How to make a pen: step-by-step master class making ballpoint handles with their own hands. What can be done from the handle? What can be made of old auto bulls

For the idea of \u200b\u200busing this garbage a prize was issued to my nephew!My little nephew is a real plush! He collects everything that only comes across his eyes. Some wires, pencils, beads, pieces of something ... In this huge collection of trash, of course, and old ballpoint handles are also falling. In any way to reduce this bunch of garbage practically unrealistic - the scandal for the whole house. :But you can try to negotiate. Make sure to change a lot of something on one interesting thing for him for him, or suggest something to do!Somehow I went to the room to him and found that the child made a small circle from plasticine, which sticks the bow from the ballpoints. To the question "What will it be?" There was an answer "Don't you see? It's a vase!"As a result, I endured my pens with my nephew and dragged to my room 🙂 after which the box was opened in which I storing what is sorry to throw out 🙂I needed 14 cups from old handles (the same!), Superclosure tube, small disc CD-200 MB and a whole bunch of different beads.The base of each handle I smeared with glue and attached to a disk in a circle with an indent in a half-meter from the edge of the disk. The handles were strictly strictly up, but with an inclination beast.What is Beads? And the beads sat on the glue and filled the gaps between the handles! You can glue their density, it is possible to leave the gaps between them. Who likes how. The main thing - beads must be of different shapes and sizes - then the vase is cheerful! Well, with glue, you need to work inactive so as not to glue your own fingers and leave the glue stains on the outside of the vase.The tops of the handles I decorated with the same beads.It turned out a very funny thing. Of course, it is impossible to pour water into it in any way! But put a dry bouquet, or tassels / pencils - it is quite possible!ZY Recommended for those who have a lot of free time! 😉

Materials on the topic

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Make a beautiful simple handle and make it original - easy. The most original ideas that can only come to mind.
To make a beautiful handle you need to take the handle itself, the material for the decor and glue. You can decorate, wrapped with a narrow satin ribbon, attach to the top edge of a flower or a bow of paper or fabric. Get the original designer thing. Such a handle can be an interesting gift made with a soul.

The idea of \u200b\u200bshaking the handle with multi-colored threads on the technique of Macrame, and even with the original weaving - a gorgeous version for a stylish girl.

You can decorate your handle as you like any beautiful things, rubber bands, stickers, feathers, rhinestones. Everyone you want.

What can be made of handle

Ballpoint handle case can serve as a material for different crafts.

  • You can make the original stand for a mobile phone. For this, you will need four or five handles and gums for money. Twist three handles with a rubber band so that it turns out to be a steady tripod. Turn the horizontally one or two knobs horizontally to two legs, depending on the thickness of the phone. Install the resulting design slightly under the tilt and put a smartphone on it. Viewing video is very comfortable and hands free.
  • From the handle and four simple pencils can be made. From the pencils with the help of rubber bands collect the base in the form of the letter "T". Attach the old handle at the bottom of the letter. The feed function will perform an elastic band. Old empty rods can be used as arrows. Here is a toy for boys ready.
    Many, probably, remember multi-tiered chandeliers with transparent plastic suspensions.
  • By the same principle you can do. You need a circle plastic fixed on the lamp, and many multicolored transparent enclosures from the handles. Stationery is fixed in a circle with wire or clips. When the lamp is turned on, the lamp will look like a crystal, and disperse a multicolored light.

How to make a handle with your own hands

How to make a 3D handle with your own hands

Such a handle can be made it from a conventional adhesive gun. To begin with, it is necessary to disassemble and remove the pushing mechanism, the lower part of the pistol handle is better to sprinkle. Then you need to reduce the outlet. You can shove the clips there and climb it to not fall. The next step you need to attach a mini fan, such available in different devices and sold in stores as spare parts. Small crocodiles are attached to the fan wiring, we will use them to connect the battery. Now you need to fix the Crohn battery on the bottom of the gun. To secure all parts, use plastic clamps and glue. That's all - 3D handle do it yourself ready. You can try to draw.

For the feat handle you need a pen itself. You can take turkey or goose, they are large. Paint with dyes in any color you need. You can immediately in several colors. Feather cover above the base must be removed to be more convenient to keep when writing. A sharp knife to cut down the bottom of the pen under the cone. She is very firm and the resulting edge can be written.

You can also use a calligraphic pen. It must be attached to the turkey prepared Peru, and the junction place to reorganize. Made in this way, the writer will be more durable.

