Crispy cucumbers for the winter recipe per liter. Recipe for the conservation of cucumbers with sorrel. Cucumbers with celery and onions

Cucumber with vinegar  - This is one of the most common options for canning all your favorite vegetables. Our following recipes will help you prepare them this winter.

Cucumbers for the winter with vinegar

   You will need:

Dill - 2 tablespoons
   - grated dill root - a tablespoon
   - garlic clove - 2 pcs.
   - peas allspice - 10 pcs.
   - a piece of hot red pepper
   - Acetic acid - 2 tbsp. spoons

To fill:

Sugar, salt - 2 tbsp. l
   - water - 1 liter


Soak strong fresh cucumbers in a bucket of cold water for one day. Rinse, put in three-liter jars. Banks with vegetables and spices fill with boiling water, leave until all the air bubbles come out. Pour the water from the cans into the pot. For each liter, add 2 tbsp. spoon of salt and sugar, boil. Add in each capacity on 2 Art. l vinegar, top pour boiling pouring. Cover with metal lidded boil, sterilize for 10 minutes. Take out the containers, roll up immediately, wrap in paper, unfold, cover with a blanket, allow to cool completely.

Cucumbers in jars with vinegar

   Required Products:

Fresh dill - 30 g
   - pickles - 1 kg
   - green tarragon - 5 g
   - garlic clove - 2 pcs.
   - horseradish root - 5 g
   - black pepper - 1 g
   - red hot pepper - 1 g
   - mustard seeds - 5 g
   - allspice - 0.5 g

To fill:

Pickle pickles
   - acetic acid - 65 g


Wash salted cucumbers thoroughly, put them in a container with fresh spices (pepper, tarragon, horseradish, garlic, dill). Strain the pickle, bring to a boil, throw fragrant and black pepper, vinegar, mustard, pour. Pasteurize, twist, turn the top upside down, cover with a blanket, let cool. Clean in the cold pantry.

Cucumbers in the pot for the winter with vinegar

   Rinse fresh cucumbers in advance, dry them on a towel, cut the “tips”. Put in a jar of fragrant herbs, cover with hot marinade with the addition of 175 ml of vodka and 1 tbsp. acetic acid. The next day, add cold brine (1/2 kg of salt per 10 liters of water). Thoroughly fill the containers with vegetables, cover the top with a sealing lid, clean in a cold place for the whole winter.

Cucumber Recipe with Vinegar

   Required Products:

Sprig of tarragon
   - horseradish leaves - 2 pcs.
   - Onion - 2 pcs.
   - garlic cloves - 5 pcs.
- fresh cucumbers - 2 kg
   - mint leaves, cherries and currants - 3 pcs.
   - parsley and basil leaves - 2 pcs.

For the marinade:

Sugar, salt - 3 tbsp. spoons
   - water - two liters
   - carnation - 3 pcs.
   - Apple vinegar - 2 tbsp. l
   - pinch of ground cinnamon


Select the good and strong cucumber fruits, wash them, leave for a while in cold water. Spread on clean jars of spices, garlic, onions, chopped greens. Fill jars with vegetables. Spread the garlic and onion in between. Go to cooking the marinade: combine all the ingredients for its preparation in a dipper, put it on the stove, boil. Banks fill with hot solution, cover with lids, sterilize 15 minutes. Roll up the lids, rearrange for storage in the cellar.

   How about you?

Pickled cucumbers with vinegar.

Take 1 kg of fresh cucumbers, wash them, put on a towel. Sterilize the lid and bottle in a double boiler, tamp vegetables in it. Twice pour fresh boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, gently pour in some water. Rinse the horseradish leaves and garlic. Pour garlic, dill and peas on top of vegetables. Pour in a little salt, granulated sugar, pour in boiling water, sterilize, screw on with sealing lids, turn the top upside down, wait until the banks are completely cool. Carefully transfer the workpiece to a cool room, leave it for the whole winter.

   Prepare and.

Cucumbers for the winter recipes with vinegar.

Recipe with mustard.

Take 1 kg of hard pickled cucumbers, wash them thoroughly, put them in containers, sprinkle with pepper, horseradish and garlic. Strain the remaining pickle, put it on the stove, boil. Pour the fragrant, black pepper, pour in 65 ml of vinegar, add 5 g of mustard seeds. Pour the vegetables in containers, sterilize at a temperature of 90 degrees. Seal the caps.

