wooden sheet with a load installed on top.
  2. Slate. It is even easier to produce it. It is necessary to remove the neck from the bottle and the bottom and then cut along into two parts. To fasten the elements among themselves using adhesive compositions. You only need to carefully follow the tightness, otherwise your roof will give to flow.

Arbors and greenhouses

However, it is not all the ideas for the garden from plastic bottles. After all, this material can be used to design a gazebo or greenhouses, replacing it with an expensive polycarbonate or fragile glass. Polyvinyl chloride from which the containers are cast, possesses similar consumer properties.

Work on the manufacture of the arbor is carried out as follows:

  1. Using wooden bars, metal corners or polymer pipes need to make a framework of a future structure.
  2. With the help of a drill, sewn or hot spokes in the bottom of each part should be done by opening. Then all the bottles are bandaged on the fishing line or the beans, the length of which slightly exceeds the height or width of the frame.
  3. The resulting clusters are fixed both along and across the frame. Layers need to be additionally linked to a wire between themselves to reduce bottles fluctuations in windy weather.
  4. You can give an attractive appearance using containers of various colors and sizes by creating a beautiful ornament from them.

Pergola and greenhouse are erected similarly to the gazebo, therefore it is necessary to describe this process in detail.

Machine Parking Place

Little to like from motorists, when their "iron friend" stands under the scorching rays of the sun, rain or snow. Therefore, many are built for cars canopies, using professional flooring or polycarbonate for this purpose.

However, an ordinary plastic bottle is fit perfectly. The resulting design will cost you inexpensively, and with due fantasy you can make a canopy, which will serve as one of the decorations of your country area.

Work should be done like this:

  • in the bottom or tube of the bottle, the hole is done, after which the line is fixed there, hawk or wire;
  • then the obtained billets are attached to the frame, forming dense rows;
  • in order for the protective coating is not unnecessarily mobile, the bottles can be additionally copped with transverse bonds;
  • to protect against sunlight, it is advisable to paint acrylic paint before installation.


Garden crafts from bottles are not only a way to save on the purchase of certain devices or decorations. With their help, you can show your creative inclinations and emphasize individuality.

Even more ideas and ways to implement them can be learned by reading the video in this article.

For people with fantasy and skillful hands, it is not difficult to turn unnecessary things into real masterpieces. Masters and beginners use crafts from plastic interior bottles, like a garden decor and in the form of practical furniture. Colored covers from plastic bottles - excellent material for mosaic panels on walls and hedges. The best ideas with detailed instructions and the photo are easy to implement at the cottage, turning a naked plot in the "Polyana of Fairy Tales", and the house is filled with useful trifles.

Important advantages of crafts from plastic capacities

Successfully made souvenir or bauble over time will turn into a hobby, if there is no fantasy limits. Do not cease to admire summer houses that have passed from simple hedges on the wire to buildings admiring the scope.

From an affordable material that many emit, someone builds:

  • greenhouse;
  • canopy for cars;
  • summer shower or bath;
  • cottage toilet or shed;
  • summer gazebo or sun visor;
  • terems for children or a playground;
  • sandbox with decorative sides;
  • various temporary buildings on the site.

The main advantage of such structures is an affordable material. With a reliable fastening of the elements of the wall of the building, the aesthetic and quite reliable are obtained. It all depends on the method of connecting plastic bottles. If it is thorough to come to the matter, the desired result will also be impressed by the experienced builders.

Plastic over time becomes a real environmental disaster - it is difficult to dispose of it. But it should be attracted to cleaning the territory of all those who are not indifferent, and there will be a whole mountain of empty PET bottles for building greenhouses, cascade flower beds or vertical landscaping. The only drawback is the long collection of the same container, since the capacity produce different colors and volume.

Some manage to score sufficiently diverse material over the season 1, others attracted to the harvest of neighbors and friends. Someone decides to clear the area for picnics to improve the ecology along the path to the country and collect material. As a result, plastic bottles in the case, and the territory is clean.

