What is the forest "floors

Squirrel memory


Eagle's Nest

Forest floors

Golden meadow



Today, looking at the traces of animals and birds in the snow, I read this trail: the squirrel made her way through the snow into the moss, took out two nuts hidden from the fall, immediately ate them - I found the shells. Then she ran off a dozen meters, dived again, again left the shell in the snow and after a few meters made the third polazku.

What a miracle? It is impossible to think that she smelled the smell of a nut through a thick layer of snow and ice. So, I remembered from the autumn about my nuts and the exact distance between them.

But the most surprising thing was that she could not measure, as we, centimeters, but right on the eye with precision determined, dived and reached out. Well, it was not to envy the squirrel memory and wit! WOODCOCK

Spring is moving, but slowly. In the lake, which had not yet completely melted, the frogs leaned out and purred. Walnut blooms, but not yet dusty yellow pollen of his earrings. Bird on the fly snag a twig, and will not fly from the twig yellow smoke.

The last pieces of snow in the forest disappear. Foliage from under the snow leaves tightly packed, gray.

Not far from me, I could see a bird of the same color as last year’s foliage, with large black expressive eyes and a long nose, at least half a pencil.

We sat still; when the woodcock assured us that we were not alive, he got to his feet, waved his pencil and hit them in hot, rotten leaves.

It was impossible to see that he pulled himself out from under the foliage, but only we noticed that one round aspen leaf remained on his nose from this blow into the ground through the foliage on his nose.

Then he added more and more. Then we scared him off; he flew along the edge, very close to us, and we managed to count: he had seven old aspen leaves on his beak. GUESTS

This morning we began to gather guests. The first came to the wagtail, just so that only to look at us. A crane came to visit us and sat down on the other side of the river, in a yellow swamp, among the hummocks, and began walking around there. Another osprey flew in, a fish predator, hooked nose, keen eyes, light yellow, looked out for prey from above, stopped in the air for this, and spun its wings. A kite with a round recess on the tail flew and hovered high.

A marsh harrier arrived, a great lover of bird eggs. Then all the wagtails rushed after him like mosquitoes. Crows and many birds soon joined the wagtails, guarding their nests, where the chicks hatch. The enormous predator had a pitiful look: a sort of colossus - and escapes from birds in all shovels.

Tirelessly cuckoo in the forest.

The heron has wrung out dry old reeds.

Swamp porridge was squirting and swaying on one thin reed.

The shrew squeaked in old foliage.

And when it became even warmer, the leaves of the bird cherry tree, like birds with green wings, also, like guests, flew in and sat on bare twigs.

Early willow spread out, and a bee flew to it, and the bumblebee buzzed, and the first butterfly folded its wings.

Gus ran his long neck into the pool, took out his water with his beak, splashed water on himself, scratched something under each feather, moved his tail, as if on a spring, moving. And when he washed everything, cleaned everything up, he raised his silver, wet sparkling beak high up to the sun and cackled.

The Viper dried on the stone, curled into a ring.

Shaggy fox anxiously flashed in the reeds.

And when we rented a tent in which we had a kitchen, oatmeal flew into the place of the tent and began to peck at something. And these were our last guests today. WOODPECKER

I saw a woodpecker: a short one - because he had a small tail, he flew, putting a large fir cone on his beak. He sat on a birch, where he had a workshop for peeling cones. Ran up the trunk with a lump on its beak to a familiar place. Suddenly he sees that in the rugged road, where the bumps are being pinched, the spent and unbroken bump sticks out and there is no place to put a new bump. And what a woe! - there is nothing to lose the old one: the beak is busy.

Then the woodpecker, just as a man would have done, squeezed a new lump between his breast and a tree, released his beak, and with his beak quickly threw out the old lump. Then he placed a new one in his workshop and earned it.

He is so smart, always cheerful, lively and businesslike.

I was tired of hunting foxes, and I wanted to rest somewhere. But the forest was littered with deep snow, and there was nowhere to sit. By chance my glance fell on a tree, around which there was a giant anthill covered with snow. I climb up, throw off the snow, rake up this amazing ant collection of needles, knots, and forest specks from above and sit in a warm hole in the anthill. Ants, of course, know nothing about it: they sleep deep below.

Somewhat higher than the anthill, where this time I rested, someone tore off the bark from the tree, and the white wood, a rather wide ring, was covered with a thick layer of resin. The little ring stopped the movement of the juices, and the tree would inevitably have to die. It happens that a woodpecker makes such rings on trees, but he cannot do it so cleanly.

Most likely, I thought, someone needed bark to make a box for picking wild berries.

After a good rest on the anthill, I left and came back to him accidentally, when it became very warm and the ants woke up and went upstairs.

I saw a dark spot on a light-cut resinous tree ring and took out my binoculars to get a closer look. It turned out that these were ants: for some reason they needed to make their way through the resin-covered wood upwards. One must observe for a long time in order to understand the ant-matter; Many times I observed in the woods that ants constantly run on a tree, to which an anthill is leaning, but I did not pay attention to it: is the ant a great thing to understand persistently where and why he runs or climbs on a tree! But now it turned out that for some reason, not individual ants, but all ants needed this free road up the trunk from the lower floor of the tree, perhaps to the highest. The resinous ring was an obstacle, and this put the whole anthill on its feet.

Today, a general mobilization was announced in the anthill. The whole anthill climbed up, and the entire state, with its full complement of heavy stirring stratum, gathered around the tarred ring.

Ahead went ants scouts. They tried to make their way upstairs and were stuck one at a time and died in the pitch. The next intelligence officer used the corpse of his comrade to move forward. In turn, he was made a bridge for the next intelligence officer.

The offensive was going on in a wide, unfolded system, and before our eyes the white ring was turning dark and covered with black: these were the ants who selflessly threw themselves into the pitch and carpeted their way for others with their bodies.

