Which cement to use for the foundation. What is the difference in cement brands and which cement to choose which cement is better for general construction work

Buying cement, many of us know very little construction material. As a result, the brickwork, the foundation and mortar screeds are obtained by poor-quality and crack under the action of load, frost and groundwater.

Ignorance of the specifics of the use of various types of cement, its brands and characteristics lead to the overruns of this material.

Invoyable use and improper storage leads to damage and loss of invested funds.

In order to confidently navigate, choosing cement for repair, improvement or new construction, consider it more classification, as well as strength and price indicators.

The cement is a powdered building material consisting of a binding basis - clinker, filler and modifying additives. When in contact with water, it turns into a plastic mass called cement test. Hardening, it turns into a durable stone.

Unlike other binders (plaster, lime), all types of cement are hardening and gaining the necessary strength not only in air, but also in water.

The main characteristic of any cement is its brand. This is a digital designation of its strength in a solid state, expressed in kg / cm2. The brand is determined in accordance with the provisions of GOST, conducting tests of bending samples and compression after a 28-daily exposure. Furious types of cement are tested for strength in 3 days after the preparation of the solution.

The brands of this group of binding materials are denoted in numbers from 100 to 900 (with a pitch of 100 or 50 kg / cm2). Today, cement brands below 300 are not produced. The most popular on the market - M400 and M500. High quality cements (from M600 and above) are used in military, mining, airfield and hydraulic construction.

Buying cement bag in the store, you will see on it not only the designation of the brand, but also other abbreviations whose value we will now be explained. The retail network most often sells portland cement marked by letters - PC.

To control the speed of setting, increase the frost resistance and the water permeability, special additives are introduced into the cement. They are denoted by the letter D, after which the percentage of additives (0, 5, 10 or 20%) is indicated. For example, Portland cement grade 400 with 20% of chemical additives is marked as follows: PC 400 D20.

SlagoporTland cement

In addition to Portland cement, the construction uses SlagoporTland cement. In addition to clinker, a granular domain slag is added in an amount of 30 - 65% of the total weight.

It is marked with the letters of the SPC and differs from Portland cement by several important parameters:

  • racks to soft river and aggressive sulphate soil water;
  • low resistance to low temperatures;
  • slowly gaining strength during the first 4 weeks;
  • without reduction of strength, the effect of high temperatures (from +600 to +800 s) is withstanding.

The listed technical characteristics of cement using slag allow you to take two important outputs: it should not be made concrete, which will be operated at low temperatures or subjected to periodic freezing and thawing.

In the cold season it is better to apply it for the preparation of solutions and concrete, stacked in heated rooms, and for open operations to use in summer.

The light shade of Slagoportland cement allows them to use it for the preparation of decorative solutions, saving on the purchase of expensive alkaline dyes.

An important advantage of cement on a domain slag is the low speed of activity loss. Therefore, it can be stored longer than an ordinary portland cement.

The beginning of setting (hardening) in this cement occurs 3.5 hours after the preparation of the solution, and ends after 6 hours (air temperature +18 - + 22c). By this time, the solution loses plasticity, and any mechanical impact on it leads to an irreversible destruction of cement stone. In a regular portland cement, the setting process ends after about 2 hours.

Special types of cement

Since cement is applied in all branches of construction production, there are many species of this binder.

The most famous of them are:

  • Furious portland cement, abbreviated designated BTC. It dials 60% of the valuing strength for 3 days and is used for high-speed construction;
  • Cement Cultuous Resistant Cement (CSPC) It is used for massive foundations that experience the destructive effect of sulfate groundwater (dams, berths, waveings);
  • Cement using surfactant additives. If an additive entered into the composition, which improves the plasticity and the disappointment of the solution, the cement marking contains the letters of the PL. To reduce the water permeability, a hydrophobizing agent is added, and the letters of the GF are added to the labeling;
  • Tamponight portland cement. Used to isolate drilling fluids from the penetration of groundwater.
  • Waterproof expanding cement. Denoted by the letters of the WRC. It has a very high density and is used to close the cracks in reinforced concrete structures, waterproofing of water pipes and mine facilities;
  • White (BC) and colored cement. Used to prepare decorative concrete and solutions used for masonry of facade and facing bricks.

The cost of this material depends on its brand and type. In addition, the final price of the cement affects the manufacturer's reputation (brand).

The price of one bag of Portland cement brand 500 (weight 50 kg) that does not contain additives (M500-D0 PC) is from 200 to 250 rubles.

Cement with additives is a bit cheaper. 50 kilogram bag (M500, 20% of additives) will cost you in the amount of 190 to 220 rubles.

