Review of species and characteristics of insulation, their scope. Types of insulation for walls Construction insulation materials

In front of many homeowners, the problem of insulation of the house, and, consequently, the choice of thermal insulation material. After all, a warm house is not only a comfortable accommodation, but also a decent savings on heating. Practical hosts responsibly approach the choice of insulation. The most popular and affordable materials that can be purchased without problems in any construction store, we reviewed in previous articles.

And now we will focus on the innovations of the modern market - innovative developments that are confidently entering our lives.

Liquid heat insulators: corundum, isolate, heat metal, astute and other

Liquid insulation in Russia are produced by several firms, so trademarks have different names. But the essence of their action is the same, and generalizing names - heat-insulation or liquid ceramic thermal insulation. Externally, this is a viscous white suspension, which has good adhesion to the surfaces of any type. A liquid insulation is applied with a brush, roller or sprayed. As a result, a subtle, elastic, durable polymer coating is obtained, which allows to significantly reduce heat loss.

Heatrokaska reflects and dispels radiation, it does not harm the UV rays, it is ideal for insulation of structures with high temperatures. The composition of liquid heat insulators includes ceramic microspheres filled with discharged air, and an acrylic binder component. In addition, the mixture introduces anti-view additives that prevent corrosion and formation of fungus.

The invention of warm-oil made it possible to obtain a long-time desired set of properties: this thermal insulator is lightweight, flexible, applied with a thin layer, stretched and suitable for any surfaces.


  • saves a useful area;
  • has a high heat insulating capacity;
  • has low weight;
  • well grind noises;
  • protects not only from cold, but also summer heat;
  • easy to apply;
  • safe for human health and does not harm the environment.

Teplokraska can be used for the insulation of walls, gender and roof. In addition, it is suitable for surfaces with complex geometry (slopes, pipes, shut-off valves, containers of different forms). After painting the facades of buildings, you can subsequent finishing facing, and after applying the walls from the inside - glue the wallpaper.

The disadvantage of liquid thermal insulation is only the price. But there are all prerequisites that the development and distribution of the technology of its creation of heat-oil will become more accessible.


Plastic is a new material created on the basis of mineral wool and polystyrene dust. After mixing the components, the composition is placed in a metal module with perforation, where the ferry is purged under high pressure. The lack of chemical additives ensures environmental friendliness of the material. The plastic is obtained lasting, waterproof and resistant to fire.

The plastic man is literally devoid of flaws. But because of the high cost of equipment for its production, it was not widely used. Externally, these are thin plates or molded products that are easy and convenient to mount.



  • for better clutch with the basis, degreasing special chemical compositions;
  • high cost of production;
  • deficiency in the domestic market;
  • high price.

Plastimigran is perhaps the most unfamiliar word for potential customers interested in thermal insulation materials. But many experts are confident that after him the future.


This insulation is not so new, but we included it in the list of innovations in view of the fact that in our country there are few people familiar with him, despite all its positive qualities. So what is hegel? This is a thermal material created on the basis of linen fiber.

Flax has long been known for its unique properties: in flaxwear warm in winter and not hot in summer. These abilities were taken into account when creating heatolon. So that the insulation holds the shape, 15% of the thermopower fiber is introduced into the fiber flax.

Material is probably interested in people interested in creating an eco-friendly house. The installation of heatolon does not imply the creation of vapor barrier, it perfectly regulates moisture exchange, and also has bactericidal properties, which is especially valuable when it comes to wooden buildings. Mounted heat, similar to other fibrous insulation. And its price is comparable to the price of extruded polystyrene.

So, dignity:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • good heat and sound insulation properties;
  • ensuring a comfortable microclimate due to a smooth change in temperature and humidity;
  • lack of painful microflora;
  • simplicity and low-cost installation;
  • lack of shrinkage;
  • durability.

Heat salve is very popular in Finland, there are three factories in its production. And in Russia, the insulation only began to conquer the market, but he already prophesy a great future.

Modern Fibrolite Variations: Green Board®

Many will say that Fibrololite is not innovation, but a well-forgotten old one, because it was released in Soviet times, and in the West has long been known as WWCB plates. But the material that will be discussed is an improved fibrolite, created on the basis of wood fiber, liquid glass and portland cement.

