Clairvoyant faith lyon and her prediction for the last days. Psychic Vera Lyon: the latest predictions Vera Lyon the latest predictions are made in

The instability of processes in global politics and economics, of course, makes itself felt - people follow the news with tireless attention, because any event that shook the world can affect their quality of life and well-being. The volatility of the exchange rate, the volatility of commodity markets, the regularity of military conflicts and peacekeeping actions make us worried about our future. Alas, it is very difficult to understand in what conditions not only we ourselves, but also our children, and even more so grandchildren, will live.

You can find out information about the future in a variety of ways. Someone gets acquainted with economic calculations and political forecasts, and someone believes that individuals endowed with a mystical gift can open the veil of secrecy. In the wake of the popularity of programs about paranormal phenomena, many Russians began to turn to fortunetellers, because who, if not a psychic or a clairvoyant, can pinpoint the dangers that await them?

Vera Lyon is also referred to as people endowed with the gift of foresight. It is believed that her predictions come true in most cases, and therefore arouse such interest in the public. Let's find out what the "Kazakh Wanda" predicts for 2019!

Who is Vera Lyon?

With the help of tarot cards and visions, Vera Lyon makes fairly accurate predictions

Vera Lyon was born in Karaganda, in a family whose members did not show any psychic abilities. From early childhood, the girl demonstrated that she is significantly different from other babies. When Vera was five years old, a strange vision came to her for the first time - the girl woke up and, as best she could, wrote down scraps of sleep on a piece of paper, passing it on to her parents. The spirits that appeared in the dream warned Vera about the danger that her father was facing.

Childhood fears seemed to Vera's mom and dad not worthy of attention, so the head of the family went to work, and literally a couple of hours later the family was informed that he had an accident and only miraculously did not crash to death. Parents considered this a coincidence, so Vera decided to keep silent about the visits of the spirits, hoping that the strange gift would disappear as suddenly as it had appeared. Alas, with the onset of adolescence, the powers of Vera only became stronger. Now she didn't even need to fall asleep to see the visions.

As soon as you close your eyelids, images and pictures began to flicker before your eyes. Lyon compares this to a screen on which events from other people's lives are shown. The new skill horrified her - Lyon was afraid that she would gain fame as a madwoman, and continued to be silent, which only exacerbated the situation. Every morning she woke up in a trance state and constantly made new and new predictions, and once she even saw her future family. The understanding of his own strength came only after a conversation with a mysterious woman.

She warned Vera that if she ignored her abilities, she would die of a serious illness - the energy that did not find a way out would simply destroy her body. Vera began to work with a tarot deck, and then began to look for people who were missing. According to Lyon, information about the future is transmitted to her from parallel worlds in which the ghosts of the dead live. Vera called these entities plasmoids. To hear the warnings of the astral inhabitants, she has to additionally resort to meditation.

Lyon gained wide popularity in 2012, when she stated that her predictions come true with a probability of 95% - that is, her success rate is even higher than that of Vanga. According to Lyon, she foresaw the collapse of the Soviet Union, learned in advance about the hostilities in the Middle East region, and also managed to predict the fall of a meteorite in Chelyabinsk. It is difficult to judge how true such statements are. But you can find out the forecast for 2019, so that later you can compare real events with those predicted by Vera Lyon.

Vera Lyon's predictions for Russia for 2019

Lyon believes that relations between Israel and Russia will strengthen in 2019

According to Lyon, Russia has already gone through the most difficult times, so citizens can hope for a gradual improvement in the situation and an increase in living standards. The clairvoyant says that macroeconomic indicators are gradually stabilizing in the country, and in a few decades Russia will be able to overtake world leaders - Japan and the United States. The vision of Lyon, in which a new land emerged from the ocean, is an allegory of the rise in the economy and social life of Russia. In the near future, the seer also saw the intensification of relations with Israel, which will become the main partner of the Russian Federation.