The standard bag of cement M400 has different manufacturers from 160 to 190 rubles.

Prices for white cement M500 domestic production start from a mark of 390 rubles. Turkish white cement M600 D0 (50 kg) is significantly more expensive. Its value fluctuates in the range of 540-570 rubles.

Consumption standards

Answering the question of how much cement is needed on the cube of concrete, it is necessary to take into account its brand and the required strength of the structure. The date of release also has great importance, since this type of binder loses activity over time and is very sensitive to storage conditions.

Practice shows that it is more profitable to buy a higher brand cement, since it can be 15-20% less for the preparation of concrete or a solution of the same strength than low quality.

For example, cement consumption by 1 m3 of a solution "Three hundred" brand is: M500 - 500 kg, and M400 - 600 kg. To prepare one cubometer of concrete M200 you need to buy 400 kg of cement M500 or half-thin portland cement M400.

To simplify the calculation of the composition of the concrete or solution, you can use such a formula: For structures that do not carry a large load (tracks, floor screed, plaster) is quite the ratio of cement M500 and sand 1: 5.

For foundations, overlaps and other responsible structures, the proportion should be 1: 2. For frame solutions, a ratio of 1: 4 is usually used.

Solving for myself which cement is better to choose, Remember that the date of its release is no less important than the brand. Even when complying with all storage conditions every 30 days, it loses about 10% of its activity. This means that if 3 months have passed since the manufacture of M500, then you buy M350.

If the cement lay in the warehouse for half a year, then its brand will not exceed 200 kg / cm2. Make a high-quality solution on such a material, and the more durable concrete is unrealistic. Therefore, before buying, demand a document in which the manufacturer's date is clearly indicated.

Cement is used everywhere: from bookmarking the foundation to the arrangement of brickwork and conducting work on interior decoration. Such a wide and even the immense sector of the use of cement led to the appearance of materials with different composition and characteristics. It is impossible to just buy the first cement that fell and starting work - before it is important to make sure that the composition corresponds to the task. When going to the construction store, it is important to know theoretical foundations, so it's time to figure out how to choose cement, find out which brands and types of cement exist, where certain compositions are used, as well as to take into account directly when choosing.

№1. Main types of cement

Cement is called an inorganic binder. The cement powder, when interacting with water, forms a plastic mass, which quickly grasps and forms a stone-like body. It is often used for making and building solutions. The composition of cement can vary greatly. Accordingly, the properties and sphere of use will differ.

Today, such basic types of cement are made:

