How to properly feed strawberries with chicken droppings. How to use chicken manure as a strawberry fertilizer

To get a high yield of sweet berries, it needs to be fed starting in spring. Despite the abundance of all kinds of chemical fertilizers, organic fertilizers are much more effective - manure, humus and bird droppings (chicken, pigeon, goose). Chicken droppings are quite popular among gardeners, since many farmsteads contain poultry. This is the most affordable type of organic fertilizer.

Feeding strawberries in spring with chicken droppings

Chicken manure is a high nitrogen source. In spring, strawberries are fed with a weak solution of chicken droppings when young leaves begin to appear. Such feeding will be quite enough for the plant to receive the nutrition necessary for the growth and formation of large berries. How to prepare a feeding solution? It is important to observe the proportion of litter and water: for 1 part of dry litter, take 20 parts of water (as much as possible).

It is good to feed strawberries growing on light soils with chicken droppings in the spring, and if it is clay or loam, it is better to apply a solution of chicken droppings in the fall. During the period of fruiting and flowering, strawberries are not fed with chicken droppings.

In terms of its principle and effectiveness, chicken compost can be compared to a complex mineral fertilizer. Moreover, you can feed the strawberries in the spring, and the next feeding is made only next year. Since there is a gradual release of nutrients from the droppings, the feeding effect will last 2-3 years.

How to breed chicken manure for feeding strawberries

Since this type of organic fertilizer has a high concentration, certain rules must be followed when using it as a top dressing. It is not used fresh, since the high content of uric acid burns the root system of plants.

Nitrogen and phosphorus are contained in high concentrations, to reduce which the droppings are left outdoors for a long time. The remaining substances in the chicken droppings are sufficient for effective feeding of strawberries in the spring.

Fresh droppings can be used to obtain an infusion of liquid fertilizer for strawberries and other crops. A liter of fresh chicken manure is dissolved in 20 liters and the liquid is left to ferment for 10 days without covering the container. With this infusion, the aisles of strawberries are shed, preferably after rain.

Feeding strawberries during flowering with chicken droppings

After watering with such an infusion, the state of strawberry bushes noticeably improves after a few weeks. It will take 2-3 days to prepare it. Overripe chicken manure is poured with water and stirred. The infusion should have a faint shade, if it turns out to be saturated, you should add water.

The crucial moment is soaking the droppings. To remove excess acid from chicken or other poultry droppings, it is soaked. It is necessary to fill the droppings with water, after 2 days it is drained and re-filled with clean water. In this way, the litter is eliminated from toxins and uric acid. The resulting substrate must be buried in a furrow made in the aisles of the strawberries.

But getting a good harvest of strawberries is not easy, because they are very demanding in terms of care, in particular for fertilizers. The plant especially reacts positively to feeding with chicken droppings. The effectiveness of its use is noticeable after two weeks, which cannot be said about dressing with other types of organic fertilizers.

Benefits of chicken manure

Chicken manure is the most sought after organic fertilizer among gardeners. There are several explanations for this:

  • many keep chickens not only in a private house, but also in their summer cottages. Gardeners always have chicken droppings;
  • Due to its chemical composition, poultry manure is the most nutritious organic fertilizer. The content of nitrogen, potassium, calcium, phosphorus in the droppings is so high that in comparison with other natural supplements of organic origin, the concentration in it is 3-4 times higher. For example, quail droppings are not as concentrated;
  • the effect of chicken manure on the growth and fruiting of strawberries is comparable to complex minerals. After its application, nutrients can affect the growth of the plant for another 2-3 years. This is due to the fact that microelements contained in chicken manure are released very slowly in the soil.

Features of the use of bird droppings

It should be noted that it is strictly forbidden to use fresh chicken manure as a fertilizer. In addition to nutrients, it also contains uric acid, which can kill the root system of a plant. Chicken manure in its original state is a concentrate, because the content of nitrogen and phosphorus in it is very high. Bringing it into the ground fresh will lead to an excess of useful elements and the death of strawberry bushes.

To reduce the concentration of substances such as nitrogen, phosphorus and uric acid, fresh bird droppings must be decomposed in the open air. So it should be kept for a long period and stirred periodically. Unnecessary substances from the manure will evaporate, and the resulting composition can be used for further preparation of the fertilizer.

