Why New Moms Should Do Pilates Pilates: everything you wanted to know but were afraid to ask What time of day is best to do Pilates

Simple Pilates workouts allow you to maintain and improve muscle tone, strengthen your spine, which will positively affect your posture and well-being. This type of exercise can be used as a physical activity for weight loss.

Pilates exercises in combination with dietary nutrition will bring the greatest benefit.

What is Pilates?

Pilates is a type of fitness program that aims to strengthen all the muscles in the body. It combines elements of yoga and aerobics, body ballet and stretching. This complex has gained popularity due to its simplicity and effectiveness.

You can do Pilates for weight loss at any age and for any state of health, the exercises have practically no contraindications. The level of physical fitness also does not play a special role.

All movements of the complex are performed slowly, thoughtfully, which ensures complete safety during classes. Initially, this complex was intended for people who are contraindicated in active physical activity.

The main task of Pilates is to learn to feel every part of your body in order to find spiritual harmony.

This fitness program has certain implementation rules:

  1. Breathing should be deep.
  2. During the exercise, attention should be focused on the movements.
  3. The fundamental rule is that during any exercise there is a load on the press - the abdominal muscles.
  4. The movements are smooth, thoughtful, unhurried.
  5. Gymnastics should be done diligently, with concentration, all movements are consistent, regular.

The effectiveness of Pilates (how many kg you can lose weight)

Pilates can help you lose weight, but don't expect to lose weight quickly. The result will definitely appear, but after a long time. When performing a complex for weight loss, it is worth remembering that only 10 minutes of daily exercise contribute to weight loss.

Pilates focuses more on slow and healthy weight loss. The attractiveness of the system lies in the fact that it can be performed in the postoperative period to restore performance, after pregnancy, during breastfeeding.

The process of losing weight occurs gradually, the mechanism of burning excess calories is launched, which allows you to strengthen muscles and tighten sagging skin, this leads to a rejuvenation of the body. In order to reduce weight, one exercise is not enough. For the best effect, you should reconsider your lifestyle and diet.

This slow type of gymnastics allows you to burn 250-400 calories in one session. This is quite small compared to active sports, but the benefits for the body are invaluable. There is a special Pilates course that helps you burn more than 600 calories per session, but it should only be done under the supervision of a trainer.

Sudden weight loss is stressful for the body, which will lead to a rapid re-gain of kilograms and the appearance of health problems. Pilates for weight loss is the perfect way to work on your figure.

The first results - tightened muscles, abs, elastic buttocks will become noticeable after two months of regular exercise. You can normalize your weight with the help of this program for a period of 6-8 months.

What is needed for classes?

Before starting classes, you should consider important points:

  1. After the last meal, at least one hour must pass;
  2. After class, you can eat no earlier than an hour;
  3. Pilates goes well with spa treatments;
  4. Exercises are performed on a special mat or towel;
  5. There should be no pain during the exercise;
  6. It is impossible to perform a workout during a cold, feeling unwell or in a mood, it will not bring benefits.

Dress for training should be loose so that the clothes do not hamper movement. At the same time, it is important that it is visible how correctly the exercises are performed. It is better to do it in socks or barefoot, since the muscles of the feet and lower legs are fully involved in the work.

A set of exercises

You should start training with a basic complex, only after mastering the simplest exercises, you can move on to more complex exercises. To get the best results, Pilates exercises must be combined with cardio loads.

The scheme of work is as follows:

  • Two minutes (, running,) - two Pilates exercises. Repeat three more times.

The focus is on problem areas.

The following exercises are effective for weight loss:

  1. Initial position: standing, arms along the body. Lean forward, rest your hands on the floor, knees straight. 2-3 “steps” are made with the hands forward, a delay of 15 seconds, a squat with a back arch, a delay of 15 seconds. It is repeated in reverse order. Do 20-25 repetitions.
  2. Lying on side make circular movements with a straight leg. Repeat the exercise for the second leg. Perform movements for one minute with each leg.
  3. In the supine position perform lifts of both legs and upper body with an emphasis on the buttocks. Repeat 10-15 times.
  4. IP - standing on all fours, head straight. Raise the left arm and left leg, stand in this position for several seconds, return to the PI. Similar actions with the right side.
  5. In the prone position lifts of legs and arms are made, the stomach tenses. Do movements for 45 seconds, then rest for 15 seconds. Repeat 2-3 times.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pilates has a number of advantages, the main of which is accessibility and simplicity. Home workouts bring no less result than classes in the fitness room.

