Nouns on the letters of the alphabet. Task: Print letter A for preschoolers

A selection of tasks on studying and securing letters and sound a. Performing tasks, children not only get acquainted, learn and fasten the letter A, and still enrich the common representation supply, vocabulary. Rent a fine motor skill and grafomotor functions - many tasks for hatching, coloring, circulation by points, rechauses with letter A. Mental functions will operate - thinking, attention, imagination, memory, and also gnosis. Hold the work of NAD sound-alphabet (determining the location of sound and in the word).

To whom: The benefits will be useful to educators in kindergarten, teachers of primary classes, speech therapists (teachers-flaws) and caring parents.

Age: For children from 4 to 8 years. Depends on the individual characteristics of the child. Mostly it is preschoolers of the eldest kindergarten group and class studies.

Letter A, sound A 2 part

Task with the letter and for children 4, 5, 6 years

Letter a, exercises for children 5 - 6 years

Letter A, Senior Group, Grade 1

Letter A, Senior Group, Grade 1, 2 part

Color all letters a

We learn the letter A, for speech therapist

The purpose of the lesson: we study the letter A, the formation of the reading skill, the basics of elementary graphic skill, the development of speech skills, the improvement of phonderatic hearing.

  • introduce a preschooler with the letter A, the correct pronunciation of sound;
  • teach writing a printed letter A by cells;
  • to form interest in learning poems and riddles.

What is asking for a doctor when inspecting the throat? (Aaaaa ...)

Name what is drawn in the pictures below:

Astra Aist Watermelon Bus

Ask, what kind of sound starts the words - the names of the pictures?

To say a, you need to open your mouth wide and "enable" voice. Repeat: AAA.

Does the language, teeth or lips free to lose air from the mouth? Pay attention to how the mouth opens when we say A.

Write a letter and once on a sheet of paper without cells.

Remember and name the words that begin with a - animals, objects or names.

If the child is hard, offer a simpler task:
Aaalik, aaaan - what do you hear at the beginning of the word?

Task: Print letter A for preschoolers

Put the points in the corners of the cells with a simple pencil or ballpoint handle; Draw - sticks neatly in cells.

In cases where the child is invited to write a whole string of the letter, a syllable or word - an adult gives a sample writing at the beginning of the line.
If the preschooler has difficulty, the adult can spend two approximate lines, or put the support points that the child connects the lines, or write the letters entirely, and the child will simply circle them. Calligraphy at this stage of learning should not be required.

Poems about the letter A

Here are two pillar of the painter,
And between them - the belt.
Do you know this letter? BUT?
Before you the letter A.
(S. Marshak)

Here is the letter like a shala.
It's not true, the letter is good!
And although it is easy to look
And begins the alphabet.
(E. Tarlapan)

Alphabet Let
Begins with a stork -
He, like the alphabet,
C but begins!
(V. Skod)

Everybody knows,
Letter A - the letter is very nice.
And besides the letter A
In the alphabet home.
Adjust this sound
And Andrey, and Allochka,
Stick so and stick so
And in the middle of a wand.
(E. Uspensky)

Tale about the letter A

Why is the first?
There was a terrible noise in the room. All letters got out of the alphabet and argued loudly: why is it the very first alphabet letter?

Down with the impostor A - shouted vowel letters.
- Long live "Abrakadabra"! (that is, confusion).
- What is this done, eh? - Sweep hissing.
- The letter with which angina and shark begins, to put on the head of the alphabet! Wow, Wow with jokes ...
- Everything is right, "the consonant letters thought silently, because there was no wonder the most delicious things - watermelon, orange, apricot, pineapple - begin on A.

But the letter Ya screamed louder

I do not understand why still the first A, and not me?!
- And therefore, - said silent so far a, - that the very first word of each kid begins on A.
- What is the word? - I did not learn.
- Agu, - said A.
- And, moreover, I look like the Admiral standing on the captain's bridge. And everyone knows that the admiral should always be ahead!
- So! - said a solid sign.

