Action roundup on weeds. "roundap" from weeds


Explain how to properly dilute the roundup

tell me how to properly dilute the roundup. bought without instructions.

i   Thinker (7935) 8 years ago

in my opinion, the ampoule is diluted 0.5 liters. And better, go to the store and ask for instructions.

My Account Removed   Master (1606) 8 years ago

ampule of liters for 5, probably, what’s wise there, but you don’t take root weeds, dig forks

Irina Dekhtyar   Master (1314) 8 years ago

(360 g of glyphosate acid in 1 liter of the preparation)

Herbicide continuous action. It is used for the destruction of weeds in the initial period of development of the site along fences and paths; for the directed destruction of weeds on beds, lawns, etc.; for the destruction of weeds for 7-10 days before sowing plants in the ridges, as well as for planting potatoes for 2-5 days before germination; for the destruction of regrown weeds after harvest.

Method of application: The working solution is prepared by mixing the drug with water in accordance with the table. The consumption rate of the working solution is 5 liters per 100 m2. To prepare the solution immediately before use, storage of the solution is not allowed.

Processing is done by spraying vegetative green weeds in dry, calm weather. The waiting time after processing: 7-10 days. During this period, do not conduct weeding, loosening the soil. In the case of multi-tiered area it is necessary to carry out two treatments with an interval of 3-4 weeks. Remains of plants destroyed by the drug, you can leave in place or dig. Do not allow the drug to fall on the leaves and stalks of cultivated plants! When processing the drug is recommended to cover the useful culture of plastic wrap.
  Processing object
  Drug consumption

  40-60 ml / 10 l of water

  80 ml / 10 l water

  120 ml / 10 l water

  Annual and perennial cereal and dicotyledonous
  80-120 ml / 10 l of water

Processing object
  Drug consumption

  Annual and perennial cereal and dicotyledonous
  40-60 ml / 10 l of water

Fruit, citrus, vineyards, as well as fields intended for planting various crops
  Annual cereals and dicots
  80 ml / 10 l water

Perennial cereal and dicotyledonous
  120 ml / 10 l water

Areas not intended for sowing or planting cultivated plants
  Annual and perennial cereal and dicotyledonous
  80-120 ml / 10 l of water

sergey Hazel   Pupil (108) 4 months ago

Other articles

Roundup Extra

Roundup Extra, BP

Spraying vegetative unwanted vegetation after the end of the growth of conifers while caring for the composition of mixed youngsters. 1-2 times in 100 years.

The flow rate of the working fluid is 100-200 l / ha. It is not allowed to pick berries and mushrooms during the processing season.

State catalog of pesticides and agrochemicals permitted for use on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2014. Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Agriculture of Russia) & nbsp Download \u003e\u003e\u003e

State catalog of pesticides and agrochemicals permitted for use on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2015. Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Agriculture of Russia) & nbsp Download \u003e\u003e\u003e

State catalog of pesticides and agrochemicals permitted for use on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2016. Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Agriculture of Russia) & nbsp Download \u003e\u003e\u003e

Sources from the Internet:

For this discovery in 1987 he received the National Medal for Technology. In order to increase the effectiveness of herbicides, you should also learn how to care for your lawn, fertilize the soil and learn the best watering methods. Find information matching your needs!

Fig.1. Fig.2. Fig.3. The first type is herbicides used before the appearance of weeds, and the second type of herbicides after appearance. It is important to note that the synthesis of these amino acids in animals occurs differently and is not inhibited by glyphosate. The doses of the herbicide Roundup BP, which was studied in the experiment with plants of the hogweed Sosnovsky 3.

On the other hand, herbicides of the second type are used to eliminate pre-existing weeds. Many crops using genetic engineering methods make them resistant to glyphosate. Therefore, glyphosate is a low-toxic herbicide. Treatment with herbicides is possible up to the flowering phase. 10 days after treatment, the number of plants in the plots decreased by 2 times, and after 40 days, 7-8 times.

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  • Instructions. In the vineyards, an aqueous solution of the roundup is used for the spraying of vegetative weeds; does not affect the seeds.
  • Herbicide Roundup has already earned recognition from. High quality of the product, convenient packaging with a dispenser, colorful design and instructions for use - everything.

This can ruin the soil in your garden or hinder the growth of grass on the lawn if you do not follow the instructions. After sixty days, you can use a second type of herbicide with your fertilizer.