The advantages include:

  1. The ability to control your body. A person begins to feel the muscles, and gets the opportunity to control them and give the desired relief.
  2. The bonuses of Pilates classes are flexibility, endurance, harmony, beautiful posture, high tone.
  3. Improving the respiratory, circulatory systems, metabolism, increasing the body's immunity.
  4. Achieving harmony of a person with himself eliminates negative emotions and nervous tension, a person learns to understand and love his body.
  5. Low invasiveness, which allows the system to be used practically without restrictions.

This gymnastics has many advantages, but do not forget about the cons. The main disadvantage that should be mentioned is the risk of ligament compression due to the increased stress on the muscles.

This can be prevented by performing special elements during movements that allow you to soften the load. There is a deterioration in physical condition when interrupting classes, so this is not recommended.


There are minimal contraindications for Pilates, these include:

  1. Osteoporosis and other diseases with severe pain syndromes;
  2. Mental illness.

An important point: the exercises are performed only deliberately. Thoughtless and inconsistent execution will not bring results. It is desirable to start training under the supervision of a trainer, but at home you can get the desired result.

Pilates - the word itself speaks of fluidity, strength, flexibility and precision. But, oddly enough, the name of one of the most popular workouts today comes from the name of its creator - Joseph Pilates. He himself called his system of fitness exercises “controlology”, thereby emphasizing that the main thing in it is control over your body and mind.

Katya, 28 years old:“I have a sedentary job and constant pain in the neck and lower back. When I came to the fitness center, I could not choose the right workout. And only when I went to a trial Pilates class, I realized - this is mine! I really liked the smoothness of the exercises, and, of course, the result: after the third session, I felt lightness in my whole body, and my neck stopped hurting.”

Olga, 24 years old:“A friend gave me a Pilates membership to the nearest fitness center, but for a long time I did not dare to go. It seemed to me that it was something boring, like yoga. Finally, I came to the class and was very surprised: the training turned out to be pleasant, fun and at the same time relaxing. Although the next day everything hurt! It’s still a mystery to me how I managed to pump all the muscles. ”

Indeed, many do not know what to expect from Pilates and what it is all about. Let's try to figure it out.

What is Pilates?

This is a type of fitness based on the idea of ​​mental control over the work of the muscles. As is often the case, the exercise system was invented by a person who was often and severely ill in childhood. Joseph Pilates suffered from severe rickets, asthma and rheumatism in the first ten years of his life. It is not surprising that at a young age he decided to devote his life to sports and, despite all the illnesses he had, he became a professional boxer and bodybuilder, and then a coach. He lived for 83 years, leaving behind a unique exercise program that was named after him.

Who is Pilates suitable for?

Pilates is considered to be one of the most versatile workouts. It is suitable for people of any age, build, gender, health status. Pilates is safe because it does not involve excessive physical exertion. The exercises are simple but effective. If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, want to improve your posture, get rid of headaches and at the same time are afraid of strength training, then Pilates is for you.

The Four Basic Principles of Pilates

1. Proper breathing is the basis of Pilates

If you breathe correctly, then the body is saturated with oxygen, all organs work more efficiently. During Pilates, breathing should be costal: you need to fill the chest with air, without raising your shoulders and without using your stomach. The intercostal muscles control this breathing, and this is what gives the desired effect during Pilates.

2. Smoothness and grace

This item protects beginners from injury. If everything is done slowly and gracefully, then stretching or tearing is impossible. Pilates himself called his system the return of a person to a natural way of life, that is, all exercises should be natural, simple and smooth.

3. Training of all muscle groups

Control over your body allows you to involve all the muscles in the gymnastics process, even those that are usually little used by us. This allows you to gradually remove muscle clamps and redistribute the load from the most loaded muscles. At the same time, the spine is significantly strengthened, it really becomes a strong and solid foundation of the human body, posture improves.