Proverbs and sayings on the letter A

Alphabet - the wisdom of the step..
Care of man colors.
Not needed treasure, if in the family of the way.
Not that friendship is strong that in words enclosed.
Under the lying stone and water does not flow.
Without letters and grammar do not learn and mathematics.
Without difficult, there is no fetus.
Small yes delete.
Self-killer himself, and comrades will cut out.

Riddles for children on the letter A

Maple leaves wishes
In the countries of the south flew away
Funny stripes.
What a month, tell me!

Does not fly, not buzz
Beetle on the street runs.
And burn in the eyes of the beetle
Two shiny lights.
(car, bus)

Day and night stands on the roof
This wonderful note:
Everything will see, everyone will hear
Everyone will share with me!

We arrived with Bakhchi
Striped balls.

On the page of the bookpoint
Thirty three heroes.
Wise men-Bogatyrey
He knows every letter.

Look, the house is worth
To the edges of water is poured,
Without windows, but not gloomy,
Four sides are transparent.
In this house, tenants -
All skillful swimmers.

In such a port I had my friend
Where there is no water around.
But in this port all the time went
With people and cargo ships.
(The airport)

Stand on the roof -
All pipes are higher.

Lesson results:

  1. The pronunciation of new words by pictures increases the vocabulary of the preschooler, develops speech and memory.
  2. Cell exercises develop fine motility hands.
  3. The poems affect not only the development of memory. It is proved that if a few lines teach daily, new neural connections arise in the brain, the overall ability to learn is increasing.
  4. Riddles are developing in children's intelligence, the ability to analyze and prove. Teachers apply riddles when teaching children to increase interest while performing complex tasks.

| Silver coin dignity in 20 kopecks; minted by the Government of Russia in 1802 - 1832; There was a walk in Georgia, Iran, Afghanistan.

Alexander Pushkin: "The first came to spend me to hold me to the city and demanded for it from me Abaz. "(Journey to Arzrum ..)

| Iran, abbasi. - The name of the silver coin, chased Khan Abbas I in the XVII century.

| No will, indecision, nerazuma.

Peter Boborakin: "He was given to some sweet game, went to a new sense of danger near the captivating woman, inferior to her his will, did not want to make any conscious efforts on him. They took possession of" Abuli ". The scientist The term accidentally flashed in his head." (For damage)

| Greek abulia.

| In the bank's card game - each pair of cards when throwing right and left.

Alexander Kuprin: "I am on the fifth Abyt, I am his own." (Duel)

| Him. Abzug - Speech (military.).

| Resignation, dismissal from service.

Fedor Dostoevsky: "At least now the executor himself appeared in the apartment and personally for free formation, Bulyancy and drunkenness would declare Abside Semen Ivanovich., He may not have honored with his finger to move now with such news." (Mr. Okharchik)

** resign, leave on peace.

Denis Davydov: Tonight I will see with you, tonight my lot will decide, today I will get the desired me - Ile Abside on peace.

(Decisive evening of Husar)

| Him. Abscied- Farewell; resignation.

| Insult, insult.

Boleslav Markevich: "They have Sydney. They are sitting. Their sour Grandes Dames, wives, silence at me for it and make me all sorts of Avanni." (Fracture)

| Greek, anyania - Despite.

| 0 people who are deliberately deceiving or entering the dignity of others, as well as those who draw their knowledge to some kind of mystery ,.ylifts them incomprehensible, wisdom.

Mikhail Lermontov: "Then, looking at each other in the eyes, how the Romans make the Romans, according to Cicero, we started to laugh and, having fallen, diverged satisfied with our evening." (Hero of our time)

| August - Priests-Bulgarians in ancient Rome; Deceptions and quarrels of the August were well known that Caton was wondering how this avgur could look without laughter on another August (Cicero wrote about it).

| Easy messenger and exploration vessel of the Military Fleet of the Old Russia.

Konstantin Stanyukovich: "Despite the outdoor calm of the admiral, and his heart fluttered when the cruiser, turning between the two ships, seemed about to donate into a small French avizo. Fortunately, on the" Frenchman "guessed the rope, and Avizo leaned back. " (In the sea!)

| Ital. Avviso, from Barca de Aviso.

Tavern, hotel; Sometimes - Austeria.

