Recipes from Domestic. How much salt do you need for pickles and other secrets

Ahead is the summer season and it’s nice to have on hand a quick recipe for salted cucumbers. It is difficult to argue with the fact that pickled cucumbers - one of the most popular appetizers. They are perfectly combined with fried meat and boiled potatoes, their savory taste will be a great addition to almost any budget. And how nice to eat crispy cucumber! Be sure to try. Lightly salted cucumbers - it is very tasty and easy, because cooking does not take much time. There are many recipes for delicious cucumbers: these are salted cucumbers in a package, classic quick salted cucumbers, salted cucumbers with apples, salted cucumbers in a quick way. Eyes run up, drooling! We will understand how to quickly cook salted cucumbers. It's simple, if you know some tricks. Also for you, six quick recipes of salted cucumbers.

Lightly salted cucumbers - how to choose

It is very important to choose the right cucumbers for cooking salted cucumbers. You can not take the bitter, sluggish and yellowing. Ideal small and thin-skinned. Be sure to strong and pimply. Very good for salted Nezhin cucumbers, but you can take any other. The main thing is that they meet the listed selection criteria. Another important point in the selection of cucumbers - choose approximately the same fruit. This will allow cucumbers salted evenly.

Lightly salted cucumbers - what kind of water to fill

  If you want to cook super salted cucumbers, pay attention to the water. This is important, because cucumbers absorb it in themselves, so it is better to take a proven bottled, and not water from the tap. In extreme cases, tap water should be filtered, poured into an enamel pan and put a silver spoon or special suspension in it for a couple of hours. Water is needed for soaking and brine - ten liters of water will be enough for 5 kilograms of vegetables. for cucumbers is very important.

Lightly-salted cucumbers - in some dishes lightly salted

In order to make salted cucumbers tasty, you should use enameled, glass or ceramic dishes for their preparation. A jar is a good option, but a pan is much more convenient - it is easier to lay cucumbers into it and remove them accordingly. In addition, if cucumbers are densely rammed into a jar or other dish, they will lose their crunchy properties. In order for cucumbers to be completely in brine, you need to use the weights placed on a lid or plate of a smaller diameter than the capacity of the dishes for cooking.

Salted cucumbers - how to soak

  Another important aspect of cooking delicious salted cucumbers is the steeping procedure. This is done to ensure that cucumbers are stronger and crunchy. For soaking it is necessary to pour cucumbers with clean water and leave for 3-4 hours. Do not neglect this stage and you will receive elastic crunchy cucumbers as a reward.

We have already figured out some of the secrets of cooking crispy salted cucumbers. We know how to choose cucumbers, what dishes to take and what water to use. They found out that soaking would make salted cucumbers crisp and elastic. Now it remains to learn how to make salted cucumbers tasty and fragrant.

Lightly salted cucumbers - how much salt to put

  Whatever recipe for salted cucumbers you take, remember that you can only use rock salt to make cucumbers. Iodized and sea salt are not suitable. Take coarse rock salt, because shallow can make vegetables soft. For optimum salting of cucumbers, it is recommended to put 2 tablespoons of salt per liter of water.

Lightly salted cucumbers - what kind of spices and herbs to put

  Indispensable for cooking delicious salted cucumbers is a bouquet of herbs and spices. What kind of weed should be put in a pickle to give cucumbers an unforgettable aroma and taste. In each recipe of lightly-salted cucumbers, dill, currant leaves and horseradish leaves are sure to be found, many will certainly put garlic. This is the basis that can and will be limited to start. Dill gives cucumbers an easily guessed smell, currants give crispness to lightly salted cucumbers and create aroma, horseradish is responsible for unforgettable taste and poyrinku, while protecting the cucumbers from mold, garlic disinfects and makes its aromatic note. In hot pickle for salted cucumbers, you can add bay leaf and black or allspice peas.

Want to diversify the taste of salted cucumbers - choose recipes with the addition of berries and apples. They will give an interesting flavor and subtle sourness. Apples and currants, both black and red, somewhat change the usual classic taste of salted cucumbers, so put a little - try to understand how you taste better.