   Also very popular.

Pickled cucumbers for the winter with vinegar.

Take the smallest cucumbers, fill them with water for a couple of hours. Prepare the container: wash it with water and baking soda, rinse. Put cherry, currant leaves and laurel leaves on the bottom. Wash cucumbers carefully, carefully and beautifully put them in containers. Put the black pepper and garlic in the middle of the jar, add dill umbrellas on top. Twice pour boiling water over cucumbers (wait 10 minutes between each pouring). During this time, the vegetables should warm up well. Marinade brew for the third time. To do this, use the water that remained after pouring vegetables. In boiling water, pour in 2 tsp. salt and sugar, pour 2 tsp. acetic acid. Pour the cucumber fruit, twist the lids. Turn the jars upside down, wrapped in a blanket until it cools completely. Store the workpiece in the basement.

   For dinner you can cook.

   Cucumbers with vinegar per liter jar

Take the gherkins, soak them for half an hour in water at low temperature. Prepare containers and marinade. Pour into water 1 tbsp. sugar, 2 tbsp. spoons of salt, 8 tbsp. spoon ketchup, stir thoroughly. Wash vegetables well. In each container, put one clove, pea allspice, 3 peas black pepper. Beautifully fill the container with cucumbers, pour the marinade. Turn the top of the bottom, carefully wrap until completely cooled.

Marinated gherkins.

Peel a couple of bulbs, crumble with thin rings. Peel 5 cloves of garlic, finely crumble. Wash the pod of bitter pepper, cut along, remove the seeds, chop finely. Rinse the gherkins in running water, put them in a half-liter jar with a thick layer, pour them with onion, garlic, pepper. Boil 1 cup of water, add 1 tbsp. l salt, 1 tbsp. vinegar, let marinade cool. Pour the gherkins with the filling, sterilize them in jars for 10 minutes, spin.

   Pretty tasty and turns out.

Crispy pickled cucumbers.

You will need:

Acetic acid - 2 tbsp. l
   - salt - tablespoon
   - small cucumbers - 720 g
   - Sugar - 3 tbsp. l
   - dill umbrella
   - bay leaf - 2 pcs.
   - leaves of cherry and black currant - 2 pcs.
   - black and fragrant pepper - 2 peas
   - garlic clove - 3 pcs.


Select suitable fruits, wash them thoroughly, cover with cold water, let stand 8 hours. During this time, periodically change the water in the basin. Wash the fruit, carefully cut the "tails". Put the vegetables in prepared liter jars, add an umbrella of dill, a sprig of celery, cherry leaves, currant leaves, garlic cloves. Add greens, fill with boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, gently drain the water, put on fire. Be engaged in the preparation of the marinade: pour in vinegar, throw in salt, sugar. Pour the vegetables, roll up the covers, turn the top upside down, put in a secluded place, wrapped in a blanket.

   How about you?

Try also the mustard seed variant:


Cucumbers - 3 kg
   - horseradish - 100 g
   - small onion - 220 g
   - mustard seeds - 5 g
   - black peppercorns - 15 g
   - Bay leaves - 3 leaves
   - acetic acid - ½ liter
   - water - a couple of liters
   - salt - 65 g
   - Sugar - 155 g

Cooking steps:

Wash vegetables thoroughly, put them in a prepared layer in prepared jars. Transfer the vegetables with dill stalks, horseradish slices, peeled onions. Contents pour boiling marinade. Close the container, leave until the next day. Carefully drain the pot, boil, refill the cucumbers, tie the jar, move it to a cold place.

   Be sure to prepare and.

Pickled cucumbers with vinegar.


Large iodized salt - 1.5 tbsp. spoons
   - water - 1 liter
   - small cucumbers - 4 kg
   - cherry leaves - 10 pcs.
   - black currant leaves - 20 pcs.
   - horseradish leaves - 3 pcs.
   - Dill sprigs - 4 pcs.
   - oak leaves - 10 pcs.
   - A pod of hot pepper - 3 pcs.
   - horseradish root

How to cook:

Before you start cooking, we want to give good advice. In order to make the cucumbers crispy, pick only dark varieties with "pimples". In addition, you need to put the leaves of oak, walnut and horseradish root. Crumble large leaves with scissors. Dill take only the old, along with the seeds.