Pavel Annenkov: "We stayed in the poor Australia, who tracked on the road, then in the hotel of any place." (Memories)

| Polish. austerja., from ital. asteria.

| Title landlord, head in old Turkey; Person carrying this title.

Ivan Turgenev: "Insarov's mother suddenly disappeared .. There were rumors that he kidnapped and killed Turkish aha." (On the eve)

| Old tour. Yeah - Senior Brother, Senior General; Mr.

| According to the biblical legend - the descendants of Izmail, the son of Agari, the arabicant of Arabs; Ishmeltyan or Arabs; Residents of Arabia, otherwise: Saracins.

Ivan Turgenev: "There was one at the staff: there was a kind of country, and the country of Agaryan won." (Live power)

| Named Egyptians Agari, who lived in the family of Abraham as a servant and who gave birth from him Izmail (Genesis, XVI, 1).

| City Square; Market, bazaar.

Lev Mei: Amazed at the bargaining citizens - elders, and men, and wives, and everyone who was on Agora only. (Galatea)

| Greek, Agora.

| 3 crash, buckle or brooch in elegant clothes.

Alexander Kuprin: "A simple white cloak will go on the king, bonded on the right shoulder and on the left side by two Egyptian agraves from green gold." (Sullamife)

| Franz. agrafe - Clasp.

| Diamond, diamond; About man solid and decisive.

Alexander Ostrovsky: Minin is our statement and pillar, he is a solid adamant in Shatanya common. (Goat Zakharin Minin-Sukhuk)

| Greek, and damas, Antos. - Diamond.

| Kadyk is an outstanding cartilaginous part of the larynx.

Peter Boborakin: "Eyes [Zagarin] brightly glistened, thin neck with a steep adammed apple shuddered from the nervous ripple." (For damage)

| The expression is based on the belief that part of the forbidden fetus, fell in adam (in biblical legends - the first person), stuck in his throat.

| Memorable times, the times of Adam and Eve; a long time ago.

Ivan Krylov: "(Novodomova:] It was in the Adamons of the eyelids, my life, and not Nonche." (Coffee Number)

| Caucasian Nature Adyge; In old Russia, the same as Circassians.

Alexander Pushkin: Not for robber fun, the Adehi came so early .. (Tazit)

| Noon, breakfast time or early lunch.

Nikolai Shchedrin: "Then, since the" Admiral hour "came, the Lord officials went to the landowner bread-salt to bite off." (Poshekhonskaya Older)

| Initially, the time of the lunch break in the work, about which the population of St. Petersburg learned daily on the shot of guns from the Admiralty (later from the Petropavlovsk fortress), introduced from February 6, 1865 in Peter I, the founder of the Russian fleet, was a custom: after work, at 11 o'clock Vodka with their employees (fleet noon).

| Fan, adorable.

Nikolay Leskov: "The dancer went away with his adorateter prince .." (on knives)

| Franz. adoTeur.

| In the old Russia, the published book with an indication of institutions, posts and names of officials of all departments.

Alexander Griboedov:

The repetitions of the secretaries of him all the chams, all selling, people, writing creature, everyone went to know, now important. Looking to the calendar address. (Grief from mind)

| Upper long peasant clothing (male and female) made of thin fabric.

Mikhail Zagoskin: "The servant of this passage was dressed very simply: it had a felt white hat, prefabricated azes and a long-rod nod village from a thick semidant cloth." (Brynsky Forest)

| Azerb., Arab. Adzam - Persia; tour. Adzam - PERS; Polish. adziamski. - Persian rug

| Monkey sloth.

Lion Mei: I rebelled to the lives of those householders, who, like a ah in her vapla, in the corner of fathers and grandfathers sit the whole century than they are neither calling. (Village)

| Pluto (AID).

Alexander Pushkin: ... it is impossible, a friend, you can also take me into the cellar grave, the bones of idle are abundant, and meanwhile one skeleton to help me bring to the light? I swear to you by the Aydessian God: he will be friendship to me by pledge ... (Message to Delviga)

| From Greek, Aiza - the underground kingdom of the Lord of the Kingdom of the Dead, who lives underground, was not afraid and terrible (which means the name of AID), but the Gostechaemen (the death fate does not pass anyone) and rich, for he is the owner of the unpretentious human souls and hidden in Earth Treasures, which denotes his other name - Pluto.

| Exquisite, similar to tabletime postures at the Academy of Arts.