Lightly salted cucumbers - how much salt

  Of course, everyone would certainly like to see salted cucumbers ready as quickly as possible. This can be arranged if you use the recipe of salted cucumbers in the package. In the classic cooking, salted cucumbers in hot brine will be ready in a day, but salted cucumbers in cold brine have to wait 2-3 days.

How to keep salted cucumbers

  Gradually salted cucumbers turn into salted. If it is important for you to keep them salted, then use a couple of tips:
  • after the brine cools down, and the cucumbers stand for 4-5 hours, it is better to put them in the fridge - the fermentation process slows down in the cold, and the cucumbers stay salted longer;
  • cook a little - just add fresh cucumbers to the ready brine as you eat those that were in it.

Recipes for salted cucumbers

  Each family has its own recipe for salted cucumbers with their secret ingredients. You will too. But first try simple classic recipes for salted cucumbers. For the impatient, we suggest trying the recipe for salted cucumbers in a package and early cucumbers - the fastest recipe for salted cucumbers.

A simple recipe for salted cucumbers

For salting you will need:
  5 kg of cucumbers, 7-10 branches of dill with umbrellas, 1 head of garlic, 30 leaves of horseradish, 4 tsp. allspice peas, 2 tsp red pepper peas, currant leaves, 6 tbsp. salt

  Wash cucumbers and soak in cold water for 2 hours. Chop large greens, peel the garlic, chop the leaves of horseradish, leave 2-3 leaves intact. At the bottom of the enameled pan put the leaves of horseradish, then a portion of chopped herbs and spices. Lay a layer of cucumbers. On top again, greens with spices, then cucumbers. The last layer is whole horseradish leaves. In 3 liters of hot but not boiling water, dilute the salt and pour the cucumbers. Press down. Leave for 2 days.

Recipe quick salted cucumbers

For salting you will need:
2 kg of cucumbers, 10 peas of black pepper, 5 peas of allspice, 1 tsp. sugar, coarse salt, a bunch of dill stalks, 2 lemons

Cooking salted cucumbers:
Pepper crush in a mortar with sugar and 2 tbsp. coarse salt. With lemon, remove the zest, add to the mixture of salt and pepper. Squeeze the juice from the lemons. Dill chopped. Wash cucumbers, soak for 1 hour. Then cut the tails on both sides. Do not knock too hard on each cucumber with a pestle or the handle of a heavy knife to crack the cucumber, and then cut each cucumber across into several parts. Sprinkle cucumbers with salt and pepper, pour over lemon juice and mix. Add another 1-2 spoons of salt, herbs and leave for half an hour. Before serving, blot the salt with a paper towel. If you are in a hurry, go without soaking. Then cucumbers can be pickled in about an hour.

Recipe salted cucumbers in the package number 1

  1 kg of fresh cucumbers, 1 bunch of fresh dill, 1 head of garlic, 1 tsp. sugar, 1 tbsp. salt.

Cooking salted cucumbers in the package:
  Wash fresh vegetables and herbs. Fresh cucumbers should be soaked in clean cold water for 2 hours. Then you need to get them and wipe dry. You can chop with a fork in several places and cut off the tips. Take a strong polyethylene bag. Put dry cucumbers, chopped dill and garlic in it. Tie and shake to mix. Now you need to leave a bag of cucumbers for 2 hours at room temperature. Then put in the fridge for an hour or two. Lightly salted cucumbers in the package are made very quickly and simply. Keep them in a cool place for no more than 3 days.

Recipe salted cucumbers in the package number 2

For salting you will need:
  1 kg of cucumbers, a small bunch of greens (“umbrellas” of dill, fresh leaves of horseradish, currant, cherry), 3 cloves of garlic, 1 tbsp. coarse salt, 1 tsp. cumin (optional), a clean plastic bag or a plastic container with a tight lid

Cooking salted cucumbers in the package:
Dill and tear the leaves with your hands, put in a bag. Have cucumbers cut tails, send also in the package. Squeeze garlic through a garlic press (can be crushed with a knife). Cumin seeds knead in a mortar or pestle or use a rolling pin. Add salt, cumin and garlic to the bag, tie tightly and shake well, so that the cucumbers blend in with the rest of the ingredients. Put the bag on a plate and put in the fridge for one hour. During this time, the cucumbers will be slightly salted, crispy with garlic.