4. Regularity of classes

Like any workout, Pilates only pays off if you do it regularly. Given the fact that Pilates exercises are quite simple, it is advisable to perform them daily. If you go to a fitness center, then training 3-5 times a week will be effective. After about 20 sessions, you will notice the result: muscle strengthening, a straight back, a retracted stomach, an easy gait, excellent health and a positive attitude. After 30 Pilates sessions, your body will completely change to the right lifestyle - it will begin to breathe and work with renewed vigor.

At any age, Pilates classes are beneficial and enjoyable. Despite the fact that the exercises of this type of fitness are simple, remember that it is always better to start classes with a professional instructor, and only after fully mastering the program can you do them at home on your own. Happy training!

Surely, everyone has heard about the Pilates fitness practice, but not everyone knows what the set of exercises is designed for, how the classes are held. In our country, this type became known only in the 21st century, but already has many of its adherents, as it allows not only to construct a figure, but also to improve the body as a whole.

How the Pilates Fitness Practice Works

This technique is not active and intensive. For a woman weighing 70 kilograms to burn 200 kilocalories, it will take an hour to work out on the floor, and to eliminate 350 kilocalories - the same time in the reformer. So, the calculation is as follows: to lose weight by half a kilo, you will need to burn 3500 kilocalories. Based on this, many will consider fitness practice to be ineffective, but this is actually not the case. Pilates, acting on deep muscles, allows you to restore and speed up metabolism, strengthen and tighten muscles.

By doing Pilates, you will be able to work out the deep layers of the muscles, the effect of the exercises will be without an increase in volume, which occurs during pumping. By practicing this technique, the body will learn to burn fat while at rest, or when a person is engaged in everyday activities. In addition, tightened muscles are a quick visual decrease in volume.

Therefore, when doing Pilates, you should not weigh yourself, but use a centimeter tape to measure. With stable classes in just a month, you will be able to get rid of one size of clothes.

How is the workout

The training program for beginners is selected by the coach, based on the state of the figure and health. The basic principles for choosing exercises and the number of sessions per week are the diet, the desired result from training. The effectiveness of the technique is based on several basic principles, adhering to which, it will be possible to achieve a lasting and noticeable result:

  1. Smoothness in all movements - classes should be carried out without any sudden movements and jerks.
  2. Performing each exercise, the main thing is to adhere to special breathing to achieve a better result. Each breath is taken before the crime to perform the exercise, and exhalation - in the process of its implementation.
  3. Relaxation and isolation of those areas that are not currently being processed. That is, if the effort goes to the press, it is necessary to relax the shoulders and buttocks.
  4. When exercising, you need to fully concentrate. To maximize the effect of classes, you need to get rid of unnecessary thoughts.
  5. Each exercise is performed with the most retracted muscles on the abdomen.
  6. During the lesson, it is important to perform the exercise correctly, to monitor the comfortable position of the body - the effectiveness depends on this. That is why classes should be conducted with a professional trainer.
  7. When performing exercises, you need to focus on your feelings. Coordination of movements will avoid possible injuries in an uncomfortable position of the body and increase the effectiveness of classes.
  8. The basis of training is gradualness. The load increases only after mastering the exercises.

Workout duration

One lesson should take about an hour. The regularity of classes is also a very important point. You must visit Pilates at least five times a week. How much to do - a month, half a year, five years - it is up to the person himself to decide. As the experience of many adherents of this fitness practice shows, the more stable the classes, the better the result. Many recommend preferring Pilates to other techniques, as it is less traumatic; The effect is maximum at minimum load.

What muscle groups are worked out in Pilates fitness practice

Classes are based on smooth exercises. The speed of execution here does not matter, it is important to correctly and measuredly perform all the exercises. The peculiarity of this fitness practice is that not only the main, but also small muscles are involved, which remain unused when choosing a classic set of strength exercises. With the help of Pilates, a balanced work of muscles and body parts is achieved. This system is suitable for any person, regardless of his age, level of physical fitness. Pilates is especially useful for those who do not have an active lifestyle. The system tones flaccid muscle tissue.