It is necessary to carefully work with the waste products of birds, since helminth eggs may be in it. In case of contact with chicken droppings, rubber gloves, a protective suit and a mask should be worn.

Fertilizers from chicken manure

There are several types of nutritional fertilizer for strawberry from chicken manure:

  • Liquid fertilizer. Methods for preparing such a top dressing are described below. It is recommended to apply it not under the root system, but along the rows or around the strawberry bushes.
  • Green mass compost. To prepare it, fresh chicken droppings should be laid out on a layer of grass, the remains of cultivated plants or leaves. Everything mixes well with the soil. The decay process will occur quickly due to the high temperature inside the mass. If you prepare such fertilizer in the fall, then in the spring it will already be possible to use it. During this time, excess ammonia will be removed.
  • Wood sawdust compost. It is necessary to mix chicken manure with sawdust in a 1: 3 ratio. And spread along the grooves between the strawberry bushes. Straw or peat can be used instead of wood chips.
  • Mixtures. Stores sell ready-to-use chicken manure mixes. They are dried droppings. These means include Piksa, Roossis and others. These compounds have already been disinfected, so you can work with them without fear of contracting helminths. This fertilizer is recommended to be used for watering bushes, as well as added dry directly to the soil.

Liquid fertilizer preparation methods

Since chicken manure is used most often in the form of liquid feeding, such preparation methods are used in practice.


This method is most common in chicken poultry farms and is easy to implement. For the preparation of top dressing, the process of chemical catalysis of elements of organic origin is used. Special trays are placed under the cages with birds, into which the waste products of birds fall. Several times sawdust is added to this mass, which has been pre-treated with a preparation to accelerate fermentation.

As a result of cleaning the pallets, the heap is mixed well and transferred to a separate place. After it grows to 1–1.5 meters in height, it is once again watered with UV or EM accelerators. This fertilizer should be kept outdoors in summer for 30 days, and in winter - for about 60 days, since the rate of decomposition at negative temperatures slows down significantly. During this time, the substrate will dry out, and strawberries can be fertilized with chicken droppings. The advantage of this composition is the absence of odor, weed seeds and bird helminths.


This method is widely used by gardeners. Due to the presence of a high concentration of nitrogen, the agent acts on the plant very quickly. Feeding strawberries with the help of infusion contributes to the noticeable growth of the bushes, and after just 2 weeks you can see how the plant has grown a lot.

The preparation of the infusion does not take much time. Chicken droppings, previously rotted over the winter, should be filled with water and mixed thoroughly. It is covered on top and kept in the open air for 2-3 days. As a result, the color of the solution should turn light brown, like a weakly brewed tea. In the case of a darker shade, water must be added to the bird droppings infusion until the required concentration is obtained.


In some cases, the waste products of birds are soaked. This is done to remove acid residues that negatively affect the development of the strawberry bushes. To obtain fertilizer, the manure is filled with water and settled for two days. Then the liquid must be drained and new water added. This procedure is carried out several times. When interacting with water, unnecessary toxins and urea are washed out from organic fertilizers.

Fertilizer application method

As soon as the bush is planted in the ground, the countdown of its life begins. Before fertilizing, it is imperative that the soil is watered well, and it is advisable to do this a day before the feeding itself.

In the case of planting plants in the fall, the first fertilization should be done only in the spring. First, all old and dry leaves are removed, thanks to which the plant will waste less energy. When the length of the leaves reaches 5–10 cm, you can apply top dressing. As a rule, liquid chicken manure is used for young leaves. Watering should be done under the bushes, without getting on the leaves.

The second feeding falls on the period of discarding inflorescences and setting berries. Fertilization during this period is optional. This will help to increase not only the yield from the bush, but also to get larger berries.

It is advisable to carry out top dressing with the same liquid fertilizer.

The next fertilization is carried out in the fall. For this, mixtures of chicken manure and sawdust or green mass are used. They are laid out between the rows. This will enable the root system to stock up on nutrients in the winter, and will also warm the soil at low temperatures.