  • portland cement - The most popular type of cement in construction. It is made from portland cement clinker, plaster and special additives. The clinker is obtained from limestone, clay and additives by firing. Ready portland cement by 70-80% consists of calcium silicates, the rest falls on the gypsum (adjusts the setting speed) and adjusting additives. Portland cement produced M400-M600 brands, used to create, solutions, asbestos-cement and other materials. Not suitable for the construction of structures subject to sea water;
  • white Portland cement Made on gypsum, diatomitis and clay-sanded rocks with minimal content of coloring substances. As a result, it turns out a composition with high strength, resistance to atmospheric influences and rapid grasp. Only two brands of M400 and M500 are produced. Often, the composition is used to conduct external finishing works, as it has aesthetic appearance and is not subject to crack formation. Used to make elements of decor (statues,), when organizing bulk floors, in road construction, in. Based on white portland cement make colored formulations;
  • sulphate-resistant portland cement Produced on the basis of portland cement clinker and gypsum. The composition is characterized by a reduced content of calcium aluminates than and is provided with resistance to sulfates. Cement can be without additives or have additives in the form of a granular slag. Mark M400 and M500. Used when creating and erecting structures that will be operated under the influence of mineralized water. Such cement is used in the manufacture of piles, supports of the bridges, with the arrangement of the external elements of hydraulic structures;
  • pozzolana Portland cement Get from portland cement clinker, plaster and additives of sedimentary origin, part of which is 20-30%. The composition is distinguished by resistant to fresh and sulfate-containing waters, water reproducability. Among the minuses are low frost resistance and low solidification rate. Used when filling and masonry of basements of industrial and civil buildings, during the construction of the metro, mines, canals, gateways, plumbing communications;
  • slag cements - a group of cements that includes slagoportland cement (SPC) and limestone cement (ISHC). The first is obtained on the basis of portland cement clinker, plaster and blast slag, part of which is 21-60%. The composition is characterized by a slow increase in strength, increased resistance to aggressive media, but not resistant to temperature drops. Used in hydraulic construction. The IRSC is obtained from a mixture of slag with lime (it is about 30% of it), small additives of gypsum and portland cement are allowed. The composition is slowly hardening, the most racks in fresh and sulfate waters can be used to manufacture lowar concrete concrete, in building solutions for and masonry;
  • furious portland cementAs the name prompts, it is characterized by a rapid set of strength in the first hardening hours. Such properties are explained by the exact selection and dosage of special additives. As a result, the composition after 3 days reaches the strength that accelerates the process of production of reinforced concrete structures;
  • glind-grade cement Also distinguished by high hardening and durability. It is based on bauxite or alumina with limestone. In the content of alumina, the usual (up to 55% alumina) is isolated, high-grade (up to 65%) and high-grade high-grade cements. The compositions have high resistance to fire, corrosion and rapid rise in strength. Such cement has found application when conducting emergency work, high-speed construction and winter concreting;
  • expanding cements - A group of cement, which is distinguished by an increase in volume when hardening. Such effect is achieved by passing the reaction between powder and water, as a result of which calcium hydrosulfoaluminate is formed, a substance capable of binding a large amount of water. In the group expanding cements, waterproof, straining, dry-luminous compositions and expanding portland cement are isolated. Consider all of them separately;
  • waterproof expanding cement Made from gypsum, alumina cement and calcium hydroalumita. The composition begins to be captured after 4 minutes, and after 10 minutes the hardening process is already ends. Used in underground and underwater construction, for sealing cracks and when creating monolithic structures from individual precast concrete elements;
  • straining expanding cement They produce from portland cement clinker, lime, clay slag and gypsum stone. The composition is relatively quickly freezing, waterproof. Used in concreting bowls, production of pressure pipes;
  • hyputogily expanding cementmove from clay and gypsum and gypsum. The composition is seized for 4 hours, the extension ends after 3 days. Cement is characterized by high frost resistance, strength and deformation resistance. With it, it is carried out waterproofing;
  • expanding portland cement - This is a mixture of a portland cement clinker, a slag with a high alumina, gypsum and mineral additives. Depending on the composition, the expansion is from 0.3 to 2.5%. Expansion period is long, therefore the volume is filled uniformly. Used in the arrangement of road surfaces and repair of hydraulic structures;
  • tampongen cement Used only when tamping oil and gas wells in order to insulate them from groundwater. Produced from clinker and plaster;
  • hydrophobic cement In its composition, in addition to plaster and clinker, has oleic acid or other hydrophobic substances, allowing to create a waterproof film on the surface of dried cement. Such cement is ideal for the foundation;
  • magnesian cement It is distinguished by the content of magnesium oxide, due to which the elasticity of the composition increases, its resistance to aggressive substances. Used during arrangement;
  • waterproof ramless cement Frequently obtained on the basis of clay cement, plaster and haired lime. The composition is quickly grasped and not afraid of water;
  • acidopore quartz cement - The product of mixing quartz sand, sodium siliconofluoride and liquid sodium glass. The composition is resistant to aggressive substances, but loses strength in water;
  • cement with surfactant additives It has high mobility and is used when working on complex objects from an architectural point of view.

№2. Strength of cement

The most important characteristic of cement of any kind is its strength. This indicator is determined by an experimental way: a solution of cement is prepared and in a 1: 3 ratio, a sample is created in the form of parallelepiped with 40 * 40 * 160 mm. The resulting sample is subjected to gradually increasing load. The experiment is slightly different only for some types of cement.

The data obtained during laboratory studies are reflected in the brands. If the sample is withstanding the load of 300 kg / cm 2, then this is a M300 brand, 500 kg / cm 2 - M500, etc. The brands are denoted by the letter M and the subsequent index from 200 to 600 in 50 or 100 increments. The higher the brand, the more durable the composition, and the more durable and high-quality concrete from it will turn out:

Today, near the classifications of cement on stamps of strength appeared division on strength classes. If the brand is an average average, the class is more accurate and provides 95 percent compliance warranty with the specified data. Strength classes vary from 30 to 60:

  • 52.5 - cement withstands the pressure of 52.5 MPa, corresponds to the cement of the M600 brand;
  • 42.5 corresponds to the cement M500;
  • 32.5 corresponds to cement M400;
  • 22.5 corresponds to cement M300.

Number 3. Marking additives in cement

In addition to the stamp of strength, on the package you can see the marking of the percentage of various additives in the cement. It is indicated by this indicator of the letter D, after which the numerical indicator follows. For example, cement D20 means that 20% of additives are included in its composition. The higher the amount of additives, the lower the price of the composition.

