Ultraviolet lamp do it yourself for home. Briefly about what to do

"Article. about ultraviolet water disinfection. Previously, we talked mainly about disinfection of water using ultrafiltration (varieties of water membrane water filtration). And, touching the theme of ultraviolet sterilization, they were not very good about her (they are not so economical and beautiful as ultrafiltration). However, nevertheless, most sterilization systems today are based on ultraviolet. We will talk about the reasons for this phenomenon.

About ultraviolet disinfection of water is worth starting a conversation with the basics - from ultraviolet as such. Ultraviolet radiation is a type of electromagnetic radiation (as well as visible light), which is between the purple border of visible light and X-ray radiation. That is, ultraviolet radiation has a fairly wide range.

In the picture, this range (namely, waves from 400 to 10 nm) can be demonstrated as follows:

Accordingly, the question arises - and what is such a bactericidal in ultraviolet radiation? After all, purple light is harmless (it seems). And X-ray radiation is associated with gamma particles and a nuclear explosion ... we do not kill bacteria with radiation?

Well, answer this question.

But to start a certificate about units of measurement of ultraviolet radiation - Nanometers:

Nanometer (NM, NM) - a unit of measurement of length in a metric system equal to one billion meter (i.e. 10-9 meters).

So, many have heard that radio waves are of different lengths - meter, kilometer, centimeter. So, it can be said that ultraviolet radiation is nanometer radio waves. In itself, ultraviolet radiation can be divided into several groups. So, it is:

  1. Middle Ultraviolet (UV): Long waves 400-315 nm
  2. The average ultraviolet (UV-B) is a wavelength of 314-280 nm.
  3. Far - wavelengths (UV-C): 280-100 nm
  4. Extreme ultraviolet. Long waves 100-10 nm.

The near ultraviolet range is often referred to as "black light", as it is not recognized by the human eye, but when reflected on some materials, the spectrum goes into the visible radiation region. For a long and extreme range, the term "vacuum" is often used, in view of the fact that the waves of this range are strongly absorbed by the atmosphere of the Earth.

An interesting fact that is not related to our topic:

Ultraviolet radiation is practically imperceptibly for human eye, but at intensive irradiation causes typical radiation defeat (retinal burn). The soft ultraviolet (300-380 nm) is perceived by the retina as a weak purple or grayish-blue light, but almost completely delayed with a lens, especially in people of middle and old age. Patients who implanted an artificial lens of early models began to see ultraviolet; Modern samples of artificial lens Ultraviolet do not miss.

So we return to ultraviolet disinfection of water.

Radiation with a wavelength of 320-400 nm ( middle UltravioletIt is reacted with oxygen dissolved in water, and produces highly active oxygen forms (free radicals of oxygen and hydrogen peroxide) that can destroy pathogenic organisms. In addition, it was established that the sunlight is destructive for microorganisms contained in drinking water in particular because ultraviolet radiation ( middle Ultraviolet) It affects directly on metabolism and destroys the cellular structure of bacteria.

It has been established that at a water temperature of about 30 ° C (86 ° F), and the threshold of solar radiation at least 500 W / m2 (full spectrum) requires about 6 hours of irradiation to achieve effect. It corresponds to about 6 hours of processing in medium latitudes on a sunny summer day.

So, the near ultraviolet is a "safe" ultraviolet, to which we are all quite accustomed to. This ultraviolet gives us a tan, vitamin D and can cause sunburns. The average ultraviolet can disinfect water, but for this you need at least 6 hours of exposure to the Sun.

So for disinfection of water on an industrial scale, something else is needed - far Ultraviolet. So, for disinfection of water on an industrial scale, manufacturers try to at least 86% of radiation accounted for a wavelength of 254 nm. That is, in the middle of the far ultraviolet. The reason for this - ultraviolet with a given wavelength passes well through many substances (for example, through the shells of bacteria) and is absorbed by the actual DNA molecules and bacteria RNA. Well, the absorption of ultraviolet in large doses leads to a violation of functioning.

In the case of bacteria, the synthesis of DNA RNA (UV radiation at these wavelengths causes the dimerization of the thymine in DNA molecules), which leads to the accumulation of mutations and, in turn, leads to a slowdown in the pace of reproduction of bacteria and their extinction. What we need!

The main points of the use of ultraviolet disinfection of water.

Size and type of body. Theoretically, ultraviolet radiation can kill viruses, bacteria, fungi and simplest. In practice, large organisms, such as the simplest, may require a greater dose of irradiation. Also, much depends on the type of body: some bacteria are more resistant to irradiation than others.

Power of ultraviolet lamp. The amount of ultraviolet produced directly depends on the power of the lamp itself. The more powerful lamp - the more ultraviolet it produces. Unfortunately, the ability of lamps to produce UV rays falls over time, so the lamps require replacement every 4-6 months. Optimal to produce ultraviolet temperature - from 40 to 43 "c. In a colder medium, the productivity of sterilizers falls.

Penetrating ability of ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet rays can penetrate water. However, the more water density - the lower their penetrating ability. If the UV rays are not able to penetrate the depth (through water), then there is little of them. Muddy water will also reduce the productivity of the installation. Ultraviolet sterilizers must be placed after water filters. Otherwise, bacteria, simply speaking, hide in the shade, discarded by mechanical impurities. And calmly wait for the end of the impact of ultraviolet.

Also takes place saltness: In fresh water, the penetrating ability of UV rays is higher than in a salty. That is, the higher the content of salts in your water, the worse the ultraviolet lamp will work.