When planting in the spring months, the first fertilization of the soil is performed 4–5 weeks after rooting, and the next - during the period of berry formation. The process of caring for strawberry bushes is the same as for an autumn planting. If remontant strawberry varieties are planted on the site, then fertilization with chicken droppings must be performed every time during the period of setting new fruits.

Thanks to proper care of strawberries from the garden, you can get an excellent harvest. The use of chicken manure as a fertilizer for strawberries contributes to the active growth of the bush, an increase in the number of ovaries and high yields.

It is impossible to get a rich strawberry harvest without proper berry care. The bushes really need constant, and most importantly, proper care, on which the yield of the berry directly depends. Feeding strawberries is one of the main factors affecting yield. Fertilizing helps the plants recover from winter faster and form ovaries.

Strawberry care includes the mandatory introduction of dressings. It is necessary to introduce nutrients into the soil only on the basis of the calculation and the needs of the berry itself for them. Otherwise, the effect can be completely opposite.

During the dacha season, strawberries are fed three times: in the spring, after harvest, before preparing for wintering.

The first feeding of strawberries is carried out after spring loosening, at the very beginning of the summer cottage season, when warm weather sets in (in the Urals - at the beginning of May), and the first leaves appear on the plant. In this case, all actions are aimed at stimulating the growth of leaves and shoots, therefore fertilizers must contain nitrogen (it is best to prepare organic matter).

It is also very effective to feed strawberries with iodine, which is especially relevant in spring.

The second time the strawberries are fed after the berries have been tied. At this time, new roots are formed and buds are laid for the next season, so fertilizers should contain potassium and useful trace elements. Most often, at this stage of growing plants, mullein is used, and ash is added to the soil to saturate the soil with potash fertilizers.

During the flowering of the plant, to increase the yield, it is recommended to spray the bushes with a solution of zinc sulfate or boric acid. During spraying, nutrients are immediately absorbed into the foliage. This procedure is carried out in the evening, in calm and dry weather.

Spring feeding of strawberries in early spring will make it possible to harvest a decent harvest of this fragrant berry. But any top dressing should be kept in the recommended ratio and prepared from high-quality ingredients - with an excess of fertilizers, strawberries will grow rapidly, and flowers and fruits will be frail and late.

Organic fertilizer for strawberries

Organic fertilizers will not provide very large berries, but they are absolutely safe for people. In addition, organic matter can be applied in almost any amount, since plants take as much nutrients as they need.

Whatever fertilizers are invented in chemical laboratories, the best feeding for strawberries is manure, humus and chicken droppings.

MANURE(mullein) - litter from rooms with pets, mixed with their excrement. It is actively used to fertilize the soil. Dung is also a better fertilizer option if you're looking for something other than feeding your strawberries in the spring before flowering.

For 10 liters of water, you need to dilute 2 cups of manure and add a tablespoon of sodium sulfate. All this is thoroughly mixed to a mushy state, after which the soil under each bush is watered with the resulting composition (1 liter each). You can also sprinkle manure under the roots of strawberries, and cover it with a layer of earth (2-3 cm) on top.

Important! Manure is used only in rotted form, since fresh material contains a lot of weed seeds, ready to germinate on fertilized soil.

HUMUS- completely decomposed manure. It is considered the best fertilizer for strawberries in the spring because it provides the maximum concentration of nutrients in a form that is best absorbed by cultivated plants.

CHICKEN LITTER is a rich source of nitrogen. For strawberries, a weak solution of this organic compound (20 parts of water per part of the droppings) is used. The infusion is kept for 3 days and fertilized with 0.5 l of the mixture under each bush. After it, the plant grows strongly and pleases with large fruits.

Gardeners use several more folk methods of feeding strawberries, thanks to which the fruits grow juicy and large:

DAIRY PRODUCTS They are successfully used for feeding, since strawberries love slightly acidic soils. In addition, milk contains calcium, sulfur, phosphorus, nitrogen, amino acids and other minerals. It is best to add sour milk to humus, manure or ash. In addition, diluted milk will help get rid of the mite.