№4. Marking for the speed of gaining strength

The time during which cement reaches its maximum strength - another important indicator of the composition. In some cases, it is required that it can be instantly, in others, on the contrary, - an excessive speed of the durability only hurts. For this parameter, cement is divided into such types:

№5. What else can be in the marking of cement?

In the characteristics of the composition after the designation of the cement brand and the percentage of additives, various abbreviations indicating the specific quality of cement may be:

№6. What to pay attention to the selection of cement?

The demand for cement is huge, which gave rise to the appearance of many unscrupulous manufacturers, which are often mixed in cement additives that strongly reduce the quality of the finished composition. To not be mistaken when choosing cementand buy a really high-quality product, you need to know something about what a good cement looks like and what properties he should possess:

  • cement is sold in bags and in scattering. It is better to take cement in bags, because it is protected from external influence, longer retains its qualities, and on the package of the bag you can always find out information about the composition, the production date, cement characteristics and its manufacturer. Bags are usually made of two layers of paper, the inner protects cement from wetting. By the way, the absence of any information on the packaging is also a sign that it may be low-quality material;
  • if you buy cement in bulk, and it is packaged in bags, then it is better to carefully check shelf lifeat each, since in the total mass you can sell the entered goods. Cement activity after 6 months from the date of production falls several times;
  • check freshness cement You can also experiment. It is enough to knock on the bag - the sensations should not remind a blow to the stone. The first is the cement in the corners of the bag, so they also do not prevent. Naturally, if there are no production dates at all on the package, then such a product is better not to take;
  • cement should be stored in dry and well-ventilated premises, otherwise it will be quickly mounted;
  • color of high quality cement - gray, more precisely from light gray to dark gray and even greenish. Dark and swamp shades are not allowed. A good cement should crumble in his hand, and when compressing does not squeeze into a lump;
  • the thinness of the grinding affects the process of rejection. The fraction of particles is smaller, the faster it will harden the composition and the price is higher. Too small fraction increases water consumption, so Ideally, it is better to take cement where fractions are from 40 to 80 microns;
  • does not interfere with spending evaluation of the composition and characteristics of cement. It is easy to do this, but in advance it is necessary to prepare hydrocarbonate-sodium water ("Borjomi") or hydrocarbonate-chloride sodium. From the water it is necessary to release gas. Next, we use it for the knee test and forming a cake with a diameter of 15 cm. In the center, it must be thickening (5 cm), to the edges - already (1 cm). High-quality cement should start grabbing no later than in 10 minutes, and the thickened part will noticeably heat. If the gripping does not occur even for 30 minutes, then you are the composition of low quality.

№7. Top Cement Manufacturers

Finally, once again we emphasize the need for the packaging of information about the cement brand, its properties, production dates and manufacturer's contact data.

Updated: 09/18/2019 22:30:15

Expert: Boris Mendel

* Overview of the best editorial board. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective, not advertising and does not serve as a guide to purchase. Before buying, you need consultation with a specialist.

No building today can do without such an important material as cement. Every year manufacturers improve manufacturing technologies, modernize the equipment, which leads to the creation of high-quality compositions. The scope of the application of the product is very wide, the material is applied not only at construction sites, but also in other industries. Therefore, for each case, cement is required with a specific set of characteristics. Before you go to the store or place an online order, you should listen to the advice of experts.

How to choose high-quality cement

  1. Cement composition. The basis of the cement composition is crushed inorganic substances, such as limestone, clay, mineral additives and fillers. Depending on the recipe, there are many varieties of material. Portland cement is the most popular in our country. It is suitable for the construction and manufacture of reinforced concrete structures. But sea water destroys concrete based on Portland cement.
  2. Strength. The most important characteristic of any cement is strength. This indicator is laid in the marking of the material. Cement M400 withstands the pressure of 32.5 MPa, this number is called the class of strength. The five hundred stamp must correspond to the class of strength of 42.5. Military cement has the highest strength (M600). It is withstanding the load of 52.5 MPa. Most often in everyday life, the grades of cement M400 and M500 are used.
  3. Purity. Another designation worries potential buyers. On the package, the manufacturer indicates next to the literary d. It denotes content as part of additives. For example, in the cement mixture, D20 contains up to 20% of fillers, plasticizers and other compounds. Marking D0 indicates the purity of cement, there are no additives.
  4. Screwing speed. Depending on the type of work performed, the concrete solution must be faster or slower to harden. Therefore, manufacturers offer cement modifications at different sinking speeds. If there is a marking of CEM I on the package, then the concrete will be stuck as quickly as possible. For construction concrete M400, the normal marking of CEM V is considered.
  5. Packing. For packaging of bulk and hygroscopic material manufacturers use multilayer paper bags and bags. A large packaging (50 kg) is optimally suitable for construction. And when small amounts of work are performed, it is more profitable to take packages weighing 5-30 kg.
  6. Shelf life. A distinctive feature of cement is a limited expiration date. The date of manufacture is indicated on the package, so when buying should calculate whether the composition will be used until the end of the term. Most often, the manufacturer guarantees the safety of the product from 3 to 6 months, while the time of transportation and storage in warehouses should be taken into account. Experts recommend checking the freshness of the composition alone, hitting the corner of the package. It is in these places begins to mate cement.