Gel handle do it yourself

  • The gel handle can be done, as well as simple. Any materials can be used as a core for a rod. Only insert the gel rod into the made flask.
  • Gel handle - aquarium, a very interesting option and a rod can be changed. For the manufacture you will need a transparent flask with a wooden cork. In traffic jam, we make a hole in the size of the gel rod. Cork, if you wish, you can paint. In the flask we pour water and add glycerin. The more glycerol will be, the slower will float the decor inside. I fill in the flask filled with liquid, different sparkles, asterisks and mandatory foil fish. Insert the rod into the plug and close it the flask. Handle - aquarium is ready.

How to make a paper handle

Made of paper handle can be the most diverse coloring. For its manufacture you will need a sheet A4 and a rod. Cutting a piece of sheet at an angle to when you twist the rod, it turned out a bevelled nose. Take the rod, we wash the glue when it sticks tightly, we begin to twist tightly. At the end, we scroll with glue. You can paint the handle as you like. You can draw various patterns. Be sure to handle will be covered with varnish so that the paper does not rub in the process.

The rod in such a handle will not change. Started, make a new handle.

How to make a pencil handle

To create two in one handle and pencil you will need a handle, a simple pencil. Disassemble the handle. From the pencil cut off half, it is possible less. Now you need to insert a part of the pencil into the handle housing. It naturally does not fit there, so it needs to fasten it a stationery knife. Painted pencil and took it hard with a tape. Now cut the rod from the handle to insert it into place and collect a handle. Now you do not need to look for a pencil in order to draw something, it will always have you from the back of the handle that you write.
The remaining part of the pencil does not throw away, it will come in handy you next time.

How to make an invisible handle

To make an invisible handle, you need to do to start. Make such ink at home is not difficult. In order to need a diluted solution of copper mood. He has a slightly bluish tint if they write something to them, it will not be seen. To read such a letter, you can, holding the paper over the ammonia alcohol.
Writing with such inks will have to use a feather handle, as they will not turn them into the rod. And if someone succeeds to do this, they will still flow, because very liquid.
Spy ink can be made from lemon juice, they manifest themselves if the letter heavily heat the iron.

What to do to write the pen

If suddenly you have stopped writing the handle, and the ink still needs to do the following.

  1. Disassemble the handle to pull the writing tip and pour from the other end. Perhaps there were simply air bubbles.
  2. Without viewing the handle from the end, which they write, the suction movement pull the ink on itself. It also helps well, and you will not get dirty.
  3. You can simply raise on the writing tip, perhaps ink a little thickened. From warm breathing, they will become fat.
  4. A radical solution is to replace the rod, he could be defective.

From any subject we use at home or at work, you can make a unique decorative product, which will not only be amazing, but also to please your master.

A huge number of different products that have already lost their main functions are simply lying and dusting at home or emit when completing general cleaning. But many of them can give a second life by creating a cozy corner in the house or decorating a children's room if you use simple advice. These things applies to ordinary ballpoint handle from which you can make a lot of unusual things.

Each student spends over the years of studying many ballpoint pens, throwing out those in which the paste ended and using new ones. The same can be said about adult office workers who spend no less than ballpoint handles during their service. But you should not hurry to throw out the handles that stopped writing, but better to collect them and do something completely unusual.

  • The very first thing you can offer to make a handle is crossbow. Yes, the most real medieval crossbow, but the modern manner and truly safe. For boys, such a crossbow will be a beloved toy and even a real gift. They can make it under your sensitive leadership, and if you want, you can make it yourself, having pleased your favorite child an extraordinary gift that will not require some big funds, and will surprise at least expensive toys.
  • To create it, it is enough to make an old ballpoint pen and then buy the 4 most ordinary pencils. Now cover two pencils using elastic bands, scotch or tape, all that is found at hand. Do not hurry to connect them, the edges of the pencils should turn out to be smooth.
  • As soon as you glue the pencils, put their cross-cross, so that one lay in the center, and the other was shifted in one of the sides. Make it on the principle of the airplane. After that, you should have the foundation of a wooden crossbow with wings.
  • Finally, the turn of the old handle. Split it and disassemble it apart, and make a barrel from a blank flask. The only condition for the selection of the handle will be its same diameter over the entire length. As soon as the barrel from the handle is ready, attach it to the base of the crossbow. Break the edges of the created wings, it will become an improvised, but strong theater. In the barrel from the handle, install the rod that will mimic the arrow and make the first shot. And then give the finished browstone son.

Knowledge is power, and in life they will use everyone, but sometimes there are situations that without squata No way do. They are needed even in order to simply remember what I studied. And this can help an ordinary ballpoint pen. It can be used instead of small notes, simply by writing on it the desired dates on history or formula in physics.

In order to write the desired information, you can use a seboard or a simple needle, wrapped in a thread. But, of course, it is better to still know the lessons without tips and hand out without cribs, then in life it will be much easier to achieve conceived.