Vera Lyon's predictions for America for 2019

America Lyon predicts a natural disaster. According to her, it is necessary to wait for troubles from the side of Yellowstone, where an eruption of a supervolcano can occur. In support of her words, she cites the calculations of seismologists reporting an increase in temperature in the caldera. Volcanologists believe that Yellowstone is a time bomb, from which you can expect trouble in the very near future. Lyon says that the eruption will be incredibly violent and will change the geography of the world, destroying part of the American continent. Lyon describes her vision as follows:

“I had no idea that there are any volcanoes in America, but at night I saw an image of a creature resembling a monkey, only of enormous stature. It crawled out of the crevice and began to grab people, destroy houses. In the morning I wrote down that something terrible was in store for America. "

It is possible that because of this catastrophe the melting of glaciers will intensify, storms and downpours of destructive force will pass around the world. A pandemic will come to the West, in parallel with which terrorist groups and sects are activated. The clairvoyant declares that because of this, the inhabitants of the countries of Western Europe will begin to massively move to the East. Another disaster may await Japan and the Philippine Islands. After the world has lost some of its people, and the cataclysms subside, the forces of mankind will be directed towards the invention of alternative energy sources and the improvement of the ecological situation.

Vera Lyon predicts the imminent eruption of the Yellowstone supervolcano

Can you believe the prophecies of Lyon?

As already mentioned, the prophetess herself assures that the accuracy of her predictions significantly exceeds Vanga's indicators. If the Bulgarian blind predicted 75% of the events correctly, then in Lyon itself this figure reaches 95%. However, some facts suggest that Lyon is often mistaken. For example, she said that in 2016, almost all Ukrainian politicians who stood at the origins of the Maidan would be killed. Lyon directly named the names of the current president of the country, Yulia Tymoshenko and Vitali Klitschko.

In the same year, she spoke about the likely arrival of the Antichrist, but this forecast did not justify itself either. Of course, each person himself determines his degree of confidence in the forecasts of clairvoyants. And whether they will come true or not, we will find out only years later.

The name of Vera Lyon is known to many lovers of esotericism. She predicts the future of countries and individuals, heals diseases, communicates with the world of the deceased. The Kazakh clairvoyant made a forecast for 2017, which promises the world a catastrophe and epidemic, but will bring changes for the better for Russia.

Vera Lyon predicts disaster will shake the world in 2017

The life and predictions of Vera Lyon

Vera Lyon (real name - Vera Visich) was born in 1962 in Karaganda. She showed unusual abilities as a child - Vera saw prophetic dreams and talked with spirits. In adolescence, visions came to a girl as soon as she closed her eyes. But the future soothsayer did not understand that she was endowed with superpowers. The visions stopped to resume when Vera turned 30. The psychic advised the woman to engage in clairvoyance, otherwise the forces accumulated in her would lead to illness.

So Lyon began to guess. At first she worked with Tarot cards. In 2012, she experienced the first powerful vision - the fall of the Chelyabinsk meteorite. On her personal website, Vera writes that she foresaw the collapse of the Soviet Union, Gorbachev's departure from power, hostilities in the Middle East, a fire at a factory in Temirtau, Yanukovych's victory in the elections in Ukraine and many other events. Lyon did not write down the old prophecies, so it is impossible to verify these statements for veracity.

Vera Lyon began to read Tarot cards on the advice of a psychic

How does a clairvoyant work? Before contacting higher powers, she listens to high-frequency sounds, and then - Tibetan tunes. He applies aromatic oils to the bed, lies on his back and closes his eyes. Lyon sees a bright space in front of him, in the middle of which is a black eye with a white pupil. After a few seconds, it disappears, and images take its place. Vera compares clairvoyance to watching a movie.

Whatever the skeptics say, the Kazakh Vanga is respected in and does not lack clients. We have collected Vera Lyon's predictions for 2017 for the whole world, Russia, as well as near and far abroad.