Standard hourly plan for a beginner:

  • the first step is a warm-up: brisk walking in place for five minutes with high knees, swings with legs and arms;
  • twisting of the spine (roll-down) is performed in a standing position, it straightens and strengthens the spine;
  • twisting on the press is performed while lying on the mat, it will help to significantly tighten the abdominal muscles;
  • the plank is performed within a few seconds, but gives amazing results: tightened abs, beautiful and strong muscles of the arms, but also the chest, straightening the spine. This exercise is a kind of "business card" of the system, and is able to work out almost all muscle groups;
  • "hundred" is aimed at creating elastic buttocks, tightening the abdominal muscles;
  • shoulder bridge to strengthen the buttocks;
  • circular movements of the legs allow you to strengthen the press, buttocks and legs.

Physiological effect on the whole body

The health benefits of Pilates have been proven. Until now, the secret remains unsolved, why with stable classes it is possible to noticeably rejuvenate. Perhaps this effect can be achieved due to the measured exercise, stretching and proper breathing, because people involved in martial arts look much younger. Also, regular exercise normalizes blood circulation, blood pressure. There are also special indications for Pilates:

  1. It is recommended to engage in this fitness practice for school-age children who spend a lot of time sitting.
  2. For adolescents with hormonal activity and active growth, this technique will help get rid of the pain that occurs in the joints and muscles.
  3. People with obesity, which is accompanied by shortness of breath, weakness in the muscles. Pilates will help to steadily and evenly lower fat deposits under the skin, gently remove it from the internal organs.
  4. People over 40 benefit from this fitness practice. It will help maintain and increase muscle tone, normalize blood circulation.
  5. Pilates is useful for those who suffer from migraines. It will not be possible to completely get rid of it, but it is possible to reduce pain and prevent attacks.
  6. The technique allows you to recover faster after injuries and long-term illnesses.
  7. Pilates is useful for diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Impact on the spine

This issue should be considered as a separate item. Doctors tirelessly argue about the benefits and harms of Pilates for scoliosis. Many do not advise doing fitness practice for this disease, but in the early stages and subject to the tandem, the trainer will help you choose a set of exercises that will strengthen the muscle frame, and at the same time will not overload the vertebrae with twisting.

It is also necessary to carefully select a program if there is an intervertebral hernia.

With osteochondrosis, the technique is simply necessary. It is designed for careful work not only with the muscles, but also with the spine, it allows you to balance movements and coordination, strengthen the muscle corset. With regular exercises, it is possible to forget about osteochondrosis, pain in the neck, back and shoulders.

Do I need preparation for the Pilates fitness practice?

In order to start classes, special preparation is not required, the trainer will help you master each exercise. But, the main aspect of the technique is the ability to breathe correctly. If the trainee comes with the skills of chest or literal breathing, this will be a big plus. Such breathing is necessary for Pilates classes, it must be learned. The peculiarity is that a person, when inhaling, opens the chest to the maximum and strongly strains the abdominal zone, this contributes not only to saturating the body with oxygen, but also to strengthening the muscles located between the ribs.

Suitable shape

For Pilates classes, you need to have comfortable cotton clothes. It can be shorts and a T-shirt, tights. Shoes should be light and comfortable, and their soles should be as flexible as possible. Many trainers recommend doing barefoot in general, which helps to activate the points on the legs that are responsible for the excellent functioning of the body, and strengthen the arch of the feet.

Recommended Pilates Fitness Practice Workout Time

To achieve maximum results, you need to choose the optimal time for classes. It is not recommended to eat an hour before a workout and within an hour after it, so you should choose the most suitable period so as not to starve and not feel discomfort.

Contraindications for Pilates fitness practice

In order not to harm your health, you should stop exercising when:

  • colds and flu when the body temperature exceeds 37.5 degrees. With a fever, coordination of movements decreases, and you can get injured while doing the exercise;
  • tumors, especially in the bones. Neglect of this contraindication threatens with fractures and progression of the disease;
  • muscle tears, untreated fractures. Pilates helps to recover only in the presence of healed injuries;
  • spinal injuries, flat feet of the third degree, scoliosis;
  • people with mental illness will find it difficult to perform the exercises measuredly;
  • the risk of bleeding.