The more precipitation falls, the shorter the effect of using herbicides lasts. The greatest differences were observed in the variant with the concentration of the working solution of 48 ml / l. N-phosphonomethyl-glycine glyphosate, C3H8NO5P is a non-selective systemic herbicide used to control weeds, including the perennial formula in Figure 1. To begin with, you should use herbicides designed to eliminate weeds in their first growth stage. Treatment with different doses equally inhibited the growth of plants at the initial stage.

Thus, treatment with the roundup BP herbicide significantly influenced the number of plants. As a result, the number of live plants in this area was minimized. The structural formula of glyphosate Historical background.

In variants with herbicide treatment, the plant growth process was severely inhibited or suppressed. To a greater degree this affected plants treated with a working solution with a concentration of 48 ml / l. To determine the resistance of the Hoger herb to herbicides, an additional treatment of the plants was carried out with a working solution with a concentration of 24 and 48 ml of the preparation / l of water further - ml / l, which is two and four times the recommended dose, respectively. Roundup application instruction

Table. In all variants of the experiment, a complete suppression of the generative function of plants by the herbicide was observed. The use of glyphosate-containing herbicide has shown that it is able to effectively destroy the plants of the Hogweed Sosnowski.

This should help you get rid of the weeds that have taken root in your lawn. For safety, be sure to wear gloves when using such chemicals. Spraying of the vegetating plants of the Hogweed was performed at a rate of 5 liters of the drug per 100 m2.

Otherwise, repeat the course of use of herbicides of the second type together with your fertilizers, and again track the impact. Glyphosate is the most common herbicide in the world. Herbicides are divided into two types.

In plants in areas treated with a dose of 24 ml of the drug / liter of water, the leaves turned brown, the tissues died off, the shoots were lodged and also destroyed, but for a longer time, fig.3. Proper use of a particular type of herbicide is extremely important in order to effectively eliminate weeds. Plant height in the control has increased steadily and by the end of July the plants reached a normal height of about 2 m. Since the herbicide is one type of chemical, you need to read and follow the instructions that are described on the package.

The use of herbicide in two and four doses in the flowering phase - the transition to fruiting leads to the complete suppression of the plant's generative sphere, the flowers die, and the ovaries of the fruits turn black and crumble. However, the processing of plants in this phase of development is more laborious and traumatic for personnel in contact with the Hogweed.

ROUNDAP - instructions, use and dosage Garden and garden.

Roundup application instruction. Rating: 71/100 Total: 273 ratings.

Instructions for use roundup - Updated material

Instructions for use roundup

Tired of people invented The group of these drugs is quite large and includes funds for agricultural and vacant land. Gardeners with small areas of the area is perfect for a unique drug "Roundup." Instruction, which fully answers all the questions arising on the dosage and method of use. Let's take a closer look at this universal remedy. Herbicide "Roundup" is among the five most used drugs in the world to combat weeds and small shrubs. It can become your lifesaver when processing garden paths and areas along the fence, which is problematic for weeding. Do you doubt the use of Roundup? The instructions will help to understand the type of weeds that can be influenced and the rules for processing the selected area. To get started, carefully review the information provided by the manufacturer. Note the wide range of weeds that Roundup can destroy. The use of the drug is advisable to remove both perennial and annual plants, cereals or dicotyledons. Plants such as nettle, dandelion, field bindweed, creeping buttercup, sow thistle, coltsfoot and Butt are not particularly affected. But this tool will be the ideal option for the destruction of sorrel and peppermint. Treatment with the solution should be a point. Do not spray the area if there are fruit trees, shrubs or vegetable beds next to it. "Roundup" is a herbicide of extensive action and does not distinguish between plants harmful to you and useful. Trying to destroy the weeds, you can bring great harm to cultural plantings. It should be remembered that the treatment should be carried out in the spring, when the weeds have already managed to give a few leaves. Choose a sunny day with calm weather. Even a little rain will wash away most of the drug from the leaves, which will reduce the positive effect. The instructions will help you determine the required dosage. This herbicide is available in packages with a capacity of 4, 25, 50, 125 ml, 0. For a continuous treatment of a plot of 100 square meters, there will be enough solution prepared from 50 milliliters of the preparation. A half-liter package is enough to destroy the grass on ten acres of the infield. High capacity flasks are necessarily supplied with a measuring scale and a special measuring cap for the convenience of consumers. Try using a roundup solution on a small area. The manual provides information on the symptoms by which you can track the effects of this remedy on plants. Only 5-10 days will pass from the moment of processing and you can observe the appearance of dry spots on the leaves of weeds. Spreading throughout the plant and accumulating in the zones of active cell division, Roundup deprives them of cellular respiration, which leads to complete death after 20-30 days. It is advisable to carry out treatment in the evening. This will avoid poisoning pets and bees with a toxic drug. Cats and dogs must be isolated for several days. Although the manufacturer guarantees the safety of the drug for people and animals, follow simple safety rules. The person conducting the treatment with any herbicide should be dressed in a closed suit with long sleeves and trouser legs. Wear shoes or rubber boots. The face is covered with protective transparent glasses and a medical mask or respirator. Wear gloves for hands. Do not smoke, eat or drink water during weed treatment. At the end of the work is necessary to take a shower and wash clothes. The danger of PCB PCBs being part of the Roundup, for human health lies primarily in the fact that they are powerful factors in the suppression of the immunity of “chemical” AIDS. In addition, the intake of PCBs in the body provokes the development of cancer, liver, kidney, nervous system, skin neurodermatitis, eczema, rashes. Getting into the body of the fetus and child, PCBs contribute to the development of congenital deformity and pediatric pathology developmental lag, reduced immunity, damage to the blood. However, the most dangerous effect of PCBs on humans is their mutagenic action, which negatively affects the health of subsequent generations of people. Similar articles Irina Talipova Olga Diamant Anton Skripka Kulish Viktor Midnight wanderer Ilya Filatov Ilya Filatov Natalya Bugaeva Anna Dyakonenko Tatyana Dobrovolskaya Galina Pavel Bogachenkov Irina Talipova Ilya Filatov Elena Chalenko.