This insulation has a unique property: its temperature begins to change only 10 hours after changing the temperature from the outside. So, in the heat of Fibrolit warms only in the evening, while the Minvat is about in a couple of hours.


Modern thermal insulation has all the characteristics to protect our house. With the arrival of cold weather, each building and construction needs their own thermal insulation to ensure a comfortable living space for people living in it. It is very important to correctly perform the process of thermal insulation for your private house, so that he does not have dangerous "heat bridges", which dismiss you from warm and can harm your home.

In this article we will try to provide you with information about modern thermal insulation materials to help you choose the best for your needs.

What is modern thermal insulation? This material must perform several functions, all of which relate to creating a comfortable and healthy atmosphere in your living space.

Requirements for modern thermal insulation

The basic requirements for modern thermal insulation materials are:

1. Thermal conductivity.The best insulating materials should have the lowest thermal conductivity to reduce the overall heat transfer coefficient. Thus, it will take less insulating material. Gas is one of the best insulation materials. The insulating properties of commercial available insulation materials are determined by the amount of gas held inside the material, and the number of gas pockets.

Therefore, the higher the number of cells (which can support the gas) and the smaller their size, the lower the thermal conductivity of such an insulating material. Holding gas cells should not be interconnected, since this leads to heat convection. So, we need high thermal characteristics - the better the material isolates from low temperatures in winter and high temperatures in the summer, the better.

2. Parry permeability moisture.The best modern insulation materials must have a very small permeability for moisture. Thus, the absorption of water becomes insignificant. Condensation of moisture and corrosion are minimized. Do not confuse moisture permeability with vapor permeability. High vapor permeability - allows you to freely remove excessive moisture out of rooms to avoid the appearance of fungus and mold.

3. Low weight modern thermal insulation - will provide you with cheap transportation, ease of operation; There will be no need to strengthen the walls, foundation, etc.

4. Resistance / installation functions. The insulation material must be resistant to water, solvents and chemicals. It should be durable and not losing its insulation efficiency over time. The material should allow a wide selection of glue to install it. The material of modern thermal insulation should be easy to install, light and easy to use.

It is desirable that regular tools can be used for mounting work. Modern thermal insulation should be economical, with significant savings at the initial cost, and it should provide savings in long-term efficiency.

Modern thermal insulation is environmentally friendly and durable

5. Security functions. The insulation material must be evaluated as non-flammable and unprofitable. Flammability - the lower the flammability indicator of the material, the less additional investments will be required. In the event of arson of insulating material, combustion products should not form toxic impurities. Modern thermal insulation is e colorically safe product, material must be safe for human health.

6. Choosing finishes - the material must be able to decorate; Moreover, the variety of finishes you can use the better.

7. Durability - a necessary condition for the long-term work of modern heat-insulating material.

8. Price - Good materials can not be cheap, we have a fairly optimal ratio: price-quality.

Most effective insulation materials:

  • Polystyrene foam;
  • Extruded polystyrene foam;
  • Basalt mineral wool;
  • Laying density of aerated concrete;
  • Rolls of foam foil;
  • Equata;
  • Foam glass;

Polystyrene foam

The main advantage of thermal insulation plates, when you are engaged in insulating polystyrene foam, is their small thickness. This material is suitable for any additional warming and decoration events without special training.

The advantages include the absence of reactions of polystyrene foam on soap compounds and mineral supplements. Modern thermal insulation - polystyrene foam does not interact with bitumen mastic, cement solutions, lime, gypsum materials and asphalt emulsions. It is well resisting aggressive soil waters, not destroyed by their influence.

Modern thermal insulation expanded polystyrene, it is a familiar foam

The guaranteed service life of this type isolating is over 25 years. It will always protect you from the effects of ultraviolet radiation, foam plants are very resistant to solar radiation.

His only big drawback is a very flammable material. The polystyrene foam is not recommended to insulate wooden houses. In addition, it should be avoided on the polystyrene foam of turpidar and acetone, many species of varnish, as well as the olifa can completely dissolve this material. The polystyrene was dissolved and in all products created by the production of oil.

Extruded expanded polystyrene foam

Modern thermal insulation - (XPS) consists of closed cells and provides improved surface roughness, higher rigidity and reduced thermal conductivity. If you want, extruded polystyrene foam is the elder brother of polystyrene foam.

Extruded foams are made by mixing polystyrene with solvent, adding gas under pressure and, finally, extruding the mixture to the required thickness of the material. The extrusion process improves the characteristics of the final product.