Another advantage is a plastic packaging soft and puffy, it is easy to cut, do not require complex tools. With small skills, the material itself "dictates" ideas.

To create an original decoration required:

  • interesting intent;
  • ready sample imitation (illustration);
  • material for crafts with tools;
  • step by step guide to the educational plan.

In the hands of this Master, plastic bottles acquire the second life, becoming functional objects. Souvenirs are better to do for a seasonal principle. For example, New Year's toys Mastery in winter, practical country buildings - in the summer, and in the spring and autumn it remains to build a "glade of fairy tales" at the house for children.

Disposal of plastic containers - an exciting occupation for the family. It is easy to attract children to him, having ordered a simple part of the work. Do not forget to remind them that it is not easy to fly the fire-bird or the "Chung-Changa Island" with palm trees from bottles, and take care of ecology. You can attract the courtyard or school class.

Furniture and interior items from plastic bottles

Furniture from plastic bottles looks like a masterpiece, not available to everyone. For them, there will be a lot of plastic containers of the same sample. Sofas and puffs are impressive with their design and convenience, not yielding real furniture. There is nothing complicated if the sofa is made on blocks - seat, back, sidewalls. If the containers are not enough, the blocks of the sofa can be made alternately. It is better when collecting bottles from a single beverage, such as a two-liter kvass or lemonade.

The principle of "assembly" of furniture from bottles is simple - they are exhibited by layers and firmly wrapped with scotch. In order for the furniture to be softer and spring, it produces some air from each bottle and tightly twist. To the place where the cover, the cap is cut out of another bottle and primed with scotch. It turns out a block that, on both sides, the Donette is the basis of furniture.

Further all depends on the fantasy, such as furniture and the number of bottles available. Scotching 7 tanks of the same volume, the base is obtained for the POPI. What will be his appearance and stylistics, depends on the master. For soft seating, you will need a round pillow or a block of foam rubber in the size of the vertex. The case is exhibited by the size of the PUPPIC in the form of a cylinder, and on the side seams it is convenient to insert zipper, but it is easier to sew the upholstery.

If the furniture is not enough for the summer, the dacha is done from an old cotton blanket and baby pillows, wrapped by a block of bottles. The trim will go old curtains or bedspreads. If the pouf should have a presentable look, the fabric or ecocois choose a newer and expensive.

To build a coffee table, you will need 4 racks from plastic bottles and plywood shield as table tops that can be hidden a long tablecloth. Similarly make a comfortable stand under a laptop or a remote table for giving. For large furniture (sofa, chaise lounge or armchair) from plastic bottles, you will need a lot of patience and source material.

Useful trifles for houses from plastic bottles

Flowers and vases

Decorate a schoolboy's bedroom or a children's room with crafts from plastic containers will not be difficult. You can build a whole bouquet of artificial colors. The resulting chrysanthemums, chamomile or roses put in a vase from the same material, supplementing the middle of the diode light bulbs on the insulated wire. Thus will look like a night light of an extraordinary beauty, where weak light shifts in plastic petals.

Council: To give a special form leaflets, use the heating of the blanks and turning the corners of the forceps!

To accommodate a homemade bouquet, a suitable vessel will need, just cut off the part of the bottle - not aesthetically. The edges of the cut are placed according to the ruler to make cutting, securing the result by heating bends. A small transparent bottle is cut under the top, a large container is cut around half. We choose the material with the rifer or the "waist" in the middle so that there is an interesting basis.

Then we do the way that fantasy allows, but the edges are beautifully bend. Bach cut is obtained from vertical or diagonal plastic base. The formed bands are evenly bend on the outer side.

Note! It is important that all the notes and the depth of the slot be absolutely the same, then all the product will come out neat.

Depending on which region is desirable, the strips of a vase (the edges of any other product) are fixed in different ways:

  • curly bend;
  • stapler brackets;
  • pointing;
  • gluing transparent polymers.