Stand from the handles with your hands

  1. But besides such unusual use of the handles, you can do exclusive standwhich can surprise even the present designer. To do this, you will need a lot of ballpoint pens, super-glue and old SD drive. Take columns from the handles and attach them to a small disk using glue. Place the columns at a distance of 0.5 cm from the edge.
  2. The outer side of the disk decorate with beads. They must have a diverse color, size and shape. It will give the stand bright, cheerful and beautiful appearance. At the bottom of the stand you can tie a beautiful bow from the satin ribbon and exactly the same to tie upstairs.
  3. On the ballpoint handles, located around, if you wish, you can glue a variety of decorative elements, such as rhinestones, small figures, beads or a beautiful ribbon in them. Such an elegant stand you will definitely not be found in any stationery store.

How to make a handle with a butterfly?

  • From the handle you can not only make various interesting decorative interior items, but also it can be transformed, so that when using it caused a lot of pleasant feelings. To such very simple crafts includes a pen with a butterfly. It can decorate your desktop or become an original gift for your beloved mom, grandmother, sister, daughter or girlfriend.

  • To make such an unusual handle, you will need a ballpoint pen, scissors, colored and bright packaging paper, transparent matte tape, silver and black durable wire, as well as markers.
  • The first thing from the colored paper cut the silhouette of the butterfly, after which it is painted with markers. To make a butterfly like this, you need to get acquainted with ideas how to achieve such an effect.
  • Twist the mustache, and the torso of the butterfly from the wire of black color, attach the wings on it, using small pieces of scotch.
  • Now attach to the bottom of the butterfly silver wire. With a bright wrapper paper, make a flower bud on which the butterfly will sit. As soon as he is ready, attach it to the handle. Decorate his petals with small beads that will become droplets of dew on the leaves.
  • Then glue a tape to the wings of a butterfly several beads and secure it on a flower or on the handle itself. That's all - a handle with a butterfly is ready.

Everyone knows that the accumulation of unnecessary things only climbs the apartment and does not allow to live normally. But almost every person finds many things that could have been thrown out for a long time. A striking example of such objects that are no longer needed, but it is a pity to throw them out, old ballpoint pens are. Usually they are postponed to subsequently replace the rod to a new one, but so forget to do it. But few knows that from old handles you can make a lot of useful things. Consider the most popular and attractive options.

Roll out as unnecessary or correctly apply?

In the past century, no one missed the knobs written. My grandmother carefully collected them all and went to the store to buy new rods to shift. She did it not always, and in the end in our house a huge amount of empty handles accumulated.

I became interested, whether it is possible to apply them somehow, and found many interesting options:

  • original decoration;
  • decor for desk lamp;
  • toy for baby;
  • jewelery in the style of "DIY";
  • stand for pencils.

Important! It is better if there will be many different handles with the ending rod in the arsenal of the home master. It will give the opportunity to show creativity and create unique crafts.

In fact, options where you can use this simple item, quite a lot. People do not even think that such a trifle, like a body from an old writing tool, can diversify our lives.

What can be done from the handles for the house?

Masters make sure to appreciate the various crafts from the buildings of old ballpoint pens. Women-needlewomen can experiment, creating unusual and original decorations that are suitable even for festive events, if they are made high quality and with love.

Original decoration

From the buildings of old handles, you can easily create attractive home decorations. For example, a clock mechanism with a dial decorate the contour with multi-colored handles or woven, removing the caps.

Another option, more complicated, will be the construction of an unusual night light in the form of chaotic handles with transparent enclosures. They are collected in a single design with a tight fishing line. The form can be any.

Through each case from the rod, stretch the LED tape and connect to the power supply so that they can flicker in the dark. Better if the night light is assembled from a large number of identical handles with a transparent body.

Desk lamp decor

The original plate for a table lamp can be made from the pens selected to each other, which will be fastened with a wire or glued with resistant glue. Attractive, pens with a transparent or translucent body. They create magical flickering light in the room.

Each handle is thoroughly wedged with glue and glued another case to it, spinning design. In Tog, it should be a round beam, which must be attached to the table lamp. You can take a plastic bottle or jar as a template, on the contour of which the handles will be glued. Subsequently, the bank will need to delete.

The resulting design must be reliablyattach to desk lamp With wire. The bulb should be inside the design and flicker through the housings from the handles. Such a decor looks very original and pleases the eye.

Toy for baby

For little girls, miniature dolls will be interesting. For this, a small ball form the head of the future doll, they are tightened with her cloth, they pour mouth, eyes and nose. Old handles will serve as a doll body. With the help of a dense fishing line, a torso, hands and legs, connecting several old handles with each other. The hair is formed from the threads, and from small sections of the cloth dress or other clothes. Doll is ready.

