Beautiful monophonic wallpapers for walls in the decor of various rooms. Monophonic wallpapers for walls All monophonic colors

The interior not loaded by many details, it looks much sophisticated. You can achieve such an effect if you choose correctly background colors for the room in which the repairs started.

And here you can not do without monophonic wallpapers, which have recently become very fashionable. With their help, you can easily be emphasized by any style. In addition, it pleases the number of tones and shades that will allow the interior in any palette.

Only here even to use such wallpapers, you need to know many nuances, to understand the intricacies of such a combination. Reading this article guaranteed the answers to the most frequent questions about the selection and sticking of wallpaper of monophonic colors.

Palette of flowers, shades and tones

It is not necessary to choose expensive wallpapers to create comfort and comfort in the room. To do this, sometimes you just need to correctly place accents in the background shades and details of the interior decor.

Most often, such wallpaper glued to either clarify, or make the room darker. But sometimes they are used to focus on a small area or on the whole wall.

It may seem to you that the monophonic wallpaper in the design of your apartment is boring and monotonous? It is a myth! After all, with the help of some details, the room can be turned from a banal gray in bright and colorful.

We offer several solutions to this problem:

  • All over the perimeter of the room you can make accents on bright parts in the decor.
  • Wallpaper choose with relief.
  • Create a drawing using a stencil.

  • Focus on bright color curtains.
  • Combine monophonic wallpaper using a different color gamut to emphasize the merits in the design and hide disadvantages.

How can it look like? Watch photo of rooms with monophonic wallpaper.

Among other things, it is one-photon wallpaper that will help you to visually increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, hide the irregularities of the wall (textured and relief wallpapers) and even improve the mood.

On wallpapers without a picture, the frames for the photo, paintings, wall clock will be perfect.

How to pick up tone?

Decided to make walls in monophonic? This is easy to achieve. You can choose inexpensive monophonic wallpapers that you can change at any time convenient for you.

But you can stop your choice on more expensive wallpaper under painting. It will give you the opportunity to change the background of the room as often as you need it.

A light or lightweight cold colors are best suitable for High-flow or minimalism. Warm shades are perfect in the rooms made in the style of country or Provence.

A bright palette will decorate the eastern theme in the design. For the kitchen it is recommended to buy vinyl monotonous wallpapers. They can be cleaned that it will simplify the cleaning process.

Fliselinic can also be easily cleaned, besides, the relief of the canvas will help to give the placement of styles and wealth.

Don't you need durable wallpaper? Then it is best to purchase paper monophonic wallpapers: they are easy to glue, they are relatively inexpensive. Such wallpapers are environmentally friendly, which will allow without fears to punish them in a children's room, for example.

What is the result you can count if you use one-photo wallpaper?

All colors in the apartment interior have their own tasks: Bright emphasize style, dark - visually reduce the room, bright - add the room of simplicity and freshness.
Wallpapers of one tone can create a base background, smash the room into zones and make accents on individual decor items.

Each room is its color palette

The bedroom, the children's room is best punished with waters with warm colors: yellow, beige, white, light blue. Accent with bright orange or lilac wallpapers you can do in the gaming area.

The kitchen will be pleased to please you if you use here gray or beige with bright colors. Saturated shades perfectly shade niches, protrusions, inserts.

For the living room, any wallpaper is suitable. Color - your taste. The main thing is that you and your guests feel comfortable here.

The hallway and the corridor will meet you friendly if you beat the bright one-color wallpaper here. This will help to visually increase the room.

The design of the room with the help of monophonic wallpapers will delight you and your guests. But in order to happen, do not rush. Look at the photo of rooms with monophonic wallpaper in different combination and make the right choice.

Photo of monotonous wallpaper in the interior

Wallpaper without a picture for the walls is unusually popular, no wallpaper collection costs without monophonic canvases, a special energy and charm is hidden in wallpaper without a picture. They can be used in any interior and style, suitable for office and residential premises. The monophonic finish is ideal for walls, decorated with paintings and decor, for a room with beautiful, bright, designer furniture, minimalism and futurism style.