These contraindications are of a general nature, so it is necessary to consult a doctor before starting classes.

Fans of outdoor activities will like the idea of ​​spending their holidays in such a way that they not only relax their souls, but also improve their health and tighten their muscles. Pilates is practiced on, which have already fallen in love with a large number of people. Professional coaches throughout the tour will accompany the trainees, help with the exercises, and select the optimal training schedule. After the completion of the tour, everyone will be able to independently produce a set of exercises.

Many of the studies cited show great benefits. Therefore, if you have not yet discovered it for yourself, then we are coming to you! Today we will tell you why Pilates is so useful and why every woman should try it.


You can make your body slim and without increased panting in the hall. This will help Pilates - gymnastics, which is based on smooth and controlled movements. It was developed at the beginning of the 20th century by the American Joseph Pilates. Below are the top reasons why you should start Pilates as soon as possible.

1. Pilates tightens muscles well.

Unlike traditional strength exercises, where each muscle is pumped separately from the others, all the main muscles of the body are involved in Pilates. This allows you to achieve significant results after a short time after the start of training. It has been proven that after 36 weeks of training, women are 21% more than those who trained in the gym.

2. Pilates relieves back pain

In Pilates, there are special spinal exercises that help solve several problems at once - strengthen the back muscles, make them more elastic, and thus restore lost flexibility to the back. This, in turn, relieves stress on the spine, relieving back pain.

3. Pilates relieves joint pain

Initially, Pilates was developed to restore the musculoskeletal system after injuries and various diseases, and now professional athletes and everyone are engaged in Pilates. It has been proven that after a few Pilates sessions, joint pain is significantly reduced, and in some people it disappears altogether.

4. Pilates teaches you to concentrate

When doing Pilates, you must simultaneously focus on 1) your breathing, 2) your technique, and 3) how well the first and second points work together. You simply will not have time to think about work, boyfriend and some of your problems in class. Just you and your body.

5. Pilates improves athletic performance

Thanks to Pilates, you will learn to focus your attention on the work of each abdominal muscle. And thanks to tightened abdominal muscles, you can do various exercises and engage in various types of fitness. And even you will be on the shoulder!

6. Pilates makes you more flexible.

According to a study conducted by Brazilian scientists, a woman who practiced Pilates became 19.1% more flexible after just 20 lessons. Therefore, if you want to not only relax, relieve muscle tension, but also become more flexible - run Pilates!

Pilates, as a special direction in the rehabilitation of dancers and athletes after injuries, was introduced in the 20s of the last century. Its founder is Joseph Pilates, who introduced the world to a program of effective exercises that help to quickly and painlessly recover.

Today, Pilates is more likely to be seen as a method for effectively tightening the figure, to improve posture and increase body density. Due to the fact that during the classes there are no shock loads, it is possible to practice according to the method even at an older age, and even for pregnant women. But for those who want to lose weight quickly, you need to choose a more active sport - with aerobic or strength training.

You should not think that everything is so simple. Pilates requires special concentration and some effort.

What is Pilates

Unlike fitness, Pilates is a set of exercises aimed at developing muscles and increasing body density. With regular exercises, posture is corrected, coordination improves. Muscles become more elastic, joint mobility and spine flexibility increase.

In Pilates classes, the focus is on controlling the breathing technique and abdominal muscles. The effectiveness of training is achieved not due to the number of exercises performed, but due to their quality. Special deep breathing and precise exercises help strengthen the muscles of the abdominal cavity, pelvis, and back.

It is very important to observe the technique of exercises, because the result can only be achieved in this way. Pilates is more focused on strengthening and toning muscles, but it does not provide strength and aerobic exercise.

The main advantage of Pilates is the balance of muscle load, which reduces the likelihood of injury. Strength and cardio training involve a directed load on certain muscle groups; with Pilates, the muscles work evenly.

Classes are held at a calm pace, the exercises replace each other gradually, becoming more and more complex. And the fatigue will be different, not the same as in fitness - deeper, but not as strong.