We selected our overview 11 of the best cement formulations. The distribution of places in the ranking was influenced by the opinion of the expert community and the reviews of Russian consumers.

Rating of the best cement manufacturers

Nomination a place Name of product price
Best cement brand M400 1 372 ₽.
2 263 ₽.
3 690 ₽.
4 298 ₽
Best cement brand M500 1 382 ₽.
2 311 ₽.
3 379 ₽
4 255 ₽
Best cement brand M600 1 820 ₽
2 980
3 592 ₽.

Best cement brand M400

The cement formulations of the M400 brand are designed to prepare the average strength concrete. They are most often used in the device of the screed, erection of internal partitions, align the surfaces with large drops. Experts noted several proven manufacturers.

The leading position in the Russian construction market holds the domestic company "Eurocement Group". The most popular brand of cement is eurocement M400 D20. Holding production facilities are located in different regions of the country. The composition with such a designation is issued by such enterprises as "Mordovcement", Mikhailovcent, "Pikalevsky Cement". The product meets all the requirements of international standards, therefore exported to a number of neighboring countries. The construction mixture is used in the construction industry and in industry. From cement, plates of overlapping, reinforced concrete structures, foundation, walls, etc. The domestic product is distinguished by moisture resistance and frost resistance. Store in closed bags, you can up to 6 months.


  • acceptable price;
  • water and frost resistance;
  • high quality;
  • wide scope of application.


  • not detected.

Cement Holtsim M400 is produced at the Shchurovsky factory in Kolomna. The company is part of the international concern Lafargeholcim, founded in Switzerland (1912 g). Products are different, the level of which in the M400 M400 reaches 70-74%. The unique properties of cement received due to the use of a special clinker with a small content of iron. To increase the reflection coefficient, such additives as diatomitis and gypsum are introduced into the composition. The classic brands of Portland cement with a strength class of more than 32.5 are in the product list.

Cement Holtsim M400 deserved from experts and users of high estimates for quality and strength. The second place the product takes only a deficit in the trading network of provincial cities.


  • high quality;
  • white color;
  • acceptable price;
  • universality.


  • the deficit in the trading network.

Cement Portland M400 Hercules Experts recommend buying for filling floor tie. The product is characterized by high strength after drying. After a day, you can continue to repair, perform other finishing works. The company's assortment has different types of packages, it is especially convenient to transport 5-kilogram white-blue packages with romes under the fingers. The composition meets Russian standards, its strength class is more than 32.5. Therefore, the screed will serve for a long time, and cracks and chips will appear on it.

Users are satisfied with the quality of cement, its strength and durability. The product is located on the 3th place of the rating due to the large number of counterfeit on the construction market.


  • environmental friendliness;
  • high strength;
  • versatility of use;
  • not afraid of low temperatures.


  • high price;
  • low shelf life (2 months).

Cement CEM II 32.5 (M400 D20) Gray de Luxe

Cement II 32.5 (M400 D20) "Favorite" cement is distinguished by stable quality and democratic price. It is implemented in the trading network under the brand TM "DE LUXE". By applying innovative technologies, the manufacturer managed to take its niche in the domestic market. Experts highly appreciate the resistance of concrete to the temperature difference and resistance to moisture. Cement ensures the strength of the solution at 32.5, it is worth noting a good adhesion of the composition.

Users like the rate of setting the solution, a quick set of hardness, the strength of frozen concrete. Cement did not fall into the top three ranking leaders due to one type of packing (50 kg), as well as the need to work only at a positive temperature (above + 5 ° C).


  • strength and durability of concrete;
  • good adhesion;
  • fast frost;
  • democratic price.


  • packing in large bags;
  • installation work can be conducted at temperatures above + 5 ° C.

Best cement brand M500

High strength and durability has cement M500 brand. This composition is recommended not only to create internal screeds, but also for the fill of the foundation, the construction of the walls. Specialists noted several high-quality products.