The first herbicidal properties of this substance were discovered in 1970.

Roundup "- instruction, use and dosage

Roundup - instruction, use and dosage.

Tired of weed control, people invented continuous herbicides. The group of these drugs is quite large and contains funds for agricultural and vacant land. For gardeners with small plots of land, a unique Roundup product is perfect. Annotation, which completely answers all the questions arising on the dose and method of use.

Let's take a closer look at this universal remedy. Herbicide "Roundup" comes in the top five most used drugs in the world to combat weeds and small bushes. It can become your lifesaver when processing garden paths and areas along the fence, which is problematic for weeding.

Do you doubt the ability to use Roundup? Annotation will help to understand the type of weeds that can be influenced and the rules for processing the chosen plot. First, carefully examine the information provided by the manufacturer.

Focus on a wide range of weeds that the Roundup can kill. Application of the product is targeted to remove both long-lived and one-year plants, cereals or dicotyledons. Plants such as nettle, dandelion, field bindweed, creeping buttercup, crawling, coltsfoot and swamp seedlings are not particularly affected. But this tool will be the perfect option for the elimination of creeping grass, sorrel and peppermint.

Treatment with a substance should be a point. Do not spray the area if there are fruit-bearing trees, bushes or vegetable beds next to it. "Roundup" is a widespread herbicide and does not distinguish between plants harmful to you and useful. Trying to kill weeds, you can bring great harm to cultural plantings.

It should be remembered that the treatment should be carried out in the spring period, when the weeds have already managed to give a few leaves. Choose a sunny day with calm weather. Even a small rain will wash away a huge part of the product from the leaves, which will reduce the beneficial effect.

Properly use Roundup. Annotation will help you determine the desired dose. This herbicide is available in packages with a capacity of 4, 25, 50, 125 ml, 0.5 and 20 liters. For the continuous processing of the area of \u200b\u200b100 square meters will be quite a solution prepared from 50 ml of the product. A half-liter package is enough to defeat weed on 10 acres of the infield. Large-capacity flasks are certainly supplied with a measuring scale and a special measuring cap for the convenience of consumers.

Try on a small area to apply a solution of product "Roundup". Annotation gives information about the symptoms by which you can track the effects of this tool on plants. Only 5-10 days will pass from the moment of processing and you can follow the occurrence of dry spots on the leaves of weeds. Spreading throughout the plant and accumulating in the zones of active cell division, Roundup deprives them of cellular respiration, which leads to complete death after 20-30 days.

It is better to carry out treatment in the evening. This will avoid poisoning pets and bees from toxic products. Cats and dogs need to be isolated for a number of days. Although the manufacturer guarantees the safety of the product for people and animals, follow the usual safety rules.