Mikhail Lermontov: "They are Frant: lowering their braided glass into the well of the kisly earth water, they take academic poses .. and (the hero of our time. Princess Mary)

| Graduate from the Smorgon Academy - jokingly or ironically about people who have received a dubious higher education.

Nikolai Shchedrin: "Well, gentlemen!" "He starts, having preheated in one place, as it suffers from any orator, who gained initial education in the city of Sergache and then with honor of the science of science in the Smorgon Academy." (Satires in Prose)

| According to the town of Smorgon (France), in which they were engaged in training "Bear. Greek word" Academy "- Initially, the name of the Athens Grove, where the Hero Academy was buried, who indicated the twins of Dioskuras, where their sister was covered, beautiful Elena, kidnapped by Tesra. In the IV century. BC was taught by Philosopher Plato, then his students, and their school was named "Academy."

Alexander Marlinsky: "The French, who have been so recently the League wars, Bartholomeevian night, Aqua Tofan and crystal daggers of medicines, a gun, and a ring of Ravallaka, who cut the passers-by on the streets of the white day and broke the gate easily, - on the theater were afraid of splashes Blood, drops of poison, hid all the catastrophes behind the scenes, and the Bulletin usually came to the robust verses about them. " (About the novel N. Polevoy "Oath with the coffin of the Lord")

| Cold cruel wind.

Mikhail Lermontov: Sea Steppe View, where without the obstacle, waving only a silver nick, wandering the volatile Aquilon and the dust chases freely. (June 183/1 U of the day)

| Lat. aquilo, ofLIS - The name of the North Wind in the ancient Romans.

| In the Middle Ages - part of the rite of dedication to the knights: a blow to the plaffus sword on the shoulder, hug, etc.

Vasily Zhukovsky: the king himself his hand to the sip of his imagination, gave him the blasphemy of the world: just did not give accolads. (LED)

| Franz. accolade., from lat. aD - when I. colum - Neck.

| Dense silk naval fabric in the form of velvet or brocade.

Alexey K. Tolstoy: Axamita cats with color, and Bereza, accusing zero zolotny. (Matchmaking)

| Greek, Examitos - Sixinity, from EKS - Six and Mitos - thread.

| The term of medieval scholasticism, denoting the inconsistency of the volatile properties of the thing, antislays it is unnecessary essence - substance; Sometimes - aximent.

Alexander Herzen: "Spinosa, all sacrificed philosophy, saw only the substance, near which the world of accedecies circles." * (Diary 1844)

|| defeats, bribes.

Nikolay Shchedrin: "[Larves] Accidents almost exclusively took provisions." (Well-mounted speech)

| Lat. accidentia. - Accident.

| Cossack clothing from Aksmita.

Nikolay Gogol: "Dear Akshemet was broken on it." (Taras Bulba)

| Anxiety, confusion, stir; Sometimes Alarm.

| Franz. alarme; Italian. allarm.e ( all Arme - To weapons).

| Progaline, lawn in the forest.

Vladimir Korolenko: "He came out, caught the old Lyanka in Alace, led him for the mane to the sleigh and began to bargain." (Sleep Makara)

| Grade paper fabric, painted a lot; var. Kesandreka.

Andrei Pechersky: "Alexey took out a festive dress from the stacking: a blue good cloth, a plight pants, a shirt from Alexandriki." (In forests)

| Made from Alexandriki - paper fabric, painted in motley.

Ivan Turgenev: "Look, Barin, do not flood us," said one of the rowers, a young drunken guy in the Alexandria Shubakha. "(On the eve)

| Marsh! Won! Go away!

Nikolay Leskov: "Alea Machir - in the door!" - Commanded the heat mosmos. "(Sobea)

| Franz. aller - Go and him. marschiereti. - marching.