BREAD Many gardeners argue that there is no better way to feed strawberries in May than yeast. Yeast fungus contains amino acids, proteins, minerals, perfectly acidifies the soil. The roots of the strawberry are strengthened, the berry receives good nutrition and grows large. White bread is soaked in water for 6-10 days, after which the resulting solution is diluted in water in a ratio of 1:10.

You can also use live culinary yeast: dilute 200 g of yeast in 0.5 l of warm water and leave for 20 minutes. Then dilute the mixture in 9 liters of water and water each bush abundantly.

WEEDS This feeding does not harm either strawberries or people. To prepare the fertilizer, the weeds remaining after weeding are collected and filled with water. A week later, the resulting solution is poured over strawberries. Such feeding will help to increase the number of fruits, positively affect the taste of berries and protect your strawberries from some pests.

ASH Wood ash for strawberries in spring is a very effective fertilizer. It can be used as root and foliar feeding. You can sprinkle dry ash in the aisles before watering or rain, or you can use it in a solution. To do this, a glass of ash is diluted in 1 liter of hot water, then the mixture is diluted with 9 liters of water and watered at the rate of 1 liter per 1 m².

Mineral fertilizers for strawberries

Mineral fertilizers are quite effective and play an important role in obtaining a good harvest: with a lack of nitrogen, the fruits grow small, lose their taste, and their foliage becomes too pale. But you need to use them carefully, strictly adhering to the instructions. An overdose will negatively affect not only the harvest, but also human health. In addition, mineral fertilizers are not recommended to be used later than 2 weeks before fruit ripening.

Mineral fertilizers are of two types:

Highly mobile- differ in the rate of absorption (phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, nitrogen).
Low mobile- they act much more slowly (boron, iron, copper, manganese).

In the spring, mineral fertilizers for strawberries are applied to increase the yield. For this purpose, use:
✿ Ammofosku mixed with ammonium nitrate (2: 1) in a liquid solution, the norm is 15 g per 1 m².
✿ Nitroammofosku - plants growing on clay soils especially need this fertilizer.
✿ Ready-made complex fertilizers, including potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, nitrogen (for example: "Kemiroi Lux", "Ryazanochka").

To obtain sugar fruits, strawberries need potassium. In addition, with its lack, the plant gradually withers, and by autumn it may disappear.

Important! It is not recommended to feed strawberries with urea in the spring, since urobacteria are still dormant and the fertilizer will not be absorbed.

Feeding strawberries in the spring is a mandatory procedure. But not everyone knows the intricacies of feeding young and adult strawberries in spring.

How to properly feed young strawberries

Young strawberries planted in the fall can not be fed in the spring at all, or you can use the following solution: take 0.5 liters of manure or chicken droppings on a bucket of water, add 1 tbsp. spoon of sodium sulfate and pour the resulting mixture under each bush, 1 liter. This rate cannot be exceeded.

Top dressing of adult strawberry bushes in spring

Strawberries, which have been growing for several years, also require special care, because the soil is depleted, and the plant has nowhere to take useful substances. Strawberries How to feed adult strawberries in spring? To fertilize it, you can use the same solution as for young plants, just before feeding, when loosening the soil, sprinkle the ground with ash (2 cups per 1 m²).

Experienced gardeners use another method: pour a bucket of nettle with water and leave for 3-7 days. This solution is an excellent biofertilizer. They are sprayed with strawberries at the beginning of the formation of the bush and after harvesting.

You can also feed adult strawberries with a solution of mullein (1 part), water (5 parts), superphosphate (60 g per bucket) and ash (100-150 g per bucket). The resulting solution is poured into the grooves made along the beds with a depth of 4-5 cm. The norm is a bucket of fertilizers for 3-4 meters. After the procedure, the grooves are covered with earth and watered with water.

In the second year, you can feed the strawberry bushes with ammonium nitrate (100 g per 1 m²).

In the third year of life, strawberries are fed with a mixture of superphosphate (100 g), potassium chloride (100 g) and ammonium nitrate (150 g). This mixture is sufficient for 1 m².

Before flowering, strawberries are fertilized with microelements: 2 g of boric acid, a glass of ash, 2 g of potassium permanganate, a tablespoon of iodine are stirred in a bucket of hot water. After the mixture is infused, it is sprayed with strawberry bushes (in the evening).