So in some half an hour the ants blackened a resinous ring and ran freely upstairs for their concrete. One strip of ants ran up, the other down to and fro. And the work on this living bridge began to boil, as if by bark. BEAR

Many people think that it is only to go to the forest, where there are many bears, and so they will pounce, and eat you, and they will remain from the goat's feet and horns. This is not true!

Bears, like any other beast, walk in the forest with great care, and, after conceiving a person, they flee from him so much that not only the whole beast, and you will not see even a flickering tail.

Once in the north, I was shown a place where there are many bears. This place was in the upper reaches of the Koda River, which flows into Pinega. I did not want to kill the bear at all, and it was not the time to hunt for it: they hunt in the winter, but I came to the Code in the early spring, when the bears had already left the den.

I really wanted to catch a bear for food, somewhere in the meadow, or fishing on the river bank, or on vacation. Having a weapon just in case, I tried to walk in the forest as carefully as animals, I hid near warm tracks; more than once it seemed to me that I even smelled like a bear ... But this time, however much I walked, I did not succeed in meeting the bear itself.

Finally, my patience ended, and the time came for me to leave. I went to the place where I had hidden the boat and food. Suddenly I saw: a large fir-foot in front of me trembled and swayed.

Some kind of animal, I thought.

Taking my bags, I got into the boat and swam.

And just against the place where I got into the boat, on the other side, very steep and high, in the small hut there lived one commercial hunter. After an hour or two, this hunter rode his boat down the Code, caught up with me and found me in that hut halfway where everyone stops.

He told me that he saw a bear from his bank, how he pulled out of the taiga just against the place where I went to my boat. It was then that I remembered how, with full windlessness, the spruce legs swayed in front of me.

I was annoyed at myself that I missed the bear. But the hunter also told me that the bear not only slipped away from my eyes, but also laughed at me ... He, it turns out, ran very far away from me, hid behind the turnout, and from there, standing on his hind legs, watched me: I got out of the forest, and as I got into the boat and swam. And after that, when I closed for him, I climbed up a tree and watched me for a long time as I descended the Code.

So long, - said the hunter, - that I was tired of watching and I went to drink tea in the hut.

It was a shame to me that the bear laughed at me. But it is even more annoying when the talkers are scaring children with forest animals and so present them that seem only to the forest without a weapon - and they will leave only the horns and legs of you. EAGLE'S NEST

Once a flock of precious wild spotted deer, moving to the sea, came to a narrow cape. We stretched a wire mesh across the cape behind them and blocked their way into the taiga. There were a lot of grass and shrubs for deer for food, we could only protect our dear guests from predators - leopards, wolves and even eagles.

Once, from a height of Misty Mountain, I began to look at the rock below. I soon noticed that near the sea, on a high rock covered with grass beloved by deer, a female deer was grazing and some yellowish circle lay in the shade. Looking through binoculars, I soon became convinced that a young fawn lay in a circle in the shade.

Suddenly, where the surf was hurling its white fountains, trying as if to get them into the dark green pines inaccessible to it, a large eagle rose, soared high, the little deer looked and rushed. But the mother heard the noise of a huge bird falling, quickly grabbed and met: she stood on her hind legs against the cub and tried to hit the eagle with her front hooves, and he, angry with an unexpected obstacle, began to attack before one sharp hoof fell into him. Crumpled eagle with difficulty recovered in the air and flew into the pines, where he had a nest. We soon destroyed the predator's nest, and the beautiful rocks were called the eagle's nest. FLOORS FOREST

Birds and animals in the forest have their own floors: mice live in the roots - at the very bottom; different birds, like a nightingale, build their nests right on the ground; blackbirds - even higher, on shrubs; hollow birds - woodpecker, titmouse, owls - even higher; at different heights along the trunk of a tree and at the very top predators settle: hawks and eagles.

I once had to observe in the forest that they, animals and birds, with floors are not like ours in skyscrapers: we can always change with someone, they certainly have every breed on their own floor.

Once on the hunt, we came to a clearing with dead birches. It often happens that birch trees will grow to a certain age and dry up.

Another tree, having dried up, drops the bark on the ground, so that uncovered wood soon rot and the whole tree falls, but the birch bark does not fall; this resinous, white outside bark — birch bark — can be an impenetrable case for a tree, and the dead tree stands for a long time, like a living tree.

Even when the tree decays and the wood turns into dust, weighed down with moisture, in appearance the white birch stands as if it were alive. But it is necessary, however, to properly push such a tree, when suddenly it will break everything into heavy pieces and fall. Felling such trees is a very fun exercise, but also dangerous: with a piece of wood, if you don’t dodge, it can be great for your head. But still, we, the hunters, are not very afraid, and when we get to such birches, we begin to tear them down before each other.

So we came to a glade with such birches and brought down rather high birch. As it fell, it broke into several pieces in the air, and in one of them there was a hollow with a gadget nest. Small chicks were not injured when a tree fell, only with their nest fell out of the hollow. Naked chicks, covered with feathers, opened wide red mouths and, taking us for their parents, squeaked and asked us for a worm. We dug up the earth, found worms, gave them a snack, they ate, swallowed and squeaked again.

Very soon the parents arrived, Gadget-titmouses, with white puffy cheeks and worms in their mouths, sat on nearby trees.

Hello, dear ones, we told them, misfortune has happened; we didn't want that.

Gadget could not tell us anything, but, most importantly, they could not understand what had happened, where the tree had gone, where their children had disappeared. They were not afraid of us at all, they fluttered from branch to branch in great alarm.

Yes, here they are! - we showed them a nest on the ground. - Here they are, listen as they squeak, what is your name!

Gadget did not listen, fussed, worried and did not want to go down and go beyond the limits of their floor.

Or maybe, we told each other, they are afraid of us. Let's hide! - And hid.

Not! The chicks squealed, the parents squealed, fluttered, but did not go down.

We guessed then that the birds are not like in our skyscrapers, they cannot change floors: now it just seems to them that the whole floor with their chicks has disappeared.