Predictions for the whole world

Melting Arctic ice will become a global problem. Humanity has faced climate change before, but in 2017 its consequences will be especially devastating. Floods, heavy showers and storms await the planet. The world will be swept by infectious diseases unknown to science. NATO and the European Union will lose the support of some countries. A new block will be formed, which will include the Russian Federation. The West will face terrorist attacks, epidemics, a riot of sectarians and a wave of suicides.

According to the predictions of the Kazakh Vanga, a terrible pandemic awaits the world

Lyon predicts many deaths for unknown reasons and predicts the appearance of killer animals. Some of the Asian refugees will return home, the rest will require material support from the government, the absence of which will push them to robbery. The number of migrants will increase at the expense of residents of the states, which the clairvoyant called "coastal". Most likely, we are talking about the Balkan countries. Earthquakes await Europe.

Lyon sees the future of the United States in even darker colors. According to her predictions, part of the state will go under water. In Vera's visions, there is Donald Trump speaking from the podium - it is quite possible that this part of the prediction can already be considered come true. The conflict between the United States and Germany will worsen, enmity between the inhabitants of these countries will grow.

Predictions for Russia

2017 will be a successful year for the Russian Federation. They will grow, in many respects, Russia will outstrip the countries of the West. Relations with Israel will improve. Lyon sees an island emerging from the water, which resembles an excerpt from Pushkin's "The Tale of Tsar Saltan". The prediction can be interpreted in different ways - either as the raising of flooded territories to the surface, or as the rise of Russia in the economy and culture. Lyon also predicts that the president of the country will marry a mysterious blonde girl.

Vera Lyon predicts better economic performance for Russians

Crimea will remain a subject of the Russian Federation, the peninsula will be visited by Vladimir Putin. A sunken ship will be raised from the sea. In Altai, people who mocked the mummy of Princess Ukok (the body of a girl discovered in the Ak-Alakha burial ground, created two and a half thousand years ago) will mysteriously die. Revenge will befall their loved ones, as well as the judges who forbade the woman to be buried. There will be a strong earthquake in the region.

Predictions for Ukraine

Conflicts in the East will continue. Supporters of the DPR and LPR will be better armed than the Ukrainian army, but the clairvoyant does not see battles. Lyon predicts agricultural work and the revival of industry. In the West, bloody clashes between Poles and Ukrainians will repeat, part of Ukraine will go to another country. There will be major fires.

According to Lyon, military conflicts in Ukraine will continue in 2017

Predictions for Moldova

The new president will be an active middle-aged man, probably Igor Dodon, the head of the socialist party. In his new post, he will face serious difficulties or become seriously ill. Vera sees hospitals and stretchers. A woman advocating Western values ​​(probably Maia Sandu) will lose the elections, but she will be dangerous for the new government.

Predictions for Western European countries

Great Britain will be half under water, the map of the country will change. The climate will become more severe, cloudy and rainy days will be more frequent. Withdrawal from the European Union will bring unexpected difficulties for the government, protests will flare up, and discontent will spill over into terrorist attacks. Poland faces a catastrophe, discontent with the government will grow, relations with Ukraine will worsen.

The clairvoyant predicted the destruction of the Colosseum and the Vatican shrines

Germany will suffer natural disasters (earthquakes, snow storms, floods). However, the harvest will be rich. In Greece, hostilities will break out, claiming many lives. But most of all, 2017 will bring Italy. Visions of Lyon speak of a rift in the earth's crust, volcanic eruptions, the fall of the Colosseum and the Vatican. Events will put an end to Catholicism.

Predictions for other countries

In 2017 or 2018, the leader of one of the Central Asian states will suffer a serious illness or coma. The year will bring both positive and negative events to Kazakhstan. Peace will come to Syria, the population will return to their former life. The Islamic State will roam the countries of the Middle East, bringing chaos to them. Israel will end its alliance with the United States, reorient itself to Russia.