Anton Chekhov: "I learned the whole quanene, I read the Avylverver Cornelia Nonason and the Greek language passed almost all the cursius ..." (rolling-field)

| From Franz. a LIVRE OIL VERT - by open book, from an open space (read, translate).

| Rhodes of brocade, shut down with gold.

Alexander Radishchev:

The benches were all covered with rugged velvet, papers, Altabas is irrigated. (Bova)

| TAT. Altyn Binda - Golden, Golden Golden Canvas.

| Small Torgash; Scroll, mercenary man.

Ivan Turgenev: "Do you have the concept of Falalight Eva?" - NO. - The first altynnik in Moscow. Bourges - one word! " (Nove)

| From Altyn - the name of the ancient Russian coin the dignity of 3 kopecks. Tat. Alta - six.

| Greed, insatiability in food, drink.

Nikolai Zlatovratsky: "Thinks: I'll drink again, I will be satisfied, I will drink a satisfaction, and His Forest Lucky is tortured." (Foundations)

|| Passionate desire for something.

Alexander Radishchev: "We will incite the science of Alcbay, Lomonosov leaves the parent house." (Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow)

| Dr.-Russian. Alfba Fasting, post

| Policeman, guard; Sometimes - Alcvazil.

Kozma rods:

Not a free one

Old Algvazil.

I have a dazzoy hand

Livechah threatened.

(Desire to be Spaniard)

| Isp. algiiacil. - bailiff, police officer, minister in old Spain; Arab, al-Wazir. - Vizier, wasil.- Power.

| High-grade fabric from Alpag's wool (Alpaca) - Lama, opened in the mountains of South America.

Nikolay Leskov: "The strictest lines of her mill glittered silver on the breakdowns of the white alpago bomb." (On knives)

| Franz. alpaga (Alpaca).

| Hotstry.

Lion Tolstoy: "Gamzat is ready to send Sheikh to teach us to Khazavat, but only so that Hansha sent to him Amanat of a smaller Son." (Haji Murat)

| Arab, amatiat is a thing that has been preserved, a deposit, a hostage.

| Amateur.

Alexander Pushkin: "The other day I saw the cave-Rove with some doctor Amater." (V.A. Zhukovsky, August 17/825)

|| Amateur, Hunter to anything.

Nikolai Gogol: "[Zhevakin:] And tell the truth, I liked it because a complete woman. I am a big amater from the female fullness." (Marriage)

| Franz. Amateur., from lat. aMATOR - amateur.


| The same thing that Debarcader is a marina for vessels or platform at the railway station.

Nikolay Leskov: "They drove off from the St. Petersburg barcadera of the Warsaw Railway." (Units)

| Franz. ebarcadere - Parking place.


| Incense, fragrance; Sometimes - ambrosia.

Alexander Pushkin: Only roses are fading, I breathe am ancussion, their light soul flies in Elisia. (Only roses are fading ...)

| Greek. Ambrosia is the fragrant food of the gods, which gave them beauty.


| Unceremonious, inappropriately familiar appeal under the guise of friendly.

Dmitry Mamin-Sibiryak: "What would LEA say if he saw his amicochlorination with Gavruchka?" (Man with the past)

| Franz. aMI - friend I. cochon - Pig.


| Carry money.

Alexander Ostrovsky: "[Unfortunately:] I am now happy, Arkady; I did a good thing. [Spells:] Yes, good. And even better, I can be money ... [unfortunately:] What? [Lucky:] Ampo- neck. " (Forest)

| Franz. empocher. - put in pocket; Poche - pocket.


| Vintage dance; music for this dance; The name of various folk dances of English origin in Europe XVII -XIX centuries.

Lion Tolstoy: "Only eloza, angles and just incoming Mazurka danced on this, the last ball." (War and Peace)

| Franz. anglaise (Danse Anglaise) - English dance.

English garden

| Garden, fashionable in the XVIII century. in England.

Alexander Pushkin: "A vintage garden with his short linden, he did not like the four-digit pond and the right alleys: he loved English gardens and the so-called nature." (Dubrovsky)

| English Garden, as opposed to an old French garden, which consisted of symmetrical tracks with statues, fountains, sought to imitate the natural landscape: there were properly located groups of trees, lawns, ponds, lightweight buildings were scattered everywhere.