Oh-oh-oh, - said my companion, - well, what are you fools! ..

It became a pity and ridiculous: such nice and with wings, but they do not want to understand anything.

Then we took that big piece in which the nest was located, broke the top of the neighboring birch tree and put our piece with the nest on it just to the same height as the destroyed floor. We did not have long to wait in ambush: a few minutes later, the happy parents met their chicks. GOLDEN MEADOW

My brother and I, when dandelions ripen, had constant fun with them. Sometimes we go somewhere to our craft - he is ahead, I am in the heel.

"Sergey!" - I'll call him busily. He looks back, and I fuknu dandelion right in his face. For this, he begins to watch me out, and also, like a gap, fuknet. And so we picked these uninteresting flowers just for fun. But once I managed to make a discovery. We lived in the village, in front of the window we had a meadow, all golden from a variety of flowering dandelions. It was very beautiful. Everyone said: "Very beautiful! Golden meadow". One day I got up early to fish and noticed that the meadow was not golden, but green. When I returned home around noon, the meadow was all golden again. I began to observe. By evening, the meadow turned green again. Then I went and found a dandelion, and it turned out that he had squeezed his petals, as if all of us had yellow fingers from the palm of our hand, and clenched into a fist, we would have closed the yellow one. In the morning, when the sun rose, I saw dandelions open their palms, and this makes the meadow golden again.

Since then, the dandelion has become for us one of the most interesting flowers, because dandelions went to bed with us, the children, and together with us got up. UPSTART

Our hunting dog, husky, came to us from the shores of Biya, and in honor of this Siberian river we called it Biya.

But soon, for some reason, this Biya has turned into Beechka, everyone began to call Beechka Beechka. We did not hunt much with her, but she served us well as a guard at the car. You will go on the hunt - and be sure: the View will not let the enemy in the car.

Once we came from a hunt, we began to make a car, and We let the View out for a walk. Funny doggy Vyushka, everyone likes: ears, like horns, ponytail, little teeth, like garlic. She got two bones from dinner. Receiving a gift, Vyushka unfolded the ring of her tail and lowered it down with a log. This meant her anxiety and the beginning of vigilance, necessary for protection - it is known that in nature there are many hunters on the bone. With the tail down, Vyushka walked out onto the grass-grass and took up one bone, put the other one next to her. Then, out of nowhere, magpies - skok-skok - and to the very nose of the dog. When Vyushka turned her head to one, - grabbed! - another forty on the other hand - grab! - and took the bone.

It was late autumn, and the magpies of the conclusion of this summer were quite adult. They were held here by all the brood, in seven pieces, and from their parents grasped all the secrets of theft. Very quickly they pecked at the stolen bone and, without thinking twice, gathered to take away the second from the dog.

They say that the family is not without a freak, the same turned out to be orphanage family. Out of seven, forty-one came out not so completely stupid, but somehow with a kink and pollen in the head. Right now it was the same: all six forty led the right attack, in a large semicircle, glancing at each other, and only one Upstart jumped foolishly.

Tra-ta-ta-ta-ta! - all the magpies shook off.

It meant for them:

Rush back, skip, as it should, as all the orphan society needs.

Tra la la la la la! - answered upstart.

It meant her:

Jump, as it should, and I - as I myself want. - So, at its own risk and risk, the upstart jumped up to the view itself, in the expectation that view, stupid, would rush at it, throw a bone, it would be contrived and the bone would carry it away.

Vyushka, however, the upstart's idea was well understood and not only did not rush at her, but, noticing her upwardly with a slanting eye, she freed the bone and looked in the opposite direction, where the correct semicircle, as if reluctantly - jump! and they will think, - six smart forty came.

This is the moment when Vyushka turned her head away, Upstart took hold of her attack. She grabbed a bone and even managed to turn in the other direction, managed to hit the ground with wings, raise dust from under the grass-ant. And if only one more moment to take to the air, if only one moment! That's just to get up the magpie, as the Viewer grabbed her by the tail - and the bone fell ...

The upstart broke loose, but the entire rainbow-colored long tails tail stayed with Vyushka in his teeth and protruded from his mouth with a long, sharp dagger.

Did anyone see a magpie without a tail? It is difficult to even imagine what this brilliant, variegated and nimble thief turns into if she breaks her tail. It happens that the village mischievous boys will catch a horsefly, stick a long straw in his butt and let this large, strong fly fly with such a long tail - terrible disgusting! Well, now, this is a fly with a tail, and here - forty without a tail: whoever was surprised at the fly with a tail, will be even more surprised at a magpie without a tail. Then nothing remains of this bird in this bird, and you will never know in it not only a magpie, but also any bird: it is just a motley ball with a head. Tailless Upstart sat on the nearest tree, all the other six forty flew to her. And it was visible on all the sorrowful chatter, on all the fuss, that there is no more disgraceful in everyday life, how to lose a forty tail. PADS

I hit a speck in the eye. While I was taking it out, a speck still hit the other eye.

Then I noticed that the wind carried sawdust on me and they immediately lay down a path in the direction of the wind.

So, on the side from which there was a wind, someone was working on a dry tree.

I went to the wind on this white path of sawdust and soon I saw that these were the two smallest tits, nuts, gray-black with black stripes on white chubby cheeks, worked with noses on dry wood and got insects for themselves in rotten wood. The work went so smartly that the birds in my eyes went deeper and deeper into the tree. I patiently looked at them through binoculars, until finally only a tail remained from one gadget in sight. Then I quietly walked in from the other side, crept up and the place where the tail sticks out, covered it with a palm. The bird in the hollow made no movement and immediately seemed to die. I took the palm, touched the tail with my finger - it lies, it does not move; stroked his finger along the back - lies like a dead one. And another Gadget sat on a branch in two or three steps and squeaked. One could guess that she persuaded her friend to lie as peacefully as possible. "You," she said, lie down and be quiet, and I will squeak around him, he will chase me, I will fly, and then do not yawn. "

I did not torture the bird, moved aside and watched what would happen next. I had to stand for quite a long time, because a loose nut saw me and warned the prisoner: "You better lie down a bit, otherwise he is not far from here and is watching."