Wallpaper selection for walls

For the correct selection of wallpaper without pattern walls, you must familiarize yourself with their classification:

Choice of color wallpaper without drawing for walls

All colors are divided into groups:

  • warm colors - yellow, red, orange and all their tones. These colors are well suited to kitchens and children.
  • Neutral monochrome colors - white, gray and black look well in office space.
  • Cold colors - blue, purple and all possible their shades are ideal for hallways and living rooms.
  • Green - depending on the shade, it happens both warm and cold, thanks to this uniqueness suitable for any room. Psychologists claim that the shades of the green helps a person to relax and recharge the energy.

Choosing a color for wallpaper without pattern walls is the key step. It is worth considering illumination. Almost any color of the wallpaper can be used in the rooms located on the eastern and south side, and the Western and North side is better preferred to prefer warm tones of wallpaper. Cheer all the walls in the same color - classic. You can experiment with different shades of one color, the use of a variety of finishes in one room is a rather risky step.

Wallpapers without drawing for walls in the bedroom

One-color wallpapers for the bedroom interior is a convenient solution, easy to make accent on the windows, pick up bright or stylistic curtains. In the bedroom it is appropriate an accent wall above the bed, where you can punish a wallpaper with a large and unusual pattern, hang a picture, apply decorative elements.

There is no need to apply "heavy" wallpaper (washable, vinyl or fiberglass), permeability and humidity are minimal, so choose "light" and eco-friendly materials.

Wallpaper without drawing for walls in children's

The main requirement for wallpaper in children is their environmental safety and breathability. Using the zoning of the room, for the place of rest, we select simple paper wallpaper in pastel colors, and for the gaming zone - fliesline canvas in bright colors. Psychologists do not advise to overload children's drawings. There is a decoration of the walls or application on the accent wall of the photo wallpaper.

Wallpapers without drawing for walls in the kitchen

In the kitchen wallpaper, the main thing is durability and moisture resistance. The phlizelin wallpaper is responsible for painting, they will allow you to "refresh" the color outside the repair. The choice of color, with a small area it is better to stop on warm pastel colors.

Wallpaper without drawing for walls in the hallway

Usually, it is a small and dark room with a big passability. Taking these facts as a basis, choose vinyl wallpapers. It looks good horizontal combination using at the top of warm, saturated tones, and in the bottom of light pastel.

Wallpaper without drawing for walls in the living room

The key factor is the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. In a large well-lit room, orange, bright green, blue and purple wallpaper, they make the room expressive, and its inhabitants giving vigor. With insufficient area, it is necessary to use moderate tones: sandy, beige, grayish - it will help to visually increase the space.

Wallpapers without a picture for walls in the modern interior have a number of advantages, and a properly chosen color scheme can change any room for the better, and create a wonderful mood to create its inhabitants. Clear frames in the selection of colors do not exist, rely on your own taste and fantasize.

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Even in an uncomplicated interior, you can bring sophistication and originality. The design that is not overloaded with extra accents and items, creates a feeling of freshness and space. That is why monophonic wallpapers are incredible popularity.

Assortment of shades and textures

The advantages of the webs of our catalog are modernity, strength and versatility. You can choose a lounge for the living room, hall, bedrooms and kitchens. We offer wall covering proven brands: Paravox. (Germany), Arthouse (Great Britain), Chivasso. (Holland), Carey Lind. (USA), Loumina (Russia), etc.

Features of monophonic collections:

  • roll width is 0.52, 0.53, 0.68, 0.70 and 1.06 meters;
  • the length of the canvas varies from 10 to 25 meters;
  • the catalog contains fliseline, paper and vinyl wallpapers for walls of all sorts of colors (with photos);
  • the cost of 1800 rubles per roll.

Models with vertical lines are perfect for rooms with low ceilings. Wallpaper with ornament will fit into the interior of the hall. Geometrical drawing will scratch irregularities and other wall defects.