Extrusion polystyrene foam and exposed to us, polystyrene foams consist of a single substance, the difference is the technology of creating granules. As a result of the formation of independent pores in the extrusion process, mechanical resistance is improved, the material becomes more uniform.

The material is not expensive with good heat-conducting properties and characteristics. The guaranteed service life of this type is over 25 years, but at present the tests have shown that modern thermal insulation from XPS serves to 50 years.

Extruded expanded polystyrene is easily flammable, so it is necessary to provide additional protection and ventilation. At the stage of finishing works, any suitable material can be used, but when applying layers, for better adhesion, the XPS surface must be well prepared, creating roughness on it by mechanical way (scratch).

Mineral wool

Modern thermal insulation from quite expensive pleasure. It is not surprising that the requirements of buyers are increased to it. Mineral wool has excellent vapor permeability and does not burn. With this material, the so-called "protective" type of thermal insulation is created.

The insulation of the thermal coating is performed using fiber coatings. This is a durable, lightweight material made of alumina, zirconium and quartz ceramic fibers. Mineral wool has a high density, which provides durability for more than 25 years. The advantage is also the possibility of finishing any types of building materials.

Modern thermal insulation of aerated concrete

Super fat and heavy modern thermal insulation, but it has good vapor permeability. This is non-combustible material. It should also be noted, the fact that this material is structural and is the material for the walls. Aerated concrete will significantly reduce the relative cost of the share of thermal insulation in the construction of buildings. It is possible to use light carbonated concrete.

Modern thermal insulation of aerated concrete is easily processed by the usual tool.

Rolls of foam foil

Modern thermal insulation foil foam. Thermal insulating film rolls (polyethylene foam with glued foil with one or on both sides) have good heat resistance and mass. Quite expensive material compared to other types of thermal insulation. A bright insulation representative is a brand - cell-foam, foamed polyethylene foam.

The thermal insulation of the building walls with film film rolls makes the process even more expensive, as it is necessary to additionally invest in ventilation and performing ventilation activities.

Modern thermal insulation foil foam.

The properties of this material (the absence of adhesion of polymeric materials and cement) strongly limit the selection of finishes and reduce the range of application where it can be used.

The presence of foil on both sides of this insulating material does not affect the heat resistance of the walls, a slight improvement in thermal resistance is observed only in a closed airspace, the effect of which is measured within a mathematical error. Material is rarely used in the layers of the building design. Basically this is a roof finish.


Not expensive and very practical modern thermal insulation. Made of cellulose, so its main advantage is quite obvious - this is a natural, very environmentally friendly material. Because of its looseness and weak bearing ability, a rich selection of finishing is impossible. Eco-water can be diluted with water and pour into brickwork (creating a so-called "well") or spray in the frame of the frame structure using special equipment.

Modern thermal insulation of walls by eco-art.

The flammability of this material prohibits its use in mass construction. The guaranteed service life of this type isolation is about 10-15 years.

Foam glass Foamglas.

Unique modern thermal insulation Foamglass Foamglas®.Life time the thermal insulation material is almost unlimited. Modern thermal insulation is not exposed to aging. Keeps physical properties throughout the entire life of the building. Exceptional characteristics of Foamglas® isolation show efficacy even in extreme conditions.

Modern thermal insulation Foamglas®

The foam glass is used as an insulating material and has the following advantages:

  • high fire resistance;
  • high resistance to microbiological attack;
  • good resistance to most chemicals;
  • high heat resistance;
  • available in various presentations (for example, blankets, mats, free filling and plates);
  • low thermal conductivity.

modern thermal insulation from fiberglass is available in rolls of various thicknesses, also called blankets and mats. Width of blankets and mats will depend on how they must be installed, and some face one side with foil or kraft paper, which serve as steam barriers.

However, the main technical limitations of fiberglass as isolation are:

  • bad strength of the design or resistance to compression;
  • next to the installation after installation, if not established properly;
  • its permeability for moisture.

Hard panels can be made with compressed fiberglass. These light insulating plates have relatively high R values \u200b\u200bfor their thickness.

We hope that this article helped you in case you are looking for some information about modern thermal insulation materials.

One of the priorities that is solved at the construction stage or repair of commercial and private housing is insulation. Today, this question is not so much comfort how much saving on expensive energy. Therefore, all sorts of insulation for the walls are relevant, which are used inside and outside buildings.