The states of Southeast Asia will change their borders due to melting ice. The ocean will destroy many lives. Japan will go under water, the Philippines will be hit by a natural disaster. North and South Korea will reconcile, the peninsula will be engulfed in cataclysms.

Vera Lyon predicts the death of many cities in the depths of the ocean

Vera Lyon's predictions: true or false?

According to the calculations of the clairvoyant, she turns out to be right in 95 cases out of 100. These figures are far from reality. In 2014, Lyon rose to prominence with a YouTube video sharing her gloomy predictions about Ukraine. The clairvoyant predicted that the presidential elections on May 25 will be canceled, and in 2015 Novorossiya will defeat the Ukrainian military. Nothing of the sort happened.

The modern world is so mired in problems, worries and financial difficulties that people try to detach from everything that happens and immerse themselves in their universe. Many do not even watch the news in order to forget a little about wars, cataclysms and disasters. In such a difficult time, the services of fortune-tellers and clairvoyants begin to acquire great popularity.

Predictions from such people, endowed with supernatural abilities, help to know the future, cope with the difficulties that have arisen, and even find love. True, you need to turn only to proven clairvoyants who have actually proven their ability to see what is hidden from a common person. Vera Lyon's predictions for 2017- here's what you might find useful at the present time. This famous soothsayer always speaks clearly, without unnecessary "water" and all sorts of fables. Let's find out what thoughts she has about the near future, and what changes to expect for humanity.

Ukraine's future

Not comforting - the problems of this state, unfortunately, will not dissolve, but, on the contrary, will increase. The tense situation with Russia will reach its peak and the heads of these powers will be ready to resort to the most drastic measures. This state of affairs will affect not only the economies of countries, but also the morale of its inhabitants. Tired of long quarrels and squabbles, people will begin to protest en masse, thereby causing another wave of discontent in the authorities.

But, despite this depressing state of affairs, the matter will not advance beyond the already established conflict. And if we take into account the current unstable era, this is a very good sign. Moreover, Vera Lyon still saw the resolution of this problem with a positive outcome. So all that remains is to wait for this outcome to come.

As for the situation in Donbass, in 2017 all the regions of this region will unite into one strong region, not controlled by Kiev. For what reasons this will happen, the great clairvoyant did not see, but this fact was nevertheless voiced.

The future of the global economic crisis

Vera Lyon argues that throughout 2017, the crisis will continue to attack the developed powers. But already towards the end of the year of the Fire Rooster, a small positive dynamic can be seen, which will gradually develop into a stable improvement.

In addition, the energy factor will influence the development of the world economy. As soon as specialists are able to resolve this issue and find the correct solution to the current problems, the curve of the economic situation will gradually level out and rise up.

The future of climate and ecology

The melting of glaciers in 2017 will not end, but, on the contrary, will proceed swiftly and mercilessly. Despite the fact that such a phenomenon is the greatest problem for all life on earth, Vera Lyon is convinced that you should not succumb to a panic mood. Why set yourself up for a bad ending in advance, if everything can still radically change. Nature is not fully understood, therefore, it is not worth arguing that in the future all of humanity will disappear, says Vera Lyon. She does not understand her “colleagues in the shop” who have raised such a fuss around this issue and set up many people negatively.

The clairvoyant declares that no flooding of the continents, the island, as well as their imminent departure under the water will occur for a long, long time. No, there will be flooding, of course, but they will become local in nature. Well, modern mankind has long been accustomed to such natural manifestations of character.

In the near future, there will be a larger problem, which is unlikely to be able to remain silent, because it will reach enormous proportions. Publicity of this problem will happen almost immediately, but not because the "top" cares about their citizens, but because they themselves will be under threat. The only good news is that the catastrophe can be localized and completely destroyed.