It is very important that as a result of classes, chronic pain in the spine disappears. Due to the strengthening of the muscular corset and greater mobility of the vertebrae, the spine is stretched. It is due to this that posture is corrected and even a slight increase in growth occurs. Let's just say that a person stops "growing down".

Pilates is also a certain philosophy. A single positive movement of mind and body. Spiritual balance achieved through physical and moral tension. Goal commitment and achievement.

History of occurrence

Since its inception, Pilates classes have long been available only to a certain circle - athletes, dancers, artists. Even without special knowledge, J. Pilates himself intuitively carried out the idea of ​​"the navel - to the spine", symbolizing the protection of the body. When performing exercises, the transverse abdominal muscle actively works and all deep muscles are involved, due to which the body becomes denser, stronger and more beautiful.

Joseph Pilates gave classes an individual character - he introduced special exercises based on the nature of the injury or the well-being of the wards. Over time, after the death of the founder, the method continued to develop, including the best developments of trainers and the latest advances in medicine.

Interesting. By the way, Joseph Pilates insisted on the eradication of bad habits and the desire to come to the realization of the need to restore their own health.

Benefits of Pilates

The main goal of training is to restore mobility and natural flexibility of the spine and joints, around which a beautiful, dense, elongated muscle is formed. As a result, the spine restores its normal position, the vertebral discs regain their shock-absorbing properties.

Pilates gives flexibility and freedom of movement. The effect is achieved due to the regularity and correctness of the classes.

The main benefits of Pilates:

  1. You get a beautiful flexible body with elastic muscles. At the same time, you can avoid a pronounced relief and muscle pumping.
  2. Alignment and stabilization of the spine. Pilates has been proven to help relieve back and lower back pain.
  3. Working out the deep abdominal muscles. Visceral fat goes away, the stomach becomes flat and elastic.
  4. Posture improves. Due to the straightening of the spine, the work of internal organs improves, back pain disappears.
  5. The shape of the body becomes different - the lines of the figure are drawn out and indicated, which is especially noticeable in the most problematic areas of the abdomen and hips. Massiveness leaves, external lightness appears.
  6. Exercise safety - training is recommended during the rehabilitation period after injuries of the joints and spine, as well as for prevention purposes.
  7. Deep breathing increases blood circulation, increases lung capacity. Relieves depression, normalizes sleep. Disappears uncomfortable feeling of anxiety.
  8. Increased flexibility and mobility of the joints. Each movement in Pilates is aimed at safely stretching the muscles and increasing the motor activity of the joints.
  9. The pressure decreases, the work of the cardiovascular system improves, which has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body.
  10. Improves coordination and balance of the body. After a few sessions, you will feel that the movements have become more precise, and the step is lighter.
  11. Muscle imbalance is eliminated - all muscle groups are involved in the exercise. The body is worked out as a whole, and not in separate sections.
  12. Pilates can be done at any age and with different physical fitness. A special advantage is that training is available even to those who suffer from diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  13. Some of the exercises are suitable for performing during pregnancy. Strong elastic muscles help reduce tension in the lower back, and proper deep breathing and good stretching will help ease childbirth.

Pilates is always a good mood and a charge of vivacity. After a workout, pleasant fatigue and a feeling of satisfaction are noticeable.

For figure

What gives Pilates for the figure? The body becomes light and toned. Due to the deep study of the muscles, their elasticity increases, which certainly affects the external contour of the figure. Posture improves - shoulders straighten, stoop disappears, growth increases.

Especially noticeable changes in the abdomen and thighs. The characteristic deposits on the outer line of the thigh disappear, the visual “heaviness” disappears. Due to the lengthening of the muscles, a person becomes noticeably taller and slimmer.

For women

Perhaps the main result of Pilates for women is the strengthening of the pelvic floor muscles. Due to this, one of the significant age-related problems (spontaneous leakage of urine) can subsequently be avoided. Another plus in favor of Pilates is that there are no contraindications for pregnant women.

Well, and of course - a sense of satisfaction from their appearance and well-being.