The market of thermal insulation materials

The modern market of thermal insulation materials demonstrates high growth rates. The reason is the proven effectiveness of the use of energy-saving technologies, which allows to save up to 40% on heating resources. This task is usually solved comprehensively, but one of the important stages is invariably the thermal insulation of walls and facades with such materials:

  • mineral and glass gamble;
  • cellulose insulation;
  • polystyrene foam (foam);
  • fibrolite;
  • liquid ceramic insulation;
  • cork and other materials.

Choosing the insulation for the walls, buyers pay attention to the thermal conductivity, the cost of a unit of the area, the complexity of installation and operational characteristics.

Mineral wool is an affordable and popular insulation. This material with a chaotic fibrous structure obtained by melting magmatic and metamorphic rocks. Mineral wool is used for the insulation of frame structures and walls intended for different degrees of load, contours of structures and structures. Her advantages:

  • high resistance to fire;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • biological and chemical stability;
  • soundproofing of premises;
  • the ability to repulse moisture without saturation it (hydrophobicity);
  • mechanical strength;
  • resistance to temperature deformation;
  • easy installation.

And now about the minuses of mineral wool. This insulation contains harmful components in its composition, which negatively affect the human body. Especially susceptible to them organs of breathing, leather and mucous membranes. Phenol in a mineral wool, which is insulated with walls, causes nausea, weakness and headaches. To prevent the adverse effects of this building material, it is isolated from direct contact with the air circulating indoors.

Properties and Characteristics Glasswater

Glasswater is a kind of mineral insulation. Its production uses the waste of the glass industry. Fiberglass fully consists of fibrous inclusions and is distinguished by high elasticity, durability and vibration resistance. Its thermal conductivity varies from 0.030 to 0.052 W / (M · K).

The glass gamble is available in the form of mats and rolls. Thanks to pressing technology in a rolled or compressed form, it takes a small volume, which simplifies its transportation, storage and installation on a construction site. Properties Glasswater:

  • high soundproofing ability;
  • mechanical strength;
  • flexibility and elasticity;
  • resistance to mold and fungus;
  • environmental Safety.

The main disadvantage of glass gamble - the need to strictly observe personal safety equipment when working with it. Thin and sharp fibers are subject to fragrance, and, falling on the skin or mucous membrane, they cause irritation, traumating them. Therefore, processing the walls with glass gamble is needed in overalls, which does not leave open areas of the body (the use of mittens required!).

Properties and characteristics of cellulosic insulation

Equata, or cellulosic insulation is a loose and light insulating material that is covered with walls, roofs, partitions and separate designs. 80% in its composition occupy paper waste (recycled waste paper), the rest is boric acid or a bora, which provides low burning ability.

The popularity of cellulose as insulation is due to the available cost and environmental friendliness (it gives the second life of waste, which clog the planet). Its main characteristics:

  • density - 30-65 kg / m 3;
  • thermal conductivity - 0.032-0.041 W / (M · K);
  • parry permeability - 0.3 mg / (m · h · par);
  • sound absorption - 36-45 dB.

Cellulose does not cause corrosion of metals in contact with it, has low breathability, hypoallergenne and hygienic. During the installation, it fills the available hollow spaces, forming a seamless coating on the wall. When laying a dry method, you can work at a minus temperature.

Advantages of polystyrene foam

Polystyrene foam is a synthetic gas-filled polystyrene-based material, which foamed by pairs of low-boiling liquids. It looks like a huge amount of finely cellular granules, on among themselves. The higher the material density, the more durable. Other properties of polystyrene foam for insulation of walls:

  • low thermal conductivity - 0.028-0.034 W / (M · K);
  • mechanical strength;
  • chemical and biological resistance;
  • low vapor and moisture permeability;
  • sound absorption capacity;
  • long service life (up to 30 years).

Extruded expanded polystyrene: properties and characteristics

In the extruded polystyrene foam for the walls, the same structure as in the pressed, but at the same time closed pores have smaller sizes - 0.1-0.2 mm. The main thing is that it distinguishes these two material - the technology of manufacturing granules. Because of it, extruded expanded polystyrene was obtained less flexibility and a margin of strength than foamed species, other vapor permeability - 0.013 mg / (m · h · par), but retained high thermal conductivity indicators - 0.029-0.034 W / (M · K).