Many positive feedback comes from domestic consumers to the Euro-cement 500 super cement. This brand is widely used in the construction of houses. The composition is suitable for the foundation device, for the construction of brick and block walls, pouring screed, etc. Experts highly appreciate the fact that the manufacture of cement is carried out according to GOST. The material corresponds to the class 42.5. The resulting concrete solution is characterized by high mobility and speed of setting. Therefore, the timing of construction work can be reduced. Also should praise the composition for moisture and frost resistance.

Builders in the reviews are finding flatly relative to the concrete formulation, which is shown on the package. For quality and strength, the product conquers first place in our rating.


  • high-quality manufacture;
  • strength and durability;
  • rapid grasp;
  • wide scope.


  • not detected.

Holcim Extracem M-500 cement is allocated to rapid hardening and endurance. Concrete cooked on its basis withstands high loads. It does not crack and does not settle. Therefore, experts recommend using the composition of the foundations of high-rise buildings. The class of the product corresponds to the 42.5 indicator. The manufacturer added special additives to a dry mixture that prevent cracking after drying.


  • strength and endurance;
  • can be used inside and outside buildings;
  • the plasticity of the working solution;
  • resistance to cracking.


  • uncomfortable packaging.

Another brand of cement from the Holding "Eurocement Group" fell into our rating. This is the composition of 500 EXTRA D20. It is released at the enterprises of CJSC Maltsovsky Portland Cement and JSC "Mikhailovcent". The product attracted the attention of the experts by the speed of frozen and high strength. With a cooked solution, it is convenient to fill emptiness, it is easily aligned, has a minimum setting time. Cement is withstanding low temperatures, so builders advise it to use it during winter concreting.

Users suits the quality of cement, its hardness and durability. Of the minuses, a slowdown is noted at low temperatures (below + 10 ° C). One of the drawbacks is a high price.


  • great quality;
  • convenience in work;
  • long storage;
  • no shrinking cracks.


  • high price;
  • slow hardening at low temperatures.

The best binding properties has cement stone flower M500 D20. The quality of products manufactured at the Stone Flower plant meets the modern requirements of domestic and foreign standards. The production uses only secure raw materials for humans and the environment. At each stage of manufacturing, tight control of the observance of technological discipline is organized. Therefore, experts recommend the cement of this manufacturer to fulfill responsible works. Special compounds are introduced into the composition, which increase the stability of concrete to the formation of cracks and accelerate the drying process.

The product stops in step from the ranking leaders due to uncomfortable large bags and limited expiration date.


  • simplicity of preparation;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • suitable for internal and outdoor work;
  • water and frost resistance.


  • uncomfortable bags;
  • limited storage.

Best cement brand M600

To create reinforced concrete structures with maximum strength, cement M600 brand is required. With its help, sculptors make monuments, steles and concrete figures for decorating household plots. Experts drew attention to several compositions.

White cement of the Turkish company CIMSA is widely popular in the Russian market. The composition is intended primarily for finishing works. The company has long been working in the European market and in the countries of the former Soviet Union. Therefore, good contact with dealers and end users has been adjusted. The advantages of CIMSA M600 cement are ideal for smoothness and smooth surface, the absence of cracks after drying, resistance to negative weather phenomena. And in reinforced concrete structures, the white mixture protects steel reinforcement from corrosion. Cement is obtained by the "dry way", which makes the final products of the competitive in the Russian market.

fully complies with the requirements of international standards, and even much more than them. Along with aesthetic and decorative properties, cement is able to withstand a very large load. White indicator reaches 90%, the class corresponds to the indicator 52.5.

White cement is widely used in the construction of architectural and decorative concrete structures, the production of dry construction mixtures and adhesive compositions, the construction of monuments, sculptures, etc.


  • high aesthetic properties;
  • wide scope of application;
  • strength and endurance;
  • atmospheric resistance.


  • high price.

For more than 20 years, the Russian "Production Firm Rosen" has been operating in the building materials market. The main task of the company is the production of high-quality goods at democratic prices. A bright example of a combination of price and quality is a white M600 polymer cement. The product is distinguished by workability, plasticity, good strength and ease of work. For these properties, the experts gave the material to the third line of the rating. The composition can be used for both internal and external work. It is resistant to negative external influences, while maintaining excellent aesthetic qualities.

Users praise Russian composition for low shrinkage, thin grinding, frost resistance. Of the minuses there is a high price and the need to use quartz sand.


  • subtle grinding;
  • resistance to atmospheric influences;
  • white color;
  • plastic.


  • high price;
  • add quartz sand.

Attention! This rating is subjective in nature, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to purchase. Before buying, you need consultation with a specialist.

Cement is an important building material, which just like lime, plaster or clay belongs to inorganic binders. It is necessary to know which brands of this material are and for which they are best used to determine which cement is better. At the same time, the products should be not only high quality, but also to maintain a long time.