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Top dressing of strawberries in the spring.

Spring has come, the birds are singing, buds are blooming on the trees. This means that it's time for strawberries. To get a good harvest, you need to properly care for and fertilize the bushes from the very early spring. You can find out about the fertilization rules here.

How to feed strawberries right after winter in spring?

  • In early spring, we completely remove the spread sawdust from overwintered strawberries.
  • Cut off old dry leaves.
  • We loosen the soil under each bush.
  • We also cut off the old, diseased, brown tops. We leave only the new one.
  • Be sure to check the condition of the neck (growth point) of strawberries after frost. It should be slightly higher than 4-5 mm above ground level.
  • To keep the strawberries from rotting, the growing point must be open. It is very important to properly feed the strawberries in the spring and regularly care for this wonderful berry.

The first feeding of strawberries is done in the spring, until the flowers and buds have formed.

  • To begin with, we just clean up our strawberries, remove dry and old leaves. The first fertilization is best done with a good and rich mullein, which is made with fresh cow cakes.
  • So, for our fertilizer, it is necessary to dilute 10 liters of water with 1 liter of fermented liquid mullein.
  • If you do not use mullein, then the first feeding can be done with urea, that is, urea. To do this, dilute 2 tablespoons of carbamide by 10 liters of water. With this, water 0.5 liters under each bush of the plant.
  • For the mullein, you will also need 0.5 liters per bush. Thoroughly water our strawberries with this mixture.
  • Fertilize after rain to keep the ground moist. This will help the mullein to be absorbed better into the soil. And on dry it will flow around, and the crust will not allow it to be absorbed.
  • Mullein is good because it is quite saturated with nitrogen and phosphorus. And nitrogen, as you know, is necessary for any fruit plant to give it growth, while phosphorus accompanies the formation of ovaries so that they are larger and larger.

This is how the first spring feeding is carried out. Be sure to fertilize your strawberries for a bountiful summer harvest.

How to feed strawberries in spring before flowering and during flowering?

You still do not know how to process and how to protect strawberries? Then this information is for you.

  • It is better to do the first treatment with the "Horus" preparation at the rate of 12 g per 10 l of water. After about 2 weeks, it is necessary to treat the strawberries again for diseases.
  • It is also best to use Horus (12 g per 10 l of water) and Topaz 6 ml per 10 l of water. These two remedies will cover all possible diseases that stain your strawberries.
  • You can also use leaf dressing "Plantafol" 20 g per 10 liters of water, "Brexil mix" and "Growth concentrate" and "Megafol" in the same ratio in the same dressing.
  • Mix all this thoroughly and process the strawberries. You can also add Boroplus (10-15 ml) for better formation of the ovary.

During the flowering of strawberries, it is good to make the following fertilization:

  • Pour 1 glass of wood ash by the bucket and pour 2 liters of boiling water. Stir well and let it brew for 2 hours, and then add 3 g of potassium permanganate and 3 g of boric acid.
  • Also, don't forget to add one tablespoon of iodine. You will get a mixture with which you can safely water your strawberries. Mix everything thoroughly and add water to a total volume of 10 liters.
  • Knead all this purple mixture again until smooth.
  • It is best to use rainwater when thinning. If you don't have one, then you can use settled water, since you should not do this with chlorinated water.
  • You can spray leaves, flowers, and plant ovaries with this water. In order to give her the strength of fruiting, in order to get a good harvest, you need to water well a glass under each bush.

Strawberries in spring iodine feeding

To process young pagons using this product, you will need two components:

  • potassium iodide itself
  • potassium permanganate - that is, potassium permanganate

The prepared solution using the above indicated components helps not only against crustaceans and pests, but also against gray rot and the appearance of spots on the leaves, and also saturates the future harvest with microelements. To prepare such a solution, you will need to take 1 tbsp. iodine and literally a few potassium permanganate granules per 10 liters of water.

It is advisable to water bushes with this solution, previously showered with ash and fertilizer. With such an integrated approach, the effectiveness of the result will be more guaranteed.