Properties and characteristics of fibrolite

Fibrololite - insulation in the form of plates made of wood fibers and binders. On the cut, the base is visible from natural fibers and a portland cement layer (60 and 40%, respectively). Fibrolity characteristics for walls:

  • thermal conductivity - 0.08-0.1 W / (M · K);
  • humidity - up to 20%;
  • water absorption - 35-40%;
  • bending strength - 0.5-1.3 MPa.

FiBrololit is a non-combustible insulation, provides excellent sound insulation, does not rot, it does not affect the fungus and mold, and the service life is up to 60 years.

Environmentally friendly cork materials

If you choose an ecological insulation for the walls, it is worth paying attention to cork materials. They are 100% natural, as they are produced from the bark of oak. The structure of the cork cloth resembles microsts that are filled with gases.

The heat transfer coefficient at the tube is 0.043-0.050 W / (M · K). The insulation does not burn, does not rot and does not absorb foreign smells. It can withstand the temperature differences, absorbs sounds and vibration, easily placed on the wall without special knowledge and devices.

Liquid ceramic insulation: properties and characteristics

Liquid ceramic insulation is a modern insulation in the form of liquid suspension-foam. This is an innovative product that replaces classic solutions to reduce heat losses across the walls. The coating is obtained flexible and dense, evenly fills the affordable cavities. The maximum effect of thermal insulation is achieved due to vacuum in the microfibration of the substance.

The advantages of liquid ceramic isolation as insulation for walls:

  • high anti-corrosion properties;
  • durability (up to 15 years);
  • wide operating temperature range;
  • flexibility in thermal expansion;
  • simplicity of application;
  • ecology.

Liquid foam plastic is made of polymer resin, which solidifies the air. To apply it, you need to use special equipment. This is a practical and inexpensive option to reduce heat loss through the walls, roof or foundation. Liquid foam plastic has the following properties:

  • excellent adhesion with any surfaces and materials;
  • minimal preparation of the base (cleaning and drainage of the wall);
  • high vapor permeability;
  • no overpressure after drying;
  • simple applying and removal of surplus.

The liquid foam is ideal as a heater for horizontal and inclined surfaces, but also has proven itself in the insulation of the walls.

Consider the main types of insulation for walls.

Modern insulation: polystyolster, foamizol, polyurethane foam, glass gaming.

Wall insulation materials inside: foam

A large foam density increases the growth of its properties such as rigidity, decrease in grain size, strength.

Widespread use is due to the following advantages of foam:

  1. Polyfoam (or polystyrene foam) is a completely safe, environmentally friendly material that can be used even as packaging of food, as well as for the manufacture of one-time dishes.
  2. Polyfoam does not distinguish with harmful substances during operation.
  3. Foam, depending on the brand, has a very low thermal conductivity coefficient in the range of 0.025-0.04 W / m ° C. This is also a material with a very low level of moisture permeability.
  4. Polyfoam - excellent soundproofing material.
  5. The ability of foam to absorb strikes allows it to be widely used when packing requiring gentle transportation of fragile products (for example, furniture, glass, television, radio engineering, etc.).
  6. Polyfoam is a durable material, which allows it to be used in building capital structures. With the correct construction of the construction structure, it saves its properties for 50 years.

The possibility of exploiting foam under load caused by its high mechanical characteristics. This largely reduces the total cost of construction costs (for example, when the design of roofs, floors). It has a very high compression density. Polyfoam can be laid under the concrete tie to the floor. Polyfoam is very convenient in operation. The process of its installation in building structures is not laborious.

For those who work with foam, neither protective glasses or respirators or gloves are not required.

The foam is not subjected to the process of rotting, has antibacterial characteristics, resistant to sea water, main alkalis, acids. Not subject to corrosion. Polyfoam - affordable inexpensive material.

When exploiting foam in construction, it is forbidden to allow its contact with such chemicals as organic solvents (turpentine, acetone, solvent of paints, acetic-ethyl ether); petroleum products (kerosene, gasoline, resin, etc.); Saturated hydrocarbons (alcohol).

Contact with the compounds listed above may disrupt the structure of the foam or dissolve it completely.