A person conducting treatment with any herbicide should be dressed in a closed suit with long sleeves and trouser legs. To have shoes on their feet or rubber boots. A person is locked with protective transparent glasses and a honey mask or respirator. Wear gloves for hands. It should not be during the treatment of weeds to smoke, take food or drink water. At the end of the work you need to take a shower and wash clothes.

The most recent and interesting: Useful articles: Record Navigation

How to use roundup? Interesting and useful - It is useful to know - Catalog of articles - Website for gardeners

Herbicide Round a p has already earned recognition from summer cottages of nicknames and gardeners as an effective and safe means of combating the worst weeds. However, the more people find out about this drug, the more they are asked to tell about it in more detail. Therefore, we propose to consider the most typical situations faced by gardeners.


The calculation is simple: 125 ml of the preparation in one bottle. For a garden sprayer, a working solution of 1–2% concentration (10–20 g / l) is needed. Consumption of the working solution per 1 hectare - 5-10 l. Thus, one bottle of Roundup (if you use a sprayer) is enough to handle one or two hundred parts. If you wet or sprinkle the leaves of weeds with a brush, brush, sponge or broom, the concentration of the solution can vary from 2-50%, depending on the intensity of wetting: the less it is, the greater should be the concentration.


Keep in mind that devices that give extremely fine spraying (spray guns, vacuum cleaners) are undesirable to use! If you have a sprayer, pour some clean water into it first, then add the preparation and add water at the rate of 1 bottle per 12 l of the prepared solution. Mix everything thoroughly. Spraying should be carried out in dry, windless weather, when plants do not have moisture after rain or dew. Rain that has passed less than 6 hours after treatment can wash the drug off the leaves and thus significantly reduce the effectiveness of the herbicide. It is also undesirable that the leaves of weeds are dusty. After treatment for 5-7 days, do not loosen the soil and do not weed out - this period is necessary for the active substance of the herbicide to penetrate the root system of plants. After 7-12 days after treatment, the weeds begin to turn yellow and wither, after another week or two they completely dry out.

Thus, you will destroy the weeds that grow on your site at the time of processing, including perennial rhizomes - blackberry, wheatgrass, and others.

However, it must be remembered that in the soil there are always a lot of seeds of annual and perennial weeds that remain viable for several years. Therefore, one treatment to completely get rid of weeds is not enough.


It is advisable to avoid this, because Roundup is a systemic herbicide and can kill any plant. To avoid trouble, immediately rinse the drug from the green part of the plant or cut off the branches of trees and shrubs, which fell on the herbicide. Through the roots in the soil and the trunk, Roundup cannot affect the plant.


The storage period for Roundup as indicated on the vial is two years, and this is the standard guarantee accepted for plant protection products in many countries of the world. However, this does not mean that in two years the herbicide will lose its effectiveness. If the original packaging is not damaged, the quality of the drug is maintained for 5 years.


You were not mistaken, bought a Monsanto herbicide manufactured at a plant in Belgium. High quality of the product, convenient packaging with a dispenser, colorful design and instructions for use - all this is done in order to protect our summer residents and gardeners from numerous fakes. A large number of products of various companies are entering the Ukrainian market, which, under the Roundup trademark, are trying to sell products of dubious origin. Monsanto is not responsible for the quality of such a Roundup.


Since the registration of the Roundup in the USA in 1974, its impact on people, animals and the environment has been studied by scientists all over the world. Today Roundup is registered in 130 countries and is one of the safest herbicides. The strength of the Roundup is not in its poisonousness, but in its specific action. Once on the leaf surface or on the shoots, Roundup is gradually absorbed by the plant. As a result, it dies due to disruption of the synthesis of specific amino acids. The toxicity of Roundup for humans and animals is not higher than the toxicity of table salt. The active ingredient of the Roundup does not affect the person. It also does not affect pets and birds that eat grain and grass. In addition, Roundup does not accumulate in plants, therefore it does not enter the human body with products of plant and animal origin.