Cucumber fruit pour over cold drinking water, soak overnight. Water drain, wash them. Peeled horseradish root and hot pepper crumble into pieces. At the bottom of a large pot, place all the leaves and a few pieces of horseradish and pepper. After that, lay out a layer of cucumbers and again spices. Transfer all the vegetables in the same way. The last layer should be the leaves. Stir the salt in cold water. Pour the cucumbers with the pickle. Place a flat plate on top, place a three-liter jar on top. Leave to salting for three days. A white foam will form on the brine surface - these are lactic acid bacteria. Ready cucumbers should change their color.

Drain the brine and set aside for now. Throw away spices and herbs, wash vegetables in water. Put in washed containers. Boil brine, pour into jars to the top, cover with lids. Leave for 10 minutes. Pour the brine back into the pan, boil. Jar cover with lids. Pour the cucumbers with boiling brine. Filling with this should be a little overflow. Roll up the machine, unwrap it, wrap it in a warm blanket, let it cool. After complete cooling, transfer the storage containers to the cellar or basement.

Acetic acid allows you to store a piece of cucumber for a long time. At the same time, it makes them crispy and maintains a good appearance. Cucumbers can be preserved whole or in the form of a salad. As an additional component, housewives often use fruit leaves, dill, parsley, bay leaf, garlic, onions, etc.

Got a big crop of cucumbers? Now it is worth considering how to recycle it. For canning we will select small, healthy cucumbers without any damage. We will prepare lids and jars - they need to be well washed and sterilized by steaming or boiling for at least 10 minutes. Soak cucumbers in cold water for 6 hours. This is necessary to make the cucumbers strong and crispy. In a three-liter jar can hold from 1.5 to 2 kg of cucumbers, depending on their size.

To make the cucumbers have a spicy taste, add horseradish leaves, black currants, cherries, fennel umbrellas, garlic to the jar. Before laying it is always necessary to rinse the herbs well, put in a bowl and pour boiling water over it. Let stand for 5 minutes and drain. Vinegar or vinegar essence is used for canning, without which the lids on the cans will soon swell up and “explode”.

Canned cucumbers in the usual way

Will need:
- cucumbers;
- leaves of cherry, black currant, horseradish;
- Dill umbrellas, parsley sprigs;
- black peppercorns;
- garlic cloves;
- salt, sugar;
- Bay leaf;
- Vinegar or essence.

At the bottom of the jar we place parsley sprigs, horseradish leaves, black currants, cherries, dill, garlic cloves. Well wash the cucumbers, cut off the tips and lay them on a clean towel to glass the water. Then put the cucumbers in a standing position on the bottom of the jar. It is necessary to lay tightly. The next row can be put. Top cucumbers should lie tightly, not protruding beyond the neck of the jar, not rising after pouring pouring. Boil water and pour boiling water into the jar, close the lid and withstand 10-15 minutes. Merge and prepare the fill.
Filling: add 1 tablespoon (without top) of salt (without iodine and fluorine) to 1 liter of water, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 4-5 black peppercorns, bay leaf. Boil for 3-4 minutes and immediately pour into the jar to the top. Add 2 tablespoons of vinegar (9%) or 1 tsp. Of essence, cover and roll. Turn the finished jar and wrap, leave to cool.
To the note: a three-liter jar takes about 1.5 liters of pouring (depending on the size of cucumbers and the density of laying in the jar).
You can not pour cucumbers twice, but simply put all the ingredients, including salt and sugar, pepper, bay leaf on the bottom, pour boiling water on it, then close the lid and sterilize for 20 minutes (three-liter jar) from the moment of boiling into water bath. Get a jar, add vinegar and roll up.

Canned cucumbers with onions and carrots

Would need:
- cucumbers;
- garlic cloves;
- parsley, dill umbrellas;
- 1 sliced ​​carrot;
- 1 sliced ​​onion;
- Bay leaf;
- pea black and allspice;
- 1 teaspoon of essence.