Recipe for crispy salted cucumbers with apples

For salting you will need:
cucumbers 1 kg, green apples sweet and sour 2 pcs., young garlic 1 clove, dill 150 g, black currant leaves and cherries 3 pcs., horseradish leaf 1 pc., black peppercorns 4-6 pcs., bay leaf 1 PC.; for brine: 1 liter of water, 2 tbsp. l salt

Cooking salted cucumbers:
  Cook the pickle. To do this, boil water, add salt and bay leaf. Cucumbers cut "ass". Young garlic peel. Apples cut into 4 parts. In a dry pot lay out 1/3 of the dill, currant leaves and cherries, horseradish. Spread half of cucumbers, one apple. Put half the norm of garlic and peppercorns.
  Then lay out another part of dill, garlic, currant leaves and cherries. We report all the remaining cucumbers, apples, herbs and garlic. Pour cucumbers with hot pickle. Close the plate and put the goods. Give completely cool and put in the fridge. On the morning crispy cucumbers are ready.

Salted cucumbers in a quick way

For cooking salted cucumbers:
  A few cucumbers, a little dill, a few cloves of garlic, salt

Preparation of early ripe salted cucumbers:
  Wash cucumbers and soak in cold water for 5-10 minutes. Wash and finely chop the dill. Peel and crush the garlic in the garlic. Cucumbers cut into pieces into eight to twelve pieces - see the size of your cucumbers. Put the prepared cucumbers layers in a jar, sprinkling with salt, garlic and dill. Cover the jar with the cucumbers with a lid, shake well until the contents of the jar mix well. To sustain 5-10 minutes. Lightly salted cucumbers are quickly ready.

Lightly salted cucumbers on mineral water

To prepare salted cucumbers on mineral water you need:
  1 kg of small cucumbers, 1 l of mineral sparkling water, 2 tablespoons of salt, 3 cloves of garlic, a bunch of dill

Cooking salted cucumbers:
  Rinse dill well and shake off the water. Put half of the dill on the bottom of the container, in which we will pickle cucumbers. Rinse cucumbers, cut off the tips, fold tightly into a container. On the cucumbers put the second half of dill and chopped garlic. Separately, dissolve salt in mineral water. Pour this mixture of cucumbers so that they are covered completely. Cucumbers clean in the fridge. They are ready in 12 - 14 hours.

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Crunch with fragrant cucumbers of your cooking would be desirable for every hostess. However, not everyone knows how to make them tasty and pleasant. It is interesting that a lot has been written on the Internet about how to make pickled cucumbers: a recipe for how much salt is per 1 liter of water. The forums usually put on 1 spoon or 2 per liter, depending on the recipe. Here's how to cook yourself tasty and crunchy salted cucumbers at home, so that they like everything.

Recipe 1

In order to prepare a two-liter bottle of cucumbers, take:

- 700 grams of cucumbers;
  - Half the head of garlic;
  - 2 dill umbrellas;
  - green dill;
  - Bay leaf;
  - 3 cherry leaves;
  - some leaves of black currant;
  - 2 bay leaves;
  - litere of water;
  - One and a half tablespoons of salt.

As can be seen from the recipe, one and a half tablespoons of salt should be added to one liter of water. However, it is believed that lightly salted cucumbers are excellent and, if you add 2 tablespoons without a slide to the water. It all depends on the degree of salinity of the salt itself, its quality, the recipe of cooking. It is known that salt is different varieties and completely different in taste. For example, salt from Kalmykia with herbs is so salty that half a teaspoon per liter of water is enough; however, it is not recommended for cooking cucumbers due to the addition of herbs. But this salt can be a great addition to various dishes. There is iodized salt with a special taste, sea. The degree of salinity and it can be completely different. So cook better based on your own taste and preference. Standard dosage - per liter of water 1 tablespoon with a heap of salt. However, everything else depends on the recipe you choose for cooking.

Here's how to make salted cucumbers in this recipe.

Wash cucumbers, dill and leaves. Horseradish cut very finely, as far as possible, so he gave his juice. Cut the garlic. Then boil water with salt, so that it is completely dissolved. Do cucumbers trim all ends, put them in a jar along with all the other products. Leave for a day, then cork.