Roundup 5 ml instructions for use pick up

Roundup 5 ml instructions for use topic of the day Tired of weed control, people came up with continuous action herbicides. The group of these drugs is quite large and includes funds for agricultural and vacant land. Gardeners with small areas of the area is perfect for a unique drug "Roundup." Instruction, which fully answers all the questions arising on the dosage and method of use. Roundup - instruction, use and dosage. Tired of weed control, people came up with continuous action herbicides. The group of these drugs is quite large and includes funds for agricultural and vacant land. Gardeners with small areas of the area is perfect for a unique drug "Roundup." Instruction, which fully answers all the questions arising on the dosage and method of use. Let's take a closer look at this universal remedy. Herbicide "Roundup" is among the five most used drugs in the world to combat weeds and small shrubs. It can become your lifesaver when processing garden paths and areas along the fence, which is problematic for weeding. Do you doubt the use of Roundup? The instructions will help to understand the type of weeds that can be influenced and the rules for processing the selected area. To get started, carefully review the information provided by the manufacturer. Note the wide range of weeds that Roundup can destroy. The use of the drug is advisable to remove both perennial and annual plants, cereals or dicotyledons. Plants such as nettle, dandelion, field bindweed, creeping buttercup, crawling, coltsfoot and swamp seedlings are not particularly affected. But this tool will be ideal for the destruction of wheatgrass, sorrel and peppermint. Treatment with the solution should be a point. Do not spray the area if there are fruit trees, shrubs or vegetable beds next to it. "Roundup" is a herbicide of extensive action and does not distinguish between plants harmful to you and useful. Trying to destroy the weeds, you can bring great harm to cultural plantings. It should be remembered that the treatment should be carried out in the spring, when the weeds have already managed to give a few leaves. Choose a sunny day with calm weather. Even a little rain will wash away most of the drug from the leaves, which will reduce the positive effect. Use Roundup correctly. The instructions will help you determine the required dosage. This herbicide is available in packages with a capacity of 4, 25, 50, 125 ml, 0.5 and 20 liters. For the continuous processing of the area of \u200b\u200b100 square meters will be enough solution prepared from 50 milliliters of the drug. A half-liter package is enough to destroy the grass on ten acres of the infield. High capacity flasks are necessarily supplied with a measuring scale and a special measuring cap for the convenience of consumers. Try using a roundup solution on a small area. The manual provides information on the symptoms by which you can track the effects of this remedy on plants. Only 5-10 days will pass from the moment of processing and you can observe the appearance of dry spots on the leaves of weeds. Spreading throughout the plant and accumulating in the zones of active cell division, Roundup deprives them of cellular respiration, which leads to complete death after 20-30 days. It is advisable to carry out treatment in the evening. This will avoid poisoning pets and bees with a toxic drug. Cats and dogs must be isolated for several days. Although the manufacturer guarantees the safety of the drug for people and animals, follow simple safety rules. The person conducting the treatment with any herbicide should be dressed in a closed suit with long sleeves and trouser legs. Wear shoes or rubber boots. The face is covered with protective transparent glasses and a medical mask or respirator. Wear gloves for hands. Do not smoke, eat or drink water during weed treatment. At the end of the work is necessary to take a shower and wash clothes.
  • Nickname or Quote

Posted Yesterday, 23:27

In order to quickly and effectively cope with such a problem as weeds on the plot, it is necessary to apply the whole range of available methods and means. Mechanical tools, such as weeding, or removing plants with the help of special tools, do not always bring the expected result, especially if the problem has already spread to the entire garden or plot. In such cases, heavy artillery - herbicides - goes into battle. Roundup from weeds is considered the safest and most popular among all the herbicides in the world, let's find out more about it.

The tool uses the principle of continuous action, which means that even after one treatment, we can wait for the complete removal of weeds, it is especially popular for on its site. Sometimes, in order to be completely sure of the result, the treatment is carried out twice, the first time before planting garden crops, and the second - after the first shoots appear. Remarkably, the active ingredient of the roundup acts exclusively on young shoots of weeds, and does not harm the soil.

Roundup from weeds. Instruction

When a summer resident wants to get the maximum yield from his plot, he must fulfill several mandatory points. This is of course fertilization, the selection of suitable varieties for its climatic zone, and of course the fight against weeds. After all, even such a weed as a dandelion can greatly harm the garden. In addition, it is necessary to remove wheat grass, woodlouse, sow thistle, cowberry, burdock and nettle, this is not a complete list of unpleasant inhabitants of fertile soil.

Surely you do not need to explain what danger weed carries, it can displace all useful crops from the site, they are much more resistant and appear at the very beginning of spring. To avoid this, gardeners apply herbicides.