Put garlic, parsley, dill, cucumbers in a jar. Top add chopped carrots and onions, parsley leaves. Pour cucumbers with boiling water, leave for 10-15 minutes and drain. Repeat 2-3 times. Last time in the fill add 2 tbsp. spoons of salt, 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, pepper, bay leaf, let boil for 3-4 minutes and pour cucumbers. Add 1 teaspoon of vinegar essence directly into the jar and roll up.

Canned cucumber slices

Would need :
- cucumbers (only not large and thick), cut into plates along as thin as possible (1.5-2 mm) - 1 kg
- garlic (3-4 cloves);
- refined sunflower oil (4 tablespoons);
- Dill (chop, 1 tbsp without top);
- mustard powder - 0.5 tsp;
- ground black pepper - pinch;
- sugar (1 tsp without top);
- water (3 tablespoons);
- salt - 3 tsp without top;
- Vinegar (9%) - ¼ cup.

Wash cucumbers, cut the ends from two sides, cut into plates. Extreme skins are discarded. We put the plates in a large pot (bowl). Add chopped garlic and all other ingredients. Mix and cover, leave for about 1.5-2 hours so that the cucumbers can give out juice. Then lay out in small jars (0.5-0.7 l) and pour juice. Sterilize with covered lids after boiling for 10-15 minutes, then roll up and turn over. We wrap and give time to cool completely.
To the note: from 1 kg of cucumbers 2 cans of 0.5 l each are obtained.

Various recipes from cucumbers: cucumbers "Glorious", cucumbers "Salad", pickled cucumbers, savory cucumbers, Bulgarian cucumbers, salted cucumbers for the winter and other detailed recipes.

Cucumbers "Glorious"


Per liter jar:  800 g cucumbers

15 allspice peppers

6 oak leaves

6 cloves of garlic

. For the marinade:

1 tsp vinegar

Black peppercorns to taste


Rinse the cucumbers and leaves, peel the garlic. Place oak leaves, coarsely chopped garlic and allspice, then cucumbers on the bottom of the prepared jar. Pour boiling water for 10 minutes. Pour the water into the pan, cook the marinade. Fill the contents of the jar with boiling marinade. Sterilize for 20 minutes and seal.

Cucumbers "Salad"

On a two-liter jar: 1.5 kg cucumber

2 dill umbrellas

3 cloves of garlic

1 horseradish root

12 allspice peppers

. For brine: for 1 l of water - 1.5 tbsp. spoons of salt


Soak cucumbers for 4 hours in cold water, drain the water. Wash and slice the cucumbers, place in a clean jar with spices. Cook the pickle. Fill the prepared cucumbers with hot pickle and close tightly with the lid. Put the cucumbers in the refrigerator for 4 weeks, until ready. Keep cucumbers cold.

Sliced ​​pickled cucumbers


On a two-liter jar:1.5 kg of cucumbers

4 dill umbrellas

1 tbsp. Spoonful of allspice

Currant leaves

. For the marinade: for 1 l of water - 1.5 tbsp. spoons of salt

1 teaspoon vinegar essence


Soak cucumbers for 3-4 hours in cold water, drain the water. Wash cucumbers, cut into slices, put in a sterilized jar with spices. Cook the pickle. Pour cucumbers with hot pickle, pour in vinegar, close tightly with a lid.

Cucumbers in Apple Vinegar


Per liter jar: 600 g pinch of cucumber cinnamon

. To fill: for 1 l of water - 100 g of sugar

. ½ cup apple cider vinegar

2 - 3 buds of carnation


Peel cucumbers and cut into slices. Put in a jar in layers, sprinkling salt and cinnamon on each layer. Prepare a hot pot and pour cucumbers. Cool and store in the refrigerator.

Pickled cucumbers "To the tooth"


On a three-liter jar:  1.7 kg of small cucumbers

2 dill umbrellas

3 sheets of horseradish

6 cloves of garlic

3 bay leaves

6-8 black peppercorns

5 leaves of currants and cherries

. For the marinade

1 tbsp. spoon of sugar

. ½ tsp of vinegar essence


Put the spices in the bottom of the sterilized jar. Cucumbers cut across into 3-4 parts, cut the ends on both sides. Place the prepared cucumbers in a jar for spices. In boiling water, dissolve salt and sugar, pour cucumbers with boiling brine. Add vinegar essence and seal hermetically.