When cooking salted cucumbers need to know some tricks. To make them tasty and healthy, you can use the following tips:

1. If you know that cucumbers taste a little bitter, half a lemon juice is surely added to the cooked pickle. If you add it, the bitterness will gradually disappear.
  2. For the crunch of cucumbers, you can add 40 grams of high-quality vodka to the bottle with them. Then they will turn out very elastic, tasty and crispy.
  3. A few sprigs of beautiful fresh tarhuna perfectly complement the taste of pickled cucumbers. They will become much tastier, more aromatic and more tender.
  4. If you like the unusual taste and color, add fresh beetroot grated on a large grater to the brine. It will give cucumbers a beautiful and very attractive raspberry shade.
  5. Many housewives cook black cucumbers with an unusual and bright aroma. To make them so, in the brine add a little black raspberry or black chokeberry. Fruits will turn out black with a pleasant and very unusual, slightly sweetish taste.
6. If for cooking cucumbers horseradish grate, it will give them an incredible flavor. Horseradish will give a maximum of its juice and cucumbers will become vigorously sharp.
  7. The unusual taste of salted cucumbers will give a small amount of cones and twigs of spruce or pine. They come with a delicious forest scent.
  8. If you like the strong taste of cucumbers, you can add a little juniper berries to the pickle. Especially like men, because it goes well with strong alcoholic beverages.
  9. For the preparation of salted cucumbers take only young fruits with pimples. The smaller they are in size, the more they turn out to be sweet and crispy after cooking. The best option - dwarf cucumbers gherkins. They almost always turn out to be delicate, crunchy and perfectly combined with various dishes and drinks.
  10. Banks before cooking do not have to be sterilized. Simply rinse with boiling water several times and put the finished ingredients in them.

Recipe 2. Quick version

  If you urgently need salted cucumbers, you can use a quick grandma's recipe, for example, or this one. Here's how they are made before the arrival of guests or a picnic in nature for 3 days.

Have to take:

- kilogram of cucumbers;
  - litere of water;
  - 2 tablespoons of salt with a hill;
  - garlic;
  - A few branches of dill, parsley and cilantro.

Cucumbers need to be thoroughly washed, cut off the edges, put in a jar. Cut the garlic with the greens and sprinkle the cucumbers. Mix water with salt until complete dissolution, slightly warm and pour cucumbers. Put in a cold place for 3 days.

After this time they will be ready and tasty. Also, if you add a few tablespoons of vinegar to the water, you will get very tender and crunchy fruits. The same effect will give a small amount of strong and high-quality vodka. After 3 days, the product is ready and you can eat cucumbers. To taste, they are the same as for long marinating.

Cunning use of salt

Classic recipes usually use 2 tablespoons without a slide per liter of water. However, it all depends on the period of use of cucumbers. In brine, they continue to marinate for a long time, even if you took only a few fruits from the can. Therefore, for long canning, for example, in the winter, in the summer they put 1 spoonful of coarse salt per liter of water. But this is only if you do not open the bank from summer to early winter. In another case, if you put 2 spoons, as stated in the classic recipe, the cucumbers will turn out salty and tasteless.

For their preparation you should not use iodized salt and very salty varieties with herbs for snacks. They can lead to an unpredictable effect and not give the result you expected. The same can be said about sea salt.

For instant cooking or using the product for a month to soak the cucumbers, add 2 spoons of salt and even more. Depending on the effect you want to get.

Salted cucumbers are not easy to cook, but very simple. You just need to remember the simple formula 3-1-3 - for a three-liter jar of cucumbers you need a liter of brine, and for the preparation of brine - 3 tablespoons of salt is required for 1 liter of water.
By the way, there is a funny case connected with this formula - we and the mother-in-law were arguing for a long time how much salt was needed to prepare salted cucumbers, she said - 3 tablespoons of salt per liter, I argued that 3 tablespoons per three liters. She said you have a lot, I have a little. Both salted cucumbers, and both turned out just right. Later it turned out that she diluted three tablespoons of salt in a liter of water and poured into a three-liter jar filled with cucumbers, and I poured the same three tablespoons of salt into the same three-liter jar filled with cucumbers and, without measuring, poured water. Those. I meant three tablespoons of salt for three liters of the final product.