  1. It is necessary to spray the affected areas of "roundup" in calm, calm weather. It is necessary to check the weather forecast, in the first 6 hours after processing, it is necessary to exclude the probability of precipitation, otherwise all works will go down the drain.
  2. The procedure is effective during the period of intensive growth of weeds.
  3. Strong wind or unsuitable for this spraying system (spray, vacuum cleaner) significantly reduce the effect of the procedure.
  4. Cultivated plants located in the work area must be covered with protective material to prevent the substance from getting into them. You can use regular film.
  5. The first week after treatment, do not carry out any work on the site. Do not loosen the ground and do not remove weeds mechanically. It is worth noting that the bushes become more sensitive to the drug after the middle of summer.

The consumption rates of funds from the weeds "Roundup"

Dilute in the following proportions: 60 ml per bucket of water, for tillage for 7 days before germination, use 80 ml of product per 10 liters. If you need to cope with dicots, use 120 milliliters per 10 liters of water. Consumption - 5 liters of liquid 100 m2. It is convenient to use this drug in ampoules. In the event that you purchased a chemical in large containers up to 1 liter, dilute the Roundup in parts, use a bucket or a plastic bottle for this. Immediately after the procedure, you need to spray areas with weeds, while adhering to safety precautions.

Safety, and shelf life:

This substance is non-toxic, and safe for humans and animals, insects. The level of toxicity is equal to normal salt. But it is necessary to adhere to some rules:

  • Do not stir the powder in the container from which you eat.
  • Wear gloves before starting work.
  • Protect hair when spraying.
  • Do not eat or smoke while working.
  • Rinse hands and face well after the procedure.
  • If liquid gets into your eyes, wash your hands quickly and rinse your eyes with running water.
  • Storage temperature "Roundup" from + 15C to + 30C, place in inaccessible places for children and animals.
  • Burn the packaging after emptying it, it should be done in a place far from residential buildings and water sources.
  • The shelf life of the drug - 5 years.

Weed control with herbicides video:


In order for your site not to suffocate from weeds, it must be destroyed, the nontoxic roundup herbicide is best suited for these purposes, according to summer residents, this is an excellent choice, in a few weeks unwanted vegetation disappears completely. The main thing is to follow the safety precautions, as well as the correct proportions, and you will not have problems.

Attention!RoundUp is a banned herbicide in the EU that is recognized as a carcinogen by the UN World Health Organization.

Remedy for weeds Roundup is a universal preparation for the destruction of any weeds. Roundup is one of the most common herbicides in the world. The use of roundup as a systemic herbicide of continuous action: processing is carried out before sowing or before germination. Roundup from weeds affects only the leaves or young shoots, does not possess soil activity!

Features of means from weeds Roundup

  . Roundup is one of the safest herbicides in the world. When used in accordance with the instructions, it is not dangerous to humans and the environment.

Completely devoid of soil activity (does not accumulate in the soil). Seeding can be done directly after processing Roundup.

Provides complete destruction of annual and perennial, cereal and dicotyledonous weeds, affects both ground and underground parts.

Active ingredient: glyphosate.

The mechanism of action of the herbicide Roundup

  Herbicide Roundup is completely absorbed by the plant within 4-6 hours after application to the surface of leaves or shoots. Then, within 5-7 days, it spreads to the roots and other parts of the plant. Remedy for weeds Roundup disrupts the synthesis of amino acids, causing the plant to die. The first signs of the effects of the drug are noticeable after 5-10 days after application, yellowing appears and the plants wither. The complete disappearance of weeds manifests itself in 2-3 weeks after treatment.

The drug does not affect the plant through the soil and does not prevent seed germination, it can penetrate only through the leaves or young shoots. In the soil Roundup rapidly loses activity and decomposes into natural substances.

The benefits of the drug from weeds Roundup

  . Means destroys weeds before they manage to cause damage to the cultivated crop.

Due to the use of herbicide, a decrease in the number of mechanical treatments of the site. Due to this, soil moisture is preserved and sowing takes place in optimal time.

The field germination of crops increases markedly.

Ingredients: The roundup product contains 360 g / l glyphosate and 180 g / l surfactant.

Application Roundup

  Spraying Roundup should be carried out on green weeds during the period of their intensive growth, in dry, windless weather. Rain that has passed less than 6 hours after treatment can wash the drug off the leaves and significantly reduce the effect. Spraying is not recommended when the wind is strong or use sprayers with fine spray (spray guns, vacuum cleaners). When working near cultivated plants, in order to avoid their death, should be shielded with a screen of film or other material. The drug is easy to cope with hard to eradicate weeds, such as: hogweed, sow thistle, wheatgrass, horse sorrel, dandelion, nettle, burdock and others. Within 5 - 7 days after spraying, no loosening of the soil or removal of weeds should be carried out mechanically, since during this period there is a penetration of the drug into the roots. Shrubs are more sensitive to the "Roundup Weed" product in the second half of summer.