So I stood for a very long time, until at last the loose nut squeaked in a special voice, as I guess:

Get out, nothing can be done: it is worth.

The tail has disappeared. Appeared head with a black stripe on his cheek. Squeaked:

Where is he?

There stands, - squealed the other, - see?

And, I see, - the captive squeaked.

And fluttered.

They flew off just a few steps and, probably, managed to whisper to each other:

Let's see, maybe he left.

Sat on the top branch. Peered.

Worth it, said one.

It is worth - said the other. And flew away.

  Gulzira Chalimova
  NOD on Ecology "Forest Floors" (preparatory group)

Software content: Summarize children's ideas about the plant world of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug; introduce the concept « forest floors» ; intensify thinking; form ideas about the diversity of forests and the need to protect them; to consolidate ideas about trees.

Material: Poster « Forest floors»   and animals; healthy and diseased wood and environmental signs; plant map of KhMAO; illustrations of trees of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug.

Preliminary work: Conversations with children about the trees of the native land, “What is good for a tree, what is bad”.

Lesson progress:

Tutor: Guys, today we were visited by guests. Let's say hello. (Greetings children)

AT: And now let's stand around and say hello to each other.

(PLAY for communication)

Let's side by side, in a circle,

Let's say "Hello!"  each other.

We greet not lazy:

Everybody "Hello!"  and "Good day!";

If everyone smiles -

Good morning will begin.


I invite you to travel, but where do we go you will find out if you guess the riddle.

The house is open on all sides

He carved the roof.

Come into the green house -

Miracles will be seen in it!

What is this house?


True, I suggest you go to the summer forest.

Forest call "Forest House"why do you think? (children's answers).

Tutor: Because animals live there and they each have their own apartment.

AT: But before entering the forest, let's remember the rules of behavior in the forest.

What not to do in the forest?

(Slide presentation "Forest"

Cedar trees, spruce, birch, aspen, shrubs, grass are placed)

Look guys, we're in the woods! Birds sing, trees rustle leaves.

There are many shrubs, herbs, and flowers in the forest.

See what is the tallest tree. Did you recognize him?

Yes, it is a pine. Pines grow slender and tall.

What other tall trees are there in the forest? (Ate).

There are many trees in the forest.

Trees and low trees grow in the forest. For example, linden, aspen. what else ?.

Kids call: rowan, bird cherry ...

A shrub grows between the trees. How is a shrub different from a tree? (The shrub is usually below the tree, it has no trunk, the branches grow from the root)

What forest shrubs do you know? (dogrose, raspberry, currant, etc.)

What grows under the bushes? (Grass, flowers, moss, mushrooms.)

Guys, that's how many plants forests we called. All plants make up forest floors.

Tutor: I suggest you sit down on the forest mounds and look at the screen.

(Slide 3)- left multi-storey buildingand to the right is a forest, divided also by floors. Let's calculate how much floors in the forest.

(4 slides)  Highest floor -5- in the old forest: these are the tops of pines, firs, mighty oaks.

(5 slide) 4 floor- crowns of trees lower down: birch, aspen, rowan.

(Slide 6) – 3 floor  shrubs and young trees. This floor  wears a special title:

undergrowth. Repeat: p o d lec about.

(Slide 7)  A 2 and 1 floors - form grass, flowers, mosses (Slide 8).

In every forest house there is something like a basement. There are hiding the roots of green inhabitants the woods.

(Slide 9)  The whole forest, from the tops of the trees to the ground, is inhabited by animals.

(10 slide)  On 5 and 4 floor  birds of prey usually nest (hawk, golden eagle, kite)

(11 slide)  Also occupant of the upper the floors is marten.

(12 slide)  Most birds, as well as squirrels, and bats live on 3 floor.

(13 slide)  The largest number of animals on the bottom floors.

(Slide 14)  In the ground live earthworms and various bugs)

(Slide 15)  Also, moles live underground)


Guys, I propose to populate our house animals.

Which animal will we put in the basement? Who lives under the ground? (mole, mouse)  earthworms, larvae of beetles.

Whom we lodge a little higher, and so on.

Tutor: Each of us has our own apartment, and the inhabitants of the forest house have their own dwelling.

Where does the bear live?

Where does the wolf live? In the den

Where do birds live?

Where does the protein live?

Where does the fox live?

Where do ants live?

Where do bees live?

Now I will show you 2 trees, healthy and sick.

Why do you think the tree got sick?

What you need to do, so that all the trees were healthy, beautiful.

Please look at the signs (all children came to the signs). What do you think, what rules must be observed in order for the trees to stay healthy, show it with signs, Egor, please take one sign, and tell what the sign means and attach it to the tree that is sick. (the child takes a sign, tells about him and hangs a sign on a tree).

And what can not lead to these rules? Let us reiterate what conditions are necessary for the forest to remain healthy.

But we still have signs, what do you think they mean?

To which tree can these signs be attached?

Children's answers:

To music "Wind noise"

Tutor: Oh guys what wind has risen.

Fizminutka "The wind is blowing from the height"

The wind is blowing from a height.

Grass and flowers bend.

Right-left, right-left

The bushes and grass are bending.

Now let's get together

All jump on the spot (Jumping)

Above! Have fun! Like this.

We move everything to step. (Walking on the spot)

Rested children

Again we are in the forest. Hooray!

I suggest you sit down on a hemp a little rest.

Tutor: Now let's talk about the trees of our region.

What is the name of our district.

(Slide 16)  Look at the map KhMAO. What color is more on the map? (green? What do you think green means?

Children: This is a forest.

TutorWhat kinds forests on you know?