Like other materials used in construction, cement has differences in physical and technical characteristics that depend on the conditions of its operation.

What to buy cement - in bags or scattering?

Despite the continuous development and emergence of new technologies, construction does not work without the use of cement mortar. This material is sold in a scattered form and in bags. Therefore, the question often arises, what option is the best and better? There is a unambiguous answer to this question - the best cement in bags. In addition, it is its most often you can find on sale. The material is produced both abroad and in the CIS countries. It is sold in construction supermarkets, on special bases, as well as in cement plants.

Cement, packaged by bags, has high quality and is better adapted for storage.

More cement, packed in bags, is much more profitable to buy, because it is easier to store it. But at the same time, the room where it will lie must comply with certain criteria. It should be well ventilated, not wet, since otherwise cement hardens. It is advisable not to keep this building material for more than six months - after this period, it loses its basic qualities.

The cement packaged in bags can be different, each of which has its markings, depending on the strength of the material in the finished form.

Before going on sale, still at the factory, all products are thoroughly inspected in accordance with which the manufacturer puts on the bag, the corresponding brand, trademark and the phone number for consultations.

In order not to be mistaken, it is best to acquire cement from the manufacturers known on the construction market that will value with their reputation.

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Basic signs of quality

Visual signs of high-quality cement can be seen in the process of construction work:

  • mass should be dark color;
  • cement must quickly dry, contact well with tools;
  • during compression there should be no dry matter;
  • classm cement must be taken in 28 days;
  • the brickwork for which the solution was used, when using high-quality material it will be durable.

The requirements for the quality of cement in accordance with the enshrined regulations are as follows:

  • drying period;
  • thinness of grinding;
  • consistency of the solution;
  • proper storage of various types;
  • alkali content.

There are various brands of this building material that have an individual composition and apply with various purposes. To understand which cement is suitable better in one situation or another, it is necessary to figure out in more detail in all kinds.

The main advantage of the loose cement is low cost.

Commes most often appear in the mixtures of high marks. To avoid water collection and strengthen strength, an acceptable magnitude of grinding should be about 350-380 sq. M / kg. At the same time, the density of the test is equal to 25-26%. Already in 4.5 hours, cement should be captured, and the hardening should usually occur on the third hour. If these requirements are observed, then the necessary strength will be ensured at the desired period.

In accordance with SNIP 2.03.11-85, in order to avoid the appearance of cracks, the content of alkali in cement should not exceed 0.6%. But in practice it is possible to effectively prevent the threat of strength, if adhere to the indicators 0.7 - 0.72%. Storage conditions and shelf life, as well as the method of transportation have a certain impact on quality.

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How to choose the best material?

If the material is manufactured in accordance with the World Standards, it must have an international ISO-9000 certificate.

According to the external properties of the non-professional determine whether the cement is selected, it is almost impossible, therefore, compliance with the declared characteristics should be determined in laboratory conditions. But at the same time, during his acquisition, it is still worth paying attention to some factors that will help solve which brand material is the best.

As mentioned above, the most acceptable option is a packaged building composition. We must be specified, the manufacturer, GOST, product brand, as well as what additives are also included.

The seller implements this product, the presence of documents confirming the quality is necessary. If they are not, this indicates the dubious origin of the material, which is not preferably acquired.

Another important factor is the price. When the cement meets all the requirements and has quality certificates, it cannot cost cheap. It should be noted that its cost is approximately the same in all countries. But at the same time, the shipping price is added to imported products. Therefore, in the case of the low cost of foreign building material, there is reason to think that it contains components of poor quality, or in the process of manufacture, the proportions were violated, there is no no one in the package or shelf life has long been released.

It is better to choose products that are produced by well-known brands that have a pretended reputation.

For the fill of the foundation, it is customary to buy the highest quality cement with a high grade of strength. This is due to frequent loads provided on the design: the weight of the building, the soil displacement, the effects of precipitation and capillary waters, the freezing of the base in winter. Portland cement from M400 and higher proved well, but in some cases it is allowed to use less expensive brand. Each particular variety is selected according to the conditions of construction and operation, it is also important to comply with the correct proportions and concrete taking into account the requirements of the fill technology.

The strength of cement is denoted by the letter index "M", then there is an additional abbreviation: D0 - without additives, D20 - with 20% impurities. Sorts having a specialized purpose are marked separately, but they are rarely used when pouring grounds. When determining: which cement is better for the foundation, the future load is taken into account, the presence of the basement and the conditions of the soil. It is recommended to choose:

1. M200 - when pouring the base for collection-shield structures.

2. M250, M300 - for the foundation of the log house.

3. M350-M400 - for brick buildings. This is the minimum allowable brand suitable for the construction of buildings with the basement, the foundation of the bath and for objects on clay soils.