Where it is profitable to buy wallpaper

Visit our store in Moscow and select one-photo phliselin, paper or vinyl wallpapers at a bargain price. Also you can buy liked wall coverings via the Internet. Within 2 hours after the application, you will call the manager to clarify the payment and delivery method. We accept payment by cash and card, Internet banking and on the electronic score.

You purchased housing or solved for repairs, and for the decoration of the walls the choice fell on the traditional for our country the option is overwhelming. Monthly wallpaper with all their varieties will help embody the most bold ideas. You just need to figure out how to choose a worthy option.


If you want to buy not just a beautiful wallpaper for the walls, but also a high-quality, durable product, then it is worth understanding the wallpaper classification:

  • By type of surfaces, they can be divided into two groups: smooth and textured (embossed, small selected pattern, blended pattern or any other relief).
  • By the number of layers - single-layer and multi-layered.
  • According to the degree of shine - matte and glossy. Glitter can be insignificant or strongly reflect the light.
  • By density of cloths: Light with a density of less than 110 g / m2 (most often one-layer), medium (110-140 g / m2) and severe with a mass of more than 140 g per 1 m2 (thick multilayer).

  • By moisture resistance, wallpapers are divided into:
    • ordinary, non-carrying contact with moisture;
    • moisture-resistant with a special moisture protection layer. They can be wiped with a wet tissue napkin;
    • washable, cleaned with the use of various cleaning solutions. Alsome-sensitive wallpapers are also highlighted, which can be affected by even powders with abrasive particles and brushes.


It is from the material that it depends on how to stick, hold on, look like the wallpaper after time:

  • Paper wallpaperare the most budget from the shops presented in stores. At the same time, they have a huge selection of colors and shades, occur even with a relief surface. There are two types: Simplex (single-layer) and duplex (two-layer)

  • Fliselinova wallpaper. Made on the basis of nonwoven material with natural or synthetic fibers - fliseline. The smaller the density of such wallpapers, the more they stretch. This is an important aspect when performing repair.

  • Vinyl wallpapers Made by applying foamed vinyl on paper or fliesline base. There are products and smooth, and with large embossed. Finishing with a large ornament will look good in the hall of a country house with a high ceiling.

  • Fabric walls It is obtained by applying a layer of fabric on a layer of paper or phlizelin. By using different types of fabrics, such as silk, viscose, flax, cotton and others, they can have a smooth, and relief, and silky structure.

  • Technique of creating acrylic wallpapersimilar to vinyl. Only on a paper or flieseline layer is applied acrylic. But it can not cover the entire surface of the base, so the wallpaper texture is only embossed.

  • Popular liquid wallpaperonly begin their way on the market of our country. This is a mixture of glue and various fibers with additives that need to be applied to the walls with a spatula.

  • Glass equipmentcreated by weave fiberglass in the form of different ornaments. They are very durable, so they are profitable to use them in new homes: when shrinking, you can not be afraid of cracks and breaks on such a material. To obtain different shades, they are covered with paint.

  • Natural Materials Wallpapers. With their manufacture, the cork veneer, bamboo or metal foil with different patterns is used.


In Russian stores, wallpaper are presented with a width of two sizes:

  • semi-meter(Basically, cheaper wallpapers are presented in this category). Their width - 53 cm with minor deviations;

  • meter(It is faster to glue on the wall).

Wallpaper length in a roll is familiar to the Russian buyer - 10 meters.

Dimensions differ, depending on the material. Paper wallpaper is standard half-meter and meter, in roll ten meters. Fliselinov has the lengths of rolls up to 25 meters. Acrylic and vinyl wallpapers make a width and 70 cm with a standard ten meter long.

Fabric begin with a width of 70 cm due to the features of the manufacture.

And when buying expensive fabric wallpapers, you will not consider rolls, but the route meters.


Light shades are considered optimal: white, beige, gray. It is easier to work with them to work and a novice-like-lover, and a professional interior designer fantasy in this case is limitless. But you do not need to be afraid to use color wallpaper. It's just a little more deeply studying the favorable combinations of shades:

  • Yellow The feeling of joy, symbolizes the energy and mind. Suitable for designing a kitchen, a cabinet for extraordinary personalities.