Children: Deciduous, coniferous, mixed.

Tutor: What kind of forests do we have more?

Children: Conifers

What trees are called conifers?

Children: - These are trees on which needles and needles grow.

Tutor: - Name coniferous trees.

Tutor: What kind of trees grow in a coniferous forest?

Children: Spruce, larch, pine, fir, cedar.

Tutor: Let's listen to the poem that Yegor prepared about the pine.

Normal pine will find

In the dry forest and in the swamp,

Almost everywhere grows pine

She is picky!

Tutor: What trees grow in a deciduous forest?

ChildrenA: Birch, Poplar, Aspen, Rowan, Willow, etc.

Tutor: Do you guys know our Russian beauty? (show on birch)

Julia will tell you a poem about the beautiful birch.

If you give a birch comb,

Changed b birch hair sku:

In the river, as in a mirror, looking,

Combed b curly strands

And it came in her habit

In the morning braid pigtail.

Tutor: And in a mixed forest, what trees grow?

Children: Both coniferous and deciduous.

Tutor: Our forest is diverse and full of life. He is represented by many plant species, and under his crown he shelters and feeds many animals, birds, insects and helps them raise offspring. What benefits does the forest bring?

Children: Forest cleans the air and water, retains dust. To our the woods  they always grew to be cherished.

(Music bird song)

Publications on the topic:

Conversation game "Mysteries of the forest" (preparatory group)  Riddles: It is a pillar to the skies, And on it is a tent - a canopy. The red copper pillar is turned, And the canopy is through, green. (Pine) Curls lowered into the river.

Abstract of integrated NOD for ecology and FEMP "Fishes in an aquarium" (preparatory group)  Abstract of integrated NOD for ecology and the formation of mathematical representations (preparatory group). Purpose: To bring to the concept.

Abstract of integrated NOD for ecology “Young forest rescuers”  Theme: "Young forest rescuers". Objective: To form children's knowledge about the forest and the rules of behavior in the forest. To promote the formation of ecological culture.

Form: Comprehensive lesson. Objective: To give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe spring forest and wild animals living in our forest. Tasks: Educational: 1.

Introduction …………………………………………………………… 3

1.1. Multi-storey house ………………………………………… .4-5

1.2. Between floors ……………………………………………… 5

1.3. Forest grocery ………………………………………………… .6

1.4. Inhabitants of floors …………………………………………… .6-8

1.5. Can I change floors? ............................................. 8-9

1.6. Forest forest strife ……………………………………………… .10

1.7. What is a forest? .............................................. ........................... 10-11

Conclusion ………………………………………………………… 12

References ………………………………………………… 13

Appendix ……………………………………………………… .14-18


In the old days in Russia they said: “To live near the forest is not for the hungry”, “The forest is richer than the king”, “The forest is not only a wolf, but also a peasant who feeds him full”.

The forest is a natural community. It is inhabited by many plants and animals, whose life is closely interconnected.

In the fall I participated in the tourist obstacle course with the guys of our class. Competitions were held in the woods. When we came out of the forest, I thought about what a wonderful nature in the forest. And how many different trees, shrubs and grasses. And how many amazing insects around. And each has its own life. Why in the forest butterflies, ants, worms? Why did they choose forest as their home? Why in the forest some animals live in the ground, while others are high in the trees. Why there are trees high, and there are shrubs. And I decided to find out.

purpose: study of the floors of the forest and its inhabitants.


1. To study the scientific literature, materials on the Internet.

2. Summarize the knowledge about the living organisms of the forest.

3. Create a layout of a forest clearing.

1.1.Multi-storey house

The forest is a multi-storey house. As in a big house, the forest has its own floors. Only count them from top to bottom and are called tiers. The very first, highest tier - large trees. It is called the stand. See how tall the tree is. Did you recognize him? This is a pine (Annex 1). Of the forest species, pine appeared on Earth one of the first. Back in the days of monstrous dinosaurs. Pines grow slender and tall.

Tree stand is the main floor in the forest. And this is not surprising. After all, all other tiers depend on it. When trees in a stand of one species, it will be clean, if several species are mixed. In a pure tree stand all the trees are about the same height. Such a stand is considered simple.

Another thing - in the mixed. Here trees of some species grow noticeably higher than others. From the branches of the crowns of the lower trees and the second tier is obtained. In the second tier grow only those trees that put up with the shadow. It ate, fir, cedar and linden. It happens that a strong wind drops tall trees stand. Then their place immediately take spruce and fir second-tier. Shrubs grow under the trees. This is the next tier. Here you can find juniper, dog rose (Appendix 2), viburnum, willow, mountain ash and currants.

All of them, even the mountain ash, can never climb to the first floor. Their lot is to remain below. Under the forest. So shrub layer and called - undergrowth. The shrub is usually below the tree, it has no trunk, the branches grow from the root.

Grass and mosses grow below the bushes. These are two separate floors - tiers. One is grasses and shrubs, another is mosses and lichens. Grass and mosses rose very low above the ground. That's why they are called living ground cover.

The relationship between the ground cover plants and the trees is visible in the example with mosses. Mosses in the forest appear where the soil moisture is high, and this is often associated with a lack of light, that is, it depends on the density of the canopy. At the same time, mosses impede the evaporation of moisture from the soil, and sometimes even so that the waterlogging begins, which impairs the growth of trees. They wither, lichens appear on trunks. Tree roots covered with a thick layer of moss lack air. The trees are gradually dying. These are just some examples of the connection of the ground cover with the forest as a whole, with the forest life. They could bring a lot.

1.2. Between floors

In the forest there are plants that can not be determined in any tier. Drop an adult tree seed. It will fall into the litter and begin to germinate. The whole year will be a sprout in the lowest floor. After two years, it will rise to ground cover. In another five years, it will reach the shrubby floor. As time passes, the tree will rise to the second tier. And there and to the first, the highest, close. So it grows all the time, moving from tier to tier. Therefore it is called undersized.