For the body

Without a doubt, Pilates classes bring not some abstract, but quite specific benefits to the body. Due to the straightening and lengthening of the spine, the internal organs fall into place and begin to function normally. The work of the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system improves. The volume of the lungs and, accordingly, the volume of blood increases.

The most noticeable effect of Pilates on the condition of the joints. Due to the gradual stretching of the muscles and ligaments, the mobility of the joints increases. That is why the technique is recommended for rehabilitation after injuries.

Can you lose weight with Pilates?

Probably, it would be more correct to say that it is impossible to lose weight quickly with the help of Pilates. Those who want to lose weight in the shortest possible time need to do more active types of fitness. Pilates affects the body more gently and gradually.

With regular exercises, the body becomes more dense and elastic, volumes go away. The lines of the body acquire clarity, the external looseness and vagueness of the figure gradually give way to beautiful forms.

If we talk specifically about losing weight, then yes - you can lose weight. But we observe two conditions - we impose restrictions on food and do not rush. Again, you can not starve, as training takes place with sufficient stress.

Important. In Pilates, the result does not come immediately. But after a few sessions, you suddenly, standing in front of the mirror, notice that you have become a little slimmer, a little taller and a little thinner.

How many calories does exercise burn

For an hour of classes, about 250-300 kcal is burned. About 300-500 kcal are consumed during cardio training or during power loads, and with especially intensive exercises, you can lose up to 750 kcal.

The numbers confirm that rapid weight loss, doing Pilates, you will not get. But if you follow a certain diet, the chance to lose weight (let's say - to put yourself in order) is very high.

Basic Principles of Pilates

It should be remembered that Pilates is not just a set of exercises performed in a certain order. Joseph Pilates approached his technique precisely as a way to harmonize and unite the body, mind and spirit.

The philosophy of Pilates is based on six principles:

  • Centering. The basis of everything is a strong center. Tighten the abdominal muscles, pull the navel to the spine. It is important that the spine is straight. You should feel muscle tension throughout the session.
  • Concentration. Ultimate concentration and attention to every movement. If all your attention is paid to the correct execution of the exercises, the result will begin to appear very quickly.
  • Precision and symmetry. It is necessary to ensure that the position of the body is even, without distortions - the shoulder blades, the shoulders should be on the same line.
  • Control. Exercises are performed with conscious control over every movement and complete immersion in the action.
  • Breath. No breathing - no Pilates. In the classroom, the so-called average chest breathing is used with inhalation through the nose, exhalation through the mouth.
  • Traction. During training, you need to feel stretching in the entire spine.

Important. These six principles must be observed at all times during training, no matter where you are - at home or in the gym. But simultaneous classes and a conversation on a mobile phone are not for Pilates.

The main mistake of all beginners is that we want everything at once. This is a fundamentally wrong approach, since Pilates exercises vary in complexity - they can be compared with dance steps.

You should not practice to the point of insanity - two or three times a week for 30-40 minutes is enough. In most cases, Pilates is combined with other types of fitness training, but even if this is not the case, the indicated time is enough to feel tired.

The warm-up is different from the traditional one. You just need to stand for 3-4 minutes and tune in to classes. The main thing is to stand with the correct posture.

Exercises are performed smoothly, without jerks. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the heart rate does not exceed the norm.

Important. Breath control is perhaps the most difficult thing in the first lessons. You need to learn to coordinate your movements, breathing and immersion in the process.

Basic exercises

Each movement in Pilates involves all the muscles of the body, but is aimed at correcting a specific area. There is no obvious rigid gradation here, since the exercises were originally developed precisely with the promise of returning flexibility and the natural position of the spine, as well as strengthening the abdominal muscles.

Schematically, exercises can be divided into several groups:

  • complexes for the abdomen, back, muscle corset;
  • complexes for the hips and buttocks;
  • complexes for the upper body.

Stretching exercises can also be divided into a separate group.

Important. We should not forget that there are exercises for beginners and advanced.