For the preparation we need:


Cucumbers, dill and green garlic, the fresher the better, the ideal is just picked from the bed.
Dill is desirable to apply already ripening with umbrellas and seeds. If there are no green feathers of garlic, you can use cloves.

This is a required set of seasonings. But you can taste other greens like horseradish leaves, currants, extragon etc.

Brine preparation - 3 tablespoons of salt per 1 liter of water. It is convenient to salt in a three-liter jar, you can act on the machine - laid cucumbers and greens, covered three tablespoons of salt and poured water. But if salted in some other dish, such as a saucepan, it is best to pre-make brine.

We will salt the most used method - in the bank.

We take half of the greenery, tear up and mnem it with our hands (this is important, because cucumbers will be more fragrant) and put the cans on the bottom.

Fill the jar with cucumbers. It is advisable to put more cucumbers down, on top of smaller ones, small ones will be salted faster and will be eaten first.

Put on top the remaining, just crumpled and torn greens. It is better not to report one two cucumbers, place the herbs and squeeze cucumbers. You can also put some dill and garlic in the middle.

Fall asleep with three tablespoons of salt. Salt is certainly better to take a large, not iodized. But since this is not a billet for the winter and will not be stored for a long time, you can put any. Small even more convenient, dissolves faster. In general, pour the usual, which salt salt.

Fill with cold boiled water. Just a three-liter jar filled with cucumbers, includes about a liter of water. Therefore, this is the easiest way to cook salted cucumbers - it saves time and does not use other utensils for cooking brine.

Close the lid, be sure to turn it over several times to dissolve the salt. We put in the fridge, if we are ready to suffer, or leave it at room temperature, if you want to quickly try a lightly salted cucumber, and wait about 12 hours to a day. The rate of salting is affected by the ambient temperature, the density of the skin of the cucumber, which in turn depends on the age of the fruit and the variety of the plant.
If cucumbers with too thick skins, to accelerate salting, you can cut off the tips from both sides. In order not to overdo it, after twelve hours, start to try.

When cucumbers taste just right, you need to put the jar in the fridge. In the cold, the process of salting will slow down, which will allow you to enjoy salted cucumbers for longer. But still, do not keep cucumbers too long in brine. It is better to pull them out and put them in a cup or plastic bag, until they are too old.
This recipe is for salted cucumbers, for the winter salt is different.

Pickled cucumbers: a recipe, how much salt per 1 liter of water and other important secrets of how to prepare such a snack, consider in this material. Today, freshly-salted cucumbers can be bought on the market or in a store, but they certainly don’t exactly match the taste of what you can cook with your own hands.

Unfortunately, it is not always the first time it turns out to make such cucumbers crisp and hard, so it is important to prepare for the process in advance. In this material, even before writing step-by-step excellent recipes for preparing salted cucumbers, consider the secrets of this process.

Secrets of cooking salted cucumbers

No. 1 pick fruit

  Not all cucumbers are ideal for salting them. First of all, it must be a variety where the fruit grows with a thin skin. They contain sugar, which ultimately helps to get crunchy fruits. Excellent for salting suitable grade "Nezhinsky" or other varieties with similar characteristics.

Important! For the preparation of salted or pickled cucumbers, fruits with smooth skin and white thorns are absolutely not suitable. This is a cucumber salad, but small fruits with black dots and pimples are perfect.

A prerequisite is the use of young fruits. The fact is that they almost never empty inside, but for the future of crunch and taste this is an important condition. Also such cucumbers are sweeter. As for the size of the fruit, it is ideal for pickling cucumbers in 7 cm, 13 cm - this is a large fruit, which is better to use fresh or for the preparation of winter salads.

See a delicious recipe how to cook yourself. How else to cook.

Lightly-salted cucumbers: a recipe for how much salt per 1 liter of water is 2 tablespoons, however, the amount of salt and spices alone will still be considered in this material. On the other hand, when choosing cucumbers, it is necessary to pay attention to another factor - the fruits must not be bitter, for this they must be tried. The skin of the fruit should be firm to the touch, but not thick - this is a guarantee of preserving the crisp properties of the fruit after salting.

Tip! In order for all cucumbers to be well salted, for one jar you should, if possible, choose fruits of the same size.