The undergrowth does not appear everywhere, but only where there are favorable conditions. Compare, for example, Christmas trees growing in a clearing, with trees of the same age, nestled under the forest canopy. Young spruce open spaces have a small cone-shaped crown and bright green needles. Is this the undergrowth in the forest? Not. The crowns there resemble an umbrella, the needles are brown, the roots are poorly developed, and most importantly, the young trees here are thinner and more stunted than the same-aged Christmas trees in the meadow.

Under the canopy of the forest undergrowth, in the words of foresters, "oppressed." Not only its appearance has changed: the trees have adapted to the conditions of the “forest life”, and if the mother canopy is cut down, they will not be able to grow in a new environment for a long time. The needles will turn yellow, fall off, and the trees may die.

1.3. Forest deli

In every forest house there is something like a basement. Here are the roots of green inhabitants. A large tree and a small blade of grass clung to the ground. Rather, in its topmost nutrient layer, which is called soil. This is the lowest, last floor of the forest. Much depends on the soil. So, on a sandy soil will grow well pine and larch. And spruce and cedar - on clay. But in any case: the richer the soil - the higher and mighty the trees grow on it. Plants take nutrients from the soil. If they are not replenished, the soil will quickly become impoverished. Just like the products in the store, the nutrients in the soil are replenished all the time. This makes the forest itself. Dry leaves, needles, branches and grass fall to the ground and accumulate in the litter - the topmost layer of soil. All kinds of worms, fungi and bacteria live in the litter. They eat and decompose litter.

So the nutrients are returned to the soil. Plants can again take them to their lower floor - the forest deli. Leaves and grass decompose faster needles. In just six months, they turn into fertilizer. Therefore, in deciduous forests the soil is always richer.

Another thing - needles, especially spruce. It can accumulate in a thick layer, without rotting for decades. And it is very bad in the swamps. It lives badly in the water and mushrooms, and worms, and bacteria. Because of this, dead plants in the swamps do not rot at all and accumulate in layers. So it turns out peat.

1.4. Floor dwellers

In nature, many have a layered structure. And the most striking example of this forest. On the ground floor in the ground among the roots, in the garbage of fallen leaves, rotten trunks live moles and forest mice (Appendix 3) - inhabitants of the “basement” forest, looking to the surface.

Various insects swarm around in the litter: 200 thousand per square meter of springtails, larvae of flies, beetles, centipedes, up to 4 tons of forest worms, woodlice, snails, slugs.

Ants run a little higher on the ground (Appendix 4). In general, there are more living creatures on one hectare of forest litter than people on the ground! And they all eat. Forest litter is one continuous cake for its inhabitants.

Above the basement is the ground floor of the forest, the inhabitants of other floors come in — squirrels go down from above. But mostly the first floor is the abode of animals that do not know how to climb, fly and burrow into the ground. Here live the largest forest animals: bears, boars, wolf, fox, hare, elk.

Almost all forest birds live on certain floors. Of course, you will never see all the forest birds in the same forest. Some birds live only in coniferous forests, for example, blood orange flakes, crossbreeds, sissies. Others are mixed or hardwood. And among the birds there are those whose nests you will never see in the forests of the middle belt. There are no wax domes and cheeks here. These birds fly to us only in the winter, and in the spring they fly to the north and make their nests there. But in any place, in any forest, birds live on a certain “floor”.

There are birds that live in the basement. Usually their house is located on the banks of forest rivers. They make their nests in the ground on the steep bank of the river. So live swallows-beregovushki.

On the lower floors there lives a nightingale, a nightjar. We already know that the nightingale makes its nest under a bush and hides it. And the nightjar lays eggs right on the ground and then sits on them, covering them with themselves from enemies. Hazel grouse makes its nest in the form of a deep fossa, and a forest ridge under a bush or a small herringbone. On the lower floors also live Slavs.

But waxwings, residents of the middle floors. They make their nests in old marshy forests. In the middle floors makes a big nest nutcracker.

A kite resident only high floors. Hawk can be called a resident attic. He makes his nest on the highest tree.

Duplognezdnik also live on different floors of the forest. Titmouse-titmouse lives below all of the duplochneads. She makes her nest near the ground. Her “elder sister” - the blue tit also lives in the lower floors, but can also live in the middle ... And the oldest - the big tit - prefers middle and high floors. The Redstart makes its nest in hollows, which are at the very bottom of the middle floor, and the flycatcher on the middle floors and sometimes on the high ones. Pike lives on the middle floors, and the nuthatch nest can be seen in the middle and lower floors.

Most forest songbirds also live on the lth floor. They build their nests on the branches of bushes and small trees. A woodpecker's nest, forty slightly higher. Martens, owls, owl occupies the middle floor. These animals settle in the hollows of old trees. They look out for their prey from above.

Butterflies, beetles, forest wasps and bees, mosquitoes also live on the upper floors. The forest is home to birds, insects, animals, which are arranged on different floors.

1.5. Can I change floors?

In animals and birds, with floors is not like a person in skyscrapers: you can always change with someone. Each breed lives without fail in their own floor. It often happens that birch trees will grow to a certain age and dry up. Another tree, having dried up, drops the bark on the ground, so that uncovered wood soon rot and the whole tree falls, but the birch bark does not fall; this resinous, white outside bark — birch bark — can be an impenetrable case for a tree, and the dead tree stands for a long time, like a living tree. Even when the tree decays and the wood turns into dust, weighed down with moisture, in appearance the white birch stands as if it were alive. But it is necessary, however, to properly push such a tree, when suddenly it will break everything into heavy pieces and fall. Felling such trees is a very fun exercise, but also dangerous: with a piece of wood, if you don’t dodge, it can be great for your head.