The consumption rates of funds from weeds Roundup

  The calculation is simple: 125 ml of the preparation in one bottle. For a garden sprayer, a working solution of 1–2% concentration (10–20 g / l) is needed. Consumption of the working solution per 1 hectare - 5-10 liters. Thus, one bottle of Roundup (if you use a sprayer) is enough to handle one or two hundred parts. If you wet or splash the leaves of weeds with a brush, brush, sponge or broom, the concentration of the solution can vary between 2-50%, depending on the intensity of wetting: the less it is, the greater should be the concentration.

Hazard class Roundup - 3
  . The maximum number of treatments - 1
  . Roundup is not compatible with other drugs.
  . Shelf life - 5 years!

The group of these drugs is quite large and includes funds for agricultural and vacant land. Gardeners with small areas of the area is perfect for a unique drug "Roundup." Instruction, which fully answers all the questions arising on the dosage and method of use.

Let's take a closer look at this universal remedy. Herbicide "Roundup" is among the five most used drugs in the world to combat weeds and small shrubs. It can become your lifesaver when processing garden paths and areas along the fence, which is problematic for weeding.

Do you doubt the use of Roundup? The instructions will help to understand the type of weeds that can be influenced and the rules for processing the selected area. To get started, carefully review the information provided by the manufacturer.

Note the wide range of weeds that Roundup can destroy. The use of the drug is advisable to remove both perennial and annual plants, cereals or dicotyledons. Plants such as nettle, dandelion, field bindweed, creeping buttercup, sow thistle, coltsfoot and Butt are not particularly affected. But this tool will be the ideal option for the destruction of sorrel and peppermint.

Treatment with the solution should be a point. Do not spray the area if there are fruit trees, shrubs or vegetable beds next to it. "Roundup" is a herbicide of extensive action and does not distinguish between plants harmful to you and useful. Trying to destroy the weeds, you can bring great harm to cultural plantings.

It should be remembered that the treatment should be carried out in the spring, when the weeds have already managed to give a few leaves. Choose a sunny day with calm weather. Even a little rain will wash away most of the drug from the leaves, which will reduce the positive effect.

Use Roundup correctly. The instructions will help you determine the required dosage. This herbicide is available in packages with a capacity of 4, 25, 50, 125 ml, 0.5 and 20 liters. For the continuous processing of the area of \u200b\u200b100 square meters will be enough solution prepared from 50 milliliters of the drug. A half-liter package is enough to destroy the grass on ten acres of the infield. High capacity flasks are necessarily supplied with a measuring scale and a special measuring cap for the convenience of consumers.

Try using a roundup solution on a small area. The manual provides information on the symptoms by which you can track the effects of this remedy on plants. Only 5-10 days will pass from the moment of processing and you can observe the appearance of dry spots on the leaves of weeds. Spreading throughout the plant and accumulating in the zones of active cell division, Roundup deprives them of cellular respiration, which leads to complete death after 20-30 days.

It is advisable to carry out treatment in the evening. This will avoid poisoning pets and bees with a toxic drug. Cats and dogs must be isolated for several days. Although the manufacturer guarantees the safety of the drug for people and animals, follow simple safety rules.

The person conducting the treatment with any herbicide should be dressed in a closed suit with long sleeves and trouser legs. Wear shoes or rubber boots. The face is covered with protective transparent glasses and a medical mask or respirator. Wear gloves for hands. Do not smoke, eat or drink water during weed treatment. At the end of the work is necessary to take a shower and wash clothes.

Roundup is widely popular due to its characteristics:

  • safety: the correct use of the herbicide Roundup minimizes the dangerous effects on the environment and does not harm the human body;
  • lack of soil activity: the period between the introduction of the herbapic Roundup and the sowing of crops is minimal;
  • efficiency: Roundup destroys the ground and underground parts of most weeds, including cereals and dicots, annuals and perennials.

The active ingredient of the herbicide is glyphosate. The Roundup contains: 360 g / l glyphosate, 180 g / l surfactant.

In terms of hazard parameters, Roundup comes in category 3, there is no compatibility with other herbicides. Weeds are treated with the drug 1 time. Roundup can be used for its intended purpose for 5 years.

The mechanism of action of the Roundup.