4. Portland cement M400 D0 - with a concrete kneading for filling the base of the private house, regardless of the floor on a plot with a movable soil or high level of groundwater.

5. PC M400 D20 - for the same structures, but with less requirements for frost and water resistance. This cement brand is recommended to choose to prepare the grounds and erection of small buildings.

The binder with the minimum strength of M100 is suitable only for pouring a concrete pillow over frosting from rubble and sand when erecting tape types of foundation. In turn, Portland cement with a high brand (M500) is economically unprofitable to use in private construction, it complies with industrial and residential requirements. But if the remaining components in concrete for the fill are inferior in quality (for example, crushed stone with low strength), the use of expensive variety becomes not only justified, but also the necessary action. Recommended brand for columnar and pile foundations - Portland cement M400.

To correctly determine the conditions of the soil and the level of groundwater, they are measured, it is best to do it in the summer. For sedentary, dry and sandy soils, it is allowed to use cement for filling the foundation with strength M250. For clay soils and loams, a minimum is M350. The same strength is the initial when building houses with the basement. For a masonry solution, when building foundations from blocks, it is recommended to choose the cement M400 without additives, in general, this brand is considered optimal in terms of the ratio of the price / result and corresponds to almost any customer requirements.

Influence of slags and impurities

Despite the fact that for the foundation of the house it is better to use a portland cement without mineral supplements (they lead to a decrease in structural strengths), in some cases needed mixed varieties. The main plus is economical (with the exception of compositions with modifying and specialized additives, they, on the contrary, are more expensive), the brand of PPC M400 D20 is considered an example of a successful "price / quality" ratio.

The advantages of the use of slag and pozzolan cements include sulphate resistance, they should be selected at a high proportion of salts in the soil or other aggressive effects. But they slower reaches the necessary strength, so the foundations are based on them in spring. A significant disadvantage of mixed cement slags is to reduce the frost resistance of concrete, it cannot be used on movable soils.

Preparation proportions

To fill the foundation, concrete with a brand is not lower than M200. The quality of work directly depends on the use of the correct components, their preparation and mixing with proven proportions. Ideally, it is: fresh portland cement without lumps, dry and sinking river sand, gravel or crushed stone solid rock, clean (drinking) water. The large-scale filler is selected with the size of the grains of not more than 30 mm, it is desirable - with square bodybake, it is necessarily cleaned from the garbage and is washed as far as possible. They are carried out in a concrete mixer, it is required not only to reduce the complexity of the process, but also to obtain the desired structure.

The ratio of cement, sand and gravel depends on the type of base. Thus, for the columnar foundations, it is better to choose a ratio of 1: 3: 4 with a / c no more than 0.65, the same mixture is suitable as a masonry solution during the construction of its blocks. At the same time, the cement brand is not lower than M400. For a ribbon type of foundation, these proportions are 1: 4: 6, with the same as the ratio of V / C, equal to 0.65. Excess water is unacceptable, it leads to a violation of the process of solidification and formation of cracks.

Well showed itself a way to prepare concrete for filling the foundation, taking into account the recommended brand standards. Verified proportion is selected: 1 part of cement, 3 - sand and 5 - gravel. The / C ratio in this case depends on the required concrete parameters:

Expected brand concreteCement strength grade
300 400 500
200 0,55 0,63 0,71
250 0,5 0,56 0,64
300 0,4 0,5 0,6
400 Do not prepare0,4 0,46

The huge role is played by the humidity of the sand, the use of unexpected or preparation of a solution in crude weather leads to a violation of proportions. In general, the concrete should be disabled, but not liquid, it is recommended to leave part of the water and add it with small portions to the concrete mixer in the last minutes of rotation.

What else to take into account?

The quality of cement is inversely proportional to its expiration date, and taking into account the fact that the foundations are purchased for the filling of the base (that is, quickly losing its properties), then it is necessary to use the freshest powder of light gray or greenish color, waking through the fingers. The supplied certificate is checked if the volume of work allows, the material is purchased in plastic big-run, the packaging is revealed immediately before preparing the solution.

Strengthen the strength of the concrete is very simple: it is enough to add fiber or plasticizers, but the cost increases. Ribbon foundations are necessarily reinforced, it is recommended to purchase gravel or solid crushed stone with a maximum fraction size of up to 20 mm. Regardless of the type of construction, waterproofing works are envisaged.

Cost of materials.