Once hunters came to a clearing with such birches and brought down a rather high birch. As it fell, it broke into several pieces in the air, and in one of them there was a hollow with a gadget nest. Small chicks were not injured when a tree fell, only with their nest fell out of the hollow. Naked chicks, covered with feathers, opened wide red mouths and, taking the hunters for their parents, squeaked and asked for a worm. Hunters unearthed the ground, found worms, gave them a snack. The chicks ate, swallowed and squeaked again. Very soon the parents arrived, Gadget-titmouses, with white puffy cheeks and worms in their mouths, sat on nearby trees. Gadget could not understand what had happened, where the tree had gone, where their children had disappeared. They fluttered from branch to branch in great dismay, worried and did not want to go down and go beyond their floor. The hunters then hid. Not! The chicks squealed, the parents squealed, fluttered, but did not go down. Then the hunters took that big piece in which the nest was located, broke the top of the neighboring birch and put our piece with the nest on it just to the height that the destroyed floor was on. Not long had to wait in ambush: a few minutes later the happy parents met their chicks.

1.6. Forest forest strife

The trees in the forest are different. Some of them are with leaves. In autumn, the foliage falls, and in spring it turns green again. So they are called - deciduous. This is birch, aspen, alder, oak, linden. On others, instead of leaves, there are thin green needles. Such trees are called conifers. This is a pine, spruce, fir, cedar, larch. Of these, only the larch changes its outfit every year. The rest of the needles live for five or seven years. Because they are in winter and summer - in one color.

It turns out that the forest of the forest is different and two of the same are difficult to meet. As a dry high hill differs from a boggy swamp, so will the forests on them. In these forests, different trees, grasses and bushes, and even air. Not to mention the soil. Different forests, even if they are of the same breed, are referred to by forestry as different types of forest.

1.7. What is a forest?

Such a question is usually answered: these are trees. The answer is not entirely accurate. Trees grow not only in the forest, but also in the field and in the meadow. The tree in the field and in the meadow grows as he pleases. His trunk is thick, short and gnarled. Long branches begin right on the ground and spread wide apart. Not that - in the forest. Here the trees are like soldiers in the ranks. Their trunks are long, straight and straight. You look at the top of the head - the hat from the head falls. Why are the trees in the forest slim and tall? Why do their branches grow only on the crown itself? All because they stand there closely. At this point, as it pleases - at random - you will not grow. Neighbors will not give. That stretch everything together up to the sun. It's bad for someone who will fall behind. Neighbors will overtake, close branches-crowns above his head, deprived of light. The tree will begin to wither, wither and, finally, will completely dry up. So it turns out that the fastest survive in the forest. As in competitions - the strongest wins. And the reward is life.

But trees are only part of the forest, even the largest. In addition to them there are bushes, mosses, grasses and lichens. A large tree and a small blade of grass clung to the ground. Or rather, in its uppermost nutrient layer, which is called soil. The soil is also an important part of the forest. Mushrooms grow in the forest and various animals are found. They are inhabitants of the forest and its inseparable part. Without mushrooms, insects, animals, and birds - and the forest is not a forest.

So, a forest is not only a multitude of trees, but it is both undergrowth, and undergrowth, and ground cover - in short, the entire set of plants forming the forest, all of which influence each other, are all closely interconnected. All this rich, diverse vegetation is located in the forest as if by steps, or, as they are called in science, tiers.

Some forests have four, five, and even more tiers. The first tier is the main canopy. Its height reaches thirty or even meters. The second tier is undergrowth. The third is the undergrowth. The fourth is grass cover. Forest "floors" go into the depths of the soil. The root system of trees, shrubs and grassy plants is also located in the land in tiers. The most deeply rooted trees. Closer to the surface are the roots of shrubs, even higher - the roots of grassy plants. So fuller used by plants of the forest and sunlight and soil. The forest is a natural community. It is inhabited by many plants and animals, whose life is closely interconnected.


To better imagine the forest, I decided to create a mock of a forest clearing. For this, I used tree branches and dried grass, plasticine. I turned a tree mushroom into an anthill (Appendix 5).

In the course of my work, I learned a lot of interesting things about the life of various forest animals. I realized that the forest is not just trees, grass, shrubs and animals. The forest is a community of life on earth. It can be compared with a large multi-storey building.

You saw friends
Wonders are waiting for us in the forest.
Songs of birds and whisper of leaves
And the little animals voices.
On the paths neater:
Suddenly crush the ant,
He hurries on his way,
He can not be lost!
He is all at work, hard worker,
And each "tenant"
Forests glorious, believe me
There is a “profession” of its own.
You admire, study,
But do not bother the work!
Here you are the guest and their order
Be kind, do not break!
Listen songs, talk
All beasts and familiar birds,
You listen to them
We are in a circle with everything alive!
If it becomes a forest,
The pain will come to you
Do not ruin him, darling,
He is alive, he has a soul!)


1. V.I. Morozov “Stories about the Russian forest”.

2. http://forest.geoman.ru/books/item/f00/s00/z0000003/st006.shtml

3. http://lib.ru/PRISHWIN

4. http://forest.geoman.ru/books/item/f00/s00/z0000003/st006.shtml

5. http://www.fos.ru/pedagog/9743.html
6. http://nsportal.ru/detskii-sad/okruzhayushchii-mir/prezentatsiya-etazhi-lesa

7. http://forest.geoman.ru/

Annex 1

Pine ordinary

Tree height 25-40 m and diameter  stem 0.5-1.2 m. Trunk  straight. Crown  raised high cone-shaped

Appendix 2



Deciduous shrubs and shrubs, sometimes evergreen, with erect, climbing or creeping stems of various heights or lengths, from 15–20 cm to 8–10 m long. Instances of the same species can sometimes vary in height depending on the growing conditions.

Appendix 3


Wood mouse

Body length up to 10 cm. Tail approximately equal to body length. Coloring of the upper body is reddish-gray. Belly light. Some individuals may have a small yellow spot on their chest.

Appendix 4


Predatory mammal of the bear family; one of the largest and most dangerous land predators.