Strawberries in spring: care and feeding with boric acid

  • Before feeding the strawberries, be sure to loosen the soil about 10 cm with a garden pitchfork.
  • For the best fertilization effect and protection of the plant itself, we recommend sprinkling the aisles with straw. This will help not trample our strawberries.
  • Now that we have sprinkled our strawberries with straw, we need to fill them with herbal infusion. It is a thick brown liquid that is very easy to do: a third of the container is tightly packed with nettles, filled with water and infused either in a greenhouse or just in the sun. 2-3 days and the infusion is ready. Without diluting it, we carefully spill our berries with it.
  • So, when we spilled the beds with a solution, we again spill them with a mixture of boric acid. Mixing ratio: approx. 10 g per 30 l of water. Water the plant again.

A mixture of boric acid is very useful and necessary for these berries, it helps to form the ovary of the plant. That is why, before the very flowering of the berry, we fertilize the strawberries with acid. After we have fed the strawberries, it is necessary to process them from pests such as ticks and weevils.

Feeding strawberries in spring with folk remedies

One of the most popular methods for feeding sweet red berry bushes with folk remedies is its fertilization. infusion of nettle... What does he give? Nettle contains many trace elements and when feeding with tincture from this plant, more chlorophyll is formed in the leaves - accordingly, it becomes more robust to fruiting and the environment.

  • To prepare such an infusion, you need to collect nettles, it is desirable that the plants are not overgrown, that is, without the formation of seeds.
  • Fill a container to the top, stacking the stems tightly. It is advisable to take a non-metallic container. And for example, plastic or enamel.
  • Fill a bowl filled with nettles with water. Place in a sunny place. Fermentation takes place there for 7-15 days.
  • Stir our nettle water every morning. The liquid should be considered ready when it foams and a characteristic, unpleasant odor emanates from it. Then strain this prepared infusion.
  • If you carry out root feeding - that is, pour the infusion under the roots of the plants - then take a liter of our infusion for a ten-liter bucket of water. Pour at least a liter of the prepared infusion under each bush.

Feeding strawberries with yeast

Gardeners began to feed the plants with yeast relatively recently. But judging by the experience already gained, the result is impressive. You can fertilize strawberries with yeast dressing two, maximum three times a season.

This is, first of all, in the spring - to enhance vegetative growth, in the summer - to support during the period of active fruiting and in the recovery period - after fruiting. For strawberries for 10 bushes, an ordinary 5 liter bucket is enough.

To prepare the solution itself, you will need, first of all, naturally yeast. You can take both regular and fast-acting dry bakery.

An ordinary plastic bottle will be an excellent container for preparing our fertilizer. It is in it that it will be convenient to dilute and shake up our solution with high quality.

  • When using dry yeast, dissolve a 100 g bag in 2 liters of warm water, add 2-3 tablespoons of sugar.
  • Close the lid tightly, shake the bottle well, mixing the ingredients well.
  • In the case of using conventional and not dry yeast, a proportional ratio of 1 kg of yeast per 5 l of water should be adhered to.
  • Next, pour our mixture into a ten-liter bucket, add water and let it brew in a warm place for 3-4 hours.
  • After the expiration of time, pour 10 l of the prepared yeast solution into a 200 l barrel.
  • If you do not need such a large volume, add 0.5 liters of ready-made yeast solution to a ten-liter watering can each time.

Water the strawberry bushes directly under the root for at least half a liter.

Feeding strawberries in spring with chicken droppings

Strawberries are the most common plant in our gardens, orchards and country estates. In order to grow a good harvest of berries, it is not enough just to water the strawberries on time, to snore and fight pests. Strawberry nutrition is also an important component.

  • In order to prepare a solution of chicken manure, you need to take semi-liquid fresh chicken manure, pour it into a bucket so that the ratio is 1 * 15.
  • Add warm water to the bucket of droppings and stir more thoroughly.
  • The solution of chicken manure is ready, it is not necessary to insist on it, since all useful substances, such as, for example, nitrogen, will evaporate very easily and quickly.
  • Therefore, it is necessary to pour the solution into a watering can.
  • If there is a lot of chicken droppings left at the bottom of the bucket, you can pour it under an apple tree or other fruit tree.
  • We take a watering can and gently pour our strawberries around, not very close.
  • Try not to get the solution on the leaves.
  • After this feeding, the strawberries begin to bear fruit very well, while the berries are beautiful, large, sweet and juicy.