Cucumbers with celery and onions


On a three-liter jar:  1.5 kg of cucumbers

2 onions

1 celery root

100 g of celery leaves

2 dill umbrellas

2 bay leaves

. For the marinade: for 1 l of water - 1 tbsp. salt spoon

2 tbsp. spoons of sugar

1 dess. spoon of vinegar essence


Cut cucumbers along large straws. Peeled onions - rings, celery root - diced. Put dill and bay leaves on the bottom of a sterilized jar, put onion rings and celery cubes on top, then - vertically prepared cucumbers. Put celery leaves on top. Prepare a hot marinade (add essence at the last moment) and immediately fill the contents of the jar. Cork tightly with a cap.

Sliced ​​cucumbers in Bulgarian


On the three-liter jar: 1.7 kg cucumber

2 horseradish roots

2 dill umbrellas

3-4 black peppercorns

5 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil

. For the marinade: for 1 l of water - 1 tbsp. salt spoon

1 tbsp. spoon of sugar

1 tbsp. vinegar spoon


Wash cucumbers and cut into circles. At the bottom of a sterilized jar, put dill and pepper, then - cucumber circles. Pour boiled vegetable oil. Cook the marinade and fill them with cucumbers. Seal hermetically.

Spicy cucumbers


On a three-liter jar:  1.8 kg cucumber

Dill greens and umbrellas

5 cloves of garlic

5 buds of carnations

5 grains of black and allspice

2-3 bay leaves

. For the marinade:  1 liter of water - 1 tbsp. salt spoon

1 tbsp. spoon of sugar

2 tbsp. vinegar spoons


Cut cucumbers into slices up to 3 cm thick. Put spices on the bottom of a sterilized jar, then cucumbers. Cook the hot marinade and fill them with cucumbers. Cover with clean lids and sterilize for 30 minutes. Roll up.


On a three-liter jar: about 2 kg of small cucumbers (to fill the jar)

1 horseradish root

3-4 cloves of garlic

2 dill umbrellas

5-6 allspice peppers

Currant leaves

. For brine: for 1 l of water - 3 tbsp. spoons of coarse salt


Put the peeled garlic, washed dill and peppercorns on the bottom of the prepared jar. Soak cucumbers for 2-3 hours in cold water, drain the water, dry the fruits and place on top of the spices. Pour the boiled brine, cooled to room temperature. Put a few currant leaves on top. Cover the jar with gauze. Let wander 3-4 days at room temperature. Drain the brine, boil, remove the foam. Rinse the cucumbers and place in a clean jar with fresh spices. Cover with brine, cover and sterilize for 35 minutes. Roll up.

Salted cucumbers with pepper


On a three-liter jar: 1.5 kg of cucumbers

2 umbrellas and a bunch of dill

2 pods of hot red pepper

4 cloves of garlic

Cherry and currant leaves

. For brine


At the bottom of a sterilized jar, place the chopped hot pepper, greens and 1 umbrella of dill, peeled garlic and half of the leaves. Place the cucumbers on top, cover them with the remaining leaves. Cook the brine, cool to 50 ° C and fill the contents of the jar. Leave to ferment for 3 days at 18-20 ° C. Drain the brine, boil, remove the foam. Rinse the cucumbers, put in a sterilized jar with fresh spices, cover with hot, but not boiling, brine (if not enough - add hot water), cover and sterilize for 15 minutes. Close up.

Lightly salted cucumbers with currants


On a three-liter jar:  1.4 kg of small cucumbers

200 g red currants

Black currant leaves

. For brine: for 1 l of water - 3 tbsp. spoons of salt

3 g of citric acid


Cucumbers, wash, dry. Put currant leaves on the bottom of a sterilized jar, cucumbers on them, berries on top. Fill with warm boiled brine, add citric acid and cover with a lid. Sterilize cucumbers for 20 minutes, roll up.

Lightly salted cucumbers in apple juice


On the three-liter jar: 1.7 kg cucumber

3-4 buds of carnation

Currant leaves and cherries

200 ml of apple juice

. To fill: for 1 l of water - 1.5-2 Art. spoons of salt

2 g of citric acid


Soak cucumbers for 4 hours in cold water, changing water several times, dry. Lay out the bottom of a sterilized jar of cherry leaves, add a clove. Place the cucumbers on top, cover the leaves with currants. Mix water with juice, salt, bring to a boil and cool to 70-80 ° C. Pour the cucumbers and let them wander for 2-3 days at room temperature. Rinse out. Fill with cold boiled brine, add acid and clean the prepared cucumbers in the refrigerator.