Cachepo, Flower Pots and Capacity for Seedlings

Color plastic container in the form of bottles and butches of different volumes is suitable as capacities for growing living plants. It is very easy to make a fragrant balcony of 3 liter tanks - Cascade of ampelnaya petunias. Fragrant flowers hanging from cut tanks will help bring the dream of a beautiful paradise.

Cut in half large bottles and tanks hang and donate down and lid. It is recommended to put a large pebble for drainage. Excess water after irrigation leaves to plants in the lower rows. In the same containers, plants are grown without soil - a hydroponic way with the addition of fertilizers. Fresh greens and seedlings (in urban and country conditions) also germinate in prepared plastic bottles.

Council: Use the compact form and the ability to hang the tank for vertical landscaping with automatic irrigation. In the absence of the owners of watering can with water, immersed in the ground, will cope with moisturizing plants.

Traps and feeders

With the help of plastic bottles, you can scare pests or attract birds to the site. For this, the tank is used as a feeder, and the roots of fruit trees are placed traps from bottles with chemicals. From the double plastic capacitance, the craftsmen build traps for the OS, where they flush on sweet water and cannot get back.

Equipment of the country area

At the cottage, "an ambulance" is easy to build crafts from plastic bottles in the form of an improvised washbasin, hanging a full bottle upside down. It is worth a slightly lid, and a small flow of water will help to wash and wash your hands. It is also worth making a shop and organize lighting with beautiful owls or dwarves of their plastic. Any garden decor for inspiration - on interesting illustrations.

Multifunctional home objects

Make the original cosmetics from 2 dyshk plastic bottles, stitching the edges of the zipper. This box can be used as a multifunctional item - piggy bank, a case for large beads, hairpins or jewelry.

From a similar ball suspended somewhere nearby, it is convenient to knit, pulling up a thread from the ball invested inside. Nail polish or lipstick collection is easier to find in an improvised lightning box.

New Year's decor

Bright New Year's balls, garlands or plastic bottle toys - worthy use for transparent packaging. From one bottle, sliced \u200b\u200bon round stripes, a transparent ball will be released. After fixing the sphere, the stapler decorate in any way:

  • the winding "rain";
  • powered by crushed foam (snow);
  • decoration by sequins, beads and pebbles.

New Year's decor made of white plastic bottles "with waist" is suitable for snowmen or penguins. You can use black nail polish to draw eyes and other elements, cotton (snow), sequins, small buttons, beads and everything at hand. Funny caps for characters - from colored socks without a pair, knitwear strips are used as a scarf.

Council: From homemade winter characters, candles, ready-made tinsel and pairs of pine twigs with cones Create the original New Year's composition to not buy a Christmas tree.

Curtains from colored plastic covers and bottles

The zoning of space is a popular designer reception, where the translucent curtain, made with their own hands, is often used. The original curtain is able to decorate any residential room, a cottage or an indoor terrace. In the interior, original hanging partitions from unusual materials are widely used.

In modern decoration, plastic is in demand, including bottles and covers to them. For curtains there are options:

  • from cropping the bottom of small tanks - strips on a thick fishing line, swinging when air movement;
  • from color covers - a fantasy panel of tightly stronged elements;
  • garland of plastic and lights to give a curtain on diodes more aesthetics.

Original all-season flower beds

The summer season passes, and self-made flowers from plastic comes to replace the living flowers, not inferior on the beauty of the beauty. Their advantage is the ability to decorate the territory at any time. These flower beds are blurred against the background of living plants, but early in the spring and late autumn only they attract enthusiastic views.

For daisies, you will need small plastic white tanks (petals), yellow (middle) and green (leaf). It will also need to be selected and the candle (for heating), "liquid nails", scissors and rigid wire in green isolation.