No. 2 soaking

Cook salted or pickled cucumbers should be immediately after they are collected from the beds. If you do not have such a possibility, or if the fruits are generally bought on the market, then it will be necessary to carry out a preliminary soaking. To do this, take ice water into it for a few hours to put cucumbers, water is constantly changing. So it will be possible to return the fruit strength and elasticity to the fruits, the fruits will restore the lost moisture.

No. 3 amount of salt

  We got a little closer to the question, pickled cucumbers: a recipe for how much salt is per 1 liter of water. First of all, we note that fine salt for salting is not suitable, cucumbers can become soft from it. It is best to use coarse rock salt.
  As for the quantity, 50 grams of salt will be enough per liter of water. This is for the traditional recipe and, if translated into tablespoons, these are two large spoons without a slide. Cooking canceled.

No. 4 spices

  Of course, so that salted cucumbers would delight not only with a crunch, but also with taste, besides salt, you can add various spices to the marinade. For example, dill, horseradish leaves, cherries and currants are widely used. If there are oak leaves on hand, they are also perfect for seaming.

Interesting! Earlier in the villages in Russia cucumbers were salted exclusively in oak barrels.

As for spices and extra greens, then you can experiment on your own. You can add parsley or mint, basil or tarragon to the pickle, combines bay leaf, clove and black pepper, other spices perfectly with rolling. In addition to the additional taste and aroma, such additives will give cucumbers their vitamins and beneficial properties.

No. 5 laying

  To make salted or pickled cucumbers, you will need to properly put them in a container. To do this, it is recommended to prune the fruit from both sides - so the salting process will take place as quickly as possible. Next put the cucumbers in layers in a jar or barrel. Tamping tightly the fruit is not necessary, so as not to spoil the crisp effect.

In order to salt the fruits evenly, they should be placed vertically in jars. When the fruits are in the bank, you need to cover them from above with gauze so that the air can flow to them and the fermentation process is activated more quickly. When a saucepan is used for pickling, the cucumbers should be covered with a plate, and the load placed on top of it.

№6 how to fill

  There are two main ways to pour salted cucumbers. They differ in brine temperature. The hot method implies that the fruit should be filled with 80 degrees of brine, while the cold method involves pouring cold water on the fruit.

If cold pickle is used, the fermentation process will begin later, only on the third day. With hot pouring, the fermentation of cucumbers begins ten hours later. Which fill to choose is up to you, depending on how much free time you have. The method of pouring does not affect the taste.

Important! Pay attention to using good pouring water - well, filtered or even mineral without iodine. If you use tasteless tap water, it can adversely affect your taste.

Lightly salted cucumbers: a recipe, how much salt per 1 liter of water was considered, the last piece of advice before starting to make such cucumbers - sprinkle the surface of the brine with dry mustard powder (you can replace the planted horseradish root) so that no mold remains on the surface.

Recipe number 1

  What do you need:
  1. Cucumbers and garlic;
  2. Leaves and root of horseradish;
  3. Red bitter pepper;
  4. Dill, two tablespoons of coarse salt without a hill;
  5. Liter of water.

Lightly salted cucumbers: the recipe, how much salt per 1 liter of water we take is already known - two large spoons. Cucumbers will need to be washed, pour a few hours with cold water. After that, cut off the tails of each fruit. Peel garlic and pepper, cut into thin slices.
  Put the first layer of spices on the bottom of the pan, then the cucumbers, then the spices and cucumbers again. Next, the pickle is prepared - pour two tablespoons of salt into a liter of water, mix well and pour cucumbers. Top tightly put horseradish leaves and pour hot water over cucumbers. After two days, the cucumbers will be ready.

Recipe number 2

  What is required:
  1. One kilogram of cucumbers;
  2. One liter of brine;
  3. 50 grams of coarse salt without the addition of iodine;
  4. Four cloves of garlic;
  5. Two dill umbrellas, three peppercorns, several leaves of cherry, currant and oak.

Wash cucumber in cold water and soak for several hours. Peel the garlic and rinse the leaves. Salt dissolve in water and boil, allow to cool slightly. Now, on both sides, cut cucumbers, put dill, garlic, and leaves on the bottom of the jar, then put the cucumbers and fill it with brine so that it completely covers the fruit. Leave for a day to boil at room temperature, then rearranged in the refrigerator.