Jewelery in the style of "DIY"

Here you can show the maximum of fantasy. You can simply drive multi-colored caps on the fishing line and create an extraordinary necklace in a modern style, or cut the housing of the multi-colored plastic handles on large beads and show your creative thinking: the resulting beads can be alternating, having risen on the thread or create bright patterns from them.

Important! For letters of beads, work with such beads will become a new original occupation, thanks to which you can create extraordinary things and decorations.

Stand for pencils

To make an original stand, you will have to be designed with glue, a dense sheet of cardboard or a small segment of a chipboard, as well as a certain number of old ballpoint pens. Dudyshko cut out of chipboard or cardboard, it can be round, square - depends on the wishes of the wizard.

Next to it must be glued with reliable glue of the body of old handles. They are glued vertically, preferably sicking also among themselves, so that the design is stable. Subsequently, the resulting stand can be covered with varnish or leave unchanged.

Each hostess can sing independently on the use of old ballpoint balls. But unambiguously can be said that throwing out material,so valuable for domestic crafts, it is not worth it.

Very soon, summer will begin and parents will need to invent various classes for their children every day. In one of the evenings, you can arrange a real master class, how to make a writer handle yourself from materials available at home.

For any person, it is the handle that is the necessary thing for almost a lifetime. Therefore, looking at the photo of the homemade handle it is not at all surprising that a desire appears on its own, too, try to perform all actions and make a handle.

Paper handle: how to make

Take one simple sheet of paper classic format - A4. From his long of the parties, it is necessary to measure 14 cm. It is a little more than the length of any rod used from plastic.

On the other hand, it is measured from about 10-12 cm, which is less than the rod. This is an important point that needs to be observed that the lower part of the handle can be performed in the usual form of a well-known cone. Next, the marks are connected by the line. Subsequently, it is necessary to cut a sheet.

On the one of the sides of the sheet, where 14 cm were previously marked, it is necessary to apply glue, carefully wrap the cooked rod.

It is important to follow the instructions how to make a handle, without retreating from it in anything. After the glue dries, the paper is caught as close as possible on the entire rod, and its edge is additionally labeled with glue, so that in the future your handicraft cannot be unwound during operation.

During the performance, make sure that the cone is formed only at the bottom of the stationery, since another part must be as smooth as possible. If for any reason it does not work, it will be possible to correct the situation with a knife.

The created handle can be painted absolutely any acrylic paint for beauty. It is advisable to choose exactly acrylic, because after it dries down, it will not dissolve water.

If you decide to use watercolor / simple handle to decorate the handle, then it is necessary that part of the pen that you cover them must be additionally covered with varnish. Otherwise, then during the use of the handle you can stain your hands.

Already the finished stationery product can be saved with beautiful paper, which is often used in scrap / for packing gifts.

An interesting idea is to use the pages of the glossy magazine or popular recently foil scotch recently, which glitters.

From long use it happens that the paper begins to scatter. In order to avoid repetition of such a situation with paper used for the handle, it is best to increase it with the help of transparent tape or varnish.

Of course, today in any store you can purchase a simple handle, but if you are looking for from what you can make a handle at home, then you are the exclusive admirer, and in combination with a large number of different master classes on which you can find out how different crafts are created And the stationery including you can create a handle that anyone else will never. At the same time, this handle can even be handing a friend as the author's gift.

Handle of wood

Looking through the various original ideas of homemade handles you probably have already stumbled on the wooden handle option and therefore it's time to stay on it in more detail.

What materials may be needed?

Several metal tubes, a simple rod, a mechanism that will later be used for a handle, a few blanks of wood, sandpaper and glue.

All actions will need to be performed using a lathe. Therefore, thinking how to make a rim for the handle yourself to take care of his search.

Keep in mind that the use of any finishing materials will have an impact on the color of the tree. Therefore, before you begin to apply them to the finished product, it is best to test on any waste. This will avoid an unexpected result.

A tape type saw, like a cutting machine in case of incorrect use, is potentially dangerous, so it is important to use them as carefully and comply with all security requirements.

Do not give pairs of various varnishes0kleev to have a negative impact on your health. It is better if they are used exclusively in the ventilated room, and as far as possible from the materials that are easily ignited.

While working after stripping metal tubes, be sure to lubricate them with good quality glue.

In the absence of blanks from the tree, you can create an online lesson on your own.

Finally, it is worth noting that today how to make a handle with your own hands is given every day more and more people, which is explained by a number of different factors. Having learned to make it yourself, it will be possible to present a handle as a gift to a business partner or someone from friends

The creation of even ten such pens will be cheaper at times, rather than their order at any enterprise.

Photo ideas of homemade handles