And finally, important clean lamp and her shell. If the lamp or shell covers the lime flask - it just blocms the radiation. And it begins to cover the lamp in rigid water from the moment of its inclusion. Therefore, the lamp must be regularly cleaned by limescale with citric acid.

In addition, it means that the ultraviolet lamp when replacing It is impossible Take hands for glass. The fingerprints left reducing the effect of water disinfection with ultraviolet.

Working hours Sterilizer. The more water is exposed to UV radiation, the more malicious microorganisms die. The contact time is also often referred to as the "exposure" time. Exposure time depends on water flow. The lower the flow rate is the more contact time. The length of the lamp also affects. With a long lamp, the time of contact of water with a sterilizer increases.

The temperature of the treated water. UV rays are best distributed in water with a temperature of 40-43 "C. So if you sterilize ice water straight from the well - then this is not the same as if you decide to sterilize already heated water.

  • the lamp should be clean;
  • water should be transparent;
  • it is necessary to disinfect soft water (so that there is no lime harness);
  • there should be no dissolved iron in water (so as not to reduce the turbidity of water);
  • water should be warm;
  • the lamp must be as long as possible;
  • the speed of water should be as small as possible
  • the lamp must be regularly changed (since the longer the lamp works, the worse it emits ultraviolet);
  • the lamp should be as powerful as possible;
  • water should be as small as possible;
  • bacteria in water should not be 🙂

So even if your tools allow you to install only a tiny ultraviolet lamp on drinking water crane is not scary because you know how to increase the efficiency of water disinfection with this lamp.

By the way, we previously said that ultraviolet water sterilizers are more common than less whimping and less expensive in the operation of the ultrafiltration membrane. The reason for this phenomenon is the price of the question. Ultraviolet lamps are cheaper - especially if there is no cost in their cost (in order not to form a lime taxation) and mechanical water purification.

Thus, ultraviolet disinfection of water is a good option to protect the variety of bacteria.

Based on materials http://www.zooclub.ru/aqua/233.shtml and Wikipedia

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The fact that in the end you should turn out:

For the manufacture you will need:

Download (free) Drawing on the link. Printer, preferably colored, three sheets of thick paper A4, scissors, glue, or stapler, sewing needle or awl (pierce a hole for the fishing line) and 1.5 m of the finest fishing line.

Operating principle:

The principle of action to disgrace is simple. One end of the fishing line is attached to the toy, the second one's ear can be glued with a small piece of scotch or make a loop. The main condition so that the fishing line is thin and barely noticeable. A long fishing line should be such a tilting a little toy toy hanging around the centimeters by 50-60.

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Quartzing is the process of processing the disinfection of the room (air) ultraviolet radiation. In medical institutions, quartzing is currently quite widely used with a bactericidal target.

Especially good quartzing during the epidemics of viral diseases, which with enviable constancy nor give us to live peacefully and work.

The quartzer can be bought, but we will make a quarters ourselves, from the subwoofers.

As a lamp for quartzing, we will need a regular DRL lamp (photo. 1), these lamps are used in street lighting lamps, choke (without it this lamp will not work), the cartridge for the DRL lamp.

Photo. 1 lamp DRL.

There are also reasonable lamps on sale, but they did not experiment with them, so I won't talk about it.
That's basically it.

On the picture. 2 shows the installation for quartzing made by their own hands for half an hour from the DRL 250 lamp.

The diagram of connecting the lamp and choke is shown in Fig. one.

Photo. 2 "Installation" for quartzing at home.

The DRL lamp gently split the flask, and remove the remaining glasses to the cartridge (photo.3), to do it better in the fresh air, since if you damage the "insides" of the lamp (they contain mercury), then hide in pairs.

Photo. 3 DRL lamp without flask.

I did it like that - the lamp was wound into several polyethylene packages and neatly a hammer (an indispensable tool) broke the flask, then the passage was cleaned too much.

It remains to consolidate all the elements and collect the scheme. Connection diagram is shown below.

Fig. 1 DRL lamp connection circuit. Capacitor FROMyou can not put, the lamp will burn without it.

There are other methods (unfortunate) inclusions of the DRL lamps, we will not stop on them (on the Internet is full of material on this topic).
With choke the easiest option.

A little about the process of quartzing at home.

From the room you need to remove flowers, pets. Quartzing from 15 to 30 minutes.

During quartzing, the air is enriched with ozone, which also disinfects, but ozone poisonous (at great concentration), so immediately after quartzing, the room must be used.

When quartzing indoors is forbidden, try not to look at the lamp (with prolonged exposure you can get a skin burn without speaking of eyes).

With properly compliance with the lamp mode, the quartzing harm does not carry, there are no microbes there are no diseases.
Be healthy!

Perhaps you know such a novelty as my Mystery UFO. This is a rotating mysterious disk, which is controlled by means of thought and magnetism. Below the instruction is such a thing and surprise your friends, not paying for this at least 600 rubles (at least so much is MY Mystery UFO).

Those who do not know what MY Mystery UFO is, video:

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In it two pages on which elements my Mystery UFOYou need to print and cut:

Third page, page of instructions, what is in what order to do and perform:

Briefly about what you need to do:

2. Print (on dense paper)

3. Cut on the contour

4. glue or connect the part stapler, according to the instructions

5. In the center we make a thin hole (you can needle)

6. I fix one end to the fishing knot on the disk, and the second one or the collar knot.


And video instructions How to use My Mystery UFO:

Such is a toy-bauble, surprise her all my acquaintances, only no one word that they found how to do on the site website!

For inquisitive, an article about how to make a burner at home