Feeding strawberries with ash in spring

Ash is primarily known for being an excellent potash fertilizer. In addition to potassium, it contains phosphorus, calcium, magnesium. Being a readily soluble product, combustion products can be used both in pure - dry form and in the form of a prepared solution.

It is wood ash that is best suited for fertilizing strawberries - that is, the remains of combustion of wood, firewood, branches, etc.

  • To prepare the ash infusion, you need to take two liter cans (about 1 kg) of ash for a ten-liter bucket of water.
  • Leave the infusion for a day for insisting, stirring occasionally.
  • All soluble elements will go into water and the mother liquor will be ready in a day.
  • To prepare the irrigation solution, you need to dissolve a liter of concentrated extract in 10 liters of water.

When used dry, the ash should be sprinkled generously under the bushes. With further root watering, useful components will penetrate into the ground.

How to fertilize strawberries in the spring?

In order to grow a generous harvest of strawberries, it is not enough just to weed and water them, and fight pests. Nutrition is an important component.

In addition to the well-known traditional folk methods of feeding chicken manure, peat or ash, industrial preparations are widely known - organomineral fertilizers. For the greatest efficiency, it is worth adding those preparations that are intended specifically for strawberries.

They contain the best balanced and selected necessary components in the correct proportions - nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium. The largest amount in such fertilizers is potassium and nitrogen. It is these components that are most important for the correct formation of the bud and the development of the strawberry fruit.

A similar category of fertilizers includes, for example, the drug "Lubo-Zeleno" from the company "Rusagrokhim". In addition, various preparations are widely represented on the market, containing dry chicken manure, wood ash or humus concentrate, which will easily help to fulfill the function of feeding strawberry bushes.

Strawberries in the spring care feeding with urea

  • For feeding, measure out 10 liters of water, add 3 tablespoons of carbamide (urea) with a slide.
  • Stir all this thoroughly until the urea granules are completely dissolved.
  • After that, pour our strawberries with this solution: 0.5 liters for each bush.
  • We also advise you to treat the soil from ants with your favorite dry preparations for a better condition of strawberries. Better to do this around the bush.
  • After we have fed our strawberries, it is necessary to cover the bushes with foil on arcs, leaving one side open.

Complex fertilizer for strawberries in spring

With complex fertilization, it is necessary, first of all, to cut off last year's dry leaves, leaving only a young rosette. After cutting, loosen the soil around the bush.

  • To get started, generously sprinkle all the strawberries with wood ash - between the rows and under the bushes themselves.
  • After applying the main potash fertilizer, sprinkle with humus on top.
  • The next step will be pest control and feeding.
  • For such a complex, strong enough proven remedy for strawberries, use ordinary ammonia.
  • You need to dilute a pharmacy bottle of 40 ml in 10 liters of water and water abundantly on our strawberries, previously sprinkled with ash and humus.
  • When watering, the necessary elements from ash and humus will fall into the ground with water.
  • The upper processing of the leaves should be treated with Fitoverm - in an ampoule concentration per liter of water.

Complex fertilizer for strawberries

Foliar feeding of strawberries in spring

As you know, strawberries are very high in iron. In addition to iron, it contains a large amount of manganese and zinc. Foliar dressing has 3 stages.

  • The first stage of the process is done to spray the new young leaves of the plant.
  • The second stage is carried out when the strawberry begins to bloom.
  • And for the third time, it is worth processing small green berries.

A special advantage of foliar feeding is that all the necessary micro and macroelements immediately fall into the leaves of the plant. It is very acceptable when it needs nutrients.

The most optimal time for this procedure is after watering the strawberries. But an even greater effect will be if it is carried out in dry, sunny and cloudless weather. A very good result is obtained by processing strawberries with boric acid (solution). Also, in addition to this, you can use solutions that have a sufficient amount of nitrogen.

Video: When to Fertilize Strawberries? Feeding strawberries in spring