Polyfoam is a very good insulation. The best option in terms of price. Its use with external insulation of facades of residential buildings makes it possible to reduce heat loss at times. Polyfoam thickness of 12 centimeters in its heat-saving characteristics is equivalent:

  • reinforced concrete wall thick 4 meters;
  • brick wall thickness 2 meters;
  • wooden wall thick 0.5 meters.

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Wall insulation materials inside: foamizole

Penosaol is made from the foaming agent, polymer resin, and orthophosphoric acid. It is produced in a sheet form, as well as a foam, which is poured between the walls directly at the time of their erection.

Penosole in basic characteristics and appearance is very similar to polystyrene foam or foam. It is widely exploited and used under different trademarks.

Fenosal today is the only polymer material for thermal insulation, which is not capable of independent burning. This is one of its advantages. He is assigned a G2 combustion group. According to this indicator, foamizol is superior to polystyrene foam (foam) belonging to the G4 group. Penosol under the influence of open fire does not flame, and slowly evaporates. The best option in terms of fire safety.

Material with a fine structure, without large air bubbles, which, during the cutting process, it allows you to crumble only with the walls of bubbles damaged by a cut. Penosol does not possess the smell, it has elasticity, that is, it can restore its original shape with a small deformation.

In foamizol, a very low thermal conductivity coefficient, which is approximately 0.030-0.06 W / (M * K). For this parameter, it is ahead of the foam and mineral wool.

Penosol - vapor-permeable material. It does not lose its qualities from large temperatures and moisture. Excessive water evaporates quickly in vapor form. It happens only in the warm season.

Penosol is the thinnest material at the same heat insulation.

It is very undesirable that Penosol absorb moisture before frosts in the autumn months. The lack of sufficient heat will not give him the opportunity to give this moisture into atmospheric air. This may cause the thermal insulation characteristics of foamosol worsen.

The moisture accumulated in the material at low air temperatures is capable of freeing and disrupting the structure of foamizol. Therefore, the variant of the use of foamizol between the walls in the middle layer of construction is most desirable. If there are areas with impaired integrity in the outer wall, then they need to be eliminated before the onset of cold weather.

To one of the main advantages of foamizol can be attributed low cost. This is a cheap thermal insulation material, and at the ratio of "quality-price" it is ahead of other insulation walls.

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Materials for the insulation of walls inside: Polyurenitan

Polyurethane foam is a foamed plastic. The foamed plastic is called plastic filled mass, air or other gas is used as a filler.

Polyurethane foam - durable and lightweight material with a unique structure, which is similar to the frozen foam.

Polyurethane foam has the most diverse use in different areas of activity. Its widespread use is due to the possibility of obtaining it at the place of use and ease of receiving the process.

Polyurenenitan is widely used thermal insulation material.

Polyurethane foam withstands critical temperatures and elastic. The material is noise and vibration isolar. It is non-toxic and environmentally safe. Along with this, it has high wear resistance and strength, preserves properties in a rather large temperature range.

If compared with other insulation, the thermal conductivity of polyurethane foam is not associated with moisture, and therefore the material can be used and saved in wet areas.

Polyurethane foam has high strength and low weight, low thermal conductivity and small vapor permeability. Polyurethane foam can be glued to walls or ceiling of any kind.

Polyurethane foam is a fireproof material. This allows you to apply it on any surfaces.

Polyurethane foam, as a heater, protects the walls of buildings from low temperatures, roofing and pipelines. Installation of polyurethane foam does not require experience or special tools.

When working with polyurethane foam, you can not dismantle old coatings. He will protect the building from street noise and create a favorable setting for recreation.

The popularity of polyurethane foam promoted simplicity of production and a small price. The best option in terms of reliability.

Polyurethane foam is used:

  • when creating refrigeration equipment: thermal insulation of commercial or household refrigerators;
  • when creating refrigeration transport equipment: the heat insulation of the autorsatrier;
  • in the construction of a civil and industrial facility;
  • with major repairs or during the construction of individual houses and residential buildings;
  • in civil and industrial construction: internal and outer heat and waterproofing;
  • during the construction of pipeline transport: thermal insulation of gas pipelines and oil pipelines;
  • in the construction of thermal networks of settlements;
  • in the manufacture of electrical and radio engineering: giving the vibration resistance to electrical devices;
  • creating details of the internal interior in the automotive industry;
  • making upholstered furniture;
  • in aircraft and carriage;
  • in other areas of mechanical engineering.