Andreevskaya Ribbon.

| Blue ribbon through the right shoulder, the sign of the Order of Andrei and the First Called.

Alexander Pushkin: "Andreevskaya Tape, the title of Senator and Chin Colonel Guard did not find him alive." (History Pugacheva)

| The Order was established by Peter I in 1698 in the name of St. Andrew the First-Called, which, according to legend, preached Christianity in the territory of Ancient Russia. Order Signs: 1) The cross is blue in a double-headed, three crowns crowned, an Orel with crucified St. Apsole Andrei, in four ends of the Cross Latin letters S.A.P.R.Meaning Sanctus Andreas Patronus Russiaee; on the reverse side of the Order, in the middle of the eagle, the Charter, on which the Order motto "for faith and loyalty", 2) is a silver star, having in the middle, in a gold field, a double-headed eagle, three crowns crowned, and in the middle of the Eagle -andreyevsky cross , in the circumference, in the blue field, at the top of the ordinal motto with gold letters, and below two bound branches; The star was worn on the left side; 3) Blue ribbon through the right shoulder.


| Order in the form of a cross in old Russia (from 1742), given to officials and military.

Fedor Dostoevsky: "And it is curious, whether Mr. Luzhina Orden is in the mortgage that Anna is in the pettice, and that he is for dinners in the contractors and merchants." (Crime and Punishment)

Annian ribbon

| Additional sign of Anninsky Order.

Anton Chekhov: "[Krylin] was in Mundire with Anninskaya ribbon and in white pants." (Poor kingdom)


| Previous circumstance, deed, example.

Boleslav Markevich: "With what law, because of what antecedents?" (Fracture)

| Lat. Ante-Cedentis is the preceding circumstance.


| Preserved work of ancient Greek (Hellensky) or Roman art.

Apollo Mikikov:

I have seen them: open antique in the ground ,,

In the panels of expensive, the faces of the mythical gods and valiant people.

(After visiting the Vatican Museum)

|| 0 all kinds of objects wearing an imprint of ancient; On rareholds.

Alexander Pushkin: Under the image, a simple night light from clay slightly illuminated deep wrinkles, drag antique, Prababookushkin Cepec and a long mouth, where the tooth two pounded. (Sleep)

||| about man: Chudak, a rare person, not from this world.

Alexander Ostrovsky: "[Kuligin:] Wrap you, either do not understand what beauty is spread in nature. [Kudryash:] Well, yes, because you are with you to interpret! You are antique, chemist." (Storm)

| Franz. antique., from lat. antiquus - Ancient

Antique with carnation

| Very good, excellent (with a humorous expression, praise, admiration).

Dmitry Mamin-Sibiryak: "We taste our Dvinsky semis, will be better than your Pechora. And Salza Little Russian - antique with a carnation." (For a while)

Antonov Fire

| Gangrene; Inflammatory face.

Goat rods: Antonov is fire, but there is no law so that he always belonged to Anton. (Landowner and grass)

Ivan Turgenev: "Yes, Vasily Dmitrich, Lyubo: you would come to me with the days two early, and nothing would have taken out a hand, and now you have inflammation, that: Togo and Look Antonov Fire will be done." (Death)

| Franz. fetl D "Antoine - the initial name of the epidemic disease spreading in the XI century in Western Europe; From her, according to belief, the power of St. Anthony of Paduansky was healed. Thanks to this healing of one young nobleman, the Father of the young man established in 1095, the Brotherhood of St. Anthony.


| Card entrance to the building.

Alexey Potekin: "Enjoying them after them in the theater Antra, he saw Nadya." (Krushinsky)

|| On the front dinners - the first dish, snack before lunch.

Lion Tolstoy: "Yes, the father you are mine, I was and forgotten. After all, you also need another antra on the table." (War and Peace)

| Franz. entree - entrance (in the building); first course).


| Umbrella; About anything that is suitable for any occasion.

Nikolay Leskov: "Now prevails in all of the Magnia Antuk - something ready for every case and suitable for all weather: from the rain and from the sun." (Antiku)

| Franz. eN-TUT-CAS - just in case; Umbrella to protect against rain and snow.