Another important point that Vera Lyon noticed is volcanic eruptions. People should stop being afraid of such natural phenomena, because in 2017 they will not pose a threat to human life. Everything that is said about the possible consequences of eruptions is mere speculation.

The future of people

It will not be in 2017, according to Vera Lyon, Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev. The seer explains his death by the fact that the time allotted to this man has ended, he has outlived himself and emptied his soul. In this situation, one must understand this: Gorbachev will not leave because of illness; illness in this case is only the reason for stopping the functioning of all organs. And the truth is that the higher powers decided to take this person to themselves, deciding that his stay on earth had become meaningless.

In the coming 2017, Vera Lyon saw massive Catholic uprisings against the institution of the Popes. From what protests will arise, the clairvoyant did not say, but the consequences of people's discontent may lead to the fact that the people will begin to destroy the sacred statues of the current and previous heads of the Vatican.

So, another seer claims that 2017 will be difficult, but decisive. It is he who will initiate new trends, new large-scale projects and incredible events that will soon help humanity to open up and enter a new era of well-being.

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Vera Lyon has so many predictions that have already come true and continue to come true that there can be no doubt: her visions and their interpretations can and should be believed.
This source of information does not raise doubts about its veracity. Therefore, we propose to immediately proceed to the main and urgent - to the events that, according to the Kazakh Vanga, await us and all of humanity in the coming year.

Vera Lyon's predictions for 2017 are not so many, but each of them is of key importance. Moreover, the clairvoyant speaks definitely about some of her visions, others are focused on her for 2-3 years, but have a significant probability of fulfilling (or starting to be fulfilled) precisely in 2017. So…

Prediction about Russia

The clairvoyant claims that in 2017 Russia will again have to endure next to itself the fruits of the inadequate, aggressive policy of the Ukrainian leadership. Vera Lyon did not see an aggravation of the confrontation, however, and an improvement in the situation, and even more so, the improvement of relations either.

In 2017, our country will most likely be able to acquire a new partner. Agreements on mutually beneficial cooperation will be concluded with the leadership of another state, with which such did not exist until now. Moreover, perhaps, in this case, we should talk not about one, but about several countries at once.

There is a great chance that it is in 2017 that Russia will be able to solve the problem of Transnistria. This republic can finally become part of Russia. Well, well ... As they say, we will break through!
In essence, the entire "civilized world" of the West leaves us no other options. And, besides, such a long and difficult path has already been passed! And right in the air there is a feeling that there is very little left - and we will stand on our feet so firmly that not only crushing us, but even just moving from our place will be beyond the power of anyone. And only one thing is required of each of us, Russians: do not hesitate, do not hesitate, but believe in success and act according to the principle "Do what you must, and let it be what will be."

Prediction about Ukraine

Ukraine in 2017 will not cease to be a source of problems. At least for Russia, for sure. Ukraine will continue to provoke Russia with ambiguous statements, receive symmetrical "attacks" in response ...

But one cannot count on cardinal changes in the existing situation during this period. Is it good or bad? Bad, because relations between the two countries will not improve. However, do not forget that if the glass is half empty, then it is half full at the same time. And the absence of tangible changes in this case means that the situation, at least, will not worsen. And in the current - very turbulent and unstable - era, this is not so little. Moreover, in the more distant future, Vera Lyon still predicts a satisfactory resolution of this conflict.

Another prediction concerning the already internal situation in this country relates directly to the Donbass. In 2017, the clairvoyant predicts the reunification of all regions of the region into a single state entity, not controlled by Kiev. How and why this would happen, the fortuneteller did not see, however, she announced the fact of this event.

Global Economic Crisis Forecast

For most of the year the crisis will be in force, and even the most prosperous countries will continue to feel it more than clearly. But by the end of 2017, positive dynamics will appear in economic processes and there will be a tendency to improve the situation - though still a thin "dotted line".

The economy will be even more influenced by energy issues than it is now. They will try to solve them. And if they manage to "grope" for an adequate solution (and there certainly is such a chance, if people want to understand and accept this), then it will become a guarantee of an improvement in the economic situation.