Today there are many materials that effectively hold heat indoors. They differ in different characteristics. To pick up the optimal option, you need to understand the features of each type of thermal insulation. This will help to understand the advice of specialists. What types of insulation for walls from the inside are in demand today, as well as their characteristics will be discussed in detail below.

Features of internal insulation

Heat insulation inside have a certain set of qualities. In contrast to external thermal insulation, in this case, only environmentally friendly materials will be applied. They should not be distinguished into the environment of harmful substances, including when increasing the temperature.

Experts argue that external insulation is much more effective than internal thermal insulation. However, in some cases, it becomes almost impossible to perform this work. The cost of creating an external finish can be high. It will be necessary to hire specialists who will fulfill such a job. This is especially true of insulation in apartment buildings. Only a specially trained master can work at altitude.

In some homes, the apartment is located so that the outer insulation becomes almost impossible. Next to the outer wall can be a ventilation mine or an emergency staircase. It is also worth considering that the appearance of some old houses cannot be changed. The authorities make laws that do not allow external insulation in such buildings. It can be monuments of architecture, culture or history. Their appearance should remain unchanged.

However, when insulating at home, the hosts are faced with a number of difficulties. Knowing the features of such work, you can avoid significant errors. If you mount the thick layer of the insulation indoors, the area of \u200b\u200bthe room will significantly decrease. Indoors will need to push off the walls or make all the furniture. Therefore, during the repair process, the room cannot be operated. The room will require an additional ventilation and conduct a number of activities that will reduce the likelihood of condensate.

How to choose a material?

Today, different for the walls are used for insulation of the house, as well as materials in plate format. They are characterized by thickness, density and other important characteristics. When choosing a material, you need to consider the thickness of the wall, as well as the features of the climate. It will also be necessary to consider, from which material the walls of the house are made.

So, insulation for the walls of the wooden house inside will be somewhat different in their characteristics from thermal insulation, which is used in a brick building. When choosing primarily take into account the lower this indicator, the smaller layer of thermal insulation will be as follows in the room. This indicator is in direct dependence with such a characteristic as hygroscopicity.

One of the important indicators is the density of the material. For insulation of vertical structures, heat insulation with high density is acquired. It should not be deformed under the influence of the force of attraction. Otherwise, the soft insulation just crashes down.

Be sure to pay attention to the level of hygroscopicity. If the material is able to absorb moisture, it will at some point will not be able to perform functions assigned to it. Therefore, for such insulation, it is important to use a layer of hydro and vaporizolation.


One of the important indicators when choosing insulation is its safety. It should not be lit and allocate harmful substances into the environment. Especially high demands put forward to the insulation for the walls of a wooden house inside.

In this case, such varieties are not suitable as extruded polystyrene foam or foam. These are materials that are capable of burning. At the same time, they allocate harmful substances into the environment that are killed faster than fire.

Varieties of materials and their cost

The cost of a particular material is not the last factor when choosing a heater. It is worth considering that today for internal insulation uses many materials. The most popular of them are the following varieties.

Often installers make insulation from mineral wool. It is sold in rolls or plates. The second option is preferable, as the density and hardness of this material above. The average cost of this insulation is 150-160 rubles / m². The cost of this material varies significantly depending on the manufacturer, the type of fibers and other characteristics.

Much is much cheaper than Ekwata. Its price is about 35-50 rubles / kg. However, it is worth noting that this material is soft. In the process of installation, it will be necessary to lay it very tight. Therefore, the consumption will be higher than that of the base of basalt fiber.

One of the most common and affordable material buyers is a foam. It costs about 3-3.5 thousand rubles. / M³. In this case, the cost depends on the class of strength and thickness of the panel. Much more popular today extruded polystyrene foam (EPP). It almost all indicators exceeds the foam. The price of extruded polystyrene foam (50 mm) is 5-5.5 thousand rubles per m³. This material is strong enough to apply it not only for insulation of walls, but also gender.

Since the price of extruded polystyrene foam (50 mm) is acceptable for many categories of buyers, it is often acquired. However, it is far from always permissible to install such material.

Sometimes the owners of the house or apartment are solved to carry out insulation of polyurethane foam. This material has a lot of positive qualities. However, its cost will be high enough. It is 200-300 rubles / kg. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the additional cost of paying the work of a specialist. Perform all actions will not work independently. It will be necessary to purchase or rent expensive equipment.