Exercises for the abdomen and back

Hundred (the hundred)

Twisting (crunch)

Reverse crunches

Leg extension (leg extension)

Lowering the legs (leg changes)

Twisting to the side (side crunch)

Diagonal twists (twist crunch)

Single leg stretch

Straight leg stretch

Torso twists (russian Twists)

Heel touch (side heel Reaches)

Twisting the tab (v-crunch)

Raising arms and legs on all fours (bird dog)

Hyperextension (lower back extension)

Raising the back with the spread of the arms (lower back letter "T")


Exercises for the legs and buttocks

Gluteal bridge (bridge)

Raising the legs in the gluteal bridge (leg raise bridge)

Raising the legs on all fours (don kick)

Diamond leg raise (clam)

Side leg lift

Leg lift for the inner thigh (inner leg lift)

Kneeling leg raises (kneeling side kicks)

Upper Body Exercises


Reverse plank (upward plank)

Plank leg lift

Turns to the side in the plank (side to side plank)

Mermaid (side Plank Mermaid Raise)

Push-up knees + leg lift (push-up knee + leg lift)

Who is Pilates for?

Pilates should be paid attention to those who are contraindicated in shock training - due to problems with the joints, blood vessels. The low impact load and the relatively low pace of each exercise exclude the occurrence of injuries and do not provoke an increased heart rate.

Regular exercises help to strengthen the muscular corset, straighten the spine, and improve posture. Therefore, Pilates is great for those who want to look beautiful and attractive without exhausting sports.

Contraindications and harms of Pilates

Unlike other types of fitness, Pilates is a calm, low-impact workout. It is believed that people of almost any age and even the very elderly can do it.

However, there are a number of contraindications to training:

  • recent operations;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system during the period of exacerbation;
  • severe overweight or obesity;
  • pregnancy - intensive classes are contraindicated.

Important. After 40 years, it is recommended to visit a doctor before starting classes.

Is it possible to do pregnant

Separate exercises according to the Pilates method are included in the complexes of classes for pregnant women. Training takes place in a relaxed mode with minimal stress. The focus is on proper breathing and strengthening, stretching the abdominal and back muscles.

Elastic and durable muscle corset allows you to reduce the load on the spine, reduce the risk of lower back pain. Properly set breathing will facilitate contractions and ensure a full supply of oxygen to the baby during childbirth.

What clothes are better to wear

The main requirement for clothing for Pilates is that it should be comfortable and not restrict movement. The composition of the material should include a natural thread that provides air exchange and moisture absorption.

All Pilates exercises are characterized by precise movements, so it will be more rational for the clothes to fit the body. Long, wide trousers and "sweeping" T-shirts should be avoided - not only does it look unaesthetic, such clothes interfere with exercise control and act as a distraction.

Shoes are comfortable for the feet. Pilates is a low-impact workout with minimal stress on the joints. Therefore, there are no such strict requirements as, for example, in step aerobics. You can buy sneakers or sneakers with thin soles, whichever is more convenient for you.

In most cases, training takes place barefoot on individual rugs.

Differences between Pilates and yoga, stretching and callanetics

Pilates is based on the philosophy of harmonizing the body, mind and spirit - this can be seen as its similarity with yoga. The only thing is that the age of yoga is counted in thousands of years, and Pilates is only less than a hundred years old. If you look at the exercises, then Pilastes is still focused on movement, and yoga is focused on statics.

The second similar direction in fitness is stretching (stretching). Separate elements of stretching are also present in Pilates, but the latter is more dynamic. The main goal of Pilates is flexibility, strengthening of the muscular corset, straightening and stabilization of the spinal column. And stretching is aimed more at increasing joint mobility and stretching muscles.

Another "twin brother" of Pilates is callanetics. It is based on a complex of elements of ballet, yoga (asana) and breathing techniques. The technique is aimed more at burning adipose tissue, although regular exercises also strengthen the muscles of the back and abdomen. The main difference between Callanetics and Pilates is a more relaxed pace and complex postures, which are sometimes impossible to master without a coach.

Is it possible to practice at home

Pilates can be practiced at home. There are a huge number of video tutorials on the Internet, among which you can quite find the right one for you according to the level of training.

Do not forget that in preparation for Pilates, the same inoculations apply as for other types of fitness - you should not eat up immediately before training.

Choose an entry in Russian or in one that you understand. During classes, the instructor explains how to breathe, how to focus and what points to pay attention to.