  • Shades of bluedecorate the bedroom. This is a color of peace, he is also ideal for maritime subjects. But it is not necessary to get involved in dark blue variations - they can give gloomy.

  • Pink, delicate peach, sand wallpaper are most versatile and give a feeling of space, coziness and heat.

  • Olive, purple, red gold -many are afraid to use such complex shades. But you only need to find a good combination.

  • Olive color Gloomy for the nursery, and in the living room or bedroom in combination with green, beige or pale blue can be very fresh and fashionable to look.

The varieties of red, orange, gold should not be used on all the walls, just one accent will give the unique character to your dwelling.


Monophonic wallpapers are great for designing interiors weatheted in different styles:

  • Wallpaper in Scandinavian style, as a rule, light shades, without a pronounced ornament, possibly the use of natural materials.

  • Light shades with gilding, glitter, overflows are preferred in the classics.

  • The decor in the style of eastern countries - brighter and monophonic walls can be combined with a decoration with texture floral ornament (for example, Turkish cucumbers).

  • Styles Baroque and Rococo are similar to each other, but Rococo shades are more tender. In the classics or palace themes, it is better to draw large rooms.

  • Modern stylistics involves monophonic wallpapers of cold shades for bedrooms, and in the living rooms and halls are warm and rich colors. Texture can be under the skin, suede and even plaster. Visits the popularity of eco-style, where natural materials will be appropriate. In the subject of the loft apply the wallpaper for painting or liquid, imitating metal, concrete, as well as brick and stone.


Decorating the room with wallpaper carries not only the decoration function, but can help hide disadvantages. If there are irregularities and cracks on the walls, it is possible to hide it by highlighting a smooth wall with bright contrasting color or matte textures to combine with glossy.

Vertical monophonic stripes of contrasting colors, such as gray and pink, will look very impressive in the living room, creating a dynamic and mood. You can also vertically combine wallpaper monophonic and with a pattern, working in a classic style or imitating the palace interior.

Horizontal combination also involves decoration of monochrome wallpaper curb. Dark finishing with a bright pattern from below can be separated from a monophonic light shade of the same gamma from above. The room will not seem squat. Or, on the contrary: dark monotonous bottom and small pleasant eye floral ornament from above.

The decor under the plaster will well emphasize bright photo wallpaper. A texture embossed saturated color will decorate a niche in a room with light homogeneous walls.


For each room, designers have their own techniques. The bedroom should be cozy, relaxing to rest and calm. Pastel shades without drawing here prevail. If you still decided to allocate one of the walls with color or texture, then the whole interior should be expressed in calm colors.

In the living room a lot of traffic, conversations, classes. Therefore, you can add brightness to the interior or zonail the room with calm and saturated shades in combination.

How to choose?

Word wallpaper selection rules:

  • Decide with the appointment of the purchased goods. For premises with low ceilings, light colors are suitable, embossing with vertical lines and a small ornament. Fliselinic coating will fit the living room, in the corridor and kitchen vinyl, and in the children's predominantly of paper or natural materials.
  • If there is a relief pattern, the fit will be required. And the number of wallpaper should be increased.
  • Pay attention to the size of rolls.
  • For different materials, there are specialized adhesives. Incorrectly selected composition, you can spoil all the repair. Also, the methods of applying glue differ. For paper, the glue is applied to the wallpaper, and for Flizelin - on the wall.
  • Wallpaper density should be at least 110 g / m2. Otherwise, they are very easy to break.
  • While buying it is necessary to check all rolls in color. It must be identical. Because in different parts, the manufacturer can supply slightly different shades.
  • For rooms placed on the sunny side, it is better to choose a little fading wallpaper.

For some subtleties of the choice of monochromatic wallpaper, see the following video.

Advantages and disadvantages

Paper wallpapers are budget, eco-friendly (fit well in nursery), easily pasted, but do not wash and strongly burn out. Waterproof wallpapers are convenient in cleaning, but do not let the air (better not to use them in the bedrooms). Fabric wallpapers are expensive and sophisticated in everyday life, although very spectacular in the interior.