The basis of a white bottle is cutting up to the center, setting 16 segments - these are petals. Neat edges bend over the flame of the candle, we also perform 2-3 camcakes of chamomile, which we connect in the center of Sil. The stem with the leaves on the green wire is fixed here, closing the middle. Flower center fill in a yellow basket with small cuts from 2 finely dissected circles with a bent over a candle with a fringe. We supplement the flower with green cups from the bottom, wech the parts and fix together.

From the remaining pieces of green plastic, we cut leaves with a hole at the base (for the rolling) and give the desired shape, warming the candle over the flame. On the cutting of the wire, the leafs are fed, they must slightly go through it. It remains for daisies to make several "companions" and find a bouquet of a worthy place.

Using samples and fantasy, it is easy to build plastic lilies, roses, chrysanthemums or tulips. This requires plastic suitable color from which several layers of petals make to achieve resemblance to live colors.

The all-season flowerbams include mosaic compositions from tanks filled with land. From the covers make wall panels. "Butterfly" or "Ladybug" - in different versions.

Crafts from plastic bottles on the playground

The incredible beauty of the bird with a plastic lap is a whole "glade of fairy tales". It is a peacock or a fireband, swans, pigeons, bullfinches and parrots. All of them are made of empty PET bottles according to a common principle:

  1. Emboss the aesthetic bird head with eyes and beak;
  2. To build a torso and neck;
  3. Ride plastic operenim;
  4. Supply wings and tail;
  5. To put on the paws or fix on the selected surface.

Plastic swans can be fenced off by the blue "lake" of inverted plastic bottles. Skyline birds will decorate the trees in the garden corner, which is assigned to children's games. You can choose the thematic decor, for example, uninhabited island with palm trees and parrots.

Plastic animals, birds and insects, familiar to our latitudes, as well as favorite fabulous characters are complemented by other materials. Tires, wood and empty containers will go into the course that it is easy to paint.

How to make decorations from plastic bottles for cottages and garden

The original garden decor from the girlfriend is another way to give a portion of individuality while young plants enter into force. From green plastic bottles it is easy to make funny frog on the edge of a pond, watching dragonflies and butterflies from the same material.

Palms - a popular garden decor, consists of a trunks (up to 15 brown bottles) and palm leaves (green plastic 5-10 pcs.). This is a simple process in which even children willingly participate.

Prepared brown cups with arrows are riveted on a thick steel rod (bamboo fishing rod), pre-pushing the base. Brown tanks (1.5-2 liters) is better to use entirely, cutting in half, then you have to punish only the bottom.

Green bottles leave without the bottom and neck, except for the latter with the neck, which will be needed as a loop. These containers cut along 3 parts to a loop and cut out like leaves. If longer leaves are required, the stapler attach the second half of the sheet. All parts of the stem are based on the basis and are attached to the top, connecting the overall loop. It remains to be securely installed on the section "Exotic guests" with a lush crown.

The material is collected for a whole year, but it is easier to connect to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe "ecological" cleaning of neighbors and acquaintances. In the courtyards there are special containers for plastic - to dial much easier.

Preparation for work - removal with plastic bottles of labels and glue residues, it is important to rinse well and threw a deformed material.

If vertical hedges are built, they must be filled. Depending on the idea, sand, stone crumb or dry ground, burying down on 1/3, poured into the PET bottles.

For selected purposes, plastic of different elasticity are used. Thermal processing is required for filigree work (flowers). It is important not to overheat sliced \u200b\u200bfragments.

For fabulous characters, an additional painting is sometimes required. For example, pink piglets for the playground is better to cover with an aerosol from the canopy, consolidating the transparent acrylic paint.

Plastic bottles - excellent material in skillful hands. Using them as a basis, it is easy to teach children a lesson to environmental education and fill the house or plot with practical things. With a creative approach, the color, volume and form of plastic bottles themselves will tell new ideas for an exciting creative process.

69 Photo of Ideas of Crafts from Plastic Bottles