Sliced ​​salted cucumbers


3 kg of cucumbers

3 Dill Umbrellas

5-6 black peppercorns

3-4 cloves of garlic

1 horseradish root

Currant leaves

. For brine:  1 liter of water - 7 tbsp. tablespoons of salt


Soak cucumbers for 2 hours in cold water, cut off the tips and cut into large strips. Lay the bottom of the enamel saucepan with half the leaves, place the spices on top (garlic and horseradish peel and coarsely chop) and cucumbers. Pour the boiled salted brine, cover with a saucepan with a towel and leave for 2 days at room temperature. Put it in the fridge. Eat cucumbers for several days, otherwise they will become salty.

Lightly salted young cucumbers with dill


On a three-liter jar:  1.8 kg of young cucumbers

6 cloves of garlic

2 dill umbrellas

1 bunch of dill verdure

. For brine:  per 1 liter of water - 2-3 tbsp. spoons of salt


At the bottom of a prepared jar, place 1 umbrella of dill, peeled and coarsely chopped garlic and half of the greens. In cucumbers, cut the tips and chop in several places with a toothpick. Put the cucumbers in a jar, cover with an umbrella of dill and the remaining herbs. Boil brine, cool a little and pour cucumbers. Put for 2 days under pressure at room temperature, then move to the refrigerator.

The fact that vegetables and fruits can be canned, the inhabitants of the planet learned thousands of years ago. Preserved historical chronicles of the III century BC, which mention the fermentation of cabbage by the Chinese. In Russia they began to engage in pickles in the 5th century AD. e., using very heavy, but fragile bottles and cans.

Nowadays, many housewives are trying to preserve for the winter as much as possible of the gifts of gardens and vegetable gardens in reserve. And in the offseason, when there is a shortage of fresh fruits and vegetables, “twists” help and feed families well.

The leading place in conservation for the winter is, of course, cucumbers. And most often, use recipes with vinegar. In a residential environment it is a more acceptable way. Such an additive can provide long-term storage of vegetables and ensures that the bank does not explode. Every cook and every hostess has its own secrets of preparation. But there are basic rules that must be followed with any canning.

For cucumbers to be well preserved, proper preparation is necessary. Initially engaged in the processing of cans and lids. They are thoroughly washed and sterilized.  There are several ways to do this. The most common are:

- fry jars in the oven. So that the glass container does not burst, it is placed in a cold oven and heated to 180 degrees over low heat. The dishes should be kept in the oven for 15 minutes. After which the containers are left and allowed to cool. Pull dry towel or kitchen glove;

- steam sterilization. For large cans, you can use small containers with cans, in which a container is placed in the neck, after pouring a small amount of water into the can and boil for about 7 minutes. Or a special circle is put on the pan from the top, which can be bought at any hardware store;

- when using a microwave, the jars are sterilized for 5 minutes. But before placing them in the miraculous stove, they pour a little water on the bottom.

What herbs are used?

Each housewife uses a different set of fragrant herbs. The most common are the tops of dill, horseradish, garlic, bay leaf, pepper and peas. How to choose the ratio, chooses the cook himself. As for the main ingredient in the preservation of cucumbers - vinegar, it is also taken in a different proportional ratio. Plus, the liquid has a different concentration. Vinegar, whose strength is 70%, is measured with a teaspoon. Per liter jar need 1/3. Based on the fact that cucumbers are often closed in three-liter jars, it turns out that one teaspoon of 70% vinegar accounts for one such container. Moreover, when canning cucumbers in view of rolling with lids, vinegar is poured when the jars are filled with brine.

There are recipes for the joint preparation of vinegar and brine. Choose one that inspires more confidence. However, you should know that the vinegar when boiling fizzles out, so it should be used in a larger volume.

Simple and affordable recipe.

Before canning cucumbers should be kept for 2-3 hours in cold water, then they will be harder and more crispy. Some believe that such actions are necessary if there is hot weather outside. However, it is better to do this anyway.