Herbicide solution, which takes 5 to 6 hours to absorb, is used to process the shoots or leaves of the plant. The Roundup tool takes 6-7 days to get to the root system and other parts of the weed, resulting in disrupting the mechanisms of amino acid synthesis, which leads to the death of the plant. The primary signs of exposure to Roundup (weeds turn yellow and fade) are already noticeable after 6-10 days after its application.

The areas of herbicide penetration into plants that have been treated are young leaves and weed shoots. Raunap does not prevent the germination of seeds of cultivated plants, as it is not able to influence them through the soil.

Hitting Roundup in the soil cover leads to the loss of its activity, rapid decomposition into components. They do not pose a hazard to the ecosystem of the site where the herbicide was applied.

Instructions for use of herbicide Roundup

Culture Harmful object Consumption rate (l / ha) Time of processing
On the fields intended for planting various crops (spring crops, vegetables, potatoes, technical, oilseeds, melons, annual flowers) All weed plants 4,0-6,0 In the autumn, in the post-harvest period
On fields intended for seed crops of perennial cereal grasses 4,0-8,0 2-3 weeks before planting herbs
Fruit and Vineyards 2,0-4,0 Spring or summer, subject to crop protection
Grain crops (for drying grain and partial suppression of weeds) 3,0 2 weeks before harvesting (at a grain moisture content of not more than 30%)
Beet, Corn 2,0-5,0 2 weeks before sowing
Potatoes 2,0-3,0 2-3 weeks before sowing
Soy, sunflower, cabbage 2,0-3,0 2-5 days before sowing / planting culture
Non-agricultural land 2,8-8,3 -

Cultures for which the herbapid is applied Roundup

The use of herbicide is appropriate for crops, which include:

  • potatoes,
  • sugar beet,
  • rape (winter, spring),
  • sorghum.

Shrubs and fruit trees for which the Roundup herbicide is effective:

  • apple tree,
  • cherry,
  • peach,
  • plum,
  • grapes

What weeds does Roundup destroy?

Herbicide successfully fights such types of weeds as:

  • cereal annuals,
  • dicotyledonous annuals,
  • cereal perennials,
  • dicotyledonous perennials,
  • the drop of grains,
  • parrot perennials.

The strengths of the herbicide Roundup

  • Herbicide kills weeds even before they cause significant damage to crops (when they first began to develop).
  • It contributes to the maximum retention of moisture in the soil cover by reducing the number of soil treatments that are required to destroy weeds.
  • Roundup does not prevent seed germination, as it does not affect them through the soil.
  • By treating the plot with a herbicide, the overall germination rate increases.
  • Roundup decomposes when it gets on the soil cover.

Video "Application of the herbicide Roundup in Ukraine"

Method of use Roundup

  • only dry weather without wind;
  • temperature range - 10-25 degrees Celsius.

There are three periods when the treatment of weed plants with the Roundup herbicide is allowed:

  • before sowing;
  • shortly before harvesting crops (for desiccation of crops);
  • at the end of the harvesting (to clear the soil for future crops).

How to breed means Roundup?

Consumption rates Roundup for processing annual weeds:

  • For dicotyledonous annuals (from the period when the cotyledon is formed, until the moment when the first pair of leaves appears): an area of \u200b\u200b1 hectare is treated with 1-1.5 liters of the herbicide solution.
  • For monocotyledonous annuals (from the period when an awl is formed, to the formation of three leaves): an area of \u200b\u200b1 ha is treated with 1-1.5 liters of Roundup solution.

Consumption rates Roundup for the treatment of perennial weeds:

  • For bindweed (rosette 10-12 centimeters): an area of \u200b\u200b1 hectare is treated with 2-3 liters of herbicide solution.
  • For the humane (outlet 15-20 centimeters): an area of \u200b\u200b1 ha is treated with 2-3 liters of solution.
  • For a sosom (rosette with a diameter of 10-12 centimeters): an area of \u200b\u200b1 ha is treated with 2-3 liters of Roundup solution.
  • For wheatgrass (from the period of formation of three leaves to the formation of a bush): an area of \u200b\u200b1 hectare is treated with 2-3 liters of solution.

Herbicide Roundup can be purchased from a representative of the official manufacturer in Ukraine, the company Monsanto, as well as through retail chains.

The cost of the herbicide Roundup depends on the packaging and the manufacturer. The price for Roundup varies between UAH 140-160 per liter of funds.

The counterparts of Roundup are Alaz, Glisol, Zero, Napalm, Tornado, and Hurricane.