Relatively cheap are foil insulation. Their price depends on the type of base. The cost of thermal insulation, which is made of foamed polyethylene is 40-45 rubles / m². At the same time, the price of a foil insulation based on the basis can reach 140-145 rubles / m² or even more. The cost depends on the thickness of the material.


Insulation from PPU and foam plastic today is very popular. This causes the acceptable value of such materials. However, before purchasing it is worth considering both positive and negative sides of the foam.

The advantage of this type of insulation is an acceptable cost. If you compare the foam with other types of thermal insulation materials, then the repair when it will be used much cheaper.

In this case, the thermal conductivity level is low. This material is perfectly coping with tasks assigned to him. Heat remains indoors in the cold period. However, it is very important to correctly assemble and calculate the thickness of the foam. Installing it will be able to perform almost everyone. It does not take much time and does not require special skills. The master should only follow the generally accepted instruction.

Thermal insulation made of this material will be operated for a long time. The material absolutely does not absorb water. Because of this, the speed of its destruction will be very low. However, it is worth considering that the foam is far from the best option for insulation. This is a combustible material that emits poisoning substances into the air. It can not be applied when finishing a wooden house.

Plates are fragile enough. With careless circulation, they can break. Rodents easily spoil this material. They create tunnels in it, which significantly reduces thermal insulation characteristics.

Material is absolutely countertile. As a result, it will be necessary to equip the forced ventilation system. Otherwise, the appearance of fungus on the walls will be inevitable.

Extruded expanded polystyrene foam

The insulation of the PPU is considered a more acceptable option. It is characterized by improved characteristics, compared with the foam. These two material are made from the same polymer. However, its processing is different. As a result, materials with different density, thermal insulation qualities are obtained.

The thermal conductivity indicator of polystyrene foam is significantly lower than that of the foam. Therefore, it is used in insulation not only walls, but also roofs, gender. The flammability indicator of this material is below.

Also, polystyrene foam is much stronger. It is distinguished by a low water absorption. It may not even be necessary to hydro or vapor barrier. This material does not absorb water, does not miss steam. This makes it durable. However, this is a disadvantage. Indoors will also need to do high-quality ventilation.

Mount the material is simple enough. How to fix the insulation to the wall from the inside, tells the standard installation instruction. For this apply special glue. Sheets are not deformed, do not break like a foam. This is a reliable, durable insulation.

The thickness of the polystyrene is less than the polyfoam at a similar level of thermal conductivity. Therefore, this material is much less occupied by the useful area in the room. With internal insulation, this is a significant advantage.

If compared with foam, extruded polystyrene foam has fewer disadvantages. However, they still exist. The absence of vapor permeability is a significant disadvantage. The flammability of the material is significantly reduced. However, he is still capable of flammable. In this case, harmful substances are distinguished into the air. The cost of extruded polystyrene foam is an order of magnitude higher than that of the foam. This fact can also be attributed to the disadvantages of the material.

Extruded expanded polystyrene was also not installed in wooden houses. It does not comply with fire safety requirements.

Mineral wool

When using this type of insulation, steamer is not required. The material is very tightly adjacent to the wall. Moisture cannot penetrate it. Condensate will not appear on the reverse side of the finish. The insulation of polyurethane foam do it yourself is quite difficult to perform. This will require lease special equipment. More often seek help for professionals. They will work quickly, correctly and efficiently.

Foilized insulation

The insulation of the walls of the foil insulation from the inside is a good option, since the thickness of the roll is only a few millimeters. Almost everyone can mock like this material on the surface. This material consists of the base and the foil layer. The upper layer reflects the infrared rays of the spectrum, directing them back to the room. The substrate does not miss the heat out of the room outside.

Today, there are many types of insulation for walls from the insutium. It is important to choose the key to the material. It can be foam polyethylene. It is not able to provide high-quality insulation indoors. This is an additional insulation, which is most often assembled by the battery. This allows you to reflect it warm back into the room.

Also available materials are presented, the basis for which the foam rubber is served. This material can replace a high-quality insulation that can be used to finish internal space. Rolls have different thickness. They can be thick from 5 mm to 1.5 cm. The thicker is the substrate, the better the material prevents the loss of heat in the room. Modern types of insulation for walls from the inside allow you to install the materials with your own hands.