In the proposed recipe for cucumbers with vinegar turned out successful, take the sprigs of cherries, currants and dill umbrellas as spices. Cucumbers, peeled garlic cloves and greens are laid out on the jars, poured boiling water and allowed to stand for about ten minutes, covering the containers with lids. After the time the water needs to be drained, the bay in its place brine. For its preparation for one liter of water take two tablespoons of stone iodized salt. Marinade is distributed to all banks and adding vinegar, quickly clog up and zakutivayut, allowing to stand in the heat until cool.

Mustard marinade.

Canning using this recipe is carried out using cold pickle. Cucumbers and herbs are placed in containers, adding mustard seeds (½ teaspoon) to each jar. Pickle is made from five tablespoons of sugar and two - salt to one liter of water. When everything is melted, add half a cup of vinegar and steamed filled containers in boiling water for 3 minutes. Then you need to immediately roll up the covers. After a week you can open and eat. But such cucumbers can stand until spring.

Tomato marinade.

This recipe is based on pouring from a tomato, which is often used for rolling up a tomato, cooking lecho. It turns out that in a tomato marinade, cucumbers are also very tasty. After soaking, small greens are cut lengthwise into halves, while large ones are cut into quarters. Squeeze garlic and mix it with water, in proportion - one head per liter. Add 200 ml of vegetable oil, 3 tablespoons of salt, 2 - sugar and tomato paste - 1/3 half-liter jar. Ground pepper is suitable as a seasoning - one tablespoon, spicy paprika - one teaspoon. Boil the sauce and pour over sterile jars with cucumbers. After that, roll up the covers, turn it over and wrap it in a blanket.

Cucumbers with gooseberries.

This recipe of preservation is loved for the fact that the brine does not grow cloudy and the banks do not explode. At least so say those who preserved zelentsy on this recipe. So. It will take:

- cucumbers - 4 kg;

- gooseberry - 500 g;

- greens (leaves of currant, cherry, horseradish, dill umbrellas, peeled and chopped garlic, horseradish root).

Greens are placed on the bottom of the jar, cucumbers are placed further tightly, and all berries are sprinkled on top. After that, you need to fill the container twice with 15 minutes of boiling water The last water that you drain, boil for 10 minutes with 10 pcs. Carnations, 10 pcs. pepper - peas, 2 spoons of salt per liter of water, 3 spoons of sugar. Banks are filled to the top with brine and clogged. Then they will need to turn upside down and wrap a warm veil. After two days they are turned over and wrapped up again for two days.

Canned Zelentsy with red currants.

Those who do not like the taste of vinegar, can be preserved for the winter cucumbers without vinegar, which is replaced by berry juice. For this, vegetables are usually placed in a jar with herbs and spices, and red currants are placed on top. For brine, use a spoonful of sugar, 2, 5 spoons of salt, 200 g of berries, 1 liter of water. Marinade boil for 5 minutes and poured into jars. After that, the contents in the banks are sterilized and clogged.

Aspirin pickle.

The recipe is as simple as the previous ones. Cucumbers with herbs are also placed in containers and poured with ordinary boiling water. It is necessary that it is a little cold. After that, drain the water, add to a liter and boil again. In a jar of cucumbers, the capacity of which one liter pour one tablespoon of salt and one and a half tablets (pre-crushed) of acetylsalicylic acid. Then pour boiling brine and roll the lid. Banks envelop and leave for a day or more.

Recipe for the conservation of cucumbers with sorrel.

A way for those who like to experiment. This recipe is also without vinegar. Regular sorrel is boiled and rubbed through a sieve. It should turn out 300 g puree. It is mixed with sugar and salt (two tablespoons each), boiled and poured into cucumber jars, which are filled with boiling water and cold water before packaging. In winter, you can enjoy delicious crispy cucumbers. The taste of cucumbers, made by the sorrel recipe, resembles barrel greens.

As you have already seen, without vinegar, cucumbers can be preserved in various ways. The most famous substitute for vinegar is citric acid. Cucumbers are laid out along with the greens on the banks, pour hot pickle and allowed to stand for 4 days. During this time they will wander under the hood. Then you need to drain the brine, add one teaspoon of citric acid and one tablespoon of sugar. Cucumbers in the bank several times carefully washed with cold water, then poured boiling brine and corked with lids.