Aparants observe

| Observe the decency.

Konstantin Stanyukovich: "She is so pretty girl that no one can say that he married exclusively because of money - you can suspect a little bit of love, therefore," aparants "are observed." (Frank)

| Franz. carder Les Apparens.


| Not recognized reliable; plaid unwanted.

Nikolay Leskov: "This society itself considers all the comprehensive about September apocryphic considerations." (On knives)

| Greek, apocryum - hidden, secret, intimate; Flame.

Apoplexic strike

| Nervous blow, excluding members; hemorrhage into the brain, the scent feeled by paralysis; paralysis; Kondrashka.

Nikolai Nekrasov: There were cases: the whole century was considered a clever person, and in the book I was stupid: disappeared by the mind, and the syllable, and the heat, as if the apoplexy hit had happened to the poor! (Bear hunting)

| Greek. Apoplektos - broken by paralysis.


| Ulcer, ironic word facing someone; offended phrase; Shock.

Nikolai Shchedrin: "Hello, Salamalik! How are you in the first class?". But the eastern man just smiled at this apostleph. "(Cultural people)

| Greek, apostrophos. - addressed to the side; Apostrophe - disgust, sprinkling. Franz. apostrophe. - shock, sharp remark.


| Contact someone with speech, sometimes with brave.

Nikolai Shchedrin: "Vlas! You are an honest person! He struck him. - You understand me! You understand how deeply I am deeply unhappy." (Poshekhonskaya Older)

| Franz. apostropher. - Calculate, contact someone.


| Short witty saying; moral center.

Boleslav Markevich: "You, as a lawyer, is known, probably old apophegem:" Look for a woman "!" (Fracture)

| Greek, apophegema - saying.


| Overhead silver.

Nikolai Gogol: "It will be possible even as fashion: the collar will be fastened on silver paws under the applique." (Shinel)

| Franz. application - applying; Overlay.


| Invalibrate, cropped or exterior Chervonets (Golden coin dignity in three rubles; in conversational use - the fact and at five, and ten rubles); Sometimes - Arapchik.

Alexander Ostrovsky: "[Agraphen Kondratyevna:] It can be seen, you can ask for a couple of Arabistors a couple of Arabicers with Samson." (His people think)

| Chervonians were erased not only from long circulation, but also because some faces deliberately rubbed them about the cloth so that after burning the gold attached to him, and others simply cut the Chervonians around the edges. Such unbelievable worms were taken in banks and treasures below their nominal value.


| Strong alcoholic beverage (barley, wheat, etc.), sometimes Araka.

Denis Davydov: Bartz, Yara, Zabyaka, Sweet Catch Dear! For God's sake and ... Araka visit My Domishko! (Bartzov)

| Türk, Arak, from Arab, araq - sweat; Alcoholic beverage.


| 0 non-widnight; About an incomplete observer for anyone (usually ironically).

Dmitry Mamin Sibiryak: "The doctor spent daily with girls for several hours, and, of course, Miss Dudle was present as Argus." (Bread)

| Lat. Argus., From Greek. ARGOS - The multi-eyed Giant, whom the goddess of Hera put to IO, the daughter of the Argos King, who became the beloved Zeus. Fearing anger of a jealous spouse, Zeus turned the IO to a snow-white chick, but Gera demanded her for a gift and put Argus to her.

Awards of the eyelids

| Live, stand the ancheda eyelids - about durability

Nikolay Leskov: "The buildings were all in a row, there were very old and stood, apparently, the Awards of the eyelids." (Pechersk antique)

| On behalf of the Biblical Patriarch Yareda, who lived, by legend, is 962 years old.


| Introduced in the 20s of the XIX century. The form of punishment for soldiers -condition in the company, sent from the central areas to the outskirts of the Empire, with the use of heavy forced labor and enhanced recovery.

Fedor Dostoevsky: "About the Arrestric and Rotes In Russia, all our who were there, spoke with horror and assured that in all Russia there is no harder place, like the arresting companies in the fortresses." (Notes from the Dead Home)


| Strict critic; Scientist pedant.