Climate, disasters, ecology

In 2017, ice in the Arctic will continue to melt. And although the scale of the melting will be quite significant, Vera Lyon warns against panic, which is fanned by some interpreters of old predictions and astrologers. No global flooding is expected, no islands and continents will go under water. Flooding will occur, but will be local in nature. Moreover, this applies not only to 2017, but also to the distant future.

Next year, the fortuneteller says, one of the environmental problems will become acute. Its scale and degree of danger will be such that it will be impossible to keep silent about it. However, its publicity will nevertheless occur primarily not because the powers that be of this world will be concerned about the future of ordinary people, but because for them this problem will pose significant risks. But for this problem, it will be possible to outline the correct way to solve it, moreover, this will also happen in 2017.
Another important point that the fortuneteller insists on is the following: people should not be afraid of volcanic eruptions, which can lead to fatal consequences. There will be eruptions, but not particularly dangerous for people. And all the fearsome statements related to volcanoes are just speculation.

About people and personalities for 2017

Vera Lyon saw the death of M.S. Gorbachev. According to the clairvoyant, this would mean that he outlived, emptied himself, became spiritual zero. Of course, death always happens for some reason of a physical nature. But in this case, the fortuneteller should be understood approximately like this: a person will leave not because of an illness; the disease will simply become a source of stopping the working capacity of the physical shell. The real reason is that the higher powers will consider this person's stay on earth to be absolutely meaningless.

Already in 2017, the clairvoyant believes, hostility towards the institution of the Popes may arise en masse in the Catholic world. And they risk reaching such intensity that people may even begin to destroy the statues of the current and previous heads of the Vatican.

Events in geopolitics

In 2014, the clairvoyant made the following prediction: within three years, Transnistria will become part of Russia. That is, this event should take place exactly in 2017. Well, let's see ...

In addition, there is a possibility that BRICS will join the new member states. By 2018-19, Vera Lyon saw more than 20 states in this organization. And, if this comes true, then some of the new entries will probably fall on 2017.
So, Vera Lyon did not predict any fatal events to the world for 2017. Sharp - will be, but about apocalyptic moods, thank God, you can forget. And that means you can keep making plans and hope for the best.

The judgments of soothsayers, clairvoyants, astrologers and magicians, despite their vagueness and ambiguity, still orient people and give them the opportunity to understand the main trends of the future. Recently, more and more attention has been drawn to the prophecies of the clairvoyant Vera Lyon, who more than once managed to predict many events in world politics and global changes in the financial system. Vera Lyon's latest predictions are available on her personal website.

Basic information about the seer

Vera Lyon was born in 1962 in the Urals, in the city of Yekaterinburg. She currently lives in Kazakhstan. Vera Lyon became famous not only as a strong psychic, but also as a writer, poet and photographer. Visich Vera (as her real name sounds) also has a wide knowledge in the field of psychology. She discovered her gift of clairvoyance in childhood, but the full development of extrasensory abilities occurred already in adulthood.

Currently, the clairvoyant maintains her blog and reports in it about events that, in her opinion, will occur in the near future. According to Vera, about 95 percent of her prediction records come true. The readers of the blog are impressed by the fact that under each entry Vera honestly puts a mark on whether the prophecy has come true. If she makes a prediction error, then she admits it honestly.

The clairvoyant is believed to have predicted events such as the collapse of the USSR, the results of the presidential elections in Ukraine and recent events in this troubled state, as well as the financial crises of the 2000s.

It is interesting to get acquainted with her views, worldviews and prophecies concerning both events in the world and incidents in individual states.

Vera Lyon has broad views, her judgments relate to many areas of life. Let's consider the most important of them.