Appendix 4

The objectives of the lesson:

  • Achieve students learning the topic: introduce the concept of "floor", "tier"; familiarization with different types of plants; the relationship of man and nature; vocabulary expansion;
  • Nurture respect for all living things; aesthetic qualities; love for the native land; love of books; observation;
  • Develop oral speech; develop the ability to draw conclusions, to defend their point of view; learn to look and see; listen and hear the teacher and fellow.


  • Crossword
  • Scheme "value of the forest"
  • Record
  • Tree drawings
  • Forest illustrations
  • Books about the forest
  • Contour maps
  • Natural area map


1. Organizational moment

- Guys, prepare everything you need for the lesson.

2. Check homework

- What topic was studied in the last lesson? (What is soil?)
  - Repeat the composition and properties of the soil. To do this, solve the crossword puzzle:

1. The top layer of land on which the plants grow. (The soil)
  2. One of the components of the soil. (Sand)
  3. A substance that improves fertility. (Humus)
  4. The main property of the soil. (Fertility)

- What does the soil consist of? (From the remains of small animals, from clay, humus, water, air, sand)
  - What did we do to prove that the water is in the soil? (We are experimenting)
  - What are the soil? (Chernozem, podzolic, arctic, tundra, meadow, marsh)
  - What soils are rich in humus? (Black Earth)
  - What soils less humus? (Podzol)
  - Is it necessary to take care of the soil? (Yes). Why? (1cm is formed in 250-300 years, 20cm - in 5-6 thousand years).
  - How to protect the soil? (Plant the plants, as they protect the soil from wind and water flows, plow the soil on the slopes correctly, carry out snow retention, do not consume more than normal toxic chemicals)
  - Well done!

3. New material

“And now we are going on a journey, where we can guess:“ There, where fairy tales whisper spruces, birches and oaks, where berries have ripened and mushrooms have grown ”. (Forest)
  - We go to the forest, but not for berries and mushrooms, not for flowers, but for miracles. After all, that no step in the forest, then a new miracle.
  - Listen to the epigraph that I will read to you:

“Here is a forest. Shadow and silence. Stately aspens babble high above you; the long, hanging branches of the birch trees barely move; a mighty oak tree stands like a fighter near a beautiful linden.
  The golden voice of a robin sounds like an innocent, talkative joy: it goes to the smell of lilies of the valley. Further, further deeper into the forest ... The forest is deafening ... The inexplicable side sinks into the soul; and it's so quiet all around. ”

I.S. Turgenev

- This is a description of the forest. What does a forest mean? (Children's answers)

(The forest is Russia's national pride, its invaluable wealth. The forest is a huge pantry of various products, raw materials and materials. The forest pleases with its beauty, generosity, peace, its healing effects. As a brave valiant knight stands a forest in the custody of the fields and gardens entrusted to him. Forest is a building material and raw material for paper, glue. Forest gives a lot of food, but most importantly, forest is the “lungs” of our planet)

- Let's look at the board and once again say why we need a forest.

The scheme on the board:

- Let us turn to contour maps.
  - What zone occupies a large territory of our country? (Forest)
  - What color did you show it?
  - Is this color everywhere equally saturated? Why? (Color indicates a variety of forests)
  - What are the forests? (Conifers - taiga, broad-leaved, mixed)
  - What trees grow in the forest? (Spruce, pine, fir, cedar, deciduous)
  - What do you know broadleaf trees ? (Oak, maple, linden)
  - Do trees only grow in the forest? (Shrubs, herbs, berries)
  - The Russian forest is very rich and diverse. The forest is someone's home, someone lives there.
  - Here you also live in a house, on different floors, someone higher, someone lower. And in the forest, too, have their own floors. And the topic of our lesson is “The Floors of the Forest” (recorded in a notebook). We said that trees, shrubs, grasses, mosses, and mushrooms grow in the forest. These plants form three floors: upper, middle, lower. Let's see with you who lives on the bottom floor? (Children's answers)
  - What do you know about mosses?
  (Sasha found more interesting material)
  (Moss is attached to the board)
  - What else is growing here? (Berry, mushrooms)
  (Attached to the board)
  - This is the first floor of the forest house. Scientists call it the lower tier. Tier - one of the rows of objects located one above the other. On the second tier are shrubs. What shrubs do you know? (Children's answers)
  - The third tier is a tree house.
  - What tree can be called a symbol of Russia? The correct answer we heard from the song. (Music about birch)
  - Yes, birch is the beauty of Russian forests. What do people call birch in people? (Curly, white-haired, birch, white).
  - What is the name of the place where birch trees grow? (Bereznyak)
  - And now let us remember the epic Russia. Who was the hero of epics? (Warriors)
  - What are they famous for? (By force)
  - What tree is such a person compared to? (Strong as ...)
  - Here is another resident of the third floor. (Attached to the board)
  - Guess the riddle: in the winter cold, only she is all red from the berries? (Rowan)
- Why so called? When we look at its fruits, then we are dazzled.
  - Here we are with you and showed three floors, three tiers. Let's read about it in the tutorial.

4. Verification of perception in the text

- What are the (floors) tiers in the forest?
  - What plants of different tiers do you know?
  - Pay attention to the word undergrowth. These are young trees, they need to grow and they form the third tier.
  - Lichens that live in trees, but do not belong to any of the floors. Look at them in the picture.
  - Let's draw in the notebooks three floors as a pattern.
  - What is the forest in our area?
  - What trees prevail?
  - When do you like wood?

Poems about winter, spring, summer, autumn.

The forests are roaring ...
   In the valleys, on the hills,
   Slightly stirring the spring foliage,
   They stand in green tunics,
   As if on a combat check.
   Ask them, traveler: why are they rich?
   They will answer: their loyalty.
   In the green tunic, like soldiers,
   They stand, the defenders of the field.

Exhibition of books about the forest.

- From them you will learn more about the green friend.


- Paragraph retelling.