The mass media at the present time do not often touch upon the topic of the global economic crisis, however, many residents of Russia and other countries are experiencing its impact and consequences. According to the forecasts of the clairvoyant, much needs to be done in order to get rid of negative trends in the financial and economic systems of countries around the world.

Vera Lyon argues that this problem will not be solved within a year, however, from the end of 2017, some improvement in the situation will be felt, and the people most affected by the losses will finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. From that moment on, the deadlock in the global economy will slowly but gradually be resolved, and in 2020 there will be a complete recovery of the economic systems of most countries.


The second most important problem in the world does not cease to be the solution of global environmental issues. The complexity of this task lies in the fact that the problem must be solved together, that is, all countries of the world must find unity in opinions and goals, forget about proprietary interests and benefits, and throw all their efforts into avoiding an impending environmental catastrophe.

Vera Lyon sees the main problem in the fact that the water level in the World Ocean is gradually approaching a critical point, and this negative trend is causing the rapid melting of glaciers. The clairvoyant reports that the leaderships of most large states in the near future will no longer be able to stand aside, but will seriously tackle this problem. Most likely, their actions will lead to the invention of alternative energy sources and a more rational use of natural resources.

Reliability and correct use of information

Vera Lyon calls for a critical attitude to the forecasts of various astrologers, mediums and other soothsayers. The worst that can happen is public panic. The emergence of fear and negative moods in people should not be allowed. Any information about the continents leaving under water, the onset of global cataclysms and the end of the world is not reliable. People do not need to be afraid of emergencies, they need to be able to withstand any difficulties and learn to act correctly and skillfully in any difficult situation.


The Catholic Church will go through difficult times in the coming years. Vera Lyon warns of the possibility of uprisings, unrest and pogroms. As a consequence, in the world of religion, the credibility of the Catholic institution will be seriously undermined.

Vera Lyon expresses confidence that it is Russia in the future that will play the greatest role in the fate of the whole world. Its mission will be to free humanity from the forces of darkness.

The clairvoyant's attitude towards the current president is the most positive. She expresses concern about his fate and tries to show him ways to solve the problems that have arisen.

According to the seer, Vladimir Putin has strong energy protection and is under the auspices of higher powers. But still, Vera Lyon advises him to beware of ill-wishers, carefully choose his partners, advisers and friends, and also save energy and strength.

According to predictions, in the coming years, a conspiracy against the head of the country is possible, but the attackers will not be able to seize power into their own hands. Yet such troubles regularly knock the ground out of underfoot, and it is sometimes difficult for the president to restore balance in difficult situations. The fortuneteller believes that this is the fault of the intrigues of dark forces that are trying to implement their bad plan and turn Russia on the path of destruction and destruction.

Despite all sorts of difficulties, Lyon sees Putin as president, elected for a third term. Whether the re-election of Vladimir Vladimirovich in 2018 is possible, time will tell.

Several years ago, a psychic predicted that in 2017 Transnistria will become part of the Russian Federation. In the near future, it will be possible to check the accuracy of the words of the fortuneteller.

In addition, noteworthy is her forecast that more than 15 countries will join the BRICS in three years. The process will take years, but positive events will take place in any case.

Judgments about Ukraine

Most Russians are very concerned about the political and economic relations between Russia and Ukraine. The psychic reports that the tense situation between the states will continue. The conflict has a very long history, and it will take a lot of effort and time to settle it.

Unfortunately, Ukraine will not be able to resolve all its problems next year, and therefore it will not come to friendly agreements between neighboring countries. According to Vera Lyon, the likelihood of open clashes between Russia and Ukraine is minimal, and this is encouraging.

The soothsayer made many good predictions about Novorossiya. She believes that peace will be restored in this area sooner or later, and the economic situation will improve.

So, the latest predictions of Vera Lyons sound quite truthful, positive and optimistic. The psychic has high hopes for the coming years and expects to see many positive developments and trends in the world. Without a doubt, she wishes well to all of humanity and hopes that her predictions will have a favorable effect.